May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

98th Sitting 26/05/2014

We sat as usual except now we have the table in the room as requested by the spirit team  last week.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30, turned out the red light and put on the music.

I remember feeling energy build up very quickly in the cabinet this week.
It felt physical with various sensations of something happening around my head, right side of my face, right ear and it felt cold and fuzzy around my legs.
I was held very still and kept drifting in and out of consciousness. I felt like I was going to sleep and dreaming.
At one point I felt a touch or squeeze on one of my fingers which woke me up with a start.
I also remember feeling something physical pushing the side of my right foot from the right.

There were a few soft whistling, sucking, breathing noises coming from the cabinet.

Liz reported a strong sensation of energy building in the room, streaming into the centre of the room and splaying out like wings.

Then about 30 minutes after the start some louder noises and lip-smacking started from the cabinet.
Liz turned down the music and welcomed the communication.
It was taking a while for any understandable communications to come through.
Liz continued to encourage the communication which slowly became clearer…

‘Yes, yes… Hello, hello, hello… It is all come… Colour, colour, collage, collage… Come more forward… Easy, easy… Yellow, yellow, yellow…’

Liz… ‘Yellow?’

‘Yellow, yellow, yes, yes… The yellow colour, the yellow colour start to come through…’

Liz… ‘The yellow colour’s coming through?’

‘Yes, starting to come through, yellow for the sun, the sun, the sun…’

Liz… ‘The sun… Meaning?’

‘A pull, a pull, a force, a force, a pulling force from the sun. Yes we are all affected by the sun… is all good’

Liz… ‘What is the significance of this yellow colour?’

‘It is a focus for us, a focus for us to see colour, yellow. For we are attuned to yellow, we attune to yellow, for this is, this work is attune of yellow. In our work all colour is important to us. We will single out the colour yellow’

Liz… ‘Do you communicate that colour to us?’

‘All is available but we have an affinity for the feeling, the vibration of a yellow physical colour…’

Liz… ‘That’s interesting’

‘It is the colour of the energy in the room, the energies that… It is the colour of the energy that you emanate when you sit in this way. A colour, it is how we perceive your energy’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know. Is it stronger tonight?’

‘Yellow, yellow, yellow… It is a preparation for us to adjust our frequency to that frequency of the colour yellow which you have in abundance in your room. It is the first thing that we can perceive as we draw close so we use it for the initial tuning in. It is a useful exercise for us’

Liz… ‘Does the yellow seem brighter tonight?’

‘It is as usual, the same, but it is more abundant, it is stretching out each week, it fills more of your room’

Liz… ‘Good, so it is getting stronger’

‘It is increasing, it is growing. Now as we speak the colour will change. Other colours will introduce themselves into the mix for as we speak we are changing the vibration in your room. We are introducing a part of ourselves; we come close in a vibration, the vibration will change as we join and colour can be produced from the vibration as we interact with your physical vibration’

Liz… ‘So is this a new development for you, homing into the colour?’

‘We always look for the colour but it is more prominent tonight. The colour is more spread out in your room. We noticed as we drew close that was unusual in the way it had spread’

Liz… ‘That’s very interesting’

‘Good, I pleased that it is interesting for possibly this is why we were alerted to this colour at this time’

Liz… ‘Yes, I had a dream last night. In the dream I was choosing yellows. I was preparing a room, decorating it with yellow’

‘Preparation is the key… for you have prepared this room for us to use. You have started with a prayer, an opening prayer. You have invited us in. You have prepared the environment, the environs in the room, the chairs, the water, the salt, the cabinet. It is all a preparation and it is all setting up for us to use. A place for us to use so look to the link between this room and the dream. You will see so many of these things, so similar, so similar and so simple. There is no need to complicate. We come here and we speak our words. You are coming in this room to receive a communication and to feel, to feel the phenomena that will build in the room. These are all things which we can do; there is nothing to complicate this. Keep your thoughts simple. Keep your mind, your vision simple, uncluttered; never try to clutter what is basically a simple message. A simple loving atmosphere which we create, it is all love. Love, and we can build on that’

Liz… ‘Yes, simple, simple, yes I understand that, yes that came in the dream too’

‘Yes, it is a benefit to us that you do pay attention to your dreams. It is another tool that we can use. There are many ways in which we can communicate to you and there are many ways in which you can see us in your physical world, in the beauty of your nature, of your plants, of your animals… Yes, think now; think now of the kaleidoscope that you described and that is how your room now appears to us, multi coloured patterns within patterns changing as we draw ourselves into the mixture. No longer a simple yellow landscape but a beautiful, sparkling, colourful, ever changing landscape has emerged and we are so happy to be a part of this. Look out into your room and you too will be able to see every colour that we have brought into your room’

Liz… ‘Yes I can see the lights dimly; I can see the colours dim… There’s a blue I tune into… and a pink’

‘Now play your music and observe. Observe your room, we will come back, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

Liz was now seeing lots of little light bursts and a sensation at the top of the room like looking at or through a prism, getting the edge of a rainbow.

Liz reported a moving light in front of her.
Then flecks of colour.

Liz felt like a light had drifted through her.
She then had the sensation of an energy on her right side then going down through her head affecting her voice.

About 30 minutes after the last communication a few soft slurping noises came from the cabinet.
Then some louder lip-smacking noises.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication.
After a bit of tuning in…

‘Feel us in the room; we are with you in the room. We are here with you in the room and we appreciate this opportunity to draw into your energies. It is good for us to practise in coming closer, we are able to achieve so much more. It is time, it is a time, it is, it will in time, we will solidify, we will be a part of the physical atmosphere once again but for now we can bring our feeling, our energy. We can bring it close, we can give you a physical feeling, a vibration, a fuzziness, an electrical feeling that you can recognise’

Liz… ‘Yes, thank you’

‘This is all we can achieve at the moment but as we, as we develop we will be able to touch in a physical way’

Liz… ‘That would be good’

‘It would be a more positive feeling…’

(Possibly a change of communicator at this point)

‘Tick-tock, tick-tock, time, time moves on, time moves on, time creeps forward each time, every time, all time. All time is a way of gauging performance against experience. These two, two different ways of appreciating our time. Our time is based on the more we think. The more we think the more time is felt by us. When we are engaged in a thought, in a communication with others that we meet we can feel the effect of time. Now, now then, we can, we have periods when we are able to disengage with time. We can, we can drift in a timeless, space-less feeling, a state of time, a state of timeless, space-less which we can enter. We can absorb, we can use this to reflect on what has happened before. We can engage in our memories and bring them forward. This takes no time. This takes no space for if you imaging your thought, if you try to place it, if you try to think where is that thought it is impossible to put that thought into time and space for thought is beyond time and space. Each thought, each new thought is a creation beyond time and space. Only memory which has been created by thought is a part of your spatial existence and has a record of time. So try to imagine the thought that as, as it comes to you feel that timeless, space-less moment as that thought reaches your mind. Then you will get a small appreciation of the conditions that we reside. The concept is a simple one but to do it when you have all this time and space around you it is almost impossible. But there is a crack in the atmosphere that will allow a brief glimpse for you. So I leave you with that in your mind… Do not think too hard, just allow it to simply, simply reach you… Thank you…’   

Liz… ‘Thank you, thank you for the thought’

(Change of communicator)

‘Yes, yes, well, I see, once again you are sitting in a dark room, yes, it is, it is once again sitting dark in the room. Oh yes, I remember, I remember the times, those times when I too sat in the darkness of the séance room, yes…’

Liz… ‘Have you been here before?’

‘Ah, I did, I did come through, I have spoken before, I do like to visit your room for it gives me that memory of those wonderful times I had experiencing phenomena, listening to the words and when the conditions were absolutely fine-tuned and correct we were rewarded with the wonderful, the wonderful experience of materialization and we could see and touch and speak to those who had passed from our physical, our physical universe and they walked amongst us. It was a wonderful experience for me at that time’

Liz… ‘What year was that, can you remember?’

‘Ah now, now this is a difficulty for I am now looking, I am, you see to remember, it is now so real for me, I feel like I am sitting in this séance room watching the materializations as they form in front of me, in front of everybody who is gathered in this room. It is so real, these memories, these real memories which I can tune into whenever I wish. It is not only a visual scene that I see but there are the feelings which I can feel, all part of the memory which I had, which I still have, it is…’

Liz… ‘Still fresh…’

‘Yes, it is, there are no barriers between this memory and now. And the time… yes it is as if I am here, yes…’

Liz… ‘Can you give us your name?’

(Voice changed)

‘I can give you my name, yes, that’s better, now where were we, going, going, stay, yes, yes, good… Sorry, sorry it is a, yes, yes it is an interesting experience for when I try to access, when I try to remember my name I can no longer feel that room. It is a, it is a…’

Liz… ‘Requires a different energy? …you have to withdraw?’

‘Yes, yes, now I do not want to confuse by choosing the incorrect information. I would rather say nothing at this stage than to give a name for I feel, I feel it is important that I give you correct information but at the same time I have enjoyed that sensation. I can, it is all a part, it is learning for me for we are all learning and I now understand a bit more about how all this works’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful’

‘These memories they are so real. It makes me wonder how real, how real each dimension really is. They are, it is so easy to go from one to another, from one time to another but…’

Liz… ‘So it’s as if the past is present?’

‘Yes that is a good way of putting it maybe’

Liz… ‘Is this a new experience for you is it?’

‘I’ve never experienced it quite as strong as that’

Liz… ‘Re-experiencing the physical’

‘Yes, I can, I will, I must, I think I need to think about this for myself. I will step back now but I will return and I thank you for the opportunity to come into your energies’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

‘I feel that they have helped me to appreciate some of the workings of time and space. It is a fascinating subject. Something which I have always been interested in and you have given me a boost to my understanding, thank you, I will leave now… Thank you’

Liz… ‘Look forward to meeting you again’

There was some quiet whispering/mumbling.

Liz… ‘Hello friend, hello you’re very faint’

‘Wake up, wake up yes, wake up all of us… Time, time once again we are reaching the end of our session. Oh yes, it is a… Energy go, energy go… So we come to the end of our session and we say, we as always give you a piece of our love to take out into your world. But now we need to go, time to go, so say goodnight, goodnight and thank you for all that you do for us…’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Now we have no energy, no energy to say any more. So play your tune one more time and we go thank you, thank you…’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, our love and blessings with you, goodnight’

Liz put one more tune on.

As usual the sitting had lasted a few minutes short of two hours.

Once we were both feeling back with it Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

While Liz was doing the closing prayer I felt a pressure on my right ear and the back of my neck which lasted about a minute before disappearing.

Afterwards Liz told me about the dream she had had the night before which seemed to tie up with much of what was said by the first communicator…

In the dream she had been preparing and decorating a room for her daughter. At times it felt like the room was the one we sit in. She then found herself in a decorating studio being shown a bright yellow fabric. She was just there to get ideas on colours but all they were showing her was yellow. They were also showing her ceiling coving and various sorts of ornamentation but Liz wanted to keep it simple, she didn’t want any decoration. Then when she woke up all she could see was this bright yellow fabric again…