May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

151st Sitting 24/07/2015

We had the room setup as normal.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.45pm, turned off the light and put the music on.

After about five minutes Liz reported large blobby shapes in the room.

I lost my awareness just after the opening prayer and came back about one hour later.
Then after another 10mins I began to be controlled.

Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening to you…’

Liz… ‘Good evening…’

The communication broke up for a while before becoming coherent again...

‘Time again for us to enter your room, come into you atmosphere, share the love created between all, all who seek to learn, all who seek to discover, all who seek to broaden their understanding in the feelings, in the perceptions that go beyond the feelings and perceptions of a physical existence. There is always the interest that leads the way forward when you set out to open your mind and broaden your understanding. Without the interest nothing will happen, nothing will unfold, for until that interest has been sparked inside of you there is no background, no structure, nothing on which to mould, to build up a presentation for yourself for without an interest your mind will be fully absorbed in the physical world in the physical daily tasks that keep your mind occupied until a time is reached where that interest is brought forward to the forefront of your mind shading all other motivations until that interest is sufficiently satisfied that you can relax and allow the understanding to react, to react on yourself forcing out that need to search further, further into the mysteries, to give yourself a rest, give yourself a break, give yourself time to absorb what has been presented to you, how you have been guided into understanding the presentation brought forward. If you can start to let go, let go of what confuses your mind, let go of the complications that you setup as you try to absorb all that is presented to you, allow your natural filters to work at your advantage, slow down the input of information for your interest is pushing you forward to receive more and more, yet the physical mind is designed to receive information in a particular way, a way that can be recognised by that which resides inside of you, that which burns inside of you, that which desires to reach out further than your mind can comprehend. Do not go beyond that first step until each aspect of that first step is truly understood’

Liz… ‘How can you know when it is truly understood? How can I know when it’s truly understood? Because surely at that level, at that stage the understanding is still partial, is still relative?’

‘There are many segments that make up a complete understanding. Each segment contains a feeling. That feeling has always been a part of your makeup and it will be recognised. Once it has been triggered off a recognition will come to your mind. You will feel this recognition for it will open your eyes, it will allow you to understand, it will move you forward to the following segment that lays by its side’

Liz… ‘So I’ll know when that step has been reached, when that step has been crossed’

‘You will recognise that feeling. Once you have recognised that feeling you will understand. You will understand what that feeling is for that feeling has always been waiting in the background of your makeup placed there at a time before you stepped into this physical world, a time when you worked out for yourself, you shaped for yourself, how your physical experience would be mapped out from the perspective of the spiritual vibration. You would see the path unfold before you before you stepped out of the spiritual vibration knowing that once you were fully immersed, fully involved in the physical world once again that spiritual perspective would be wiped from your mind, wiped from your vision but not forgotten, merely placed into the recesses of your mind, the segments of your mind. It is not possible to have a beneficial physical existence when the spiritual perspective is fully alive in your mind but you can still benefit from working and bringing it forward once again. There is much in your physical world that serves as a reminder to your physical mind, a reminder of that spiritual perspective. Many will miss these reminders, many will be puzzled by the feelings they get as they stumble across these reminders but a few will truly benefit and allow themselves to understand the true meaning of the reminders as they become focused, focused in their own mind, a feeling of being in the right place at the right time, of being truly home, of being in tune with the surroundings that are presented to you’

Liz… ‘Fully present… In our quest for evidence to be able to share, real evidence of the afterlife and survival of consciousness, what sort of evidence or what is going to be the best evidence for our group, for us to share with others, to convince them of the reality of a larger spiritual existence in which the physical has its place?’

‘The best evidence is that what resonates with the larger majority. You will not convince others. You need to accept that each person, each individual walking your earth world has to find their own way to the evidence that is presented to them. There is evidence in abundance all around but recognising this evidence, recognising it for what it truly is has to be achieved, has to be worked at by each individual on your world. Your work in this circle is to open up a channel, open up a pure channel, a pure channel that will touch the hearts of the majority in your world in a way that they can recognise. What you see as evidence will not be recognised as evidence for others. Each has their own unique way of building up an understanding, an understanding beyond the physical world… Many truths lay at the heart of understanding, many truths are slowly getting through, slowly being recognised, recognised and analysed for each person has the intelligence to dissect a truth, compare that truth with what resides inside of each personality, take it apart, understand the inner workings but do not lose the truth. Much has been spoken since the dawn of time from the spiritual vibrations into the physical world’

Liz… ‘Why is there so little in common knowledge at present about what happens to us after death? Is this a cultural phenomenon at present, was there more known in previous civilizations, previous cultures?

‘A simple understanding has always been a part of the physical understanding. Each individual is responsible for adding their own confusion to the simple understanding. Those who walked your Earth many years, many centuries ago did not set out to confuse a simple understanding. They accepted that understanding for what it was until a time came where a simple understanding was not enough. A more complex understanding was sought creating more obstacles, more complications. A more complex structure of understandings spread throughout the world branching out into groups of combined understandings separating from other groups until the simple understanding was lost. Each group built up their own understandings based on their perceptions and they truly felt that they, and them alone had the secrets to all the mysteries of what lay beyond your Earth plane and they felt it their mission to convince others. They did not realise the damage that they were doing for they thought that they were helping. A time then came, a time followed, a time of realisation, realisation into the mistakes, into the false truths, a recognition of the mistakes came to a few and work was begun, to begin to re-educate, to bring back a simple understanding to the minds of many’

Liz… ‘Yes… and what is that simple understanding?’

‘Based on love, based on thoughts for others, based on that wonderful feeling that follows an act of selfless help for others, that knowing, that disregard for the self, that pleasurable experience when the combined understanding is reached to such a point that you know that you have lost that sense of individuality, you have become one with each other for the help you are given out is affecting yourself. You have joined, you have set yourself aside, truly set yourself aside and joined the one, joined the one strand that holds all together’

Liz… ‘So you’re saying that by developing ethically, following the law that Jesus gave, loving your neighbour as yourself and experiencing that, will help to open the floodgates to spirit, to an understanding of spirit, a greater understanding... But doesn’t a greater understanding need to come first in order to unlock that ability to let go of self, to love your neighbour as yourself. Doesn’t that require first of all some experience of spirit?’

‘All it requires is the feeling it will give you. All it requires is that recognition that can reach into the being of yourself. That can reach into that what was placed into the core of your being before you stepped into the physical world. Only then will your eyes be truly opened’

Liz… ‘So you’re saying that the actual acting out of this inner knowledge, this inbuilt knowledge, the actual acting out of the law of love, in loving another as yourself will release that understanding and open us to a greater and deeper understanding, experience’

‘Once you are totally fulfilled with that love, once you do not have to think about giving that love for it is all you have, it is all that motivates you, it has totally enveloped you, you know nothing more for you are nothing more, you are only love and you have recognised this, it is all you know, all you feel’

Liz… ‘Okay, so in facilitating that in other people, that is going to be the greatest benefit to increasing the knowledge of spirit by facilitating this experience of love, of selfless love by encouraging and facilitating’

‘Inspiring them to look for this in themselves. Each individual has the responsibility to open their own eyes to that one truth. Each individual will work it out for themself. Each individual will take from the words what they require if they have the interest to do so. Once that time has come to them where they feel they wish to move forward away from the confusion, out of the darkness. There is nothing stopping each person, only that what they have built for themself. We can only present a framework of ideas for them to grab or to reject’

Liz… ‘This emphasis on love and the opening of the heart, loving your neighbour as yourself was very much central to the message, the teaching that came through Christ, the teacher Jesus, but it seems that it’s quite a difficult one with the human race to take on and experience. 2000 years and many people, the majority haven’t yet experienced that opening of the heart and the power of love’

‘There are many paths that lead to the truth of love. That what was preached by Jesus was but one idea which suited the thinkings of that time and still is of a benefit to many in this time but new ideas are constantly being introduced through the technology of your world. There is a pattern in all that evolves in your world and a corresponding pattern in each individual mind. The patterns share the same shapes, the same outlines, the same colours yet each individual has introduced new shapes, new colours, new outlines and until the pattern is returned to its simple form then a match will not be achieved. Many look back into the history of your world and take from the teachings of many, try to put those teachings into their own created patterns and see how some of it will match yet some will collide causing misunderstandings until those patterns have been cleaned up, returned to their simple truth… We have reached the end of our session my friend. We are unable to continue at this point, the energies have been used up’

Liz… ‘Exhausted…’

‘Yes, so we will continue in the next session. It has been a very interesting, interesting questions and we are very interested in answering all the questions that are presented to us. Keep these questions in your mind, reintroduce at the next session for now we will leave with you a piece of our love, hold onto that love, bring it back to the next session where we can resume. Thank you my dear friend, may God bless you all’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, may God bless you too’

‘Good evening to you’

Liz… ‘Good night’

Liz put the music back on.
I was back with it in about two minutes.

The session had lasted two hours ten minutes.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Towards the end of the communication Liz had felt a very strong pulling from her abdomen and she got very hot. This abated once the communication stopped.

150th Sitting 16/07/2015

We had two guest sitters this week… Sudakini and Vajralila.
This was their first time sitting in a Physical Mediumship circle.

Liz sat in her usual place to my right, Sudakini sat opposite and Vajralila sat to my left.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

Liz and Sudakini were feeling hot.

Vajralila was seeing a few pin-prick lights in the room.
Liz saw some lights in the corner of her eye.

Vajralila was now seeing flashes in the room.
Liz saw blobs like cotton wool.
Sudakini was seeing lines of light in the room.

20 minutes after the start I began to be controlled.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you’

‘Is a pleasure to welcome the new visitors to the circle this evening thank you, thank you for your attendance this evening. We appreciate the combined energies that you bring into our circle. We hope you feel at ease in the séance conditions. We have chosen to come through at an earlier time, we wish to make use of the loving vibrations you have brought to this room, you have lightened the room. It is a powerful energy that you bring and we are able to engage with this energy, we can introduce our own level of energy and combine it with yours allowing us to open our mind, allow the words to come through, explore the possibilities that are presented to us. Each time we sit we are faced with new opportunities to help us move through the obstacles of communication from the spiritual vibrations to your physical vibrations. There is not so much of a distance between the two, more of a shifting of vibration, a blending of energies creating a compatible atmosphere where we can produce the sound, use the vocal cords of this medium as we introduce our thoughts into the physical mind. The atmosphere of the room is so important for our work and we appreciate the happy frames of mind that you have brought into this room for this can have an effect on how we can work, on whether we can work. Keep your minds raised, feel the vibration within yourself lift above the physical thoughts of your daily life. You will feel yourself drawn closer to the spiritual vibrations, to your own true vibrations for you are all spiritual beings, your true self has been partially dimmed due to the effects of the physical world. You are constantly bombarded by those effects as you live your physical life, as you mingle with those who you meet. You feel the effects of others, you sense their thoughts as you listen to their words, as you watch the way they hold themselves and the expressions that light up their face. Compare this to the feelings you get as you take yourself into the nature of your world, as you gaze at a newly opened flower, at the fresh green grass, as you listen and feel the wind, as you observe the weather and as you delight in the stars at night. All these things give you; they bring back that memory of the spiritual existence that drives you forward. Allow yourself; immerse yourself in your physical life, for you are a part of the physical world and you are here to learn and also to teach. Never waste the opportunity that has been given to you to experience a physical life. Take each opportunity that is presented to you and allow your true self to blossom as the effects of that physical opportunity give you a step forward, a further step on your pathway… Do you have questions you would wish to ask? Elizabeth maybe you could ask a question to set the tone’

Liz… ‘Spiritual beings in a physical world… at what point does this incarnation, this separation from spirit take place and our sense of the separation and why?’

‘It is a slow process, as you become aware of the surroundings that you are in, through the physical senses of your physical body you build up for yourself an understanding, you build up for yourself a series of beliefs based on your perception, your perceptions through your physical senses. Initially these are purely perceptions, as your physical mind grows you begin to interpret these perceptions, you interpret as best you can through the restrictions of physical senses but a part of you will cling to the spiritual memory. As you continue to develop in the physical world you become bombarded by ideas, ideas that have grown amongst those who share your physical world. These ideas will make you question your beliefs and you may build up new beliefs but they will build on the initial foundations of beliefs that you have given yourself. That foundation will direct how your beliefs will grow. A point will be reached where you will begin to close off that spiritual link, it will become clouded as you journey through your physical existence. You all possess free will and you also have the ability to make choices. These choices will be based initially on the foundations of beliefs but as you grow up in your physical world that spiritual part of you will work its way through and affect the choices. You will feel yourself put more thought to the choices that are given to you each day of your life for that motivating force, that spiritual force will find easier access to drive you forward and you will see the errors in past choices that you have made, you will want to rectify these errors, this will open you up more and allow your spiritual self to begin to shine through’

Liz… ‘What is the purpose then of that spiritual essence being forgotten for a while, being dimmed? Is there a purpose to it or is that just a consequence of penetrating into the physical dimension?’ 

‘You have been given a physical existence and the laws that govern the physical world are such that you will indeed partially lose that spiritual driving force. The point is that you will make mistakes, you will build up false beliefs and the purpose of building these beliefs is so that you can grow, you will recognise the mistakes you have made, this will allow more of your spiritual self, your true self, to shine, but in recognising this, you, your true self, is also growing, is also evolving, is evolving towards love. If your true self evolves towards love then a far greater self, a far greater entity, a far greater understanding will develop, will grow. As the physical world evolves so the greater understanding that surrounds your physical world will also benefit and evolve. This is why the physical world is such a good school, a place to learn, a place to make mistakes, a place to build up beliefs and eventually a place to shed those beliefs, cast them aside and allow that light within, that spiritual force to blossom, to open out, to be shared by others, others who you meet in your physical world. They too will recognise that light that shines within you and within themselves. They will be drawn to your light and it will help them unlock the spiritual selves that are still a part of them all. It will help them shed their beliefs. Ultimately the whole physical human vibration will slowly rise; this will have an effect on the greater consciousness, the greater understandings that surround the physical vibration’

Liz… ‘It still seems a strange thing that’s difficult to understand a reason for it, why the physical world should have evolved, should have come into being for spirit to go through this convoluted way of being lost and then found again. Being almost cut off from itself and then turning back into itself. That this process and the rational for it in human terms is difficult to understand’

 ‘You have to take yourself out of your physical world to get a better understanding of this. If you consider yourself as pure consciousness unable to express yourself with other entities in a physical way you would have, you would contain information which you can indeed transfer; you would be limited in how you could grow. There is a way to bring to your mind a picture, a picture which will develop in your mind. Think of a spiral, think of a circle, think of a point on that circle. That point can travel the circle and return to the same point. Now think of the spiral. As that point travels the circle of the spiral it can either return to the same point or the spiral can expand and the point will find itself raised, raised up on the spiral. In your physical world you not only have the opportunity to traverse that circle but you also have the opportunity to traverse the spiral and raise yourself, evolve yourself, for you are entering into a world of experience, a world where you can use your physical senses and you can mingle with the other entities of your world. You can help each other grow and you can observe and listen and learn from each other. You can develop interests in a physical world, interests which will help you to develop your spiritual self for the effects of interests lighten your mind, open yourself up for you wish to increase your interest, you wish to meet others who share your interest and you will combine into a group, a group of friends, friends of shared interest and you will help each other. You will help each other to expand that spiral. You will feel the spiritual vibration that brings you together with this shared interest; you will feel it raising you up’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, what you’ve described is very much like a Buddhist philosophical framework’

‘Do not limit yourself to the physical form, the physical way of thinking. When you ask your questions try to raise your own vibration, try to allow your spiritual self to motivate the questions. This will allow you to see your own answers, for you are looking at them from a new perspective. All the time you are asking questions from a physical perspective you are throwing a blanket over yourself, you will not let that spiritual understanding come through to yourself. You may not fully understand how the spiritual vibrations operate but a part of you has already experienced this and if you let it, it will present itself forward to your mind but then you have the problem of translating that information into a physical model that best represents the information you have been given, for the physical mind cannot think with a spiritual vibration. The physical mind will work with the physical form but the spiritual mind is also with you, is also a part of you. We can only give you physical words at this time, but we can also give you feelings as you sit, as you hear the words. Feelings that will help you to understand those greater questions’

Liz… ‘Those greater questions feel like imponderables, we haven’t got a framework, we haven’t got a way to... beyond our understanding, the whys, why why…’

‘What do you think is giving you those greater questions to ask? Those greater questions which are beyond the physical world’

Liz… ‘I guess it comes from spirit’

‘It also comes from yourself for you are spirit, you are all spirit. Do not think of yourself as physical beings, think of yourself as highly evolved spirits wanting to increase that understanding, wanting to experience the conditions that you understand as physical, wanting to help others, wanting to increase the love within this physical world’

Liz… ‘Would it be true to say that from the point of view of the physical vibrational level that we are very slowed down, we have a much… the resolution of our perception of our experience is much finer somehow, we’ve slowed down to such an extent that we…  in the spiritual realm that things are much faster, I’m not quite sure how to say it, that the fine detail isn’t there in the same way, that somehow in the physical it’s as if looking through a microscope’

‘The physical senses that you operate through in the physical world do indeed slow you down yes but that motivating force, that spiritual force inside of you has not changed, it has merely been shielded, filtered, yes filtered from the spiritual vibration. You have been clouded which would have the effect on the spiritual part of you of slowing down’

Sudakini… ‘Does that matter? It doesn’t seem to matter to me… it’s okay isn’t it, slowing down?’

‘There is no necessity for speed in the process of evolution, evolution towards love. The important aspect of this is that you do indeed evolve, evolving slowly step by step, observing that what passes. It is not wise to go too fast or to reach too far. Remain comfortable with a pace you have set yourself’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, yes the one step at a time, slow steps’

‘We have talked on this many times’

Sudakini… ‘Also it feels to me like a paradox to try and get anywhere, it feels like it’s already here. It’s not about trying to get anywhere’

‘There is no distance, there is merely states of mind, levels of vibration which intermingle with each other, there are no boundaries, it is a constant growing, a constant learning but at the same time the physical world presents those obstacles which you can either see as opportunities or distractions. They can help you or they can set you back. Look for the good in all things and the obstacles will help you forward’

Liz… ‘Vajralila did you want to ask a question?’

Vajralila… ‘I can’t yet formulate one… something about the paradox between right now and then, there’s no time or space… between timelessness and time, how two opposites can be true at the same time?’

‘The question of time… much has been said about the passage of time… it is understood by many that the spiritual vibrations are in a state of timelessness, there is no time, but the spiritual world is an evolving world. To evolve there has to be the element of time. To evolve from one state to another state has to include the passage of time. Time can and does vary. Time can and is split, split into new elements of time. In the physical world you find yourself restricted to the tick tock of your clock. The minutes go by, the days go by, you observe the days become nights and the nights become days yet you also experience periods where time seems to speed up and when time seems to slow down. So which is true? Is the clock giving you a true understanding of time or are your feelings to be believed? We have already explained that the spiritual part of you can be felt by your feelings whereas the physical part has to rely on the tick tock of your physical clocks, of you physical measurements, of your physical laws. Build your understanding of time on the feelings you experience as the physical world passes by’

Sudakini… ‘So both is true, the physical reality and the spiritual reality are both true but different, interrelated, is that what you’re saying?’

‘They are both true from the point that you are existing. When you think of yourself as a physical being you are indeed in the physical time but raise yourself up, take yourself to your feelings and you can experience time beyond the physical. Allow your mind to wander for you can briefly take yourself from your physical world whilst still operating in your physical world’

Liz… ‘You’re in the world but not of the world’

‘Is this understandable to you?’

Sudakini… ‘Yes’

Vajralila… ‘Is it a bit like music being like a metaphor… it seems to be in time then it’s coming out of silence which is not in time’

‘The music of your world can take you out of your world. The beauty of your world can take you out of your world’

Liz… ‘That’s lovely, so in the heart of our physical existence we’re in contact with our deepest spiritual reality’

‘Your physical world is presented to you like a picture you have painted for yourself. You and you alone are responsible for the reality you perceive. Each thought that you give out creates a new brush stroke on that picture. Try to make that picture as beautiful as you can, do not let the negativities of your world ruin that picture with an ugly stroke for you are in charge, your spiritual self is in charge and it is trying with all its might to help you paint a work of art that will lighten your mind, raise you from the negativities that exist in your world, allow you to view your picture for the beauty that it contains for your physical world is a beautiful place. The more you can appreciate the beauty in your world the more beautiful your picture will become and that will also help others who will sense that beauty reflecting in your eyes, rebounding into their minds, helping them to create beautiful thoughts’

Sudakini… ‘Isn’t there a paradox in terms of control and being in charge? Isn’t it more like what you were saying, something about tuning in to spiritual, letting go and doing something that isn’t being in control and being in charge that we usually think of?’

‘The physical mind puts an understanding to the words… “being in charge” The spiritual motivating force is driving you, is trying to drive you. Once you have become immersed in the physical vibration you have dimmed that spiritual motivating force but it is always there. Try not to think of yourself as a single personality; try to allow your memory of how you truly are to surface in your mind. Allow yourself to remember the connections you have. It is a belief that you are a single personality, a belief shared by all that walk the physical world, a strong belief that has built up. If you can break down that belief you will see yourself and others from a new perspective and you will understand the importance of sharing, of helping one another, of sending healing to one another. When the weak minded are overcome by the temptations of negativity, you will see how you can help them and you will see how by helping them you are helping yourself and you are indeed helping a much greater understanding that encompasses all… Please will you replay your music and we will withdraw but we will re-join you in a slice of your physical time. Thank you for listening, thank you for giving your questions and your energies to the circle’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, we look forward to hearing you again’

‘We will return in this session’

Liz… ‘I’ll switch on the music now, thank you for your communication friend’

‘Enjoy your music; enjoy the vibration of your room, if you feel uncomfortable then feel free to move yourself in your chair’

Liz put the music back on.

Sudakini had felt herself drifting off a little towards the end of the communication and felt they had withdrawn for a while to give her a chance to recharge her energy.

Vajralila was seeing lights near where Liz was sitting.
She noticed the lights increased when they were all singing along to the music.

Vajralila picked up a smell like a candle that had just been blown out.

Sudakini was seeing a few flashes at the bottom of her right eye.
She then picked up a buzzing in her left ear.

Sudakini and Liz both had itchy noses.

Noises were heard from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music…

Liz… ‘Hello friend welcome back’

‘We are reaching the end of our session this evening; we have enjoyed the energies that you have brought to the circle this evening yes, we have almost completed another page of the book, we have spoken words, you have given your questions, it is all recorded in the book which will make up a wonderful library of understandings for all to share and enjoy. We hope you have enjoyed your experience this evening. There is much potential felt in your energies that you bring, potential for the development of physical mediumship. For you have experienced the visual effects and the physical feelings that we have presented to you as you sat in the darkness. There is much to learn, there is much to discover and you will find when you look back on the words that have been spoken and the thoughts that have been triggered in your minds. You will find this will be of benefit as your mind expands and grows and your understanding develops based on the makeup of your individual being and those beliefs that you have built up will begin to loosen, but it is always your choice as to what you wish to retain and what you wish to reject. Always question yourself, always question new ideas as they are presented to you. Do not allow yourself to believe all that is draped in front of you, sift through the words and pictures, decide for yourself what to retain and what to discard and build your own picture, your own reality that best suits that central core, that true being that envelops you all… As always we give you all a piece of our love to take out into your world and spread around but keep one part of it to help you understand the ideas that are presented to you and the sights that come before your eyes. Take from those sights the beauty that makes them up, look further into that beauty, increase the definition of that beauty for beauty need not be a distant vague outline. You can bring it into focus for yourself, you can see every line, every shade of colour and the more you look into that hi-definition the more your understanding will develop for you are training yourself to bring into focus all that is presented to you as you live your daily life in your physical world… Thank you all for coming this evening, may God bless you all and may God lighten your life and allow that light within to spread out and reach many and touch many and know that that touch will be felt’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Thank you all, good evening to you all’

All… ‘Goodnight and God bless…’

Liz put the music back on.
I felt back with it after about two minutes.
I had remained aware throughout the session.
My head and arms had been moved around and at times my head was turning from side to side as if checking out the sitters.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

It had been a long session this week lasting three hours.
Fortunately everyone felt fine and not too stiff from sitting afterwards…

149th Sitting 09/07/2015

We had the room setup as normal.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm then turned out the light and put the music on.

I drifted off just after the opening prayer for about one hour.

Liz reported lots of little white blobs in the room.
She had a feeling like a tight band round her head.

Liz turned off the music when she heard I was being controlled.

It felt different to me this week. My arms were being held on my lap for a while but eventually went to their usual position with my elbows on the chair arms and hands in the air. It also took longer than usual for the communication to settle in and become coherent…

‘Good evening, good evening… Circle of light… the field of understandings is a great… all people come… settle down to come forward in the way we have built, the way we have come through, all hold hands together, step out of the familiar zone and touch the world once again, the world of physical matter, bring all thoughts, understandings and the passion between, the passion behind it all will drive it forward, slice the fragile process of developing, there is no easy way, there is only one way…’

The communication faded and became incoherent again for a while and then continued…

‘Joan, Joan, yes… yes the personality that you understand as Joan…’

Liz… ‘Yes…’

‘Yes the personality is forward, is attempting to present in a vocal way’

Liz… ‘Wonderful, welcome Joan’

‘There is much effort being put in to bring this personality forward for you, we try to let it come…’

Liz… ‘Joan you are welcome’

‘Thank you, thank you… yes, it is… Those who have worked at my side have always put in one hundred percent, they have always brought to the table the fullest commitment for they all understood that the best results were obtained when that hundred percent effort was exerted, exerted and brought into the circle. I appreciated the work, I appreciated the thoughts, I appreciated the opportunity to sit among interested parties who would gather with me and encourage the words that I could utter forth amongst their interests. I could work as the link to the spiritual vibrations that many could feel. I could give that feeling some words of understanding and I could address some of the questions that they had on their minds as they came week after week to sit in the darkness of a physical séance. With patience and understanding week by week they were rewarded by words, words of encouragement, words that would give them a larger picture, a greater understanding, more of an idea. They got to speak to personalities, each week a range of personalities would come through and would speak to them. They got to know and understand these personalities as friends. These same friends would come week after week but occasionally a new personality would come forward and would give a deeper conversation, give them something to think about, allow them to expand their ways of thinking. These personalities were indeed connected to the highest of vibrations. When I sat I was always aware of a higher vibration and it was my wish to bring these personalities through. Since I have found myself free of the restraints of a physical vibration I have felt the benefit of the conversations that I brought through and it has given me a strong urge to continue the development of communication, to raise it to a new level, to build on the communications that I brought through for I can now see how communication can touch so many, so many can be touched in so many different ways. It does not need to be complicated communication for a few simple words can have a larger effect than many complicated words, yet for some a long discourse of complicated words will provide an understanding. So there is a balance to be found to suit the majority. I have elected to work with this team…’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful’

‘…and I am able to advise for I am still so very interested in the development of the human race in a physical vibration and I have given a part of myself to work towards raising the vibration of the human consciousness by developing communication suitable for the majority, to give them words that they can grasp, words that they can understand, words that can encourage them to move forward, to understand their existence, to understand the reason why they have been placed in this wonderful physical world’

Liz… ‘So Joan will you be working with us?’

‘I have been placed amongst you; I have given myself to work with you in this particular circle which you know as the Mercury Light Circle. I have been given the opportunity to continue the Mercury Circle as part of this circle. I have been given the job of directing the communication, seeing how it affects those that hear it, seeing how it is worked through the medium for I understood once I left the physical body. I was given an understanding of how the physical vehicle can react to the words of spirit as they are dripped like a tap, drop by drop into the physical consciousness of the medium, affecting the physical components of the body responsible for the production of voice. I was made well aware of the difficulties involved and I can see in this medium the mistakes that were made through myself so I am able to foretell some of the hindrances that will be battled against as those words make their way through that physical structure of the human form. I can help to give them the best possible route to avoid the hindrances that are always in place’

Liz… ‘And can you advise on the best conditions to operate from the point of view of the sitter? How the sitter can best prepare to facilitate, to help the medium?’  

‘All that is required is a solid interest, a solid wanting to develop this circle and a wanting to reach the highest of vibrations that are allowed at this time. For it is no good to raise the vibrations beyond your understandings. The purpose of communication is to encourage all who hear, encourage and help them to help themselves. Not to give you the answers for there are no answers, there is only help, there is guidance. Only you will create answers but we can help you create answers for yourself’

Liz… ‘Yes and the answers will always be appropriate to our level of understanding’

‘They will also be appropriate to raise your understanding but only one step at a time. We can take your understanding to that next step. We can help you to understand that next step’

Liz… ‘I think you’ve already been doing that’

‘We are all pleased with the results but we are also working on improving, we are building on the results’

Liz… ‘Is it normal for myself and the medium to often fall asleep, what feels like falling asleep, going into a slightly altered dream state during these sittings?’

‘Each circle is individual, there is nothing normal but it is finding what feels right, it is finding the best way to work, the best way for spirit to work with the physical vibration in each circle. This can result in the sitters and the medium apparently falling asleep but rest assured we still have control of the situation. You may feel that you have fallen asleep but you do not have full understanding of what you call the sleep state. There are many states, many physical states that can come about the physical form’

Liz… ‘Yes I think I can understand this now’

‘Each state has its own job, has its own purpose in allowing the spiritual part of you to express itself in a physical way which will be recognised in the waking state’

Liz… ‘May I ask a question Joan?’


Liz… ‘You said earlier that a part of you has elected to work still with the Earth raising the vibration, the consciousness of humanity. When you say it’s a part of you, is that because when you died you had access to your larger soul as it were, to the larger group identity, that you recognised yourself as more than Joan?’

‘There is… the easiest way to describe it is it was a… I was faced with a larger, a greater understanding. I stepped out of myself yet I clinged onto myself like holding onto a balloon on a string. I would not let go for I wanted to keep that connection as I knew it would be beneficial when I was given the opportunity to work in a physical mediumistic development circle once again for this had been my passion throughout my later years of my physical life’

Liz… ‘And it was unfinished work’

‘Yes, I always had this sense that I had not finished, that I had not completed the work that I had set out to do. This caused me to hang on to that part of me that had been put into the physical world to do this work for a greater majority of people. I could easily have let go and moved on’

Liz… ‘That’s very interesting, does this happen with other entities? Because it seems that people like Winston Churchill seem to come through in various circles and still seems to be involved and interested in the same problems and conditions that he was in the lifetime that we knew him as Winston. Is that a similar thing, that he still feels unfinished business?’


Liz… ‘It’s not the same’

‘Winston Churchill… now, there are many strong characters that lived in the physical vibration, your Earthly vibration. There are many memories shared by those who currently live in the physical world. Those memories are sufficient to bring back to life the character that is recognised as Winston Churchill yet the motivating force that brings that character back to life is not necessarily that of Winston Churchill, yet the character as you understand it has been perfectly preserved in all of its makeup and can be reanimated whenever those memories are felt’

Liz… ‘So this is different from how it is with you’

‘With myself I had this interest, I had this passion and I had this urge to continue’

Liz… ‘The work that you had been doing’

‘So I left this part of myself, I let this part of myself remain attached to that greater understanding that you may call the higher self’

Liz… ‘So does that mean for many people that personality dissolves or they let go of it?’

‘Yes, for many that personality is but a dream, a dream that fades’

Liz… ‘It was very awake and alive in you and remained so’

‘I did not want that dream to fade for that dream was indeed a dream for me when I lived a physical existence. I always questioned why it was that I undertook the responsibility of sitting as a medium at such a late time in my physical existence but I was shown when I left the physical form, I was given an understanding as to why this was, as to how it was that I was not ready, I was still developing, not in the sense of sitting in a physical experimental séance but in the sense of living a physical life. I was developing towards becoming the medium for a physical circle and I now understand that I was to be used as a trigger to be used by other circles. The work that I did was never lost. The work that I did has been shared to other circles to help them, to keep them with their interest focused on the development of evidential communication. It makes me feel so privileged to be a part of all of this, I felt privileged when I was on the physical world and now that privilege has been expanded for I touch many circles, many developing circles. I am able to help direct the communications to suit those who sit. My own interest develops as I see the potential in all circles’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful… So your interest while you were alive has kept alive and allowed you to be a bridge still from a larger perspective’

‘It is such a wonderful feeling to be able to share. Once the understandings have been felt the natural reaction is to share with others but the difficulty is finding the correct words and this is where I have found myself most useful for I have seen from both sides’

Liz… ‘The effects…’

‘The effects on many, the understandings that have been built up by many by a few simple words conveying that understanding to many. Now we can… the energies have reached a point where the communication is starting to fade…’

Liz… ‘Joan…’


Liz… ‘Before you go can I ask about the other entities that sometimes came, you introduced for example Ghandi, and others that came through. Are these entities that still have a connection to their physical personality in the way that you retained your connection or is there something different there happening?’

‘They have a connection to the physical world not to their physical personality’

Liz… ‘But are they just using that remembered physical personality as a way of communicating with people back in the world?’

‘They are communicating as their true self; you are giving them their personality that you remember’

Liz… ‘Ah okay, yes’

‘Your memories are having that effect on the communication that will make it appear to be the personality that you remember but when this happens, when the communication is strong, you will notice that the understandings brought forward are of a greater understanding than ever existed in the character that walked your physical Earth’

Liz… ‘Right, suggesting that that entity has become part of a greater soul and a greater understanding now’

‘Yes this was shown time and time again when your friend Freddie was communicating in the circle. The sitters had built up the personality yet that greater self was coming through and the words that came through touched the hearts of those who received them in a greater way than the character of Freddie could possibly have achieved when he was very much part of the physical world’

Liz… ‘Yes and its culture’

‘Yes there is so much to understand, so much more to understand about who you are, who you truly are’

Liz… ‘Yes and working in this way in a group like this with the work we do and the experimenting that we do is certainly helping that understanding to grow and the questions to more questioning’

‘And this will go on and on after you have left your physical world’

Liz… ‘It is like scientific enquiry but using ourselves and our mind, our intelligence as the actual objective or subjective enquiry, subjective investigation…’

‘This has been a pleasurable experience, I continue to work with the Mercury Light Circle each week and when the opportunity arises I will speak more… For now as always we give you a piece of our love. Use that love to lighten your own understanding when you consider the words that have been spoken this evening, allow that understanding to further open your spiritual eyes, allow the rainbow within to get a glimpse of the outside world… May God bless you all, thank you, good evening’

Liz… ‘Thank you and God bless you all’

‘Please replay your music and we will withdraw’

Liz… ‘Goodnight, God bless you all and thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

I was back with it after two minutes.

The session had lasted two and a quarter hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

148th Sitting 02/07/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I lost awareness just after the opening prayer then came back after about 40 minutes then drifted off again for about 15 minutes and came back just before the communication.
Liz remained awake at the start but did drop off for about 15 minutes coinciding with the last 15 minutes that I was off.

About 20 minutes after the opening prayer Liz reported a sensation of something encroaching on her right side.
It felt like a cloth move against her face and then she felt something pushing against her.

After another 20 minutes she reported a creeping crawling feeling on the left side of her head.
It felt itchy.

Just over an hour after the opening prayer a few noises started from the cabinet as I was controlled.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening… Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Time to come, time to come and speak with you yes…’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

‘Time to energise the vocal cords, time to vibrate your atmosphere with sound, understandable sound for you all yes… Separate all thoughts of a confusing nature and bring understanding through. Bring another story to the fore then expand on that story until all avenues have been explored. For each day is a story, another story unfolds, a story that you walk and you create for yourself. As you create your own story you can look back, you can remember, you can feel, feel the emotion, colour the unfolding of the story, giving it the sensation of a reality for the story is not two dimensional, the story is multidimensional and it portrays for you a canvas which presents an opportunity for further learning, further experience, further discovery. Gather all your stories together and see how they have shaped your own reality. Take a piece of each story, that piece which resonates strongly and you will see how your character has been built and how the reality for you has developed. Each day you will add to your own reality and the way you understand your reality will be shaped by the character that is forming for you, for the spiritual part of you to work through, to work with. For there resides inside of you that motivating force which works with the character that has been formed in the reality you have created for yourself. This applies to all, all the characters that walk your world and they intermingle with each other and they put their own understandings, they share their own understandings with each other based on the stories and the realities they have built for themselves. Understandings between people in your world are sometimes difficult to build up; to come to an agreement on a joint understanding is something which has to be worked on. For it isn’t initially available, much work has to be done to achieve this and this work is beneficial, beneficial to your side, your physical world and also to the greater world that surrounds you. You are all constantly suiting your characters with one another, bringing to the table the understanding which you all believe to be the true understanding until you are faced with the differing views from each character that you meet and you realise that not all understandings can possibly be the true understanding yet they can contain elements which make up the true understanding. These elements will come together as you yourselves come together and discuss each subject which arises in your everyday conversations. As the elements are discovered, are recognised, they will blend, they will strengthen the character and the understanding of each individual as they blend together forging friendships among your fellow men. Forging groups of people who share the same interests for they have formed a friendship, a friendship based on the elements of understanding that vibrate between one another. You will recognise this, the motivating force that drives you will recognise this and a form of gelling will happen between those who form these friendships’

Liz… ‘Friend, how is it that that same binding together of people with a shared view or interest can also ossify or stultify. They can, because the friendship is based on a consensus view and vocabulary, it can make them quite ridged and closed to other beliefs and ways of operating. It can keep them slightly trapped in one way of seeing things and resistant to expanding or changing their views. Can this be a good thing still or is this just one of the dangers?’

‘The ways the friendships develop are based on a shared interest. Interests will expand but yes initially the interests will hold them together until the friendship, the overall friendship is a strong sound structure. Then that structure will expand and it will encompass other structures that have been built up in a similar way, a similar pattern. They will venture forth and allow themselves to mingle with other structures’

Liz... ‘Sometimes though there can be a very negative aspect to this and there’s fighting between groups. We’ve seen that in the world very commonly at present and in the past where groups have actually wared and fought over this, the shared ideals or ideas which they feel are very threatened by alternative or other ideals or ideas’

‘Just look at your world and see the negativities that exist and this is only natural. If your world was full of love then a different pattern would emerge as the structures grew and encompassed one another but the negativities of your world will affect the way the structures build and those within those structures who are weak of mind will allow the negativities in. Try to concentrate on the good, on the good that exists throughout your world for you and many others have a strong mind, a strongly developed mind which can see the dangers in the negative elements in your world, can recognise the negative elements in your world, recognise them for what they are, not for the… you will not see them as advantageous to your own development and to the development of the human race. Some people will be fooled by those negative elements and encourage them to bind with their own minds, their own thought processes which in turn will damage the structures they have built up in the friendships they have developed and ultimately the structures will crumble, will not survive, not survive for so very long. As the structure builds up based on love, as more and more minds are developed and strengthened, the negativities of your world will not be seen as such an advantage, as such an easy option to build friendships and groups. They will be seen for what they truly are, then they will slowly diminish, the lights of negativity will one by one be extinguished and as they, as their lights dim, the truths, the true understandings will rise to the surface and love will conquer all’

Liz… ‘I hope so…’

‘Know that this will happen… embed it in your mind that this is what will happen, for a time will come when the human spirit will move up and embrace the true understanding. It will be a rugged pathway, there is still much to do but as you build up on this it will help so much more. So much beyond your physical world will benefit as you all work your way upwards and onwards’ 

Liz… ‘So you’re suggesting, you’re saying that this progress towards the good, towards the beneficial unity is inevitable?’

‘Not inevitable but beneficial and the benefit will be recognised sooner rather than later. Nothing is set in stone, there are still many ways in which the human vibration can go but the probability is good, is great, is on the side of the loving vibration. We can see the direction it is heading and you can feel that direction within yourself. Do not dwell on the negativities but for each negativity see the good that has been created in the shadow of that negativity, as the negativity falls away encouraging results will follow’

Liz… ‘I suppose the very strong reaction of so many people in the world to the very negative and hostile belief systems of certain groups that are emerging at present is perhaps an indication and a strengthening of feeling towards the humane and the loving in religion’

‘Never underestimate the power of forgiveness. Look to the reactions of those who have suffered’

Liz… ‘And I guess an effect of evil is to arouse the good in people, a stronger sense of the good by contrast, almost as if it evokes from somebody being passive and sitting on a fence, to them becoming actively seeking the good in the face of evil’

‘The force that motivates you all will not tolerate a build-up of negativity, it will not rest under the influences of negativity. It will find a way to bring the light of love into that confusion that has been created. It will show the majority in your world how futile the effects of negativity can be when the love within them is the strength within them, the strength within their minds. They will understand the benefit of forgiveness for it will open up for them a channel of understanding far greater than the perceived benefits of negativities. A constant fighting will ensue, a battle will continue until the mind can become settled and in tune with the greater understanding that is always there, which will allow the mind to step back from the confusion it has built for itself. Step back and observe the confusion from a greater perspective for the greater understanding has taken hold of the mind and the mind can open, can open its spiritual eyes and see that negativity can only retard the growth that the mind truly seeks and the mind will not want to work with the negativity which will only retard that growth for the mind is always looking for the path of maximum growth. It is a natural process but a process that for many has been clouded by a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding that negativity is advantageous as a quick fix to increased growth. Solid growth will only come in slow steps with great effort. There is not an easy, instant way. Always step back if you feel you are being given an easy pathway. If you do not recognise the effort you have put in, step back, allow yourself to step back into that greater understanding, that motivating force, even if it means you feel you have made a retrograde step, you have stepped back from your path. For you are not stepping back from your path, you are stepping back onto your correct path, that pathway which you decided for yourself such a long time ago’

Liz… ‘That could mean letting go or separating from a group of friends that you have made’

‘Yes, for you all are receptive to temptation, temptation to a quick fix, an easy option but recognising the mistake of a temptation is a huge step for each person and they will begin to see the benefit of a fresh start, a fresh start on their correct pathway. The temptations of your world will lead you astray but the recognition that this has happened will make you stronger, will strengthen your mind, will bring you back into focus. Feel for those who have allowed themselves to follow those temptations, send them your love, send them your light, ask that they will understand and recognise the faults of the temptations they have grasped and you can help them too... Can you see the benefits of helping all on your side, can you see how you all exist as a joint vibration and you can see how that vibration can be… how it can grow when you all help each other. You see the mistakes that others have built for themselves and you help each other to recognise this. Each individual will grow and the overall combined human spirit will grow. You will all benefit from the help and the caring for each other. If you cannot physically care for one another you can care with your thoughts, you can help one another with your thoughts using your own experience. Think back how you have realised time and time again, realised that that temptation was not so beneficial and then see that in others and send your thoughts, your thoughts of love and understanding. Send them out to all who you recognise as being drawn in to the temptations of your world… thank you friend, thank you for listening, I hope you have built up more understanding and more to think about’

Liz… ‘Thank you for sharing your thoughts friend, thank you for your words of wisdom’

‘We will leave you now; we will leave you with a piece of our love for we too wish to share our understanding and our love for we too can see how you and all who share your understanding are also susceptible to the temptations. Perfection is being worked towards, perfection is never achieved. Continue to work towards and your life will lighten, your reality will become more beautiful and your fellow humans will bathe in the beautiful light that emanates from the centre of your being, goodnight my friend’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend’

‘May God bless you all until we meet again, thank you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight and God bless you friend, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

I was fully back with it after about two minutes.

The session had lasted two hours this week.

Liz had got very hot and felt pulling on her head towards the cabinet during some of the communication.
I felt cool.

I’d got some words in my head as I came back, something like… ‘A rainbow exists in all people; try to understand those rainbows…’

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…