May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

38th Sitting 25/02/2013

It was just Liz and me this week.

Last week we’d been asked to open the cabinet this week.
In the Mercury Star Circle the two people nearest the cabinet open the curtains by pulling a cord attached to each curtain then hooking them to the walls but with just Liz there that would be impossible.
We would have to either keep the curtains open throughout or wait for instructions for Liz to approach the cabinet and slide the curtains open from the top.
We decided on the later as I felt a closed cabinet at the start would help the energies to build up initially and this was also how I'd seen Jerry work recently at the Bristol Spirit Lodge.
So the plan was to sit for four tunes in black-out with the cabinet closed, then Liz would turn up the red light and wait for instructions to open the cabinet.
We also moved Liz’s chair a bit closer to the cabinet.

As I got myself comfortable in the cabinet I felt a lot of popping going on in my right ear.  
I had also felt quite spaced out for the last couple of hours.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30.
She turned out the red light and put the music on.

After the first four songs Liz turned on the red light.
Three minutes later she reported sparkles in front of the cabinet.
Then she saw some dancing shapes and felt there were a lot of presences in the room.
She also saw a dim light moving around.

A few voice noises started from the cabinet…
There didn’t seem to be much power behind the voice this week.

‘All here now…’

Liz… ‘Welcome to you’

‘Are you able to approach cabinet?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘Can you open curtain… have you enough light to see?’

Liz… ‘I can just about manage’

Once she’d opened the curtains Liz returned to her seat. She moved her seat forward a bit.

After about eight minutes Liz reported seeing movement to the right of me and then a large blob of light above my head.

Another eight minutes later Liz was asked to turn out the red light.
The curtains remained open for the rest of the sitting.

20 minutes later Liz was asked to put the red light on again.

This time she saw more energy in front of my face.
She saw lots of changes in the face.
She reported seeing a long thin face with side burns, and then a Chinese gentleman.
She also saw a face she recognised.

There were some ‘Hellos’ from the cabinet.

Then Liz saw an older man with a large beard.

More ‘Hellos… etc’

‘It has been an interesting experiment this evening… We would like to continue working in this way next week. We hope to develop a lot more in this way so thank you for sitting in this way. Did you see any phenomena with the red light on?’

Liz… ‘Not a lot, not a lot at all but just now there was quite a feeling of different faces and one even recognizable so that was quite interesting but it’s still very difficult to tell whether it’s subjective. It’s not sufficiently well defined to be sure that it’s objective phenomena like with the very strong light flash we had the other week (in the MSC) so everything is rather vague. There’s definitely a sense of movement of people, of shapes, dancing forms and of dim light moving but nothing strong enough that couldn’t be classed as subjective tricks of the light. I tried to keep very still so that I wasn’t creating shadows or differences in the light by moving’

‘Thank you for your comments and we will try again next week in a similar manner and we will improve each week with a stronger energy which we can introduce. This week we have been more experimenting with the light as this is a new experiment for us at this stage. We are pleased with the way it has progressed this week for the first time’

Liz… ‘Are you trying to develop some physiognomy, faces that go with voices, recognisable features?’

‘This will be our ultimate goal to show you the face, for you to hear the voice at the same time but you must understand that this will take time for us to achieve. We will work in a slow way, one step at a time, each time we sit we will progress slowly, for now you will see a vague impression of what we hope to achieve as the ultimate goal that we hope to achieve…  we will achieve. We will bring more phenomena forward as the weeks progress’

Liz… ‘Good, that’s good news’

‘We thank you for your patience and we look forward to trying more experiments next week, thank you’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome, thank you’

The music had finished and Liz asked the spirit team to draw back.

I came back shortly after the last communicator had withdrawn and Liz checked I was okay.

It had been an interesting evening. The energy had felt different this week and some of the communications felt a bit weak which may be because the energies were directed more to producing the red light phenomena.
I had remained aware throughout.

We will continue with the open cabinet experiments and see how things progress over the next few weeks.

Liz is not going to say who’s face she recognised as we hope she may receive some more evidence in the coming weeks…

37th Sitting 18/02/2013

Dan was back with us this week and both he and Liz sat up the far end of the room while I sat in the closed cabinet.
We had decided to use the red light again after the forth tune.

I was feeling quite light headed and giddy again just before sitting but my stomach felt fine this week.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30pm, turned on the music and put the red light out.

Liz noticed a few blue shapes like human silhouettes that were upright at first then changed their angle becoming slanted.
Dan didn’t see them.

After 20 minutes there were voice noises from the cabinet including…

‘All here… All here in love… Only come in love…’

Liz was getting cool breezes over her face.

Another communicator came through…

‘As always we would like red light after this song…’

Liz put the red light on.

After about two minutes Liz and Dan both reported seeing dim lights moving around in front of the cabinet.
Liz was aware of a kind of ‘S’ shape on the cabinet curtains and she got the impression of something jumping out of the cabinet into the room.
She also saw balls of light coming out of the cabinet towards her.

After about ten minutes of red light a communication came from the cabinet…

‘Time now to turn off the light thank you… Increase your music please’

Things were quiet and dark in the room for the next 30 minutes.
In the cabinet I was feeling a lot of stuff around my face and ears.
Despite having my eyes closed I was aware of a lot of colour and light in the cabinet.
I didn’t drift off at all this week remaining aware.

More voice noises from the cabinet…

‘Dear friends, thank you for patience, we working on energy around medium in cabinet. Next week we will ask you to open the cabinet with the red light on and we will see what we can achieve in this way. You will need to sit closer to cabinet next week and use the cords for the opening. So it will be a new experiment for us to do…’

Dan… ‘Very good, look forward to that’

I came back after the last communicator withdrew.

Liz asked the team to start drawing back as the last two tunes were playing.
When the music finished she checked that I was back okay and that Dan was feeling all right.

Liz turned the red light on dimly and gave the closing prayer.
My stomach was spinning at the end…

36th Sitting 11/02/2013

Liz was still feeling a little unwell this week. She was tired and lacking energy but decided she would sit.
Dan was still away.

I was feeling quite spaced out before sitting this week and had heard a few clicks in the house just after I arrived.

I’d repaired the red light and we decided Liz would put it on again after the forth tune.
As usual Liz sat at the far end of the room and I sat unrestrained in the closed cabinet.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30pm.

After about 15 minutes a few noises started in the cabinet.

Liz… ‘Hello, welcome’

‘All is well, all is in order. We hold him well. All is normal, good, good, it all take time for us to go towards… it all takes time. We know we can achieve what we have in our mind to. It all come together when we are all in the room together. It all come to… when we are all here…’

Liz… ‘That’s good… I can feel you’

‘We all work on keeping a deeper state for us to work in…’

Voice changed, it was louder but mostly incoherent…

Liz… ‘Is that someone else coming through?’

‘Different energy come through. We all try to come through in our turn so we will come in a different way… It all help with our own experimentation at this stage… just words…’

Liz… ‘It’s good to hear you’

The voice changed again and was difficult to understand at first…

‘Always here. He knows we all here in our own way… come through in our own way…’

Liz had noticed a light moving up and down to the left of the cabinet while the communicators were speaking.

The forth tune had ended so Liz turned on the red light dimly.

Liz saw a few dim lights moving around in front of the cabinet.
She felt there was energy moving out from the cabinet into the room.

After the red light had been on for about 10 minutes. Some noises started in the cabinet.

A few ‘hellos…’ followed by more incoherent words.
Sounded like Little One.

The voice changed…

‘Always in contact… always able to assist with… it always…’
More incoherent words.

Liz… ‘Are you practising?’

‘We have voice… to get hold of the voice so we can bring our own thought through. Each time we come close we have more contact of a purer…’
Words became unclear again…

‘Time now to turn your light down thank you and if you can increase volume slightly more now thank you’

Liz turned off the red light and turned up the music.
The next 30 minutes remained quiet in the cabinet.
Liz was aware of familiar presences in the room including an eagle which moved next to her. She felt like she was part of it.

As the last two tunes played Liz reminded the team to draw back.

I was back with it.
The cabinet looked green with white speckles inside.

I’d been in and out of it during the sitting.
At the beginning I felt a lot of stuff around my head and face. It felt almost like I’d had a bucket of custard poured over me!!! I also felt a pulling on both ear lobes like there was something heavy attached to them.
I remembered seeing a man standing in front of me with a pipe in his mouth then soon after I felt like I had a pipe in my mouth.

I’d felt quite warm during the sitting but afterwards was very cold.
It was a cold evening...

35th Sitting 07/02/2013

This week we sat on Thursday as we had swapped days with the Mercury Star Circle.

Liz had a tickly cough but felt well enough to sit. Dan was still away so it was just Liz and me.

We were planning on turning on the red light again after the forth tune but while Liz was doing the opening prayer the red light went off by its self and later when she tried to turn it on it remained off so we sat in full black-out throughout this week.

After about five minutes there were a few noises from the cabinet.
A few words were said but it was mainly incoherent except for what sounded like…

‘Old boy… come down to you’

Liz welcomed him and we think it’s the same person who spoke through me in the MSC last Monday.

Liz was aware of a few black shapes flitting past her.
She perceived them as black cats.

Then Liz felt like she was in an energy space with lots of figures moving around her.
It felt to her like she was under water or perceiving things in a different reality.

Some more noises and words came from the cabinet.
Again they were not understandable and possibly the same entity…

For the next 50 minutes all was quiet from the cabinet and apart from two loud clicks in the room heard by Liz and picked up on the recorder, there was no noticeable phenomena.  

I had drifted completely out of it. I have a vague memory of some of the tunes playing but mainly my memories were of having dreams. Most faded from my memory when I came back except for one of being just outside the séance room in the area under the stairs. I also remember being given a gold coloured figure of a man in robes about one foot high, and also a piece of material that had various animal drawings on it.
My head had been forward off the seat throughout and my hands had pins and needles from being in the same position.

Liz had felt a familiar presence over shadow her briefly but she stayed with it.

As the last two tunes played Liz reminded the team that it was coming up to time to draw back.
I was back with it by then.

Liz checked I was okay then did the closing prayer.

Before we went upstairs for our tea and cake I checked over the red light which appeared to have a loose connection as it came back on after wiggling the wire.
I’ll get it sorted before our next sitting which will be back to Monday next week.