May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

223rd Sitting 24/08/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Brian joined us this week.

As an experiment Liz had written a question on a piece of paper to see if it would be answered during the session. Neither Brian or I saw the question until after the session.

Also Liz had setup her new super sensitive Fluxgate Magnetometer upstairs. This is a magnetic field sensor and the experiment was to see if the Spirit Team could influence the readings in some way.

At 8.05pm Liz did the opening prayer including mentioning the two experiments she had set up then put the music on and turned out the light.

I felt myself starting to be controlled as Liz was doing the opening prayer then five minutes later the communication began...

'Good evening, good evening'

Liz/Brian... 'Good evening friend welcome'

'Once again we all come through and speak with you and we always enjoy the work that we do, we always find fascination in the work that we do for we feel the way you feel, we feel the reaction to our words and we are pleased that we can ignite thoughts into your minds with what we say for we try to give you something to cause you to think, to cause you to use your mind in a way that you do not normally use your mind, we try to put ideas into your heads, ideas that have been growing within yourself, ideas that you do not normally bring to mind. The world that you live in is full of stimulus, full of situations that cause you to question. We can add to that what makes your mind question, that makes your mind fight with the beliefs within yourself. You have built up so many beliefs and expectations as you live your life yet your inner self knows that there is much more, much more to be learnt, much more to be discovered within your world that will help you understand yourself, your inner self, that what motivates you. When you picture our world, the spiritual world, you try to put your beliefs and expectations into that picture for you need something on which to build a picture. Try to think of the spirit world without expectations, without preconceived ideas. Take you mind away from the experiences of the outside world, look within yourself and you will see us, you will see a spiritual world. Each day of your life is full of experience, outer experience, you experience your world as a world outside of yourself. Try to experience your world from within, see how your world mirrors that what resides within yourself. This will give you a larger picture, this will enable you to widen your awareness. You can only see so far in a physical world yet within yourself there are no limitations. Watch the candle burn, watch the flame, extinguish that flame. Where has the flame gone? Did that flame exist? Did you experience the flame? Why can you no longer experience a flame that has been extinguished? A dripping tap slowly fills the glass, the water has within it many properties for life to exist. Each drip can sustain life yet without that water life continues, life goes on. There are always two ways to look at any picture, two ways to experience any situation. Use both ways, do not restrict yourself to the physical aspect of each situation. Broaden your horizons and you will begin to understand so much more about yourself and about the world you live within. Use each of your physical senses but add to each sense. Your senses will be heightened for you are looking at each situation in two ways, from within and from without. Is this understandable to you?'

Liz... 'Yes'

'It is all so very simple yet when you find yourself bombarded by physical experiences each day of your life your mind will close in on yourself, you will see your world as the physical world that it is but for brief moments in time when your vision is clear and your mind is uncluttered you will get a glimpse of a greater world within yourself and each time that this happens it will bring you closer to a greater understanding until that time when you can live your life in full awareness of all things within and without. Take your time, enjoy your physical existence, enjoy each experience as it comes to you knowing that there is so much more, so much more to come. Thank you, please replay your music for a while'

Liz... 'I will, thank you friend'

Liz turned up the music.

I drifted in and out of sleep for a while and it wasn't until 50 minutes later that another communication started.

Liz turned the music down again.

The communication took a while to settle in...

Liz... 'Welcome, welcome friend'

'We have prepared ourselves for this journey to come through to you. Each time that we penetrate your world it is a new experience, a new opening for the mind towards all that represents the physical world in all its detail, in all its beauty, in all its combined experience for all. We feel, we feel the experiences of all who live in your world as they go about their lives it is for us a filtering of that what ignites our interest for we can take from you that what you believe, that what you understand and use that to produce information for you that is designed for you, that you will understand, that you will piece together and create for yourself an understanding. Teach each other, you all possess your own knowledge and you can spread the word to each other. You do not need to reach out when all that knowledge resides inside of yourself. You have experienced more than you can comprehend, we have felt that experience and we share with you our own experience. Much of what you understand has been altered, has been shaped, has been placed into your mind. You have grown up appreciating scenes before yourself, scenes before you as you observe your world. We take a look, we can understand, we can see how you think, we can feel how you think...'


'There is nothing complicated, there is nothing complicated for you at the time of death. When you reach that time it is for you such a simple process. You have built up within yourself an expectation. That expectation will be seen for the flaws that it presents for there is nothing for you to expect apart from the simplicity, apart from the taking away of that what holds you, that what restricts you. You have no time to think when the physical world releases its grasp for you will feel your mind soaking into the atmosphere of all that is, all that is available, all that has been clouded from your mind. You will wake up, you will see yourself from a new vantage point. You will understand the opportunities that you missed and you will understand the growth that you have made within yourself and you will see how uncomplicated your life has been and your life is now. One small aspect of a greater self has once again journeyed through the physical world adding the knowledge within yourself. You will understand how you can benefit from separating yourself and pushing yourself into all directions, into all situations. You are no longer a singularity; one mind sees many pictures at one time. Each picture has a lifespan, each picture will come on and turn off yet new pictures will come and go and a larger picture will grow, will become more beautiful. Keep adding beauty to your picture and you will know that you have found the correct pathway to continued evolution within yourself and within all others, all that is. See the good in all things and you will be helped by yourself, by the energy within yourself... Thank you my dear friends, we have once again reached the end of our session and we will shortly withdraw from your room but as always we leave you with a piece of our love which is a piece of your love and you can take that with you as you journey yourself throughout your life meeting others, sharing love, sharing the light within yourself. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight'

Liz... 'Goodnight and God bless you'

Brian... 'Goodnight, thank you'

Liz played a tune as I came back.

She then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Brian had sensed a lot of energy in the room during the session. He felt his head held down some of the time with energy around it, his left leg had been very tingly and he'd felt vibrations in his chair.
At one point he saw a white cross or sword in the ground and behind it was a chapel with knights on horseback coming down one side of it.

Liz experienced touching sensations in her hair and got hot and cold at times.

After the séance Liz told us her question which was... 'I wish to know how healing can help the dying person. Does deathbed healing help that person make a more harmonious transfer? How long should that healing continue?'

Liz's ears pricked up when she heard the last communication about death. It didn't directly answer her question but to me it seemed to imply that healing is not necessary for a dying person as the time of death is a simple, natural process and it's only our expectations from a physical standpoint that make us think there can be difficulties surrounding death that need to be healed.

222nd Sitting 17/08/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I felt like I was being controlled as Liz did the opening prayer but then I kept dropping off to sleep and waking up several times for the next 45 minutes.

Liz sensed movement in the room and saw several shapes moving about.

When the communication started Liz turned down the music...

Liz... 'Welcome friend'

'Good evening'

Liz... 'Good evening friend'

'Time once again to come through and speak and engage with you in conversation, speak the words that we can get through from our side. Now there is much that we can say and bring forward for this is a place of communication, a place of focused intention to bring about words from the spiritual realms, the spirit world, that what you believe to be a spirit world, that you call the spirit world. There is much for you to understand yet you need to approach your thinking with a new mind, a new idea. Think of us as a part of you not as separate beings, not as coming from another place for we share your world, your imagined world. You have constructed for yourself a physical reality that you can take part in. You have become a part this physical reality. It serves for you as a platform on which you can express yourself and in which you can experience. Many minds share this platform, many minds add to the construction of your world, we too play our part. Take your mind away from physical existence and see how empty you can become for you want to cling to the physical world yet another part of you is telling you it is not necessary, there is more to life than the physical world. When you look at yourself you see a combination of lives merging as one, one pinpoint of existence that you know of as yourself yet that existence is not what it seems to you. You are only seeing the combination of many lives, you are not seeing each life as it has unfolded. All life begins its existence in the same way. There are no restrictions on life when it comes into being, when it is added to the overall life. Slowly restrictions become a powerful energy within that life for that life requires something to recognise, something to identify itself with. That life cannot survive without restrictions, it has taken itself from the creative source and developed into a singularity. That singularity requires some form, some makeup within itself with which to operate. Life without form cannot experience, cannot develop a free will of its own. Much has been put into place for the benefit of growth within each spark of life yet that spark is also a source of life. Many sparks make up one light, one beam of light concentrated, shining, developing, building up experience. The light within yourself is the light that surrounds you yet you can only perceive one piece of a multitude...'

There was a pause.

'Watch how you live your life, see how you feel each day, each day of your life. See how you react to feelings, see how this affects the way you think. You are travelling along a wonderful pathway with many opportunities yet at the same time your thoughts are shielded by the thoughts of others. Try not to react to the words and the thoughts of others and allow your pathway to open up to all possibilities. Each day brings new life into your mind. That life is wanting to spread out and enjoy the opportunities as they come. Make the most of all that comes to you. Separate fear from love, see what causes fear and see what creates love. The fear within yourself holds you firm while the love within yourself sets you free. Only you can make that choice and only you can make the difference in your life and in your world, thank you'

Liz turned up the music the put it down again 10 minutes later as another communication started...

'Hello, hello, hello...'

Liz... 'Hello friend'

'Take yes take... Always take time to observe the workings of your world. Always take the time to examine that what you find within your world. It is all so very interesting and it all adds to the experience. Each day of your life you will find anomalies in the workings of your world and you will be given a chance to examine what is happening. There is within your world a fine line that can be stepped over for you have begun to question much of what you have believed within your life, much of what you have learnt in your life and you will do well to question, you will do well to examine, you will do well to look into how others have come to the same conclusions as you have but in a different way for there are many ways to examine that what you believe, that what you experience, that what for you is the truth for it has become your experience yet many others have also experienced in the same way but have they come to the same conclusion? No they have not, they have come to their own conclusion because they themselves are made up of previous experiences which have shaped their way of thinking, that have brought for them their own beliefs, their own way of seeing your world for your world can be seen in many ways. You can change your focus, you can rearrange the way you view, you can see from a new perspective. Each person has their own perspective and each perspective is forever being modified as experiences are gained, as life is lived, as you all mingle together sharing your experiences, sharing your beliefs, questioning each other, looking into new ideas. Your world is a wonderful place full of opportunities, full of observations. Each day you are bombarded with ideas, feelings, observations and you are given the opportunity to make of it as you will yet some things in your world will never be fully understood. You will try, you will try to make them fit into your own way of thinking but they will never fully live up to your expectations, your beliefs, your self-created picture of how your world works. Everybody has their own picture in their mind yet all these pictures can come together to create a larger picture. Watch out for changes in your world and see how they confirm or reject that what you believe, thank you. Now the time has come once again for the conclusion of this session. As always we give to you a piece of our love to take out into your world. Let it guide you and see that love reflected in the eyes of all who you meet. Thank you my dear friend, may God bless and keep you, goodnight'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you'

'Thank you'

Liz put a tune on as I came back with it.

Then Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

Solo sit 10/08/2017

Liz is still on holiday so I had another solo sit at home.

During the opening prayer I asked the question... What is a good way to meditate? As I am finding it difficult to meditate at the moment.

A few minutes later I felt myself being controlled and the communication began...

'Good evening... well now let me see... good time now to come through and speak once again... those who wait can receive, those who wish to receive will receive... now, now, contradictions always end... There is no way that one can explain the intricacy involved in the development of meditation. There is for you one way, that is to sit and reach out to begin to construct a picture for yourself in your imagination. Allow that picture to take over your mind. This is for you the way for there are many ways, there are many practices that have been developed and they all work in their own way. You have an active mind, a mind that is always on its guard to seek out that what is correct yet you do not understand the meaning of correct for correct applied to you is not correct applied to others. You have to let go of your thoughts, your underlying thoughts that picture your mind. Let that picture fall, let that picture dissolve. Paint for yourself an imaginary picture, a picture of your own choosing, a picture that pleases you, a picture that you can work with. Keep that picture still in your mind. That picture will develop, that picture will change, that picture will take you on a journey. Be a part of that journey, be a part of all that manifests within that picture for that picture has been created by you and is being altered by a greater part of yourself, that greater part that works with you. When you expand your awareness you become that greater part, you engage your thoughts with that greater part. With practice your physical life can be enjoyed by that greater part and not just that small segment of your mind that occupies your physical life now. Nothing is preventing you from expanding your mind yet you put your own limitations on yourself. Take nothing for granted, explore each experience and see how you can view that experience from different angles, from different perspectives. You may be walking along a road yet you are also flying above yourself and you are also a part of the scenery that you pass. Let go of the idea that you are confined within your physical body. Your physical body is but one part of yourself. Prepare for a change in your perspective as you walk down that road. You will find that you can experience so much more, with so much more clarity. Take a walk with us, we will accompany you on your journey, you are never alone. You can see us, you can feel us, yet can you accept us as a part of you. Separation is an illusion, connection is the truth. Your world is made up of connections and your mind feeds those connections. Your mind watches over you and benefits from your evolution. Each choice you make can help you grow. Make your choices with a loving mind and your perception will widen. What is there to fear in a world full of love, what is there to fear when light is all around waiting to find its place within your heart. Open your mind, accept that what comes to you, grasp it, take it as a gift. You have set your life in motion in this physical world, there is nothing holding you back. Accept the illusion of singularity, open your mind to the oneness of all and begin to experience your world and the love within your world with an open heart'

The control left me.

I then sent out healing and did a closing prayer...

Solo sit 03/08/2017

Liz is on holiday at the moment so I had a solo sit at home.

I did an opening prayer and included the questions... Where do you see the Mercury Light Circle development going in the future? and... What can we do to help development?

After about three minutes I started to be controlled and the communication began...

'Good evening... Choose the appropriate direction yourself, answer your own questions. You have the ability to recognise when there is true meaning to the words that come through and how they can affect those who hear those words. They are designed to cause ripples throughout your world, they are designed to give the thinking minds an opportunity to bring forward for themselves an understanding. We often talk of understandings; these understandings are for you all to create within yourself. We do not give answers, we bring forward scenarios that will cause you to think, that will cause you to give yourself an answer. There is much that can be said and there is much that can be digested by you all yet there comes a point in time when all that you have accumulated begins to make sense. If we repeat ourselves we are strengthening the understanding that you have built up within yourself. There is no need to worry about what has been said, we can get through that what we wish to do, that what we have planned to bring through. It is a long process, a process that will change over time, a process which once initiated will spread out into many avenues, many new avenues, avenues which to you will create new thoughts in your mind. You have already begun to understand yet there is much to learn, much to be digested. Do not lose sight of your physical life for you are here to learn in a physical way yet you can also add to that learning with spiritual understanding. Each person in your world can benefit from spiritual understanding and each person in your world has the ability to understand that what we bring forward. Write your reports each week, make that information available to all, that is all that is required at this point in time. You are one of many links that is transmitting the words of spirit, spiritual understandings and making these understandings available to all. Keep your mind open to new understandings, do not cling to old beliefs. Set aside that what holds you back. Give yourself a clean slate on which to create your own messages, on which to create your own thoughts, on which to paint a more accurate picture, a picture that will develop in your mind and become a part of you. You have begun your understanding and your understanding will grow. All life is forever growing, forever evolving and forever moving closer to the unconditional love that created you, that created the world in which you live. Stand tall, prepare for evolution, do not be distracted'

There was a pause and the voice changed...

'It is always... it is all prepared for you and when you have accepted your truth you will begin to understand yet all the time that truth is building up within yourself. Open yourself, open your eyes, open your mind, accept that what comes to you for it is a gift from us, a gift to be taken and shared with others until the light within yourself is so strong that it cannot be ignored for it will shine ahead for you a pathway filled with opportunity, a pathway filled with learning but most of all a pathway designed for you by yourself, by that light within yourself, that light that brought you here'

The control left me and I then did a closing prayer, sent out healing and did a closing down exercise...

221st Sitting 20/07/2017

Brian joined us this week.

The room was setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

Eight minutes later I began to be controlled and Liz turned down the music.

Liz... 'Good evening friend'

'Good evening, good evening...'

Liz/Brian... 'Good evening'

'All is good yes and we are here now once again to bring forward words that will help you with your own understandings'

Liz... 'Welcome'

'Now... to begin, we are seeking our words, seeking out to you for we are bringing forward ourselves individually. Each time we come through we put forward more of our own personalities, our own makeup, that what we remember, that what we have cast in your world, that what we have played the part of for we can draw on memory, we can draw on experience, we can recreate that experience in our own minds until we have remembered, until we have re-entered our personality, that personality that we developed ourselves whilst on your world, in your reality. Now for us to delve into our own thoughts, our own memories requires a placing of our independent memory for we have built up within our self many memories, many instances within our own minds that we need to unravel, sort out. A part of us is also a part of you. You all share our memories yet you do not necessarily understand the connection. When we come forward we bring with us a clear memory yet for you to understand that memory, you require similar experiences within your own mind. We can paint for you a picture yet you have to paint your own picture. When we look into your world we see how you live your life, we see how you pick up experience after experience and place that experience into your memory. When we look into our own lives, our own previous lives we see a combination of experience and memory that works as one. We can produce from that one experience, one memory, a feeling that you will recognise. You have lived your life and you have seen others live theirs and you have experienced the passing of others. Those who you enjoyed as friends they are for you no longer a part of your life yet they are in their mind very much a part of your life for all life is connected and where there is love and friendship that connection is strong. The human mind cannot detect the strength of connection yet it can detect the closeness of those who have gone before you, you can feel the presence of those who have left your world. That is because they retain that strong connection yet they also have blossomed into a new way of living, a new way of experiencing and a new way of recording those experiences within themselves. Many parts make up each individual and each individual can flow into the waters of all life. They will not be lost, they will be very much a part of you. The consciousness that brought you here is the same consciousness that animates all human life and all of what you perceive as spiritual life devoid of body, devoid of physical structure, yet that spiritual life also enjoys physical life and you as a physical human being enjoy spiritual life. There is no difference, the only difference is your perception, your starting point in your own thoughts for you have immersed yourself in physical life, you have connected with physical form and that physical form is your starting point in your own train of thoughts. Everything spreads out from the physical form for you. What then do you think you will experience when that physical form is in the physical world known as dead? No more is it animated by the spiritual energies that brought it into being. What do you think you are then experiencing?'

Liz... 'A naked being, the spirit of those around us, the connection, the essence'

'You have many choices available to you once you leave that physical form. Throughout your physical life you have developed your mind, each individual has developed their minds up to a point. That point gives them more or less choices. Many who come to the spiritual world will find themselves very much as they did in the physical world for they have reached that point in their mind that only allows them to perceive a physical reality yet they too are developing, are becoming stronger in the way that they live. Others may find themselves looking down on their life. They will question where they are. They will feel the benefits of the thinking that they have done whilst in the physical body for they will feel themselves very much a part of all life, all existence, all possibilities and they will want to develop themselves further. They will want to divide themselves and send a part of themselves back into physical life, back into physical form. There is much to be learnt in a physical lifetime. Your world was created by that consciousness that brought you here. There are so many opportunities. We observe your world with interest as the truth of existence comes closer to you all for all on your world have a question in their mind and that question pushes them to search for understanding whether they realise it or not and you are all shaping your world, bringing you all closer together, bringing you all closer to a harmonious existence which in turn brings you closer to the spiritual world and those who have gone before you. See each day of your life as a step further forward in understanding our world and your world and the connections between the two. You have much to look forward to but do not give up searching for you will never have all the answers... thank you'

Liz... 'Thank you friend'

Liz turned up the music then turned it down again 25 minutes later when a second communication began...

'Hello, hello...'

Liz... 'Hello friend'

'Keep up the work, you are all producing a wonderful atmosphere and a wonderful learning opportunity for many. You are setting up a backdrop that will be presented to many minds for that backdrop contains within it nudges, nudges that will further the thought of many. It will wake up those who listen, those who are attracted to your work. You have begun to attract the attention of many working minds within your world, that make up your world for your own world is not just a place for human life, for physical life. Your world is made up of many life forms, many minds within those forms which contribute towards the working of your world. They hold your world together and deliver the energy that drives you all forward. We can feel that energy in this room and we can use that energy to bring our words through to you. We see your world as an evolving energy building up its strength and its potential to bring light into all that is life, all that is living. There are many preparations within your world being undertaken now to firmly fix the minds of humans into a new age, a new exciting age where all life forms can be perceived. Much time is spent observing the thoughts in your world, the production of thoughts in your world. Great thoughts and minor thoughts they are all useful, they all play their part in creating a symphony, a harmonious symphony that sounds throughout the universe. Pick up the vibrations, pick up the words, feel the words, feel the vibration, sense all life that surrounds you. See yourself as more than the physical body, see how you impact your world and see how that world reacts to your thoughts. Try to understand the physical senses and the restriction of the physical senses. Try to understand how you can increase your own senses, how you can perceive more. Can you see the wind? You can see the effects of the wind yet you cannot see the wind. How do you perceive the wind? How do you touch the wind? You see the reflections in water but do you see the water? Do you know that the water is there? Place your hand in the sea and your body will react but what is it truly reacting to? Your world is made up of sensory vibrations yet you have only begun to understand their meaning for there is a greater meaning to all that exists within your world and that meaning will help you to understand the larger reality that supports your world. Use your imagination to bring pictures into your mind and see how they compare to physical experience. Let your mind wander and you may stumble across a wider understanding of your own world and of yourself. There is a massage waiting for you and you have begun to unwrap it, uncover it, set it free. That message started when you brought yourself into this world and it has been with you, it has guided you and it will reveal itself to you, thank you. Please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world and let it help you to experience your world as it truly is in all its forms and life. May God bless and keep you all, thank you, goodnight' 

Liz... 'Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you'

Brian... 'Thank you'

Liz put the music back on as I came back just as 'Time to say goodbye' was being sung.

We then sat in silence for a few minutes before Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Brian had drifted off during the first communication.
He felt a lot of energy throughout the session and at one point he sensed someone pushing a door open to his left.

Liz had got a strong feeling of somebody touching her hair during the first communication.
She had got the name Carol during the quiet period.

I had sensed lots of words between the two communications. I couldn't remember afterwards what they had been except for some words that later came out in the communication about the wind.