May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

198th Sitting 27/10/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

About five minutes later the first communication started to come through and Liz turned down the music…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you friend’

‘Working all together, we all come through and we all combine our own energies and produce the sound, the physical voice once again, try to explain to you what you wish to understand, that what puzzles your mind for your mind is not used to working without the physical restrictions of your world although your mind is always in touch with that what is not for you physical, you are continually receiving information, you are permanently in contact with the non-physical, that place that you find so difficult to understand. Each thought you make passes through the non-physical. Your physical world is merely a reaction to the non-physical thoughts yet for you immersed in this physical world it would seem to be primary, the primary reality, a fixed reality. Picture yourself outside of yourself; picture yourself where your thoughts are working, where your thoughts are pulsating through the atmosphere. Where do you suppose your thoughts are in relation to your physical world? Do you see your thoughts as part of the makeup of your physical world?’

Liz… ‘They seem to be in a stratum that is not physical; a sort of transparent dimensionless space that isn’t space, a definite non-physical’

‘Do you feel that the thoughts require dimensions?’

Liz… ‘No but they seem capable of creating pictures’

‘They create physical reactions that for you seem so very real. The physical reactions are the ripples in the pond; the thoughts are that what create the ripples. Take thoughts out of the equation and there would be no ripples, there would be no physical world. The physical world is held up by thought; the physical world does not exist without thought’

Liz… ‘That’s interesting… it’s true that when we sit in this room in the dark and are focused on spirit and on communication it seems very strange when finally the light goes on to find ourselves in a physical reality, in a room, where before it’s dimensionless’

‘The darkness has taken away one of the dimensions of your physical world, you no longer have the sense of sight, physical sight, yet you still have pictures in your mind, you still observe phenomena within the room yet this cannot be physical phenomena for the room does not contain light, physical light, yet what is spiritual light? Is spiritual light a physical dimension or a thought dimension? Your perception in the dark does not rely on the physical senses, the physical senses of seeing. There is a wider world for you to explore, the physical world is but one segment of that wider world’

Liz heard a sound like the wind chimes we have hanging up in the room moving.

Liz… ‘I thought I heard a very feint ring, it could have been on the CD, like a tinkle, I wondered if it was our wind chimes?’

‘Yes, the wind chimes in your room, it is possible that they will indeed create sound, we will make sure when the time is right that it will be a very recognisable sound for you… Please replay your music for a short while and we will return thank you’

Liz turned up the music.
She started to notice a few shapes in the room and a kind of mottled effect.

About ten minutes later another communication started and Liz turned down the music again…

‘Save it all, save it all to your memory, save it all to your mind, save each experience to your memory and keep it under lock and key for it is yours, it is for you to use, to remember, to bring back and re-enact at a later date for you have built up for yourself a part in a play, a part that can be re-enacted at any time by any person but it is only for you to replay for you have built up for yourself the experience, experience in dealing with the situations that you come across each day of your life. Do not waste a single opportunity for each situation that is presented to you will bring for you fresh experience that you can store in your memory and retrieve when the time is right. Do not let it become spoiled for it is pure, it is precision, precision implied, it is built up inside of you and it will enable you to rekindle yourself once again with that magical kingdom that you have discovered in your journey through your life, through your many lives. Take each day as a new experiment, see each day unfold and observe with precision the way each person reacts to your own life, to the way you live your own life for you have created for yourself a living environment that you feel comfortable and at ease with each day of your life. Hold on to the memories, relive those memories for the time will come when the memories will fit into place and you will see how you have been working all along to relive that magical experience that was created by yourself and kept at the back of your mind to once again resurface when the conditions and the time is right… Thank you my dear friend you can replay your music once again and we will be back’

Liz… ‘Thank you’

Liz turned up the music.

I’d had a sense of Liz’s dad with me during the last communication.

After about five minutes another communication started and Liz turned the music down again…

‘The fine line of communication, that very fine line, that line which we stretch out to you is already vibrating, it is connecting you with that what you imagine’

Liz… ‘I hope so’

‘That what you build up in your thoughts, a very fine line of communication which can and does exist in the lives of all for you are all connected to that fine line and you are all receiving words of encouragement and guidance throughout your physical life. You are the master of your own decisions yet that fine line is what helps you make your choice, it will not make your choice for you but it will help you to see the possibilities that you can choose from as you approach each situation in your life. We want you to work with love in the way that you choose to live but we cannot force this upon you, it is for you to use that what has built up within you to make the final choices, we can only encourage, we can only give you glimpses, glimpses of what is possible, what is possible with love for love creates more possibilities, more avenues of thought will be opened up to you when you work with love, love and light. Illuminate those dark places, light up further possibilities, light up further pathways, pathways that will lead you to greater things, greater understandings, higher thoughts. Be the master of your own thoughts but keep an eye and an ear open to that what passes down that fine line for it will benefit you, it will open you up, it will allow you to see more and it will come with love…’

There was a pause.

‘Each day you wake up from your sleep, you wake up from your sleep yet you can wake up again, waking from your sleep is but one waking moment, throughout your daily life you can wake up again, wake up to the world of thought, wake up from the world of physical matter into the world of thought. Yes, now, to the world of thought you are viewed as sleeping in your physical world, the thoughts are truly awake, wake yourself up and those thoughts will seem so much more real, so much more a part of your reality. See yourself as the thoughts in your mind, take yourself from the physical body and place your awareness in the thoughts of your mind. There you will be truly awake, truly in control and viewing your world from a larger perspective’

The communication ended and Liz turned up the music.

15 minutes later another communication started and Liz turned the music down again…

Liz… ‘Welcome friend, welcome back’

‘Give each thought a picture and create for yourself a moving picture as each thought creates a picture on top of the picture you have and you will create a wonderful life, a new life, a life made up of pictures of your own creation. Yes, now, stand back and observe the pictures in motion, the pictures that are becoming alive, alive for you and part of your life. You only have to imagine, you only have to set in motion the colours and the shapes to clothe your thoughts and the thoughts that come to you to make this wonderful life, this wonderful experience, this wonderful moving picture that for you will be a part of your life. Take from the pictures all that is good, all that is light, all that illuminates your heart, all that increases that light within yourself for you are forming a beautiful picture’

Liz… ‘Can I ask a question?

‘Yes you may’

Liz… ‘I would like to know to what extent the pictures that we form or that come through various mediums about what life is like after death, I would like to know how they vary, how much veracity there is in these pictures. They vary enormously from medium to medium but there’s some consistency there but I would like to know whether they actually are just an interpretation and illusion and that the actual reality that every soul experiences after death is very different’

‘The pictures are true yet each individual paints for themselves a copy of that true picture and in copying a true picture the inner thoughts of that individual will colour that picture in a way that is understandable to them’

Liz… ‘I have a sense of a person that I knew who has died quite a few years ago but I sense their presence suddenly in the room very strongly and I would like to know whether I am colouring that picture of the person because they seem to come back looking as I remember them when they were younger and all the connection with that person feels very alive and real. I would like to know if that person is actually there or whether I’m creating that picture in my mind’

‘All communication is a two way operation, communication comes to you in a way, in a form, created by the entity that is sending you the information but it is for you to interpret that form that comes to you, that picture, that impression that is made on your own mind. It is not possible to have a full picture of a situation that is occurring in a reality removed from your physical reality yet you can by your own interpretations get a feeling, a feeling of something that is beyond your current state of mind. It is for you to decide whether this person is who they appear to be in your own mind but rest assured this person is very much alive. This person is unable to give you a truly accurate description of how they now exist for your understanding does not include the necessary experiences to colour that picture with true colours. You are receiving a feeling, you see that person as occupying space within this room yet that person has moved on from physical existence, from dimensions, from space, yet at the same time that person is very much alive and is connected to the personality that you knew. Allow yourself to know that that person is very much alive and is connected to you, that is sufficient for your own mind at this time. Do not try to complicate by using your own interpretations and painting a picture for yourself of a life of somebody who has moved beyond your own thought patterns… Is this understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes… I wish it were possible for this person to give some evidential information’

‘Quieten your mind and you will receive. Take away all thoughts of physical existence, allow yourself to be free from the restrictions of the physical world. You will get your evidence but it must come to you in a pure non-physical way. Take time to remember your dreams and you will understand more about this situation for your dreams are as real as your physical life and they are one step further away from the physical reality, they provide an opportunity for communication to take place without that physical interpretation colouring that what is presented to you… Thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening. The energies are getting low; we wish now to give you a piece of our love, take it out into your world and spread it around. May God bless you all, thank you, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Thank you, goodnight and God bless you all’

‘If your music has ended we will sit in silence for a while thank you’

The music had ended so we sat quietly until I felt fully back with it after about two minutes.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

197th Sitting 20/10/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on…

After about 12 minutes Liz felt there were a lot of people in the room.
She felt a touch on her leg.

Two minutes later I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music…

Liz… ‘Welcome friend’

‘Good evening, good evening’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘Yes time to come through once again and speak to your world of physical matter, we all come together, fill your room with our presence and react to your energies in such a way that we can once again speak to the physical world with a physical voice through the medium who sits. We wish to bring forward all that we can at this time to help you, to help you build your own thoughts and ideas, help you to understand what you already know for your mind is full of information, it just needs to be rearranged, transformed into understandable information that you can relate to. For each person, each individual person as you understand in your physical world has within them all the information that they need, all that they have learnt, all that they have experienced in the lives that they have had. Just a small part of this fills your mind yet with practice you can loosen your mind and allow that what is yours to enter. You have lived many lives and experienced much, each step you make creates new memories, new pages in your own book. Spread out your wings and watch how your world reacts to the way you observe yourself. See yourself as a bird and your world will change, see yourself soaring through the skies looking down, it will appear as a new picture for you yet in the back of your mind you will recognise it as a picture you have painted before. Switch your perspective on life, see things from a new angle, explore your world from a new vantage point and you will see so much more. You will trigger within yourself long forgotten memories which will help you to understand your world from all angles, all points of view. Take yourself back in time, re-live old memories and compare the old memories with that what you see now. This will add a new dimension to your thoughts; it will wake up forgotten memories and build a true picture of your world in all its beauty. Bring new life to your world as you explore, as you begin to interpret a new pattern emerging, a pattern that was always there yet lay unseen to your physical eyes until now. Stretch your imagination; allow it to go beyond that what you recognise, for imagination is the beginning of understanding, imagination clears the way, opens up new possibilities that will trigger off those memories once again. Never be afraid to explore with your imagination, explore with love in your heart and you will see a beautiful paradise. Re-live past memories and rejoice in the beautiful picture they create for you. Your world may appear fixed to you now but once you begin to expand your mind you will see how fluid each shape, each colour, each impression will appear to your physical senses. Train your mind to be a real mind, to be a complete mind. Interpret your world with a real mind and you will perceive a real world not just one piece. Your world is divided into segments; each segment plays its part. Replace the segments together and form a whole… Please replay your music for a while and we will continue, thank you’

Liz turned up the music.
She was seeing a strong light on the ceiling and for a moment she thought she could see the chairs in the room lit up by it.

After about eight minutes Liz got an image of someone entering the room through a door. She felt that his name was George.

I then started to be controlled again and Liz turned down the music…

Liz… ‘Welcome friend’

‘Time to come and speak again to you all… There’s a lot to do, a lot to learn, a lot to think about. Each time, each week we all gather and we all speak in our own way finding our way into your world so that we can help you all. We can give you ideas that will help you to better appreciate your world and better live in your world for you are all playing your part, you are all creating your world, you are all adding to the mix. Each time you wake up in the morning and you start a new day you start to rearrange the pictures that you have already created for yourself and these pictures form new pictures, form better pictures for you are trying to recreate that wonderful image that you have imagined whilst you slept. You will not remember that image yet you have set yourself a task to recreate it in your world. Part of you has the knowledge, part of you remembers yet your physical world holds you to your physical sight, keeps you in touch, afraid to let go, afraid to explore beyond your physical world. Your physical world is a great comfort to you and it is hard to let go. You do not have to let go you merely have to let your mind fill with your available thoughts, those thoughts that are yours and will re-emerge in your mind when you allow them to do so. Live each day in a positive way, helping others, thinking of others, seeing the love that exists in your world. This will be enough to allow that wonderful picture to fill your mind for you have taken all that is negative out of that picture, filled it only with love. Your physical world is a world of love, love and light, yet you all play your parts in darkening that light, in loosing that love. Watch your step, be careful of your thoughts, do not allow the darkness to colour your picture, spread light throughout your world. Begin by imagining a world full of light, see how that light reflects back to you empowering yourself to do good, to see good and to think good. Footsteps in the sand let them be forever fruitful in their journey. Take each step with care and precision. Do not forget to live your life with love and watch the effect you have on the world and those who you meet. Take your time to observe, see yourself as a shining light reflecting on others, a guiding star in a sea of confusion willing to help, willing to explain, willing to share knowledge… Thank you’

Liz put the music back up then down again 10 minutes later when I was controlled again…

Liz… ‘Welcome friend… hello there’

‘Time to bring the session to a close, we have reached the end of our session this evening, we have enjoyed our time with you, we have endeavoured to bring forward information to help you once again. We hope that you can understand that what we bring forward, we ask you if you find what we say uncomfortable to your understanding to bring forward some questions for us the next time that we meet and we will once again endeavour to try to explain to you. It is for us an uphill struggle to bring forward information that fits into your way of thinking but as we each week increase the intensity of the information that we bring through we can see a pattern emerging and this is pleasing to us for we can see how the words fit into the lives of many for your world is full of so many different minds interacting with one another, the one picture that all these minds create is a confusing picture. We try to use our words carefully so as not to add to the confusion, we try to eliminate the confusion and bring for you all a clear picture that you can take away and put your own understanding to. So once again we give to you a piece of our love to take out into your world, spread it around, use it to lighten your own life and lighten the lives of those who you meet. Thank you my dear friend, thank you for listening to us and now may your God keep you and bless you and guide you through your week, thank you, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all, thank you’

Liz turned the music up and I felt back and with it after about one minute.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

196th Sitting 13/10/2016

It was good to be back after our six week break.
We have taken the cabinet out of the room giving us a bit more space and we now sit at opposite ends of the room facing each other. We decided to turn out the red light and sit in darkness this week…

At 8.30pm Liz did the opening prayer, turned on the music and put the light out.

I had felt myself starting to be controlled almost as soon as I sat down and Liz soon turned the music down when she heard the communication beginning…

Liz… ‘Welcome, welcome friend’

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you’

‘Welcome, once again we have come through to speak to your world of physical matter, now we begin the work of explanation, explanations that will help you to better understand the workings of that what surrounds you, of that what is within you, of that which remains a part of you all for you all exist in the one mind, you all share the one mind but you have partitioned yourself in such a way that you believe yourself to be a separate entity working with others, working as a group whereas you all exist as one evolving mind, one evolving consciousness which has allowed itself to be like droplets of rain scattered in a reality built by your own mind. You see yourself as individual and we understand how you come to this way of thinking for we too have the experience, we too have trod the pathway of physical incarnation. You all have the choice to explore, to expand your mind as you yourself have done yet you constantly come up to brick walls for it is not within your perceived mind that ability to understand how you can exist as one combined mind. You have built up for yourself a resistance to your own understanding and it is for you and you alone to break down that wall that you have built for yourself brick by brick until the light of truth will shine through. We cannot give the precise answers but we can help to guide you into understanding for yourself. We can help you to disassemble that wall and see what truly lies beyond. There are many pathways, each has their own and each will struggle to remain on their chosen pathway. You must exercise your mind, allow yourself to wander, wander off that pathway, see yourself from a different perspective but always know that you can return, return to your chosen pathway and continue your journey. There is so much to learn as you travel your pathway’

Liz… ‘Can I ask a question?’

‘Yes you may’

Liz… ‘At what level of our mind does the creation of the physical reality take place because it seems, you said earlier that our mind has created this reality, it is such a complex, wonderful and beautiful reality that the level of mind that has conceived and created in all its diversity must be at a level that’s beyond our current comprehension. I just wonder what evolutionary level of consciousness that creative ability is able to execute?’

‘You are creating your reality now each day of your life you continually create that what you perceive’

Liz… ‘The ‘I’ that I am aware of in this persona or personality through which I’m living my life here couldn’t possibly create the complexity and the intricate interconnectedness of all the life forms, the flora and fauna of this world so it must be a much larger part of me, a larger ‘I’ of which I am unaware for the reasons that you’ve said, the walls that I’ve built, that is doing that creation but I feel that there must be a hierarchy of levels of consciousness to which I am slowly going to open myself but my question was at what level, how many evolutionary cycles beyond where I am is that creative ability manifesting?’

‘You are indeed made up of many levels but you at this point in time have access to all of these levels. You believe yourself to be…’

Liz… ‘Limited’

‘Yes… to what you describe as the lower levels yet you wish to ascend to the higher levels. This is quite possible, quite within your grasp. There is nothing that stops you from attaining this only your own thoughts, your own beliefs that hold you back, that hold you, restrict you, keep you at what you perceive to be the lower levels of your consciousness. As you open yourself up when you engage in your meditations or when your thoughts are lifted as you walk through a beautiful place, your thoughts are heightened, you forget the mundane thoughts that hold you back, you will reach higher, your mind will widen and you will get a glimpse of how you are indeed creating your own reality as you take each step’

Liz… ‘But from our point of view stuck in the world it’s as if that reality is already there, already been created to a large extent. It’s just our way through it of interacting with it, is mediating it, is changing it in some way or influencing it but the amazing nature of our reality in all its complexity is a given, we’re sort of born into it’

‘Try not to think of yourself stuck in your world but try to think of yourself as beyond your world observing your world, observing through the eyes of your physical body as it lives its live. You are beyond that physical body for you are painting the picture that that physical body lives within’

Liz… ‘Right, so you’re saying that my own higher creator self, my own God self can see through my eyes, my limited physical eyes the creation that the God part of me has made and I am living in that, the little me, this little persona but at present I see that this God part of me, this creator part is separate in some way, that’s the human condition, of feeling that’

‘That is the natural condition of those who walk the physical world’

Liz… ‘But you’re saying that if I expand my consciousness in this small state of me I can share somehow in that larger perspective of the creator me’

‘Yes and you will see yourself merely as playing a part’

Liz… ‘Right, so I can rejoice in my own creation through the eyes of my puppet’

‘Through the physical eyes yes… is that understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes, looked at like that I can, yes, a juxtaposition of viewpoint’

‘The more you practice this the more you will see, the more you will understand your physical world, how it is created, how it operates, how it is such a useful tool to learn and grow and develop. You all have the choice in how you create your world. You can create it in a positive, loving way or a negative way. We urge you all to bring love into your world, to bring positivity into your world and bring beauty back into your world. You can create for yourself a beautiful world, a world devoid of all negativity’

Liz… ‘So I guess when you have someone like a David Attenborough who is rejoicing and bringing that rejoicing to many in the wonders and delights of the natural world and creation it’s almost as if he has aligned himself with the creator, delighting in the beauty and the wonder of the world but then you juxtapose that with somebody who is maybe a terrorist who is not in touch with that creative being part of himself but is acting out in the world his hatred and rejection of the wonder of the life forms of the Earth’

‘Both these people live in the same world yet they see through different eyes. One sees the love and the beauty of your world where the other sees the darkness and negativity and in seeing the darkness and negativity they create more of the same. The balance of the two work together. Increase the loving side and your world will truly become a beautiful place, a loving place, a place where people help each other, a place of harmony. Your world was created as a school, a place to learn, learn your lessons well and it will develop, it will prosper. The consciousness that resides within it will grow and expand and then the negativity will find nowhere to flourish for the light will shine bright’

Liz… ‘If we created our own world, if we are the creators of our world why did we need to learn lessons, or perhaps lessons is a name for something else, just experience…’

‘The lessons to be learnt... When the world was created it was seen that fear existed in consciousness. A way was created to recognise that fear within, allow that fear to manifest and allow consciousness as an individual entity to recognise its own fear and work at reducing that fear’

Liz… ‘What was the nature of that fear, how did that fear come about, what was that fear’

‘The fear became apparent when consciousness allowed itself to develop into segments, into pieces, slices’

Liz… ‘Separation anxiety’

‘Comparisons could then be made for a separate entity does not recognise itself as one whole. The knowledge of wholeness was lost and fear became apparent for the entities felt lost, they felt separated, they longed to re-join the whole yet their minds could not comprehend the whole, they felt inadequate and they felt vulnerable’

Liz… ‘So the lessons were necessary to teach the way back’

‘It is a slow process but a necessary process for the evolution of consciousness is ongoing and will always continue. The reduction of fear is but one way to allow consciousness to evolve, evolve towards love, love and understanding. You have all travelled a long way but there is no end, your work is never completed’

Liz… ‘It has the feeling of a great experiment’

‘Indeed, you are all part, we are all part of this great experiment. Time moves on, time continues to move forward, consciousness continues to evolve, there is no limit, there are no restrictions, we all build our own restrictions. Try to rise above those restrictions you build for yourself, keep your mind awake and alive in the real world… Thank you please replay your music for a while’

Liz turned the music up.

After about two minutes Liz was aware of sharp shafts of light coming diagonally down through her field of vision followed by star bursts and then a dim gauze sheet type effect in the room.

Ten minutes later another communication started with a different voice at first then it slowly changed back to the first voice.
Liz turned the music down again…

‘Hello, hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello friend, hello’

‘How do you do’

Liz… ‘Very well thank you’

‘Well, well, let’s see what we can say, what can we think of saying this time for it is always great pleasure to come through in this way and engage with conversation once again for we have been able to do this in the past and it has worked well so we will continue in this way and we will try to get through our words, our thoughts, our understandings that will help you with your own understandings for we all wish to share, we wish to share for the benefit of all for this is how we work, for we work with love, we work in harmony and in harmony sharing is the key. Now I wonder do you have a question, is there anything you wish to ask or would you rather I just spoke?’

Liz… ‘I’d rather you just spoke at the moment’

‘Okay we will try, I will see what I can think, if you have any questions while I speak then please join in. Now as you have been told you are a part of the one consciousness, you are not a separate entity for you form a part, one part of the whole and as that whole expands it allows you greater access to the minds of all. You yourself are growing and you are adding to the whole. The whole is benefitting from what you do, from what you learn, from the mistakes you make and the learning that results. Now as you evolve you will yourself begin to understand more, you will see how you fit into the workings of reality, the greater reality that you are a part of, that you have taken yourself away from for this brief period of physical experience yet as you understand you are still connected and are still very much a part of the greater reality’

Liz… ‘That’s how I understand it, there’s nowhere to go to be apart from anything, it’s all one’

‘Space, distance, these are illusion, you do not go anywhere, you only seem to travel, you only seem to be part of a physical world’

Liz… ‘It seems as if consciousness, my consciousness has no edges and yet consciousness has created a reality with edges’

‘You choose to perceive with the physical eyes yet you have many eyes. You can see into all things, you can see into all of reality. You need that physical world for your own education yet you can still live in more than one world at one time. Allow your focus to slip, allow it to move from the physical experiences into experiences of feeling, experiences of knowing. Replace your physical world with a world of feeling and a world of knowing. Recognise yourself as a step away from your physical life, allow yourself to exist merely as the observer, the observer of yourself. Try to imagine the connection between the observer and that what is being observed. That connection contains the knowledge that you are a part of more. That connection takes you back to your true self and beyond for that connection is the real you. You are not the character at the end of that connection for you are the connection, that what brings everything together for all of reality is in that one connection and all knowledge is also within it. That connection is the light within you, the light that shines when your mind is experiencing the love that exists within your physical world. Use those moments to remind yourself that you are that connection. The connection is always there’

Liz… ‘Yes… words of a hymn come to mind… In thy light we see light and then I will see as I am seen for now we see through a glass darkly’

‘Many have understood this connection and have tried in words to describe it. The connection goes beyond words. Always look for the good in all situations, keep your thoughts positive and harmonious, allow that connection to shine bright. Take a moment each day to appreciate the connection and you will see yourself, you will feel yourself beginning to expand in the way you think, in the way you feel. Allow your mind to naturally connect to all’

The communication stopped and Liz put the music back on then turned it down again after five minutes as another communication started…

‘Time to come to an end, time to come to the end of our session. Thank you once again for sitting like this. We hope you all have enjoyed your break for you come back refreshed, you come back with new energy and you give us the opportunity to use your energies and bring our words into your room. We leave it to you to choose to sit in blackout conditions or with the red light on; it makes no difference to the way we work. We wish only for you to sit in the most comfortable conditions to allow your minds to relax and become receptive to the impacts that we can give, that we can send through. We have enjoyed once again our session this evening, we found the energies most conducive to our work and we will continue to work in this way. We look forward to once again coming through at the next session but for now we leave you with a piece of our love to take out into your world, illuminate those who you meet, spread that love and see that love in all that you encounter. Thank you my dear friend, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and thank you and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on and I felt back with it after about one minute.

Then Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…