May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

190th Sitting 22/07/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

We sat half hour later this week and Liz did the opening prayer at 9.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I started to be controlled soon after the opening prayer and Liz turned down the music.
She welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘We will complete our work, yes, we will come to where we will be able to bring forward all that is available, all that is held in the area of our knowledge, held in our knowledge, our understanding, our greater feeling for all life, all that is life for there is within your world a larger capacity of life, a greater expanse, a greater expanse of life. You only perceive a small portion of that what surrounds you all for there is life in the air that you breathe. Life as you understand it can manifest in all manner of perception, a larger part of your own perception is filled with life. Life forms, individual units of life, surround all that you perceive, share your own world, this life which you depend on for your own ability to perceive your world. You see the world through your physical eyes, the reflection of light perceived as colour and shape yet beyond the colours and shapes there lays a second life, a life that supports the structure of your physical world, a life that continually creates. This second life has been perceived by some, perceived and interpreted as the elementals of your world yet the interpretation was based on what you all perceive in your daily life. Human form has been given to the elemental life. Interpretation is based on that what you have experienced. When a new form is presented you will search for a matching pattern from your own experience and you will clothe that form with the pattern that most closely resembles what you have perceived. A time will come when this second life will be perceived by more, more in your world. A new experience will allow perception to clothe the forms in a more recognisable way, the thoughts of many will join together, the larger mind will create a new image that will be understood by all. This image will be repeated, will be passed from mind to mind until the larger population of your world will have no problem in recognising this second life and it will become a part of your everyday life, it will be seen for the help that it gives and it will open the minds of many into new explorations, explorations beyond the physical. This will be the start of the loosening of the veil between the two worlds, the spiritual world and the physical world. Wise men in your history have already seen this; they have observed in their travels the recognition of the second life. They have tried to explain to others but it could not be understood. A time will come when the stories in your history will be understood for a recognition will be in the minds of all. Watch the colours of your world, see how they will evolve, see how they will combine their strength and create new colours, new reflections of light. Watch the development of shape, the development of form, see the patterns’

There was a pause and Liz turned the music back up.

After about five minutes another communicator took control with a different voice.
Liz turned the music down again.

‘Liz… ‘Hello friend’

‘What’s it all about… What’s it all about… We can all consider that we are a group of minds working together so we don’t all know what to make of this for it is an interesting concept to be able to combine one’s mind with another and produce something more than what you have in your own mind. You can add and you can also confuse the flow of words for they have not been worked on in that one way, there are many ways in which we can bring forward to you words of enlightenment, of guidance and encouragement for they are all ready waiting to come through, waiting to be used in their own time. There is at the same time an urge to bring forward something that will interest you and those who also hear the words for in your world there is much interest in knowing what will happen, what lies beyond that word death. Many have pondered this question, many have received answers yet do those answers really answer the question? Do they really give you a complete answer? They do not; they do not give you a complete answer, only you yourself can give yourself a complete answer, a satisfactory answer once you have weighed up all that is given to you, listened to the words and used your own experiences to build up for yourself a satisfactory picture. So we do not have the answers but we do have the means to help you give yourself the answers… Does this make sense to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘There is no easy way to explain yet it is all so very simple’

Liz… ‘What is the important question to ask?’

‘You have to ask yourself what it is that feels most comfortable to your mind, to your state of mind at this point in time for you have built up a collection of memories based on your experiences both in this life and before this life, yet you feel, you believe that your memory contains purely experiences from this physical life. Ask yourself what do you already know, what are you hiding from yourself, what beliefs are preventing you from knowing what you already know? How can you let go of those beliefs, how can you recognise what those beliefs are? Try to take yourself back into time, a simpler time. Try to relive that simpler time now and you will see what is stopping you, what is preventing you. Physical life is such a short time compared to your full life. Reach out and touch that full life that is part of you, that holds you together, let it be one with you again and you will have no questions’

There was another pause and Liz turned the music up again.

After about 20 minutes the same communicator started to come through again and Liz turned the music down.

Liz… ‘Welcome friend, welcome back’

‘Step out of the door and walk past the pathway towards your true light, your true light that you perceive for yourself. You and you alone have your own light that you can reach out to when you walk out of the door, when you walk down the pathway and see the light shining brightly before you. It is there for you, it is there for you to become a part of for it is already a part of you; you need not to do any more than be one with your own light, that light which burns so bright, which illuminates each corner of your world. Take it, take it within yourself, become part of it and it will enlighten you in every way, every way possible. Do not be afraid of the light for the light shines for you. Take it, embrace it, let it feed your mind, let it feed the very being of yourself until you are full of light. Picture the world devoid of light, the world of darkness, the world where nothing can be perceived for the light is eliminated. Many walk in this darkness unable to see, unable to see the true picture that is there for them. They have allowed themselves to slide into a darkness of their own making, a darkness which only they can lift from their life. You all have a little darkness in your life, you all slide that little bit yet you know that you can go through that doorway and walk the path towards the light that is for you, that is you, for you all are light, you all share the light of love. Never forget that you are light, wake up from the darkness and see that light, see the light in others, see how it affects the way they live their life. The brighter the light shines the simpler life becomes, the complications fall away. You all are the product of light; you can all send that light to each other. Send your light into the darkness and it will reach those who live in darkness, wake them up’

There was a short pause and voice changed back to the first communicator.

‘The time once again, now we all have come to the point in time where we will withdraw from you. We have come to the end of our session this evening, time to step back and allow you to re-join your physical life. Take from us a piece of our love, use it to lighten the lives of all who live in the dark, spread it around your world for all to share. Thank you my dear friend, goodnight to you, may God bless and keep you all’

Liz… ‘Friend, before you go can I just ask your advice?’


Liz… ‘We wish to put two wardrobes made of pine wood at the back of this room which is a dedicated room, but for storage. Will that interfere at all with the work we’re doing in here?’

‘It will cause no interference for you will be placing these wardrobes into this room with love, you are helping your friend. We know of this and it is good that you help others, it will not be a problem, please go ahead with your plans, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all’

‘Goodnight to you’

Liz turned the music up and I felt back with it after about two minutes.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

189th Sitting 08/07/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I got a fleeting image of Ghandi like an old black and white photo just before Liz gave the opening prayer.

As Liz finished the opening prayer I felt myself being controlled which as always started with face twitching then shaking legs followed by my arms shaking and being raised up as a few incoherent sounds started issuing from me.
As soon as Liz heard this she turned the music off and welcomed the communication.

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you’

‘To combine all available energies is a way forward for we all have the ability to bring something to the mix, something of our own. Each individual brings a portion of their own life force, their own life experience, their own memories yet when we combine these it creates an overall impression. That overall impression represents one mind, one living mind immersed in your physical atmosphere connected to the outer worlds yet operating on a physical level, your physical level. Words will come through as that mind reacts to your physical atmosphere for your atmosphere is charged with your own memories, your own experiences, those of all who dwell in your physical world. We can feel the impact of all those memories on the atmosphere of your world, ever changing, ever creating. Creating a book onto which we can transcribe our own writings in order to help, in order to sway the overall feeling towards a more loving vibration. There are many in your world who are adding to that loving vibration, raising the vibration, fighting against the negative thoughts, those thoughts inspired by fear. There is much work to do to raise that vibration, we can do our bit but it is up to those who inhabit your world to see the benefit of working in a more positive frame of mind. As each person adopts this positive frame of mind they will see how the world around them will change for they are attracting to them loving vibrations, allowing them to see the good in all situations. Many on your world try to change the conditions of your world, many look into the future and see difficult situations about to happen and they put their energy into trying to modify those situations. This will never work, this will be counterproductive for the human mind is designed to react to whatever situation comes forward, the human mind has a chance to react in a positive way or a negative way. React to all situations in a positive way and you will see how future situations will be seen as less threatening to the overall harmony of your world. Do not try to control your world, allow all that happens to happen but react with a positive mind, look for the good in each situation before that situation manifests itself in the present… Is this understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes but I’m trying to think how this works for example in politics, in political situations if somebody wants to try and change the direction of the government of the country to create more equality, more sharing of resources and more safeguarding of resources, more care of the Earth. If somebody wants to introduce those changes and to change current political climate, isn’t that a good thing to do? Isn’t that a way to make positive changes?’

‘They are making changes to benefit others, they are not changing a situation to suit them self, they are thinking with a loving mind for thought of others is a positive attitude. Think only of yourself and this creates a negative atmosphere’

Liz… ‘Many politicians would claim that they’re going into public service to serve others but the policies that they promote can create disadvantage for some, or inequalities’

‘Look at the intent behind each action. Is that intent purely aimed at helping others?’ 

Liz… ‘Sometimes I think people’s intentions are masked from them, they’re not even clear to themselves, they think that they are acting in the public interest and noble but they could actually be working to benefit some particular image or some particular belief that they have, that will confirm or augment their own belief system. They may have very hidden motives that they’re not even aware of’

‘The build-up of beliefs will indeed shield the mind, will create an unseen obstacle, something seen as an impossibility in the minds of those who have the power to change events for the good. The initial intent is what is important; the results from that intent will give that person an idea of the beliefs that are blinding them. Their responsibility to themselves is to understand those beliefs, simplify those beliefs and work at understanding how those beliefs set seed in their minds. Beliefs can be removed once their initial purpose is understood’

Liz… ‘For example, not so long ago we had slavery in this country, people imported people of another skin colour and race and they bought them and used them as servants and took away their freedom. This was obviously not a respectful way of treating other people but it took a group of dedicated people acting out of love of all humanity out of a sense that this was not a respectful and loving way to behave to other members of the human race. It took a lot of work for them to change this practice and to bring to mind to other people that this was an uncharitable unloving practice that should not be endorsed in a harmonious world and they had to fight for change. There wasn’t any good to be seen in slavery, in the enslavery of one group of people by another so when you say to see the good in it, see the good in all things and to work for that I don’t quite follow that because there is a lot to be seen that is not good and how can you see the good in persecution and murder, rape, degradation of other members of the human race? There’s nothing good to be seen in that but there may be good to be seen in those people that work to overturn that’

‘At that time the acts of slavery was generally accepted by the majority of your world. It took those who had raised their thoughts above the masses to bring to the consciousness of your world the realisation that this was indeed an appalling act, an appalling way to live your life. The good in this is the reflection of the compassion on those few who could see clearly, who could understand, who could see the benefits of elevating their own minds. Sometimes it takes appalling acts on a larger scale to ignite the love within in a minority yet that minority was able to change that situation, was able to show the negativities of that situation. Evolution is a slow process but evolution continues. Negative situations will continue to be presented to your world yet those who have risen will see the benefit of these situations in raising the overall vibration of your world. Take a step back and see it from a larger picture, from the perspective of a larger picture. Your world is very young, your world is beginning to learn, your world is beginning to understand the mistakes that it makes for itself. Each mistake creates greater understanding, greater understanding allows you to reflect on your own history, gives you the strength to not allow these events to happen again’

There was a pause and Liz put the music back on.

Then after about five minutes another communication started.
Liz turned off the music again.
The voice was different.

‘Why is there no more magic in your world? Have you all forgotten how to be magical in your world? Have you all lost the gift, the gift of magic? Why do you all seem so sad, why have you lost that spark that you were created with, that spark that began your journey? It was supposed to remain within you and give you the ability to create magic, to enlighten each other with a smile, with a happy word, embrace each other and observe the magic that is created between you all. Step outside of that darkened mind; see the true magic in each step you make. Why do you no longer see the true creatures of your world, why are they invisible to your eyes, those creatures that continue to create, that continue to give life to the flowers, to the plants of your world, why are they hidden from you, why can you not join them, dance with them? They are all around you flying in the air, running between your legs. Give yourself a moment each day of your life, ask yourself what can I really see, what do I really perceive in this world? Allow yourself to see that what creates the winds in your world. Allow yourself to see that what creates the colours in your world. Allow yourself to see that what creates the textures in your world. Natural phenomena created each day of your life yet you miss the true magic that lies behind all phenomena. Take yourself out of your daily routine; allow your senses to grow for you have restricted your own senses, they can reach much further. Concentrate on each sense one at a time, imagine that sense stretched out, stretched out beyond your wildest dreams. Lift the restrictions you have put on yourself, see beyond the physical, listen beyond the physical, what will you see, what will you hear? You will connect to the magical kingdom. Allow yourself one glimpse of the magical kingdom every day and your life will become so much richer. Bring that magic back into your life and you will become one again with that spark of creation that set you in motion, thank you’

After about two minutes the communication started again with another different voice…

‘Hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello, hello’

‘Spoken words, words far away, far away from this atmosphere, very good time to explain something about the worlds beyond your thought, your way of thinking. Very subtle images are created by the thoughts of man; subtle images that work their way into the minds of all for you all are receptive to the words, to the thoughts, to the images. You all can accept the power of thought, the power of imagination and the power of the visual image in your mind yet you have not yet developed the ability to modify that image in your mind by yourself. You rely on the input of others both seen and unseen to modify that image. There is a greater understanding waiting to be found, waiting to be discovered, that will enable you all to modify the way you think. You all have restricted your own mind; you all have put in place a protection, a protection for yourself for you believe that without this protection your mind will run away from you. You feel you need to keep your mind fixed within the boundaries that you have given yourself. You feel that if you venture beyond this boundary it will be unsafe; it will loosen your hold of your own reality. You have focused yourself in this physical reality afraid to leave, afraid to explore further into the minds of others for you believe yourself to be one individual working with other individuals. You have not seen the connection yet you feel the connection every day of your life. Each connection grows stronger when you allow your feelings to be felt. Let that connection become part of your mind and it will give you access’

Liz… ‘Connection becomes stronger when you tune in to your feelings, is that what you’re saying?’

‘Let your feelings direct you towards the greater understanding, take you down that connecting thread, free yourself from the thoughts of individuality, share your mind with others. The mind works on many levels. The individual mind is the first level, the combined mind is the last level, many levels exist between these two. You will not be lost when you move up to the next level, you will not lose your mind you will strengthen your mind, you will give your mind permission to expand and explore. You mind is designed to evolve one step at a time. Small steps will have small impact yet the benefit will be felt. Stop pretending that your mind belongs only to you… Your words limit the meanings of this message; I hope I have at least given you a glimpse into the meaning I wish to convey’

Liz… ‘Thank you, yes I’m sure it will read very fluently’

‘When the words are read each mind reacts in its own way creating the picture most beneficial for the thinkings of that one person. There are many truths for there are many interpretations of the one truth yet the interpretation is the starting point to a journey to the one truth’

Liz… ‘It seems in listening to you that you often reiterate and repeat a fundamental message of a very fundamental truth which seems amazingly simple and perhaps that’s the importance of it, the simplicity’

‘Each living mind has the ability to complicate all that is simple but there is purpose to complications for complications allow each individual mind to work in its familiar territory. You cannot all see as one’

Liz… ‘Yes I guess if you look into all the different permutations of light, light which is something very fundamental but many of the forms and images on Earth, plants, trees and even the technology, electronics, are all different intricate manipulations of light, light twisted and converted into many different forms of phenomena’

‘Light can be so very simple yet the simplicity of light contains within it every potential for the intricacies of the visual aspects of your own world. Colours within colours, shapes within shapes, infinite opportunities to create the picture of your dreams yet the simplest picture can be the most beautiful’

Liz… ‘Yes I guess out of a single length of thread you can have a whole wardrobe of clothes’

‘Question your own interpretations, see the world with new eyes, modify that picture in your mind. Bring to your mind all that is good in your world and a beautiful simple picture will immerge. It all sounds so simple yet for you engaged in this physical world going about your daily life it seems so very complicated. Why is your life so complicated, what caused it to become complicated? Have you the power to simplify and beautify your own life and the lives of others? Have you the power to raise the loving vibration of your physical world? Have you the power to turn away from the negativities? Have you the power to spread your own love to all who you meet? There is as much power in one brief thought as there is in all thoughts throughout all time. Never believe that you do not have power…’

The voice changed again.

‘Thank you my dear friend, thank you for sharing this wonderful evening once again for we come now to the close, the close of this session, the time that we ourselves will draw back, allow you once again to step out into your wonderful world. Take from us a piece of our love, let it beautify your world and let it beautify the way others see your world. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

Liz put the music back on and I felt back with it after two minutes.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

188th Sitting 30/06/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned off the light and put the music on.

I felt myself starting to be controlled during the opening prayer and when Liz heard this she turned the music off again and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening…

Liz… ‘Good evening to you’

‘To know the world, to know the wonders of the world, of your world, is a great achievement, a great achievement to know the wonders of your own world for your own world is a reflection of your own self, your own makeup. All who live on your world play their part in creating the wonders of your world. There is not one person who does not play their part, who is not needed, for all who dwell on your Earth play their parts and are needed, are required. Take each person as an individual playing their own part, adding to the atmosphere, the makeup of your world. Each individual has their own way of perceiving your world, each individual has their own picture yet your world is a shared world, shared by all… how then can that picture differ for each individual? A joint effort is accomplished by the bringing together of small fragments of each individual mind which forms the basic structure on which your world presents itself. These small fragments are connected, are in fact one combined element, the one element that holds you all together. The rest, the greater part of your individual minds is what for you creates your free will, your ability to change that picture, to change that structure according to the way your core being expresses itself. You are creating for yourself experiences suited to that core being at that point in time, at that point of your own spiritual evolution. Everybody is evolving in their own way, taking their own time. Sometimes someone will stand still, sometimes somebody will devolve yet that overall structure remains the same holding together all those unique pictures which are being created and constantly changing. Each unique picture creates one big picture, that picture which represents the state of the human physical mind. We all wish that bigger picture to evolve, the core being in each individual also wishes that bigger picture to evolve but the free will can hold you back, can take you in a wrong direction, a wrong turning. Try to recognise the uncomfortable feeling throughout yourself when you take a wrong turning, keep yourself feeling harmonious with your world and you will know that you are indeed helping the evolution of that bigger picture… Do you have any questions about this?’

Liz… ‘Yes, the use of free will and making mistakes, taking a wrong direction, does this apply also to more enlightened beings, non-physical beings or those creators in our physical reality?’

‘All forms of life can make mistakes. There is very little difference between you and what you would call an evolved being for you as a physical entity are but one part of a greater being’

Liz… ‘What is the nature of a mistake? The word mistake suggests that there was a particular optimum direction or that there was a set plan. To what extent is free will actually free will if it can take a turning that is called a mistake?’

‘The word mistake applies to choice. As you live your life fixed into this physical reality you are constantly being given choices. As your mind expands so the choices are greater. There are no incorrect choices yet there is… that energy that drives your intent can be positive or negative. That energy you feel as you make your choices, it will be felt to you as harmonious or disharmonious. Make choices with a negative intent and that can be seen as a mistake. Recognise the feelings, the feeling of harmony with your world and you will not make mistakes, you will understand the positive driving force that fills you heart, you will not want to allow the negative thoughts, the negative force to sway you into taking a wrong turning for you will understand the benefit of remaining positive for positivity creates a far greater picture filled with beauty. Negativity serves to darken that picture and shrink that picture until your choices become limited. Expand the picture and you will see the multitude of choices available to you. A mistake can be seen as a dark patch on a beautiful colourful landscape. It can be easily removed as long as it is recognised, for those who do not recognise this they will see their picture darkening, they will not know why, a time will come when their world will be full of darkness, their choices will be restricted yet they still have that light within working with them, waiting for the opportunity to be recognised. There is only so far you can reach towards the darkness yet reach out to the light and your journey will seem never ending… Does this answer your question?’

Liz… ‘I think so yes, yes the question of energy; it is the energy that increases creativity and growth and opportunity, this benign and positive, the jovial influence over the more saturnine influence, that which closes in and holds back and constrains, freezes development, becomes negative energy unavailable for further development. So it seems as if there are two warring factions in our world. The force that is limiting creativity and energy and those forces that want to blossom and go with the flow. Is that a necessary tension? I have a feeling that that is a tension that is always there’

‘In the creation of a physical world there is always a balance put in place, a balance that can go either way, a balance which is set free, controlled only by the minds of those who inhabit the world, those outside of your world can have no effect on the balance. We can have our effect on the minds of those who inhabit your world, we can inspire and we can present situations but it is up to those who inhabit your world as to which way that balance goes, there is that need in a physical reality for negative and positive’

Liz… ‘Are there some physical universes, systems, where the negative, the frozen energy has taken precedence, becomes stultified?’

‘If that is where the inhabitants have taken it then yes, it is solely up to those who dwell in each reality’

Liz… ‘But since everything is true and every choice is true where is there to be made a judgement, who is it who is holding, is there any judgement as to which modus operando is ideal, does it matter?’

‘There is no judgement…’

Liz… ‘Because it seems when we talk about this, choices, a good choice and a bad choice there’s an element of judgement there. When we use the word mistake it seems as if there’s an element of judgement in that’

‘Discard the word judgement and replace it with learning. Nobody is judged for their mistakes yet everybody can learn from their mistakes. Learning increases the positivity; judgements can only increase the negativity. Judgement is purely a physical aspect of your lives, you feel you can judge each other yet you are not judging you are merely comparing, comparing the deeds of others with what you feel is right for you yet as we explained at the beginning each individual has painted for itself a different picture. You are in effect all in your own individual reality yet at the same time you all operate together, interact together. The passage of time is a wonderful cleansing process to all who inhabit a physical world. What mistakes you do in the present soon become part of your past experience, something to look back on, something to make you smile when the realisation comes to you that you did indeed make a mistake and you will convince yourself that you will not make that mistake again’  

Liz… ‘I suppose when we look at evolution, a notion of survival of the fittest, you observe over many millennia how there are blind alleys, that sometimes a species evolves or develops along a path but dies out, no longer appropriate so the choices are constrained by other forces, other evolutionary principles. I guess the same happens in the mental sphere of ideas, with understandings, you get blind alleys and new openings, new niches, that’s all trial and error’

‘The blind alleys have their value at that time…’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘As time moves on new ideas are birthed, new ideas grow into new networks yet all blind alleys will come. It could be evolution’s way of working towards new ideas taking out the weak ideas that go nowhere and introducing strong ideas that will indeed help the evolution of a physical human mind. There is never any benefit in rushing ahead blindly, we always advise slow careful steps, wait until each step is understood before moving to the next step. Understand previous mistakes, understand where the wrong turning occurred and re-engage with that true pathway to expansion and evolution. Open your eyes to the possibilities that lay ahead’

Liz… ‘When we look at the universe and we look at life we see the two processes intertwined evolution and devolution. We look at the stars, white dwarfs, red giants, black holes, systems disappearing, systems evolving, supernoving, we see extinction of stars and we see creating of stars. Seems as if the two things go hand in hand to evolve and to be devolution too, two sides of one coin’

‘Take your inspirations from what you see both in the stars above and in the earth below, in the trees, the animal kingdom, all that is creation is working with you and through you, it is a part of you. The wonders of your world presented to you on a daily basis. What more inspiration do you need?’

Liz put the music back on.

After about ten minutes another communication started. The voice and character were different.
Liz turned the music off again…

‘Heard it all before… heard it all before, yes, well, it all comes down to how you react to what is said, how you picture it in your mind for you have a very good imagination within yourself and you can paint for yourself each word, each utterance, into a wonderful picture. You do not need paints, you do not need paper, a canvas, for you have inside of yourself your own canvas and your thoughts create the colour. You yourself have this picture within and you and only you can change it, change it for the better, always strive to change it for the better and you will benefit for the more wonderful that picture appeals to you then your life will follow, you will see how your life benefits from the beauty that you have created for yourself. Take each day one at a time, slowly uncover the true picture within yourself, do not let the distractions cause that picture to be hidden from you, let the distractions go, allow your life to blossom, allow your eyes to focus on what is important in your world but above all never take life too seriously for laughter can illuminate that light that shines on the picture within yourself. Laughter opens your eyes, laughter places you in a state of mind receptive only to the loving vibration that drives you forward. Take life too seriously and you will miss the point of living. Live life as if you are a child, see the funny side of each situation, let go of that what restricts you in having a fun time in a world that is of your own making. See the funny side to each situation, a serious situation is a situation seen only by adult eyes. You do not need to grow up; you do not need to lose your sense of fun and adventure, that is what you brought with you when you came to this world. Why does everybody try to stifle, to hide that sense of fun and adventure. You do not all need to be the same; you must strive to be different. Do not follow the majority, stand out on the edge, do not be afraid to walk your own pathway, remember what it is like to be a child, to have that sense of fun and adventure…’

After a short pause the voice changed again.

‘Time for, well, well, well once again we have reached the time that we must take our leave of you once again. We will draw back, we will allow you to once again re-join your physical world. Hopefully we have planted into your mind some new ideas, some new thoughts for you to use, for you to introduce into your own way of life. Take from us a piece of our love, take it into your heart, walk tall knowing that you are full of the love of God, the light of life, knowing that you can share this love and light. Thank you my dear friend, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight, God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on and I felt back with it after two minutes.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…