May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

5th Sitting 25/06/2012

On Monday evening 25/06/2012 I was back round Liz’s place for another sitting.

As usual we sat opposite each other with the trumpet on the floor between us. The room was semi-blacked out with blankets over the windows and we had the red light on.

Liz opened at 8:30pm and went to turn the music on which wouldn’t play. I had started to go off but managed to come back and attend to the music machine which I’d left in radio mode and not CD.
With the CD now playing I returned to my chair and began drifting off again.

After about five minutes there were slow breathing sounds from me followed by gurgling.

In the following clip a communicator comes through talking about healing the vessel 
(I had had a headache that afternoon but it had gone after I said to spirit that I wouldn’t sit with a headache and I didn’t want to take tablets before sitting either) 
Liz commented that the voice sounded like it was coming forward…

Things were relatively quiet for the next 30 minutes. 
Liz was seeing a lot of movement in my face which looked like it was being pulled and stretched. She also felt a lot of pulling from her.

In the next clip some Native American type music is playing and another communicator comes through. Liz comments that I looked like I was being squashed and pulled. It felt to me like I was shrinking and my arms were being outstretched towards Liz. The voice was strong but the words not recognisable. It sounds like ‘hey-oh-ah’…

A few minutes later some more voices came through getting louder and sounding like many different communicators were having a go. Again the words didn’t make much sense as they seemed to be experimenting with the voice…

About five minutes later I came back. There had been no closing talk from the spirit team this week and I’d sat for one and a quarter hours which seems to be about the right length of time at the moment.

Liz said she was very cold.
I had remained more or less aware throughout the sitting but had dropped off a couple of times just for a few seconds.
The energy had been intense for both of us and Liz had seen energy shapes around my head and what looked like black mist coming out the top of the trumpet.

Liz did the closing prayer and a short breathing exercise which helped bring me back before we tucked into tea and cake.

Liz's garage conversion is nearly done and next week we hope to be sitting in there. Looking forward to that!!!
We may also have a new sitter next week or the week after. He is an ex-Mercury Circle member and has also sat with me for trance.

4th Sitting 18/06/2012

Liz had attended a Dave Thompson séance the previous Wednesday and while there had won a séance trumpet in an auction… we now had our first piece of séance paraphernalia.
We placed it on the floor between us, just in case it decided to fly round the room!!!

The evening before I’d sat on my own and asked spirit to do whatever was necessary to prepare me for this evening. I didn’t remember much of it as I appeared to have nodded off.

We sat in red light again with blankets over the windows and Liz had the music player on her side of the room.

Liz opened with a prayer at 8:30pm and put the music on.
After about five minutes I started making lip-smacking/sucking noises and slow breathing.
Liz saw several faces over mine and saw energy moving through me.

I was making a few gurgley noises then about 25 minutes after the start the first communications came through...

Five minutes later Desmond came through struggling to stabilize the voice and asked Liz to keep the music up…

Liz had an itchy nose.
Then another communicator came though saying they were making themselves felt on both sides of the room, bridging the gap, connecting two energies together…

During some Native American music I was breathing out slowly making a hissing sound and Liz observed energy streaming from my mouth.

Desmond comes through to close and thanks Liz.

I came back slowly feeling a bit wobbly.
Liz closed with a prayer and breathing exercise which helped bring me fully back.

We had sat for one hour ten minutes. I had been aware throughout but the whole sitting had felt like ten minutes to me. I think they are starting to take me out of it in their own way.

Liz had felt a connection between us and had energy pulled from her fingers and abdomen. Her mouth and arms had sometimes moved with mine and at one point when I twitched my nose her nose was itching. 

3rd Sitting 11/06/2012

This week 11/06/2012 we changed our start time to 8.30. Liz had already put the up blankets over the windows when I got there and I put the red light in front of me and next to Liz with a small upturned table around it blocking any direct light onto me and a cushion on the side blocking the light off Liz. This allowed the red light to shine onto the white wall behind it and reflect into the room.

I put the recorder on 10 minutes before we started. On the playback there’s an interesting noise like something scraping across the mike that happened just over a minute after I put it on. We were both seated talking quietly when it happened…

We used a different CD this week lasting 75 minutes with a mixture of slow and upbeat tunes.
We decided I would come back on my own or if Liz felt I should come back sooner she would call me back and we thought it would be better if Liz spoke out when she saw or felt anything.

Before we started I could feel pressure on my forehead and right ear.
Liz could see shimmering energy like a heat haze the size of a person to my left and was aware of three energies with me.

Liz opened with a prayer and put the music on.

After about five minutes Liz was seeing a dark shape to my left about the size of my head and then she saw one to my right.
I started making a few lip-smacking/gurgling noises and a few words but they didn’t make any sense.
Liz saw a lot of energy around my face and said my mouth was changing shape.
Then she saw another face over mine.

In this next clip the words are starting to become more understandable and the communicator talks about coming through a doorway into the circle of light. Liz asks a few questions about his life on earth and the communicator seemed to fade in and out possibly due to my awareness coming forward at times. Just as she asks her last question on this clip the communicator withdrew…

Peter spoke briefly just giving his name then Liz saw the face changing.

I remember getting the feeling of Joan (Mercury Circle Medium) around and at the same time Liz said she saw someone with longish neck length hair. She said afterwards she thought it was a woman’s face.

Liz was now seeing lots of different faces.

Another communicator came through followed by another strong communicator. I could feel something in my throat and it was making me cough!!! The words were not understandable; they seemed to be experimenting with the voice…

I was then getting the feeling that Freddie was about and then Liz commented that she was seeing a younger face with a moustache!!! The idea to me of Freddie could possibly have been because one of his tunes was playing. Liz is not familiar with ‘Queen’ music so wouldn’t have made that connection.

50 minutes after the start, Desmond came through to close and thanked Liz. He said a variety of people had been through this evening, not all understandable but it was good for them to get through and experience physical existence. In time they will become more fluent…

There are some thumping noises in the last clip but I think that’s probably me moving my chair.

I came back after Desmond withdrew feeling fine but when Liz asked me how I was my words were a bit slurred and it took a few more minutes for them to totally withdraw.

Liz did the closing prayer and we did a short breathing exercise which got me properly back.

It was another enjoyable sit, probably the longest I’ve sat for so far. I’m still aware throughout which has its advantages and disadvantages. It’s great to be aware of the different energies I feel all over my body, mainly on the head and face and it’s interesting to feel ‘stuff’ building up in my throat, even if it does tickle and make me cough. I hear the words coming out of my mouth and sometimes know they’re not coming from me but at times I think I add to the communication especially when a question has been asked which arouses my own curiosity.

I remember asking Syann's guide Clyde last year about my own development and whether I would be taken completely out of it and he said it would be a slow process, as I need to become familiar with the sensations I feel and if they took me out of it too quickly it could cause panic.


2nd sitting 04/06/2012

We are now going to sit each Monday and had our second sitting on 04/06/2012.

We put blankets over the windows and sat in red light.

During a chat before sitting we talked about Tom Campbell’s ‘My Big TOE’ books. This may well have influenced some of the communications either by attracting spirits with similar interests or it could have been me subconsciously interfering with the communication.

Liz opened with a prayer and put the music on which this time we had her end of the room so she could turn it up and down. She decided not to verbally acknowledge what she was seeing this week so as not to disturb me.

I felt spirit moving in close and my arms were being moved. I had an intense pressure on my fore head and also the back of my neck.
After about 10 minutes the first communicator came through with a few hellos and talked about the energies being good. He said he’d been before but didn’t give a name. Another communicator followed him saying he’d linked to the first communicator’s vibration which had helped him come through. He gave the name Dave and said he’d been with the group since the beginning but this was the first time he’d spoken. Then Desmond popped in for a few words before fading out…

10 minutes later after I’d felt a lot of face manipulation particularly around the mouth another communicator came through. He felt a lot stronger to me and talked about time and distance before closing the sitting. He gave the name Peter and Liz thought it was probably the same person that had come through at the beginning…

I came back shortly after this and Liz closed with a prayer.

Report from Liz...

I felt some very happy and benign presences around me during the afternoon, and later at the venue. Before Nick arrived I sensed (visually) three presences around his chair. At the previous sitting I was aware of three presences. 

After Nick arrived, and started sitting, I felt a lot of energy in the atmosphere, and swirling around Nick's chair and head. It seemed, as last time, that very plastic changes were taking place with Nick's face and mouth. I noticed quite solid shadows and what seemed to be a dark mass in front of Nick's face and upper torso as we were sitting, but I couldn't be sure that this wasn't a trick of the shadows cast by the red light and changes in my eye chemistry in adjusting to the light! 

The communication that transpired was very fluent and coherent. I wondered whether the metaphysical discussion we had been having before the session may have influenced the level of the communication. 

The communication from an entity who gave his name as Peter, seemed very positive and predicted good future information transmission and increasing our understanding of how it is 'on the other side'. I was very happy that Peter (if it was Peter who came through at the  beginning as well as the end) started off by observing the presence of love, and asking us to feel the love from the presences in the room, and also ended by sending us love. 

At one point in the sitting, my arm was raised up with my hand extended to a horizontal position, and maintained like that. It did not feel like a voluntary movement and was completely comfortable.

1st sitting 16/05/2012

Wednesday 16/05/2012 saw the first sitting of the Mercury Light Circle.

I have been developing trance mediumship on and off since 2000. The Mercury Circle used to have extra sittings where I would sit for trance and since then I have sat with ex-Mercury Circle member Dan at my house where we have sat for each other. I have twice been told by spirit that I should develop physical mediumship using a cabinet so when I met Liz who was keen to start a physical circle at her house in Eastbourne I jumped at the chance.

Liz has a house with a garage which is being converted into a dedicated seance room. Until that is finished we will use another room in the house.

We sat opposite each other in subdued light. The curtains were drawn but it was still light outside keeping the room well lit.
Liz sat as observer while I allowed myself to be controlled after saying the opening prayer at 8pm and turned on the music. Had we thought about it we should have had the music player at Liz’s end of the room so she could turn it down during communications but we’re still learning and will do that next time.

The energies in Liz’s house felt calm but strong the moment I arrived and I was soon feeling a little light headed. When the sitting began I felt the familiar feelings of spirit moving in close. There was a strong pressure on my forehead, my face felt tingly and I was aware of my body tensing up and my right hand shaking. Sometimes my arms would be raised and my hands cupped together or held together as if praying.
Liz reported feeling a connection and found her arms moving similar to mine which was interesting.

I remained aware throughout and could hear both Liz and the communicators speaking through me. I felt as if I was slightly behind myself.
Liz was aware of three energies with me which she saw as three orb type lights around my head.

Desmond was the first to communicate and here says a few words…

Later a communicator (possibly Desmond again) talks about ‘Fred’ and asks Liz if she can see him. Liz then describes the different faces and energies she is seeing.  Another communicator speaks briefly to say that what Liz sees ties up with what they are presenting…

Finally a new communicator who introduces herself as ‘Enid’ comes through before Desmond closes. Enid mentioned an address, 74 Fairlight Road, which she said was ‘near here’ and we afterwards thought may be Fairlight Road in Eastbourne but after checking found the house numbers didn’t go up that far. It could be Fairlight Road in Hastings which does have a number 74. Liz asked for her surname but she withdrew before giving it. Maybe she will be back to give more details another time???