May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

155th Sitting 27/08/2015

We were back after a week off and had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40, turned out the light and put the music on.

After about two minutes Liz reported the room had gone a reddish brown tone followed by green.

Then she saw silvery white shapes.

Liz felt a breeze on her face.

She felt there was a presence in the room.

She had a pulling sensation on her scalp.

I lost consciousness just after the opening prayer and woke up about 50 minutes later.

Noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed the communication as it settled in.

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘Each time there is a connection there is a build-up of energy which can be felt by those who sit’

Liz… ‘I can feel an electrical charge in my hair’

‘There is a transference of energy from one world to another. The energy has to be calmed down, has to be…’

Liz… ‘Smoothed?’

‘…slowed down until it fits in to the vibrations, the natural vibrations of your physical atmosphere. This has the effect of setting up a vibration through the physical body of the medium who sits and can be felt by those who sit around. We are working on making adjustments which will allow the free flow of energy without the necessary impact on the physical body but at this time we will allow the physical impact to continue for our aim is to give you words, words of encouragement and words of information, of understanding’

Liz… ‘That’s good’

‘This is what is important for us and we are pleased that you find the information valuable and we hope that others who read the reports also find the information valuable for themselves for their own spiritual pathways. There is always a lesson to be learnt, there is always further understanding to be grasped. Sometimes it will take a while for the information to sink in, for the information to be recognised for what it is. For the human mind works in many different ways and it will interpret in many different ways but it will interpret in the way that will be most beneficial for the understanding to be absorbed. Each mind will take what is most understandable and most beneficial for that mind at that time. No physical mind will take what is not understandable for that will be rejected. If something is heard which goes against the understandings up to that point for an individual then it will be rejected. You cannot force-feed information onto the physical mind. The physical mind has to open and allow information in at its own pace. Many words can be spoken but the ears have to be open to accept those words. If the mind is not open the ears are not open and the words will fall on deaf ears but a time will come when the mind will be inspired to open that little bit more to look for more information, then the words will be more readily accepted…  You World is a wonderful place and each individual makes its own interpretations and develops in its own way. There are no restrictions on how each individual will develop… Shine out, shine out and illuminate, shine out and illuminate your own pathway ahead. See the colours that are lit up and understand how they are connected to you. Do not wander off the path, take your time, feel the vibration in the colours that you perceive, feel the vibration in the sounds that you hear. Take yourself on your own journey. Do not allow the temptations that are each side of you to take hold for you are strong; you are approaching a stage where you will understand the true life in the physical world, the true purpose of the physical world. We cannot give you the answer but we can guide you through, through the pathway of colour and sound’

Liz… ‘Thankyou… Can I ask a question?’

‘Yes you can’

Liz… ‘Someone has asked me to put this question to you as to whether in order to lead a spiritual life or become more spiritual one has to separate oneself from a life situation, from family, if there’s strife or conflict?’

‘As you become what you term a more spiritual being you will find yourself becoming distanced from these situations. You will still attend to the situation but you will not be so affected by the situation for you will understand it for what it is. You will understand that it is necessary for those involved to undergo the lessons that they will learn from that situation. You will find yourself distanced from this for you will understand that there is more to be learnt from the love in your world’

Liz… ‘So do you say that you don’t necessarily have to physically remove yourself from a scenario or from a stressful family situation but you can psychologically remove yourself?’

‘You can approach the situation with a loving mind and the love that is inside of you will shield you from the negativities, will shield you from being affected by the negativities in that situation for you will not dwell on the situation for those who dwell on negative situations will be adding to the negativity of that situation. By approaching the situation with love you will disperse the negativities’

Liz… ‘So it’s not necessary to walk away from the situation?’

‘You can still become involved in the situation yes; you do not have to ignore, for those who find themselves trapped in the negativities of your world will benefit from how they perceive and interpret your reaction to the negative situation. They will see how it affects you and they will appreciate the benefit of looking for the love in a negative situation and it will help them’

Liz… ‘Thank you, and another question was what does it mean to be spiritual? What does spiritual mean?’

‘The word spiritual is a word that has been used by many over centuries. The meaning of the word has been interpreted in many ways and in your world now it can have many meanings. Our understanding of the true meaning of spirituality is a person who truly understands love, who understands true love, who can take from each situation a piece of love, a person who can understand each personality who they meet and is able to give to that personality the light of love. They are able to find a way to give the personality a boost in their own thoughts. Think of the people in your world, you will find those who you are attracted to because of the way they make you feel. You will find that after a time in their presence you will walk away feeling uplifted seeing the good in the world. These people are truly spiritual people. They have not necessarily looked into the words of the scriptures or read the books that purport to be spiritual books, they have found in themselves that loving vibration and understood the benefit of the loving vibration and they have translated it into setting themselves up to do good in your world, to see good in your world, to not allow the negative vibrations to bring them down and this loving personality is a valuable personality in your world. A personality that can teach much to all who it meets, it will touch the hearts of all who come into contact’

Liz… ‘As regard to the first question about whether it’s necessary to separate oneself from family, stressful family in order to lead a spiritual life. I wonder whether the questioner was thinking perhaps of the example of Buddha and of Jesus who both left their families to follow the path of truth, to work more closely with spirit’

‘If you find yourself in a family situation where conflicts rise, where negativities are allowed to grow and it is not possible to calm, to smooth the situation to a reasonable point then it would indeed be advisable to walk away, to find those that you can work with for the benefit of a larger group of individuals’

Liz… ‘In the case of Jesus and Buddha in the stories that are told it doesn’t seem as if their families were negative environments perhaps they just weren’t most conducive to them following a path of greater immersion in spiritual activity, whatever that means, they didn’t seem to be having conflict with their families when they left but they left in order to lead a spiritual life and I wonder if the questioner was thinking of those examples and wondering whether in order to achieve enlightenment or a state of spiritual power one has to set out alone and leave the family, leave the normal household situation’

‘There are those in your history who came into the physical world, they were already heightened in their minds, they had already chosen the path they would walk, they had already chosen those that they would work with for as we have spoken before there are some who have pre-planned their existence in your physical world for the benefit of all. They have mapped out a pathway and they have understood this pathway from the point that their awareness was awakened in the physical world. They understood and they followed the plan which took them from situation to situation and it brought them together with those who they had already decided to work with in the physical world’

Liz… ‘Thank you, yes that makes sense, they were on a special path’

‘Each individual has a degree of spirituality to work with in a physical world and that spirituality has the opportunity to grow and the beneficial impact on your world is governed by that growth in each individual. Those who choose to devolve also have their impact. Those that wish to evolve their spirituality can feel that impact and if they are not strong they will distance from that impact until they are strong enough’

Liz… ‘Yes thank you that’s a good way of putting it’

‘All that you see in your physical world has been created by yourself and as you wish to improve the picture in your mind you will walk towards those you feel most at ease with. You do not wish those who you do not feel at ease with to brush an ugly stroke on a beautiful picture until that picture has been set in stone and cannot be altered. There are many who still have to paint a picture. They come into this world with a blank canvas. You can help them; you can give them your love and understanding, help them to want to paint a beautiful picture for they will see your picture reflected in your personality. This is such a wonderful world for learning for there are so many different pictures, different personalities, each finds its way towards another personality which will give it a lift, which will hold out a hand and pull it up. Always look for the good in all and you will lift yourself up. Help those who are caught in the misunderstandings, in the knots of confusion, recognise their confusion and give them a hand up… We thank you for your questions and we will now take our leave. We have enjoyed answering the questions and we hope that we have given you more to think about which will create understanding in your mind. Please take a piece of our love, spread it throughout your wonderful world until we meet again. Thank you my dear friend, may God brighten your world and keep you all looking for the good in all, good night’

Liz… ‘Good night friend, thank you and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on.

I was back with it after a couple of minutes and watched a bright blob in front of me. At first it was a series of yellow/green blobs going from right to left then a massive white blob hovered in front of my eyes like the after effect of having a dazzling light shone at me. It must have been internal phenomena as I could see it just as well with eyes open or closed. I usually get this at the end of the session but never this bright.

When the communication first came through Liz could feel the energy around her. Her hair felt like it was standing on end like an electrical discharge and she was juddering a little bit. She said it was like an energy transfer and as if the energy hadn’t been smoothed making it judder.

I remained still when the communication first started as if they were trying to work through me without making me shake but after a few seconds my arms and legs began to shake as usual.

AUDIO CLIP (includes us talking about the sitting afterwards)

The session lasted just under two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

154th Sitting 13/08/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I lost awareness for about one hour.
Liz remained awake throughout the session.

About an hour after the start Liz reported a strong sensation of something pressing down on her head.

Then noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed the communication as it settled in.

‘Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘How are you this evening?’

Liz… ‘Very well thanks, much better’

‘Good to hear… Stand and observe all that is available for you to experience when you feel the world closing in on you, when you feel the knots of confusion surrounding you, just step back and observe, look as clearly as you can. In as much detail as you can take in and see how the patterns of your world fit in to the thoughts that you have. You are truly connected to all that you can see. Your mind and your thoughts create the sights before you, the patterns before you. As you think so you observe, so you create that picture in high definition. Do not let yourself be fooled that the picture is a cloudy picture with no definite lines and outlines for you can see for yourself if you allow yourself to explore that picture, to bring it into focus, a clear focus so you can indeed see the fine detail that you have created. Take from that picture the clues to the answers that you seek for the clues are everywhere in that picture’

Liz… ‘You could well be referring to the sort of images we have in dreams, landscapes of dreams’

‘The images are what make up your physical world. The dreams are an extension of your physical world, an extension that allows you to do more than what is available in the restrictions of your physical world. You can accomplish more in one dream than in a whole physical lifetime for the dream has no limitation, has no fixed framework, is merely experience, experience outside of the rules that govern your physical life. The images that are presented to you in your dream bear some resemblance to that fixed physical world yet they can be moulded by your imagination. The images in the physical world although created by yourself cannot be altered once they have been fixed in your mind yet you can move on to further pictures that you create for yourself. Each picture once created becomes a memory, a memory which you can refer back to at a later time. You hold onto each picture for as long as is beneficial to the creation of memory… Take yourself on a journey, watch the pictures evolve. As you take your steps forward the first picture will fade and form memory as the next picture takes shape. Continue your journey as each picture fades and a new picture becomes apparent. Take note of what shines out for you in that picture for that is what you have set out to experience. For in each picture you are naturally drawn to a particular aspect, that one part of the picture which you feel comfortable with. For as you look around the picture that has evolved in front of you, you will not want to go, you will not want to concentrate your vision on all parts of that picture for you have built up memory and experience which will help guide you to that part of the picture which is most beneficial for your growth. It is always a natural process; you do not have to try so hard to search for what is what you are looking for. Allow that what drives you to find the most comfortable part of that picture before you move to the next picture’

Liz… ‘The most comfortable part?’

‘That part which you feel most at ease with. There are times when things don’t feel right, things feel uncomfortable, you feel you are not quite in the correct place’

Liz… ‘Yes, that can happen in dreams too’

‘When you have tried too hard to guide yourself, this is not a bad thing for it will teach you, you will teach yourself. You will realise the benefits of stepping back, giving yourself the chance to be guided by that what drives you. Putting yourself back into alignment with the steps you have chosen’

Liz… ‘Can I ask you a question?’


Liz… ‘Is there anything fundamentally wrong with a person who has lived a reasonably long life but feels that their life is no longer easy in the sense that their physical strength and well-being has become compromised and they can no longer enjoy their life. If such a person decides to have euthanasia to put an end to their life, not terminally ill, not disastrously ill but just that their quality of life has become sufficiently diminished for them to feel that there’s nothing further for them to do, is that an okay decision then to terminate their life themselves. In our culture that’s seen as very problematic and not the correct thing to do’

‘It is a question that can only truly be answered by that person themselves. They see their life in purely physical terms, physical suffering. They cannot see, they will not see how physical suffering can be of benefit not only to themselves but to others who are connected to them in the physical world for those who are connected to them will learn from this situation, they will learn the truth of compassion, they will look to themselves, they will compare themselves with the physical life of this person. There is a time for each individual when the physical life will end, will end naturally, will end when the benefits of existence in a physical world have been truly exhausted for that physical personality. If the physical body does not die naturally then there is still potential for growth, for not only growth for that one physical personality but in those who it will touch. So in that sense it is wrong to end the life prematurely yet there is… at the same time there is no right or wrong so if this does indeed happen then other factors will come into force for as you know life continues, life goes on, physical life is but one fleeting experience. When the physical life has been extinguished, whether naturally or unnaturally, that life continues and experiences will continue in a new heightened environment and those decisions will be seen from a greater perspective, a perspective free from the sufferings of a physical existence’

Liz… ‘I’m thinking particularly of the case that was in the news recently of a lady I think in her late 70s who had been a hospice nurse, nursing the dying and working with elderly people with dementia for a number of years but as she became older herself and had various physical health problems and felt less able physically to do the things that she loved to do, I don’t think she had any family commitments but her quality of life felt sufficiently impaired that she felt she didn’t want to get old like the people she’d been nursing, she felt their quality of life had diminished severely and she decided to take voluntary euthanasia, to go to Switzerland, to put an end to her life before she got to that stage. So she was at a stage in her life where she was not severely impaired but felt sufficiently impaired and felt she didn’t want to face the same poverty of life, poverty of experience, I suppose she saw it as the people she had been nursing and I wondered whether that was a brave and sensible decision that she’d come to, but then one doesn’t know if she might have been a sort of burn-out experience and she became depressed?’

‘It was a decision built up by beliefs. She had witnessed, she had perceived others and had mistaken the feelings of others. When you observe another just before the time of death you try to experience how they feel yet you have not yet reached that stage where your physical life will naturally end. There is much difference in how one feels when the time is coming, the time that you understand as death. There is still much fear in your world surrounding the time of death, fear based on beliefs. If there was no fear of death would this lady still have chosen to end her life prematurely or would she have chosen to make the most of this wonderful gift of physical existence knowing that death was not the end, was not something to be feared, was not something that would decrease the quality of life that she enjoyed. For quality of life can only be seen from the perspective of the personality that is having that life. Those around will perceive it, they will observe that personality becoming confused yet for that personality they are widening their understanding, they are not confused, for what is confusion? Confusion is seen by some as an inability to express oneself physically yet that person who is seen to be confused is in fact experiencing a larger reality, they are stepping out of the physical. Only a small portion of their personality is fully immersed in the physical world for they have been given a glimpse into what they will move into and they are being allowed to enjoy a larger reality yet for those who observe them it would appear that their life is draining away, that their abilities to express themselves have become dimmed and they will conclude that they are confused and do not have quality of life. The misunderstanding of the phrase quality of life, for you all make your own quality of life’

Liz… ‘I suppose a person who feels in themselves that their quality of life has diminished considerably and they can’t find a way to restore that or find another one, that could be a driving factor in deciding to terminate their life’

‘They have boxed themselves in…’

Liz… ‘Yes it could be a form of depression where the choices seem so limited’

‘They have allowed themselves to be affected by the negative situations. They have not seen the light in those situations’

Liz… ‘I think we have a problem nowadays in so far as many people are kept alive beyond their natural span because people are so afraid of dying, they intervene to keep someone alive perhaps beyond the time when they would naturally die without them having found the inner resources to be able to enjoy and take advantage of that extra span of life and so their final years are not enjoyable to them or those around them’

‘The understanding of another person is very limited. You cannot understand how another person feels only by what they say and your interpretation. When the physical life is extended by the machines you have invented there is still good in this for those who wish to extend another’s life do this in love, they feel they are helping, they are creating love in your world by doing this but at the same time the person who has had their life extended is being prevented from moving on, moving on to the next plane of experiences in a natural way, but a part of them will still move on, a part of them will indeed be enjoying a new life. Do not feel sad for a person who is having their life artificially extended for all that is extended is a minute portion of the total personality that once walked your Earth. Many divisions are made in each personality throughout the physical life. This is difficult to understand whilst you are firmly fixed in your own physical life yet as we said at the beginning the clues are in the pictures that you create for yourself and the clues are also in the feeling you get when you observe that picture and that place you are drawn towards in your picture. Do not look too hard for the answer is staring you in the face…  Thank you for your interesting questions this evening, we now have to draw back as the energies are dwindling. We as always give to you a piece of our love. Take it into the week ahead; let it help you enjoy your week. Let it give you a boost and when you re-join us on the next occasion you will feel uplifted and rejuvenated ready with many questions in your mind. Thank you my dear friend, good evening to you. May God bless and keep you all, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, good night and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on and I felt back with it after a couple of minutes.

The session had lasted just over two hours this week.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

153rd Sitting 06/08/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

After about two minutes Liz reported a feeling of being split down the middle. On her left where the cabinet is it looked light and on her right dark.

I lost consciousness soon after the opening prayer for about an hour.

Liz also dropped off for a short time just before the communication started.

Liz turned off the music when the noises started from the cabinet.
She welcomed and encouraged the communication which took a while to settle in…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you’

Communication broke up again for a while before becoming coherent…

‘The power within each individual can rise to its fullest potential when the choice has been made to look above the mist that drags each personality down. To look above that mist that surrounds each person as they navigate their way through their physical existence. Once that decision has been made, once the thought has entered the mind to raise one’s self out of the mists, take one’s self into a clearer picture, into an atmosphere governed by those feelings which are activated when one decides to look only for the good in all, in all things, in all situations, when one becomes tired of allowing the negative thoughts to keep them in the mists, the mists that surround all. Allow each moment to be a joyous moment in your physical life. Do not allow yourself to be guided by the negativities. See the good in the negativities and the negativities will crumble, will disappear. For the negativities are self-created. Use yourself to destroy the negativities. Those negativities created by others can be returned with love. The human spirit was designed to give love and the giving of love is the natural response for all human spirits. There is no need to dwell on the negativities for they are a false creation, a false emotion. Allow yourself to operate in the natural way. Operate in the way that was originally intended then you will truly find yourself raised out of the mist, the mist that tries to blind you and trick you into believing that the negativities are truly there, are truly a part of your existence. Much work needs to be accomplished by all who inhabit the physical world to shake off the belief that the negative energies are part of your physical existence. Each person can do this; each person has an inbuilt sensory apparatus which is forever spurring on the physical mind to see for itself the mistaken identity of negative thought. That downward spiral that is negativity, for some people is seen as an easy option, a path that requires no effort, yet they are allowing themselves to sink deeper into the mists that cloud the mind and close their eyes. For they will miss the opportunities of your world, those opportunities which they set themselves out to help them through, help them navigate their way through the physical world, through the physical existence. Before the time of incarnation the opportunities were seen and understood. A pathway was mapped out, a pathway that would most benefit the spiritual growth not only of that one individual but of the combined human spirit. Once the incarnation had begun that memory was lost, only a vague recognition was left. The choices were there to bring that vague recognition back to the mind or to let it go. Much help can be brought from the spiritual vibrations to each individual but the individual has to recognise that help before it can make use of the spiritual vibrations that are still a part of its makeup. Very few sink so low that they cannot be reached. The majority will take the middle path, they will not sink, they will not rise. They have much potential; they have much interest, that interest which will take them to situations where they will be inspired by the spiritual vibrations. It will trigger off in them that memory, that plan that was made before the incarnation and they will feel themselves being lifted and re-joining the pathway that they had set for themselves. There is so much good in your world’

Liz… ‘Is it true that every individual who incarnates has made a plan; has a plan for their life?’

‘It is not always the case for those who find themselves, what you would call new arrivals, taking their first steps into a physical existence; they will merely immerse themselves into the physical world for one purpose. That one purpose is to gain experience. Once they have gone around the physical experience, once they have come into the physical world a number of times they will begin to form an understanding as to how they can be of benefit to the greater reality that surrounds them all. They will realise that they can set out for themselves a pathway which will benefit them, which will benefit the experiences which they have already achieved. It will help them to experience situations which will strengthen their minds for they will have to think, they will have to use past experiences to make their way through their physical life. Each time a physical life is lived the experiences that have most affected the mind will be looked at, will be analysed, will be discussed and a greater understanding will be built up. Then the wanting to develop that understanding will become apparent and a new physical existence will be sought but a plan will be made. It can be decided where that physical existence will happen, it will be decided who will become, who will make contact with that physical existence for there are choices to be made before the incarnation but they can only be made based on previous experience. Those who have grown through experience will have a larger, a wider range of choices before incarnating’

Liz… ‘So the entity who is born, who incarnates into a very negative environment with people who are maybe violent, behaving very unethically or sick. Could that be a choice or could that just be a default because that’s been the previous experience of the entity?’

‘That can always be a choice for before incarnation the negativities that you talk of will not be seen as negativities, they will be seen as opportunities, opportunities to grow, opportunities to spread the loving vibration in a negative atmosphere. Can you see the opportunities for growth in an atmosphere of negativities? The downward trend of negative thought can so easily be reversed and the impact made will truly increase the human spirit towards that loving vibration’

Liz… ‘Are some people thrown back into a negative environment because it’s the default mode, it’s the familiar?’

‘Only if it is seen to be of benefit. The negative modes are created during the physical existence after the incarnation. Only before incarnation are the opportunities obvious. At that point it would not be beneficial to start the incarnation where there are no opportunities for growth. Only at the very early stages of physical existence, of coming into the physical world will what you call default be an aspect of where you end up for at that time it is only the experiences that are sought, the growth is not so important. The benefits of growth are not understood until the experiences have been achieved… Is this understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes… It’s a little bit like a plant that has to put down some roots and to develop some grounding in the soil before it can begin to push up, to shoot, and work towards flowering. It may be some while before it has developed sufficient connection with the earth’

‘Yes, the plant life of your world is an important teaching tool for the humans in your world. The plant can teach by example. The plant knows only love. The plant can and does feel the love in your world and it will respond to the love in your world. It will flourish, yet when the plant finds itself in a negative situation devoid of love it cannot flourish, it cannot grow. A plant is unable to choose where it finds itself. A plant has limited consciousness but a plant has the ability to sense the love in your world and the ability to respond to the love in your world. Observe the plants in your world for they give you the greatest of opportunities to understand true love. No matter how fragile the plant may be it can grow strong, it can overcome the physical environment that it finds itself when it is allowed to feel the love of your world. The plants of your world ask for nothing yet they will give you everything. They can lift you up. Look into the beauty of a multi-coloured flower and it will energise the love within you and in turn feel the love that you give to it making it more colourful, more beautiful. That is what true love can do, but not only to plants, also to each human spirit. Look at another person as if you were looking into a beautiful flower and watch them open up their eyes. See those colours in their eyes, feel how it affects you, see how it affects them. There is much love in your world, understand how it can be used and all will benefit… Thank you, thank you my dear friend. We have once again reached the point where the energies of communication are fading. We feel that you too have felt the energies tonight, felt them drawn from yourself’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘You now need to be recharged, brought back to your physical existence once again. We thank you for the energies we have used’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for your words of wisdom, the important lessons you’ve conveyed’

‘Once again we give to you a piece of our love, use it to recharge yourself and use it to see the beauty in your world, the beauty in your flowers and beauty in all those that you meet. We look forward to re-joining you and communicating in the energies that you provide for us. Thank you, goodnight to you, may God bless you all, thank you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on.

At one point during the communication I experienced the energy around me which felt like it was lifting me up. I perceived it as an oblong box like structure around me and it gave me a picture in my mind of an oblong container of mustard cress and I felt I was one of the plants reaching up.

I was back with it after a couple of minutes.

The session had lasted just over two hours.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

152nd Sitting 30/07/2015

We had the room setup as usual apart from a new comfy chair for Liz.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I dropped off soon after this and came back after about an hour.

Liz reported shapes in the room, heart shapes.

I began to be controlled an hour and ten minutes after the opening prayer.
Liz turned off the music when she heard noises in the cabinet and she welcomed the communication as it settled in.

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘Wonderful time… Time compose the perfect presentation for the beginning of all the verses together… There is a beginning to all of the sounds that resonate the universe. They have to come together and produce a strong sound, strong enough to echo throughout the whole universe and resonate with each individual, each individual conscious being that find them self a part of this physical universe and wake them up, wake them up to the sound of a physical voice, the physical music that forms the background to your universe. The background that all the following, all that follows will base itself on once the background has been fixed. Then further sounds can be produced and can be heard for a recognition of sound has been put into place for all to understand and for all to build upon. Each will add their own musical note producing a symphony of sound which will in turn create all the planets, all the stars, all that you understand as physical matter. The music of your universe is the building blocks of physical matter, physical matter which will evolve, which has evolved, evolved and created. The consciousness that inhabits the physical universe has found itself a home in the physical sounds and physical matter. A home in which to experience and grow, develop for itself a way to understand in greater detail by producing forms, forms which can be separated from one another, forms that will lose their connection with the one for a temporary experience, a temporary experience as a human being amongst many, each forming their own ideas as a singular unit and giving each other the opportunity to learn as a singular unit, as a singular personality, learn to build up that personality and learn to use that personality to interact with the other personalities that are met’

Liz… ‘Since such a lot of work is going into building up these personalities and defining them and interacting with others as this personality is there any durability to this personality. Does this personality get to a point where it becomes a permanent part of creation or does it just vanish?’

‘The personality is never lost; it does indeed become one part of a greater personality. Each personality that is built up, that does evolve, adds to that one personality which encompasses all in the same way as you build up your own experiences as you live your physical life. Each experience will help shape what you become. So on the greater scale each personality shapes what that larger encompassing personality will become’

Liz… ‘So an entity with multiple personalities’

‘Each personality will find its way to the simple understanding that love is the true music of life. Each personality will be touched by this, will be affected by this but it has to work towards understanding this, truly understanding’

Liz… ‘Is it the case that some personalities rebel, that they want to become dissolute, they want to dissolve, they don’t want to make the effort, they don’t want to grow?’

‘Each personality is unique and has its own basic understanding. It will be swayed one way or another by the stronger personalities that it will come into contact with. The physical vibration presents the opportunities for the multitude of personality to mingle together, to learn from each other. Each has its simple understanding, its motivating force, but each has its own opportunities, has its own choices to go one way or another. As the personality grows it can and it does let go of the memory of the larger personality that encompasses all giving that singular personality the free will to evolve or devolve. Only limited help can be shown to that personality until it has recognised the connection it has’

Liz… ‘Do some personalities in choosing to devolve basically vanish, become so dissolute that they disintegrate and are lost?’

‘They remain a part of the physical world, of the physical universe. They form; they create the negativities that surround your universe. They create the vibrations which attract the weaker minds. The personalities with the weaker minds become attracted to the negativities. No personality is lost; they all make up the overall vibration of physical existence from the lowest to the highest. Each will find its way to evolve, to work its way towards love’

Liz… ‘Is that an unavoidable, inevitable outcome?’

‘The majority of personalities is governed by the loving vibration. This creates the pulling up, that invisible force which is always there and those who sink; they feel the effects of this force. They will question themselves. A time will come when their negative thoughts will not produce for them the satisfaction of a physical existence. They will look for, they will be guided by that force and it will open their eyes, it will give them a feeling that they can do, they can achieve so much more when they allow themselves to be helped up by that force. Once they have understood for themselves the benefit of evolution over devolution this will inspire them to look for the good in their self-created physical world. They will see the mistakes they have made and the wall they have built for themselves. They will slowly disassemble the wall, allow the light to shine in and join the majority. There is always temptation, there is also forgiveness. When the power of forgiveness is felt by those who have sunk it will lift them, it will energise that feeling within, a recognition of how to evolve, how to add to the overall evolution, how to take from one another that what benefits and not that what hurts, realise the hurt one can do to oneself. There are always opportunities to step back from that what has been created. Take a step back and observe from a larger perspective and understand the mistakes that have been made. Value that experience for it will drive you forward once again’

Liz… ‘Okay so you’re saying the mistakes are actually learning devises’

‘Mistakes are indeed learning devises, learning for each individual, building for them a memory which will be looked back on as the next opportunity presents itself. There is no right or wrong, only an individual perception, an individual understanding of that perception. For you all create your own right and wrong until it is embedded in your train of thought, in the train of thoughts of many, yet that right or wrong has a temporary existence in the minds of many. It shapes the personality, it gives the personality its own guidance for a short period until it is understood for what it is’

Liz… ‘And then is it the case that at more evolved levels, at higher levels those divisions of good and bad disappear?’

‘Beyond the physical world those decisions of good and bad do not form a part of existence’

Liz… ‘That’s interesting… So you’re suggesting and saying that this physical reality, physical existence really is a school, a learning devise, a very specific construct’

‘The physical world is a finely tuned world and each personality that inhabits is restricted to that fine tune, it cannot break out of that fine tune. The laws that govern the physical vibration are kept in line with that fine tune. Beyond the physical there is music everywhere, not one tune but a symphony, an ever evolving symphony taken from each physical universe that has been created’

Liz… ‘And yet when we are as you say constrained and trapped in this physical reality, we do still leave it at times don’t we, during sleep sometimes and in certain experiences we do find our way to the larger reality temporarily’

‘Because you are always connected, because you are the greater reality’

Liz… ‘Is there any danger for a person if they begin to spend or want to spend more time in that greater reality while they’re still constrained by the physical?’

‘There is no danger in being where you truly are. You will not find yourself free from the physical constraints if your mind has not sufficiently evolved towards love and you have indeed opened your eyes. Those whose minds are weak will find themselves constantly in the restrictions of the physical world. They will have their dream reality but that too has its own restrictions based on where they have found or where they find themselves at that point. Each individual in the physical world is at a different level in their minds. They are all a part of the larger reality yet they have all created for themselves a restriction on their awareness depending on how they have evolved. Raise yourself up and all will be available naturally to you. The more you evolve the less effort is required to recognise all that surrounds, all that you are. In doing this you are benefitting the whole of the physical vibration. You are helping the physical vibration to evolve in itself, widen that fine tune, allow it to seep into that that surrounds as each personality lifts itself higher taking others into the light, the light that you call love, lightening the hearts of many. A time will come when the physical world will be in tune with the spiritual world once again’

Liz… ‘Is that inevitable?’

‘It is being worked towards, it is forever getting closer but it can still sink and it can still rise. Valuable lessons will always be achieved as the time ticks by and the majority see for themselves the benefits of evolving towards the love and the light. Shine your light on those who reside in the darkness, help your fellow man to understand the errors that have been made and the false creations that have been constructed and the realisation that those creations have no foundation for once the light is seen they crumble… Thank you my dear friend, we now have reached the time in this session where we will withdraw. Thank you for your questions, we hope we have given you sufficient to think about’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend you have’

‘Take your time to ponder the mysteries of your world. Allow each realisation to come into fruition fully. That will help you to understand and bring forward new ideas into your mind. Do not be afraid to reject ideas that have been languishing in your mind for many of your years. A fresh understanding can do wonders to lighten your mind. As always we give to you a piece of our love. Let it help you, let it help those who you meet, let it lighten your world. Thank you, good night to you, may God bless you all’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, good night and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on and I was fully back with it after about two minutes.

The session had lasted two and a quarter hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…