May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

23rd Sitting 29/10/2012

All three of us turned up this week and we sat as usual with Dan and Liz down the far end and all the unused chairs taken out the room.
I sat unrestrained in the closed cabinet.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, put music on and turned out red light.

After five minutes there were a few gurgles and glugs from the cabinet.
Liz saw someone moving in front of the cabinet and several lights flashing.
The voice got louder.
Liz thought the voice was coming forward but it was difficult to understand the words as they were all practicing with the voice box as usual. ‘I know… all here…’ 
At one point it sounded like ‘Eagle here’
There were a series of ‘hellos’ some sounding like our friend Little One.

Liz… ‘Is that too many people trying out the voice at the same time?’

‘No, no, no… It all okay, we all have go, all try. We are in control and in an orderly way. We all come through, try the energy, bring us through. It sounds to you more like a jumble of words but we are having progress from our side. For you do know we are here. We are all mingling in energy and we will all be in the room with you all’

Liz… ‘Okay… It’s the fruit cake!’ (last week in the MSC Clyde had been talking about all the sitters being different ingredients of a cake mix)

‘A mix of energies and vibration. It all come together. It all mix together. Each ingredient is a necessary ingredient to the mix’

Dan reported seeing lots of flashing lights around the room.
He thought the energy felt very charged.

Liz saw a light move from left to right in front of the cabinet.

Both Liz and Dan were aware of a cloud of light in the centre of the room like last week.

Liz felt something flicking her leg.

While some Native American music was playing Liz was aware of a black shape move up towards the healing book to her right. Then she saw a light on the healing book and sensed someone was there.
She smelt a strong musty smell and felt a vibration on the floor.

I was aware of my arms and torso being moved in the chair which made it creak.

Voice noises started in the cabinet, lots of words but nothing really understandable for a while then…

‘It holds the door open. All are able to get ourselves into room’

Liz… ‘Good we can feel your presence’

‘We all join with you and are now in the room. It allows us to open the door and come through into your room easier each time we come through. We all are able to become part of the evening. We all are able to join each of you. We all are able to penetrate into your atmosphere for this special time we have with you. We enjoy the opportunity to come forward in this way. All of us are able to, in our own way, come forward and mingle with you all’

Liz… ‘Do you have a clear plan of action?’

there was no answer to this as the communicator withdrew and others came forward with some ‘hellos’ and then…

‘Near, near, it all come together in our way. It all comes together, when we all come through together, all able to…’

Communicator faded, the energy was now low…

The music ended.
Liz waited for me to come back then checked I was okay.
She checked Dan was okay.

Liz put on the red light and did the closing/healing prayer.

Both Dan and I had had slight headaches before we sat but we both felt fine now.

Dan had drifted off a couple of times. He said he went off very quickly both times and had no memory of anything when he returned. No shooting stars this week.

I had also gone off at least couple of times. I can remember having dreams which I found interesting at the time but couldn’t remember what they were now.
There were also periods where I felt I was half out of it. I was kind of aware of what was going on but felt distant and my body felt numb and tingly.
I also remember feeling a lot of weight on my head, like a heavy blob of custard which slowly ran down my forehead and the sides and back of my head!!!
And there was a noticeable cold drip of something on my cheek. It felt a bit like a tear but was very cold and moved slowly downwards.

Next week Monday falls on Bonfire Night so we will be sitting on Tuesday 06/11/2012 instead.
We only want fireworks inside the séance room.

I can remember about ten years ago the Mercury Circle sat on Bonfire Night in Colin Fry’s Spirit Lodge which was a large wooden shed at the bottom of his back garden.
As well as the disturbance from the fireworks outside about half way through Tob asked us to close as they were picking up the fear from the wild animals which was affecting the energy and making it difficult to continue…

22nd Sitting 22/10/2012

Dan was back with us this week and as usual sat next to Liz at the far end of the garage.
The trumpet, salt and water were in the centre and the lemon and minerals to the right of the cabinet.

Liz opened at 8.30pm in prayer. The red light was put out and the music put on.

Ten minutes later there were a few gurgles then some ‘hellos’ and ‘all of us here’ from the cabinet as different people experimented with the voice. Someone then came forward to explain what was going on…

‘…we all take opportunity to come through. It gives us practice with voice so we can each have a go. It may come out in a jumbled way for you from your perception. We are all in control of the energy around the vessel so we can all take a step forward into energy in our allotted time. The results may not sound at the moment too clear to you but we are all learning as we come close to the energy that surrounds the vessel. We have our own energy which we can bring into the surrounding energy bubble so to speak…’

After another ten minutes there were more noises from the cabinet and another communicator came forward for a chat. Liz was aware of someone next to her…

‘…I am near, I am near to you all. I can reach out and touch you all. I have come close to everyone and I can see you. I can see your energies are bright, I enjoy your atmosphere. I can come close to you all. I can build my energy. It is a delicate process for me to come towards your atmosphere. We have to negotiate several obstacles of the mind of the medium. We need to bridge ourselves according to our own vibration. It is a delicate process but it works well and will build each time we move close in this way’

Liz… ‘That’s good. Are you from a distant dimension?’

‘…I have to bridge a vibrational… There is no distance, just a vibration which has to be overcome piece by piece. We are able to penetrate this vibration. We are already here but we are not seen, felt or heard by you because your vibration is not compatible with our vibration. So we do not travel we merely adjust the vibration of the two atmospheres. They become one for a brief period so that each of you can sense us in a way that you understand. You would not recognise us if you perceived us as we are now’

Liz… ‘Have you had experience of Earth life, physical being?’

‘…I do have an experience of a life in your world. It was a time ago. For you to understand in a time frame it would be many hundred years before your time now. Many hundreds of years ago. I cannot give an exact time until I have established a more positive link then I can give more information to you about this…’

Liz/Dan… ‘Thank you, very interesting’      

Liz and Dan could see a cloud of light in the middle of the room near the trumpet.
Liz described it as an amorphous blob.
They could both see black shapes moving within it.
Liz said they were fetal shapes.

Dan felt a vibration in the room.
Liz could feel a slight vibration when he mentioned it.

Liz was aware of lots of people moving around in the room. She said it felt like she was swimming in a sea of people.
Dan felt people were stepping in and out of the room creating a very good, charged atmosphere.

I came fully back during the last two tunes.

Liz made sure both Dan and I were okay before doing the closing/healing prayer.

It was warm in the cabinet but I had felt some cold tingly breezes on my right leg.
Dan and Liz were both freezing cold.

I think I drifted off a couple of times during the evening but most of the time I had been aware.
I could hear the music and Liz and Dan’s comments.
I was aware of the communicators speaking through me but did feel a bit detached at this time. Interestingly when the communicators are speaking it feels like it’s coming from me but when I listen to the recordings the words are often quite different to what I would say and not what I expect to hear. Also I don’t have a clear memory of what’s been said at the end of the sitting.

I felt my feet lifting slightly off the floor when the second communicator was speaking. I didn’t think much about it at the time but tried doing it again after the sitting and found it quite hard to do when sitting in a laid back chair. This has happened once before in the Polegate cupboard.

Dan had drifted off a couple of times but only for short periods and remembers seeing a shooting star which he followed giving him a very nice feeling.

The mound of salt had become solid and stuck to the saucer even when held upside down.

Dan and Liz noticed it felt warmer up my end of the garage and we all felt a bit of warmth coming off the glass dome when holding our hands above it…

21st Sitting 15/10/2012

It was just Liz and I again this week as Dan couldn’t make it.
We sat as usual with Liz against the far wall and me in the closed cabinet. All unused chairs were put outside.
I placed the water and salt near the trumpet in the centre of the room and the lemon and minerals were to the right of the cabinet.

Once set up I left the room with just the red light on following Clyde’s advice last Thursday.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30 then turned on the music and put out the red light.

Liz had a feeling that a bat flew across the room!!!

Ten minutes after the start slow breathing began in the cabinet followed by throaty noises and a range of different voices having a go with a few ‘hellos’ and ‘All of us are here’…

I felt myself coming back in the cabinet as if the team had stepped back for a while and my attention was drawn to the music and then Liz's singing which didn’t sound like Liz.
She later said that it felt at times like she was singing without trying as if it was somebody else.
When I listened to the recording I noticed it happened at the end of the song ‘Sail Away’ which was a favourite of Joan’s (Mercury Circle medium) and the singing sounds a bit like Joan to me. 
Also while chatting after the sitting Liz asked me what Joan looked like as she had felt a lady with her the last few days and the description matched. Liz also described her character which was just like Joan...

About 25 minutes after the last communications there were more voice noises from the cabinet and a few ‘hellos’…

After another 25 minutes more noises started in the cabinet, they seemed to be working on the voice tonight with lots of strange sounds…

The music ended as the last communicators withdrew and Liz called me back.
It took a little longer to come back this week but I felt fine when I was back.
It was freezing cold in the cabinet whereas Liz felt quite warm.

Liz did the closing/healing prayer and put the red light on.

For me the time had gone very quickly. I don’t think I went completely out of it but I also couldn’t remember hearing some of the tunes.
When they were working on the voice I was aware and could hear what was going on but at times felt I was experiencing it from somewhere else???

Liz said she had felt like she was being sucked into the dark.
She’d felt a lot of energy being pulled from her stomach, head and hands.
Apart from the bat at the beginning she hadn’t felt or seen anything…

20th Sitting 08/10/2012

This week saw the 20th Mercury Light sitting since we had our first sit back in May.

Dan was at home with a stomach bug so it was just Liz and me this week.

The day before on the way back from Bristol Syann and I had decided we would swap the medium’s chairs from the Garage to the Cupboard. The Cupboard chair is a bit more laid back and has provision for the easy fitment of arm restraints if we need them.

I also moved the water and minerals and placed them by the trumpet in the centre of the circle. The salt remains under the medium’s seat and the lemon to the left of the cabinet.

Liz opened with a prayer at 8.30pm.

Apart from the odd lip smacking noises and loud slow breathing things remained quiet for the next 40 minutes.

I was kept very still with my arms on the arms of the chair.  
I remember getting pins and needles in one hand because it was so still which was a bit annoying but I couldn't really move it. Then it just went numb which felt better.
I kept feeling a sinking feeling and I felt that feeling in the stomach you get if you suddenly go down, like on a rollercoaster.
I felt tingly all over.
I don't think I went off completely and don't remember dreaming like I usually do.
It was kinda like I was teetering on the edge of something???

Liz noticed a scorching smell before some voice noises started in the cabinet.

There were some ‘hellos’ and ‘all of us here, all of us work’
They were getting louder and sounded like a mixture of communicators. Then one communicator came forward…

‘All working in development. We are engaged in our work. We have been able to still the vessel, we keep vessel still in our work. We have been able to lower consciousness in first part of sitting today. We have been working to bring about a deeper state of trance situation… heal all world… we join energy with all groups around the world. All sending healing to your world. We can use what you send, we can work with what you send us. It allows us to penetrate your earth to where we can affect healing, where it is required at this time. We thank you for the work you are doing in this place. It has been of a benefit to us, as has all the circles around your world. Each contributes to the whole, to the one, to the one energy, the healing energy of love which we are able to direct to where it is needed now…’

Liz became very cold.

The music ended and Liz checked I was okay.
I had brought myself back during the last tune and felt fine.

Liz put the red light on. She closed with a prayer and sent out healing.

When I came out of the cabinet I noticed how cold it was in the room.

The small mound of salt we have on a saucer under the mediums chair is sometimes free-flowing and sometimes solid after a séance.
This week it was solid and stuck to the saucer even when I held it upside down.
We think this could be to do with moisture in the atmosphere…

19th Sitting 01/10/2012

It was good to have Dan back with us this week adding his strong energies to the circle, ...even if he did spend half the evening asleep, ha, ha…

I'd had a tickly cough since about mid afternoon which was a bit annoying. It had gone the following morning.

We set the room up as normal with Liz and Dan against the far wall.
Liz opened at 8.30pm with a prayer. The red light was turned out and the music turned on.

After about ten minutes there were noises from the cabinet followed by the familiar ‘All of us here…’ There were some other voices at times sounding like ‘Little One’ trying to get through then another communicator came through with some words…

‘Hello… we are all having a go at the voice’

Liz… ‘It’s easier for some than others isn’t it?’

‘Yes, some are blended more easily with our medium. Some can come through more easily, others it is a struggle at the moment but we will keep trying to blend our own energy with medium’s energy. It takes development but we are all happy that we can bring ourselves into your room at this time and mingle with you all’

Liz/Dan… ‘You’re very welcome’

The energy in the cabinet felt much stronger this week and at times I felt myself being shaken.

Ten minutes later there were more voice noises from the cabinet. It sounded like Emily with a few ‘hellos’  Then another communicator took over speaking quietly followed by Desmond who came through with a few words before fading out…

As the communication finished Dan was taken out of it.

I later asked Dan how it feels when he goes of…

‘I get a heavy headed feeling and a plunging into darkness that I cannot stop. When I am out I cannot hear the music and it feels like I’m in limbo, kind of outer space but relaxed and not scary. Like a meditation I guess…’

For the next 45 minutes it went very quiet in the cabinet.

My memory of what was going on is very sketchy as I was being taken in and out of it. I can remember dreaming about things which I found interesting at the time but couldn’t remember what they were when I came back. The only dream I do remember is being told not to touch some flowers that were growing out the side of a rock. Interestingly my dream memories during the past two weeks have been about rocks which must mean something but I’ve no idea what???
When I wasn’t dreaming my mind was in an aware state. I could hear the music playing but I didn’t seem to be in control or connected with my body, a bit like my body was asleep but my mind awake. At times the music sounded echoey and distant. I was also aware of waves of cold particularly to my right.

Dan came back after about 15 minutes and stayed with it for about 10 minutes before going off again.

Liz had a strange feeling and at the end when we were talking about it she said…

‘It was very dark most of the time but then there was a luminous mist in the middle of the room in front of me. It seemed to move to my right and towards the healing book. It was almost like a face shape. It really felt like there was someone there and I got several feelings of inspiration almost as though a voice was talking through me making poetry. It felt like high inspirational thoughts and gave me a strong feeling of a desire to heal the names that I had written in the healing book. I almost felt that I was talking to this being and I felt a cold breeze swirling around my legs and knees’

When the music ended Liz waited a few seconds then made sure both Dan and I were back with it again.
I felt a lot better coming back this week.
Dan felt okay as well.

Liz did the closing/healing prayer and a breathing exercise by which time we all felt totally back with it and ready for tea and cake…