May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

166th Sitting 17/12/2015

It was good to be back after a four week break.

Liz was feeling very tired this week and didn’t think she could sit for the two and a half hours we normally do so asked during the opening prayer if the team could come through earlier this week…

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I started to be controlled as soon as Liz finished the opening prayer.

Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening to you’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Welcome, welcome, we have come through’

Liz… ‘Welcome… It’s good to hear you’

‘We have modified the presentation tonight’

Liz… ‘Thank you’

‘Distant memories abound with ease of execution. There are many secrets tied up in the network of available energy that is transmitted each time we meet. Secrets to be uncovered, for you all seek the knowledge to help you to grow, to fine-tune the available energies that are within your grasp. There is for you all a key, a key to the box that contains the secrets. What are the secrets? What do they relate to? What effect will they have on your life, on the way you lead your life? Do you feel the need for additional information to ignite your awareness, allow you to receive information from a larger reality?’

Liz… ‘I do, definitely… it’s frustrating to feel that there is knowledge within us but it’s hidden’

‘You feel yourself locked in a container, you wish to understand how to unlock that container, maybe it is you who are the secret locked in the container wanting to express your thoughts to a wider audience, a wider reality? Since you were born into the world of physical matter you have questioned, questioned the boundaries that limit your understanding, questioned the forces that play upon your mind, that give you the ideas, give you the thoughts that there is more to life, there is so much more to living. You pick up clues as you go, as you move along your pathway of physical existence. You look into the eyes of those who you meet, who you mingle with on a daily basis, you can almost sense the fear in their eyes and you wish to unlock the box that you are all trapped, that you feel you are all trapped within. Why is it that you are kept contained, blinded to the greater reality?’

Liz… ‘Yes it feels like a self-imposed mask that we wear, culturally determined version of reality which doesn’t really, which is full of loop holes with inconsistences that are very unsatisfactory, and to break out of that, into the larger awareness is often very difficult and there are whole areas that are hidden and unknown where culturally the knowledge is restricted and one of those is what happens when we leave the body when we die and what is really happening when we lose consciousness, when we sleep’

‘These are the secrets, the secrets that have grown throughout the history of your world. The secrets have been gradually masked from your sight, from your feeling, from your knowledge. There was a time when the secrets did not exist; the physical reality was in tune with the larger reality. Those who had passed could still be perceived naturally. A time came when those who watch over your world saw an opportunity for greater growth. They could see how the life that was seen as physical, they could see how it could flourish, it could learn. It would learn for itself if the spiritual reality was made invisible, was taken from the sight of those who walk the Earthly plane. There would still be holes in the fabric of the physical world where glimpses of the spiritual world would take place but for the majority a life in a physical reality would mean shutting down, shutting down the access, the natural access to those who had gone before. A tighter set of rules were put in place, the experience of a physical existence became limited, became governed by rules, rules that could not be broken, rules that would not be understood from within the physical world. Life in a physical world would evolve according to the choices of those who were inhabiting that reality, input from the spiritual reality was restricted’

Liz… ‘Sounds like an experiment’

‘Indeed it was, it is, we have spoken before on the experiment and the experiment is working, it is going to plan, there is much more that is to happen. The experiment can be modified from outside but from within the physical minds that interact, that do good, that do bad, according to the beliefs that have been built up, they too will modify the experiment. You are not left alone; there is much interest in how the experiment evolves. There is more than one experiment, there are many, many experiments run side by side’

Liz… ‘Do these other experiments involve other physical realities?’

‘To those minds that exist within each experiment yes they would appear to be physical realities in the same way as this appears a physical reality to you’

Liz… ‘So do we engage with this experiment by choice?’

‘Do you mean… do you incarnate into the physical world by choice?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘Yes that is true, once you leave the physical reality you will become aware of the larger reality, then you will see the purpose of the experiments’

Liz… ‘And whether we choose to carry on with the experiment or to leave it is that up to us?’

‘It is always up to you, you will see from a different perspective when you have left the physical world. From within the physical world you will put a picture in your mind as to how it will be when you are free, free from this physical reality. You cannot conceive in your mind a true picture’

Liz… ‘We’ll be surprised’

‘The transition from physical reality to non-physical reality is a gentle process. There are many steps, it is not a case of stepping out of physical reality into an unknown non-physical reality, there are many steps according to the state of mind of each individual that leaves the physical world. There will be other physical realities that some people will enter. They will perceive a world not unlike your own physical reality. They will meet their friends and loved ones who have passed before them, they will start a new life, they will not have the interest to explore and discover a world beyond for they will have found a new place, a new opportunity’

Liz… ‘To carry on as they were before’

‘Yes to carry on much as they were before but they will notice subtle differences. They may notice that they no longer need to speak, they will feel the thoughts of others who they meet and they will notice how others understand their own thoughts. They will notice how they can create with thought, think of a beautiful garden and it will present itself, they will learn how to create a house for them self and ultimately they will learn that they do not need a house for them self. Many of the Earthly pleasures will be seen as boring, will be seen as unnecessary. Gradually they will draw closer to that greater part of them self, that greater part from which they broke free when they incarnated into the physical reality, your physical reality. For they will feel the thoughts that are their own thoughts but on a greater scale, the thoughts that have always vibrated through their being, those thoughts that you can all feel… feel as emotions, feel as sadness, feel as joy, as you go about your daily life. As you wake up from your sleep you will feel these emotions but you will not understand where they have come from. When you feel sad you will wonder… Why do I feel sad? What has caused it in this physical world? Nothing, nothing you can understand has caused you to feel sad. When you feel a surge of joy running through your body, running through your mind, you will wonder why, yet at the root of this joy is that greater part of yourself rejoicing that your physical existence is falling into place, into place with that journey that was mapped out before. You are fitting in with the vibrations of those who you meet. They too have these feelings, the feelings that guide them through physical existence. Though your choices are guiding you through your physical existence you can still be picked up, a loving hand will be placed under you and you will be taken from situations that are seen as unbeneficial for the growth, for your growth and the growth of all. For the growth that you achieve adds to the growth of the larger consciousness. We who speak to you now have seen the passing of time in your physical reality and in the physical realities that lay beyond. Each has its place in the larger reality, the larger consciousness. Each was created as an experiment, a self-developing experiment. We can tweak but we wish to see each experiment evolve from within. Try to live your life in a joyous atmosphere; do not let the negativities of your world upset the joy within you. The negativities of your world will try to push you on an unfamiliar path and you will feel lost and you will feel a sadness. Keep your mind engaged in positive activities, see the good in your world, see the good in the negativity of your world. The negativity was created by choices in the same way as positivity can be created by choices, choose your thoughts well, guard your mind’

Liz… ‘So this requires quite a lot of conscious effort, quite a lot of conscious discipline to achieve that especially when we’re surrounded by so much negativity’

‘There is much to be worked at yes but the more you work at creating positivity in your mind the easier it will become, it will become a second nature to you and you will influence others, they will feel the positivity of your mind and you will understand the weakness of negativity and you will understand the strength of love for you will see love in negativity. Recognise that love and the negativity will become weaker. Those who are attracted to negativity will also begin to see the love. The negativity will no longer seem to hold their attention for their interest will change, their minds will lighten, they will feel the benefits of helping one another. They will understand the mistakes they have made. They will search for answers, they will question themselves…’

(long pause)

‘The time has come when your world will wake up, your world will wake up to a greater understanding. There are many on your world who are discovering the secrets that lay beyond the confines of physical existence. They are discovering… the discoveries are opening their eyes to the workings of conscious thought. A time will come when the scientists of your world will have to step back, they will have to step back from their own understandings and beliefs and embrace the new understandings that are filtering through. Much thought has been made by those who are tired of the old beliefs, the old beliefs of a physical make-up, a physical structure that is all that exists, the beliefs that when you die you are extinguished, the beliefs that the physical planet Earth is the centre of the universe. Many are tired of these beliefs, many have gathered evidence to satisfy their own minds that these beliefs are old beliefs and are ready to be cast aside. Slowly the time will come, the secrets will be presented to the minds that are ready, ready to share, ready to share with love, ready to share free from greed, free from personal gain, free from material wealth, free to pierce into the greater minds that surround your world and hold those secrets... We appreciate the work that you are doing, giving us the opportunity to share with you our own secrets, our own words that can make a difference to your life and the lives of all wherever they may be. We have brought to you information designed to make you think, to make you question your own beliefs. We have introduced new ideas which you can all accept or reject. Take from our words what resonates with you, what resonates with your inner feelings, what makes you feel joyous. We have reached the end of this your physical year and we look forward to the year 2016. We will come back with new ideas, new information, ideas that you will feel have never crossed your mind’

Liz… ‘That would be very welcome’

‘We very much look forward to the reactions it will have on your mind and the questions that you will give back to us for without your questions the ideas will never grow and we thank you for the interesting questions you have given to us throughout your physical year. Enjoy your Christmas holiday, come back rejuvenated with those questions on your mind and we will do our best to give you the most appropriate answers that will sow the seeds for future thoughts and ideas. Once again we leave you with a piece of our love, take it into your Christmas celebrations and share with those you love until we meet again may God bless and keep you all, goodnight my dear friend’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all, thank you very much’


Liz put the music back on.

I felt back with it after two minutes.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

During the healing I saw some very bright blobs moving right to left in front of my eyes. Then they stopped moving and one remained in front of me before fading followed by various pin-pricks and wispy white bits floating around. I could see all of this with my eyes open or closed.

We normally finish around 11pm but were finished by 10pm this week and Liz was still feeling okay and awake.
It proved to us that the communication can come through straight away if necessary without the usual hour or so where nothing appears to be happening.

We will be back after the new year…

165th Sitting 12/11/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned on the music and put the light off.

I lost consciousness just after the opening prayer and woke up about one hour later.

After another ten minutes I began to be controlled and Liz turned off the music.

‘Good evening, good evening to you’

Liz… ‘Hello friend, good evening’

‘Let all communication be a pleasure for all to hear, for we come with much joy, much pleasure. Much contemplation comes into our work; we all choose the correct words as they assimilate into the mind of the medium. We can feel how they are received; we can feel the impact of the words as they are transmitted into your world. There is a connection for all, a connection with all who you work with, a connection that is used to monitor the input, the words that are used. We try to steer the communication in the direction we find most appropriate for the way you are thinking at this time. We do not wish to create confusion by emphasizing on a subject that does not quite fit in with your thinking at this time for we have picked up an understanding for the way you approach the subject, the way you gather thoughts, the way you understand the words that we give to you. There is much material that we will use when the time is right; we wish to develop the information as the weeks go by, each week will build on the previous week. At times we will go over once again communications that we have already given but will give them a new twist for as you think about the words we have said you create in yourself an understanding that can be modified. Your understanding can be built upon and can be moulded in such a way that further words will not distract you from your understanding up to that point. There are times when you need to question your own understanding and we can help by introducing new ideas, new concepts, but we can only introduce new ideas when we recognise that you are beginning to question your own ideas. We wish you to think for yourself, we wish to introduce concepts that will cause you to think for yourself. There is a constant need for growth in all minds as they journey the physical reality. The growth can be satisfied by new ideas that will create, that will insert a seed into your mind. Many seeds are placed into your minds for you to nurture and to feed and to give the correct conditions for germination. Your mind is a place where life can grow, where life can expand and develop. There is no limit to how far your mind can reach out. Recognise in yourself the seeds that have been sown as new ideas, new ways of thinking. Never be afraid of rejecting ideas that have become outgrown, that have become secondary to the ways that you think. Let them fade and pave the way to new understandings to develop in a fresh atmosphere. Take time to appreciate the wonders of your world, stop to think, pause as the beauty ignites, ignites the power in your mind, allows it to come to the surface and spread your awareness beyond the familiar cycle of life that you have built up for yourself. Enjoy greater beauty in what you perceive, enjoy greater clarity in what is presented to you, forge ahead in a kaleidoscope of colour, never held back by the old ideas that came to you. Much care is taken in the development of a human mind, once awareness is expanded the mind becomes stronger, the mind loses its connection with the weaker parts, the weaker strands of connection. Discoveries are made and new ideas will fall into place to be recognised as true ideas. Do not be afraid to step off the familiar path, know that you are strong and you will discover for yourself a wider understanding, a more solid understanding. Remain on the familiar path and opportunities will be lost. You are never alone…’

Liz… ‘Since we are talking on the development of mind and the creation of minds, understanding that there is a consciousness, a great mind that has it all entrained, that is aware of everything, that knows everything. What is the purpose of all these smaller parts also developing mind since at its highest level mind is already there and completely developed. What is the purpose of it or is that the wrong question asking if there is a purpose’

‘All mind however great is constantly working towards further development. No mind is all knowing for there is always room for expansion, there is always room for development’

Liz… ‘Why…’

‘The mind, the greater mind has set out for itself a pathway to further understanding, a pathway to further growth. If a mind were to stand still, if a mind were to remain at a point where no further understanding was required it would allow itself to decompose. The greater mind has the ability to create in a way that it can feed itself with greater understandings. For you to understand the greater mind you need to look at yourself, feel how you think, feel the effect that boredom has on the way you think and feel the way, feel the effect that new understanding has on the way that you think. Ask yourself what is the purpose of your life now as you journey the physical world’

Liz… ‘Yes, we are always asking that, and this is our journey and our reasons which are quite possibly as you confide a temporary framework, we’re trying to understand how to relate to the larger picture but still trying to see it from the point of view of the larger picture, of the all, and that which beyond there is no more. It’s very difficult to conceive why we should have come into being, why things are as they are’

‘The words you use reflect the understanding of a physical world, of a world restricted and confined to the physical senses that you use. If you were to imagine a world free from the restrictions of physical life, a world where the sense of touch is replaced by the sense of productive thought, productive thought that needs no framework of understanding for it is free to expand. You in your physical life are constantly holding back the thoughts that you produce. You cannot produce thoughts that will pierce the makeup of your physical world yet they do indeed reach out but your mind has no concept of the conditions where thoughts are free. You can imagine a world where thoughts are unrestricted, where creation is unrestricted, where thoughts are instant and creation is instant’

Liz… ‘That seems that that would be a level with much greater energy and power, as you say much greater freedom’

‘It is good to ponder on the larger realities, the greater minds that are intertwined with what you perceive as physical reality but you must understand from your point of view that your own thoughts can only spread out so far and a true understanding of the intent behind the greater mind, that you are thinking from the shadows that it creates on your world. The light that creates those shadows has yet to be seen by those who walk your world. Greater understanding will come to you but there is a place to start’

Liz… ‘It just seems very sad that a created being, a being who is created and constrained in this sort of way should have to spend such a large part of their created life feeling in ignorance and being miserable, not enjoying their life, almost being enslaved to wrong views, wrong ideas, misconceptions, half truths. It almost seems cruel, perhaps that’s a judgement using a word like cruel but it doesn’t always feel as if this form of being created, being of creation is a kind or a loving thing. There are many people that have thought in the past and in the present that feel that the gods or God must be quite a spiteful person, must be quite a capricious being because there is such a lot of suffering, almost like that the created beings, the beings are created and then disregarded, left to their own devises in ignorance, poverty, impoverishment of ideas and then given the feeling that this suffering is self-inflicted. So there is often a lot of anger because of this and many of the platitudes that come from the spiritual levels don’t seem able sometimes to cope with the reality of the paradoxes that we live with as a created being, as a fragment’

‘Each human spirit is allowed to think for itself, each human spirit that is introduced into the world of physical matter is part of a greater self, is always accompanied by fellow explorers interested in the effects of physical matter, of a physical reality on the thinking of that portion of the human spirit that is put into place in the physical world. The conditions you perceive of suffering, of confusion, of feeling that life is unfair; these are all reactions by a small part of a larger being that is experimenting in a laboratory that you call the physical universe. The greater part of that being is studying, studying the feedback of experience after experience as that small part journeys its way through physical life. You cannot understand the feelings of another; you can only perceive them with your own thoughts based on your own experiences as a small part of a greater being. There is no suffering to the greater being’

Liz… ‘That sounds wonderful from the point of view of the greater being but from the point of view of this little fragmentary point of consciousness that is meant to be evolving and developing but often it’s doing in an agony, a writhing and squirming in pain, a sort of existential pain’

‘You are painting a picture based on your feelings for each other. There is much joy in your world’

Liz… ‘That’s true, there’s joy but there’s also this pain too. Perhaps that’s something that the greater spirit, the greater creators are learning and ultimately have to share’

‘They are learning from the experiences of that small part. All experiences are valuable’

Liz… ‘I wonder if the greater spirit weeps sometimes to see the troubles of these smaller fragments in the same way that on Earth a parent weeps and is sad for the child that is suffering and all our children are suffering it seems to be part of the human predicament’

‘The suffering is only observed from within, within the physical world’

Liz… ‘I was told that once in a dream that suffering is only at this level, at higher levels it doesn’t exist’

‘It is only perceived at this level, beyond the level of the physical world there is greater understanding. What you perceive as suffering is understood as merely a new experience which will build a new physical mind which in turn will transmit the experiences into learning for the greater being. All experience is valuable for the growth of the greater mind. The physical world was created to enable the small parts, the units to experience. What does the suffering that you perceive in your world create for you? When you see suffering how does it make you feel?’

Liz… ‘Sad…’

‘What does it make you want to do?’

Liz… ‘To bring healing, take away the suffering’

‘What is motivating your thoughts that make you want to give healing to those who are suffering, that makes you want to take away the suffering that you perceive to be happening to other people in your world?’

Liz… ‘I guess the key to it is that there is such beauty and possibility and richness in the world and light and shade to be enjoyed and it seems, and perhaps this is a judgement but it seems wrong that people should lose capacity to enjoy, to appreciate, to love, to be happy to feel the fullness of the light and the beauty of the Earth. It seems a waste, it seems as though something’s gone wrong and perhaps that’s a judgement but perhaps that is the truth, the experiment is going wrong, lessons to be learned’

‘What you and others perceive as suffering creates love in your heart’

Liz… ‘But the love was already there, I don’t think the suffering creates the love’

‘The perception of the suffering allows that love to expand and put the thoughts into your mind to help, help each other, not to think of yourself but to think of others. If all, if everybody that you perceived was unaffected by suffering, if you saw no reason to help one another, how then could you grow the love within yourself?’

Liz… ‘Because if you were already all enjoying the world equally you would all be able to praise and appreciate the world together and why would you need, there wouldn’t be any suffering, you wouldn’t have to remove suffering, you can share love, you can share appreciation, you can share joy without having to go through the suffering, you can develop wisdom and awareness without having to go through suffering. Perhaps it was already there? That wisdom and awareness and suffering is due to some loss, something that’s gone wrong, some sublime experimenter who threw a spanner in the works’

‘Take away the suffering in your world and the world becomes a place of stagnation, each aspect of the physical world is carefully balanced, each polarity has its opposite polarity’

Liz… ‘So you’re saying that the suffering comes from the tension between these polarities which is a means to prevent boredom and stagnation, with the suggestion that just being happy and at peace and enjoying the world wouldn’t be enough, that created beings would just keep on enjoying, keep on being happy and stagnate but that sounds like a judgement too’

‘You can only judge yourself…’

Liz… ‘If I were given paradise and lived in the Garden of Eden would I end up despoiling it because I got bored with being too happy and too content, too full of love and appreciation?’

‘You would look for further challenges in your life. You would wonder to yourself, you would ask yourself what is the meaning of this life?’

Liz… ‘It’s an interesting idea, I suppose for a very creative person, creation and invention can be wonderful but it can also be an agony, an ecstasy and an agony, like the birth process to give birth is an ecstasy and an agony’

‘Once again the balance, an ever evolving system of creation, of life and death’

Liz… ‘Yes this is how it is but these are the questions from a mortal point of view of why is it as it is, how did it come to be like this, why?’

‘An ever evolving experiment’

Liz… ‘Yes but as you say perhaps the questioning is out of mortality and not relevant to higher levels’

‘As an experiment develops then new ideas will be introduced, findings will be recorded, results will be written down’

Liz… ‘And then we can have a scenario like The Sorcerer's Apprentice where you get a created being who gets the knack of creation and gets too big for his boots and then creates absolute chaos but is experimenting foolishly, unwisely’

‘As with all experiments mistakes can be made’

Liz… ‘I suspect this has happened on Earth, I hope they can be put right’

‘But mistakes can be seen as opportunities for growth’

Liz… ‘I think it’s time to put right the mistakes’

‘The mistakes will always be there’

Liz… ‘And always have the possibility of correction’

‘Then that is the growth’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘That is what we are looking for, that is the whole meaning of the life, of physical life, growth and understanding. There is no easy way to explain, but we will continue to help you to understand, help you all to understand. Sometimes there are disappointments in your thinking as you work at rejecting an old thought, an old idea and pave the way for new ideas and new understandings. It is good to question, good to use your mind. Dissect the possibilities that are given to you, but it is wise to look from all perspectives. Use your imagination to take yourself out of the physical world, into the picture that you have built up for yourself, for each and every one has built up their own understandings of what lies beyond the physical world and each person is ready to modify that understanding as the thoughts become clearer in their mind. Do not hold yourself back, do not be afraid to ignite your imagination and create undreamt of situations, experiment with your mind and your imagination and you may indeed uncover something which will help you, will help you to understand from a greater vantage point… Thank you my dear friend, you have provided us with most entertaining questions. We can understand the way you feel, the way you think and we will continue to introduce into your mind stepping stones to further understandings to further expansion of your own view on life and on love. We will now withdraw for tonight and will leave you with a piece of our love to circulate throughout your own mind and trigger off understandings that may seem alien to you until you view them from a higher vantage point, goodnight to you, may God bless you all, thank you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend thank you, God bless you all’


Liz put the music back on.
I was feeling back with it after about one minute.

Liz had drifted off a few times during the session but stayed with it during the communication.
She had got very hot as the communication started.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

164th Sitting 05/11/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I lost consciousness just after the opening prayer and woke up about one hour later.

Apart from cold legs Liz wasn’t aware of any phenomena in the room this week.

Liz turned off the music when she heard me becoming controlled.
She welcomed the communication as it settled in.

‘Good evening, good evening to you’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you’

‘Tick tock, tick tock… Time comes, the time comes to all in the correct sequence for there is a plan ahead for all who walk your world and everyone fits into place at the correct time. There are no mistakes, there is only natural balance throughout each and every pocket of your world, nothing can be out of place for everyone comes through with a clear mind, a strong heart and a peaceful attitude as they journey their way through your physical world. Take a look into the makeup of your world and you will see, you will understand that there are many factors put into place, many sights that can be seen for what they are. Nothing appears as it truly is until the effort has been made by each individual to open the eyes, open the gates in the wall that surrounds the consciousness as it tries to express itself in a recognisable way. Each consciousness that enters the world of physical matter does so in the knowledge that it will achieve its goal at the correct time. There is no fixed route, you are all allowed to wander, wander off the pathway, discover through your own mistakes how you have created for yourself limitations, limitations and frustrations which cause you all to step back and think for yourself. Use what has been given to you, a physical mind tuned into the vibration in which you live, holding unlimited capacity. Tap into your mind and use what you have. There is so much more to be unfolded once you grasp onto the idea that a pathway has been opened up for you all, use it to its advantage. There is a time to rest, a time to let go of the struggle, only you will know when that time has come for you cannot continually walk blindly forwards when your mind is subject to the confusions caused by continued living in a physical world limited to your physical senses. A time of peaceful reflection will allow you to take apart the confusion and irritations that you have placed on yourself. Live a simple life and the confusions will crumble’

Liz… ‘How simple is a simple life?’

‘A simple life is what you can see as a changing concept in your own mind allowing the simple beauty of each breath that you take to open your eyes. There are no complications in your world yet you complicate your own perception of your world. You have many opportunities but you must take them one at a time, at the correct time, recognise the opportunities as they come to you do not look for opportunities, let your life unfold in a natural way. Do not complicate what is a simple way of living. Count the stars as you look into your night sky, recognise them as signposts that will take you on a wonderful simple journey through life. Start at the brightest star then pause, enjoy the light that it gives to you, only when you feel your heart has been filled with all the love that it can take should you then look out to the next brightest star and make your way to that. There is order to your life, do not let order become disorder, do not let ease become disease, take from life that what interests you, that what resonates with you, you will discover all that is there for you. A child sets foot into physical life with a knowledge that it will cling too for each child knows when the time is right. Each child has set for itself a golden opportunity and it will venture towards that golden opportunity until distractions build up and push the mind into situations which then need to be worked at. Effort is needed to come out of a situation; confusion will cause the golden opportunity to be lost until the mind finds its way back to the correct pathway once again. Once upon a time all light was perceived and every mind, every physical mind could understand the purpose of living a life in physical matter but as time goes on that perception has become clouded by the misuse of opportunities. A darkness has built up in the minds of all who walk your world, a darkness that threatens the simplicity of life. The weaker minds of your world are open to the darkness while the stronger minds try to spread light to all. Our work in coming through to you is to help more minds to open and realise the importance of spreading light in a world that has become dimmed by darkness. The physical world is a wonderful world, it was created and it has been used in the best possible way to raise the vibration of all life. It will always continue to be a home for the weak of mind and the strong of mind working together, uplifting each other, working towards perfection. You are not alone; you are part of a greater understanding and a greater life. Each mind contains within it the connections to that greater life. Turn the corner; start to understand how simple your life can be in a world created by your own thoughts. You have control; nothing is stronger than your own mind. The thoughts that have gone into your world are there to be built upon’

Liz… ‘What happens to someone who decides to use their mind and their life in a very negative way creating a lot of suffering for other people but this person doesn’t want to change, is content, is in their pathway, feels that they’re acting in a meaningful way. What happens if when they die they resist changing, they don’t learn the lessons of love, they don’t want to learn those lessons, they want to stay in the modus vivendi that they’ve adopted, the way that they see things?’

‘Each mind, each individual personality has total control of how it lives its life whether it is in the physical world or if it has, if its physical life has ended, for it will then find itself in the same condition as it felt itself when in the physical world. There is no distance, there are no places beyond the physical world, there are merely states, states of mind, states of being. When an individual finds itself unable to evolve, unable to recognise the light that shines, only capable of recognising dark thoughts, it will hold itself in a condition, a severely limiting condition. The power within that mind will be so limited that it will only reach out to those individuals that are similarly affected by the darkness that surrounds them all. A mind such as this cannot affect the minds of those who live with love, those who have understood the benefits of the love in their life. A time will come when the darkened mind will look at itself, will think for itself, will ask itself… Why is there no purpose to life? Why can it not blame others for its own state of being? Is there a way out without the use of manipulation of other minds? …There is only so far a darkened mind can go in the manipulation of others before it realises it is only manipulating itself. Manipulation leads to a dead end. A mind content with manipulation is a mind that is truly reaching a point of death. Only if a realisation comes to that mind that it can grow on its own…’

Liz… ‘In the meantime would such a mind in the non-physical reality which it finds itself after death try to continue to influence the physical plane through other people still alive?’

‘The limits of the darkened mind will restrict it to those minds of a similar disposition, of a similar darkness, that walk your earthly world. It will indeed be able to influence but only in a limited way. The darkened mind that finds itself beyond the physical world will crave the pleasures it once felt, for it now has no hold on physical pleasures, physical experiences yet it can attach and experience through another, another mind that is a part of the physical world. This will not help the growth of that darkened mind; it will only push it down. The mind that tries to manipulate and influence will grow tired, will look into itself and ask for help. Once the mind has asked for help the eyes will begin to open and accept the help that is there but it has to make the first move. The downward spiral can only go so far. Each mind seeks adventure; adventure cannot come to those who have sunk so low until they ask themselves the question… What is the purpose of my life? Why can I not see what I place into my mind? …Does this answer your question?’

Liz… ‘I think so yes, it was a question posed by somebody else’

‘If further clarification is required at a later date once thought has been put on the answer then feel free to ask’

Liz… ‘In order to operate in a physical reality with full energy and consciousness is it necessary for us to practice and learn to stabilise our mental states, to stabilise our mind so that we can truly feel and be aware that we are spirit, that we are pure energy, so that we can recognise the impermanence of our physical vibrational state. Do we need to work at this realisation?’

‘That is but one way to live your life for there are many ways to live a productive life in the physical world’

Liz… ‘But many of us feel very limited in terms of our energy and our reach and our clarity. It’s as if we live in a perpetual fog’

‘There is purpose to the limitations of the physical mind; it allows each individual to express themselves in their own way, their own unique way. Take away all limitations and you will all be the same, the same person. You need variety in a world of physical matter, each person who finds themselves as an individual unique entity walking the physical world has to work for themselves, has to navigate the limitations put upon by the very makeup of your world. Those who work at clearing their minds of the clutter of everyday physical life will indeed see for themselves the vastness of the human mind unrestricted by limitations and able to travel out into all vibrations yet this is rarely achieved by any one individual. If you live your life with love in your heart, with light in your eyes thinking of others not obsessed by self, not obsessed by wealth, content with the richness gained by doing good, helping your fellow man, spreading what light you have to all who you meet, looking for the good in all situations no matter how dark they may seem. See how those who you meet can be uplifted by the way you live your life. When you help others you help yourself and you will see your world expanding before you, you will see that golden opportunity that you set for yourself become clearer, become more defined and you will treasure it, you will treasure it more than all the Earthly treasures that are put in front of you for you will truly see the greater understanding of life. Set an example and the world will have no limits. Feel the light that makes up your world and live in tune with that light. The essence of life is all around permeating your soul, do not block or create shadows, allow the light to guide you through your life. The dark clouds will be there but know that you have the power to give them light, change them into bright white clouds. Sing the songs of light, play the music of light, stay in tune and help those who are not in tune to raise their frequency and join you in a symphony of love… Thank you my dear friend. We have reached the time once again where we will have to leave once again. There is much light in this room, each week you are building up a power that will reach out into your world and help those weak minds, help them see, help them to love themselves’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Take a piece of our love into your world and know that it can only do good, thank you, may God bless you all, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight and God bless you all as well, good night friend, thank you’


Liz put the music back on.
I felt back with it after a couple of minutes.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

163rd Sitting 29/10/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

After one minute Liz reported the room had become blotchy then broke up into what looked like flag stones.
She saw dim lights moving around at different speeds, some very fast.
Then there were more defined shapes in the room.

I lost consciousness just after the opening prayer and came back after about one hour.

Liz became very hot.
She reported a lot of light in the room then saw more shapes and points of light.
She felt there were presences in the room.
She felt them moving past her and then she felt very cold.

Noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed the communication as it tuned in.

‘Good evening, good evening to you’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Learning to compose a correct signal that will operate in your frequency yes, now is time to come through and speak again, speak to the physical world, the physical atmosphere, the world of physical matter, the world that to you appears as solid, as form, as an experience, as experiential life that you live unaffected by the patterns that surround you, the patterns that are a part of you. There is structure in your life yet you see only part of the full picture. We come through and we try to help you to understand the larger realities. Nothing is hidden from you, you only create for yourself a narrow vision, you build up beliefs, beliefs that are engrained in your being, that cause you to see with a narrow vision. Work at unfolding those beliefs and your vision will widen. Develop your depth of feeling, recognise the thoughts that make up your world, recognise them as the true starting point in your adventure. The thoughts that were put into your world brought together the physical structure that you experience. You can see the effect of thought on physical matter yet you will not allow yourself to understand how your world is made up of thought. You are constantly engaged with physical matter, thought appears as a secondary… your mind is fixed on what you receive as the primary makeup of your world, the physical matter, the ground on which you walk, the sights that you perceive. You believe that the physical matter has been part of your world since the beginning. The physical mind will not bring forward into its awareness the possibilities that the physical world is made up of a finer structure, a structure not embedded in physical matter. Worlds within worlds, time within time, constantly working together, time and the world you live, the world you perceive, governed by time and space. Much care went into the thinking that brought forth your world, a delicate balance was achieved. The forming of physical structure is the responsibility of each mind that chooses to journey through your world. There is no correct perception, perception can change, perception can become clearer, crisper, more defined. Take your perception into the next world then the world you perceive now will fade away. Preparations are already in place for creation of the next world and it has been seen by many, it has been perceived in many ways, there is not one way to perceive. Take yourself to the mountains of your world, climb to the top, observe your world from the top of your mountains, watch as the view develops, allow your perception to feed you with the beauty that reflects the love that was put into your world. Every colour, every shade of colour has been selected to take you out of your own interpretation, wake you up and give you the experience of a wider vision. We have watched your world grow, we have watched the effects of the opening of the minds within it and we have seen how each individual mind paints for itself a picture of a personal world personal to that individual yet the real world exists as the framework for all individuals. Each time a new child is born a new picture emerges and the world becomes a greater, wider experience for all. Step up to your own beliefs, walk amongst all who share your beliefs but know that the beliefs are fragile and can crumble, recognise your beliefs for what they are, stepping stones on a fragile structure that you feel are required to help you navigate your way through a world of physical matter. Have the courage to step off those stones onto unfamiliar ground and you will begin to understand there is nothing that is required to hold you up…’ (Pause)

Liz had fallen asleep.
The communication became incoherent for a while

‘…the energies of the room are strong, are heavy on you now, we can put… we have completed all of our words today… are you aware?’

Liz… ‘Aware?’

‘Are you awake?’

Liz… ‘Yes… having difficulty staying awake’

‘Yes we have noticed, we feel the effects when you lose your consciousness’

Liz… ‘If I take some deep breaths it helps to restore my energy…’

Liz took some deep breaths.

‘Yes, sometimes the energies of the room will affect you, if you feel uncomfortable or unable to keep your attention let us know and we can lighten the atmosphere’

Liz… ‘Alright yes, I’m not uncomfortable but I have great difficulty keeping my attention. I was awake until the communication started’

‘Maybe if you can think of a question that you would like an answer for it will help the energies balance in the room. Is there anything you would like to ask of us?’

Liz… ‘Yes I’d like to know how it is when I’m in the cabinet, when I pick up connections of which I’m not consciously aware but later when we look on the internet there is some relevance, validity to these connections, is it just data, information that’s just stored in my unconscious or am I reaching out into a larger data stream, where are those inspirations coming from?’

‘When you sit for the purpose of developing mediumship, the channelling of information through into physical words, then you are opening yourself up to all information that is available to you. You are drawing on the information that makes up your world and also that what you understand as beyond your physical world. You also have in your physical mind a store house of information which you have built up for yourself through the experiences you have had. This will come forward and it will help, it will help you reach out into information that is beyond your own knowledge at this time. When you look into the words you have spoken at a later date you will indeed find connections, connections that were not, that you were not aware of at the time that the communication took place for you are indeed reaching out and you are developing that part of your mind that is receptive to new understandings. Continue working as you do and you will find each week that more connections can be found in the information. Remember that that information that comes through you is not always meant for your own learning, your own experiences. The purpose of mediumship is to reach many minds, many who will be drawn to what you have said; they will make their own interpretations which will help them with their own understandings’

Liz… ‘Thank you, the other thing that I’d like to ask is, in the room tonight I was aware of a lot of light and a lot of movement, shapes, dimly perceived like moving silk but they felt like presences of people or spirits. Is that what I was perceiving?’

‘Always allow your feelings to give you the true picture. What you see is what you have perceived yet what you feel is closer to the true perception. When you see light and shapes in your room they are not necessarily physical light, physical shapes, for as you know you are sitting in total darkness yet you still perceive, you still see pictures, colours, light and dark. Look beyond the visuals and feel for yourself. You have already said you feel presences in the room. You are feeling the thoughts of many, many who are attracted to what you do, many who take advantage of the conditions you have set up in your room, they are looking for opportunities to make themselves felt. You will find also when you sit in the cabinet the feelings will be heightened and again you will be aware of presences with you’

Liz… ‘Yes, why is it that myself and the medium find ourselves falling asleep for a large part of the evening when we’re in the cabinet recently, we haven’t always done that’

‘Much work is being done to pave the way for a stronger link, an open doorway into your awareness. Both of you work in a similar way yet this can be modified and strengthened. At the moment the effect of the work we are putting into each of you will create, will make you become unconscious, will relax your minds, will take you out of the physical world. When you are engaged in the activities of the physical world your mind is not receptive to the thoughts that we can place into your minds. At this time we need to relax and cause you to fall asleep then we can work at a new level. As the weeks go by you will find you will not become so disconnected with the physical, it will become more natural for us to step into your mind and work with what you can provide for us’

Liz… ‘That would be good’

‘Mediumship is a very individual component of each mind, each individual mind. We can experiment and we can find for ourselves the most beneficial entry point into your mind. In order to experiment with something so delicate and receptive, then a state of sleep or unconsciousness helps us, allows us to work without the distractions that are a constant part of your physical life’

Liz… ‘When we enter a dream world, when we are dreaming, are we sometimes entering an objective reality, another reality, an actual vibration, a different vibrational level, or are we just creating images with our mind, or is that the same thing?’

‘All realities are created; you are all capable of creation, of creating your own realities’

Liz… ‘Is that what we’re doing when we’re dreaming?’

‘Not only when you dream but also when you wake, when you are awake in your physical reality you are still creating for yourself your own reality’

Liz… ‘Yes you’ve been talking about that a lot recently’

‘When you dream you have entered into a new state of mind that is free from the physical world that you are familiar with. Your dreams can take you away from familiar scenes, familiar feelings, familiar thoughts, yet when the dream is remembered it is necessary to clothe it in familiar thoughts, familiar feelings. Only when the dream is being dreamt are the true meanings absorbed into your mind. These dream experiences will wait in your mind until an opportunity arises that will allow them to resurface. The dreams are an important part of your experiencing in a physical world. They give you the power to look beyond the physical world. Is this understandable to you?'

’Liz… ‘Yes, last week you spoke of a cloud that in creating our own reality and working towards a reality more in tune with our finer feelings. You spoke of the time that we would become aware of a cloud which would grow, in which were structures being prepared which would be for us a beginning of a new reality, a new physical reality. Could you explain what you meant by that, whether you were talking of a nebula, a new galaxy forming, a new universe?’

‘We gave to you a picture for your mind, a picture for you to unravel and understand in your own way. When we speak to you and bring forward new ideas we do it in a way that for you creates a puzzle, for you are trying to put a physical meaning to something which is just beyond your physical world. It is similar to what we were discussing about dreams. In dreams you are also given, you are given information beyond your physical world but it is up to you to interpret that information and build up for yourself your own picture, you own understanding. If you find words, the words that we use, do not give you a true understanding, then keep that memory alive in your mind until further experiences will come to you and you will see, you will understand the meaning to the words that were spoken. Your mind will not expand without your own input; we can only give you our own pictures, our own thoughts’  

Liz… ‘Yes that was a particularly interesting and unusual one, it stood out’

‘It has formed a memory for you and you will soon recognise the meaning of that memory. Do not worry when you do not fully understand all that is said, allow it to seep into your mind and return when the time is right and the opportunities are there for you. We do not wish to confuse, we merely wish to help you to understand but understand in your own way, that one way which is comfortable to you. The physical world is a world of opportunity and discovery but only you can truly discover the full picture in your own time, at your own pace without unnecessary confusion… Thank you my dear friend, we have spoken much tonight, we hope you can benefit from the words we have spoken. We hope all who receive these words can benefit’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Take from us a piece of our love, spread it around your world, help each other, listen to each other, understand each other. Thank you, goodnight to you; we look forward to further conversations at the next session. May God bless and keep each and every one, good night’

Liz… ‘Goodnight and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on.

I felt back with it after two minutes.

When I opened the cabinet curtains it looked lighter and sparkly in the room.
Liz also thought it was light in the room and she could still see a few shapes moving about.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

162nd Sitting 22/10/2015

Following advice given last week I was back in the cabinet again.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I lost consciousness soon after the opening prayer waking up about an hour later.

Liz also dropped of a few times.

I started to be controlled about 10 minutes after waking up.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in.

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘To follow the correct sequence of events will enable us to combine our energies with energies that are already in the room. We have dipped ourselves into the energies of your room and opened up a channel of communication that you can benefit from. We all join hands, we all experience the same effect that is generated by the combination of the physical atmosphere and the thoughts that we bring from the world of spirit. A page is written, the words are put down to create a new story, a new train of information that we hope will provide a glimpse for you into the life, the greater life, the life that you are a part of now enabling you to understand and recognise that you are a part of the greater life. You have had your awareness turned down, turned down and restricted to the senses, the physical senses within which you operate yet you still feel that surrounding force which gives you the feeling that you are more, that you have more to experience than what is offered to you via the senses, the physical senses that you work with. The force is felt by all on your side, some ignore the force, some find it becomes a part of their life, they find they can understand the force. The force of the greater life is what motivates you forwards, what motivates you to explore your world, to uncover that what takes from your sight the true meaning of life. You observe the wonders of your world and you can feel inside of yourself that these wonders were created by a power greater than what you recognise as yourself’

Liz… ‘That’s very true’

‘You have built up a recognition of yourself as you journey your life in a physical world but you have forgotten the true power behind that self, the self that you perceive. Some on your side have recognised the power, they have seen how the power can drive them forward. They can tap into that power, engage with the power, the creative power. They can step out of those physical senses, recognise them for what they are, use their imagination and build for themselves a new way of living, a new way of understanding. Look beyond what your eyes reveal to you, see the possibilities, understand how you can create, create a more harmonious life for yourself and for others’

Liz… ‘It seems to me that in order to do that, to truly grasp the full power of the creative force and to work with it we have to overcome fear as it seems the force that creates all the negativity in our world, all the hatred, the wars, fighting and aggression stems from fear. But how did that fear arise and how can one truly overcome that fear. It seems to have been such a generative force in our world, in our minds’

‘Fear… fear has been brought about by the actions of all, the actions and the reactions of each person to the next person. The illusion that you are all separate individuals has caused you all to manufacture a fear for yourself, a fear for your existence due to the misunderstanding that you will not die. Each individual when they see them self as a separate entity, they see no connection, they fear for their own life, they try to protect them self, they cling onto the idea of survival, survival in a physical world. They look for a way to manipulate the world around them so as to make themselves feel more comfortable and protected in a world which to them appears as a dangerous world, a world with much to fear for they feel other separate entities will be a threat to them, a threat to their survival in this world. This is what builds up fears in the minds of men, fears that become so strong that they become permanent, a permanent part of the structure of the minds of men’

Liz… ‘So how did that fear originate, what triggered the fear that people should fear other people because the initial experience of a child that is born is nurturing from the mother, from the family, so other people should appear as supportive rather than threatening’

‘There is always a balance in your world’

Liz… ‘I suppose we see it written into the animal kingdom, a territorial-ness that there is fighting for ecological niches, for territory’

‘Your world is built with love and love is felt. There is love and there is fear. The love from the mother to the child is the initial feeling but as that child grows and mingles with the other people of your world it will sense the attitudes, the feelings of others. It will pick up the fears of others yet the love of your world is always there, this is why we say to you look for the good in all things’

Liz… ‘What was the purpose of the fear?’

‘As the human mind develops in a physical atmosphere many challenges are brought upon the mind, challenges designed to open up the mind. There are many ways to bring obstacles and difficulties into the life, the physical life. Much can be learnt from the exposure to fear in a world of love. Many benefit from the exposure to fear, it allows the mind to think for itself, to make those important choices that enable it to grow. The choices that are based on fear will bring that mind down, will cloud the mind yet the mind will recognise the love in your world, it will question itself. A time will come when the physical mind becomes tired, tired of continued repetition. It will crave for a new outlook, a new sense of being, an expanded outlook. When the mind is ready to look for new opportunities then the love of your world will seep in, will create ideas in that mind and when the opportunities are seen and the choices have to be made then the choices will be done with love and the effects will be felt. There is a passion that is felt by each mind as it journeys through the atmosphere of a physical world, a passion which stimulates the creative power within that mind. Each situation is approached from a new angle and is seen in a new light. The opportunities are there. Slowly each mind takes itself closer to the power that it has brought into your world, the power that has always been there which will light up the sight of that individual person, allow it to see the connections with the next person, allow it to feel the harmony of your world at work in a natural way, allow it to recognise that there is no fear, no fear in a world of love but for that fear that it creates for itself. Once the recognition has been made, that the fear was self-created, then there is no difficulty in letting go of the fears. Fear is an important part of your world all the time that each mind is capable of creating fear. When the human mind has taken that next step then a time will come when fear will be unnecessary. There is much to learn in a world of love yet the time has not yet come when the benefit of fear is no longer a part of the physical world. The weaker minds in your world need your help, need your thoughts of love and understanding. Help each other, do not judge, do not punish, do not create more fear in your world. Take the weak of mind by the hand and help them up… Picture a world where fear does not exist. Picture a world where fear does not form a part of the structure of that world. Each mind is constantly evolving yet without fear will that mind be able to evolve? A time will come when the world of physical matter will become illuminated in all respects, in all points. The world you live in now will be seen as a dim reflection, a distant memory. A cloud will form and the energies of your world will be attracted to that cloud. That cloud will begin to form structures within itself as it uses the energies that are sent to it. The structure will represent each mind in your physical world, a representation of how you are now, a memory, a memory of each individual mind at this point of time and the cloud will go on to develop itself in a way that cannot be understood by the minds that make it up, by the minds that support the structure of that cloud. It will form a new reality, a physical reality for those who wake up in it, who wake up in the form that it has created for itself. The form will build into a new world, a new world of opportunities, a new world of experiences’

Liz… ‘Where does this cloud come from?’

‘The cloud has been built up by each mind as it journeys through the true life, the one experience that enables the feeling, the true feeling to be felt. There is no easy answer, there is no easy explanation, yet to understand in the physical sense then the awareness requires greater breadth, wider, deeper thinking. Take yourself out of your physical world, hold up your hands and touch that what surrounds you, touch that what is you, understand what is you, feel the love that is you. You have created your own cloud yet you are all one. The cloud is not an individual creation, it is a joint creation perceived as individual until you can reach out of yourself. If you do not understand then take one step back, allow your mind to catch-up with the feeling it is engaged with before you step forward once again. Create your own picture in your own mind but know that it is a joint effort. Take yourself on your own journey but know you are one of many on that same journey. The cloud exists in the imagination of the one mind that you all connect to, that you all are a part of and can share in that imagination. Your imagination is our imagination, confuse the two and you will lose your grip on understanding what you truly are. We can see what you can see, we can feel what you touch, we can hear the sounds that resonate in your ears. There is no separation, there is no distant place, we have never left, you have never left, all is one yet there are many avenues, many roads, many countries, many divisions, many barriers. Do not confine yourself in your own compartment, keep the door ajar until you can break down the walls, taste the true life that surrounds you and make it a part of your world. When the cloud has reached sufficient size then the rain will fall and each individual droplet will be received as a separate mind until it hits the sea, the mighty oceans of life. Where then is that one droplet? For it has become lost to the sight of those who believe they are individuals yet the droplet itself has discovered that it is part of something greater, something far more powerful. The power of the oceans of your world are what drive you all. Watch the destruction that the oceans of your world can bring about but also observe the beauty in the still waters of your world. Do not make ripples, allow the surface to remain a perfect mirror then you will see the true life reflected in that mirror…  Thank you my dear friend, we hope we have given you once again food for thought’

Liz… ‘Indeed you have’

‘Each week we build up for you a continuation of a growing picture. Our aim is to reach the minds of many and to help lift the weaker minds of your world closer to a time when fear can be eliminated. Please take from us a piece of our love to take out into your world, spread it around, lighten the minds of all who you meet, thank you, good evening to you, may God bless you all, goodnight’

Liz… ‘Good night, God bless you friend’

Liz put the music back on.

I was feeling back with it after a couple of minutes.

Liz had experienced pulling sensations from her again during the communications mainly from her solar plexus area and she had got very hot at times.
The feeling gradually left her as the communicators withdrew.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

161st Sitting 15/10/2015

We have been thinking about changing the way we sit and experimented with my chair outside the cabinet this week but still sat in full blackout.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.45pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I lost consciousness about 10 mins after the opening prayer and woke up about 40 minutes later.
I remember feeling a pulsing/vibrating feeling going up and down my throat when I woke up which lasted a few seconds.
About the same time Liz reported a juddering sensation going through her.

After another 20 minutes I began to be controlled and Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed the communication as it settled in and became coherent.

‘Good evening, good evening to you…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘It is a good time now for us to come and explain the situation, explain the conditions that are required to develop a clear channel of communication, understandable to the ears of all who inhabit your world. Nothing is done to confuse for we wish to approach with a simple mind, a simple thought yet a thought that will set in motion in the minds of many, set in motion their own thoughts that will clothe their understandings. We do not merely dish out answers, for answers are to be worked towards by each individual, yet we can provide the tool, the tools to be inserted into the mind of each individual to enable a wider understanding. The conditions of your room are part of the make-up of the physical vibration that we can align our own energies, our own field of thought. Much can be done in any situation yet at this time, at this stage of development we would prefer to return to within the cabinet for it is the familiar setup that we can engage with at this time'

Liz… ‘Okay friends that’s clear’

‘This is not to say that in the future… we will be able to discard the cabinet, we will be able to discard the blackout conditions but for now as we strengthen the communication each week the conditions would be preferable to stay the same’

Liz… ‘Okay friend thank you for letting us know’

‘We appreciate your experimentation for it is all experimentation from both sides of life. You learn from experimentation, we all learn from experimentation’

Liz… ‘How about with the Tuesday group, with the Mercury Experiment group, is it better to use the cabinet or to go back to our previous formation around the table?’

‘The Mercury Experiment group is yet to find the optimum setup, the best setup for the energies that we wish to use. We wish you to rely on your own feelings as you sit in your Mercury Experiment. We wish you to feel how the setup affects the way you work. We are concentrating on taking you into a deeper altered state of mind so that we can eliminate your fears of self-creating the message. We wish you to let go of those thoughts, allow the words to come through. Take away any expectation as to what will come through. Allow mistakes to be made for they will be built upon, they will form a learning for you and for us. So as for the setup of your room in the Mercury Experiment, do what makes you feel most comfortable. If you wish to sit in the cabinet then do so’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘We wish the table to remain in the room at all times. The dome is to be placed on the table during the Mercury Experiment and placed aside for this session as you do now. The dome is used for the development of your own mediumship. Experiment with the music you use in the Mercury Experiment, find what most puts you at ease’

Liz… ‘Right will do’

‘The music for this session will remain. We have been able to work with this music and we wish to continue’

Liz… ‘Understood’

‘Have you any questions on your mind?’

Liz… ‘Someone has asked a question… and the question is concerning what happens after death to someone who has behaved very badly in their life, who has been very unethical, who’s done terrible things, things that harm other people, have caused great harm, maybe killed people deliberately. What happens to such a person after death?’

‘The person has to first come to their own realisation that what they have done has caused hurt to others in your world. Such a person may not realise the hurt they have caused. All who walk your world are at times hurting other people without realising yet some will go out of their way to cause harm, to disrupt, to disrupt the harmony of the physical world. Understand what has caused these people to want to disrupt the harmony of your world. They too may have been harmed; they may have been subjected to the negativities of your world. When they leave the physical world they will be subjected to a period of healing, they will find themselves in a place of healing. They will be given time to understand the results of the actions they have brought about. They will be given the opportunity to return to your physical world in a condition that they will set up for themselves, a condition where they can work with love, work at helping those others who they will recognise as making the mistakes they have made. They will put themselves in a situation where they will meet these people and help these people. There is not right or wrong in your world, there is only learning, gaining experience, opening the mind, developing the mind. You have created for yourself a world which sees right and wrong in all situations. Do not look for the wrong in a situation, look for the opportunity in a situation, grasp the opportunity and you will learn, you will not have to face the realisation that you have harmed one another; you have disrupted the harmony of a loving physical world. There is no punishment in the world that lies beyond the physical, for that too is filled with love and understanding. Each person no matter what they have done is met with love and understanding and allowed to think through their own life, their own experiences. They will feel again the experiences that they have had for themselves and they will feel the pains that have been felt by those who they have upset by their actions. They will be given the opportunity to understand the feelings, understand what motivated them to cause the feelings. Every mind on your world is a precious mind. We wish to see it grow, we wish to see it flourish and we understand the difficulties associated with living in a physical world with so many differing minds that work together. No one mind has an advantage over another, you are all working in the same reality, the same physical atmosphere, yet some have grown, some contain understandings, understandings that help them see their pathway illuminated in front of them while others struggle in the darkness of life. We wish those who live in the darkness to open their eyes. We do not want to push them back into a yet more darker place’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘As we have said before, there is nothing to fear at the moment of death, what you understand as death. It is a joyous time, a time to understand, a time to reach out beyond the limitations of physical life but only when that mind is ready. Many will find themselves in a world similar to what you experience now but they still have the opportunity to grow, to expand their minds in whatever direction they feel the interest for. Each human mind finds its own interest. When an interest is found then one hundred percent effort is put into that interest and this will take them into that place that most suits them and is most beneficial for their continued development and growth. Feel, feel how much more you benefit when you are engaging in what interests you. There are times when you are pushed into doing things which go against the interests of your mind and you will struggle to find the motivation inside of you to work at the tasks you have set yourself up to do. Yet when you do what interests your mind it is not so much a task as a pleasurable experience’

Liz… ‘So does that mean one should avoid doing things that seem very difficult and cumbersome and just do those things that are easy and pleasurable?’    

‘Never avoid what comes to you but recognise the difficulty in this’

Liz… ‘A learning tool’

‘No opportunity is wasted, it is not easy to pursue your interests, it is the harmonious thoughts that make you feel at ease. You are still working, you are still working at learning, at discovering, at opening your mind but you are doing it at ease with the interest that you have set up in your mind. The interest that has been recognised by your mind’

Liz… ‘So if there is a choice to be made in activities the sensible choice would be to go for those things that feel delightful’

‘There are many more aspects to be considered in a choice of this kind. Look at the situation you are in. See how your choice affects those you are with. It is not always wise to take the easy option. The more you make choices with love the more you will find the worlds you have created for yourself will work with you, will present beneficial opportunities that you will feel at ease with. When you are struggling you will recognise yourself as not totally fitting into the pathway you have created for yourself. Step back and see what is causing your discomfort. Address the situation with love; do not allow the negativities of fear to cloud your mind, to cloud you judgment of each situation’

Liz… ‘So it maybe sometimes that in order to be of benefit to another person or to help someone who you love that you may need or find yourself doing things that aren’t so easy or aren’t so pleasurable and yet they will give pleasure to others’

‘You are helping each other; you are giving each other the opportunity to work towards the interests that guide you all through your life’

Liz… ‘I suppose the secret is to make that wanting to help and to facilitate someone else your interest and passion to create in your mind that as a desirable…’

‘That will come naturally to you as you work with love, as you look at each other and you will feel yourself wanting to help the harmony of your world by helping each other, you will see the benefit of this and you will see how your own life will open up before you, greater opportunities will be presented to you. You will see the benefits of working with love, with the love that makes up your world, use it to its most beneficial use. There are many mistakes to be made in the physical world but make them with love and they will crumble, they will not be seen as mistakes for you are helping each other. When you help each other you are helping yourself, you are understanding the connection, the connection of each mind in the physical world… Many stories have been told throughout the times, the times gone by. Stories of a greater world, stories of a greater being that looks down on your world. Those who have understood the connection of all minds and the expansion of the one mind have tried to put it into words that can be understood, they have seen the forces, the forces of light that not only surround your world but are within your world to be discovered by all. They have tried to understand how the light can be perceived in a world that generates darkness for they can see how the darkness blinds each individual mind as it lives its life, its physical life. They have seen the effect that darkness can have on an individual mind and they have wanted to explain the presence of the wonderful light that forms the very structure of your world. They need to give it a name, they need to explain in the form of a story their own experience yet the words are insufficient. All they have been able to do is select the best words that can create a story that they feel will help those who walk in darkness. Words can only penetrate so far into the minds of man, beyond words there are feelings, feelings generated by the experiences that are perceived. A time will come when perception will become clearer to many minds as the light shines brighter. Words will not be required, a greater understanding of feeling will come to many and an understanding of how to present the feeling without the use of words, for this is what has been sought since the creation of you world. Patterns were created throughout the structure of your world, patterns there to be understood when the time was right, when development of the human mind was at that stage where the patterns could be revealed and understood for what they are. Many minds have already seen the patterns, have perceived the patterns but no physical mind has yet been able to truly understand the patterns and put the feeling, the correct feeling to that pattern. Words are merely stepping stones to the true feelings of each mind. Begin to recognise those feelings as they come to your mind’

Liz… ‘So are you saying that feelings have not been fully perceived as feelings by people, that words have acted as a temporary bridge to bring feelings forward?’

‘The feelings, the true feelings are yet to be understood. Feelings have been felt but they are a weak representation of the true feelings. As the human mind develops then the feelings will grow stronger and will guide those minds through the physical atmosphere that has been setup’

Liz… ‘And words won’t be necessary?’

‘There will indeed become a time when words will be part of the history of your world. What you understand now as telepathy is already a part of your world but will become a greater part of your world. The human mind is getting closer to the next stage of evolution. Look for the changes in your world, look for the discoveries in the science of your world. Those who choose to explore areas of consciousness, conscious thoughts, the impact of consciousness on physical matter, the impact of consciousness on the minds that inhabit your world, that drive your world, that drive the physical matter. Much understanding has already been built up by those who work with consciousness, the understanding of consciousness. They have seen how consciousness creates and they have begun to understand the workings of the physical matter that makes up your world. As each mind discovers for itself we can then introduce further ideas and understanding into those minds for they have opened up, they have made themselves receptive to the ideas that were once dismissed as illusions, as imagination, for imagination is misunderstood by many. Many misunderstand the importance and the power of imagination in your physical world, for imagination is behind the creative forces that govern your world. Never cast aside imagination, allow it to grow, allow it to flourish, allow it to fill every pattern of your makeup and drive you forward. We can put pictures into your mind but you have to use your imagination to create a permanent image. Without imagination the pictures are invisible, they have no substance to cling to. You all have much to learn on the mechanics of imagination but you are all working towards discovering the effects of imagination on your world, how it helps your world and how it helps each individual to work towards the light of your world… Thankyou my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening, we hope we have given you much to think upon’

Liz… ‘Food for thought, fuel for imagination’

‘Yes feed yourself well and return rejuvenated, take our love into your world and feed those who you meet. Restore the connections between each other and understand yourselves as one evolving mind in a world of learning opportunities. Goodnight to you, may God fill your mind with love, until we speak again, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on and I came back after two minutes.
My right hand was warm and my left hand was cold.

Liz had been feeling energy drawn from her during the last part of the communication.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…