May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

Solo sit 22/07/2020

I had a Solo sit at home.

During the opening prayer I asked...

‘If I received an image of you, what would I see?’

I felt myself being controlled and the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening... This time we have received a question which requires many answers. There are no... there is not one answer, there are a variety of answers that suit differing conditions, your differing conditions, the conditions you create for yourself. You have access to many things and yet you blind yourself to this access, to this availability of imagery, of evolving imagery which can light up your life. You have chosen to paint a picture for yourself and you live by that picture, that picture is sufficient for you to live a physical life. But to live beyond the physical, then you have to work, you have to work on yourself, you have to remove that what creates a physical image and allow that what can create so much more to drive you, to point you into a new picture, a picture that contains so much more. Never be satisfied with that what you understand, always know that there is more. Allow yourself to uncover the mysteries that support new knowledge. We work with you at your own pace, in a way that suits your understanding up to this point’

‘If you were to get an image of us, what would you use to understand that image? You can only use that what you have built up for yourself, for nothing else exists for you. Look at one another in your physical world and what do you see? Do you see change in those images or do those images remain the same each day? Those images can tell you so much more, there is a wealth of knowledge associated with the image of each being in your world and yet you choose to paint a similar picture each time. Information comes through your sight but there is more, there is more information to be perceived. Feel the information, feel how that information affects you. How does it make you feel? How do you choose to feel? For it is you who is creating that feeling and that feeling paints further pictures in your mind. Why do you create a feeling? Is your sight not enough? It is because you are consciousness and you are reacting to other consciousnesses. All consciousness is linked, but you feel you are separated. Understand that you are all one and see how it affects the feelings you have for one another. Why do you need to see somebody to understand them? What information do you receive through your eyes? Your eyes give you images that allow you to imagine, allow you to create for yourself a picture based on your own understanding but your imagination can change that understanding. Your imagination can create new understanding. You have the power to create. You have the power to change, to change yourself and in changing yourself, that what you see also changes’

‘Ask yourself are you ready to receive an image of us? Do you trust your imagination? Do you believe that imagination is not real? Is the physical world real or is the physical world imagination? Develop your feelings, understand your feelings and you will understand how nothing is real but everything combines to create the perfect illusion for physical life. The temporary nature of physical matter creates a false image, a false blueprint in your mind. You are part of this physical world but your feelings go beyond. If you receive an image of us would you not see it as a representation of something physical? You are beginning to understand but you are still trapped in your belief that the physical world is a permanent part of your life. Does your world evolve or does the consciousness within your world evolve? Does the grass grow beneath your feet, does the sun shine down? You experience all these things and they lead you to further beliefs that can be misunderstood but are a necessary part of your life. Each being in your world has their own understanding. Do not try to change your world, only change yourself and then see how that what you see will change’

‘Picture a small stream running down a hill, gathering speed. The hill remains stationary for it is the foundation on which that energy of the stream can work, can produce energy. That hill never changes but the water in the stream is never the same. It is not moving it is merely changing direction, becoming something more. Movement is part of the physical world; change is part of the spiritual world. Where do you find yourself? Moving blindly forward or working on yourself to change yourself, to become something more. You do not need to move to become something different. We are constantly changing and as you open your eyes to our image you too will have changed, like the water in the stream. Be that water, never sit still for what you were yesterday was merely a stepping stone to what you are now. Do not question what it is you see for what you see today will not be there tomorrow. Change yourself and we change too and together we will create something new. How does it feel to be alive? Ask yourself this each day of your life and you will notice the change... Thank you’

I felt back with it after a few seconds then did a closing prayer and sent out healing...

Solo sit 05/07/2020

I had a Solo sit at home.

During the opening prayer I asked...

‘Can you say something about Alzheimer’s and Dementia. How can it be beneficial to spiritual growth and raising the quality of consciousness?’

I then felt myself being controlled and the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening... Once again we come in to your room... your room filled with love, for we work with love and we thank you for the love you send out to us. Your world is made on love, with love and you all play your part in increasing that love and by increasing the love of your world you are raising the quality of consciousness, you are becoming more spiritual. These are words that help you to understand but for you the word love encompasses all meaning. The physical world was designed as a school, full of opportunities to help you to grow, to help you to become that love and yet those opportunities can also take you away from love for you find them to be obstacles, you find them to be difficulties, you find that they upset your life, the life that you imagine yourself to have and to be. You are in charge of how you react to life but you are not in charge of life. Life is naturally flowing and is partially created by the way you react to life. As you change so does life change, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse but you are always learning, you are always gaining experience, experience what you then base your decisions and your choices as life continues to flow through you. You can be presented to things in your world which you do not fully understand but you give it your best shot at interpreting based on how you have experienced and learnt throughout your life’ 

‘You ask about Alzheimer’s and Dementia; you have witnessed this in family members, you have built up in your mind a feeling and a picture, you have imagined yourself with this disease but you do not fully understand the state of mind associated with this disease. There are many in your world who have this disease and yet they are still able to fully live their lives. They may have stepped out of what you would call normal for they are living a new life, a new life with further restrictions but their consciousness is still strong as is still learning. They can see the possibilities in their own life but they lose the ability to express themselves to others for they are living a new life, a life shielded from the physical world, a life full of memories. For some they are reliving their physical life but from your perspective you see a person who is confused, a person who has lost something, lost an ability. The physical world is presented to you based on how you have built up your own understanding of yourself. You judge yourself each day, you try to do your best but you also handicap yourself by your own beliefs on what is right and what is wrong, on what is the right way to live and what is the wrong way to live. You are constantly modifying your actions. A person with Alzheimer’s and Dementia no longer needs to modify their actions, they see no right or wrong for there is no right or wrong, there is only belief. Belief restricts life as life should be. Try to picture yourself with no beliefs, making no judgement on yourself. Try to understand the workings of the physical world. Stand back and observe. Why do people behave in the way they do? Is there fear in their eyes or love in their heart? Feel the tension in your world, the knots that are created, the unnecessary confusion that surrounds you all, then think only of love. Where are you in your world? Are you in confusion or are you in love? Those who have Alzheimer’s and Dementia are in love and yet their physical bodies are reacting to the confusion of your world. You each send out vibrations, information, confusing information and this is what can be seen played out by those who you understand as having Alzheimer’s and Dementia and yet inside themselves they are full of love’

‘Work on yourself, try to make your life full of love, untie those knots, raise your vibration, see the world for what it really is. Let go of those beliefs that cause you to judge yourself and live life in a natural way, devoid of confusion. There is nothing to fear in physical life. You are the creator, create something beautiful and all will benefit for they too will respond to your love as you will respond to theirs and a beautiful picture will emerge that you can all enjoy and add your signature. Heal one another, love one another, open up your heart and see your world as the great opportunity in life. Do not waste your time. Make the most of each opportunity for there will be many and you are not alone in the game of physical life. You do not need to follow the rules, you need to create the rules and a pathway will be set that will take you on a journey of understanding. Your journey has only just begun, you have much to look forward to. Take each other by the hand and move forward to a new world... thank you’

I felt back with it after a few seconds then did the closing prayer and sent out healing...