May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

204th Sitting 22/12/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

After about one minute Liz reported moving shapes in the room.
She felt the energy was very strong.

Liz had a strong sense of someone close to her and then felt the room was full of people.

Liz reported streaks of light in the room that were heading towards me.
This coincided with the time that I started to be controlled.

When Liz heard the communication starting she turned down the music...

Liz... 'Welcome friend'

'Good evening, good evening...'

Liz... 'Good evening to you'

'Pleasure once again to come through and speak to you, talk to the physical world... very good time now to explain all that we can, bring forward in our way, in the way that we use this work, this...'

Liz... 'You're very welcome'

The communication broke up and became incoherent for a while then resumed...

'... spread out and explore, spread out and welcome all to the world that we come from, that we have all collected our minds together, we have become one, we have become the one voice, the one directing energy that provides for you a way to speak to us, a way to engage in conversation with the spiritual worlds for we have combined our thoughts and sent them forward, given them the opportunity to pierce into your world, into your vibration. The power of the spiritual world is all around you, is all within you, is holding your physical world together, is binding the world that you perceive. The spiritual world is within your world yet you perceive what you believe to be your world for you are the creators of your world. You have begun to explore and you are beginning to understand the makeup of your world. We can assist for we can give to you words that will make you think and in making you think you will see your world from a new vantage point. When you begin to unravel the mysteries of your world you find yourself up against a brick wall for you can only go so far, you cannot totally immerse your thoughts into a reality that is unfamiliar to your natural thinking whilst living in a physical world. Your world holds you to that world for your thinking is governed by the restrictions of a physical world. Lift those restrictions and your thinking will be set free. As you live each day of your life engaging your thoughts with physical matters, weaving your way through life as each picture comes and goes, as each situation presents itself and awaits your attention there is so much for your physical mind to work with that the thought of spreading out beyond that brick wall does not come to you. That thought is kept inside of you yet it is ready to be birthed, it is ready to be accepted. When we speak to you we try to... we give to you ideas that you will work with, you will allow your mind to work with the ideas that we suggest. This will help to loosen your mind, this will help to take your mind away from the physical world whilst you sit in the conditions of the séance room, conditions which are similar to those you experience during those periods of sleep. The physical world has been taken from you, has been put aside and the mind can work in a more natural way. Stand at the foot of a mountain, observe the size of that mountain. Without moving imagine yourself at the top of the mountain. The physical impression of the mountain will disappear for you now have the new perspective, you have shifted your awareness yet your physical body remains in one place. Look down from that mountain, feel the force of physical sight, feel the way that force holds you to your world. Let that force go and take a step forward into a new world, a new vibration, a vibration that was always there, is always there. Step back and regain your original perspective. You remain at the foot of the mountain yet you have experienced being at the top of the mountain. The mountain for you is an illusion yet that mountain can lift you out of your physical world'

There was a pause then the communication resumed with a different voice...

'Welcome, welcome...'

Liz... 'Welcome'

'It all takes time, it will take time to fully understand all that is beyond your world. For you have been given an opportunity to discover for yourself that what lies beyond your world. You will grasp that opportunity, you will open that opportunity and read the words within it for it is for you a learning experience, something which you will experience, something which will take your breath away. You will find yourself in a new dimension, in a new experience yet you will have full control. You will not feel that you are dreaming, you will feel that you are in control and you can make those moves, you can explore for yourself and you will reach a point, a point where you will have to decide, decide to go on or remain. It is up to you, it is for you to choose. Many opportunities will be presented to you, take your time, take each step with care and begin to understand slowly. Do not jump in, allow yourself to understand, to understand yourself and you will then be better prepared for the experience that awaits you'

Liz... 'Thank you friend'

'There is nothing to fear for you have guided yourself and you have the experience. You have done this before and you will remember, you will recognise the vibration that you will become a part of and it will for you feel like home yet you will have a temporary experience and you will return many times until that place becomes familiar once again to you. Stretch your imagination and it will encompass all that you need. Break out of those habits that hold you and allow yourself that golden opportunity. Prepare yourself, stand once again at the foot of the mountain with that knowledge that the mountain is but an illusion for you are greater than the mountain, for the mountain resides inside of you, under your control... please replay you music for a while, thank you'

Liz put the music back on then after 15 minutes turned it down again as another communication began, taking a while to settle in...

'This is a good interesting time, a very special time, a special time for us all and all upon your side. This is a time of remembrance, a time of remembrance is amongst you all for you all are beginning to remember who you are, why you are here, what has caused you to become a part of a physical world. You all have this knowledge inside of you and it is very much a part of you all. You are beginning to recognise the signs, recognise the signals that are appearing in your world. Those signs will lead you to a new understanding, a new perspective, a new vantage point in this your wonderful world. You are all like children playing, playing in a field, a field of imagination, a field of wishful thoughts, for this field is a comfortable place. It feels like it is a safe place for you all. As you begin your journeys, as you begin your lives you feel you need protection, you feel vulnerable yet you have only yourselves holding you back, keeping you feeling vulnerable. A time is coming for you to grow up, a time is coming for you all to mature, a time is coming for you all to blossom, to become what you truly are, to stop the pretense, to stop the blinding of yourself. Your spiritual eyes will open and your world will be understood... Is there any questions on your mind?'

Liz... 'I think a lot of people believe that there is some, almost like a conspiracy or a barrier preventing us from accessing this inner knowledge, preventing us from raising our vibrational level, preventing us from accessing universal energy. There seems to be a belief amongst many that there's almost an inbuilt attempt to block our progress towards light, our natural evolution that's binding us to a world of illusion. Is there any truth in that?'

'As you live your life you build up for yourself your own illusion, your own barrier. You have all tasted the truth of reality yet you have all blocked yourself in. You have restricted your thinking and you have recognised this restriction and you have put a physical understandable pattern to explain to yourself, to help you understand why, yet what you do not understand is the falseness of this for it is all illusion. Only you can come to an understanding that will satisfy your own minds sufficiently to break that barrier down. You can see this barrier as a force from without yourself, a force surrounding yourself yet this force is within yourself and it is self created. Try not to believe, try to see through the fabric of your world and understand how insubstantial that fabric is once you let go of that belief. Take a step back and remember where you came from, how you came into your world and see the path you have made for yourself then ask yourself why do you keep to that path when there is a wide expanse of unchartered reality at your side, under your feet and above your head. Widen your narrow minds, take that step sideways, climb above yourself and explore all that you... all that is beneath yourself'

Liz... 'Thank you friend, yes I think many of us believe those areas are out of bounds and that’s a deep rooted cultural belief'

'The conditions of your world hold you firm. It is not easy to wander off that path but look for the signs and you will find it easier as time goes on. There is a loosening of your world and an opportunity to take advantage, take that step off your path with courage... Thank you my dear friend, we have once again reached the end of our session with you this evening. We look forward to rejoining you in your new year. As each year unfolds you all move closer to a greater understanding. Many minds are working in different ways to reach that understanding. All minds will come closer to one another forming one greater mind, one larger awareness. As always we leave with you a piece of our love, take it out into your world, let it illuminate all that you encounter and let it help you to truly understand the makeup of your world. May God bless and keep you all, thank you, goodnight'

Liz... 'Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all'



Liz put the music back on and I felt back with it after a couple of minutes.
Then Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

At some point during the communication there was a short pause as if searching for the next word. Liz had a word in her mind but didn't verbalize it and when the communication continued it was the word Liz had thought of.

203rd Sitting 15/12/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

About five minutes later I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music when she heard the voice starting...

Liz... 'Welcome friend...'

'Good evening, good evening'

Liz... 'Good evening to you'

'Once again we all come through and we all fill your room with our love for we join with you on that loving vibration that you so ably provide for us each time we enter your atmosphere, each time we dip ourselves into this wonderful atmosphere that enables us to once again use the physical voice, vibrate your atmosphere with our words and we try to make our words understandable to you, understandable to all who hear our words, all who read our words'

Liz... 'Thank you friend'

'Much has to be said, much has to be brought through to enable you to get a feeling of what we try to relate to you. Each week we add a little to the previous week, each week we bring more of ourselves into the conversation. We use the words that you understand yet we have much that is not understandable to you which we wish to bring through. In order to do this we need to be very close to the medium, we have to synchronise our thoughts with the mechanism of the physical body. We need to cause the physical body to react to our simulations. As we move in closer we take hold of the... the motors, the very fine tuning of the physical body in how it reacts to the thoughts that are brought to it, thoughts from within, thoughts from afar. All thoughts find their way through and all thoughts have their affect and produce words. We step back when the words become confused for we have much that is misunderstood, we have much information that is misunderstood. When misunderstandings occur we have to step back and allow the words to run their course. It is a fine balance of moving in close but not so close as to confuse, not so close as to produce words which have little benefit on the overall accumulation of knowledge broadcast in this room. All mediumship is a fine balance, all mediumship requires the letting go, letting go of physical thoughts, physical feelings, for these can and do interfere. Throughout this your physical year we have drawn closer each week, we have been able to bring forward information that has caused you to think, caused you to build up a new picture in your own mind about the conditions where we and also you find ourselves for you share our conditions. You are no different from us, only your hold of the physical world causes you to believe that you are different, that you are existing in a different state, a different reality. Your physical reality is one part of our reality yet you choose to hold yourself within that what you perceive. Take a step to one side and stand by your side, take a step forward and stand in front of yourself, take a step backwards and stand behind yourself. Where is your true self? Where is that consciousness? You have many choices to make, you have many decisions to make. Switch your  perspective and see how your decisions will change. You have more than one location for you are not fixed, you are free to roam, free to expand and free to explore'

Liz... 'That's good to know... I guess to hold onto that perspective when we're in the middle, caught up in the problems of everyday life is quite important. A need to take a breath and step back and to the side, forward and behind, to get a sense of the whole trajectory' 

'See the character that you are playing without playing that character and you will get a new perspective, you will see how those niggling troubles of your day are not at all troubles, are merely parts to be played'

Liz... 'I guess we place probably more importance than is warranted on little decisions, on little episodes. We allow those little things sometimes to colour our whole perspective as though they are incredibly important' 

'Understand the benefits of each situation, try to weigh up each situation on its merits, on how beneficial, how much you can learn from each situation and benefit from that situation. Do not repeat actions that have no benefit for your growth. Try to break out of habits, habits that cause you to repeat your reactions to situations as they are brought to you. Those habits are trying to hold you down, trying to keep you grounded in your physical world yet this is not necessary, you can rise above the ground, you can be more beneficial to yourself, to the growth of yourself'

Liz... 'I guess it's important isn't it in any situation when you catch yourself about to react perhaps in an old way, to stop and step back and take a deep breath and reassess whether that reaction is beneficial or not, whether it's helpful'

'The first step is to recognise that reaction as a habit'

Liz... 'Yes'

'Once you have done that then you can proceed to step back as you say, step back from allowing that reaction to affect you'

Liz... 'Yes, I suppose even if you start to react and you catch yourself you can still extricate yourself before it gets too fixed, before you get too sucked in to it. That's quite a skill'

'Yes and the more that you do indeed do this the more it will become a natural way of thinking for you'

Liz... 'Yes and perhaps instead of blaming oneself and feeling guilty because you've fallen back into an old habit the thing is to congratulate yourself that you've recognised it and maybe stepped back before too long'

'Congratulating yourself is beneficial to your growth. Blaming yourself has no benefit to you. Once you begin to drop those habits you will indeed begin to see situations from a new perspective, a stronger perspective, for you are strengthening yourself, you are not allowing yourself to react to the words of others, to the thoughts of others, to the feelings of others. For you can see, you can understand why they have these thoughts and feelings and you can send your love to them, you can build up for them a way of negotiating around those fears that cause those feelings, that cause those thoughts'

Liz... 'Last week friend you spoke of how everything is very simple, everything is really very simple and I wondered whether you could explain what you meant by simple'

'Simplicity is the taking of one step at a time. Simplicity is the breaking down of confusing situations into many component parts, seeing how a complicated situation has built up, seeing what has been added one piece at a time, seeing each piece for what it is, for each piece is itself a simple piece. Simplicity is the component parts of the makeup of your world. Simplicity is being able to recognise the component parts that make up your world, that make up all situations that make up all reactions. The ability to not over complicate your life is the ability to work in a simple way. Is this understandable to you or do you wish me to take it further?'

Liz... 'That's understandable... I suppose my thinking around it stems from complexity theory where it's said we are more than the sum of our component parts, that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts, that at a certain level, in biology for example, very simple systems reach a threshold where out of the simple component parts something new and completely different, an altered entity arises and at that point the understanding of the whole requires a different understanding than the holding the whole together. It's seen as something different than all those component parts. I just wondered how that notion of simplicity ties in with all that or are there different levels of simplicity when one is dealing with complex organisms and complex creations, complex patterns. Is simplicity on different levels?'

'The answer to your question involves looking at the simple components, looking at the way they help each other to create something new, something which is not seen until they themselves have been recognised for what they are. Each component has a mind of its own, each component knows its place but each component also recognises that it is supporting something new, something unrecognised by those who see the confusion that the component parts create. There is much that is hidden from your sight, from your perception due to your ability to confuse. You all on your side try to look at singular parts that are merged together and see them as one. You have conditioned your thinking into seeing what you perceive as one part, one larger part, yet that larger part is a combination of parts, a combination of ideas, the thought that has gone into the creation of one object is a combination of thoughts from many minds. Many ideas have been put into that one object and you are seeing the result of many single ideas yet when you break down that one object into the many single ideas a much wider, greater object will slowly become visible to you'

Liz... 'If that is the case does that mean then that reductionist science which seems to break down the complex world into its component parts which looks to simplicity to understand the working of things as parts of a great machine, but that is actually ultimately a very helpful way of finally getting to the truth of our world?'

'The truth of your world can be understood in many ways but the thoughts that have gone into the creation of your world have to be recognised, have to be perceived in the way that they were brought forth into the creation of each physical object. Separate yourself from what you perceive, take that step back and see how that object reflects the light of your world, see how the component parts have added their own light to that what is brought together as one. Your perception can cloud your vision. True perception will show you the true image, true perception is perception seen from many angles. Expand yourself, expand your awareness and observe from all points within your own awareness. Within yourself is the true picture of your world yet you all search from without, you all search beyond yourself. Change that perspective, turn it around, turn it within'

Liz... 'I think the idea that you've expressed as simplicity looking at the component parts, breaking things down to its parts in order to finally come to a completely new way of seeing is very interesting because in a sense I feel that is exactly what science has done although the idea of the reductionist nature of science which has tried to break up the world into smaller pieces to try and understand how they fit together is sometimes seen as belying the reality of things, it has actually led to an understanding of the whole probabilistic and indeterminate nature of reality. Through that reductionist experimentation the world of quantum physics has immerged with all its paradoxes which lead to a completely different understanding of the whole. So from that point of view I can understand what you're saying in part about simplicity'

'There is so much more to be discovered, your scientists are sharing a knowledge which they have within themselves. They are seeing for the first time a larger reality. They will soon understand... they will soon begin to understand that larger reality and the way it relates to themselves and the way that they too are very much a part of that larger reality. It will open up new avenues for them to explore and they will use that information that they find to explain some of what for them are mysteries in science. There is still a long way to go but the first step has been made and once the first step has been made the following steps will come quickly. Your world is setup to share information quickly and that information and those discoveries will spread throughout your world for the benefit of all... thank you, I think a time of music now thank you'

Liz turned the music back up.

After about 15 minutes the communication started again and Liz turned the music down...

'Now we have come to the end once again of our session with you. We have brought forward our words and we feel that they have had their effect on your mind. They have built up within yourself a new understanding, something which you yourself can take from this place and practice within your world for we always try to give you something new, something which will help you to develop your own new ideas, ideas that will strengthen your mind, allow you to face the difficulties in your world, allow you to face up to all that comes to you for your world has much that can be repelled, that can be taken the wrong way. Do not take things the wrong way when you can see the true picture developing from a situation that you find yourself in. Help yourself to understand, speak out and ask for help, there is nothing that you cannot do, that you cannot touch, that you cannot feel. You have all the abilities within yourself to ride above each complicated situation that is presented to you. Work at this each day of your life and see the benefit that envelops you, that opens you up from within, that gives you those ideas... please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, know that it is always with you, know that it is always helping you and know that you can use our love to help those who you meet. Thank you my dear friend, may God bless you and keep you, goodnight'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you all'

'Thank you'



Liz put the music back up and I felt back with it after about two minutes.
The control had felt stronger at times this session and during the last communication I had a sensation of floating and bouncing on a jet of air like a ping pong ball.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

202nd Sitting 08/12/2016

We had two visitors this week, Debi and Brian who are both developing mediums.
Liz sat in her usual place opposite me, Debi sat to my right and Brian to my left.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I felt myself starting to be controlled as Liz was doing the opening prayer and the communication started just after she finished.

Liz turned the music down...

'Good evening, good evening...'

All... 'Good evening'

'Welcome, welcome to you all, thank you for coming, thank you for joining us this evening, we wish to bring forward the words that will help you with your own understandings as you explore, as you reach out to the outer limits of your own understandings. We can bring to you information that will blend with your own thoughts, your own understandings up to this point in time for you all have discovered, you all have found, you have found your own interpretation as to what lies beyond this your physical reality. We are all keen to give you the words that will impact on your minds, unlock those mysteries that sit within you for you have within yourself all the knowledge that you require, you just need that key to unlock that knowledge, set it free, allow it to expand your own awareness, send your thoughts into new directions, into new avenues for you have lived in this physical world and you have conditioned your thinking, thinking based on the surroundings that you live, based on the experiences you have in this physical reality yet those experiences are merely shadows of what really exists. Allow your mind to reach out each time you experience, look for what is not seen, hear what is unheard and touch that what cannot be touched for it is all there for you to experience, all there building up in your mind from within. Do not let the physical world cloud your thoughts for you are free, you have set yourself free, you have begun to think for yourself. There are many in your world who are beginning to understand, understand that what is inside of themselves. Look beyond your world, step out into a new vibration and you will be rewarded with sights and sounds beyond your dreams. Much has been written in your spiritual books, much has been observed and interpreted but you must go out and experience for yourself, use your own interpretations, build up experience, build up the foundations. Observe the passage of time, see how it holds you to your physical thoughts. Wake up from the dream and see the true landscape of your world, see what you have built for yourself. Each day of your life you add to that landscape. Make that landscape as beautiful as you can and when you wake up you will be rewarded... Please replay your music for a while and I will return, thank you'

Liz... 'Thank you friend I will'

Liz turned the music up.

Brian was experiencing something resting against his inside left ankle. He thought it might be an animal of some kind.

Debi had drifted off and was making a few clicking noises with her mouth.

After about 15 minutes communication started through me again and Liz turned down the music...

'Yes, well well...'

Liz... 'Welcome back friend'

'Are you all comfortable with the energies of the room?'

Brian and Liz... 'Yes'

Debi was still out of it but was starting to come back.

'You may indeed find yourselves... You may feel the control of the spiritual world with you as you sit. Allow this to develop, we have no... this circle has no expectations, we sit as an open circle for all development and when the chance is given to us we will take that opportunity to bring forward words through any medium that we can find'

Brian... 'Thank you for that'

'We wish to help you all, we wish you all to work, to allow the words of spirit to reach the ears of many. There are so many in your world who will benefit from the words of spirit, the understandings that will help them to make their own minds, to develop their own minds... Now are there any questions you wish to ask?'

Brian... 'Debi has some but she's...'

Debi... 'I'm coming back'

'Are you with us again my dear?'

Debi... 'Slowly coming back'


Debi... 'That was very strong and beautiful thank you'

'You will feel yourself going in and out throughout the evening. While you are with us would you like to ask a question?'

Debi... 'Yes please... Why when I sit my mouth is opened wide, is there a reason for this?'

'We all work in different ways. As you develop your physical body will be worked on, we will see how the inspirations we bring forward effect the physical body, you will experience different movements, different feelings. This is all part of the development process, do not fight anything that happens for it happens for a reason, a reason which you may not fully understand at this time but as time moves forward you will begin to realise that what is happening to you is the start of development of voice. Just relax, try to feel the presence with you, let any feelings on your body register in your mind. Each medium works in a different way, the best way to learn is to sit for yourself, experience for yourself. We will work with you, you do not have to be guided by others in your physical world for you can guide yourself, you can experience the way we move close to you. Do not worry how this reacts on your physical body'

Debi... 'Okay, thank you... Could you explain to me about building a voice box, how does that work please?'

'The voice box... You as a physical body, as you know, possess your own voice box. There are many ways in which we can modify your own voice box. We can introduce energies that will cause your voice to change. This will be done for the benefit of those who listen to your words for there is really no reason for us to change your voice. Again expectations in the physical world have built up where by those who sit with mediums expect a change of voice yet this is not necessary, what is necessary is the truth of spirit to come through in those words, the words need no more dressing up for the words are pure. There are times where evidential communication does indeed require a recognisable voice, a voice of a loved one. In these situations it is indeed possible to recreate that voice with the modifications we can make to your own voice box. In the advanced stages of mediumship as I'm sure you are well aware, an ectoplasmic voice box can be constructed but you do not need to concern yourself with this at this stage, just allow the words to come through, we will do all the work. You have to just sit with a calm peaceful mind, be receptive to us and we will work with you'

Debi... 'Thank you very very much'

Liz... 'Can I ask a question?'

'Yes you may'

Liz... 'Is there any particular practice or exercise as a group we could do which would help to deepen our relaxation so that we are more receptive and our vibrational energy can become lighter and finer?'

'Again each individual is different, you all respond to different exercises but as a circle sits together a thread of connection is made, your minds become closer together. Over time you begin to work as one for you will sense the thoughts of others in your circle. When you sit you play your music. Your music is a vibration, a vibration that resonates your room. Your ears are picking up that vibration and your minds are responding to that vibration, it is bringing you all into one vibration'

Liz... 'So the music is helping to harmonise us'

'Yes it creates the harmony between you all. If you wish to exercise before you sit this is up to each individual. Some people will just walk into the room, sit down, and they will work with us. Others will need a time to relax, to take those daily thoughts away from their minds. Again this is up to each individual'

Liz... 'Thank you friend that's helpful'

'I think a short period of your music once again please, thank you'

Liz turned up the music.

One minute later Brian was controlled and started to speak so Liz turned the music down again...

'Welcome friends'

Liz and Debi... 'Welcome'

'We thank you for this opportunity. This is a new experience of course but all sittings are experimental as you know and are there to be enjoyed. Please carry on your music, thank you'

Liz... 'Okay, welcome to you'

Liz turned the music up and then down again ten minutes later as a communication started through me...

'Stepping stones, stepping stones... Stepping stones are laid out for you to use. Make good use, allow yourself to walk a pathway on each stone. Take one step at a time, do not worry that that stone will not support you for you yourself have created that stone. You and only you understand the strength of the stepping stone before you. Be courageous and walk onto each stone and see where it takes you. Do not be afraid, there is nothing to fear. Each stone will reveal for you a new meaning, something to learn, something to increase your own understanding. Walk with your head held high and you will experience that what awaits you'

Brian... 'That's very interesting friend because with my recent move the very thoughts I had were that I'm back on the stepping stones'

'Well there we are... There is much to learn. Take each opportunity as it comes to you. Make you choices well, make your choices with love for fear does not need to exist in the choices that you make. Make your choices with love and the stepping stones will grow stronger, you will find yourself elevated as you climb higher. Take away the fear and you will rise high like a bird in the sky observing your world from above, seeing the beautiful opportunities. Your world is full of opportunities... take them'

Brian... 'Yes indeed'

'Work at reducing your fears and beliefs for this is all that holds you back. You all on your world have built up your beliefs, you all on your world have restricted your own understandings. Fly above the confusions of your world and you will see your world as it truly is, as it has been created by yourself with loving thoughts creating a beautiful picture. Sweep away the fears and the love inside of you will blossom. Love is light and light can shine bright and illuminate the path ahead. Nothing is stopping you from igniting that love within, that light within, only your beliefs will work at dimming that light turning love into fear, turning clarity into confusion'

Brian... 'Yes wise words'

'Wise but also simple for simplicity is all you need in your life. Take away simplicity and confusion will rule your life. There is nothing difficult in your world except the difficulties your create for yourself. Create simplicity and the difficulties will go. Live a simple loving life and your light will be reflected on all who you meet and on each situation that comes your way'

Liz... 'Sometimes the goals we set ourselves or that seem to be part of our journey in life require quite complex skills and commitments and a degree of problem solving which seems to take away the simplicity'

'You have set these goals for yourself. You have created the conditions of these goals. Set yourself a simple goal. See it in front of you, feel it as you reach out, do not complicate it with what you perceive as necessary'

Liz... 'If one is to engage with the world in different ways for example in the field of science or in many endeavors then a whole panoply of skills and interactions quite complex takes place and there can be an underlying simplicity to it all, the ultimate goal but the means to achieving the ends sometimes are very complex'

'Because you are looking at the full picture made up of many individual connections. See each individual connection as a simple connection. Those simple connections go together to create what for you would appear to be complication. One simple connection on top of another simple connection. Can you see how it will build, how it will grow, how you yourself are creating a complication in a picture that should be a beautiful picture. You have muddled your picture, you have taken the beauty and replaced it with confusion yet the beauty was always there, the beauty was in front of you. See the simplicities inside of the confusion and work with that'

Liz... 'So is that to say that in every situation in life instead of jumping into the whole complexity, to approach things from a more simplistic and elemental point of view'

'Disassemble the situation as you see it until the component parts are visible to you and then you can work on each component part. You may see one weak link on one component part. That weak link can be repaired and the full situation will once again work in harmony, will appear as a beautiful picture in your mind'

Liz... 'Yes I have a sense as you're saying that of the difficulty of trying to knit with tangled yarn. I guess the first step is to untangle the yarn and to have a clear and unknotted thread and then you can weave the pattern, knit the garment elegantly'

'Use the simplest of tools, do not start with complications already in place'

Liz... 'Yes I guess that's what we do isn't it, we try to create with knotted and tangled threads or thoughts or assumptions and it creates mess'

'Step back from the full situation, allow yourself...'

Liz... 'Tease out the elements and clarify, thank you, yes'

'Well now my dear friends we have indeed reached the end of our session this evening. We hope you have enjoyed the session, we hope you have benefited from the session. We have enjoyed the energies you have brought into the room for each of you come with love in your hearts. We work with your lights and we combine your light to create a wonderful foundation on which we can work. You all see yourselves as individuals yet you are also very much a part of each other and a part of us. We are all connected, one evolving consciousness, growing, becoming love. As always we leave with you a piece of our love, take it out into your world, share it with all who you meet. Thank you my dear friends, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you'

All... 'Good night friend, God bless you all'



Liz turned the music back up and I felt back with it after about two minutes.

Liz checked everyone else was okay.

Brian was fine.
Debi had been drifting in and out of it during the session and had felt very cold at times but was feeling fine now. She had sensed a young girl with her and felt it was a communicator who had spoken through Joan in the Mercury Circle. The girl had kept saying 'Mr Nick knows me' to Debi.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

201st Sitting 17/11/2016

We had the room setup as usual. The big round table is now a small square table and we put that to my right with the voice recorder on it.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.45pm, turned off the light and put the music on.

Liz sensed a familiar presence in the room.

I started to be controlled about three minutes after the opening prayer.

Liz turned down the music and welcomed the communication…

‘Good evening, good evening’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘All come through and once again we engage which you in conversation. There is much to say as always, there is much to bring forward in our own way. When we gather we send forth the messages, the words that come through, each selected and transmitted and received. We all have to bring ourselves into your room, into your atmosphere, allow us to sample the energies, acclimatise our own thoughts to your thoughts, for we have… there is what you would call a different frequency to our way of thinking which you would not receive in the usual way. When we think we put our whole mind, our whole feeling behind each thought, let it settle into an atmosphere like your physical world and it will grow, it will attach itself to your own thoughts, your own way of thinking and you will recognise it for what it is. There are many ways to receive the thoughts of spirit. When you sit alone you are opening yourself up to receive, how you receive depends on how you interpret the thoughts that come through. When we work like this we are adjusting our own thought patterns so that they fit in with your own words. There is no interpretation necessary for the words to come through as physical words to be heard by your physical ears. When you sit alone you are adjusting your own mind, your own thought patterns to receive thoughts that would otherwise be… they would not be received, they would not be heard and they would not be seen. There are many ways in which the spirit world influences your own world. The use of mediumship is but one way. Throughout your history mediumship has been used, the spiritual world is always developing the way in which messages are received in all the different techniques that are used. As your world evolves so the spiritual world evolves. We see greater opportunities to bring our words through for the physical world is increasing its own understandings allowing easier reception of spiritual thoughts, spiritual words. We have a greater impact on your world as your world develops, as your world evolves, as discoveries are made and you look at your own world and see how it is built up before your eyes. Understand the part you play in your own world for you each have your own world within yourself and people are beginning to understand this. This allows us greater opportunity to influence your world. We want you all to see your world as it truly is but it is for you to discover, we can only guide, we can only influence and we can only influence the minds that are ready to accept. We watch your world with great interest as it evolves, as it creates these new opportunities and we see great changes ahead. Each person plays their part, each person adds their own thoughts and ideas to the overall picture. You all influence each other yet you still feel you are individuals. The connections will become more obvious as your world continues to evolve, more people will see the connection of all things, all life. Individuality will become a thing of the past but it is up to you to make these changes, to start the process of change within your wonderful world. All knowledge is within yourself, all understandings are within yourself. Allow this understanding to make itself known by changing the way you think. See yourself as a greater part, a greater part of your individuality, a greater part yet it is within you, you are not so very small, there is no limit to how far you can reach. Allow your world to show you the way, allow your world to work with you, become one with your world and you will see, you will understand that you are your world, everything is within you, everything is available to you, you just need to remember how to use it, how to make use of all that you possess’

Liz turned the music up.

After about ten minutes another communicator took control with a different voice.
Liz turn down the music again…

‘…is it okay, is it okay?’

Liz… ‘Hello friend, yes, it’s okay’

‘Yes, good well… it all comes together in the end and we all come together, we all are coming through… The world of physical matter is a very interesting place for us all to see and hear and observe all that goes on, all that is happening at this time. There are many, many factors involved in the evolution of your world yet we all see each factor as a pillar supporting your world for your world is built on opportunity and it has delivered, it has set itself the task to develop the abilities of all who inhabit your world for they are learning, they are feeling their way through life. They have not got sufficient knowledge to ignite their interest for they have had knowledge hidden from them, they have accepted the roles that they have played in the production of your world. There has been a loosening of the available information, there has been a grasping out for more information. As your world evolves so the inhabitants grow tired of the daily routine, they see before them a world full of opportunities yet they feel they are not within their grasp. They reach out and fail to touch that what is precious to them. Allow yourself to embrace your world with open arms, see how it works with you, see how it works within you and see how it is a part of you. There is nothing stopping you from taking hold of your world, acknowledging it for what it is, for what it has become, for you have all contributed to the way your world is now and there is nothing stopping you from changing that world into a world of beauty, a world of loving kindness, a world where all are joined in peace and harmony. You all have the ability to change your world. Do not look at the causes of the negativities in your world for you will never find the causes because you will not acknowledge that you yourselves have caused the world to be as it is now. You will not acknowledge this all the time that you believe yourself to be an individual. When you believe you are an individual you can put responsibilities onto another. If you see yourself as but one part of the whole then you will understand that the responsibilities are yours. You cannot hide from your world, you cannot run from your world, your world is a part of you. Look at yourself, improve your own self and the world will improve. Guard your thoughts for thoughts are powerful tools in the creation and destruction of your world. You cannot see the thoughts yet you can see the effects of your thoughts each day of your life. Keep your thoughts pure and clean and this will reflect on the makeup of your world’

There was a pause then the communication continued with a different voice…

‘Holy, holy… holy spirit, holy ghost, holy man… all this all brings one word, all points towards one word, the word is love and the word is what you perceive when you have created beauty in your world. Picture a golden star, see how it lights up the darkness, see how it fades when the effort is not put in to the polishing of that golden star. Keep your golden star shining bright and you will be making the most beneficial effect on your world’

Another short pause…

‘Seven, seven… yes seven and seven and seven. Take it one step at a time and watch, watch the effects, watch the curtains part and reveal the beautiful sunset, the beautiful green grass, the beautiful colour of the rose and the beautiful sparkle on a crimson lake. You have the tools to create your own picture. Don’t let unguarded thoughts spoil your picture for you can do so well. Take the elements and place them in your picture. Use your thoughts to create the colours and the shapes, surround yourself with beauty and reflect it within yourself. Hold your world in the palms of your hands and see the golden star shine from the centre, feel the warmth, feel the vibrations’

The communication ended. Liz had drifted off and came back about five minutes later to put the music back up again.

After ten minutes another communication started and Liz turned the music down again…

‘Well now once again we have reached the end of our session this evening. We have come to the end, we have now to say goodbye. We hope you have enjoyed the words that we brought through this evening. We have tried to bring words of encouragement and inspiration for all on your world. It is indeed a time of change and a time to be celebrated, to be enjoyed, to be taken advantage of and used for the good, used to bring together all likeminded souls so they may once again re-form into one harmonious whole… Please take from us a piece of our love. Take it into your heart and spread it around. Give each person you meet a piece of this love and they too will see that love within you and it will make them feel their own love within themselves. Thank you my dear friend, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on and I felt back with it after about two minutes.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

200th Sitting 11/11/2016

We had the room setup as usual except for the table which we moved to behind Liz and we moved Liz’s chair further into the room.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.45pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

Two minutes later I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘A good time for us to come once again… through to your world of physical matter… physical experience. Much we have to say and we will try to get a true meaning through to you. We will work hard to explain what you wish to hear for we too have much to learn by doing this, working with you in your atmosphere. It helps us to build up our own knowledge. We feel the way you live, we feel the atmosphere that supports life in your world and we can gauge it, we can get an idea, we can formulate an idea in our own mind that helps us to better understand your way of living. You too will feel the energies that we bring as you sit and if you let yourself relax you will also feel… you will get an impression of the atmosphere that we bring into the room. Subtle differences in your Earthly vibrations will have their effect on your mind. You will see with your spiritual eyes and you will hear with your spiritual ears that what belongs to you, that what is always connected with you. You just haven’t realised for your minds are focused on the physical world, that busy physical world that keeps you occupied, that throws situations at you on a daily basis. Use those situations; try to address those situations with your spiritual senses, become aware of your spiritual senses which are always working in tune with your physical senses. You are greater than yourself, you are greater than that what you perceive as yourself, your physical body and your physical senses are but a beginning to your true identity. Watch those who you meet, observe how they react to their own situations. You may notice how they are not totally reliant on their physical senses. You will recognise this in yourself. When you recognise this you can work to develop, develop your spiritual senses. Combine the physical and the spiritual in your daily life and you will achieve so much more. The physical follows the spiritual yet most on your world are unaware of the spiritual. They do not hear the calls… that what is calling them, that what is inspiring them goes unnoticed to the physical mind yet the spiritual mind still has its effect on the way that they lead their lives. Take away the spiritual side and there will be no life, there will be no life force in the physical body. Make your choices with care; listen to that inner voice that is guiding you, whispers in your ears’

Liz… ‘So you’re saying that that spiritual part of ourselves is acting and operating in our interests even when we’re completely closed off from it and ignorant of it’

‘It is always there for it is you, it is the real you’

Liz… ‘And to become more aware of it and to allow it to direct, to have more direction in our life we just need to pay attention. If we are not used to doing that, what is the best way to do that, to begin to listen?’

‘Try to understand what motivates you in your daily life, as you make your choices, as you make your decisions. You will feel that there is a part of you which is trying to take you one way whereas a greater part of you wishes to stand still, wishes to ignore that underlying feeling, that motivating force that is trying to drive you forward. Recognise this feeling’

Liz… ‘What if the feeling that’s driving you forward at a particular instant in time is a vengeful feeling or an angry feeling or a destructive feeling?’

‘That is your physical self. That is your physical self fighting against the motivating force. The physical self wants to be in control, the physical self will not take guidance for the physical self understands one thing, one situation at a time. The physical self will fight for what it feels is right even when it is very wrong. Confusion will build up and anger will take over the thoughts, the physical thoughts, but this is a temporary condition for the spiritual self will always find its way through, correcting any misguided thoughts causing uncomfortable feelings in the mind of those who wish not to accept the spiritual self. Over time the physical self will grow tired and the spiritual self will be recognised. Each individual reacts to their spiritual self in different ways, each individual has built for themselves a wall of protection, they see themselves purely as individuals, they look for what will only help them not caring or giving a thought for one another until that spiritual self is allowed access into their minds and a new feeling will come over them. They will question themselves and this will be the start of their growth, their spiritual growth. The spiritual self can manifest in many ways through art and poetry and music. There are many ways that the spiritual selves will gain entry into a physical world and the effects will be felt by all. You do not need to do anything to release this spiritual self within yourself for it is part of you, you have never been separated, you only think that the spiritual self is not there. The spiritual self does not have to work at making itself felt it merely has to wait, wait for the physical self to let go, let go of its idea that it is indeed an individual, let that idea go and the individual will become one as it always has been, as it always will be… Please now replay your music for a while’

Liz turned up the music then down again after about five minutes as another communication started to come through taking a while to settle in…

‘Freddie, Freddie, always a good entertainer, sung the songs so well, we all had our thoughts towards the songs. The songs were the way of releasing the information, the understandings. The words came through the songs and all heard these words and it had its effect on everybody’s mind. It woke up the senses and allowed the spiritual realities to seep through and be ignited until the physical senses were uncovered, exposed, allowed to work as one with the spiritual and the physical working together, working for the good, for the benefit of evolution, expansion of the mind. Each time a song is written it contains elements of the spiritual reality, elements that are recognised by each individual who listens to the song whether they are aware or not, it will benefit them, it will help them to become more real, more of them self, their true self will shine through. The popular song spreads through many ears and produces much emotion. The songs are an important part of your world. Communication comes through in so many different ways, you all are exposed to the words of spirit each day of your life in what you see and what you hear and the emotions that are triggered off. Try not to hide your emotions for they are used to spread the message, they are felt by others and the message continues to grow, becomes stronger to take hold of the physical forms in your physical world. Thank you; please continue with your wonderful music’

Liz… ‘I will…’

Liz turned the music up again for about 13 minutes when another communication started…

Liz… ‘Welcome friend, welcome’

‘It is all a complete mystery, a complete fabrication of truths, it is all an illusion, it is all a great illusion yet you find it so very real, so very permanent. It is so difficult for you to comprehend the truth behind each physical object. You hold out your hand and you feel that object yet you can also send your feelings to that object, allow your feelings to explore that object and you will get a truer picture of what that object really is. You do not need to touch your world to know your world for your world is within you, within yourself. You need merely to feel that world within yourself to truly recognise, recognise what you have created for yourself, recognise that it is truly an illusion within yourself. Take yourself out of that illusion and you will truly appreciate life beyond life. Capture one moment in each day and allow it to fill you with joy and laughter for that moment is but one part of a greater illusion, a greater experience of what for you is physical matter set out before you. Turn yourself around, see yourself as surrounding that physical matter, see your physical world within yourself. You no longer have to pretend when you truly understand, you no longer have to believe when you truly understand but just take that one slice of your daily life and work at that for that is sufficient for your mind at this time, thank you’

Liz turned the music up for five minutes when another communication came through…

‘You asked in your opening prayer for guidance for when your visitors will come to sit yes’

Liz… ‘Yes…’

‘Now we are well aware that they were coming, you will set your room much as you have tonight. You can if you wish remove the large table from this room, it is no longer required in your sessions but you will still require the dome when you sit for the Mercury Experiment. We suggest that it is placed on one of the smaller tables in the centre of your room only when you sit for the Mercury Experiment. So when your visitors are here it is important that they are at ease, give them the choice to sit in darkness or dim red light, allow them to make that decision for it has no consequence to us how we work. Encourage them to bring questions and leave the evening up to us. We will as always endeavour to answer any questions in the best way that we can for we always answer our questions in the way that we feel is most understandable to you at this point in time. So do you have any more questions about your visitors or is it clear in your mind?’

Liz… ‘No that seems quite straight forward’

‘Thank you, then as always we will now leave you with a piece of our love to take out into your world and to take within yourself. Let this love help you to better understand your own world and let it also spread out to those who you meet. Thank you my dear friend, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you’

‘Thank you’

Liz put the music back on and I felt back with it after about two minutes.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

199th Sitting 03/11/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I fell asleep for about 25 minutes then woke up when my arm jerked.
I then started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music and welcomed the communication…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend, welcome’

‘Once again we come into your room and we speak and we try to explain that what you wish to learn, that what you wish to explore with your own mind until you feel the effects of the understanding resonating throughout your own mind, throughout your own train of thoughts. It is a wonderful world that you live in, a wonderful opportunity to grasp for you have the power to explore, the power to experience, there is much for you to discover in your own world. Yes your world has evolved and become a place, an excellent place for you to learn, for you all to learn and teach each other. You mingle with others on your world and you observe the actions of others. You see how your own actions differ from others yet you all share the same environment and the same opportunities. As you expand your own awareness you will see how your world has been shaped by all who have inhabited it throughout its existence, you will see how the world has been shaped into a beautiful learning opportunity. Many people on your world have started to think, they have begun to look into the meanings of their own existence, groups of people around your world gather and exchange ideas, they try to piece together an acceptable understanding that helps them to adjust to a higher level of life, a higher vibration. They are trying to leave behind the darkness that they understand as existing within your world, they are trying to rise above this. More people are tuning into this as they connect to each other. Keep your thoughts high, keep yourself at your own higher vibration and you will connect to those around you who also feel the effects, feel the advantages of raising your vibrations. There is much darkness in your world but it cannot affect you unless you allow it to affect you. Stand above the darkness and it will not reach you, it will not influence you. Those who live in darkness can be helped, they can be shown how to raise themselves above the darkness but they first have to show a spark of interest in bettering themselves. Send your loving thoughts to those who live in the darker situations of your world, they will receive those thoughts and those thoughts will help them to take a step upwards. You all contribute to the overall vibration of your world. Hold on to that higher vibration each day of your life and you will be raising the overall vibration… Is this understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes, yes it is’

‘You will, you can at times feel the effects of the darkness trying to bring you down but you must recognise this feeling, shake it off, do not allow it to affect your life, do not take the easy options, work at your thoughts and your choices and you will benefit with a stronger mind. Remember that you are connected to all, you have unlimited potential, nothing will hold you back except yourself, do not allow yourself to hold you down’

Liz… ‘There is a strong fascination to listen to the news, to allow television and radio to invade my consciousness, the newspapers, the things around, it’s very easy to get sucked into the political and the current affairs framework which is full of darkness, full of distraction, full of pain. It’s very easy to get caught up in all of that, a sort of fascination with the distraction of it; it’s almost like a path of least resistance. Are you saying that one should resist that?’

‘Yes, that what you observe in your news programs, is presented to you, you have the opportunity to allow it to bring you down, you also have the opportunity to send light to those dark areas. Visualise that what you hear and see bathed in light. Look at these dark situations as opportunities for you to exercise your ability to heal for you and everybody else has the ability to heal all things, all situations, for you are connected to those who dwell within those situations and you can reach them, you can reach them with your thoughts. By directing the light to these situations it will distract your mind from the darkness that is within these situations and it will not allow it to affect you for you are sending out light, light that is stronger than the darkness, light that will extinguish that darkness. Believe in this, know that it will have an effect and seize that opportunity to play your part in lighting up the darkness that is presented to you on your news programs and in your newspapers. Those who dwell in darkness have merely forgotten the wonders of their own light; they have allowed themselves to slip down through that path of least resistance into yet darker situations. It is easier to slide down than to climb up, give them that light and it will allow them to recognise the light in themselves which will empower them to climb out of themselves’

Liz… ‘So even when someone is full of hatred and negativity and rage and refusing to even think about the light or love or anything else, can it still help if you hold onto the thought of love and light and send out a prayer for that person. Can it still get through to them and will it act in their future maybe to help pull to them out of the downward spiral?’

‘It will always help, there is nothing stopping the transmission of light from one consciousness to another, you are all connected. Their rage and confusion is them fighting against themselves, they are looking; they are searching for something, something which they know within themselves that they have forgotten. The light you send will act as a reminder to their inner self that will in turn trigger a reaction in the confused mind that is fighting with itself. Never think that you cannot reach another person with your thoughts of love and light. It will always reach its destination and it will root in their very being until that light is allowed to blossom. Never forget that you are all connected, you are all one, there is not so much difference between you and another who is struggling and confused’

Liz… ‘Is it the case that one larger soul activates or sends forth a number of us as individual aspects but we’re all connected to one larger soul?’

‘There is never any separation; there is merely a closing of awareness. One soul is all souls; one mind is all minds’

Liz… ‘That sounds very holographic’

‘Each mind has taken a step into physical existence knowing that its awareness will hold it from its real self but there is still that strand of connection which takes it back. That strand of connection is driving you forward, is feeding you, is giving you life, while you in turn are feeding back experiences that will help your consciousness to evolve and in turn all consciousnesses will evolve as one. You can operate as a singularity while at the same time you can feel the connection to all life’

Liz… ‘Sounds very like in the physics framework of quantum physics, the entanglement and the coherent state in which superconductivity can be achieved’

‘The scientists of your world will discover situations within your world that will help them to understand themselves, see the patterns that make up your world, that hold matter together, the patterns that form the smallest of particles, see how they connect and understand how you also connect’

Liz… ‘I guess the states of matter and the transitional states of matter have a metaphoric or analogist to consciousness states, states of awareness, spiritual transitions. I guess it’s all forms of energy at different levels isn’t it, that there must be correspondence, as above so below’

‘As states of matter can change so can consciousness evolve and raise its vibration. There is nothing that is hidden from you, the answers are everywhere’

Liz… ‘And I guess reading the book of matter or the book of life we’re also reading into the book of our soul’

‘The physical world has evolved in the same way as consciousness has evolved. Take time to observe the growth in your world, see how life grows, see how it picks up energy from outside of itself and draws it within itself to allow it to expand and grow into new shapes, new forms. The energy is freely available and it is used in a natural way shaping the forms, the life forms of your planet in the same way that light is freely available to all consciousness, to all life. Use that light, draw it into your own consciousness and see how you grow, see how you evolve, see how the form of your mind changes shape, reaches out to new opportunities that were not within your reach before and see where this takes you. See how it raises you up for the higher you go the more you will touch and the more that you touch will spread your awareness into new avenues, new opportunities. Work with your world not against it, you will benefit from being in tune with all that is life within the physical world’

Liz… ‘Even to the extent that when we’re surrounded by negativity, that we can work with it to transform it by maintaining our own higher vibrational level through the use of exercises and meditation, by holding onto that energetic level by whatever means we can summon?’

‘Work with the darkness by touching it with your light, work with those who are confused by touching them with your light’

Liz… ‘Many people have chosen to focus their energies on surrounding themselves by like-minded souls who are concerned with raising their vibrational level and evolving spiritually, sometimes to the exclusion of other groups of people who are maybe operating at a more mundane level, more engrossed in the negative or noisy world. Is that lifestyle choice a good one for them?’

‘Working in groups strengthens the light. Groups of like-minded consciousnesses will naturally form, they will work as one, they will produce a wonderful light, a wonderful healing energy. They can direct that energy throughout your world’

Liz… ‘Is it important for such groups to operate somewhat exclusively so they can focus their energies and not be diluted?’

‘If this is what they feel most beneficial then yes, other groups will work better when combined with all the other elements of light and dark in your world. A group who works alone will become a focused group full of pure energy, energy which will attract the thinking of those who dwell in the darker places. The power of light is so great, is so focused that it will form a wave throughout your world, a wave that will gather speed, gather momentum and will flood your world. Every individual will benefit in their own way, their reactions will depend on their states of mind yet they will experience the warmth of the light within themselves and it will help them begin to want to understand their own true purpose in the overall life in your world. All life responds to light, all life wants to be happy, no one wishes to be afraid. They will welcome the light for they will see it take away their fears and clear their mind of misunderstandings and forgotten truths… thank you my dear friend, please replay your music for a while’

Liz put the music back on then turned it down again three minutes later when the communication started again…

‘Time once again, we have reached the time where we will end this session. We have enjoyed speaking with you; we have enjoyed that experience once again’

Liz… ‘That’s good’

‘It is always an interesting experience for us to bring through to you those words which we hope will help you to understand and to encourage you to keep on building up your own understandings, your own impressions that will have their impact on your mind. We as always leave with you a piece of our love to take out into your world and lighten up those dark places, lighten up those confused minds and help raise the overall vibrations of your world… Thank you my dear friend, may God bless and keep you all, good night’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all’

‘Thank you’

Liz turned the music up and I felt back with it after a couple of minutes.
I saw bright blobs in front of me that stayed there for about five minutes.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

198th Sitting 27/10/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

About five minutes later the first communication started to come through and Liz turned down the music…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you friend’

‘Working all together, we all come through and we all combine our own energies and produce the sound, the physical voice once again, try to explain to you what you wish to understand, that what puzzles your mind for your mind is not used to working without the physical restrictions of your world although your mind is always in touch with that what is not for you physical, you are continually receiving information, you are permanently in contact with the non-physical, that place that you find so difficult to understand. Each thought you make passes through the non-physical. Your physical world is merely a reaction to the non-physical thoughts yet for you immersed in this physical world it would seem to be primary, the primary reality, a fixed reality. Picture yourself outside of yourself; picture yourself where your thoughts are working, where your thoughts are pulsating through the atmosphere. Where do you suppose your thoughts are in relation to your physical world? Do you see your thoughts as part of the makeup of your physical world?’

Liz… ‘They seem to be in a stratum that is not physical; a sort of transparent dimensionless space that isn’t space, a definite non-physical’

‘Do you feel that the thoughts require dimensions?’

Liz… ‘No but they seem capable of creating pictures’

‘They create physical reactions that for you seem so very real. The physical reactions are the ripples in the pond; the thoughts are that what create the ripples. Take thoughts out of the equation and there would be no ripples, there would be no physical world. The physical world is held up by thought; the physical world does not exist without thought’

Liz… ‘That’s interesting… it’s true that when we sit in this room in the dark and are focused on spirit and on communication it seems very strange when finally the light goes on to find ourselves in a physical reality, in a room, where before it’s dimensionless’

‘The darkness has taken away one of the dimensions of your physical world, you no longer have the sense of sight, physical sight, yet you still have pictures in your mind, you still observe phenomena within the room yet this cannot be physical phenomena for the room does not contain light, physical light, yet what is spiritual light? Is spiritual light a physical dimension or a thought dimension? Your perception in the dark does not rely on the physical senses, the physical senses of seeing. There is a wider world for you to explore, the physical world is but one segment of that wider world’

Liz heard a sound like the wind chimes we have hanging up in the room moving.

Liz… ‘I thought I heard a very feint ring, it could have been on the CD, like a tinkle, I wondered if it was our wind chimes?’

‘Yes, the wind chimes in your room, it is possible that they will indeed create sound, we will make sure when the time is right that it will be a very recognisable sound for you… Please replay your music for a short while and we will return thank you’

Liz turned up the music.
She started to notice a few shapes in the room and a kind of mottled effect.

About ten minutes later another communication started and Liz turned down the music again…

‘Save it all, save it all to your memory, save it all to your mind, save each experience to your memory and keep it under lock and key for it is yours, it is for you to use, to remember, to bring back and re-enact at a later date for you have built up for yourself a part in a play, a part that can be re-enacted at any time by any person but it is only for you to replay for you have built up for yourself the experience, experience in dealing with the situations that you come across each day of your life. Do not waste a single opportunity for each situation that is presented to you will bring for you fresh experience that you can store in your memory and retrieve when the time is right. Do not let it become spoiled for it is pure, it is precision, precision implied, it is built up inside of you and it will enable you to rekindle yourself once again with that magical kingdom that you have discovered in your journey through your life, through your many lives. Take each day as a new experiment, see each day unfold and observe with precision the way each person reacts to your own life, to the way you live your own life for you have created for yourself a living environment that you feel comfortable and at ease with each day of your life. Hold on to the memories, relive those memories for the time will come when the memories will fit into place and you will see how you have been working all along to relive that magical experience that was created by yourself and kept at the back of your mind to once again resurface when the conditions and the time is right… Thank you my dear friend you can replay your music once again and we will be back’

Liz… ‘Thank you’

Liz turned up the music.

I’d had a sense of Liz’s dad with me during the last communication.

After about five minutes another communication started and Liz turned the music down again…

‘The fine line of communication, that very fine line, that line which we stretch out to you is already vibrating, it is connecting you with that what you imagine’

Liz… ‘I hope so’

‘That what you build up in your thoughts, a very fine line of communication which can and does exist in the lives of all for you are all connected to that fine line and you are all receiving words of encouragement and guidance throughout your physical life. You are the master of your own decisions yet that fine line is what helps you make your choice, it will not make your choice for you but it will help you to see the possibilities that you can choose from as you approach each situation in your life. We want you to work with love in the way that you choose to live but we cannot force this upon you, it is for you to use that what has built up within you to make the final choices, we can only encourage, we can only give you glimpses, glimpses of what is possible, what is possible with love for love creates more possibilities, more avenues of thought will be opened up to you when you work with love, love and light. Illuminate those dark places, light up further possibilities, light up further pathways, pathways that will lead you to greater things, greater understandings, higher thoughts. Be the master of your own thoughts but keep an eye and an ear open to that what passes down that fine line for it will benefit you, it will open you up, it will allow you to see more and it will come with love…’

There was a pause.

‘Each day you wake up from your sleep, you wake up from your sleep yet you can wake up again, waking from your sleep is but one waking moment, throughout your daily life you can wake up again, wake up to the world of thought, wake up from the world of physical matter into the world of thought. Yes, now, to the world of thought you are viewed as sleeping in your physical world, the thoughts are truly awake, wake yourself up and those thoughts will seem so much more real, so much more a part of your reality. See yourself as the thoughts in your mind, take yourself from the physical body and place your awareness in the thoughts of your mind. There you will be truly awake, truly in control and viewing your world from a larger perspective’

The communication ended and Liz turned up the music.

15 minutes later another communication started and Liz turned the music down again…

Liz… ‘Welcome friend, welcome back’

‘Give each thought a picture and create for yourself a moving picture as each thought creates a picture on top of the picture you have and you will create a wonderful life, a new life, a life made up of pictures of your own creation. Yes, now, stand back and observe the pictures in motion, the pictures that are becoming alive, alive for you and part of your life. You only have to imagine, you only have to set in motion the colours and the shapes to clothe your thoughts and the thoughts that come to you to make this wonderful life, this wonderful experience, this wonderful moving picture that for you will be a part of your life. Take from the pictures all that is good, all that is light, all that illuminates your heart, all that increases that light within yourself for you are forming a beautiful picture’

Liz… ‘Can I ask a question?

‘Yes you may’

Liz… ‘I would like to know to what extent the pictures that we form or that come through various mediums about what life is like after death, I would like to know how they vary, how much veracity there is in these pictures. They vary enormously from medium to medium but there’s some consistency there but I would like to know whether they actually are just an interpretation and illusion and that the actual reality that every soul experiences after death is very different’

‘The pictures are true yet each individual paints for themselves a copy of that true picture and in copying a true picture the inner thoughts of that individual will colour that picture in a way that is understandable to them’

Liz… ‘I have a sense of a person that I knew who has died quite a few years ago but I sense their presence suddenly in the room very strongly and I would like to know whether I am colouring that picture of the person because they seem to come back looking as I remember them when they were younger and all the connection with that person feels very alive and real. I would like to know if that person is actually there or whether I’m creating that picture in my mind’

‘All communication is a two way operation, communication comes to you in a way, in a form, created by the entity that is sending you the information but it is for you to interpret that form that comes to you, that picture, that impression that is made on your own mind. It is not possible to have a full picture of a situation that is occurring in a reality removed from your physical reality yet you can by your own interpretations get a feeling, a feeling of something that is beyond your current state of mind. It is for you to decide whether this person is who they appear to be in your own mind but rest assured this person is very much alive. This person is unable to give you a truly accurate description of how they now exist for your understanding does not include the necessary experiences to colour that picture with true colours. You are receiving a feeling, you see that person as occupying space within this room yet that person has moved on from physical existence, from dimensions, from space, yet at the same time that person is very much alive and is connected to the personality that you knew. Allow yourself to know that that person is very much alive and is connected to you, that is sufficient for your own mind at this time. Do not try to complicate by using your own interpretations and painting a picture for yourself of a life of somebody who has moved beyond your own thought patterns… Is this understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes… I wish it were possible for this person to give some evidential information’

‘Quieten your mind and you will receive. Take away all thoughts of physical existence, allow yourself to be free from the restrictions of the physical world. You will get your evidence but it must come to you in a pure non-physical way. Take time to remember your dreams and you will understand more about this situation for your dreams are as real as your physical life and they are one step further away from the physical reality, they provide an opportunity for communication to take place without that physical interpretation colouring that what is presented to you… Thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening. The energies are getting low; we wish now to give you a piece of our love, take it out into your world and spread it around. May God bless you all, thank you, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Thank you, goodnight and God bless you all’

‘If your music has ended we will sit in silence for a while thank you’

The music had ended so we sat quietly until I felt fully back with it after about two minutes.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…