May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

229th Sitting 26/10/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.20pm, turned off the light and put the music on...

Ten minutes later Liz sensed lots of people around. She saw marbled patterns, moving shapes and shadows.

I drifted in and out of sleep for about one hour.
Then I started to be controlled.
Liz turned down the music...

Liz... 'Welcome friend'

'Good evening, good evening'

Liz... 'Good evening friend'

'Time once again to come through and speak to you, speak to you all, all who listen, all who take notice of what we say for we have amongst ourselves many subjects to discuss, many words to convey and each week we build up a story. There are many paths on which you can make your way through your life, through your physical life. There are many choices that you can make, many life changing choices and you have your own responsibility for yourself, for the way that you negotiate your physical life. You feel your way along that path, you sample life as it is presented to you and you make your choice as to how you wish to carry on, how you wish to make your life suitable for that what you wish to achieve. You have at the back of your mind a meaning for your life, you feel there is purpose in your life and that purpose has been developed over the years, it has changed, it has reflected the way you have lived your life. Take each day as it comes to you, take each situation as it is presented to you and make your choice, carve out for yourself a pathway through all of your situations, all of those situations that come to you. Build up within yourself experience upon experience, allow that experience to build within yourself, build a new purpose. See how your thoughts change as you negotiate your way through life. See how the way you think is affected by the way you view other people in your world. You are not alone, you are part of a group, part of an organised group all working as one yet separated. Planning has gone into your life, you have seen how you have lived before and you have seen the mistakes you have made, you have seen the changes that have occurred. Each time you lived a life in a physical world those changes have changed you, those changes have created you. It is for you to understand whether the changes have benefited your understanding, your evolution. For when mistakes are made you may cease to evolve, you may take a step backwards and a change can be the answer, a change can give you a new perspective and allow you to realise the mistakes you have made. Evolution is a slow process, there are no time restraints on evolution for it will happen in its own time, you merely have the power to change and redirect the way you live, creating a new pattern, a new way of living. Never be afraid of change for it will mould you into a new personality, a better personality. A personality that will carve its way through experiences with a heightened mind, with more love in its heart and an appreciation of those around you. A wanting to help, a wanting to form a group of like-minded beings capable of changing the world, changing your world'

There was a pause and then a different voice started to come through...

Liz... 'Welcome friend...'

'...taking a look around, this is a wonderful world, a wonderful exciting place for you all have such a wonderful life even though at times you feel the pull of disappointment and sorrow. You have for yourself a wonderful life full of opportunities, full of friendships, full of the helping hand for you have with you many, many experienced entities who are connected and will help you. It is for you to accept their help, allow them to take you upon a wonderful journey in a wonderful world that you have created for yourself. You have had much help but it is your own work that has created for you your world, your reality. Spend your time well, do not waste, do not let the precious time go by, take each second and use your abilities to create even more, an even more greater reality for you have merely touched the surface. Your mind is capable of much more, much greater experience'

Liz... 'Have you walked this path before friend?'

'You have your own unique path for yourself, I as an observer can join you. When I had experience in physical life I also journeyed with you. Expand your view and see how all this fits together. Do not see yourself as a singularity, you are made up of many minds, many points of consciousness that evolve as one. You have already seen the connections and you have felt yourself as a greater self, as a combination of smaller selves'

Liz... 'Why do we get so attached to these smaller selves, to the people that we know and relate to in this life like our family members?'

'You are living two lives at one time. It is for you to tune in to one or the other yet you can live both lives simultaneously, then you will understand. The physical world is designed to hold you into one life but a developed mind can escape. Many single strands make up one piece of string, many single strands intertwine strengthening that piece of string and as you make your way through life more strands will make that string into a rope, a strong permanent structure, never ending, no beginning, continuing to forge ahead getting stronger and stronger. You may only see one strand at one time but that strand is but one part of a strong solid rope. Try not to complicate your thinking for all knowledge is based on simplicity. It only appears complicated from a singular perspective, you have the ability to see from many perspectives'


'We... once again we have reached the end of our session this evening, we have come to the end of our session this evening, it is time for us to withdraw from your room and allow you once again to rejoin your wonderful physical world. Please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, spread it amongst those who you meet, allow them to see the light within themselves and go on to share that light with others. Your world is in need of light and that light will benefit all who live in your world. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you'

Liz... 'Goodnight and God bless you and thank you friend'


Liz played a tune as I came back then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

228th Sitting 19/10/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.30pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

After about ten minutes I started to be controlled and Liz turned the music down.

'Good evening, good evening'

Liz... 'Good evening friend'

'Time once again to come through and speak with you. We all come through, we all gather and we all contribute to the words and we all plan the words for the words are important and the importance is in how they are presented to you. There is much that we can say, there is much that we can discuss yet we have restrictions on that what we can bring through. We do not wish to fill your minds with thoughts that will not benefit your development of your own understanding. Each time that we come through we can bring more through, we can bring more details through. As you live your life in your physical world you are constantly battling with the thoughts that you have and the words that you hear in your world. There is nothing in the physical world that will cause you to think in a new way for your world is a part of you, is working with you, is unfolding before you, aligning with your thoughts, aligning with the way that you think, the way that you understand life. When we bring to you new ideas these will distort the way you look at your world. You can see your world in many ways, you can understand your world in many ways. Try to see your world from a new perspective, try to understand your world in a new way. Different observations will come to you if you allow yourself to stray off the familiar path, the familiar path of thought. Your mind is full of past experiences. These experiences are recorded and you replay them to yourself as you observe your world. Try to observe your world with a fresh mind. Wake up out of your past experiences and take a step beyond. Each day of your life is filled with expectations based on that what you have previously experienced. Take away those expectations and you may see your world in a new light. You are creating what you see and you can alter that creation. Take away the familiar and look for the unusual. React to situations in a new way. You have created for yourself a comfortable world in which to live in. Many people are afraid to lose that comfort for they do not know what lies beyond. They keep a familiar pathway for themselves to tread but they are missing a wider experience. A narrow mind is a familiar path, a widened mind sees and understands so much more. Take a moment out of each day to think, to think back at how you have lived that day, consider what you may have missed, consider the opportunities that you did not realise were there. Ask yourself how can I widen my view and you will discover a new world before you, a larger picture, a more detailed picture, a picture free from familiar ideas and expectations, a picture that is a reflection of your true self not that self that you believe yourself to be... Is this understandable to you?'

Liz... 'Yes, thank you... yes I can feel how the fabric of the world can change as we see it differently. The same fabric but with different patterns and imprints depending on our point of view'

'The more you experiment with these ideas the easier it will become to see so much more and when you meet another person you will see so much more in that person, not just that narrow view of what you observe for you will feel that person and you will understand that person, the true person, the larger self, that what is driving that person will be understood. You will see that person from your consciousness to their consciousness. The physical picture will fade and you will see the whole person, the whole conscious being with your whole conscious being. You are not limited to a physical world, a narrow view, you all have the ability to spread your awareness into your full consciousness and use that full consciousness to observe fully, understand fully. Your life will open up for you and you will understand so much more, you will indeed see your world as it truly is'


Liz... 'I'll play some music again friend'

'Thank you, yes'

Liz put the music up.

For a while I experienced what felt like parts of me dissolving, especially my legs. Then I drifted in and out of sleep for a while.

After about 45 minutes I started to be controlled again and Liz turned down the music.

The communication was incoherent for a while before settling down...

'...take time to reflect on all that is said and you will begin to understand, you will begin to see the world as you should, as you were meant to, as you always knew you would. We can only give you ideas, give you a glimpse of a larger self, a larger world, a bigger picture. It is for you to fill in the gaps, to paint that picture, to paint the idea that has been given to you. Walk with us, see as we can see and understand as we can understand for we are no different to you, we have experienced what you have experienced. Wake up and discover for yourself all that is there, all that is set out for you, thank you. Thank you my dear friend, please take from us a piece of our love. Take it into your heart, allow it to wake you from the inside, allow it to open yourself up to the beauty of your world and beauty of yourself. Thank you, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you and thank you'


I came back and Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

At the end of the healing Liz felt she had made contact with something larger, she felt a presence working through her.
Liz had felt a lot of presences in the room during the session.

227th Sitting 12/10/2017

We were joined by Brian and Debi this week. Brian sat to my left, Liz in front of me and Debi to my right.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.15pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

After about three minutes I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...

'Good evening, good evening...'

All... 'Good evening, welcome friend'

'It is a good evening, we are all together and we have come, we have all arrived into your room, into your atmosphere, your wonderful atmosphere that we can use. We can place our hands amongst you all in the atmosphere that you create. We join hands with you creating an ever-growing circle, an ever-growing circle of friends, friends within friends within friends, all in harmony, all creating a loving vibration throughout your room and throughout your world for your world is in need of love, of higher vibration, of harmony. You all possess within yourself a level of love and harmony, that level is shared with others, that level affects others, that level reaches out to others. You are all engaged in increasing the vibration of your world, increasing the loving vibration of your world. We too can help but it is for you to initiate that vibration. Live your life each day with love in your heart, see the love in others, see how your world reflects love. The negativity in your world is a part of your world, it is a part of the state of your world at this point in time. Do not allow the negativity to affect the way you feel, the way you act, the way you react with one another. Know that you are helping to alleviate the negativity in your world, know that you are shining a light into the darkness. Those who find themselves in the darker corners of your world they have accepted within themselves, they have taken themselves away from the light that shines within themselves yet they know from within that that light is always there. What you are doing is helping to remind them that they too can shine brightly throughout your world. A time will come when they will question their existence and they will remember that light that is burning inside of them and they will allow it to spread, allow the flame to become a fire and all on your world will benefit. Watch the reactions in the faces of the children in your world as they play, as they teach each other the importance of love. See how harmonious a group of young children can be without the feelings of being threatened by an outside energy. They are unaware of the darker regions of your world, they know only love. Look back at yourself when you were a child, remember how you felt, how you wanted to help. See your world through the eyes of a child and you will understand how unnecessary the fighting and the arguments and the greed really is. Rise up above yourself, look down, what do you see? Your world is a place to learn and you are beginning to experience life from above. Change your perspective, see how unnecessary the darkness is, see how easily light spreads when a life is led in the simplest ways like a young child free from the confusions that come to you'

Liz... 'Can I ask a question?'

'Yes you may'

Liz... 'What purpose then is all the conditioning that takes us away from that pristine state of openness?'

'You are presented with difficulties in your life, you must use that what drives you to negotiate the difficulties. You have not chosen to live an easy life, you have come here to learn and to grow. You need to be presented with situations that allow you to question. If your life was easy then your life would have no point'

Liz... 'What is it that we are developing and learning here that we couldn't learn better in spirit?'

'The physical world is a temporary shutting off of the spiritual vibrations to a part of your consciousness. That part must travel alone on a journey in a world where many entities are playing their part in their own way, using their own free will. The spiritual vibrations do not have the strict conditions that a world such as this places upon each individual player of the game. You are here to grow, you have left a part of yourself in the spiritual realms, there is still that connection yet that part that lives a life in the physical world feels alone until it expands its awareness'

Liz... 'Yes, it almost sounds like a sort of experimental situation'

'You have chosen to come into this world and you know how the world will push you from place to place. It is indeed seen as an experiment from the spiritual side. You are watching yourself and you are receiving, you are receiving the growth that that part in the physical world is achieving'

Liz... 'You mean that the growth and expanded experience that the part in the physical world is experiencing is passed on to the larger part of that self that is in spirit?'

'The larger self is connected to the smaller self and the smaller self is blinded to that connection while it operates within the physical world yet that connection is there and the growth is fed back. The growth is encouraged from both sides of life'

Liz... 'And the ultimate purpose of all this... is that something that we can understand or is it beyond our current comprehension?'

'The larger self is a part of an even greater self, a greater consciousness, an evolving consciousness, an evolving consciousness with a plan and that plan involves physical worlds, learning worlds. Many physical worlds exist, many smaller consciousnesses, smaller selves exist in all physical worlds. There is a constant feeding to the spiritual realms'

Liz... 'I guess from how you are speaking that's how it is but why do we ask why? It is as it is but human beings, I, ask why is it like this, why do we ask why?'

'You came to this world with a question on your mind. As you live your life that question grows stronger. You feel the love from your greater self like the love from a mother yet you do not fully understand, you question why? Where? Where does this come from? Is it me? Is it within myself? You already know the answer yet you cannot find that answer. You have watched yourself grow from a child to maturity and it is natural to ask why. Who do you think you are asking when you ask why?'

Liz... 'I guess ultimately myself... That's a rather strange thing to be...'

'You ask yourself because you know you have the answer but why can you not find that answer?'

Liz... 'I guess it must be because we're still looking from the smaller perspective, from the cut off part'

'You have hidden that answer from yourself but that answer is there. The answer is not important but the question is important. The fact that you are asking the question, that is important, that will keep you motivated, that will keep you moving forward. You all have that question in your mind whether it is apparent to your consciousness or not and that question is keeping you all interested in life, in living, in continuing to live and explore and experience'

Debi... 'May I ask a question please?'


Debi... 'We often have visitors from different dimensions come into our circle. I wanted to find out how is your experience of beings from different dimensions from where you are, not human beings'

'As we have said there are many physical worlds, many physical vibrations. Each vibration is made up of life, life that has physical form, life that also has spiritual form. All these physical worlds are connected, all of life is connected. When you open yourself up in a physical circle your light will attract all forms of life, all vibrations of life. You will perceive this life in your own way. Some forms of life would be unrecognisable to you yet you can recognise all life in your own way. You all have only so much experience and that experience is what you use to build up for yourself a picture representing the life force that has been attracted to your light. The important ingredient is how that life communicates to you, is that communication useful, does it benefit those who listen. The source of that communication can never be fully understood'

Debi... 'Thank you'

'Do you have any further questions?'

Debi... 'I would like to ask about my development if it is appropriate'

'You may indeed ask whatever you wish and we will try to give you an answer'

Debi... 'I have been told that things are moving on and changing and that I need to build the foundations as it's meant to go on'

'You need to look at your own development from your own perspective. You will be given guidance from others as they see your development growing yet ultimately it is for you to decide. How do you feel? What do you receive? Question yourself, question that what comes through, again ask yourself is this useful, is it helping you and is it helping others? The purpose of spiritual communication is to build a bridge, a strong bridge, a bridge that is a permanent structure in your mind and when that structure has been fully formed the truth of spirit will come to you and you will use that truth to build on your own understanding and you will share that understanding with others. You never stop learning and you never stop developing'

Debi... 'I agree'

'You have that interest within yourself and you brought that interest with you when you immersed yourself in this physical world. Keep that interest shinning bright within yourself. Do not be put off by the obstacles that are put into your path. There is nothing stopping you from developing apart from yourself'

Debi... 'Thank you'

Liz... 'Shall I play some music for a bit?'

'I think we will return to the music yes'

Liz saw some dim lights and shapes moving around.

Brian was seeing a few lights and faces.

Liz saw pin-pricks and splashes of light glowing like smudges of light.
Brian and Debi could see this as well.

Brian had cold energy going up his legs then moving around in his stomach.
As Brian reported this Liz felt it as well.
Debi also felt coldness through her legs and churning in her stomach.

After about 15 minutes another communication started and Liz turned down the music again...

'Is it correct... is it always correct or are there mistakes made? We cannot tell, we cannot fully understand all that is happening for there are within your world many secrets, many undiscovered pockets of energy that have not been released. You all have within yourself an ability to discover these pockets of energy within your world and you will indeed find the location of this secret energy, this secret energy that was placed, that was created in a time when your world felt threatened, your world had a sense of conflict within itself. Now, when you feel within yourself a frustration, a disappointment with yourself you are feeling that energy, you are dipping yourself into an energy that has not yet been discovered. Your world can be seen as a living entity, your world supports life and that life gives your world its own life. You are all a part of that life and you have the ability to modify that life. Listen to your world, understand how it feels, how it fits in with all life and try to understand how you can help, how you can be a part of its recovery, thank you'

Liz... 'Friend, can I ask why the feeling of disappointment is associated with these hidden pockets of energy?'

'These pockets of energy were placed there by your ancestors and you continue the line of life. They understood the disappointment throughout your world. Feel the energy of your world, listen to your world. Your world is a part of you and your world can affect the way you feel. You are all working together and you must all learn to help one another and help your world and help yourself and release this energy'

Liz... 'Right, so is the energy secret teachings that were hidden because at that time they wouldn't be understood or is this energy to do with the pain and suffering?'

'You have partially answered your own question and you will continue to answer your question yourself'

Liz... 'I can feel, is it to do with the fact as well that many times when truth was spoken it was persecuted, the people who spoke the truth were persecuted?'

'Truth comes to those who listen, truth comes to those who feel and truth comes to those who feel the connection with your Earth. Allow yourself to understand, allow yourself to hear'

Brian... 'Would these pockets of energy mean different things to different people?'

'Each person sees with their own eyes, hears with their own ears, feels with the vibration that they recognise, so the perception of the energy is unique to each individual on your world yet that energy is one energy. Much has been written, much is yet to be discovered. You will all discover your own truth in your own way and as you discover your own truth a part of that energy will be released. Remember to see your world as a living world'

Debi... 'That's lovely thank you'

'The time has now come for us to end our session this evening. We have all enjoyed the energies you have created in your room for each of you have contributed a part of that energy and that energy has become intertwined and we have built that energy into a voice box for all to hear. Thank you my dear friends, please take with you a piece of our love, share it with whoever you meet, give them the opportunity to see the light within themselves. May God bless and keep you all, thank you, goodnight'

All... 'Goodnight and God bless you and thank you friend'


I came back and then Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

At the start Brian saw between him and me a chair, like a kitchen chair, wooden with a red seat. Then it faded away as the first communication started. Brian was wondering who it was for, then he sensed he had a helmet on his head, metal, gold colour with a chain coming down under his chin and he felt energy going down. He got the impression of a chap in uniform, a ceremonial guard, red and blue uniform, he thought he was from the Household Cavalry. He stayed for a while before going.
Later Brian was nodding off and had a smack on the head to bring him back.

Debi had drifted off and heard nothing when Liz asked her first question. She felt a lot of manipulation around her and just went with it.
Later when one of the songs was playing she felt someone to her left and very clearly felt spirit coming through her and enveloping her. It became much darker, a very strange sensation but pleasant. It was the first time she had felt that.

Liz commented that she often experienced similar sensations as what Debi had described.

Solo sit 05/10/2017

Last week I had a cold and this week Liz was away so I had a solo sit at home.
I didn't ask any questions this time, I just let the communication go where it wanted.

A few minutes after doing the opening prayer I felt myself being controlled and the communication started...

'Good evening, good evening... is good time now once again to come and speak... There is a place for us to visit, we have for ourselves a place that you would not understand as a place, you would understand it as a feeling, an emotion for this place for us comprises of all emotions, all feelings, all come together vibrating as one and we can use that vibration to make that link to your world. You are reliant on physical senses, physical objects. We have the job of providing you with physical sound, understandable words in your physical world. This is not unlike what you do each day of your life for you are not contained within the physical world yet you are connected to the physical world, you are absorbed in the physical world. That is how it appears to you yet at the same time you are also in this place, this place of emotions and feelings. You join us for you are a part of us as well'


'We too can become connected to the physical world. We too can become a part of the physical world in the same way as you take part in a life, a life journey through the world of your choice. A part of you can enjoy a never-ending journey, never-ending adventure through many lifetimes building up experience, building up love within yourself. Each day is a lesson, a lesson in how to love one another, how to receive love and how to give love. Your world was designed as a place of learning and a place of loving for opportunities come and go and the driving force within you is always pushing you to make a loving choice, to create love in each situation, each opportunity and build on that love. Your world vibrates at a frequency set by all those who inhabit it. That frequency can increase, can be increased by each individual who chooses to take a loving pathway. When you see nothing but love in your world you have truly trodden the path, the optimum pathway through your world, through your life. But you all see darkness in your world. That darkness is created by all, is created by the overall vibration throughout your world that you are all connected with. Help raise that vibration one by one and you will begin to see the results of your work. You came into this world to make it a better place, do not forget that what drives you. Do not leave this world with regrets, make the most of your life in the most positive way that you can and we will help you for we can see the possibilities that lie ahead but it is for you to trigger those possibilities with love'

The communication ended and the control slowly left me.

I then did a closing prayer and sent out healing...