May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

200th Sitting 11/11/2016

We had the room setup as usual except for the table which we moved to behind Liz and we moved Liz’s chair further into the room.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.45pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

Two minutes later I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘A good time for us to come once again… through to your world of physical matter… physical experience. Much we have to say and we will try to get a true meaning through to you. We will work hard to explain what you wish to hear for we too have much to learn by doing this, working with you in your atmosphere. It helps us to build up our own knowledge. We feel the way you live, we feel the atmosphere that supports life in your world and we can gauge it, we can get an idea, we can formulate an idea in our own mind that helps us to better understand your way of living. You too will feel the energies that we bring as you sit and if you let yourself relax you will also feel… you will get an impression of the atmosphere that we bring into the room. Subtle differences in your Earthly vibrations will have their effect on your mind. You will see with your spiritual eyes and you will hear with your spiritual ears that what belongs to you, that what is always connected with you. You just haven’t realised for your minds are focused on the physical world, that busy physical world that keeps you occupied, that throws situations at you on a daily basis. Use those situations; try to address those situations with your spiritual senses, become aware of your spiritual senses which are always working in tune with your physical senses. You are greater than yourself, you are greater than that what you perceive as yourself, your physical body and your physical senses are but a beginning to your true identity. Watch those who you meet, observe how they react to their own situations. You may notice how they are not totally reliant on their physical senses. You will recognise this in yourself. When you recognise this you can work to develop, develop your spiritual senses. Combine the physical and the spiritual in your daily life and you will achieve so much more. The physical follows the spiritual yet most on your world are unaware of the spiritual. They do not hear the calls… that what is calling them, that what is inspiring them goes unnoticed to the physical mind yet the spiritual mind still has its effect on the way that they lead their lives. Take away the spiritual side and there will be no life, there will be no life force in the physical body. Make your choices with care; listen to that inner voice that is guiding you, whispers in your ears’

Liz… ‘So you’re saying that that spiritual part of ourselves is acting and operating in our interests even when we’re completely closed off from it and ignorant of it’

‘It is always there for it is you, it is the real you’

Liz… ‘And to become more aware of it and to allow it to direct, to have more direction in our life we just need to pay attention. If we are not used to doing that, what is the best way to do that, to begin to listen?’

‘Try to understand what motivates you in your daily life, as you make your choices, as you make your decisions. You will feel that there is a part of you which is trying to take you one way whereas a greater part of you wishes to stand still, wishes to ignore that underlying feeling, that motivating force that is trying to drive you forward. Recognise this feeling’

Liz… ‘What if the feeling that’s driving you forward at a particular instant in time is a vengeful feeling or an angry feeling or a destructive feeling?’

‘That is your physical self. That is your physical self fighting against the motivating force. The physical self wants to be in control, the physical self will not take guidance for the physical self understands one thing, one situation at a time. The physical self will fight for what it feels is right even when it is very wrong. Confusion will build up and anger will take over the thoughts, the physical thoughts, but this is a temporary condition for the spiritual self will always find its way through, correcting any misguided thoughts causing uncomfortable feelings in the mind of those who wish not to accept the spiritual self. Over time the physical self will grow tired and the spiritual self will be recognised. Each individual reacts to their spiritual self in different ways, each individual has built for themselves a wall of protection, they see themselves purely as individuals, they look for what will only help them not caring or giving a thought for one another until that spiritual self is allowed access into their minds and a new feeling will come over them. They will question themselves and this will be the start of their growth, their spiritual growth. The spiritual self can manifest in many ways through art and poetry and music. There are many ways that the spiritual selves will gain entry into a physical world and the effects will be felt by all. You do not need to do anything to release this spiritual self within yourself for it is part of you, you have never been separated, you only think that the spiritual self is not there. The spiritual self does not have to work at making itself felt it merely has to wait, wait for the physical self to let go, let go of its idea that it is indeed an individual, let that idea go and the individual will become one as it always has been, as it always will be… Please now replay your music for a while’

Liz turned up the music then down again after about five minutes as another communication started to come through taking a while to settle in…

‘Freddie, Freddie, always a good entertainer, sung the songs so well, we all had our thoughts towards the songs. The songs were the way of releasing the information, the understandings. The words came through the songs and all heard these words and it had its effect on everybody’s mind. It woke up the senses and allowed the spiritual realities to seep through and be ignited until the physical senses were uncovered, exposed, allowed to work as one with the spiritual and the physical working together, working for the good, for the benefit of evolution, expansion of the mind. Each time a song is written it contains elements of the spiritual reality, elements that are recognised by each individual who listens to the song whether they are aware or not, it will benefit them, it will help them to become more real, more of them self, their true self will shine through. The popular song spreads through many ears and produces much emotion. The songs are an important part of your world. Communication comes through in so many different ways, you all are exposed to the words of spirit each day of your life in what you see and what you hear and the emotions that are triggered off. Try not to hide your emotions for they are used to spread the message, they are felt by others and the message continues to grow, becomes stronger to take hold of the physical forms in your physical world. Thank you; please continue with your wonderful music’

Liz… ‘I will…’

Liz turned the music up again for about 13 minutes when another communication started…

Liz… ‘Welcome friend, welcome’

‘It is all a complete mystery, a complete fabrication of truths, it is all an illusion, it is all a great illusion yet you find it so very real, so very permanent. It is so difficult for you to comprehend the truth behind each physical object. You hold out your hand and you feel that object yet you can also send your feelings to that object, allow your feelings to explore that object and you will get a truer picture of what that object really is. You do not need to touch your world to know your world for your world is within you, within yourself. You need merely to feel that world within yourself to truly recognise, recognise what you have created for yourself, recognise that it is truly an illusion within yourself. Take yourself out of that illusion and you will truly appreciate life beyond life. Capture one moment in each day and allow it to fill you with joy and laughter for that moment is but one part of a greater illusion, a greater experience of what for you is physical matter set out before you. Turn yourself around, see yourself as surrounding that physical matter, see your physical world within yourself. You no longer have to pretend when you truly understand, you no longer have to believe when you truly understand but just take that one slice of your daily life and work at that for that is sufficient for your mind at this time, thank you’

Liz turned the music up for five minutes when another communication came through…

‘You asked in your opening prayer for guidance for when your visitors will come to sit yes’

Liz… ‘Yes…’

‘Now we are well aware that they were coming, you will set your room much as you have tonight. You can if you wish remove the large table from this room, it is no longer required in your sessions but you will still require the dome when you sit for the Mercury Experiment. We suggest that it is placed on one of the smaller tables in the centre of your room only when you sit for the Mercury Experiment. So when your visitors are here it is important that they are at ease, give them the choice to sit in darkness or dim red light, allow them to make that decision for it has no consequence to us how we work. Encourage them to bring questions and leave the evening up to us. We will as always endeavour to answer any questions in the best way that we can for we always answer our questions in the way that we feel is most understandable to you at this point in time. So do you have any more questions about your visitors or is it clear in your mind?’

Liz… ‘No that seems quite straight forward’

‘Thank you, then as always we will now leave you with a piece of our love to take out into your world and to take within yourself. Let this love help you to better understand your own world and let it also spread out to those who you meet. Thank you my dear friend, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you’

‘Thank you’

Liz put the music back on and I felt back with it after about two minutes.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…