May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

163rd Sitting 29/10/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

After one minute Liz reported the room had become blotchy then broke up into what looked like flag stones.
She saw dim lights moving around at different speeds, some very fast.
Then there were more defined shapes in the room.

I lost consciousness just after the opening prayer and came back after about one hour.

Liz became very hot.
She reported a lot of light in the room then saw more shapes and points of light.
She felt there were presences in the room.
She felt them moving past her and then she felt very cold.

Noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed the communication as it tuned in.

‘Good evening, good evening to you’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Learning to compose a correct signal that will operate in your frequency yes, now is time to come through and speak again, speak to the physical world, the physical atmosphere, the world of physical matter, the world that to you appears as solid, as form, as an experience, as experiential life that you live unaffected by the patterns that surround you, the patterns that are a part of you. There is structure in your life yet you see only part of the full picture. We come through and we try to help you to understand the larger realities. Nothing is hidden from you, you only create for yourself a narrow vision, you build up beliefs, beliefs that are engrained in your being, that cause you to see with a narrow vision. Work at unfolding those beliefs and your vision will widen. Develop your depth of feeling, recognise the thoughts that make up your world, recognise them as the true starting point in your adventure. The thoughts that were put into your world brought together the physical structure that you experience. You can see the effect of thought on physical matter yet you will not allow yourself to understand how your world is made up of thought. You are constantly engaged with physical matter, thought appears as a secondary… your mind is fixed on what you receive as the primary makeup of your world, the physical matter, the ground on which you walk, the sights that you perceive. You believe that the physical matter has been part of your world since the beginning. The physical mind will not bring forward into its awareness the possibilities that the physical world is made up of a finer structure, a structure not embedded in physical matter. Worlds within worlds, time within time, constantly working together, time and the world you live, the world you perceive, governed by time and space. Much care went into the thinking that brought forth your world, a delicate balance was achieved. The forming of physical structure is the responsibility of each mind that chooses to journey through your world. There is no correct perception, perception can change, perception can become clearer, crisper, more defined. Take your perception into the next world then the world you perceive now will fade away. Preparations are already in place for creation of the next world and it has been seen by many, it has been perceived in many ways, there is not one way to perceive. Take yourself to the mountains of your world, climb to the top, observe your world from the top of your mountains, watch as the view develops, allow your perception to feed you with the beauty that reflects the love that was put into your world. Every colour, every shade of colour has been selected to take you out of your own interpretation, wake you up and give you the experience of a wider vision. We have watched your world grow, we have watched the effects of the opening of the minds within it and we have seen how each individual mind paints for itself a picture of a personal world personal to that individual yet the real world exists as the framework for all individuals. Each time a new child is born a new picture emerges and the world becomes a greater, wider experience for all. Step up to your own beliefs, walk amongst all who share your beliefs but know that the beliefs are fragile and can crumble, recognise your beliefs for what they are, stepping stones on a fragile structure that you feel are required to help you navigate your way through a world of physical matter. Have the courage to step off those stones onto unfamiliar ground and you will begin to understand there is nothing that is required to hold you up…’ (Pause)

Liz had fallen asleep.
The communication became incoherent for a while

‘…the energies of the room are strong, are heavy on you now, we can put… we have completed all of our words today… are you aware?’

Liz… ‘Aware?’

‘Are you awake?’

Liz… ‘Yes… having difficulty staying awake’

‘Yes we have noticed, we feel the effects when you lose your consciousness’

Liz… ‘If I take some deep breaths it helps to restore my energy…’

Liz took some deep breaths.

‘Yes, sometimes the energies of the room will affect you, if you feel uncomfortable or unable to keep your attention let us know and we can lighten the atmosphere’

Liz… ‘Alright yes, I’m not uncomfortable but I have great difficulty keeping my attention. I was awake until the communication started’

‘Maybe if you can think of a question that you would like an answer for it will help the energies balance in the room. Is there anything you would like to ask of us?’

Liz… ‘Yes I’d like to know how it is when I’m in the cabinet, when I pick up connections of which I’m not consciously aware but later when we look on the internet there is some relevance, validity to these connections, is it just data, information that’s just stored in my unconscious or am I reaching out into a larger data stream, where are those inspirations coming from?’

‘When you sit for the purpose of developing mediumship, the channelling of information through into physical words, then you are opening yourself up to all information that is available to you. You are drawing on the information that makes up your world and also that what you understand as beyond your physical world. You also have in your physical mind a store house of information which you have built up for yourself through the experiences you have had. This will come forward and it will help, it will help you reach out into information that is beyond your own knowledge at this time. When you look into the words you have spoken at a later date you will indeed find connections, connections that were not, that you were not aware of at the time that the communication took place for you are indeed reaching out and you are developing that part of your mind that is receptive to new understandings. Continue working as you do and you will find each week that more connections can be found in the information. Remember that that information that comes through you is not always meant for your own learning, your own experiences. The purpose of mediumship is to reach many minds, many who will be drawn to what you have said; they will make their own interpretations which will help them with their own understandings’

Liz… ‘Thank you, the other thing that I’d like to ask is, in the room tonight I was aware of a lot of light and a lot of movement, shapes, dimly perceived like moving silk but they felt like presences of people or spirits. Is that what I was perceiving?’

‘Always allow your feelings to give you the true picture. What you see is what you have perceived yet what you feel is closer to the true perception. When you see light and shapes in your room they are not necessarily physical light, physical shapes, for as you know you are sitting in total darkness yet you still perceive, you still see pictures, colours, light and dark. Look beyond the visuals and feel for yourself. You have already said you feel presences in the room. You are feeling the thoughts of many, many who are attracted to what you do, many who take advantage of the conditions you have set up in your room, they are looking for opportunities to make themselves felt. You will find also when you sit in the cabinet the feelings will be heightened and again you will be aware of presences with you’

Liz… ‘Yes, why is it that myself and the medium find ourselves falling asleep for a large part of the evening when we’re in the cabinet recently, we haven’t always done that’

‘Much work is being done to pave the way for a stronger link, an open doorway into your awareness. Both of you work in a similar way yet this can be modified and strengthened. At the moment the effect of the work we are putting into each of you will create, will make you become unconscious, will relax your minds, will take you out of the physical world. When you are engaged in the activities of the physical world your mind is not receptive to the thoughts that we can place into your minds. At this time we need to relax and cause you to fall asleep then we can work at a new level. As the weeks go by you will find you will not become so disconnected with the physical, it will become more natural for us to step into your mind and work with what you can provide for us’

Liz… ‘That would be good’

‘Mediumship is a very individual component of each mind, each individual mind. We can experiment and we can find for ourselves the most beneficial entry point into your mind. In order to experiment with something so delicate and receptive, then a state of sleep or unconsciousness helps us, allows us to work without the distractions that are a constant part of your physical life’

Liz… ‘When we enter a dream world, when we are dreaming, are we sometimes entering an objective reality, another reality, an actual vibration, a different vibrational level, or are we just creating images with our mind, or is that the same thing?’

‘All realities are created; you are all capable of creation, of creating your own realities’

Liz… ‘Is that what we’re doing when we’re dreaming?’

‘Not only when you dream but also when you wake, when you are awake in your physical reality you are still creating for yourself your own reality’

Liz… ‘Yes you’ve been talking about that a lot recently’

‘When you dream you have entered into a new state of mind that is free from the physical world that you are familiar with. Your dreams can take you away from familiar scenes, familiar feelings, familiar thoughts, yet when the dream is remembered it is necessary to clothe it in familiar thoughts, familiar feelings. Only when the dream is being dreamt are the true meanings absorbed into your mind. These dream experiences will wait in your mind until an opportunity arises that will allow them to resurface. The dreams are an important part of your experiencing in a physical world. They give you the power to look beyond the physical world. Is this understandable to you?'

’Liz… ‘Yes, last week you spoke of a cloud that in creating our own reality and working towards a reality more in tune with our finer feelings. You spoke of the time that we would become aware of a cloud which would grow, in which were structures being prepared which would be for us a beginning of a new reality, a new physical reality. Could you explain what you meant by that, whether you were talking of a nebula, a new galaxy forming, a new universe?’

‘We gave to you a picture for your mind, a picture for you to unravel and understand in your own way. When we speak to you and bring forward new ideas we do it in a way that for you creates a puzzle, for you are trying to put a physical meaning to something which is just beyond your physical world. It is similar to what we were discussing about dreams. In dreams you are also given, you are given information beyond your physical world but it is up to you to interpret that information and build up for yourself your own picture, you own understanding. If you find words, the words that we use, do not give you a true understanding, then keep that memory alive in your mind until further experiences will come to you and you will see, you will understand the meaning to the words that were spoken. Your mind will not expand without your own input; we can only give you our own pictures, our own thoughts’  

Liz… ‘Yes that was a particularly interesting and unusual one, it stood out’

‘It has formed a memory for you and you will soon recognise the meaning of that memory. Do not worry when you do not fully understand all that is said, allow it to seep into your mind and return when the time is right and the opportunities are there for you. We do not wish to confuse, we merely wish to help you to understand but understand in your own way, that one way which is comfortable to you. The physical world is a world of opportunity and discovery but only you can truly discover the full picture in your own time, at your own pace without unnecessary confusion… Thank you my dear friend, we have spoken much tonight, we hope you can benefit from the words we have spoken. We hope all who receive these words can benefit’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Take from us a piece of our love, spread it around your world, help each other, listen to each other, understand each other. Thank you, goodnight to you; we look forward to further conversations at the next session. May God bless and keep each and every one, good night’

Liz… ‘Goodnight and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on.

I felt back with it after two minutes.

When I opened the cabinet curtains it looked lighter and sparkly in the room.
Liz also thought it was light in the room and she could still see a few shapes moving about.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…