May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

102nd Sitting 23/06/2014

We sat and had the room set up as usual.

At 8.30pm Liz did the opening prayer, put out the red light and put the music on.

I felt the energy build up quickly in the cabinet and soon felt sensations on the top of my head and right side of my face.
I tried to clear my mind of everyday thoughts and the idea came to me to recall some of my experiences during the Rainbow Bridge Exercises we do in the Mercury Experiment on Thursdays.
I did this for a while then found myself visualizing the large faceted crystal I’d experienced last Thursday. This seemed to build the energy even more and made me feel light headed and detached.

Five minutes after the start a few quiet noises began in the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music as they got louder and she welcomed the communicator who was tuning in...

Liz… ‘Hello friend…’

‘Hello… Okay… Good evening…’

After more tuning in/adjusting another communicator came through…

‘Play a piano, I play a piano…’

Liz… ‘You play the piano?’

‘I play the piano and I can, I can create music with my mind, I have been able to… I have been able to bring music into your room… (voice broke up) …it is enabled for us to…’

Liz… ‘It is enabled for us to?’

‘It is enabled for us to come… It all comes from the music that we bring into the room; it is all a musical vibration’

Liz… ‘Okay, this isn’t the music that we can hear?’

‘No… it will eventually be heard by you’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful’

‘We have built a network of various vibrations of music which provide us with a network that we can build upon to speak, to communicate…’

Liz… ‘So is the piano a metaphorical instrument. Is the piano just a metaphor for vibration?’

‘…succeeding with a musical vibration, we all contribute our own musical… tune, a tune is accomplished by perfecting the rate of vibration from our side. If we can use the sound created by a physical piano those notes which are produced are the nearest we can produce from our side in a physical atmosphere’

Liz… ‘Should we have a piano in the room, it’s not necessary to have a physical piano is it?’

‘That would not be a necessary ingredient for us at this time, but an interesting idea, for we have in our own way produced the sound of piano notes which will build and will be received by your hearing, your physical hearing in this vibration’

Liz… ‘Wonderful, does it mean that you’ll each have a signature tune?’

‘That is something which will come, for now we all play the same tune as we enter your atmosphere. You will recognise a tune which will come to you. When you feel you have a tune in your mind at the beginning of our session you must verbalise that you have received a piece of piano music. Try not to allow your imagination to run wild. For now it is best to forget this concept then you will be surprised by a piece of piano music which will resonate in your mind. That is the point where you will be required to verbalize this. It may not be a tune you recognise but if it is then so much the better. This is an experiment which we wish to use and if it works then we will continue to build on this for there are many other things we can do with this, we can work with this in our own way’

Liz… ‘It sounds very interesting’

‘Energy is produced in so many ways, we have an idea that we can develop and this is the way we will allow this energy to be recognised by you in the form of a piano piece of music so yes…’

Liz… ‘Thank you yes that sounds quite appropriate. Interesting idea, something new, I can’t think that’s happened anywhere else’

‘We are pleased that you allow us to work in the best, the most beneficial way. There are no restrictions, it is best to keep an open mind, do not expect, do not have expectations, just keep your mind open and we with our love for this work will fill that open mind with that what we feel is most beneficial at this time to help with your learning, with your knowledge, with that information that we can bring forward so anything will happen, anything can happen, there are so many ways that we can interact’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful, that’s very exciting too because we don’t know what way is going to be best and what we’re capable of, just a question of staying open and attuned’

‘Your recognition of our interaction is important so whatever you feel, whatever you sense, verbalize that to us and we will build on what most works in this atmosphere you have created in your, with your own love for us’

Liz… ‘Can you, if we just think rather than verbalize, are you able to pick up our thoughts?’

‘A certain amount of verbalization is required at this stage for we are closing in to your physical vibration and we are learning to pick up physical vibrations. Thought is beyond the physical vibration so when we meet like this we appreciate a physical recognition from you in the form of speech. This we can pick up, we are learning to pick up your words more clearly for this is a physical séance, we are working on physical vibrations. Thought is also important but is more a part of your meditations, your dreams, your excursions into our vibrations, this is where the thought is so important and a clear mind from you is important in these times but during our sessions in the Mercury Light Circle a physical vibration is our way of working. Similarly when we can touch you this is our way of using physical vibration in this way’

Liz… ‘Right, I understand yes’

‘So yes in answer to your question, verbalization is best at this time’

Liz… ‘Okay thank you… Shall I put the music back on now, do you need a break?’

‘We are still in control of the instrument so we will continue to talk in this way. We have a good link at the moment, are there any questions you have about the development of your circle?’

Liz… ‘Yes I guess whether with just the two of us with just me as sitter, whether this is proving sufficient at the moment for you to work with… I guess it is at the moment?’

‘You have answered your question; it is working well at the moment. There may well be a time in the future when more people will be required but for this foundation building exercise that we have at the moment then just the two people in the room is sufficient. We find there is no interference from other minds which can become a problem. There is between the two physical minds in this room a harmony, a similarity of interest, both working for the same goal. This is what we require at the moment. When we want to build further physical manifestation then more physical energy will be required but for now, for the foreseeable future we see no reason why we should introduce other minds into the room which possibly will upset that balance that we have produced between the two minds now operating in this room’

Liz… ‘Can I ask about how you work as a team? Whether outside of this particular séance, this particular meeting, whether you continue to communicate with each other and to develop the work as a group?’

‘We are a part of one another, we cannot stop communicating, we are a joint energy, we are a joint mind, we are made up of singular entities but for the most we are a team, a constant team. We have built amongst ourselves a team of like-minded individuals but these individuals have the knowledge that it is not, we are not individuals, we know that we have merged as one entity. There are fragments of this one entity which will and do break off but still remain adjoined by the thread of experience which is feeding the central entity. These pieces which break off experience in their own realities as they live their lives in their own realities making choices, using their own minds to experience their realities but they are still adjoined and as they grow so this growth is transmitted to us here’

Liz… ‘So is it, this particular work of communication, breaking through the barriers of different vibrational things, is this particular work, this particular interest something that holds the group together, that binds these individual consciousness’s into one working consciousness for this purpose?’

‘We were all drawn together by this interest, we… there… where we reside now thought is so much more in control and interest is what brings entities together. We all have this interest in communication into your physical atmosphere. We have seen how it can help, how it will help in the future and how it has helped in your past. Some of us have been a part of that past and we have the memory, we have the experience. We have the interest and when like minds with the same interest are gathered together they realise that by adjoining they are increasing that interest, strengthening that interest and spreading that interest. So when an opportunity like the formation of your circle is presented to us we can bring through much more into that circle. You too have that interest and we can see that light that your interest creates and we can strengthen your light by coming close to you, not just in these circles but throughout your daily life you have our attention, we are journeying with you through your physical existence. We are enjoying the thoughts that you have, the difficulties that you come against, these are not seen by us as a problem, we see this as an opportunity to learn, to increase our own understanding. We all have this thirst for knowledge which you also have’

Liz… ‘Do you have access to higher levels yourself? Do you have a higher level of consciousness that is directing or inspiring you and informing you?’

‘We have the same access that you have. The only difference is we are more connected to the thought vibration and have a freer… a… we have more… we have a greater understanding of the workings of the mind that allows us to reach into more information. It is not a great difference, there are no great differences between us, we are all consciousness, expanding consciousness but you are somewhat restricted in your physical vibration’

Liz… ‘Yes we have more constraints’

‘But you… but there is for you a way out of this, but you are learning, you are reaching further each time you try to connect to our vibration. There are no real barriers except those you have built for yourself. You need to disassemble those barriers brick by brick. Those walls that you find yourself behind have been created since your birth into a physical vibration. Those beliefs and expectations that you have, that everybody has on your side… So now we wish you to replay your music, we have enjoyed this conversation thank you’

Liz… ‘Yes, it’s been very helpful thank you very much’    

Liz put the music back on.

I’d felt like I was in a bubble of energy during the communication and now felt very hot.
It had lasted 35 minutes, possibly our longest communication so far.

About a minute after the communicator withdrew Liz reported a strange sensation of either looking through a rib cage or being in the hull of a boat. Like she had a spinal column ahead of her with curved ribs either side.
Then she saw slanting waves of whitish light going past in patterns.
She had the sense of a shadow in front of her, like there was someone floating there.

Liz reported light in the room which was grey in colour.
She then saw an amber light in the room, like resin.

Liz got very hot.
She was aware of a lot of dim shapes moving past to her right.

Liz felt touches in her hair, she said it felt like fingers.
She had a tickly nose.
Then she felt a tickle on the side of her forehead.

Meanwhile in the cabinet I was drifting in and out of consciousness.
Each time I came back I recalled dreams that people were sitting next to me but couldn’t remember any other details.
When conscious I felt various touches and fuzzy feelings mainly around my head and face. I also felt a poke in my right side.

About an hour after the last communication a few noises started in the cabinet again and Liz turned off the music…

Liz… ‘Hello… Hello friend’

(I was moving around quite a bit, my legs were moving from side to side, which made the chair creek and can be heard on the recording)

‘Yes, yes… we… we appreciate the time you have given us this evening. We now feel time has come when we draw back from your room. We have enjoyed and accomplished much tonight in your room. We have drawn close to both of your minds and affected an experience for you to put in your memory and bring to your mind. So now we will step back, we leave you with a piece of our love for you to take out into your world. Take it to those who you know will appreciate a little warmth, a little love, a little appreciation on their own pathway to their own goal that they reach out to in their own way. Everybody on your side has a knowledge inside of them that they can build and reach out to. Their time will come for them; they will unlock their own knowledge when they have reached that point in their life when they feel they have exhausted their physical experience, they have grown tired of their own repetitive experiences and they look for more. They look for what lies behind that physical experience for them. Only then will they reach out to us and reach into their own mind to bind together the pieces that they gather before them and before us giving each in turn a glimpse into what lies ahead. So thank you once again and we will withdraw. Please play one tune on your music machine and we will retire, thank you, goodnight’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight, our love and blessings to all of you thank you’

Liz put the music back on for one tune.

The sitting had lasted just under two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

During the session Liz had had a strong sensation of presences in the room. She got quite emotional at times but said it was a wonderful feeling.
At one point she saw the face of someone she knows who is still on this side. The face was in an Indian form and kept changing.
Then she was choreographing an amazing dance with insect shapes and forms…

101st Sitting 16/06/2014

We had the room set up and sat as usual.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put on the music.

Five minutes later Liz reported a bright light in front of her.
She felt it was a group of people.
She got an image of a yellow rose and an elephant.
(Both these things are linked to the original Mercury Circle)

Another five minutes later and the first noises from the cabinet were starting.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communicator as it tuned in…

‘Hello, hello… Good evening… Preparation, preparation… All in good time, it all come together, walking in your room, walk around your room, open the door, yes we open the door and we all come into your room, yes…’

Liz… ‘Welcome, you’re very welcome’

‘Thank you, thank you, we all appreciate the time you give to us to do this, the space you give us to reach out to you and become once again a part of your physical atmosphere… …hope to be able to give interesting communication for you. We all work hard to bring you each week something that will interest you, something that will give you thoughts to build upon, inspire your mind with our words, we wish you to open your mind to our words, expand your mind…’

Liz… ‘That would be very good’

Change of communicator here I think.

‘Yes, yes… We all are so interested in this work; we all come for we all have this interest in this communication’

Liz… ‘That’s good… It’s a burning question on our side to know what happens to people that we love and all those who die, what actually happens, what becomes of their personality, of the person that they were while they were in their physical body’

‘This is for you the question, the question… Each time we come in this way we will attempt to give you a clearer picture to answer your question. It will build as we come closer each week in this way for we have much to communicate through this channel. We are building a trust, a trust for we require, we require a clear passage through. We wish you to receive pure information from us. We do not want our words to become distorted. We wait for an opportunity when we can fully…’

Liz… ‘Express…’

‘…fully bring words that will reach you in a clear precise way’

Liz… ‘I understand yes’

‘Each week we are working on opening up this channel, for we all wish to be able to give you our own stories, our own memories that will enlighten you and answer those questions that you have. It is as always a slow process for us but each week we will attempt to bring an aspect that will give you a part of the picture that you look for’

Liz… ‘Thank you…’

Could be another change of communicator at this point.


Liz… ‘Vehicle?’

‘Yes, yes vehicle, all is in place, we are adjusting and attuning those components that need to be in alignment, in perfect alignment before we can put our thoughts through. We already have achieved part of what we have set out to do. It is not a matter of simply broadcasting our thoughts we also need a tune’

Liz… ‘Attunement...’

‘A tune, a verse, like a fine instrument we have to get that vibration in tune with the next vibration. A musical note, two musical notes, a rhythm, a beautiful rhythm which will please a discerning ear. For if we mix two unattuned notes, musical notes, they will produce…’

Liz… ‘Discordant noise…’

‘Yes, you are, your words are correct, there will be discord, so in order to reach that rhythm, that tuneful note, we will continue to work, adjust and experiment until we reach that perfect…’

Liz… ‘Perfect pitch…’

‘Pitch, that perfect note yes. We can see that it will be possible and we know it will be achieved’

Liz… ‘That’s good, good to hear, yes thank you for that optimistic message’

‘So now… Yes now we wish you to put your own tunes on and we will step back and continue our own work, thank you, yes’

Liz… ‘You’re tuning up, thank you very much, yes thank you for that communication’

Liz put the music back on.

About 20 minutes later some more noises started from the cabinet and Liz tuned off the music…

A high pitched voice and then various voices came through speaking mainly random and incoherent words.
Some sounded like communicators who had been through in the past.
Liz tried to encourage them to speak more clearly.
From my perspective it felt like the energy was fluctuating.

The communication eventually became a bit clearer…

‘Hold it all in the palm of your hand; you will raise it up into the clouds, in the sky… Nectar, nectar… Feel what is just before you now, do not go too far. So far we are all a part of this over, this overshadow, this overcoat of communication which brings everybody closer, we all come in, one embodiment, each of our lights will combine to produce a stronger link of communication in this way…’

Liz… ‘You can amplify the communication by all of you using your light?’

‘…can expand and reach out…’

Liz… ‘you can reach out’

‘…In the words of all those who tread the pathway, they all interlock. Each time they are in this atmosphere they have their corresponding light. They have a corresponding light which they can connect, they have, there are many who draw on the energies of this room and when they are able to shine they can connect with the corresponding light that shines above, beyond, but within. There are no physical dimensions that we can, that we have to compare…’

The next bit was incoherent. It seemed like the communicator lost the link for a while, then continued…

‘…physical vibration is a very complicated preparation for us to… before we are able to come through we need a vehicle to come…’

Liz… ‘Vehicle… are you all able to work, to come through this vehicle?’

‘Voice is very simple, simple but very slight noise…’

Liz… ‘So I understand you are trying to communicate the difficulty in aligning your own vibrational light with what is present here, with the energies here, you have to find a proper alignment, a resonance if I understand what you are saying…’

‘Just words, just words…’

The communication faded and Liz put the music back on…

Ten minutes later more noises started up from the cabinet and Liz turned the music off again.
I had felt Sparrow, one of the communicators in the original Mercury Circle, about just before the communications started and am pretty sure he was part of the mix…

Again it seemed like a lot of different voices were trying to get through and the communication was mainly incoherent.
Liz encouraged them forward and a few understandable communications came through…

‘Yes it is, yes it is… happy to be, happy to be here… it is a good… it is good to be… Daisy, Daisy… stay alive… a hymn, first word, word… (singing) …beside the seaside, beside the sea. Oh I do like to be beside the seaside, I do like to be beside the sea… Can you hear, can you hear me?’

Liz… ‘I can hear you’

‘It’s… Okay, okay, yeh, yes it is, it is… Mrs, Mrs, alright… are you alright, alright Mrs…’

Liz… ‘Sounds like quite a lot of voices all mixed up’

There was a bit more incoherent speaking which faded then Liz put the music on again…

Liz saw lights surrounding her.
They were lines of light.
She said it was like looking at the roots of a tree upside down like a great umbrella.

Noises started from the cabinet again and Liz turned off the music…

‘So once again we reach the end of our session with you this evening. Thank you for a wonderful evening of energy, we have all been able to come close, make noise, speak if not particularly clear for you. We have been able to puncture your atmosphere and bring voice into your room. It has been a mixture of personalities coming through this evening but each can benefit from this close contact with this plane once again. There are some who will be recognised by you when they have achieved a clear passage through but for now there will be just words that they can get through. So allow them their chance to come forward in this way and it will build as they become used to working in this way again’

Liz… ‘That’s good, good to hear’

‘Some of these personalities have spoken before but not in this way. There are some who wish to re-join you in this way and you will, as the weeks unfold, hear from them in a clear understandable way. So now we reach that time when we all withdraw from your room, from your atmosphere, but we leave you with a piece of our love to take out into your world. Take it to each place you visit in your daily life. You will know when you need to spread it to others, they will be apparent to you. So now play one tune and we will step back and allow you to return to that physical place you call home, thank you, goodnight…’

Liz… ‘Thank you friends and our love and blessings with you all, goodnight’

Liz played one more tune.

This week the session had lasted two hours.

We made sure we were both back with it and then Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Liz had drifted off a couple of times during the sitting and had experienced dreams about people but couldn’t recall any more details when she came back.
At other times she had felt very present in the room.
She felt the energy in the room had been shifting tonight.

I had felt the usual physical touches and feelings in the cabinet.
During the first communication I had felt something like dangling rope brushing over my head which is something I haven’t experienced before.
I was surprised to hear quite a bit said during the second communication when I went through the recording as I didn’t remember anything coherent being said at the time.
I remember feeling Sparrow from the original Mercury Circle about just before the third communication and felt he was trying to get through to Liz. It’s interesting that she saw a yellow rose and an elephant at the beginning of the sitting as these signify Freddie and Joan. It could be that the group of people she felt at that time were in fact the Mercury Circle trying to make themselves known to her...  

100th Sitting 09/06/2014

We sat and set the room up as usual for our 100th sitting since starting back in May 2012.

In those two years we’ve been using the same CD so this week I made up a new selection keeping it similar to the old one with few of the old favourites remaining.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30pm, put out the red light and turned on the music.

Two minutes later Liz reported cobwebs on her face.
Then she saw light shapes moving around her.

About 15 minutes after the start a few noises, whistling and gurgling started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music…

Liz… ‘Welcome friend, hello…’

‘Hello, hello… Good, good evening… All good…’

There was a period of incoherence, tuning in, then another communicator came through…

‘I say, I say… Guess who, guess who…’

Liz… ‘Guess who?’

‘Yes… guess who’

Liz… ‘I can’t guess…’

‘Look, look around’

I think the communicator changed again at this point…

‘I do appreciate it is a difficult process so… a process to eliminate all the… all the stuff that gets in the way’

Liz… ‘All the noise…’

‘It is a difficult process for you to see with a clear picture, a clear picture of us in your room. We are all around, we are limited in how we can make ourselves known to you but we are pleased when we know that you can sense us in your room’

Liz… ‘Yes, I sense you as light and shapes’

‘Yes, yes good… each time we will be able to get more of ourselves through in this way. You will find a more clear picture emerge as you become more attuned to the vibration that we present to you. It is as always a slow process for both us and for you, each in turn, we both use this time to experiment and trial different methods of becoming closer, of becoming recognised by you in this room’

Liz… ‘Sometimes it feels like pressure, I can feel a presence almost like a physical pressure, a brush, or an effusion’

‘Yes, some of what we bring to you will result in a physical feeling for you but look for a more evidential picture in your mind. These physical effects are bi-products of that what we bring to you so there is a undertone to these physical effects that you feel. Do not try to put too much of your own experience, your own memory of experience into this, just relax and let us come to you. If you feel a picture emerging then verbalise that for it will help us know that what we are sending to you is being received. It is all experimentation, enjoyable experimentation, for we enjoy this opportunity to touch the physical vibration once again. All that is done is done with love and enjoyment. There are no difficulties, there are no problems, it is a gradual merging of vibration together. We do not travel to this room, we merely adjust. We are already with you but a fine tuning is all we need to come close’

Liz… ‘I don’t like to guess who with the person who said guess who. If I try to guess there are people that come into my mind but it may not be correct at all’

‘In these instances it is good to keep information in your mind. There will come a time when we will announce ourselves to you. If you have fed information into the atmosphere of the room then doubts will appear in your mind as to the genuine, genuinosity of communication. So keep you thoughts as thoughts in your mind for now’

Liz… ‘I will...’

‘Allow us to give you the evidence that you require’

Liz… ‘Thank you, yes that sounds wise’

‘We are always working on how we can effect an evidential communication so this will happen in time. For now just concentrate on the pictures that build in your mind. This will be sufficient at this stage, for that will build and we will build on what you perceive in a picture form so allow yourself to verbalise when you see pictures before you but you do not need to speak the names that come to your mind, information that comes to your mind, just that vague picture is enough for us to know that we are getting through…’

Liz… ‘I sense a string of pearls’

‘You just need to give what you get, you do not need to interpret, keep it pure, keep it direct, keep your focus on what you receive, do not allow your mind to wander. This is the best way to allow us to know what we have given to you. It is a delicate balance; we appreciate that when you get a thought you will clothe it with your mind, with your experiences, with your memories. This is a natural process for you but the more you can give us, just what we put in your mind, the more you will become used to working in this way. It will benefit in many ways and it will help you in your personal development as well. So keep that focus, do not allow your own influences to clothe those thoughts that we bring to you, thank you, time now for more music, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

Liz picked up an acrid smell, a bit like burning plastic.
She got very hot.
She felt presences creeping around her, quite close, and then swimming through her.
Then she had a white/golden light going into her eye.  And a light in front of her.

About one hour after the last communication some more noises started from the cabinet.
Liz encouraged the communication forward as it was taking a while to settle in…

‘Hello, hello, hello… I have a go… Please yes… Happy to have a go at speaking to you, yes to be able to come through in this way is exciting to me, to be able to come in this way’

Liz… ‘Is this the first time?’

‘Yes it is, it is the first time for me to come in this way like this. It is a learning for me again for I have been away for what for me feels like a long, a long distant time’

Liz… ‘You mean you’ve been away from the physical?’

‘Many frequencies have I been able to travel in from this, this distant place for variations in understanding will penetrate forward for me to explain but I will, I will be able to set aside previous experience, bring forward only that what matters in this point of time, in this moment, this moment is built from so many memories but the one focus is that which I have in the focus of my mind. This vehicle that I work with, he has with him a mirror of experience which I can briefly interfere and build a new picture which will rebound on that what is already in the mind. I will bring a strand of knowledge into the picture. I will alter that picture in my own way. I will give that picture a new meaning, a new feeling for we all work with feeling, with meaning, without that what you perceive for there are so many mysteries to unravel but starting at a strand of memory is how we can allow our perception to unfold…’

Liz… ‘Is it a long time since you were in the physical plane?’

‘It is not a time, it is not a question of time, it is all feeling now. It is a feeling of a separation but at the same time a connection from this strand, this delicate strand of memory which is still embedded in your physical plane but we are free from a physical interpretation but to give you this feeling we have to join to your physical, to what to you is physical, we understand now that it is merely an illusion but you are plugged into this physical vibration and for you this, this instant, this point of time, this point of reference for you has to include the physical experience, the physical vibration. The deliverance is opportunity, you have this wonderful opportunity that you are now in, you are so fortunate in your own world that you can use your physical sensory apparatus which you all have in this vibration. It is so precious a commodity for you at this time to use and learn. You have been put in this place to learn and to teach, learn from experience, share that experience and you are teaching those who you meet. This school that you are a part of now is so precious to you, to everybody who is a part of this school. Do not waste a single moment for some energies that surround this place do not have the opportunity that you have now but they will return and reconnect their own strands of memory into this school, it is such an opportunity for you…’

Liz… ‘Why is the physical plane such a particularly good learning tool?’

‘You are on your plane now surrounded by so many different opinions, observations, so many of those on your side do not share the same thoughts. You are mingling with different personalities with different opinions. This allows you to think about your own opinions on those, on what you experience. It is not an easy option; you are presented by different opinions every day. These give you a chance to think. Sometimes you feel this is causing problems but problems have opportunities, learning opportunities. That is why it is this learning school that you are now in. You will benefit from meeting so many different energies on, in your physical vibration’

Liz… ‘Isn’t this the case in other vibrational levels, how is it different?’

‘Some, each physical reality has evolved. You, your physical reality has become this learning school that is appropriate for you right now. Other realities have evolved in a different way. They are fitting for those who are now a part of their vibration. There will become a time when you will benefit from other vibrations but for now you would not benefit from a different physical vibration. You are already a part of many interlocking vibrations of perception; each is only one step away from the next. Do not think that a separate vibration will be beneficial, just allow each step to show you the way…’

Liz… ‘Thank you’

‘Visit other frequencies, this will show you how different it is. You cannot comprehend fully that what lies ahead but keep in mind those who travel by your side. They are also observing and learning with you. It is not a singular action, it is a joint experience and as you open up you will merge more with those who travel with you, thank you’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know, thank you’

‘So now we have reached a time, the time where your session has reached an end. We now have to draw back our energy from this wonderful place of experimentation. We as always leave you with a piece of our love to share with your fellow travellers in this wonderful physical universe that you are a part of and we look forward to the next time that we come into this place and surround you with our light and we appreciate the light that you give us, you give us with love. For we can direct that light to so many places right now, so thank you, thank you for joining us once again and we leave. We ask that you put your music for the rest of this tune and the next tune, two pieces thank you, good night’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, good bye, our love and blessings with you’

Liz put the music back on for two tunes.

The session had lasted just over two hours this week.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

I hadn’t lost consciousness this week and didn’t experience the pressure on the top of my head that had seemed to help take me out of it last week.
I had felt a few physical feelings and pressures around my face, ears and neck.
There were also some noticeable prods on my stomach and sides which I don’t think I’ve noticed before.

When the first communicator was speaking I remember hearing some of the words in my mind a few seconds before they were spoken.

The second communication felt different. I tried to keep myself out of it as much as possible and felt I was in a slightly more altered state. I also noticed that my eyes were open for much of the time. The energy in the cabinet kept building as the communicator spoke and it got to a point that I felt lifted up and floating in the energy. I still had a memory of hearing the words being spoken which didn’t seem to make any sense to me at the time and I was very surprised to find the communication had lasted nearly half an hour as it had seemed like about 10 minutes to me. When I went through the recording most of what was said did make sense and was interesting to me. At the beginning he explains how he communicates through my mind and there seemed to be an attempt to get across a non-physical understanding, something which is very difficult to do using words. I thought the way he did this was very good and beyond my own understanding of such things which is very good evidence for me…

99th Sitting 02/06/2014

We sat and set the room up as usual.

Liz opened at 8.30pm put out the red light and turned on the music.

I felt energies build up around me as soon as I sat in the cabinet.
There was a noticeable pressure pushing down on the top of my head.
It seemed to have the effect of taking me more out of it and several times I drifted off into what felt to me like sleep.
Each time I woke I had dreams in my memory which quickly faded away.I can only remember two clearly. In one I was playing with German Shepard dogs and in another I found myself out of the cabinet and standing in the room. It was light and my attention was drawn to a window to my left where I saw a lady walk past outside and turn to look at me. She was dressed in modern day clothes and had a grey fleece or hoodie on.

During the times when I was aware I heard a few noises like a gurgling stomach which were sometimes coming from my stomach but also seemed to be coming from somewhere in front of me.
I assumed at the time it was Liz’s stomach making the noises but after the session she told me it wasn’t and she hadn’t heard any noises either.
Here are a couple of noises that came out on the recording…

About 15 minutes into the sitting Liz started seeing dim lights in the room going past her.
Then some communications started in the cabinet, quiet at first like a humming/slurping and as they got louder Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication.

At some point just before the communication I remember getting the name ‘Leslie’

‘Hello, hello, hello… How are you?’

Liz… ‘Well thank you’

‘Good, good, good… Happy to be here again’

Liz… ‘Happy to have you here’

‘Look forward to a good evening, all come together… A lady, a lady come and wish to speak…’

Liz… ‘Good… welcome to her’

‘Yes… hello, hello, hello… God, God is here with you all, God is here with you all… Yes, yes, yes… God is in your room, your room, full of the power of God, so, all around is God… I stand at heaven’s door, heaven’s door and all are welcome, just…’

Liz… ‘You’re saying heaven is in this room’

‘Yes, yes, yes…’

Liz… ‘It’s full of light beings; I can feel light beings’

‘It is all available to you, for all you need to do is let go, let go and it will be made available. All is in this room’

Liz… ‘Yes, I understand’

‘Hear us all around, all around, I happy, happy good atmosphere. Welcome, welcome all’

Liz… ‘Welcome to you all’

‘Oh yes, yes I can see, I can see beyond curtain. Yes I can see beyond the curtain all the people lined up… All come, they all come wishing to experience and spread their knowledge. They all wish to know, they wish to let you know what they have experienced. Yes it is a wonderful opportunity to gain the knowledge’

Liz… ‘Yes to share experience’

‘Share yes…’

Liz… ‘Anything that can enlighten the ignorance that surrounds most people at present’

‘I can, I can, I can come now…’

Liz… ‘Hello… Is someone else trying to come through?’

‘Far, far, far away, worlds apart… Take down, take down, to work on the vehicle. The vehicle come down, down slowly, slowly… Hold it; hold it, very good, very good… All good people, we are able, in our own way, each has a, we each have an individual ability which we can access and bring forward’

Liz… ‘You’re doing very well’

‘Each time we come in this way we can set in motion a reaction, a chain reaction, as we immerse ourselves into the thick atmosphere… We have with ourselves our own personality, our own knowledge, our own memory. It is a combination, a learning for us to bring as much of our memory, our understanding into this energy, this thick heavy atmosphere that we, that we are able to immerse ourselves’

Liz… ‘It must be very difficult’

‘It is, it is so interesting, so, we are all interested in this experience. Only those from our side who have this interest will ultimately succeed in bringing forward knowledge, memories in this way. For like you we have to have this spark of interest in this’

Liz… ‘Is this an interest that you’ve carried from your previous life in the physical dimension or is it an interest that you’ve developed since you’ve been in spirit?’

‘Sometimes it is brought from our physical existence if we had a strong link, if we worked as a medium on your side or if we looked into the possibilities, into the philosophies of existence in a way that opened our mind to possibilities of communication, of journeying into other realities. These are the experiences that we can bring, that we brought with us to our side and we kept that interest and wanted to help those who we recognised having a similar interest so we are, those who are able in this way to do it for we have this motivating force behind us. There are many who are content to live a new life and allow this physical existence to drain away slowly for they have other interests. They want to move away from what for them was a dream, a very small part of their total existence so they will draw back and go on to other experiences. We all have our free will and our interests to follow so when we have the opportunity to join in a circle such as this it is taken. We wish to continue until we have exhausted that interest and then we too will move into another direction…’

Liz… ‘It would be wonderful for us if you were able to perfect the communication and the evidence of the reality of continued existence beyond the physical. For us this would be wonderful because as you know so many people are completely blinkered and resistant to any idea of a reality beyond the physical… and this causes a lot of pain’

‘Yes we understand and we sense the enthusiasm to spread this work to those who do not have your understanding but this you have to understand is such a slow process but it is expanding out into your world. There are so many ways that will spark the interest to those who at this time do not feel they need to know. They have their earthly interests to keep them occupied which is not a bad thing but as they, as they expand their own interest whether it be of an earthly nature or a spiritual nature this will expand, they will, they will think, something will make them think, we are able to spark their interest but it has to come from them, something they see, something they feel of an earthly nature will spark them into thinking that there is more. They do not necessarily have to be dragged into a séance condition to experience what is beyond their earthly conditions for there are answers all around on your earth but once that spark of interest has been ignited and they look into spiritual matters they will of their own, their own interest will make them look into communication, answers and they will of their own, their own interest will guide them to places such as this. They will look to books, they will look on their computers, there are, there is a growing data base of opportunities that will suit them. It may not be that they will automatically be looking towards the physical séance conditions; they will look to lighter interests but of a spiritual nature and this for them is the first step. So do not worry too much about those who do not understand for there are many opportunities for them’

Liz… ‘Yes I guess we’re just establishing the ground work, a science of evidential contact which will be there for those when and where they want to find it’

‘Exactly… We are building a foundation which will when a sufficient interest has occurred this foundation will be available for all of those who wish to take that step further and learn. Learn for themselves, gain that knowledge which we can provide, which you can provide’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful, yes we’re very patient so it’s good to have the reinforcement of where our direction is going to keep us plodding along the path’

‘Yes keep sitting in this way and you are building a foundation for others to benefit, to spread out. There are many who are also working in this way and all are connected, a network of circles throughout your universe’

Liz… ‘Is it beneficial to visit other circles or is it better for us just to develop, to sit as we are and to focus on our own circle?’

‘Wait for the opportunity; do not rush into other circles. Look, look for that calling. When you feel you have an opportunity before you and it feels right for you at this time then you can benefit from it. There are benefits in sitting in another circle but allow that opportunity to be presented to you. Do not go looking for other circles. You will know when the time is right and you will feel, you will feel when the time is right’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you’

‘Yes everything is in place and everything has the time when it will be energised and brought forward so let that come to you…’

Liz… ‘Thank you, thank you friend’

The communicator withdrew and Liz put the music back on…

From my perspective I noticed a very sudden change in energy around me as the communicator withdrew. It was like one second I was surrounded by strong buzzing energy and the next second it was gone leaving a feeling of emptiness.

I now felt very hot in the cabinet.

A few seconds later Liz reported feeling hot in the room.

Later Liz reported a cold breeze around her legs and then she saw streaks going down in the room like a golden curtain.

For the last hour of the session there were no more attempts at communication.
I remember getting the name ‘Daisy’ and felt it was a young girl who wanted to communicate but that didn’t happen.

I continued to drift in and out of awareness and was kept very still with my arms resting on the chair arms.
At one point towards the end of the session my arms felt uncomfortable and numb. I moved them so that my hands were resting on my stomach but that made me feel sick. Fortunately I wasn’t actually sick and I moved my arms back onto the arms of the chair but learnt an important lesson not to move unless spirit move me under control as you never know what is happening with the energies in the cabinet.

Soon after this the CD started jumping and as it had nearly reached the end Liz decided to end the session and ask the team to draw back unless they had any more to say.

The session had lasted one hour and 45 minutes this week.
I was back with it and now felt fine.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

We now look forward to next week which will be our 100th sitting…