May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

153rd Sitting 06/08/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

After about two minutes Liz reported a feeling of being split down the middle. On her left where the cabinet is it looked light and on her right dark.

I lost consciousness soon after the opening prayer for about an hour.

Liz also dropped off for a short time just before the communication started.

Liz turned off the music when the noises started from the cabinet.
She welcomed and encouraged the communication which took a while to settle in…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you’

Communication broke up again for a while before becoming coherent…

‘The power within each individual can rise to its fullest potential when the choice has been made to look above the mist that drags each personality down. To look above that mist that surrounds each person as they navigate their way through their physical existence. Once that decision has been made, once the thought has entered the mind to raise one’s self out of the mists, take one’s self into a clearer picture, into an atmosphere governed by those feelings which are activated when one decides to look only for the good in all, in all things, in all situations, when one becomes tired of allowing the negative thoughts to keep them in the mists, the mists that surround all. Allow each moment to be a joyous moment in your physical life. Do not allow yourself to be guided by the negativities. See the good in the negativities and the negativities will crumble, will disappear. For the negativities are self-created. Use yourself to destroy the negativities. Those negativities created by others can be returned with love. The human spirit was designed to give love and the giving of love is the natural response for all human spirits. There is no need to dwell on the negativities for they are a false creation, a false emotion. Allow yourself to operate in the natural way. Operate in the way that was originally intended then you will truly find yourself raised out of the mist, the mist that tries to blind you and trick you into believing that the negativities are truly there, are truly a part of your existence. Much work needs to be accomplished by all who inhabit the physical world to shake off the belief that the negative energies are part of your physical existence. Each person can do this; each person has an inbuilt sensory apparatus which is forever spurring on the physical mind to see for itself the mistaken identity of negative thought. That downward spiral that is negativity, for some people is seen as an easy option, a path that requires no effort, yet they are allowing themselves to sink deeper into the mists that cloud the mind and close their eyes. For they will miss the opportunities of your world, those opportunities which they set themselves out to help them through, help them navigate their way through the physical world, through the physical existence. Before the time of incarnation the opportunities were seen and understood. A pathway was mapped out, a pathway that would most benefit the spiritual growth not only of that one individual but of the combined human spirit. Once the incarnation had begun that memory was lost, only a vague recognition was left. The choices were there to bring that vague recognition back to the mind or to let it go. Much help can be brought from the spiritual vibrations to each individual but the individual has to recognise that help before it can make use of the spiritual vibrations that are still a part of its makeup. Very few sink so low that they cannot be reached. The majority will take the middle path, they will not sink, they will not rise. They have much potential; they have much interest, that interest which will take them to situations where they will be inspired by the spiritual vibrations. It will trigger off in them that memory, that plan that was made before the incarnation and they will feel themselves being lifted and re-joining the pathway that they had set for themselves. There is so much good in your world’

Liz… ‘Is it true that every individual who incarnates has made a plan; has a plan for their life?’

‘It is not always the case for those who find themselves, what you would call new arrivals, taking their first steps into a physical existence; they will merely immerse themselves into the physical world for one purpose. That one purpose is to gain experience. Once they have gone around the physical experience, once they have come into the physical world a number of times they will begin to form an understanding as to how they can be of benefit to the greater reality that surrounds them all. They will realise that they can set out for themselves a pathway which will benefit them, which will benefit the experiences which they have already achieved. It will help them to experience situations which will strengthen their minds for they will have to think, they will have to use past experiences to make their way through their physical life. Each time a physical life is lived the experiences that have most affected the mind will be looked at, will be analysed, will be discussed and a greater understanding will be built up. Then the wanting to develop that understanding will become apparent and a new physical existence will be sought but a plan will be made. It can be decided where that physical existence will happen, it will be decided who will become, who will make contact with that physical existence for there are choices to be made before the incarnation but they can only be made based on previous experience. Those who have grown through experience will have a larger, a wider range of choices before incarnating’

Liz… ‘So the entity who is born, who incarnates into a very negative environment with people who are maybe violent, behaving very unethically or sick. Could that be a choice or could that just be a default because that’s been the previous experience of the entity?’

‘That can always be a choice for before incarnation the negativities that you talk of will not be seen as negativities, they will be seen as opportunities, opportunities to grow, opportunities to spread the loving vibration in a negative atmosphere. Can you see the opportunities for growth in an atmosphere of negativities? The downward trend of negative thought can so easily be reversed and the impact made will truly increase the human spirit towards that loving vibration’

Liz… ‘Are some people thrown back into a negative environment because it’s the default mode, it’s the familiar?’

‘Only if it is seen to be of benefit. The negative modes are created during the physical existence after the incarnation. Only before incarnation are the opportunities obvious. At that point it would not be beneficial to start the incarnation where there are no opportunities for growth. Only at the very early stages of physical existence, of coming into the physical world will what you call default be an aspect of where you end up for at that time it is only the experiences that are sought, the growth is not so important. The benefits of growth are not understood until the experiences have been achieved… Is this understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes… It’s a little bit like a plant that has to put down some roots and to develop some grounding in the soil before it can begin to push up, to shoot, and work towards flowering. It may be some while before it has developed sufficient connection with the earth’

‘Yes, the plant life of your world is an important teaching tool for the humans in your world. The plant can teach by example. The plant knows only love. The plant can and does feel the love in your world and it will respond to the love in your world. It will flourish, yet when the plant finds itself in a negative situation devoid of love it cannot flourish, it cannot grow. A plant is unable to choose where it finds itself. A plant has limited consciousness but a plant has the ability to sense the love in your world and the ability to respond to the love in your world. Observe the plants in your world for they give you the greatest of opportunities to understand true love. No matter how fragile the plant may be it can grow strong, it can overcome the physical environment that it finds itself when it is allowed to feel the love of your world. The plants of your world ask for nothing yet they will give you everything. They can lift you up. Look into the beauty of a multi-coloured flower and it will energise the love within you and in turn feel the love that you give to it making it more colourful, more beautiful. That is what true love can do, but not only to plants, also to each human spirit. Look at another person as if you were looking into a beautiful flower and watch them open up their eyes. See those colours in their eyes, feel how it affects you, see how it affects them. There is much love in your world, understand how it can be used and all will benefit… Thank you, thank you my dear friend. We have once again reached the point where the energies of communication are fading. We feel that you too have felt the energies tonight, felt them drawn from yourself’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘You now need to be recharged, brought back to your physical existence once again. We thank you for the energies we have used’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for your words of wisdom, the important lessons you’ve conveyed’

‘Once again we give to you a piece of our love, use it to recharge yourself and use it to see the beauty in your world, the beauty in your flowers and beauty in all those that you meet. We look forward to re-joining you and communicating in the energies that you provide for us. Thank you, goodnight to you, may God bless you all, thank you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on.

At one point during the communication I experienced the energy around me which felt like it was lifting me up. I perceived it as an oblong box like structure around me and it gave me a picture in my mind of an oblong container of mustard cress and I felt I was one of the plants reaching up.

I was back with it after a couple of minutes.

The session had lasted just over two hours.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…