May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

184th Sitting 20/05/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

Ten minutes later Liz had a strong sense of a spiral of energy turning towards the cabinet and also in front of her.
Then she saw lots of moving shapes in the room.

I had lost consciousness just after the opening prayer but woke up about ten minutes later and then started to be controlled.

Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Now we try to recall all that we have learnt, all that we have experienced, that we can share for we have motivation to share our build-up of experience. We have travelled, we have spread out, we have opened our arms to receive the love of God for each step we take creates more love, more light, more of the feeling to want to help, to want to share, to want to spread knowledge with others. We have accumulated a wealth of knowledge. Knowledge has no benefit if it cannot be shared, shared with others who have a similar frame of mind yet they too can put their own meaning on the knowledge that we can share. There is not one meaning to knowledge for knowledge opens up the mind to further ideas. Enquiring minds take from knowledge what helps them in their own quest to discover more, to take them away from the mundane daily life into something more exciting, interesting, something which fills their mind with passion, with enthusiasm, enthusiasm to carry on. An open heart is a heart ready to receive, as the opportunities are recognised they will be absorbed, they will be taken, taken in, they will be collected, placed in the library that exists within each heart for each heart has the ability to absorb and sort into the correct arrangement, the correct order, all knowledge and information. Reach from the heart and you will touch the loving vibrations that surround you all, the loving vibrations that are wanting to share with you, share information and knowledge and experience that will help you to understand your own experiences. You have lived many lives, much experience has been built up and is stored in your heart waiting to be set free, waiting to be opened. The time has to be right for the opening of the heart, it will only happen naturally, it cannot be forced. There is always a greater understanding in what surrounds you, it what inspires you. Spend your days in appreciation of all that you see, all that you hear, all that you feel. Appreciate it for what it is, a gift from God. See it in its true beauty, allow it to lift you up, allow it to ignite the love within you. This will be felt by others, others who you meet for they too, whether consciously or unconsciously are appreciating the experiences that they have but each person’s experiences can be dimmed, the brightness can be taken away, shielded from them by their own beliefs and fears’

Liz… ‘Can you give any information about the more subtle vibrational levels of the physical universe, of the physical reality, of the human being? Those levels that are known as the etheric body and the astral body, those levels that some say we experience during dreaming or out of body experiences or after death. Various levels of vibrational energy in which we still have an embodiment of sort’

‘The physical reality vibrates at a constant level yet the individual within that vibrational level has the ability to rise up or sink down. The levels of vibration are personal to the individual in the way that they think and the way that they perceive physical reality. Many in the past have managed to raise their own vibration and see your world with brighter eyes. They will experience pictures, images that are alien to them, that differ from their everyday experiences. They give these images names, words that can be relayed back to the understandings within the physical reality yet they are personal experiences for that one individual. It is not wise to dwell on the experiences of others for this creates expectations in your own mind when you yourself begin to explore the higher vibrations that are available to you. All experience within a physical reality can be seen as an illusion from beyond that reality. An illusion can be built upon to create further complicated images that detract your focus on physical life. Do not let this confuse you; do not believe what is right, what is beyond your ability. Do not restrict yourself for nothing is beyond your ability. Paint your own picture. When you raise your vibrations create your own truth, what feels right for you, make no comparisons just absorb the information as it comes to you. You have had many glimpses of what to your mind appears to be beyond your physical experience’   

Liz… ‘That’s true’

‘These glimpses, these experiences are very precious to you for they build up your faith and your faith builds up your knowledge, your own personal knowledge for you have experienced and you understand the impact that experience has had on your life. No other experience from somebody else can have that impact. There is much in your world that can take you out of your world, a beautiful sunset can only raise your physical vibration but you will soon return back to that daily mundane life until the next experience. Try to make all experiences give you that same effect, that same feeling and you will see your life changing, becoming brighter. A physical world is a world of experience, you are the one who makes that experience uplifting or allows it to drag you down, you are in control. You are not affected by others; you allow them to affect you. If you love everyone you meet how can they then cause you discomfort, annoyance. They can only fill your heart with love’

Long pause.

‘What has the human race done to allow the beauty of the physical universe to cause discomfort, disease within themselves?’

Liz… ‘What indeed?’

‘There was a time when the human spirit knew nothing but love and it created for itself a beautiful world in which to live side by side in an atmosphere of total harmony. The harmony broke down when the human spirit separated itself from itself, no longer one human spirit but many separate individual units of the one spirit roaming freely watching each other, comparing, seeing for themselves the faults in others, allowing themselves to judge each other until they saw no more beauty in each other and then they lost their own love for themselves. Each individual has a memory of the time when the human spirit was one, one loving part of the loving God. That memory drives each individual through each physical life trying to bring back that state of perfect harmony, fighting against the negativities that have built up. A time is coming when a great opportunity will be seen, an opportunity to return to the loving oneness of the human spirit. You each play your part in arriving at this opportunity. We too give you a helping hand, we reach out to you with our love, inspire you, bring back that memory that resides in the root of your heart. Many on your world are calling out for change, they have become, they have grown tired of the constant conflicts, the constant ugly pictures that are presented to them, their hearts are yearning for peace, beauty and oneness. You are all one, we are all one, begin to recognise this and the human race will once again become one loving part of that loving God… Thank you my dear friend, we have once again reached the end of our session this evening. As we draw back we leave with you a piece of our love to blend with your love for all love is equal and will spread throughout all vibrations, all realities, all minds and all life. May God bless you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend, God bless you all too’

Liz put the music back on.

I felt back with it after two minutes.

We had both felt very hot at times during the communications.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…  

183rd Sitting 13/05/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned on the music and extinguished the light.

One minute after the opening prayer Liz reported a pulling sensation form the left side of her head towards the cabinet.
Another minute later I felt myself beginning to be controlled.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in.

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Is a good day today, we had good control of the vessel, we can speak at this time, we can make ourselves known to you all, we can bring ourselves forward and speak in a recognisable way, a way that will be recognised by those who listen, those who read the words, who venture into investigations, who look into all possibilities, all variations, for there are many variations in the way that words can come through in this way, in the way that we have built up over the years’

Liz… ‘That’s good news friend’

‘Stand aside; we stand aside to allow energies to approach for there are many who wish to speak, they all form a line and one at a time they will enter the energies and bring their own thoughts through… Patience, patience, we are looking to bring a person forward… it is always…‘

The voice started to change…

‘Hello, hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello’

‘Well I can speak once again… we all… lady, lady… so we are tuning in yes… I will try to come through, very good, special time, this is such a special time for all of us to experiment, to try give ourselves, our thoughts into your atmosphere for you have created a place for communication, for the communication of thoughts, memories, experiences that have gone before… Take our love for we all come in love, in kindness. We try to build up a rapport with you, we come to excite the energies, bring them together with joyous appreciation for it is such a privilege to be once again able to engage in conversation with the physical world’

Liz... ‘Have we spoken with you before?’

‘This is the first time; this is the first time for myself, for the energy that I bring. I have observed, I have listened to the conversation and I have learnt how to project myself into this energy, into this web of communicating energies’

Liz… ‘That’s good, are you known to either of us?’

‘I would like to think that I would be recognised when I have built up enough power to draw back to my memories, to reintroduce my memories into this room. There is much to say, there is much to bring forward in the fullness of time. We too have our lives, we too enjoy the opportunity to think back, to remember, remember times when we too had a physical existence’

Liz… ‘Can you remember anything of your physical existence?’

‘Swimming in the sea… The feel of the wind, drifting slowly, one at a time, there’s… a parish, a parish, St Peter, so far away, wake it up, wake up those memories, stir the pot…’

Liz… ‘How long ago do you think it was that you were last in a physical life?’

‘Turn back the clock and discover a time suitable for your memories for much has taken place since that time, much has been sent through, stored, placed in the correct order. There is a teaching that resonates, teaching from the gospels. I too spoke of the gospels, I read out the passages’

Liz… ‘Were you a clergyman?’

‘The community came to listen, I stood with outstretched arms trying to make an impression, I was trying to help, I believed I was helping, I saw the look on the faces of the people who had gathered and I felt they were benefiting from the words. Sometimes words have many meanings, the speaker puts their own meanings to the words yet those who gather also put their own meanings to those words. Misunderstandings are commonplace in religious communities and at times the love is lost, is hidden. Thoughts of darkness cloud the minds of those who cling to their beliefs. I saw in their faces the confusion and build-up of negative thought. I tried to approach them with love yet I was turned away. Now I can see the errors of those teachings. The world still suffers with the same beliefs yet many shining stars are waking up to the truth of love, they are fed up with the old teachings and looking for new adventure, brighter spiritual gospels’

There was a pause and Liz put the music back on.

During the communication Liz had got an image of a portly man sitting in a chair.
When we talked about this at the end I got the name Adrian but as yet neither of us can think who he may be.

About five minutes later the communication started again and it was another new voice.
Liz turned off the music again and encouraged the communication as it settled in…

Liz… ‘Welcome back friend’

‘Thank you… It is a good time now… so we have now complicated the proceedings yes, we have spoken widely once again. Perhaps forwards in time there will be more to say on this matter for now we can bring forward more of the same, more of the pictures and memories and situations that come to our minds. There is much to uncover at a time when those who sleep, those who walk alone not recognising their friends who are with them but the time will come when they open their eyes and see for the first time the true image of life. Further investigation takes place when the mind is stimulated with a new image, a new way of thinking. Face yourself and see the true image immerge, do not forget your true self, do not let yourself become carried away in a stream of physical life, keep one hand on the banks of the river, watch the flow pass beneath you knowing that you have a firm hold of the true image of life. There is nothing mysterious in truth. The great adventure awaits you yet you are not yet ready, you have more to do, you have seen how it can be yet the current is taking you away from the truth. Take a stronger hold of the banks of the river, slow down, slow down your thoughts, calm your mind and a true image will present itself naturally to you. There is no need to focus on a natural image for you only focus when you are blinded by the confusion and the swiftness of your thoughts. Bring yourself into line with the correct speed of thought and the clarity will be there… Please replay your music for a short while thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay’

Liz put the music back on then after about ten minutes another new voice took control.

‘Hello, hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello, hello friend’

‘It holds it all together, it holds people together and with that in mind we can bring ourselves here once again, bring what we have to offer for we have much to say that will interest for there is much that lies beneath the words that are uttered. There is an underlying purpose for all communication. It starts with uplifting words that gather momentum until a point is reached where we can break free, we can turn the corner, catch up with ourselves, speak freely unhindered by the necessary words that bring us together. There is, now that the time has come, there is an opening that we can use, we can engage with. Fast, fast time, faster development, fast growth. Stand still and the effect will be felt’

Liz… ‘Are you a new communicator?’

‘A new aspect, a new dimension, a new view point, a new start, a new beginning’

Liz… ‘Welcome to you’

‘Thank you, thank you very much, there lies beneath all words a true meaning, the true dedicated, obedient truth, some say it covers the true meaning. There are many meanings, you have to search for your own meaning on the words you hear. We present for you our own meaning, our own way of delivering our thoughts. Take time to think, take time to evaluate, take time to see the value in the words, take time to understand… But most of all enjoy your life as a physical being until the time of your transition is upon you. Do not waste your time; keep your energies alive with your light’

Liz… ‘Many people nowadays are finding it very difficult to enjoy their lives’

‘They have not been given the chance to create their own days. They look at what can go wrong, they look for a complicated life, they forget the simplicity of life, they want too much, they search for a temporary enjoyment when the enjoyment is already with them. You all need to learn how to enjoy, how to see before you a beautiful day each day. Do not create for yourself a miserable day by your own thought, your own ideas, your own projections into the future. For the future can be changed, the future is not set in stone, the future is yours to be created by you, you are in charge, nothing can happen to diminish the light of joy each day. Only you can turn that light down, can bring darkness into your life each day. When you awake each morning picture your day before you, make that picture as beautiful as you can and you will create your own future. What is stopping you? Practice this and you will be pleased with the results. Each day is a gift from God, a loving God who wishes you to make the most from your life. Do not spoil that day, for a beautiful day is the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth, you will find yourself in the correct frame of mind, your happiness will spread and your world will be full of joy, joyous opportunities with which to exercise your spiritual self... There are no walls only doorways into greater understandings. If you come face to face with a wall imagine a doorway and take yourself through, you may be surprised at what you find on the other side. A wall is an invitation to explore, take that opportunity, open the door and reach out for that next step... Colour is an important part of your world, surround yourself with the colours that resonate with you, look for those colours as you explore your world, you will soon find them as if they have found you for they too recognise in you that resonance of happiness. Fill you day with the colours that make you smile, watch the faces of those who you meet and see their reactions to you…  Thank you my dear friend, once again we have reached the end of our session this evening. We have tried new ways of interaction with your world, we have brought through new energies, we will continue to experiment as we sit each week, we will tweak and tune and find the best, the clearest channel through. Please take a piece of our love out into your world, shine it into the dark areas, illuminate all who you meet with a friendly smile. Thank you, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on for a couple of minutes as I came back.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

182nd Sitting 29/04/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on…

I felt myself starting to be controlled just after the opening prayer.
When Liz heard this she turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in.

‘Good evening, good evening’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Well now, we have allowed ourselves to come through at an earlier point in your proceedings’

Liz… ‘That’s really good’

‘We wish to speak freely and truthfully to you about all that we can sum up from the memory banks of our world, of our place, our place of residence and our place of a loving vibration that we reside in’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful’

‘For we like you, have a chance to explore, explore the makeup of our world, we see how each object that is presented to us, how it radiates the love that holds our world together, for love is the true holding, the true…’

Liz… ‘The glue…’

‘Yes the glue that holds our reality in place. You too have this love that keeps your world a focus to each mind that is inhabiting, that is journeying, that has chosen to journey in a physical world. Our world benefits from your journey, our world feeds on the experiences that you have, on the thoughts that are created by these experiences for these thoughts feed back to us, give us an idea, an idea of life in a restricted environment. You may think of us as floating around in an unrestricted environment with no points of reference, no solid objects, yet we too enjoy the pleasures of a beautiful day, of a beautiful scene unfolding in front of us for we can feel the experiences unfolding for you. We can also feel the experiences unfolding for others who do not reside in your physical world. There are many physical worlds, worlds for which the inhabitants within them seem as solid as your world is to you and I’m sure that you do know that you are able to travel and experience other physical worlds in the same way as we experience all physical worlds. You will do it in a singular way, one at a time, while you are entrapped in your physical world yet you can expand your consciousness and travel and experience other worlds in a temporary way whilst your physical body remains in your own physical world. We have connections to all physical worlds and those connections bring to us the experiences of many, many who are a part of us, a segment of our own minds released and set free to explore a physical playground’

Liz… ‘So would it be true to say that our experience in the physical reality and our individual self is helping you to get further experience. Is that actually as you say feeding you with new experience?’

‘It is feeding us with the experiences yet what we gain from that is your reactions to those experiences and how those reactions shape your mind’

Liz… ‘Sounds almost like an experiment, almost like scientific observation’

‘We are all evolving, we are all working towards, evolving towards love, evolving towards a brighter light, a light that is always there, always shining. A light that is set at the appropriate brightness for the mind that receives it. Each mind is hungry for a brighter light; each mind strives to evolve itself, to receive a brighter light. Each part that is you, that is experiencing living in a physical world is also in touch with this light, is also striving to better your own existence, brighten up each day, fill it with more light because light makes you happy, light makes you smile, light reflects on all who you meet creating a wonderful feeling’

Liz… ‘So by illuminating our lives, increasing our understanding, bringing light into our lives, the light of consciousness, we’re actually fulfilling our purpose’


Liz… ‘Increasing our light, increasing our energy, increasing our understanding, our lucidity’

‘Bringing light to the darkness’

Liz… ‘Enlightenment then is a word that really has to do with light, bringing more light into our darkness, into our ignorance, illuminating from within’

‘Many have understood this light in your world and the words of your language have evolved from what they have seen. When you do your healing exercise you see the light, you see how it affects those who are suffering, who are weak of mind, who have trapped themselves in darkness. You can give them this light but they have to accept the light’

Liz… ‘Yes it’s said that the light of spirit, the light of which you’re referring, that many people shy away in fear, it’s too bright, too overwhelming’  

‘Too bright for their state of mind at that time. The light is not meant to dazzle, the light is meant to gently wake up’

Liz… ‘So I guess human beings have to acclimatise to the light, to slowly adjust’

‘Very few people live without any form of light. The light is always there but the brightness has been dimmed. Each individual knows that within them shines this light because they are life and life is only life when it has light. Light shines through all life, all life forms on a physical world. You receive your physical light from the sun yet this is artificial light until it is recognised as the life giving light of love. Without the sun the physical world would be plunged into darkness unable to sustain life yet that life would still exist in a new world, a new atmosphere. Nothing would be lost; the life within your world has the power to create a new world, a better world, a world free of the mistakes, a world free of the lies, a world full of truth. That would be a positive step forward and all life would benefit. Your historians can only see so far into the history of your world’

Liz… ‘When you are talking of creating a new world do you mean a new civilization?’

‘A new reality that sits on the foundations of that reality that was lost’

Liz… ‘So does that equate with one world civilization being wiped out, the destruction of humanity and a new humanity evolving?’

‘The death of the physical structure required to support life in an experiential reality, a shift of dimensions, a shake-up in the minds of all’

Liz… ‘Is this likely to happen?’

‘This has happened’

Liz… ‘Will it happen again?’

‘This can happen again but it is nothing to fear, it is something to rejoice. The death of a world and the birth of a new world will be unnoticed by many. Do not think of it as a physical catastrophe, think of it as a spiritual awakening. Do not cling to your physical world for your physical world is merely a temporary illusion to the life that lives within it for that life is only partially there, that life is being lived in the greater realities. The physical life is but a dream that feeds the true being, the true life force that motivates the physical thoughts within that dream. It only seems real to you. When you dream at night your dreams seem real whilst your mind is focused upon them yet where has that scenery and structure that you experienced in your dream gone when you awake in the morning? Like us you are floating in an atmosphere devoid of form yet at the same time you are engaged in physical activities that stimulate your mind, that stimulate your interests and cause you to immerse yourself in a life, a physical life. You find it interesting, you find it enjoyable, you don’t want to leave, you build up relationships with those who also are experiencing this physical playground. Take a break from physical experience and you will understand the true life force that motivates you’

Liz… ‘Take a break from physical experience?’

‘Step back from that what drives you and holds you firm in your physical world. Allow your mind to release its hold of the physical sensations; your mind will drift into something new, something that you understand as non-physical. Meditation is very important when you live firmly fixed in a physical world. Much has been experienced by those who have perfected the art of true meditation, disengaged themselves from the physical world and ventured down a path of discovery, touching what is untouchable, seeing what cannot be seen and understanding the underlying makeup of your life. Many stories have been brought back to the physical world yet stories cannot fully explain the feelings that are experienced when you fully let go of the physical reality. Our words to you are based on physical understandings, if they were not they would make no sense; they would create confusions for we are looking to create interest. We are trying to allow you to see what cannot be seen, we are trying to use your physical words and expressions to paint for you a picture of our world, a picture that you have already seen, a picture that resides within yourself for you painted this picture for yourself and you will use it again when the time comes to remember. Small steps are all that is required. A step too far is a step into confusion and a step into confusion creates a step backwards. Keep moving forward and you will reach that next step’

Liz… ‘So you’re saying slowly and patiently... Some people that I know have followed a form of yoga known as kundalini yoga which seems to activate that inner light very suddenly but in one particular person I’m aware of it’s created a terrific imbalance and moments of extreme lucidity and energy alternating with extreme confusion and depression’

‘If the mind is not ready and the light is too bright then confusion will follow, imbalance will follow. Send your healing to this person, help this person, they will recover, they will bring themselves back into line’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know’

‘All spiritual learnings have to be achieved at the correct time according to the state of mind. Slow steps are always required, there is no short-cut, there is no easy way to move forward. You all have to put in the effort for you are teaching yourself, you are bringing back into view the light that you created for yourself before you stepped into your physical reality and turned out that light temporarily to allow you to enjoy the experience of physical existence knowing that that light remains within you glowing dimly, just enough to keep pushing you forwards, to keep feeding you with enthusiasm to want to live, to want to keep breathing your physical air, keeping your physical body alive. Each day brings fresh opportunities, do not miss out on those opportunities for we are sharing with you and we too feel the displeasure of a missed opportunity for a missed opportunity slows down that growth, that evolution, that waking up, that waking up that will allow a stronger light to penetrate… Thank you my dear friend, we have once again reached the end of our session this evening. We came through early this week and we may indeed continue in this way for we too are experimenting each week  as we move forward, as we grow stronger, as the link between your world and our world grows stronger’

Liz… ‘That’s good news friend’

‘As always we leave with you a piece of our love, take it into your world, let it be seen, let it be seen as a beautiful light, not too bright but comforting to those who wish to receive it. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight and God bless you friend and thank you’

‘Thank you’

Liz put the music back on.
I took a bit longer to feel totally back with it this week.
When I was Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…