May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

194th Sitting 26/08/2016

Following advice from our last sitting I sat in front of the cabinet with the red light on.
I put the voice recorder on a chair between Liz and me.

We sat a bit later this week and Liz did the opening prayer at 9.15pm then put the music on…

I could feel myself starting to be controlled as Liz did the prayer.

Liz turned down the music as I began to make noises…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend, good evening to you’

‘Tuning in, tuning in yes… Now, time to come through and speak once again to the world of physical matter, physical experience, physical life, for you have been blessed with a life in this wonderful world that you live, this wonderful world that reflects the very thoughts that make up your being, that make up your character, that form your character. We all join together to bring through words, words of understanding, words of encouragement, words of enlightenment. Turn towards the love of your world and you will truly see the true picture. Turn away from the love and you will find yourself trapped in confusion, trapped in an unnecessary state for you are free to tread the path of your choice, you are free to experience that what interests you and motivates you. There is little that can affect the way you walk your path yet you feel the presence of confusion every day. You question your own beliefs, your own judgements. This is the confusion reacting with your own thoughts, take away the confusion and your thoughts will become clear, you will see how your life can be lived in a pleasurable way, in a way that will help others, in a way that will inspire others for you have nothing to fear’

Liz… ‘How do you take away the confusion?’

‘By seeing the light, by seeing the love that exists in all situations. Do not let the negative forces force you to step back, to step down from your pathway. See the negativity melt as you watch the love before you, the natural love, the love that is always there. You can only help yourself in the way you perceive situations. Examine yourself, try to understand the way you do perceive situations, try to understand how you react to situations, you may notice errors in your own judgement, you will see how the fears within yourself have caused you to judge in the way that you have. Recognising this is the first step to dissolving that confusion, to bringing more light into your life and to give yourself the ability to reflect that light onto others. Light, natural light will always spread, will always be reflected, will always lighten the darkness. See darkness as an opportunity to develop your own light and lighten that darkness… Is this understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘Much can be learnt from the children of your world in the way they approach situations. They approach with laughter; they do not see the darkness for they have not built within themselves those fears. Watch the happiness of the children as they play, watch how they affect each other, feel the energy of a group of children playing, laughing, creating light. That can only bring a smile to the face of those who watch. They are creating the true love of your world, true love sees no darkness, true love cannot be affected by darkness… Please turn up your music for a while thank you’

Liz… ‘Certainly…’

Liz turned the music up then after about seven minutes another communication started and she turned it down again. The voice was different…

‘Time for us to come through…’

Liz… ‘Welcome friend’

‘All come through in our way, in our own individual way… To live and learn and understand and comprehend all that is said is a very interesting concept for it is played back to us, each word that is uttered. We also understand the confusion that has built up in your life; in all of your lives you are feeling the impact of the thoughts of many for you are all connected, you all work as one yet you feel yourself as a separate individual being, cut off from everybody else, but the truth is that you are one evolving being composed of many parts, many connected parts all working as one, all playing their part in the one life, the one evolving life. You are tuned in to the thoughts of others; you cannot prevent the impact of the thoughts of others as you live your life, as you go about your daily life as an individual. Understand that you are all one and you will see how the confusion can build, how the resistance builds up as you strive to be an individual, as you strive to be one part of a growing, evolving whole. The animals of your world also share your life, they all add, they all play their part too. There is a natural balance throughout your world that holds you all together, that holds you all as one yet allows you to work as a separate part. Think of yourself as both a separate part and one evolving being. Watch your world as it evolves, as it pulls together each part, each connecting part and brings them together. See how all the parts work as one’

Liz… ‘What is the advantage in being a separate part, what is the benefit of being a separate part?’

‘Each part can develop in its own individual way; no one part is identical to the next. Each part has the ability to grow in its own way adding to the whole. As each part develops a train of events will be set in motion that will filter through the connections that will give further ideas to other individuals helping them to overcome their own difficulties. You all see yourselves as individuals, you all see yourselves working together, you all wish for the best. This is the benefit to the whole’

Liz… ‘But we also get some individuals who don’t want to cooperate and work for the whole, who are too wrapped in their own individuality’

‘They are still playing their part and the part they play can influence the minds of others, others will observe the actions of the negative elements and their observations will help them grow. Every individual has its part to play in the whole. Whether that individual goes in a negative direction or positive direction is not so important. What is important is the situations that that individual will create for others and the way those others choose to react to that situation. So the overall frequency of the combined individuals that make up the one whole is positive, is beneficial, is increasing the vibration of the whole. Many characters make up one story but it is the story that is seen not the individuals, not the individual characters, they make the story and the story moves on. You are all creating your own stories, groups of individuals get together, react with one another and another story is created, stories of life, life in a physical world. Each story will react with other stories, some stories will decrease the vibration yet most stories will be based on love and raise that vibration once again. Live your life in a positive way and you will be adding your part to that story… You may turn your music up once again thank you’

Liz… ‘Certainly’

Liz turned the music up again and after about 12 minutes she turned it down as another communication came through and took a few minutes to settle in…

Liz… ‘Welcome friend, welcome… come through’

‘Happy to be… happy to be able to come through now… it all comes together as we all come through in our own way, in our own individual way, each taking our turn, our turn at speaking to you once again through the medium of this voice, this voice that we can use in your world to share our thoughts, our understandings, enrich the atmosphere with words of encouragement, words that will help you with your own understandings, help you to better grasp your thinking. The way you understand is very much dependent on the character that you have built up for yourself yet you are receptive to new ideas. Allow new ideas to come to you; do not resist thoughts that will change your own way of thinking. There are many on your world that are stuck in their own ways of thinking, they will not allow the introduction of new ideas, they feel that they have built for themselves a comfortable way to think, a comfortable way to see the world, they do not wish this to be violated by fresh thought, fresh ideas. By doing this they are robbing themselves, they are not allowing themselves to expand their own minds. They have reached a point where they will not allow themselves to grow for they feel satisfied that they have achieved all that they have set out to achieve but there is always more, there are always more opportunities to be grasped and to be used to develop yourselves, to become more productive in the way that you think and to be more productive in the way that you can help others. Try to see the world through new eyes, move away from those familiar situations and taste a new slant on the world that you live within. Face up to the situations that you would normally ignore and see the benefits in those situations, see how they can change the way you think. The world will only change if you change yourself for the way you think is the way that you see the world. You have created for yourself your own picture of your own reality but that picture can be changed, that picture is not set in stone, it is an ever evolving picture. Many in your world prevent that picture from evolving by their own thoughts, their own state of mind that they will not change’

Liz… ‘Friend, we have a very definite block in our world with our way of thinking and that is concerning death. Most people can’t think beyond death, it’s as if we have a cut-off point. We know that we’re born and we know the process of being born and development of the physical body, we know the process of decay of the physical body but we have no idea what happens to this conscious entity that we find ourselves in while we’re inhabiting a body, we’ve no idea what happens to that conscious being when the body dies and many people think that it stops. Science has no way of informing us or of investigating this’

‘And why do you think that this is the way, why do you think that people do not have an understanding of what is in store for them when they have let go of their physical body’

Liz… ‘Because people aren’t able to converse with entities who are not in the physical body so they have no way of accessing information as to what happens when people depart from their physical body’

‘Each individual has within themselves a full knowledge and understanding of what will happen to them when they pass from the physical world’

Liz… ‘How do they access this knowledge, this information?’

‘They have built up for themselves by their own thinking, by their own self-made beliefs an impenetrable barrier that will hide this information from them yet they will still retain the feeling that this information gives to them. You cannot lose that feeling, each individual in a physical world has a feeling of how they will survive physical death even though they believe for themselves that physical death is the end of consciousness. This barrier will slowly crumble as individuals allow themselves to change the way they think, to change the way they approach the situations of your world. They do not need to converse with those from beyond your physical world for they are already in constant conversation with them even though they do not realise this’

Liz... ‘Is the answer then for people to trust their more intuitive processes, their own internal conscious states?’

‘This is one very good way yes; allow your thoughts to not be based purely on the physical senses. Allow yourself to become whole once again for the physical part of you is but one part. Allow your thoughts to seep into the other part of your being and it will open up a more fluent communication with what you believe to be beyond this physical reality’

Liz… ‘Is there a good pathway or system that people can follow to help them renew contact with that part of themselves’

‘There are many pathways and each individual will be suited to their own individual pathway. They have to recognise for themselves that they have stepped off their pathway, that they have surrounded themselves with the great illusion of physical life. They have shut off that window to the spiritual world yet that window remains ajar, there is communication coming to them, they have to learn to listen, they have to learn to accept, they have to learn to recognise, recognise their thoughts as being their own and as being part of their greater self that exists beyond the physical makeup of your world. There are many in your world who already understand this. Do not think that everybody walks blinded from the spiritual world. Those who claim that death is the end also have thoughts in their mind to cast doubt on their own beliefs. Do not take what you observe in others as the whole truth for there are many strands of understanding to each individual and all those strands make up their character. You only see that character you do not see the individual strands that are working behind the scenes. Your world is working as it should do at this stage in time. As more people recognise the spiritual worlds, the voices from within, then a new time will develop, a new world will develop and the minds of each individual will raise once again that vibration of your world. Step by step the physical world creates more understanding which seeps into the minds of all who leave this world with a little more understanding and bring that understanding when you re-join this world as another separate entity playing its part, affecting all the other entities, creating new stories. This really is a wonderful world, a world so full of opportunities and growth. Try not to miss a single opportunity for every opportunity adds its growth to your individual mind… Thank you my dear friend, this has been an interesting experiment. We wish you to sit in the same conditions next time that you meet and we will continue to work in this way. Each week will grow stronger; each week will open up fresh doors for us to bring through more understandings and information to help you better understand the world that you live and the greater world that you are also very much a part of. Continue to live your life in a positive way and you will see the benefits of your own thoughts on both yourself and on those who you meet. Take from us a piece of our love, spread it amongst all who you meet and use it to lighten the situations that are presented to you every day of your life. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all’

Liz turned the music back up and I felt back with it after about two minutes.

With the red light on Liz had noticed energy and an aura around me at times. She had seen some faces over mine, one like Queen Victoria and another like an African man. She also got a fleeting vision of a face next to mine and said it reminded her of the old spirit photographs where extras would appear close to the person being photographed.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

193rd Sitting 12/08/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I started to be controlled as Liz did the opening prayer.

She turned down the music when she heard the communication settling in…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Peel away the veil, time to come through and speak once again, speak to the physical world, the world that you inhabit and enjoy your life. For you it is a wonderful opportunity to learn and to experience, to cherish that life that you live. For you it may seem a long tedious time yet viewed from beyond it is but a short excursion into the world of physical matter, the world of opportunity to learn and grow and evolve the quality of that consciousness that drives you forward for you have set yourself a task to live a life free from the restrictions, free from the conditions of the non-physical world for you have introduced yourself into a new form. A new segment of your consciousness has developed and attached to the physical form for the purpose of growth and experience’

Liz… ‘A new segment… Can you explain that?’

‘Yes, your consciousness, your full consciousness has divided itself into segments, segments that will venture forth into worlds, worlds of experience. You are not cut off for you are still a part of your full consciousness yet for the duration of your physical life your awareness is centred on the task in hand, the task of living a life in a physical world, what for you appears as a physical world. You are constantly feeding back to your full consciousness. As you adapt to your physical world you use it more to its greatest advantage. The opportunities that are presented to you each day form a pattern in your life, a pattern that creates for you a character that you cling to. That character is unique to you and will take you to where you need to be. Never be afraid of a new experience for you have found that experience for yourself, for your full consciousness knows what you need to move forward’

Liz… ‘Does that mean that even the negative experiences, the painful experiences are chosen in a way?’

‘They are seen as opportunities to grow, they are not seen for the suffering that will be imposed upon yourself and on others. We cannot teach you for you have to teach yourself and to teach yourself you have to undergo situations that will push you, that will push you to open your eyes and see the learning opportunities, see the benefits, see the possibilities for growth. As you begin to understand the purpose of your life you will understand the purpose of love, you will understand the benefit of approaching each situation with love, then you will notice how situations will naturally evolve into loving situations. You will not face the negativities for what you put out you will receive back. When you see negative situations as negative situations you are feeding the situation, you are allowing the negativity to come back to you. When you see a negative situation as a loving situation you will lighten up that situation, you will begin to see that love exists in all situations and you will not allow the negativity to affect the way you think and the way you react to the situation… Is this understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes it is thank you, yes our reactions, how we respond is very much a measure of our learning, whether we can respond in the spirit of love or out of fear and that also sets up a train of further actions and reactions. Experience shows how the loving reactions generate good feeling and positivity whereas the fear based reactions can lead to conflict and disharmony and uncomfortable feelings and misery… Friend I wanted to ask a question concerning the setup of this room’

‘Yes please go ahead’

Liz… ‘We were discussing whether we still need to use the cabinet in the room or whether it would be preferable to sit without it, whether the development of the medium would be best with the cabinet or whether it doesn’t matter anymore?’

‘Yes well there has been much discussion on our side about the use of the cabinet and also the use of darkness. We would like you to try next week sitting outside of the cabinet with the red light on. We would like you to try this and we will gauge how our work is affected. It could be advantageous to us and to yourself’

Liz… ‘Okay, would this apply to both groups or just the Mercury Light?’

‘Just this one group for now, there are other plans in store for the Mercury Experiment but for now the Mercury Experiment will continue as it is’

Liz… ‘Okay thank you friend’

‘Just for this group sit outside the cabinet and have the red light on dimly but bright enough for you to see the medium and we will work in this way and we will see the results. Our main interest at this time is to be able to give you words from our side that will help you to understand the larger reality, the bigger picture’

Liz… ‘Yes thank you’

‘We wish to do this in the best possible conditions. As you know this is all very much an experiment, an on-going experiment which can be tweaked at times and we feel now is a good time to tweak it. Thank you for your question. Have you any more questions on your mind?’

Liz… ‘Well out of that I was going to ask are you working also with other groups at this time?’

‘The focus of our work is purely with this group at this time but we also observe the developments of other groups. This group also enjoys the participation of other spiritual teams that join with us. We all help each other for we all wish to get our words across’

There was a pause in the communication and Liz turned the music back up.

After about ten minutes Liz reported feeling hot.
She then felt the density of the atmosphere increasing. She felt like someone was in front of her, it was like she was being smothered somehow.

Then another communication began to take control and Liz turned the music down again.
It was a different voice…

‘All held together, all held together by the one strand, the one solitary strand that holds all of life together is one long thread of connection, unbroken, circular. One continuous circle that connects all life for all life is fed from the one source. The one central point that feeds all life is what you have all derived from, you have all started your life in the centre and you have spread your wings out joining the circular thread that passes through all. You join it at a point appropriate to you, appropriate to the point you have reached in your growth, in your evolution of your own consciousness, that consciousness that spreads back to the source yet for you it is an individual. It is a unit which you feel is separate, that you feel is yours yet you cannot measure the size of consciousness, consciousness has no dimensions for consciousness exists beyond the physical realities that you live. The only measurement for consciousness is the quality and the stage of growth. Consciousness needs to grow, consciousness needs to be constantly active, consciousness needs to be dipped into realities, realties that give it the steps to climb for without those realities consciousness will find it hard to evolve out of the state that it was, that it found itself at the beginning. You are all helping in your own way for you are showing your own consciousness those small steps that are presented to you as you live your life in a physical world. Do not let go of the idea that you are constantly evolving, constantly growing, for that idea was placed inside of you by your own consciousness for that consciousness wishes to grow, it does not wish to devolve, it does not wish for you as an individual to be set back by the negativities that you encounter each day. It is constantly driving you forward as much as it can, as much as it will allow. There are many forces in your life that will push you one way or another. You cannot know what these forces represent or from where these forces come, you can only feel the effects. As you grow you will begin to understand how these forces work, how these forces can help you or hinder your life. You will recognise a helpful force and you will learn to reject those forces that hinder. Look at your life each day, look back at your life each day and see how you have reacted to invisible forces. At the end of each day you will be able to see for yourself how the invisible forces have affected the way you have lived your life each day for each day you set out to keep on your pathway but when you review your day you will see how you have left that pathway and you will see how much you have benefitted from leaving that pathway or how much leaving that pathway has set you back. Learn from these observations and you will truly grow and your consciousness will be pleased, your consciousness will feel satisfied that you have achieved so much, thank you, please now replay your music’

Liz turned up the music again.

After about ten minutes another communicator took control.
The voice sounded different again, possibly female.

Liz… ‘Welcome friend, welcome back’

‘Spiritual art, spiritual art, the art of spiritual drawings, spiritual paintings has been brought to your attention through your own mediumship’

Liz… ‘Yes it has’

(in the 03/06/2016 Mercury Experiment Liz brought through the Courtauld Institute of Art and also Temple Bar which we later found was in the same part of London and when we looked up the Courtauld Institute of Art we saw that they had an exhibition of spiritual art by the medium Georgiana Houghton. Also Liz had been having thoughts of developing spiritual drawing a few weeks ago which was unknown to me)

‘The reason why is because you yourself can indeed create these pictures. You if you wish should take up the opportunity and create for yourself some of these pictures for there is somebody that will help you, there is somebody standing by your side who will give you the direction, place it into your mind and you will draw, you will paint, you will create pictures that will represent a feeling of the world beyond your world, they will give people a true idea of a world beyond the physical world, they will have that feeling, they will have that drive, that pushing sensation that will create in the minds of others an ability to perceive beyond the physical. Yes we urge you to try this, try it in a quiet moment and see the results’

Liz… ‘Thank you, yes I will’

‘Spiritual art is a powerful form of mediumship and we feel it will develop quickly in your own hands. Just allow the pictures to flow and the results will be seen. Never doubt your abilities for your abilities are infinite, there is no restrictions apart from the restrictions you put on yourself. Allow the power to take hold and flow through you and the pictures will come, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘The time now has come for us to withdraw from your session this evening. We will draw back as the energies fade and we will leave with you a piece of our love to take into your heart and allow it to brighten up your life and as your life brightens up it will brighten the lives of those who you touch, those who you meet, and your world will become a beautiful world full of all the colours that you can imagine and all the shapes that come to your mind. Thank you my dear friend, may God guide and keep you all, goodnight, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all’

Liz turned the music back up and I felt back with it after about two minutes.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

192nd Sitting 05/08/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

After about five minutes I started to be controlled.
Liz turned down the music and welcomed the communication.
It seemed to take longer to settle in this week.

‘Good evening, good evening to you’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘See all… become one with all, with all that you perceive, allow your own experiences to combine and create a picture that you have drawn for yourself. You have worked your way through your physical existence, you have experienced much, you have seen the comings and the goings of many things, some of which will be remembered, some cause little to stick in your mind. The physical journey through life is dotted with many experiences, many situations. Some for you seem important, some not so important yet the importance is something you cannot truly understand whilst immersed in this physical reality. Experiences that you find unimportant may at a later date be seen as very important turning points in your life, much is learnt, much is added to the overall wealth of experience that surrounds you all as you grow, as you evolve. The passage of time seems less important, you feel you have a grasp on time. You find the passing of time to be familiar, to live up to expectations yet you do not understand the importance of time for you. You are directed by time, even when you sleep time plays its part. It is the time that holds together the sequence of events that make up your experience. Watch the time as it ticks by; watch the hands on the clock. Notice the rhythm of time and live in harmony with that rhythm, try not to let the time become distorted’

Liz… ‘What distorts time?’

‘Time can be distorted by your own thoughts; you have the power to alter time, to take it off its correct path. When you measure time you see how accurate it flows yet take your mind off the measurement of time and it will indeed lose that rhythm, become distorted…’

The communication faded out.
Liz turned up the music.

About five minutes later another communication started with a different voice.
It was incoherent at first…

‘Hello, hello… fine tuning of correct speech, to be able to come through and have a conversation once again… very good time now, it will be very good to be able to speak again and come through to speak once again… preparation all comes together, it is all in hand and it will be able to come through. Slowly we acclimatise to the vibrations of your world and we can speak once again’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome friend’

‘It’s a privilege to be able to speak like this for we have all had our turn, we have all had our opportunity to bridge the two worlds. Once again we step into your world, step into your physical vibration to engage in conversation, to try and explain to you some of the mysteries that you wish to uncover, you wish to learn and understand and you look for your evidence, evidence that will satisfy your mind that you do indeed exist beyond the physical body and you will exist beyond what you understand as death. There are many in your world who have fears, who wish not to think beyond their own death. They are satisfied to live a physical life yet they do not want to know, they do not have the interest in what will happen to them when they die’

Liz… ‘Yes, what will happen?’

‘To understand what will happen you need to understand yourself, you need to understand the role of the physical body, you need to understand your attachment to the physical body and you need to understand what it is that attaches to the physical body. Many in your world see themselves as their physical body, very few truly understand the purpose of the physical body, very few understand that they are not a physical body, they are outside of their physical body, they are driving the physical body, driving it through its physical life, picking up experiences and being faced with challenges’

Liz… ‘And you’ve said before that the challenges are a necessary part of the development of the human being’

‘The challenges create choices’

Liz… ‘And when a challenge proves particularly traumatic how is the person to rise to that challenge. What tools do they need to be able to work with that challenge creatively and usefully rather than just going under into a deep depression?’

‘When a challenge is met a variety of choices will be felt. The mind that directs the physical body will have built up an ability to work with fear or love. The mind will be in the state that it has earnt for itself and that state will either restrict or open up the mind to greater possibilities, greater choices or it will restrict to fewer choices… There is always an element of doubt in the minds of all… There is always an element of confusion…’

The communication faded out again.

Liz turned up the music.

After about 15 minutes there was another attempt at communication but despite Liz’s encouragement it remained incoherent and then faded.

Liz turned up the music and there was no more communication after that.

It felt to me like I’d lost the connection and when the music finished I was back with it.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

We don’t know why the communication faded and was cut short this week. It could be that they were experimenting with something else or the conditions were not quite right.
If Liz gets the chance she’ll ask next week…

191st Sitting 29/07/2016

We had the room setup as usual with the addition of the two wooden wardrobes mentioned at the end of last week’s session.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

About five minutes later I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music.
She welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘We all come in one unit of mind, of presence, of a combined power, a combined power we all use, we all use the power that we have brought forward. Now let the combined energies… Little by little each word can be recognised, can be dropped in, can be repeated for each word builds on the other words; we can reach forward with our own minds and produce the sound that you hear. There is much to say, there is much to learn, there is much to be understood. A bridge is built, a bridge that supports the knowledge and understandings that we wish to bring forward… One step forward, creates a new understanding. One step forward opens up the vision, allows the mind to adjust. Picture yourself alone on an empty pathway looking for something to interest your mind, waiting for an experience to happen. The mind will never rest for the mind will continue to produce pictures for you, pictures based on what you have already witnessed during your time on that path. A new experience is about to be presented to you, you anticipate this experience and by anticipating you paint for yourself an image you have not yet experienced yet you have already anticipated. If you can quieten your mind, empty your mind, allow a new experience to reach you unaltered by your own mind, allow it to paint its own picture. Try not to interpret that picture too quickly for a new picture will create a puzzle for your mind, your mind will try to represent that picture for you in a familiar way yet the experience is unfamiliar for it is a new experience. A new experience requires constant repetition for a new experience will come to you more than once, allow you to adjust, allow you to understand the differences, understand how this new experience differs from previous familiar experiences. Always take your time, always clear your mind and allow a fresh experience to blossom in all its beauty, in all its detail, for a new experience is a wonderful opportunity to expand your mind’

Liz… ‘How do you clear your mind, is there a best way?’

‘The mind is forever anticipating the next experience’

Liz… ‘And ruminating on past experiences’

‘Yes… To clear that mind you have to allow your mind to interpret but not allow your memory to interpret. Your mind is capable of recognising new experiences but it will be held back by your memory. Try to think of a blank canvas, do not try to paint a picture but allow a picture to paint itself. When you see a picture forming in your mind you will be able to recognise if that picture is being drawn from your memory or being drawn by something new. With practise you will be able to control your mind, at the moment memories will be hard to be held back but with practise you will find that you can keep your memories at the back of your mind allowing the frontal part to embrace new experiences, allow new pictures to paint themselves until they too will form a memory for you… You live in a world full of potential experiences both physical and non-physical. Your mind is a sensitive receiver, treat your mind carefully, allow it to receive, allow it to understand without the distractions that you place on top of the immerging picture. When you sit and open your mind to the world of spirit you are setting yourself a task of creating your sensitive receiver, allowing it to work for you. You may hear words you may see pictures, allow them to come to you, give out what you get, do not be afraid of giving out incorrect information for this is development, all forms of spiritual communication are development. The fruits will come and you will find evidential information within the mass of information that is brought forward. Strive to make your receiver as clear as possible and we will work with you in the best way that we can…’

Liz turned the music back up.
About five minutes later I started to be controlled again.
Liz turned down the music and welcomed the communication.
The voice was different and it took a while to settle in. The words seemed to be very jumbled up…

Liz… ‘Hello friend’

‘Hello, hello, hello… good evening…’

Liz… ‘Hello, hello’

‘Complicated conversations always start with the words well I don’t really understand for they all come forward so fast now gently we can slowly come forward and introduce ourselves but in our own time we cannot fully understand the situation that we come, we find ourselves in for it is a shift, a shift of our own awareness, now then let me see can I, we… it is all presented in a way that I can understand for before I come through once in this situation the feelings, the feelings that I had is shielded, is separated from me but at the same time I am able to talk, to use words, to utter sentences, string them together. Now where was I, where was I when I came through, I was at my own house, I was sitting at a table pondering on the colours outside of my window for they were new to me, they were colours I had not seen before, it is a constant surprise to me when I am presented with new things, new understandings. Slowly I begin to acclimatise myself to new situations, new surroundings… Well now the clock is ticking for I know that time has been set, a time has been set for me to use this space to its greatest advantage, separate the words from the thoughts, the thoughts from the feelings and bring the memories through… People watch, they observe, they are interested, they can see for themselves the way that we can operate… A wise man turns the clock back for he knows that he has been here before, he knows how to adjust to the situation, he has been able to speak, he has been able to combine his own thoughts with that of the medium. Once settled in he was able to relay his own recollection of times before your time… Capable to compose those words once again…’

The speech became incoherent and then the voice changed and continued…

‘Keep hold of all that you cherish in your own mind and let it open your own eyes to the wonders of your world…’

Voice became incoherent again.

‘Hold it in the palm of your hands, allow the world to rest, allow the sea to calm, allow the winds to desist, separate, vague impressions always come to a clear mind, separate those that are of your own manufacture, allow the new impressions to take hold then you will truly see the unfolding of a new world. Your senses will be heightened and your appreciation of all that is life can be raised for you will understand how life connects with each other. Your own individuality will be lost for you will become one with all that is life; you will see the creative power in all that surrounds you. You will watch creation in motion. There is nothing magical in creation for it is a natural simple process that happens all the time whether you are aware or unaware. You all have the ability to create and you all have the responsibility to put beauty into your creation. Use the love within yourself to paint a beautiful picture and share with each other in love and harmony. No thought is wasted, each thought is used…’

Liz turned up the music.

After about 12 minutes another communicator came through with an excited high-pitched voice.
It was incoherent at first…

‘The world of great opportunities is amongst you all for you all have to understand that you are not alone, you are all accompanied, you are all… Standing by your side is the one that you understand as your friend, you all have your friends that stand by your side, you are not alone, you are always in the company of your friends who will and who do give you encouragement each day. There is nothing to be afraid of for they are your friends, they are wanting to help, wanting you to make a success of your journey through the physical world. They do not want you to waste your time; they do not want you to have negative thoughts they only wish you to stay true to that what you wish to achieve during this brief time on your Earth. Can you understand how the influences help you through your life? Can you understand that if you were on your own you would make such a mess, such a mess of your life? You need somebody to keep yourself in order, for alone you are incapable, incapable of living a normal life. See how people have made mistakes, see how people have gone wrong, see how people have ignored the encouragement that has been given to them, the inspiration that has been given to them. They have ignored this; they have tried to go it alone. You have chosen to live this life and you strive to do your best. Do not waste the opportunity that has been given to you…’

The voice changed and became much deeper…

‘Work as one, work as a team, work as a group of evolved people, evolved spirits, each illuminating the other, each loving the other, for where there is light there is love. Love is the creation of light in a world of darkness, in a world where darkness has been created yet the darkness will not tolerate the light of love; it will be forced into the corners of your world. Shine your love brightly, eliminate all darkness, imagine a world free from darkness where everybody strives to help one another. This is the world available to all. Shine your light, do your best, reject darkness in your own life, see with clear eyes, see the possibilities and use your own strengths to achieve those possibilities for the good of all. Do not dwell on the darkness, do not allow that darkness to strengthen, shine your light… Do you have any questions on your mind before I go?’

Liz… ‘Friend yes I’m sure there are some questions bubbling up they just need a few seconds to bring to mind’

’Anything that springs to mind I will try to answer’

Liz… ‘Yes, do we have any constant visitors to our circle who we know?’

‘You have two circles and each circle attracts the characters that you knew. There is a connection between you and those that you have known throughout your life and that connection will never break and when you sit in situations such as this the connection will be strengthened for a brief period of time. You will feel the energy of the person you remember for the memory is always there’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend. Another question is to do with the queries we have about the use of nuclear energy, nuclear power both for defence purposes and civilian purposes. Is this building of further nuclear reactors and nuclear submarines, is this likely to endanger the planet, endanger humanity?’

‘You can only endanger humanity with your thoughts. The physical make-up of your world will not have an effect when viewed from the larger perspective for your world is a world of illusion, your world from the larger perspective is imaginary. You are viewing your world from within your world which is your natural perspective at this point in time and you will see the effects of nuclear energy on physical matter, that physical matter that is the playground for the human mind. We understand how you can feel when you are yourself encased in physical matter but we can also see how that physical matter is a temporary illusion for the greater mind that you possess… Is this understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes… there’s still a possibility of poisoning the water’

‘Indeed yes, that will be observed, that can happen, that is a part of the world that you live in and for you it is of great concern’

Liz… ‘Is it something that we should work to avoid, to try and divert resources into more environmentally friendly sustainable safer forms?’ 

‘That is for the physical inhabitants of your world to decide amongst themselves and to learn from the consequences. We will not interfere with your own world when we can see the lessons that will be created. Lessons will help to develop the minds of many; they will help to give you a better understanding in how to observe your world from a new angle, from a new perspective. What you understand as suffering is merely a shift towards a greater understanding. Try not to worry about what is happening in your world, concentrate on your own thoughts, send healing when you feel healing is necessary but do not dwell on what you see, what you understand as wrong, as imperfect. Mistakes can and will happen in a world of physical matter. See the opportunities, the new opportunities that arise from the mistakes and the situations that are brought to those who create the mistakes. There is a natural order within your world and your world has a way of restoring order. Balance will be resumed for balance is part of the natural order of your world’

The voice changed again back to the first voice…

‘So once again we have reached that point where we will withdraw from your session this evening. We hope that you can benefit from the words that we say. We hope that your questions have been answered. We hope that the answers have created new questions for you to bring in our next session once you have thought about what you have heard… Thank you my dear friend, please take a piece of our love, take it out into your world to lighten up your world. May God bless and keep you all, thank you, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you’

Liz turned the music back up and I felt back with it after a couple of minutes.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…