May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

Update 23/04/2015

Liz is now on holiday for three weeks... We'll be sitting again mid May...

140th Sitting 16/04/2015

We had the room set-up as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

Ten minutes later Liz reported tickles in her hair.

After another Ten minutes she said the room had become very light and she saw movement in the room and shapes like a crazy paving structure with silver/blue/green edges.
Liz felt the room was filling up with people.

I drifted off after the opening prayer and don’t remember anything clearly until I came back just before the communication came through.
Liz drifted off several times during the session including once during the communication which was interesting! She couldn’t control it and said it was like being switched into another state and wasn’t aware of going out.
We have always told the Spirit Team that they can work with us in whatever way they feel is most beneficial to the circle’s development and having Liz drift off while the communicator was speaking had no detrimental effect to the session so we can only assume this is all part of the development process.
So far the communication has always come through me while I’m awake. Whether this will change or not in the future we leave very much in the hands of those working with us.

As has been the case for the last few weeks when the penultimate tune was playing I became controlled and Liz turned off the music when she heard noises from the cabinet.
She welcomed the communication which took a while to become coherent…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you’

‘Yes it is a good evening… perhaps a good time to speak… for us to come back again yes…’

Liz… ‘Yes please’

‘Is good to come back again and use ourselves to come forward and speak and give to you our thoughts, yes give to you all a piece of our knowledge, our combined experiences’

Liz… ‘You’re most welcome’

‘We can build for you a picture to give you something to think and to create for yourself an understanding. Separate your mind from the physical and join us in the world of spirit where the mind can wander freely. Nothing is in place to prevent us from allowing our mind to express itself in its fullest form, in its fullest capacity for you. You have limitations and you have to abide by those limitations while walking your Earth plain, whilst clothed in your flesh for you have requested to walk the Earth knowing that you will be numbed from full expression of your mind, knowing that you will be restricted in your thinking but at the same time knowing that great opportunities to learn and to grow that are offered in a world such as the physical vibration, the physical world where thought and mind will be expressed, will be built upon and for you a character will evolve, a personality will evolve for you are in contact with all the other personalities in your physical universe. Each will affect the way you use your mind. For this brief time here on Earth you will retain that underlying force that pushes you forward, that gives you that urge to overcome all obstacles as you live your physical existence but there will be times when you become lazy and allow the influences of Earthly existence to draw you forward. You will forget that underlying force; you will allow yourself to wander into the darker avenues of physical existence for it will become an easy option, you will not worry about the consequences for you will see pleasurable experience to be gained from this until a time comes where you realise this pleasurable experience is becoming repetitive, boring. You will see in yourself a change, a need to expand. You will see how others conduct their lives with a smiling face and you will wander why. You will wander why you have not achieved that happy atmosphere that surrounds the fellows that you live with and you will wonder why. You will question yourself, you will question the motivations of yourself, you will relax the motivations of yourself and allow that underlying force to re-engage with your life and you will feel inclined to sample the lighter side of life and you will recognise in this the purpose of your life, the purpose that you set out, the purpose that you gave yourself to achieve. The purpose of your physical existence will once again become the forefront of your existence. You will learn, you will grow and you will become a useful part of the physical world. Only then will your life be able to make an impact on others for they too will look upon you, see that smile upon your face no matter what problems beset you. You will look to the positive side, you will look to the beneficial side for all problems can create benefit, all negativity can produce positive results when applied with a positive loving mind. There is nothing that can bring you down once you have achieved full engagement with that underlying force which you yourself put in place as you descended to the world of physical matter’   

Liz… ‘How far is it possible for people while they are in their physical existence to perceive and be aware of the multiple realities in which they’re engaged but without their normal consciousness? Can some of that consciousness of simultaneous existence in other spheres percolate through?’

‘It is possible to have full awareness of all of this…’

Liz… ‘Is that a desirable state?’

‘The desirable state is the working towards this. If you were constantly at that point, if you came into the world at that point where the underlying force had full control and you could see all, you could understand all reality, the purpose of life, all that you were here for. If you understood all of this at an early stage you would not be able to build yourself up, take yourself from the negatives, the darkness, use the effort in a physical atmosphere. This is why you are here; the restraints of a physical world give you the opportunity to work, to produce beneficial vibrations. We have to use your words and we try to select the most appropriate words for what we are trying to explain. We hope you can understand for you on your side have set yourself a task, you knew before you came here that the physical world would impact on you in a way that would for a time drag you down. This is the same for all who come to your world in one way or another for each person when they descend into physical matter will have already built up a vibration within themselves from their previous lives. This vibration will help them or hinder them in their struggle to rise up in a physical world. You are all growing and that growth becomes a part of you, a part of your conscious existence never to be lost. You will not again have to go back to square one. Only those who are beginning their experience of physical realities will start at square one. Look around your physical world, look through your history books and you will begin to recognise those who have come into your world way beyond that square one for they have almost immediately had an impact on your world, an impact that through time has spread throughout your world, they have been remembered long after their passing, they have continued to influence way after their passing for that is the effect of the impact they have had on your world… Try to imagine yourself free from all physical restraints. Try to imagine a mind uncluttered by everyday thought, a mind so crisp and clear that it can respond to every thought that is introduced into it, a mind that can recognise all the thoughts of all the inhabitants of your world, a mind that can send back each thought from each person and give that thought a boost, give that thought an increase in its interest, lighten that thought with love and understanding then send it back. Can you for one moment imagine this?’

Liz was very quiet; she had drifted off at some point during the communication.

The communication continued…

‘The mind set free, the mind able to travel through all worlds, through all universes, through all vibrations… A mind that is fully awake is a mind that can indeed reach out to all…’

There was a pause…

‘Can you hear? Can you hear on a physical level?’

Liz woke up.

Liz… ‘Yes, yes I can hear you’

‘We thought you had slipped away’

Liz… ‘Yes I’m finding it difficult to stay present this evening’

‘The energies are very strong this evening, you may find them affecting you’

Liz… ’Yes I seem to keep slipping off into other realities’

‘This is not a problem’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know, I’ve tried to fight against it but I suddenly snapped into another state’

‘You gave us a boost, you allowed us to get our words through, do you recall the gist of the conversation?’

Liz… ‘Yes we were talking about realities and the importance of using our time in the physical as a learning devise to work with the negativities but that it is possible to be aware of all the other realities but to stay in that state would prevent us from doing the work that can enable us to grow in this reality in a certain way’

‘Yes we have moved on from this as well’

Liz… ‘Okay, I missed some of it, I’m sorry’

‘Would you like to ask a question and we will build ourselves back up’

Liz… ‘When I’m dreaming, in sleep, when I’m aware of what’s happening with somebody else, am I actually present with that person, is my dreaming body actually in the other location with that person perceiving what they’re… or am I just accessing the information, or is that the same thing?’

‘When you are in your physical body operating in the physical world then you think in terms of location and distance. When you sleep you can leave that physical reality, you can experience a reality beyond that illusion of space, that illusion of distance. You become connected with all mind, all thoughts and you can select those thoughts which are reaching out to you and this will give to you in your mind the picture which you perceive as a dream and when you awake and remember the picture and the information it conveyed to you it will seem like a physical experience but you have not physically travelled that distance to the person that was communicating with you, whether consciously or unconsciously at that time’

Liz… ‘Thank you, it’s a mind boggling notion to think that we could be aware of all that is happening, all the different lives, all the different states of being simultaneously that are there, that we can access that, how… I suppose that’s what we would think of as the mind of God, is holding all those, is holding that whole but it’s so enormous the amount of information that’s going on and yet I feel that at some level there’s a part of us that is there, that knows it all and that is just absolutely mind boggling’

‘This was exactly what we were speaking about when you had drifted off so you were getting the information that we were issuing forth in the form of a physical voice’

Liz… ‘Yes but this is something that I have been puzzling about, it’s been coming to me in intuitions how this can be the case and it’s so enormous’ 

‘You see again you are thinking in terms of size. Think more in terms of a clear uncluttered mind free from the Earthly worries and fears and beliefs that are constantly in charge of the way you think. Try to imagine yourself free of all of this. Think of the surface of a pool of water with no ripples, absolutely calm, each thought that comes from all the minds that inhabit your physical universe and beyond is a droplet of rain and it will hit that surface of water causing the ripples but if that surface is a clear uncluttered, uncluttered by your own beliefs fears and worries then it will receive in perfect clarity that thought that has fallen upon its surface and it will be able to work with that thought at the same time as working on all the thoughts that come to it’

Liz… ‘Yes that’s an absolutely amazing realisation, the enormity of that is just mind boggling’

‘For now you will have to live with the fact that it can be achieved, know that it can be achieved but work towards it’

Liz… ‘It’s the thought of all that simultaneous, the simultaneity of all these lives being lived even just on Earth and there’s far more vibrational levels than the Earth, people in India, people in China in Africa, people next door. All these people having their experiences in living their life simultaneously in this very moment it’s going on but all we’re aware of quite often is just what is happening with us here but we are all of that and it’s the realisation of the whole. It’s painful in a way because of the limitation of being here but it makes me feel giddy to contemplate the whole’

‘It is truly mind blowing for you but at the same time it is possible. Think of a scientist, an inventor who has created a complicated machine. Where did he start? He began with one simple circuit and he built upon that, he introduced resisters and diodes and all that make up this complicated machine. One by one he would introduce new circuits into the machine that would improve the machine until he reached a point where he would look back on his work and he would see this complicated machine, others would look at his work, they would be amazed that one man could create such a complicated machine, a complicated piece of equipment for they would think that he had created it in one go where as all of these things have to start with one simple thought. Once you have produced that one simple thought you can build upon it, step by step. You are looking too far; you are looking at the distant horizon. That is not a productive way, it helps in that it inspires you to look further but you still need to look at the passing scenery on your journey in life’

Liz… ‘Is it the case that every single unit of consciousness is relaying that immediacy of that small portion but relaying it back into the whole field of consciousness so it’s almost like an acute fixing of that part. I just see it as like a fractalization of as you say the initial circuit, the initial thought, it bifurcates like in a chaotic system, goes into further and further permutations so it becomes an incredibly complex pattern but we are at one particular point in it, one particular bifurcation, one particular fractal and it’s as if we have to extract all the available juice, all the available information out of that and feed it back to the whole and that in itself produces further fratalizations, further patternings and complexity. Is that how it’s working?’  

‘Always remember to keep in mind that all consciousness is one, you are not a separate part you are a component part. You are part of the wiring of this wonderful piece of apparatus, you are doing your job, you are connecting to the circuit, the circuit board, you are channelling the electricity through the components that you are connected too, they themselves are also connected to larger components until the full machine is understood. You only, if you choose, have to concentrate on the immediate importance that surrounds you, you do not need to worry about the impacts that it is having on the whole for you are doing the work and it is being absorbed by all but at the same time it is good to ponder on this, to think about how your life can affect the larger consciousness that is all consciousness’

Liz… ‘Almost as if the degrees of illumination are becoming brighter and brighter as we fire our part of the circuit’

‘Yes this is your awareness, you are only aware of a small fractal of the whole but you also have the knowledge that there is more to what your awareness will show you. This will give you comfort in the knowledge that you are part of a larger system. Those who do not wish to ponder on this still have that underlying link with all waiting for the time when they too will wish to expand their minds, increase their knowledge’

Liz… ‘The effort of trying to hold that thought, to contemplate, is almost excruciating. It’s like trying to see a blind spot, like looking in the mirror and trying to see behind your eye. I guess the Zen monks when they had their koans like trying to contemplate the sound of one hand clapping, it’s that sort of feeling, it’s almost an impossibility but the effort of trying to do that creates an alteration in the circuitry somehow. I think it becomes super-conducting, I think that’s what it’s working towards’

‘It is so easy to overcomplicate when you are contemplating these thoughts. Our advice to you is to try and keep the model you are creating for yourself as simple as is possible to give you that understanding. If you try too hard you will reach further obstacles. Relax your mind, relax your thoughts, if it is becoming complicated then leave it and come back. Enjoy your life, go out and look at nature, the beauty in nature on your side. Try to find your answers in the patterns of nature, the fractals of nature. Look at the tree, look at the roots, look at the trunk, look at the branches, the twigs, the leaves. Question why there are times that it flowers and there are times when it is bare. This is all important clues to the reality of life, the greatness of life, the greatness that expands beyond your comprehension at this time’

Liz… ‘Yes children ask very poignant questions. My grandson asked… “How did the trees get here?” as we were walking through the woods’

‘Children can sometimes recognise, they can recognise the spiritual world in the physical world and for a brief moment it will trigger off questions in their mind which are brought back to them as a memory from a spiritual existence’

Liz… ‘My son asked the question when he was very little… “What space does space fit into?”

‘They will question the physical existence for they will still be partially acclimatised to an existence without space. This is another interesting observation for you all for soon the child will become more immersed in the physical world’

Liz… ‘And the processes of thinking’

‘You come from spirit and you will go to spirit but for that brief journey through physical life the weight of physical atmosphere will forever be bringing you down but that fight within you to bring yourself back up will give all existence a further boost’

Liz… ‘Is there a way in which we can use thought, or this developed thinking capacity that we’re trained into to get a real perception of how it is and what’s happening. Is there a way that we can use our thinking process to see or do we have to let go of that thinking process in order to see?’

‘You have to let go. You cannot use your physical thought to understand the spiritual worlds’

Liz… ‘Perhaps that’s why I get to the brink where it’s almost like a knot in the gut. It’s almost like feeling vertigo or sick, like twisting inside because it’s excruciating’

‘Yes you are answering your question, you are seeing for yourself the effects of physical thought’

Liz… ‘But I guess it’s that point when you’re asking those very deep thoughts and realize the impossibility of actually breaking through that you know you have to let go. I think that maybe the value of turning in on those thoughts of actually wrestling with them that it gets to a point where it’s so intense at the realisation comes that it’s like a knot and the only way that you can break through it is to let go of it’

‘Let go of the beliefs, the knots are beliefs. You say yourself that you are mind blown by the complexities of all that you’ve spoken about. By saying this to yourself you are building up, you are adding to your belief, whereas if you let these thoughts go you will let your belief go, you will quieten your mind, you will have a smooth surface to the pool that is your thought. All these knots are building up unnecessary ripples; all these knots are creating the beliefs that hold you back. Only you can see through these beliefs and only you can work at this... Now we are feeling the energies for us tonight have subsided, have been used to their fullest of capacity so we do now have to withdraw. It has been a most interesting conversation and we hope we have given you more to think about. When you listen to your recording you can hear for the first time some of our words. Think on these words in these next few weeks when you have your holiday and we will return to you when you return to these weekly sessions in a few weeks’ time. Until that time, take a piece of our love, take it on holiday’

Liz… ‘Bless you, thank you very much friend, thank you for your wisdom’

‘Use your holiday time to relax and let go of any niggling knots that are preventing your thoughts to become crystal clear, crystal smooth, but do not forget to enjoy yourself. Thank you my friend, may God bless you all, goodnight, thank you’

Liz… ‘God bless you as well, good night’

Liz put the music back on.

I slowly came fully back with it.
I got some words in my mind as they withdrew and repeated them to Liz…

‘The passage of time lays dormant in your mind’

It had been another long sitting of over two hours with an hour of communication.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

139th Sitting 10/04/2015

We sat on Friday this week and had the room set-up as normal.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm then turned out the light and put the music on.

Five minutes later Liz reported round shapes moving around the room. They looked blue with an orange edge.

I think I remained awake for most of the sitting this week but did drop off a couple of times for a few minutes.
Liz also dropped off at least once.

As the penultimate tune was playing a few noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed the communication which took a few minutes to settle in and become coherent.

‘Good evening, good evening’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend…’

‘Yes, well now… We are… Very good, very good… All come now together, all come into a fixed environment that we are all acclimatised to and we all put our hands into the warmth of the sun as it shines into your room and it combines all the feeling, all the thought that we have amassed ourselves’

Liz… ‘Welcome friend’

‘…It is a learning for us all to come this way, once we get that… Dear friend we are gathered here, a voice is emerging, a voice is building up, a voice is being represented by us all. Slowly the thoughts are coming and the thoughts are building and we all come in this way, we all take our time for there is a complex arrangement to be overcome, to be in tune, to be completely at ease and comfortable in this environment, this physical atmosphere that you provide for us so carefully, so warmly. We pick our time, we only approach at the correct time for we have to build, we have to synchronise our thought. Yes there is much to say, much to impart into the conversation but we need to… All around you is a circle of minds, of thoughts which surround this place and the place it’s self is a magnet for thought. You have put into this place that passion, that wanting to know, to seek out understanding. You have put your own desires into this place and they have attracted our thoughts. They have, like a magnet, drawn us and we no longer stay on the outer fringes of your room for we can feel ourselves drawn into this wonderful atmosphere that you have created for us. We understand how you view, how you have this view of us but you need more, you need to understand and you need to share that understanding with others on your side. We are keen to fill this space with our own knowledge. We have to follow the correct pattern, the correct code of conduct when we bring forward our own knowledge, our own understanding into this space in the form of words. It would be easy for us to create confusion and misunderstanding, we do not wish to do this’

Liz… ‘Good’

‘We only wish to bring a pure understanding for you, ideas that you can understand clearly and others will understand so we approach this like a balancing act. Too much information causes confusion, not enough causes disappointment, we need to strike a balance and we have struck that balance on numerous occasions. You all on your side wish to know, wish to understand what happens at the moment of death…’

Liz... ‘That’s true’

‘…The moment your physical body is no longer the vehicle of experience, that point where your awareness is no longer dependent on the physical body and the physical universe. For us to explain we have to put in place words, meanings that are relevant for the understanding you hold now. If you were to imagine a point in time where your physical world… it is like a light has been turned off in your physical world. When you take your last breath that what once for you was the focus of your attention has become a dim reality for the light has been extinguished but the light is still there and the light now illuminates a second reality, a new reality but it is still a recognisable reality depending on where you have reached…’

Liz… ‘What is the light that illuminates this, what is the source of that light?’

‘The light is your awareness, light is but a word but it is the best word we can use at this point but you could call it your awareness’

Liz… ‘So this awareness never ceases’

‘Yes your awareness is shining constantly but the focus of your awareness can shift, will shift as you pass out of this physical life’

Liz… ‘Does this also apply to animals?’

‘It applies to animals yes but the animal kingdom has a greater understanding of this. The animal kingdom is… throughout their physical existence they do not loose hold of the spiritual existence. They are closer to us during their physical existence, they are still connected. You are connected but you are not aware of the connection’

Liz… ‘So are you saying with animals that awareness is divided? That awareness is shining in the physical and the non-physical at the same time?’

‘They have awareness yes in both realities. You have this awareness when you sleep and you dream but imagine living your life in the physical world and dreaming simultaneously. Now this can be achieved but you find it difficult to go about your daily tasks and dream at the same time’

Liz… ‘Yes it would be difficult to build a nuclear bomb while living in the other world’

‘But there are times when you can drift off but at these times the physical experience becomes clouded from you. In the animal kingdom, in a way they are superior to human form for they can perceive the spiritual world while they are operating in the physical world. When the time comes for their physical bodies to lose the hold of life then it is a natural transition for them for they are stepping back into what they already recognise. When you as a human being and others as human beings lose their hold of the physical life they need to experience a second reality which is similar, which is recognisable to them as a second physical reality until they can fully let go. They will not fall into an unrecognisable reality. All change happens with love and kindness. It would be unkind if you were to be plunged into something which was not understandable, was not familiar to you. A period of time is spent in familiar reality. You will meet those you recognise, friends and relatives who have passed before you, they will assist you in understanding, allow you to let go of the physical reality, introduce you to something more powerful, something more interesting, something that will hold your interest at that point. Your memory of physical life will not seem so important to you for your interest will be shifted into something more powerful, something which will lift you out of the physical universe but you will do this alone, you will see for yourself a more powerful understanding unfolding before you and your interest will be aroused. You will want to move forward, you will want to lose the memories of a physical world. You will want to bring yourself into full contact with what you now understand as a spiritual world but you will slowly understand it as more than a spiritual world, you will understand it as the true meaning to all life, something you cannot fully understand now’

Liz… ‘So in acting as ambassadors for this input of knowledge at the moment, how can we convey it?’

‘So many people on your side seek the truth; seek the understanding in so many ways. They look to the church or they look into psychic abilities. Many find they are faced with disappointments, misunderstandings, they expect to understand all that is waiting for them by merely investigating the experiences of those who have gone before them, those who have created places of worship, places of study, places of information regarding the passage of time. The observations of many, the knowledge from experience which has been put down on the pages of your books is read by many and understood in their own way. There is no right or wrong way to build up an understanding as long as you are fixed in this physical reality the only way to discover the truth is to take yourself beyond this physical reality’

Liz… ‘So are we in a sense when we do that, developing or facilitating the awareness as in animals? A natural awareness that somehow we’ve switched off?’

‘The natural awareness exists in all, in human form, in animal form. The natural awareness is in everything but the human race has distanced itself from this natural awareness by the negativities that have built up in the minds of all who walk your world but yes the natural awareness is still there. Take away the negatives; move your thoughts towards love and the natural awareness will once again be a part of you all. In the animal kingdom the negativities have not built up, the animals are still governed by love. See the love in the eyes of the animals and you too will truly understand. See how the animals share their love with human kind unconditionally. The whole of the human race can learn from its animal companions… Shift your awareness away from negativity and the light will shine, the love will shine and the awareness will return to that what it was meant to be’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Understand that all physical life is a preparation for what is to become. You all are able to learn in a quick efficient way, all the apparatus is in place, you are truly gifted when you walk the earth’

Liz… ‘So is it a part of our current evolutionary cycle to redevelop this awareness, to reintegrate this awareness of two worlds as a physical and non-physical’

‘It is a possibility but it is not necessarily the correct direction. There is much to learn and the act of learning will create the evolution. The learning comes first, the evolution will follow. There is no set course for the evolution but the learning has to be experienced in a slow, step by step way but the possibilities are endless. Once you have passed from this life you have opportunities beyond your understanding but you also have opportunities now and we are pleased that you are taking these opportunities and you are experimenting and you are creating this space and we will also use the opportunities to build a firmer understanding for you and for others’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend that’s very welcome news’

‘It is a long road that you tread but each step presents more opportunities and learning experiences. Appreciate the passing scenery; do not look for the distant horizon for it is beyond your comprehension until you have learnt the lessons before you’

Liz… ‘So our life on earth in the physical is like a school and we are children who are in the early stages’

‘Yes a school but remember you cannot have a school without the teachers’

Liz… ‘Yes, so did someone set the curriculum, or is that someone also us?’

‘You are learning, the curriculum was formed by you all as a result of your thoughts and actions but teachers are also in place to guide and to give you the beginnings of an understanding’

Liz… ‘How did reality split into so many different compartments and components?’

‘The benefit of realities is the ability to experience, the opportunity to experience. Realities are created, there is… all life is able to create but not all life is able to experience but all life is able to create experience. Now that is not perhaps understandable? If you are life, if life can create experience but life cannot experience experience…’

Liz… ‘Yes that’s very difficult; it’s difficult to grasp that’

‘A reality has to be created as something to focus upon’

Liz… ‘It’s a bit like a looking glass’

‘There is much happening around you that you do not experience but you do experience all that for you is a physical reality for you are, your awareness is plugged into this physical reality’

Liz… ‘That was programmed into us?’

‘You yourself have plugged yourself in’

Liz… ‘We programmed ourselves’


Liz… ‘So are we experiencing on behalf of another aspect of our self?’

‘Yes you could say that, you could say that yes’

Liz… ‘Could you describe it as the self, the greater self, turning in on itself in order to develop that self-awareness?’

‘You are giving yourself an understanding in the way that is most appropriate for your own thinking at this time so we can only agree with what you say for we can sense you are perceiving an understanding in your own way. Each person on your side has their own way and they will find their own way’

Liz… ‘This leads to difficulties where one person or a group of people try to impose their own ways on others so that other people then think they have to perceive it in that particular way and it prevents them from authentically perceiving it themselves’

‘Once again you have to balance your understanding, allow yourself to be drawn in to the thoughts of others, the understandings of others but at the same time step back and use your own abilities, your own understandings to further understand for yourself that what will work best for you. Only then will you get a true picture’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, it certainly is a steep learning curve’

‘But learning comes with enjoyment. Do not think of it as a tedious task’

Liz… ‘But it requires effort doesn’t it? It doesn’t just happen…’

‘Yes effort but effort is enjoyable effort. If you lose that enjoyment you are going the wrong way, you are reaching towards the negative thoughts. Always keep a check on the feelings you are producing in your mind if it feels wrong, if it feels uncomfortable then take a break, do something else, come back to it with a fresh approach, do not strangle yourself with these mysteries’

Liz… ‘Good advice yes’

‘Let them go, they are still there. You will not lose your grip on understanding’

Liz… ‘The right effort flows smoothly and enjoyably and that’s the key to knowing that that effort is being rightly applied. When there is strain and misery in it and uncomfortable feelings’

‘Keep yourself in tune with the infinite, strike a chord and follow that note, that comfortable note which takes you forward, thank you… We now have reached the end of the available energies in your room. We have enjoyed bringing you fresh understandings and we will continue to build on this when we next meet but for now we give you a piece of our love to help you stay on the correct pathway and to spread to others to help them stay on their correct pathways until the time when all your pathways merge into one wonderful happy understanding, uplifting you all to the awareness that you truly earn for yourselves. Thank you and goodnight. May God bless you all…’

Liz… ‘God bless you too, thank you friend’

Liz put the music back on until I was feeling okay and back with it.

The session had lasted over two hours this week with nearly an hour of communication.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

138th Sitting 02/04/2015

We had the room set-up as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

I drifted off just after the prayer, came back for a few minutes about 40 minutes later then drifted off again and came back a few minutes before the communication came through.

Liz remained awake throughout the session this week.

Five minutes after the start Liz reported a lot of green/blue shapes in the room.

Then about 35 minutes into the sitting there was a loud thud/click.
Liz heard it and thought it came from near the cabinet. I didn’t hear it at the time as I wasn’t awake but it did come out on the recording. We’ve been having similar thuds/clicks in the Mercury Experiment recently.

Liz felt very hot suddenly at the same time as I started to be controlled for a communication.
Liz turned off the music when she heard noises in the cabinet.
Then she welcomed the communication which took a few minutes to settle in and become coherent.

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening… you got here…’

‘We are landed, we land in the world of the physical, we approach the world of the physical, we combine ourselves and we immerse ourselves in this your physical atmosphere, the physical world that you live your lives for this period of time. Now we can once again speak our words, our phrases, our ideas can become worded in your vocabulary, in your physical vibration in this your physical séance, your experimental physical séance that you conduct in your regular way. Once a week you sit and once a week you are rewarded by messages, by brief communication in your world, in your life, in the part of your life where you can reach out to us in a physical way and receive vibrations and words of encouragement to help you, to help encourage you to continue to work in this way where some may find it is not possible to do this you have struck a chord with us and you have benefited from this communication that we can provide in this way. We look for the best in our communication with you, we strive to bring you a pure communication, an interesting communication, that what you can share with those you live with, those others that look for a strong sensible message that they can, that will inspire them to build up a theory of what lays beyond their physical vibration. We can give you snippets of information that you will put together and form your own theory as to what lies beyond this physical vibration and you will get a good feeling you will begin to understand, you will begin to put together the information from all the communications and build up a picture, a recognisable picture for each time you come into this vibration, into this wonderful mixture of thoughts’

Liz… ‘That would be really helpful to have that sort of information’

‘Once you have experienced the feeling of the thoughts that surround you at this time you will find each week you will better understand the thoughts that we bring into the circle and your own thoughts which are triggered from this. You will find it easier to appreciate; you will find it easier to understand for you will find yourself exposed to the greater reality that surrounds you. You will find yourself looking into the feeling which gives you the understanding. You do not have to rely on hearing a physical word for you will accompany that sound with the feeling that you have built up each week. You will have a better view; you will have a better understanding. There are many on your side who look for this understanding, they see different pathways leading to this understanding, they cling to their beliefs until a feeling comes over them which will encourage them to release their beliefs, allow them to melt away for the beliefs are what hold them into the physical world. Beliefs are a comfortable feeling, an ingrained feeling, something which has built up since the birth into the physical world and to let go of something held so dear requires much work from your side and much work from our side. We can provide the feeling for you but you have to engage in that feeling, allow it to spread, allow it to give you that feeling of confidence so that you too can let go of all that has built up, all that has given you the beliefs in your physical world’

Liz… ‘Will it be beneficial to actually have some concrete evidence that the information that we’re getting and the newer information, the fuller picture, is a true one? Is it possible for you to provide something that is so evidential that our source can be believed?’

‘The evidence has to come from you. We provide the feeling and the understanding, you will create your own evidence, you will become immersed in understanding which will strike you so hard that it will create in you the evidence that you are seeking. We can only give you something to build upon. We can only give you the stepping stones. We cannot give you direct answers for it will prevent you yourselves from putting in the effort. The act of effort is what creates the evidence’

Liz… ‘Okay…’

‘It may not seem… it may seem confusing to you to get your mind around this’

Liz… ‘Yes, is the evidence then a deep change in ourselves, is that the evidence?’

‘Yes you are changing the way you think; you could say you are changing your vibration, raising your vibration’

Liz… ‘Will this be evident for other people, is that the evidence that you’re suggesting, that this will be so evident to other people that they will be more prone to accept?’

‘At this stage it will be evident to you, to yourselves, to those who listen to these words, read the words, for you it is coming first hand for you are in the atmosphere, you have the benefit of the atmosphere and you are in a learning situation but also those who listen and read the words, the words are triggering within them the thoughts and the ideas. These ideas will come to them, to you all, and you will find your own evidence. Each person looks at life in their own way. An experience for one is a missed opportunity for another. You all have to find your own evidence through experience. When you engage in conversation with us you are building on experience, that experience is creating further understanding which triggers off your own evidence, the evidential messages for you. The evidential messages for you may not be evidential to others until they have reached the point where they can truly accept the messages that come to them. There is a constant message given to everybody throughout their physical existence. It is only partially recognised. As each person through their own interest digs deeper into their own understanding they will release vibrations in themselves which will lift them to a greater understanding which will for them provide an evidence, evidence in abundance. It is all there before you, it just needs to be recognised for what it is. You are not alone, you are not an individual part, you are one with us. Recognise this, truly recognise this and the evidence will be there in abundance. Forget the you and us and think of the I. The I is the greatest understanding, when you look upon the I as the all the I can encompass all. When the I encompasses all nothing else matters, nothing else will get in the way for you are complete. Think about this as you go about your daily life, try not to let go of this idea. In each situation you will find this idea will change the situation, will give another perspective to the situation’

Liz… ‘Thank you, yes that’s really helpful’

‘But most of all do not forget to enjoy your life. It is so easy to slip into a state of wanting to know when really you already know, you have momentarily forgotten. Living a joyous life will make it so much easier to understand. Do not bog yourself down with thoughts of finding that what is already in front of you. Live your life well and it will become apparent, it will become visible, it will become heard and it will become felt in all aspects of your life. We in this situation will give you the sign-posts; we will give you the triggers, we will help you step-up into the light of truth. Do not then bring yourself down in disappointments. All life is to be lived, all life is to be enjoyed, all life is to be cherished and remembered for what it is for it is a joyous occasion, a joyous loving vibration’

Liz… ‘When we’re in situations where there are knots, situations that seem to drag us down, that deviate in the enjoyment, should we stop to unravel the knots or leave the situation. How do we respond or do we just try and focus on the great I to transform the situation?’

‘That what works for you, all on your side. When in the physical and when you find yourself dragged down you are taking yourself closer to physical vibration and you are taking yourself closer to the individual that you believe yourself to be. This is a natural way of thinking for you are in a physical universe, a physical reality. That is why most people on your side find it so difficult, once you have dragged yourself down in a situation you will find it so difficult to bring yourself back up. It is an unnatural feeling to bring yourself out of this but the more you try the easier it becomes. Try to think and remember a time when you were indeed floating above this physical atmosphere, you were in a state of joyous vibration. A situation that you can remember when you were in this state will help you rise out once again and when you do eventually rise out… (Another thud/click came out on the recording. At the time we both heard it, I thought it came from near Liz and Liz thought it came from me in the cabinet) …allow yourself, bathe yourself in the feeling you find yourself in, memorise this feeling and use it once again for you will again sink down as you go about your daily lives, use this as a trigger to help you out’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, helpful information, helpful advice’

And another slightly softer thud/click came out on the recording. We both heard it the same again.

‘Many disappointments will surround you the further you reach up as you lift yourself up you will find that you will respond more to the disappointments of others that you meet. You will be forever battling against the thoughts of others as those thoughts try to drag you down. As you experience life you will begin to recognise the feelings of others, the thoughts of others, but try not to let them drag you down. Meet those thoughts with your own uplifting thoughts then you will be able to influence others and bring them up, bring them into a happier vibration. Is this not after all a form of healing, you are healing others on your side but first you have to learn not to let them bring yourself down’

Liz… ‘Thank you yes’

‘Rise above the thoughts of others but recognise the thoughts of others and engage in those thoughts with your own higher thoughts until you bring the people around you into the higher vibrations that you have attained’

Liz… ‘That’s lovely yes. Good advice thank you’

‘You still remain vulnerable to the thoughts of others until you yourself have stepped out of the physical vibration but you can help yourself remain that one step above where you are at your most useful to those who have sunk, who have allowed themselves to become firmly entrenched in physical vibration. All it takes is a smile, a laugh, to brighten the world you live in and allow people to look at things in a happier mind, happier frame of mind. Let them see… let them see the joke that is life, it is not all serious, Give them the chance to laugh at their own interpretations of the physical life for too many on your side are taking life seriously, too seriously, they are not understanding the jokes that surround them for this life is one big joke and you will all understand this joke when you finally leave the physical world and look back on your life and you will share the joke with your new friends in the spiritual vibrations and we look forward to sharing with you the joke that you look at now with a serious mind, a serious disposition’

Liz… ‘Yes, ha, ha’

‘Laugh and the world laughs with you… Now we have reached the end of our talk with you tonight and we need to withdraw’

Liz… ‘Thank you for this communication friend’

‘It has been a pleasure, we feel we have got through a little more understanding and we will continue next week for each time we get through to you we also increase our own understanding. We all benefit from this so we now give to you a piece of our love, use it as you use what information you have gained from this conversation tonight and uplift your fellow man. Enjoy your life and we all look forward to talking with you again soon, thank you, goodnight to you, may God bless you all’

Liz… ‘Thank you, goodnight and God bless you too’

‘Replay your music and we will withdraw, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

I was feeling light headed and took a little longer to return to my normal self this week.

Once I was back Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…