May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

122nd Sitting 13/11/2014

We had everything set up as usual.

We’ve now changed the day of the week for the Mercury Light Circle to Thursdays.

At 8.30pm Liz did the opening prayer, put the music on and the red light out.

After about ten minutes Liz reported seeing white shapes in the room. She said it was almost like watching people walking by.
She then saw a red/pink colour in the room.

Liz saw dim lights in the room and her legs went cold.
Then she felt hot on her side nearest the cabinet.

I was drifting in and out of consciousness in the cabinet.
I recall a dream about stacking up something like bits of board or slices of bread and then I was dividing them into separate layers.

 It wasn’t until 35 minutes after the start that the first noises started from the cabinet.

Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed and encouraged the communication.

‘Physical, physical, physical… hello, hello… our father…’

Liz continued to encourage the communication which was random and incoherent at first before settling down…

‘Physical, physical… vibration, vibration, physical vibration powerful, powerful vibration yes… prepare for the power to ignite the vibration in the room… now, now hold the light within, harness the power for all have this power within, all have this power, all have this harvest of useable power within all… all lead to the father for the father is all within, is within all. Our father who art in heaven, our father who connect with us all, our father who we all, we have our path which connect to our father, we have the connection for we are part of our father, our father run through the veins of our body, of our physical body, for we are a part of our father… All is one, all is one simple connecting force which penetrates your physical vibration, your physical make-up is a part of all that is, all that is, all that ever became one with the father… There is only one, there is only one we are all the same, we are all a part of the one, we have this, we feel we are individual… individuals but at the same time we feel the connection, we feel the force, that powerful force throughout all that lives, that breathes, that has consciousness… The consciousness of us all… a connection, we think of connections, we see ourselves and we see, we can understand how we can connect with the next, the next vibration, the next level but we cannot understand how we can all, how we are all the same, we run into each other like water, like water we are all the same’  

Liz… ‘I guess it’s how the light catches each vibrational level to illuminate all of them’

‘Yes, that light is only one light, one continuous light, but we get the impression it is inside of our self but what is our self?  What is it that we believe to be us? What is me? What is I? What is it that is I? What is it? It is… we connect the I with the father but the father is the I… It is a greater understanding; it is an extension of the understanding that is us. We have ventured into an experiencing vibration where we can see, feel, touch the physical vibration that we have ventured into. By doing this we are able to build up experience and we can build up memory. The father is also experiencing and building up this same memory millions of times for the father is all of this at the same time’

Liz… ‘Right, he’s like a massive computer’

‘Yes, yes a computing force, a computing understanding’

Liz… ‘A storage…’

‘A growing understanding of his own creation, his own creation is being explored by us, we have been set free into the creation, part of the creation, we have been set free to explore and gain experience upon experience until we have exhausted the physical vessel that we have been given, then we are free to return, to… to take stock of all of the experiences for our self’

Liz… ‘To rest… to reflect…’

‘To rest and yes reflect until we have that power, that urge to move on, to move on or return for we have the choice. We always have the choice, without that choice it would be pointless to continue’

Liz… ‘So some people choose to move on and some people choose to return’

‘There are many choices before you once you have exhausted your physical existence. From your perspective, understanding all these choices is not a possibility now but once you have broken from your physical world you will realize, you will look into all possibilities, you will look for the possibility which is most beneficial for your own growth and then for the growth of all, for all benefit from each other’

Liz… ‘Can I ask are you one who has chosen to move on or one who has chosen to return or have you not made a choice yet?’

‘The choices are still in front of me, I have re-joined that greater part of myself, for now I have a view as if I am on top of that mountain and I can see all those possibilities. So as this circle, this circle which you sit in has formed I chose to help with the understandings that could be brought through this medium. I chose to stay, I chose to not move on but to remain in one place for I could see the possibilities that, I could see how I could help your physical world with the understandings that I could send through this medium in this way’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful, yes, we’re very grateful’

‘Slowly the development of this circle is enabling myself and others that are connected to this work to filter through information. It is as always a slow process to be able to transmit through solid information but it is getting through. We are pleased with the communications that have come forward and we will continue to work on this from the top of our mountain. We have the connection to the foundations of this circle. We are moving as you are moving forward, we have a direct link via this medium to the circle, to all who read the reports that are put out each week. This is a valuable tool for us to connect to all on your side, all who have the interest to look into this work, this is a way to reach further and as the communications grow so more will look into this, will become interested and will see the communications as they unfold. They will read, they will listen to the recordings and they will become inspired to look for themselves, look within themselves, allow themselves to grow, to move on and discover more in their own way. This is only one channel of communication for there are many, there are many who have gone before, who have been recorded, who have been written about are there and there are many new communications coming forward in all the circles who sit throughout your world… Slowly, slowly your world is waking up to the truths, the truths of your own physical vibrations, your own physical vibrations have so much more to offer and once the light within each person has been ignited sufficiently then the physical vibration will move forward, will reach upwards and beyond. Will reach towards what lays beyond and all will benefit. The father will benefit for all affects all, all is one, all is one continuous evolving vibration reaching out, reaching out and further creating more opportunities for more growth, thank you. Thank you we now will return, please play your music, yes, we will come back later, thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you friend’

Liz put the music back on.

The cabinet seemed to be very bright for a while after the communication.

Liz felt something tickling her nose.

About 40 minutes after the last communication some humming noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music again…

Liz… ‘Hello…’

‘Time, time once again, time once again, we have drawn, we have reached our time to go, to leave, to end our session… Perfect time, perfect timing yes towards, well, well… Purple, purple, the colour, the colour to end our session is a brilliant purple, a brilliant purple, we, I enjoy all colours, all colour that emanate throughout your room, each week we perceive the colours that are created within your room and this week we finish with the colour purple… Beautiful, silk, shining bright, decorating the walls of your room, the colour, the colour that is drawn out amongst you, now, now as that colour fades we know that we have drawn, we have come to the end of our session and we draw back from your physical vibration, your physical universe, the life that you lead… So once again we give to you a piece of our love to share amongst your fellow, your fellow children, for you are all children and you must not forget, you must not forget that you are children for the children of your world, the children of your world play with their toys, play their games, all on your world play your games for you have the child within yourself to express yourself in a pure childish way. Do not get confused by the building up of your thoughts, do not complicate your life, live your life as a child, live your life in the simplicity of a child then you will appreciate the colours, the shapes, the sizes, the distance between each object, for it is all presented as a game, as a set of toys for you and your fellow child to play, to immerse yourself in the game, the game of life, the game of physical life that you are permanently engaged until the time comes for you to blossom into more, into more than what you are now… Thank you…’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for your words’

‘We return and we return the medium to you. Please replay your music until the time when your medium has re-joined you, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you, our love and blessings with you, goodnight’

‘Goodnight, may God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on.

I was back after about two minutes.

This week’s session had lasted two hours.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

121st Sitting 03/11/2014

We had the room set up as usual.

At 8.30pm Liz did the opening prayer, turned out the red light and put the music on.

Four minutes later Liz reported lots of waves of light drifting across the room.
She said they looked like ripples on a pond.

I could feel something solid on the right side of my face going from in front of my ear to my chin.

I then lost consciousness for about 10 – 15 minutes. I remember hearing the first two tunes then my next memory was hearing the sixth tune. I don’t know if I was asleep or in a deep trance. There was no noise picked up on the recorder from me during this time.

The first noises from the cabinet started about 35 minutes after the start.
Liz turned off the music then welcomed and encouraged the communication.
Apart from a few ‘hellos’ a ‘good evening’ and other random words it was incoherent. There seemed to be lots of different voices and energies as if they were experimenting.
When the communication faded Liz turned the music back on.

Just before the next communication started Liz reported a lot of light in the room which became a golden colour.

Then noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music…

‘Isn’t it nice… isn’t it nice… isn’t it nice to be able to sit back and observe the colours… I… I enjoy floating above your atmosphere observing the creation, creation happening before me from your world. Each colour that bubbles up from your atmosphere appears to me like a balloon, a balloon of a different colour, many different colours are presented from your world and we who connect to your world and have a power, a power to observe and keep a check of all the energies that are created and pushed out into the surrounding atmospheres, we observe and we report back to those who have an interest in the way your world is evolving, so we… I have the opportunity to sit and observe. I have created for myself a mountain which I can climb and sit at the top and watch as the thoughts from your world push out into the surrounding atmosphere…’

Liz… ‘Are there better thoughts at the moment… are the colours good?’

‘There is always a mixture, there are bad thoughts but there are good thoughts. The thoughts continue to align with each other. There are shapes that form and holes, holes in your atmosphere which have to be filled with an exact shape that corresponds to the holes that have been created by the negative thoughts around your world. These shapes have been built by the love in your world and each has a beautiful colour and a shape which will repair the outer atmosphere of your world by aligning with the tears that have been created by the negativities in your world’

Liz… ‘Who moulds the shape?’

‘Throughout your world there are many who gather, there are many who come together in love, there are many who as a singularity give out positive thoughts. They have evolved and they have been able to see the good throughout your world and they engage with that good vibration to create positive shapes, positive colour… Also the groups who gather together with the intent to heal your planet, to heal the people on your planet, all life, all life on your planet continues to breath the life force of your planet, your planet which is alive, is kept alive by the life that lives on your planet. Yes there on your planet is the breath of life, is the thoughts of life’

Liz… ‘So all the energy from the good thoughts that go out can be moulded to make the right shapes for healing’

‘I can observe all of this in action and I will see the loving thoughts emerge out of the mists that have been created for I understand that all on your side are learning, are slowly learning through mistakes, through continued repetition of error for there is an underlying beat which is crying out to everybody on your side, on your planet, a beat which is directing, directing towards the creation of love. This is felt by all on your side, many choose to ignore but slowly more are accepting, are receiving this beat of energy and it is giving them the thoughts, giving thoughts of love, showing the mistakes, letting them work out for themselves what it is that is wrong, what it is that needs to be repaired, what needs… they can see how by using loving action towards all others on your world, how this creates a better living, a better living condition’

Liz… ‘So is this energy of love, this inspiration, is this increasing the number of people who are receptive to it now?’

‘Slowly, step by step, more become aware. Like a light turning on inside them they feel repulsion for the mistakes that they have done, that all have done. They can see that it is a mistake for before it felt like the correct thing to do but now they are beginning to realize the mistakes in what each and everybody does, each and everybody has created for themselves a false creation, a creation in reality which for them felt…’

Liz… ‘As more and more people hold onto this love vibration, this feeling of love, this awareness, is this helping it to spread out just by holding onto this feeling is this helping to increase the number of people who are receptive to it?’

‘It is connecting; it is connecting those energies that have been ignited inside. All around your world they are slowly connecting with each other, they are recognising each other, they are beginning to unfold the knowledge within themselves that there is a network of love around your planet, a network of loving energy within and surrounding your planet and they are becoming one with that energy and the more people, the more individuals that become one with that energy the more powerful that energy will be, it will build’

Liz… ‘So the more that vibration is broadcast, the more the response to it and the more it spreads and illuminates the world’

‘In a positive, a positive evolution will take place which is of benefit to all, to everybody, everybody will see how it will evolve, the living conditions of everybody, the feeling, the feeling will be heightened, the senses will be heightened, everyone will realise how they, how their growth will benefit each other’

Liz… ‘Right, so the old saying from the psalm… I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help… and you’re sitting on top of a mountain now, observing, so for all those that will lift up their eyes to the hills, to the mountain they will perceive too this help’

‘Yes and I can observe all of this, I am the connection, I work as a connection, I chose to do this work, to be a part of the overall evolution, heightening evolution, bringing everybody up to the levels of heightened awareness’

Liz… ‘That’s good, it does seem as though more and more people are having experiences as spiritual reality, and awakening to spiritual reality… but it takes quite a strong call to work against the forces of inertia and decadence and confusion that most people feel more familiar with’

‘Everybody is able to observe the state of your planet and make that choice, be a part of the problem or rise above. Rise with the light inside knowing that there is a greater truth, a greater truth to be found. All is only illusion and all can be repaired for there are so many opportunities before everybody just that one step beyond’

Liz… ‘So if everybody works on raising their own vibrational level it can exponentially help to increase the greater awakening of others’

‘Yes, so simple, it is all so simple. If you could see from my perspective you would understand how close everybody is now. It is almost laughable for we can see that it is just a milli… so close, so close’

Liz… ‘Close to awakening?’

‘So close to everybody yes, some have already seen but many will see. It is not long now, that final push will be activated once the correct amount of minds have engaged with their higher understanding’

Liz… ‘Once there’s a threshold number…’

‘…the balance will overturn and all will be shown that love truly is the answer, that there is no need to have all this suffering, all this negative thought will vanish and the light will truly shine on all’

Liz… ‘That’s really good news’

‘All will be bathed in constant sunlight; constant love will be felt and the next stage will be felt by all. Keep doing as you do, you are helping us to allow more to reach out and understand for themselves’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful; I see it happening to people who have been sunk in the mire and suddenly it’s as if they’ve come into the sunlight, several people recently’

‘And this is happening everywhere, people will become fed up, fed up with the constant arguing and the constant searching for wealth, for material wealth, this will fall aside, this will fall and the benefit of love will be understood… It is so close, so close but each individual will have to find it in their own way but what you do will give them the signposts to their understanding, yes’

Liz… ‘Good, thank you for that reinforcement’

‘Return to your tunes…’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

Liz put the music back on.

After this communication I was very hot and saw a lot of bright light. My eyes were closed. It looked like raging flames which lasted about one minute before going dark again and then I suddenly went very cold.

About 15 minutes later the last communication started and just before it did I kept getting the phrase ‘Feed the lambs’ in my head. This is a phrase that Liz has said in the past when she sits in the cabinet.

Liz turned off the music when she heard the communication starting…

Liz… ‘Hello friend… We’re coming to the end of our session aren’t we?’

‘Yes, yes… We are at the end of our time with you once again, thank you, thank you for spending your time with us, allowing us to come, to venture into your world once again’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome you know’

‘Yes, yes… The breath, the breathing of your world is all in tune, is all in our tune, is a hymn… is a tune, the breath of your world is in tune with us as we find ourselves with you we too can link to the breath of your world and we too can feel the thoughts of all who live on your world. We can experience them for ourselves. It is a wonderful experience for us to be able to do this, to be able to touch the lives of all who journey through the physical reality that you find yourself a part of. Yes we too can learn from this. We can feel, we can feel how each person can perceive, can create their own reality for themselves. When we give you our love to spread around try to understand each person you meet, try to be in their minds and have their experience and understand how they create for themselves their own realities then you will understand why they do the things they do, why they say the things they say, for they have created for themselves their own understanding, their own realities. Our love that you spread about to them will help them to look inside of themselves and see that spark of light that is empowering their own life as they journey their physical existence and they will feel the motivating force within them wanting to spread that light within them, spread it further to lighten up their own realities and enjoy their life, enjoy their life by putting their own love into all that they meet. You are all creating, you are all creating vessels that live on your earth and you are adding to the love, to that love vibration that interlinks throughout your world… Yes, yes we can feel the pleasure that is created when each personality sees for themselves the love within themselves, the light within themselves, the enjoyment that creates within each individual spark of life… Thank you, we now must draw back; disengage our connection with your world once again’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your presence’

‘We will be back amongst you all but we leave a part of ourselves with you all, that part which you can use when you wish to reach out to us, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodbye and God bless’

‘Goodnight, God bless you all, thank you, please replay your music as we return…’

Liz put the music back on as I came back.

I was seeing a lot of bright light again as the communicators withdrew.
Liz also noticed a flash of light as I was coming back.
I was back after about four minutes.

The session had lasted just over two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…