May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

181st Sitting 22/04/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, put the music on and turned out the light.

I lost consciousness just after the opening prayer then woke up about 50 minutes later.

Liz drifted off for a few short periods and saw shapes moving around the room.

About ten minutes after waking up I began to be controlled and Liz turned off the music.
I suddenly felt very cold and tingly all over.
Liz welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you friend’

‘Take all variations of advancement, of intention… We come through to work once again with you in your room, with your energies, with your wonderful harmonious thoughts, for we have much to say, much to impart into your physical atmosphere, that wonderful atmosphere that we have become a part of for this brief time that we spend with you. We always wish to approach the subject with words that are understandable to all, words that can reach out to the minds of all who wish to listen, who wish to read the words, who wish to immerse their own thoughts into what is said, engage in their own thoughts, their own ideas, for each individual will put their own ideas into what has been said, they will paint their own picture, they will create their own meaning. Much has been said in the past about the production of useful information via the physical medium, much has been said about the accuracy of information brought forward for each mind that receives the information adds to that information, adds their own slant onto the information for each individual mind has built up for itself a process of understanding, of processing information. As each word comes through there is a responsibility on our part to not cause any confusions in the physical minds. We understand the way you think, we understand how you are held in an atmosphere alien to your true spirit. That atmosphere has to be penetrated by the new thoughts, the new way of thinking to allow those words to reach each mind in the simplest of ways. If we were to bring to you complicated formulas, words that would go over your head for we have to reach a balance, a comfortable balance, comfortable for you and comfortable for us. When you turn on your light you immediately notice the difference in the atmosphere. We too have a light to turn on, a light full of electrical current that will change the atmosphere, that will charge the atmosphere, that will cause interest to be stimulated. Keep your mind clear of Earthly thoughts and you will provide a more receptive mind for us to work with. Set aside all worries, all niggling thoughts connected with your daily lives, allow your true feelings to become more prominent and we will work with these feelings to help you understand the message that we bring forward’

Liz… ‘Thank you’

‘The physical mind is always searching for the truth yet it can also see beyond that truth something more valuable, something more important for there are many truths but the many truths will lead you to one place. Questions produce answers yet answers do not always satisfy a mind that only looks for truths’

Liz… ‘I suppose answers are not absolute, they also come from the realm of limited knowledge’

‘Answers are a temporary step up, a means to the creation of more thought, a way of guiding that thought to the next question. Each question has many answers and each individual who asks a question will have many answers in their mind, many expectations and a need to satisfy’

Liz… ‘Is it a waste of time to ask specific questions relating to dates and times and names’

‘No questions are a waste of time each question will generate the answers necessary to move on to new questions. Mistakes will be made, questions will be answered mistakenly yet these will create opportunities for learning, opportunities for unique thoughts, original thoughts, for an answer that goes against the grain will strengthen the feeling of the one who has asked the question, will provide a stronger backdrop to receive a more advanced answer once a new question has been developed in the mind. Answers can be hidden and discovered at a later date for you may not realise at first that you are receiving answers’

Liz… ‘When you die after death do we find ourselves in a situation that resembles a dream? Do we think we are dreaming, can we mistake our situation for dreaming?’

‘When you finally leave the physical world, when your mind has been set free you will find yourself in a situation that is even more real than what you believe to be real now. It is what you are a part of now that will become the dream for when you die you are waking up. When you wake up you may feel a temporary confusion as your mind adjusts to the new atmosphere that is presented to you but only you will have created that atmosphere’

Liz… ‘Is this atmosphere different for everyone or is there a common reality such as what we accept in our current physical reality?’

‘The atmosphere of your current physical reality is different for each person and the new reality will also be different’

Liz… ‘Yet our current reality is a consensus reality, we all agree on the chair in the room, on the tree outside the window or the building and its construction. These are things that we don’t have to keep checking with people whether we are seeing the same thing’

‘The environs of your physical atmosphere are indeed the same but the perceptions of these are different for each individual. Some people will see beauty in something regarded as ugly for another’

Liz… ‘Well that’s the emotional connection to the object’

‘When you pass to our side your emotions will be heightened, your emotions will drive you forward, you will not need physical objects, you will see beyond physical objects. You will understand life as it truly is, something you have known all along. You cannot compare the physical world with the spiritual realities without painting a picture in your mind of something truly alien to your thoughts yet the spiritual reality is something more familiar to you than the physical reality is to you now. Many messages have come back to your world from those who have ventured forth into our world from your world and they tell of situations very similar to your physical reality’

Liz… ‘Are there any specific conditions in our physical reality that facilitate the communication between the two worlds, between the physical reality and spiritual reality?’

‘Do you speak of physical conditions?’

Liz… ‘Yes, or emotional conditions. What conditions basically would favour the successful transmission and reception of information?’

‘Successful communication is achieved when a mind is free from expectation and physical thought, physical clutter. The physical conditions that you speak of will help to put the mind into a state, a receptive state. There is no difficulty in receiving words from spirit for this is happening all the time. You are permanently connected and receiving inspirations during your daily life for your consciousness works on many levels. Though you are aware only of the physical level there is much going on that is not apparent to you. You can make it apparent by quietening the mind, by removing the physical blocks, the physical blockages by opening yourself up and tuning in to what is already there. You are spirit, spirit in a physical world. We are spirit, what then is the difference? The connection is always there for we are all one. Watch your world with open eyes, see the effects come into view. See your world as a figment of imagination held together by your own desire to keep living, to keep breathing, to keep exploring. Each day is a new day full of wonderful opportunities yet one day you will look back and see the missed opportunities. Live a positive life and you will widen your view, you will see those opportunities that would have been missed, your awareness will expand…’

The speech had become very slow and there was a long pause so Liz decided to put the music back on for a while.
After about ten minutes the communication started again.
The voice was different at first and it felt like a stronger connection to me.

‘Is all within you, it is all within you, you do not need to ****** (Can’t make out this word on the recording) …for you all have the answers within you. Take yourself back to the beginning of your existence and understand the pattern that you chose to bring forward into this life for you were given a task; you were given an opportunity to find for yourself the true meaning of your existence. Do not worry about the details for they will only confuse you, you must look at the true meaning of your life as it is now, as it has become, as it has built up since the day you opened your eyes to the physical world. There is much you have learnt, there is much you have picked up along the way. Do not waste the knowledge that you already have, let it build into a greater understanding, a greater understanding of your world for you have come to understand your own world. Do not worry about the worlds that surround your own for once you understand your own world you will have a natural understanding of all that surrounds your world and beyond for it is all one, it is not a separate place, not a separate planet spinning in an endless sea, you have it all within yourself. You have seen, you have seen those who help you, who walk by your side. You have felt them, you have felt their love for you, they are part of you, they are inside of you, you are all one. Think of yourself as a team, a team connected. There is much that can be learnt by working with a team, a close knit family of minds working together. You see yourself as one yet you are more than one’

Liz… ‘So when information comes through like on Wednesday in the Mercury Experiment, when I was sitting and aware of an entity that was changing, that was giving information, is this entity an aspect of myself that’s relaying information?’

‘It is an aspect of yourself that is beyond your understanding at this point in time yet you can understand by putting your own interpretation on that aspect. You give it a name, you give it a life yet you still see it as separate from yourself’

Liz… ‘Does that aspect have a historical reality, a physical historical reality?’

‘The physical reality has been lived many times by yourself. You have a historical reality, you have your own history, you have your own accumulation of knowledge stretching out beyond your own imaginings. You cannot conceive of the size and the strength of your own abilities, of your own individual ability. There is within you much to be discovered, much to be understood for you are restricted in your own thinkings whilst travelling the physical reality yet you are being fed snippets of your own self to help you to help others, to help you to grow in a physical world, to help you engage in physical life and to help all forms of physical life while you are here’

Liz… ‘Many people have a desire to be helpful, to help other people. Is there a particular way of helping that is truly helpful and are there ways of helping that are not actually helpful?’

‘You will know when your help is unhelpful by the reaction you get back, you will have this wanting to help as you open yourself up for you will see the pain in others and you will want them to recognise for themselves that what lies within themselves but sometimes another person is not ready. You will be drawn towards those you can help, you will recognise in others their own thoughts, their own ideas that they have brought into this world. Use the love within you to see the good in all who you meet. See them for what they truly are, understand how the confusions can create in them negativities, negative thought, negative ideas but understand the benefit of learning from negative ideas’

Liz… ‘So when we observe a person who is drawn to a particularly destructive pathway, seeing and understanding that is a useful tool, is that what you’re saying?’

‘If you can understand the way they think and why they think the way they do you will have achieved much for you will have tuned in to their thinking, their way of thinking and you will be able to see how they will benefit. Look beyond the negative actions, see the results of the negative actions on a loving mind that resides within those negative actions and see how that love will grow and learn and touch the very being that has been drawn down to that state of negativity. You are all responsible for the overall state of mind that permeates your world and you are all responsible for lifting that state of mind. Helping others will indeed help raise that overall state’

Liz… ‘There are many avenues of help and people go into particular careers and learn structures for helping particular ethical codes and particular mechanisms but I guess not every execution of those particular methods is actually going to be to achieve the helpful goal that inspired or initiated the process. What I’m trying to get at is what is really important in the fundamental and genuine desire to help another person, what is the most important transaction between to two to actually help, to genuinely help because quite often it seems that the structures for helping interfere with that help really getting through to the person’

‘The motivation behind the wanting to help is what really matters. Structures are merely tools to help you use that motivation. If they work then they shall be used yet that initial motivation is what really matters’

Liz… ‘So using a structure, a help structure but without the full motivation, without the genuine motivation leaves it a bit hollow’

‘The motivation has to be motivated by love from within not from the needs that circulate from without’

Liz… ‘Yes, because it seems that sometimes a person has a need to help but that need comes from a lack of love inside rather than from love’

‘Exactly, needs have no value in the production of loving energies in your world. Love and love along is the motivating factor each individual has built up within themselves over the course of several lifetimes, greater or lesser quality of love’

Liz… ‘And I guess receiving that love or being in the presence of that love can lead to the arousal of the expression of that love in the other person, can facilitate the experience of love in the other person’

‘That is the true purpose of helping one another, opening the eyes of your fellow men to their own love. Temptation resides in the minds of all. Temptation will act as a crumbling mechanism on the minds of all. Your physical world is full of temptations designed to draw the mind into a stronger hold of your physical reality yet the development of the true love within yourself will loosen the grip on those temptations and you will begin to see your world in a new way, in a way that goes beyond the physical world, you will see the makeup of your world, you will see what holds your world together and you will see what holds each person together but most of all you will see the connections, you will see that you all really are just one evolving consciousness striving to grow, striving to blossom the love within, in all that it touches, in all that it perceives. There is no end to growth; there is no restriction on love. Rise above your world and your world for you will truly blossom. Never grow tired of a new day for a new day is an opportunity to create for yourself a beautiful picture, a beautiful picture in which to step into and live your life. Do not let the picture create itself for you are the master, you are the artist and you will create for yourself that wonderful picture with the loving thoughts within you. See each day as a wonderful opportunity to raise the vibration of your world… Thank you my dear friend we have once again reached that point in your session where we will draw back yet we as always leave with you a piece of our love which is a piece of your love for all love is shared and enjoyed. There can only be one love yet it resides in all, take it into your world and see it in everything you observe, see how it affects the physical life that grows and evolves in perfect harmony. May God bless you and keep you all, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all too’

Liz put the music back on and I felt back with it after about two minutes.

Liz had been struggling to stay with it during the communications.
She experienced strong pulling from her abdomen and felt very cold at times.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

180th Sitting 15/04/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40 pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I lost consciousness soon after the opening prayer and came back after about 50 minutes.

Then after another 15 minutes I started to be controlled.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

The communication continued to settle in and was incoherent for about two minutes…

‘Is good to stabilize the words… variation in the form of all our words… we have various ways to come through and we have always used one way to direct our energies into your room. It is for us a most beneficial way to present ourselves. We have worked at advancing the frequency of our communications. There is a way to tighten up the…’

The communication became incoherent again and then the voice seemed to change…

‘Look at the stars, see how they have changed, for each night the sky presents for you a new image, a new background, a new picture on which to place your concentration, your attention. The sky forms the backdrop to your world yet you do not notice the subtle changes that happen each night. Your world is held in place by the energies that surround, that come to it, that are arriving. A piece of fabric that waits in the dark, a piece of your thoughts, a piece of your mind is brought into view. Partial blinding occurs as you sit waiting for events to happen for you feel you have control of your life yet a slight movement can change all that has been setup since you took your first breath’

Liz… ‘So you’re saying that the whole of the cosmos, that it’s an informational matrix that’s affecting us all the time without our being aware of it’

‘Stand back and observe how your fellow men react to changes in the atmosphere, in the makeup. For the human form was created at a time when valuable energies were being used for the production of the very matrix that you find yourself in. There is no limit to the build-up of information and knowledge. There is no limit to the reach of the human mind yet each person puts their own limitation on themselves. Each person watches the night sky, observes the limitless expanse beyond their reach strengthening the belief that there is much beyond their reach yet they too can reach to the skies, reach into the limitless field of information. Take away the belief and reach out into your skies. Make use of the energies that surround your world, wake up and explore, wake up and discover and you will realise that all that exists outside of you can be found inside of you’

Liz… ‘So it almost sounds as if the human mind is like a lens feeding the information it receives into itself but sometimes skewing it with the possibility of it passing that information through perfectly’

‘The human mind is a perfect instrument that can be dimmed by the thoughts and observations of each individual in a physical atmosphere. You see your world in all its forms; you see the limitations to each form that is presented to you. Learn to observe in a new way, in a non-physical way’

Liz… ‘So is the human mind constrained by its current personality? Does the current personality act like muscles pulling that lens into certain shapes which maybe changes the focus on receiving information’

‘The human mind is reacting to the atmosphere and makeup of the physical world’

Liz… ‘But presumably then when the human mind is freed of its physical vehicle and its connection with the physical world it opens up, it’s open to the information in a different way’

‘It is indeed set free but it retains memory. Your job whilst incarnated in the physical world is to try to understand the true makeup of your world by perceived in a new way. Take a section of your beliefs and question, question where they originated, ask yourself why you see things as they are. It takes courage to step out of your familiar framework and you will always feel the pulling to return. Small steps are needed for you will not cope with a sudden change of attitude. Practise on yourself, see yourself as something new, something unfamiliar, work on yourself in this way’

Liz… ‘Interesting… as you’re talking I get the impression almost like, you say taking a section, a little bit like biologists will take sections of a piece of living tissue, very fine sections and stain it with a particular dye to try and highlight certain structures or discover where there have been certain changes made. It’s almost as if you’re suggesting that we do the same with our belief systems, almost like them apart and look at particular details to try and trace where changes have been wrought, where particular patterns have developed staining those beliefs to highlight certain facets. It’s a little bit like what therapies are meant to do, psychotherapy, particular analytical techniques making you look for certain trends, look for certain patterns in thinking’

‘Yes, that what works is the correct way. Those experiments that have been conducted have been done in the correct way and you can use this to better understand yourself. Each mind has its own way, your mind will find its own way and if you can use the situations that you speak of to help you understand then this will benefit your own thinking’

Liz… ‘I like the way you say look at yourself in a new way or see yourself in a new way. That seems very healthy; it’s almost like shining a different light on yourself to see, almost looking from the outside observing’

‘We do not wish you to change yourself for you have already changed yourself. We merely wish you to change yourself back to your true self’

Liz… ‘I guess the problem for people is to have some idea of what the true self is so that they can see where there have been unhealthy changes made’

‘Each person knows the true self, each person feels the effects of negativity on their self, each person feels the build-up of confusion, annoyance, irritations that bombard them day by day for it is their true self crying, crying out to return to the way they were, to the way they were truly created in the eyes of the creator, of the creating force.  They know that they have strayed from the truth, inside they know, inside they react, inside they feel; feel the knots, feel the tension. They wish to release that tension but will not allow themselves to look inside of themselves, instead they seek help from outside when the answer lays within for within lays the true picture of each individual’s make-up, that picture which was so beautifully produced at the moment of creation, that picture which has been dragged through the physical existence picking up discord, picking up all that is ugly’

Liz… ‘I guess this is where a good teacher or therapist can help a person to look inside and see the true self, to get in touch with their original self’

‘There are many good people on your Earth who will indeed help those who show the signs of ill health, ill health of the mind’

Liz… ‘I guess there has to be desire on the part of a person to reveal their true self, to uncover their true self’

‘Each has personal responsibility yes’

Liz… ‘Because many people are quite happy with their corrupted or false self’

‘They are unaware’

Liz… ‘Unaware of the uncomfortable clothes they’re wearing’

‘Bring that awareness out into the open and more will seek help if they cannot help themselves. They can seek help from those who care, who work with love, who see the complications in your world and want only to bring them back into harmony. There are many good people of your world waiting for the opportunity to spread their love, help the weak, the weak of mind, help them to understand which will help the overall vibration of your physical world’

Liz… ‘The extent to which human beings have investigated the physical world and its energetic make-up and they have manipulated these energies and materials to create technologies such as computers and the internet that have connected people in a different way, disseminated knowledge and communication via transport, electronics. It seems amazing that such a lot of facility in operating in the world and changing it, using it to create interconnections that weren’t there before, it seems amazing’

‘The advancement of technology can have its benefits in reaching the minds of those who walk alone. The technology of your world brings together the weak and the strong; it forms the bridges of communication throughout your world opening up the opportunities, widening the field of vision to each individual as they walk blindly through life. It gives hope and it gives value in that hope’

Liz… ‘We seem to have a strange situation, in the original animal population the Earth supply’s all the needs easily and readily without too much work or effort but for human beings there seems to be insufficient resources to feed or nourish. It’s been a lot of work to sustain communities and with the technology now and the advancement it’s as if those natural resources are being used up at an enormous rate in order to materialise and sustain the technological advancement but goes beyond the immediate needs to maintain a healthy life for individuals and in some respect it seems to be making a healthy life more difficult although in other respects it’s making it easier. So is this a natural development or an anticipated one?  Or one that will have to correct itself?’

‘It will move in the direction according to the overall thinkings of the human race. You are all in it together; you are all contributing to the overall build-up of energies that circulate your world. There is no one way, there is no braking off of the overall impact on all life. You have moved from the simplicities of life into a network of complications yet you are still capable of working with those complications using them to the benefit of all. Look at the animal kingdom and see how the simple life works, how the harmony is sustained, how each species works with one another, taking from the Earth only that what is required for continual existence. Now look at the human life forms, the human race, see how greed has been established and recognised as a part of life, a need for life. See how each individual looks after himself; see this reflecting throughout your world. The whole of the human race has created for itself its own unique environment, has created for itself its own needs, its wants. It is no longer satisfied with simple life, with simple existence. The potential has always been there and the potential continues to be there, to be flexible. For each human mind can change the world, each human mind can look at the state of life, each human mind can make a difference. There is no right or wrong in this, it is merely a situation that has been setup by the overall thinkings of the human race and the overall thinkings will constantly be modified as each individual sees the benefits of change. Remember that the energies of your world are limitless. You see the resources of your world being used up yet this is only one segment of a larger energy that permeates your world, energies that have not yet been discovered, energies that have not been realised for they are working and evolving and having their impact on your world, on the physical reality. You are all still very much infants in the physical school, you are still playing, you are still discovering, you are still opening your eyes for the first time. You are not ready yet to live an adult life yet you are all learning fast, teaching each other, learning from each other, sometimes holding back and sometimes surging forward. A time will come when the physical reality will blossom into adulthood and you will look back at the history of your world and you will smile, you will be grateful for the journey and you will look forward to a bright new future… Thank you my dear friend for we have once again exhausted our words to you this evening. Take from our words what resonates with you. Take from our words what gives you new thoughts, new ideas and put those new ideas into practise. Observe your world through new eyes with new understandings and a further reach out into what for you seems like infinity. Please take a piece of our love out into your world, lighten the lives of all who you meet, help them to look into themselves. May God bless and keep you all, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you too’

‘Goodnight to you’

Liz put the music back on and I felt back with it after two minutes.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

179th Sitting 08/04/2016

We had the room setup as normal.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I lost consciousness soon after the opening prayer but kept waking up then dropping off again for about 50 minutes.

Liz reported drifting vertical dim beams of light in the room. They were crossing over each other. She also reported things like ripples in water. She could see all of this with her eyes open or closed.

Later Liz reported a crawling sensation over the top of her head like fingers in her hair.

Then I started to be controlled and Liz turned off the music.
As she did so she felt a cool breeze on her face coming from her right.
I felt very cold in the cabinet.

Liz welcomed the communication as it settled in.

‘Good evening, good evening to you…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

The communication seemed to be taking longer to settle in this week.

‘Love is always with all of you who come to these… there is always a focus on the love in your room, there is always an abundance of loving thoughts circulating your room picking up each thought as it circulates the room. There is a plan, a plan that is put into place, a plan that holds everything together for without a plan some of the words would be lost. A plan is the first step when attempts are made at communicating to your world. Pointers are put in place to guide the thoughts as they are brought forward for each thought generates new thoughts, new ideas which can take the focus, the meaning in the wrong direction. The plan is produced to keep a check on the development of each word as it comes through but a plan can be modified as the thoughts in the room encourage further thinkings, further ideas to be hatched. When a situation such as this is set underway there is an initial planning on the route it will take. That initial planning is open for modification as you ask your questions each week. Modifications are brought into being and the direction of the conversation will be adjusted accordingly but the overall initial plan still remains…’

There was a pause.

‘When you formulate an idea in your mind you do it with an understanding based on your own experiences, experiences that have built up forming…’

Another pause and the communication broke up. It felt to me like I was losing the connection.

‘Changes come to the mind’

Liz… ‘Changes? What changes?’

‘There’s always understandable… We suggest you…’

The communication became incoherent and faded out.

Liz put the music back on for a while.
After about two minutes it sounded like the communication was returning and Liz turned off the music again.

Liz… ‘Welcome back’

‘There was a loosening of the grip, we could not get our words through, there was a…’

Liz… ‘A drifting?’

‘Like a radio that loses the signal, well now, we hope to be able to resume our words, maybe, have you a question for us?’

Liz… ‘I can’t bring the questions to mind at the moment, I’ll try and allow them to resurface… I have a question that arose in a course of conversation with someone that made me think that we can also contain in our memory things of the future, that memory is not just of things in the past but also of things in the future since time isn’t linear but that the things in the future may be very difficult for us to interpret since our linguistic framework maybe hasn’t developed to encompass them?’

‘Well you understand do you not that you can indeed have dreams of future events, you can connect with what for you is the future but the accuracy is never complete’

Liz… ‘What I’m thinking of is information from the future knowledge for example discoveries but since that might require an intellectual framework using language which hasn’t yet been developed in our current linear experimental framework. It might although the knowledge and memories of that might be in the universe psyche, we might not be able to bring it into our linguistic framework because we haven’t yet caught up, we haven’t yet developed at this point’

‘Language is not necessary for feelings, for knowings, for understandings. Language is merely the translation of a feeling, of a situation that is envisaged’

Liz… ‘I guess Leonardo da Vinci saw aeroplanes or conceived of that man can fly before engines were developed and before the whole technology of flight was developed so he had a feeling of possibility, a feeling of the form’

‘It is possible to look into other realities, realities that work alongside of your own, other experiments which are being conducted alongside your own experiment. These other experiments can be more advanced, can contain in them elements that will materialise in your own reality at a future date. If you tap into another reality you will put your interpretation on what you feel, producing a picture’

Liz… ‘For someone who wanted to tap into that knowledge of the future or hidden knowledge using their dreams, what would be the best method and the best method of remembering and retrieving that knowledge from their dreams?’

‘The dream reality contains within it points of focus that can be picked up by your own mind, brought back into your physical atmosphere. You need to teach yourself the language of dreams, the language that suits your own thinking for each night as you enter into your dream world you are presented with many situations, situations designed to help you, help you to develop your ability to remember that what resides inside of you. Once the dream has been entered information is being fed through to you. That information becomes a part of you but you have to develop the ability to perceive that information but you will only get what is rightfully appropriate for your learning at that time. It is a natural process that cannot be tweaked for your mind can only cope with what it has brought back…’

There was a pause; the connection seemed to be fading again.

‘Please replay your music thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

It felt to me like that was it for this evening as I lost all the shaking sensations. Then after about ten minutes I became controlled again but without the usual shaking. The voice was different, like an old man at first then after a while the usual shaking started again and the voice changed back to its more usual sound.

Liz turned the music off once again…

‘Is all well, is all good, now is the time to come through...’

Liz… ‘Welcome back friend’

‘Look at the world, look at the world as it comes into view, as it comes into view look at the world for it contains all answers, all answers are within your world, you do not have to search beyond for your world contains all you need, all you possess, much is learnt as you tread your path of a physical lifetime, much is cherished, much is held dear to your heart for each breath you take stimulates your mind and gives you the nourishment of knowledge, of understanding, of truth. Do not worry that you have not travelled so far for distance is unnecessary, stand still and appreciate the wind, the wind in your hair and the sounds of the birds and the breath of the Earth. We have come to the end of our session this evening. We have been trying to bring to you a new energy; we are working at giving you a new voice. It takes time and patience for a new voice to emerge, to break out into the physical atmosphere’

Liz… ‘Is the new voice connected with a new entity, a new group?’

‘A new level of teachings are being presented to us. We first have to accept the responsibility of putting this new level into place. There is in place all that we need to make this possible, it is a joint venture for we too are discovering, are widening our understanding. Each week we draw closer but there are times when the power is misinterpreted, is misaligned, it takes a step too close for the vehicle to translate. We will continue to develop and we thank you for your patience for there will be times when little is said, little is brought through’

Liz… ‘That’s okay, our concern is that whatever comes through is as pure as possible and authentic and comes from a level of understanding that can be very evidential from a higher knowledge of wisdom and can bring through information that is evidential from a greater awareness and a consciousness independent of our physical vehicles. So if you’re going to be able to bring that through it’s definitely worth the patience and the waiting and a grateful anticipation’

‘The evidence will indeed come through but not as you expect it to be. Clear your mind of all expectations and a clearer passage will be seen and used. For evidence can be looked at from many angles, can be perceived in many ways, it is not always the evidence that leads to greater understanding it is the understanding of perception that leads to greater understanding. If you sit with a mind free from expectation and belief then we can fill that mind with knowledge and understanding beyond your wildest dream. There is a time and a place for evidence and a time when evidence will fade and understanding will flourish. We need to give you information that will teach you to understand the ideas that will come to your mind for as you sit your mind is constantly thinking, constantly gathering thoughts, thoughts and ideas. What we say can compose those thoughts into clear pockets of information. There is a correct way of delivering our words. Sit in the silence of your world and allow your mind to blossom for you have already put down your roots into a soil full of enrichment, full of all the elements required for the understanding of yourself. Realise who you are and your place in this world of physical matter, step back from the frustrations, from the wants, the wanting to know, the wanting to understand. You are only making it more difficult for yourself. The tree wants for nothing yet each year it produces new fruit. The bridge is getting stronger’

Liz... ‘That’s good’

‘Journey, what a wonderful journey your world provides. Learning and teaching are one, as you teach you learn and as you learn you teach. An honest answer has its roots in love. Take time to appreciate the love in your world and see yourself as a wonderful part of this love, growing, becoming brighter, spreading throughout the minds of all who inhabit your world… We now bring this session to a close; we once again give to you a piece of our love to take out into your world. We look forward to joining you once again next week where we will continue to develop with a stronger energy, a stronger link, a more permanent link. Thank you my dear friend, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Good night friend and God bless you all thank you’

Liz put the music back on.
It took a bit longer for me to come completely back this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

178th Sitting 01/04/2016

We had the room setup as usual.
Liz did opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

After about three minutes Liz reported a dim light moving around the room followed by various shapes.
She felt very hot.

I lost consciousness soon after the opening prayer and woke up about 40 minutes later then started to be controlled about ten minutes after waking.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening…

Liz… ‘Good evening friend…’

‘The expanse of all component parts, the expanse of all…’

The communication seemed to be taking longer to settle in this week.

Liz… ‘Welcome friend’

‘The huge expanse of all available parts that will connect in each life time has its effect on all current life times. There is an answer that comes to mind as we vary our own effect on the build-up, the build-up of… Well, well, well, there is now coming through from our side a presentation from a new energy, slowly building up, slowly coming into place, slowly engaging with the atmosphere that you have provided for us for we always connect… Hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello, hello friend’

The voice now sounded different.

‘It is a good time, all is well, all is well, there is nothing to worry about, there is a greater part of the… There is already a greater part present in the spiritual vibrations for as the time comes closer the hold is released on the physical and an entry point is seen, is felt. Well now there is a combined effort, a combined effort by all of our friends, they all add their own feelings, they all add their own impression on the situation for I have waited for this time, I have waited for this opportunity’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome, it’s good to hear you.

‘It is a great pleasure for me to come through in this way, to engage once again with the physical world, the physical world that I once inhabited myself. I had always dreamed that a time would come when the possibility would be given, the opportunity would be given to me to come to a place like this to use the energies that had been built up over the years’

Liz… ‘Can you tell us about yourself friend?’

‘Many times, many times… yes there is a way, there is a correct way in which I can bring forward my personality but first I have to acclimatise, acclimatise once again with the physical world, watching each developing… I watch with interest the development of this circle, of this place. I see how the thoughts have gathered… Treat all… treat each word… Each word that is uttered in the atmosphere of a physical séance is regarded as a gift from God for the privilege of enabling speech to be uttered in a physical way is a great achievement by all who are involved. There sits amongst us an instrument prepared to allow the presentation of communication each week and the opportunity is grasped’

Liz… ‘Have you communicated in other groups before?’

‘Yes, yes I have once before presented myself to the gatherings around the medium known to you as Leslie Flint. I worked behind the scenes at his physical séances when he was producing the independent voice’

Liz… ‘Am I familiar with you?’

‘There is a book familiar to you, there is a passage in that book which I helped you write, I was able to get my message through. I have seen, I felt the way that you worked, I saw in myself a similarity and I was able to align myself with your own thoughts at the time’

Liz… ‘Can you say which book that is?’

‘It is a book of compositions, short stories, each aimed at the interest of the younger people of your world, the younger generation, some would say the more advanced generation, the free thinkers, those unaffected by the distractions, by the overall feeling of your world’

Liz… ‘Would you have been a source of inspiration for me?’

‘You will recognise my presence once again but do not expect a personality known to many on your world. I am more of a personal friend of yourself in your younger days. Communication was always my interest, seeking to open the minds of all who I met… Phillip is connected’

Liz… ‘Phillip?’

‘Phillip is a connection, there is a connection and I have expressed my interest, I have Phoebe, yes Phoebe, friends with Phoebe’

Liz… ‘Phoebe, friends with Phoebe?’

‘Friends with Phoebe yes, frail personality that she was…’

The voice broke up.

Liz… ‘Did Phillip know Phoebe?’

‘Two of a kind, similar personalities that resonated with myself’

Liz… ‘Right’

‘When I look into your world I see the personalities of each personal memory, I feel how I connected yet the details are not so very clear. I feel as if I have left part of myself behind but I am using my memory of feeling’

Liz… ‘You’re linking with resonances that you still have with the Earth, with your physical life’

‘Yes, yes I suppose this is true. It is difficult to describe’

Liz… ‘…and is that connection triggered by people like myself with whom you feel a resonance?’

‘I feel the feeling of the memory not so much the picture of the memory. There is a vast ocean of feelings in your world and the memories attached to the feelings are at their strongest for me, for myself as I come forward like this’

Liz… ‘Right, it’s as if you’re rekindling them, reincarnating in those memories. It sounds from the way you were talking as if you had a strong emotional drive while you were alive to communicate with your fellow man and to educate, to change things for the better, to make people think. Is that correct?’

‘I found myself in a position of authority; I was able to communicate in a way for I was listened to’

Liz… ‘Yes, you had a deep emotional investment in humanity’

‘I wanted to make changes, I wanted to show the world what I had seen, I worked at bringing my knowledge forward. In a small way I think I succeeded’

Liz… ‘You wanted to share the bigger picture that you had glimpsed’

‘When I was a child I had the most extraordinary dreams and I found myself living those dreams in the physical world, I saw the world as a dream’

Liz… ‘As an enactment of the dream’

‘…and a realisation came over me that it really was a dream’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘…but a useful dream, a dream in which miracles could be achieved, a dream in which love would increase, would be seen as the most important factor’

Liz… ‘So did this make you want to help people realise that they could shape their own reality and change it for the better?’

‘I was disappointed in what I saw, in what I felt during my waking hours for at first I thought it would be like my dreams. I could not understand why there was so much anger and hatred in the scenes that I witnessed. I could not understand the purpose, I felt distanced from the reality that I was supposed to be a part of yet I also saw an opportunity to make change, if only in a small way and now when I see and feel the developments in the circles that sit in your world I can see how the effect on your world can also help in a small way for each time you sit you are building up a feeling that will be felt by more on your side. It may not be obvious to you at this time but the waves of feelings have their impact in many ways, many positive ways… I observed with interest the conversation during your sitting on Wednesday evening (Mercury Experiment 99) I noticed how you felt my presence in the room and I will continue to draw closer to yourself and help with the words that you utter’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Do not worry, do not think that the words that are uttered are a result of your own thinkings for you do not fully understand what constitutes your own thinkings for all thought has had its initial inspiration, thoughts have built up in your mind and thoughts have been added to your mind. The less you worry the more clear those thoughts will develop into words, words that will resonate throughout your world’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend for that reassurance’

‘Never underestimate the benefit of sitting in a circle such as this for the benefits are twofold. Not only do the words reach the ears of those with the interest but the motivation behind your thoughts has a positive effect on your own consciousness, helping to raise that consciousness, this in turn creates a clearer instrument for us to work with. Do not allow your doubts to slow the process down. Have faith in your own abilities and we will do the rest’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know’

‘There are many who influence yourself, each adds its own spark of guidance in a sea of confusion. Let that confusion sink and let the clarity of inspiration rise to the surface… Thank you my dear friend. We feel the energy waning and we will withdraw once again. Once again we leave with you a piece of our love to take out into your world and spread amongst all who you meet but keep one part of that love in your own heart for you too will benefit from the energy it gives you. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight and God bless you all too, thank you friend’

Liz put the music back on and I was feeling back with it after a couple of minutes.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…