May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

147th Sitting 25/06/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

After about ten minutes Liz reported sensing a presence on her right.
It was darker to her right.

Liz had a pulling sensation from the left side of her head towards the cabinet.
Then she felt something touching and pulling the top of her head.

Liz saw a brief spot of light just below her left eye.
She felt a pulling again from the left side of her head which went on for about five minutes.

I lost consciousness just after the opening prayer and came back about 40 minutes later.
Then I drifted off again into a kind of half sleep and had a dream experience. It was a vivid dream, almost lucid and was of Liz and me discussing the upcoming communication as if it had been prearranged. We weren’t using words but were somehow just exchanging information. The feeling I got was that I doubted the content of the communication as being possible or a good idea but Liz was assuring me that it would be okay.

About one hour after the start noises began from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed and encouraged the communication as it settled in.

‘Yes, good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Good evening to you, yes… Settling in, very good to be here again, yes it is a good time for us all to be together again… The centre of all understanding is…’

Liz… ‘The centre of all understanding…’

‘Yes, a verse can be compared to… a verse… Let’s start all over again… Let us become the voice of understanding and reach out to all who have the ear to listen to our words, have the mind to accept the understanding that is brought forward for them for they all have the choice to listen and learn or to continue with their own pathways until the time comes when that spark of interest brings them to a place where they can sit and investigate and uncover some of the deeper understandings for all on your side have a small portion of understanding which can be built upon or can be left alone in the recesses of the mind as all become immersed in their physical experiences, questions will arise, questions will knock at the door of understanding until the door is ajar and the understandings within will seep out into the awareness triggering off a need to investigate further, a need to look into your world to the possibilities of finding a route to further understanding, finding a way forward that will satisfy that need in a way suitable to the makeup of all individual human beings on your side for each has their own way of understanding, each has their own interests and the interest will find its way to a situation that will allow a greater understanding to be presented to them. Until that time each person will be satisfied with learning in a physical way, mingling with their physical friends, observing the nature of your world’

Liz… ‘What is so special about our physical world friend, our physical vibration?’

‘The physical vibration can be seen as an experiment, an experiment on the arrangement of all possibilities, the arrangement of the possibilities which will impact on the individuals as they stumble through their physical experience. There is much to learn when faced with a physical experience, a combination of experiences which are held in a single focus for when immersed in a physical world there is not so far to wander…’

Liz… ‘The constraints are greater…’

‘The constraints have been built up by each individual living in a physical vibration for the opportunities are focused in this physical world. There are few possibilities that will bring you out of the physical but for the many their satisfaction is to remain embedded within the four walls of a physical existence where they will find ample opportunity to learn and to teach others as they stumble their way half blind but still satisfied with their lives for for them this is all they know, they do not wish to wander far, they have all they need and they will continue their life until their physical existence has become exhausted’

Liz… ‘So this narrow focus… what special lesson can be learnt from having such a fine resolution or focused awareness?’

‘When you set yourself a task, when you put a time limit on that task, you think to yourself that you need to achieve this one task. You will spend your time focused on that one task until a result has been achieved. You will ignore the outside world for that short time and your achievement will be greater for it will be focused. You will not allow your mind to wander or for other influences to impinge on your thoughts for you know it will upset and dilute your attention on that one task. Now open this out to your physical world for you understand that the physical world is but one part of a huge reality and the physical world can operate on its own satisfactorily as one singular reality. All who exist in that reality are working towards an understanding, they are working towards the understanding of love, they are allowed to exist in an atmosphere which combines loving thoughts with thoughts of negativity and they are allowed to choose which way they develop their own minds whilst in this physical world. There is a motivating force which is trying to push them into a loving vibration but at the same time their own free will will fight against this until they can accept, until they can realise the benefits of opening towards the love of your world. There are many temptations which will lead them astray but this will last for a short time for the negativities are a temporary distraction to the truth of love’

Liz… ‘If love is the reality in which we live, why is there a need to learn about it in the physical? What special lessons can be learnt about love if love is the matrix in which we have our being ultimately? If love is the whole of what is, what is special about learning about love in the physical, in this higher resolution vibration, this focused vibration of the physical?’

‘Each consciousness, each part of consciousness which takes up the physical form has been temporarily cut from its source. In that state of mind it has temporarily lost the ability to understand the benefit of love. The advantage to this can be understood if you can realise that it is the working towards love which is beneficial, it is the process of growing... When a tree on your physical world is imagined, imagine the trunk of the tree as being all love, then that trunk will sprout branches, on the end of the branch will be new buds, newly created buds. These buds are a necessary part of the trunk of the tree yet these buds have not yet understood the importance of love. They are connected to love yet they do not realise until the sap of the tree has been allowed to enter into that bud, then the bud will begin to learn, it will want to move towards that loving vibration and it is the wanting to move towards that love vibration which is of benefit to the whole tree. The process of learning in all life is what is beneficial to the love that is life. If love was all that was required then that love would just stand still, would have no need to evolve, but then the love would break, would fracture, would not survive for it would have no purpose, it would not need to look forward in time. Time would cease to exist, it would cease to be alive’

Liz… ‘So what has love to do with time?’

‘Time is a necessary tool, a necessary tool to allow creation to take place. Without the passage of time there could be no evolution, there could not be life for what is life without time? Time can be modified; time can be split into many parts. Time as you understand time is a continuous repeatable, ongoing experience, ticking over with a constant beat yet you can experience time, you can experience time passing quickly and time seeming to slow down but when you look at it from a physical nuts and bolts reality time continues at the same rate, each second, each minute, each hour, each day of the year. As the years go by you are fixed into this rate of time. Time is necessary in all things but time can be changed and it can be split up beyond your own physical understanding… Is this understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes, I’m still trying to make out why you refer to time as being necessary for love?’

‘Necessary for the evolution of love, necessary for the working towards love…’

Liz… ‘The unfolding..?’

‘Yes the unfolding… As you work yourself towards love it will unfold to you’

Liz… ‘Right so in a sense you’re saying that love is the beginning and end state of all. That love is what all this fractal nature of being becoming more and more convoluted, split off the different time frames, it’s all geared somehow, its meaning is love is moving towards the unfolding of love which is the ground of being but it’s also the unfolding of being. This is quite a difficult thing to convey and to understand, to understand what love is’

‘Think of love as a feeling then try to put time to a feeling, a difficult concept to understand. A feeling can spread out and be shared by others, a feeling can be felt by many. When you experience feeling amongst a crowd of people they will pick up that feeling, they will feel the spread of that feeling amongst them all. Time is elapsing during this experience and time gives them the ability to have memory, memory of an experience. They can look back and remember the time when they experienced a feeling of love. Beyond the physical vibration this also applies but without the restrictions of a physical vibration. Love can flow more freely for there is greater understanding at work when there are no boundaries surrounding the consciousness that is experiencing the feeling, experiencing that feeling which envelops them in love. Without love the understanding cannot be grasped in the same way. Lift yourself above the physical world and touch that wonderful understanding, that wonderful experience which you now understand as love. See how it makes you want to share, see how it makes you want to let go of that feeling of self, of that feeling of wanting to improve yourself for you will be bombarded by the wanting to share for you know that by sharing you are increasing the understanding of love a thousand fold, a million fold, you have taken the limits away. You are able to understand the greatness of it all. There is nothing to stop the spread of love’

Liz… ‘Why should love need to understand itself? Why should the all need to understand itself, why go through this process?’

‘Until you are free from the restraints of a physical world you can only get a feeling to answer that question. There is currently not sufficient expansion of the mind to understand fully your question but you can get a glimpse. You can rise yourself up and join us. Do not reach too far for you will only be disappointed, you will bring yourself back down with disappointment’

Liz… ‘Yes our awareness in the physical being strictly conceptual puts limits on our imagination’

‘Be satisfied with what you know but still reach out for that next step, one step at a time. It is good to think of these things and to imagine these things and to build up a feeling but understand that you will not comprehend all that is to be comprehended in one go’

Liz… ‘And the word love is very misunderstood or abused in our world, in our reality. It has various limited connotations which are very partial, which are very conditional, maybe just a vague shadow or reflection of what is really… when you are talking about love you are talking about something that is far beyond what is often referred to as love for most people in the world’

‘Try not to understand love but try to feel love. That is the limit to your ability while you walk the Earth but in feeling love it will and it does open your eyes to a greater understanding. Be satisfied that for now the understanding of love is just out of your grasp but there is much to learn on the way, on the way to that wonderful understanding’

Liz… ‘My feeling at present is that love is a state of being and that when we’re attuned to that state of being we access love and we can live effectively and we can express love. It’s not something we do it’s a vibrational state that we attune to. It’s there, it’s not something we create or we do it’s there and when we’re in harmony with it, when we attune with it that’s where all the positivity, whether things flow naturally’

‘Think of that feeling when you are attuned’

Liz… ‘Yes I guess that’s the feeling of love that you’re referring to’

‘Think of the way that things open up in front of you when you possess that feeling for that brief time everything seems to be going your way. Try to hold onto that feeling and you will become more accustomed to the feeling of love, true love, for as you say it is indeed a word, a physical word which for many presents a different picture. Many talk of unconditional love, of divine love or just love. Words which paint pictures for each individual as their interpretation works on the word based on their previous experiences and beliefs which they hold. This answers another question as to the benefit of the physical vibration for each individual is so different and yet connected to the same source but those differences create the learning tools of your world for you are constantly in harmony or in disharmony with one another, rubbing each other up the wrong way but this leads to understandings, it leads to choices, it leads to the availability of the opportunities which are always presented at that right time. Enjoy your physical existence, enjoy each other, enjoy the mistakes you make and the successes you achieve but most of all enjoy the effort you put into understanding one another and understanding the nature in your world, understanding the beauty in nature and the beauty in each other. Look for the good in all and you will create for yourself a beautiful picture which is your physical world… Thank you…’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘We have reached the time, our energies of communication are dwindling, we hope we have given to you further to think about in the coming week and to assist you think we give to you a piece of our love. Insert that love into the wheels that grind away in that physical brain that allows you to ponder onto the understandings that are part of your structure, that physical structure that you all adhere to as you rebound off each other. Thank you and goodnight to you. May God bless you all and guide you all through your wonderful physical experience. We look forward to joining with you once again at the next session, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on.

I took a bit longer to come fully back this week.

The session had lasted just under two hours.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Liz had felt a lot of tweaking to the left side of her head during the session. She felt it inside her head as well as on her skull. It was almost as if her left brain facility was being activated…

146th Sitting 18/06/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm turned out the light and put the music on.

After about twenty minutes Liz reported some pinpoints of light in the room.
She had a sensation of shapes and light moving around and flashing.

Then she saw some light shooting up on her right side towards the ceiling.

Liz visualised a blue sky to raise her vibrations and then felt a large presence come into the room and join her for about five minutes.

I had drifted off just after the opening prayer and came back about forty minutes later.

Noises started in the cabinet about one hour after the start and Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed the communication as it settled in and became more coherent…

‘Yes, good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you’

‘Stand… All the way… Come full circle and enter the world that awaits you all. Now come down into this world, this physical world that awaits the arrival of all good people that are engaged in the quest for further information that can be provided by a continued development, a continued commitment, a continued reaching out to all that is good, all that is done in love, in harmony, in honesty, in a correct manner. Yes it matters to us the conditions that are applied from your side each week for we enter into an atmosphere that initially is alien to us. We step into your world and we recognise the commitment you put into your work and we feel comfortable to extend our thoughts, feelings and inspiration into this world for we know it will be received in a loving way, in an understanding way’

Liz… ‘That’s good’

‘We are not here to entertain; we are here to bring for you an understanding which you can then use in a sensible way to spread the word to your fellows, your fellow citizens of planet Earth’

Liz… ‘That’s good, that’s what we want’

‘There is so much that we can bring forward but we are also working in a way, a formula, to bring you information in the correct order so as not to bombard you with a mass of information which far outweighs the benefit of communication. There is a correct order in the way we transmit our work to you. It is a slow process but it is a correct process for it will build up in your mind a solid understanding’

Liz… ‘Okay’

‘You will, as you receive information, you will use that information in your daily life and you will see how that information fits in with the way you live your life, you will see patterns emerging as the information rebounds on the structure of your physical world. You will be reminded by what you see, by what you hear, by what you read as you go about your physical existence. This will form a confirmation for you that you have understood what we have given to you. We will also feel the effect it has on your mind and we can gauge from that feeling what we have achieved and how it has been understood by you, and it will trigger off more information that we can give to you so as not to confuse. As always these communications represent a slow ongoing process. The results of our information on your understanding trigger off the further information that is required to top up your understanding, up to a point where it can be consumed in your mind, in the spaces that are provided, filling those gaps, those gaps in your understanding but not crowding or overwhelming the portions of your mind that are receptive to new information. We are guided by your thoughts, we are guided by the recognitions that you have in your daily lives’

Liz… ‘Friend…’


Liz… ‘Can I ask… is it likely to interrupt or disrupt this process if we invite others who are interested at the moment in sitting with us for their own evidential reasons… will it disturb the process? What I ask is, is it best if we continue the development as it is at present with just the medium and myself as sitter or will it be alright when people ask if they can come along, to invite them to a session?’

‘If you are asked by a person who shows the interest, if they come to you and you can see in them a spark of interest from what you have told them or from what they have read from the reports then yes invite them along. It will not affect the process for if they have the correct energies and interests it will heighten the availability of information that we can bring forward for it will add a new dimension to the aesthetics of the atmosphere in your room. We will welcome their questions for as you understand questions empower our ability to bring forward information. At this time you have full control of the questions that you give to us but a time will come when we will require additional sitters in the circle to put forward their own points of view, their own understandings in their own way. This will add, this will bring a new dimension to the conversations to the communications and it will benefit all. So yes do not be afraid to bring others into this circle but use your own judgements as to understanding their motivations… Does this answer your question?’

Liz… ‘Yes it does. So as long as they’re motivation is genuine interest in finding out information about life after death about how it is then that’s going to be good’

‘Consider if their questions will keep the level of communication at the height we can obtain’

Liz… ‘A seriousness of enquiry’

‘Yes… Have you further questions?’

Liz… ‘There were questions we were pursuing last time in connection with what happens with animals that have had a close connection with a human being, what happens to their consciousness when they die’

‘The animal world in your physical world has a greater understanding of the process of death. Their awareness is spread further than the physical; they are not so fixed to the physical world as the human form at this time. When an animal is taken in by a human and a friendship is built up the love from the animal is felt by the human and the animal senses the love of that human. A bond is achieved and the human and animal can work as one. That bond will not sever when the death of the animal happens, the animal will remain in touch with that human that still remains in the physical world. Only when the human form reaches the point of death and comes to our side then the true understanding will take place and the animal and the humans will understand the larger understanding for both the animal and the human’

Liz… ‘Does the animal have an individual consciousness?’

‘The awareness of the animal spreads from the physical to the spiritual but there are times where the awareness is solely in the physical. At that time the animal builds up an individuality but it will slide back into a fuller awareness where animals gather together, where they form their own…’

Liz… ‘A group soul?’

‘…groups together then their awareness becomes combined. They can think as one but the domesticated animal has been taken from its, as you say, group soul, its pack awareness if you like, then it becomes more individual for it has become closer to the human understanding and the human understanding is closer to the physical for the humans have cut themselves off from the spiritual vibrations, they have cut their awareness from the spiritual vibrations while they exist in the physical vibration’

Liz… ‘So as the animal links with the human in a physical vibration it becomes easier for it to stay attuned to that vibration if it needs to. The link is made with that particular human’

‘If it becomes connected to the human understanding, the human awareness’

Liz… ‘So even when the human passes over into spirit the animal can still individuate from its group soul to manifest with the human, or to communicate with the human’

‘That connection will remain whoever, whether the animal or human passes to our side for the… you say passing to our side yet there is no movement involved, just a shift of awareness, but the…’

Liz… ‘As you say during its lifetime the animal, the cat has that shift, is able to make that shift all the time’

‘Yes the animals who are not domesticated, they have the abilities to shift their awareness. The domesticated animal still has that memory in the same way as the human form still has that memory but the life of the human is such that the memory becomes shielded from its awareness, so the memory becomes shielded from the awareness of the domesticated animal too but it is always still there. You all have the ability to regain the awareness back to the spiritual vibrations and beyond. Many who pass are often greeted by their animals, or it will appear to them that they are indeed reuniting with the animals they have loved throughout their lives until that point is reached where the greater understanding tells them or allows them to reach back to their true self, the true understanding of themselves’

Liz… ‘Thank you’

‘There is… there exists a bridge, a bridge is always constructed with the love between the animal and the human, a bridge so strong that it will penetrate all states of existence, all realities, nothing can stand in the way of a bridge built by love’

Liz… ‘And the same applies for that bridge being built between the people…’

‘Exactly… all on your side add their love to their bridges as they bring themselves together with love, they build the bridge, that bridge which will never crumble. The love within you all forms the building blocks of attraction’

Liz… ‘Can I ask, are there many different entities or groups who are interested in the evolution and development of humans on planet Earth?’

‘There are those who stand by and observe. There is a collection of entities, as you understand entities, who have taken it upon themselves to watch over the physical world, the physical vibration that you find yourself in and they see how it evolves yet they cannot interfere but there is a point where if it is seen that an opportunity for greater growth can be inserted into the physical atmosphere they will be allowed to present that opportunity into your world but it is up to the residents of the physical world to grasp that opportunity and bring it into fruition, act upon it in the way they feel correct for them’

Liz… ‘Has this group been working to bring forward those opportunities in recent years, in the last few decades?’

‘Since the dawn of time there have always been those who observe your world but times change, those who observe your world become tired and can become replaced. Everything is… all life has an order to… there is an order in place for all life and a time, there is a time when, a time comes when entities are replaced. There is a limit to the amount of good that an entity can achieve in your world, to your world and that entity will recognise when it has exhausted its ability to…’

Liz… ‘Influence…’

‘Influence… yes the words… influence is close yes, they have to… they will recognise when they have exhausted their ability to influence your world for the good and they will step back’

Liz… ‘Have there been mistakes or times when entities have got involved and perhaps over directed or tried to make changes where there has been a direct interference perhaps against the grain?’

‘This does happen yes, when this happens it is time for them to be replaced for, look for a moment at your own world, at the mistakes you all make, this is reflected, you are a reflection of a greater understanding surrounding you, that greater understanding is a reflection of a further greater understanding’

Liz… ‘So would it be true to say then that there have been times when the developing human has been tweaked or interfered with in ways that have resonated down through the centuries subsequently that we’re still weeping perhaps some of the not so desirable consequences of that… it hasn’t always had one hundred percent beneficial effects’

‘We do not say that the human form has been tweaked. You, only you can tweak yourself. We can give opportunities to you. The way you use those opportunities is the way the outcome is spread amongst your world. We cannot directly tweak the human consciousness but we can present the opportunity for you to tweak yourself’

Liz… ‘Has the actual physical vehicle been interfered with at all in its development? Has that been tweaked by entities of greater knowledge and technology in the past?’

‘Entities of greater knowledge will only work with love for the... they will work towards creating in your world further understanding towards love’

Liz… ‘Do you think some mistakes could have been made at times though these things may have been done in the spirit of love, that the results haven’t always come out as planned?’

‘Still mistakes have been made yes’

Liz… ‘That’s been my feeling’

‘Mistakes have to be made to create learning and further understanding for those who watch over, for they are also…’

Liz… ‘Learning’

‘…learning and increasing their understanding. The human form look upon mistakes as a bad thing whereas mistakes are good’

Liz… ‘Many of the old plays and dramas and narratives from the Greeks and early civilizations have mirrored happenings in what they call the gods or divine beings who are fallible and who make mistakes who interact with humans and interfere with them and in some ways sometimes it can be disastrous, sometimes it can be beneficial but sometimes it can have unforeseen and not so good consequences. The interplay between humans and these divine beings often seems to lead to changes and to unexpected results. Is that a mirror of reality of how it really is?’

‘Yes this is evolution; mistakes cause evolution once the mistakes are recognised. For since the dawn of time there have been those who are able to perceive the larger, the greater understanding that surrounds them. They have understood the realities beyond the physical and their knowledge has been shared throughout the physical and the memories of this knowledge still exists in the physical vibration now and it is still having effects on the way you all live your lives’

Liz… ‘One of the great myths in our civilization is that of Lucifer, of the Luciferian influence, the fallen angel as a being who has interfered with humanity with adverse results often, but would that myth represent an actual interference by a group of entities who did in some way interact with humans with slightly disastrous consequences that we still have echoes of, that we’re aware of and have to work to overcome. Would that be a correct way of understanding a very prevalent myth of the Devil or of Lucifer?’

‘It represents the comprehension, the… those who have opened themselves up, who have reached out beyond the physical, each have their own unique interpretation of what they perceive. Each has built up in their minds a story, a story to represent and to make what they perceive understandable to those who have not yet broken from the physical world, who do not share their understandings, so a physical story has to represent a nonphysical event. That physical story will be made up of physical beings, beings that can be understood, performing tasks and operations that can be understood to the physical mind yet in reality what has happened has been purely nonphysical, but nonphysical can be understood by the physical mind but only to those who have put the effort into opening their minds. The problems will arise when they need to share their understanding with others; they need to put physical words to clothe their understanding, to form a picture, to form a story, this story has been understood and misinterpreted as a true happening. You yourself have looked into our world and a picture has built up for you, for your own understanding but you need to recognise that all on your side would clothe that understanding with a different picture. There is not one picture which will satisfy the minds of all individuals in a physical world. Each individual has its own perception, has its own understanding in a unique way. As the years go by the way you all perceive is a reflection of the society you live in now. When you go back through the years you look at the stories that were told, they reflected the way the society was living at that time. As the human form evolves, a greater understanding can be had for the physical components of your world are evolving too, the science of your world is evolving too and the way the science understands the physical world will help those inspired by spirit to understand the spiritual vibrations in a more correct way, a more beneficial way to spread their understanding to others for they can build up a picture with an advanced physical understanding, an advanced physical science of understanding and this will be understood by more on your side for you are all subject to the physical components of your world. Those gadgets that you use, the apparatus that you use to live your lives that take you away from the simple form of living that your ancestors had, they take you into a new world, a new opportunity. Can you see the opportunities that are presented now in the physical components of your world and bridge this now to your initial question of what those who look down on your world can do to influence your world? That is something for you to think about. Yes, and indeed we now have come full circle for we have connected the questions, the last question to the first question’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend yes’

‘You live in a wonderful reality, nothing happens by chance’

Liz… ‘Yes we have the World Wide Web’

‘Yet many mistakes are made but mistakes are learning tools, one of the many learning tools but you must make good use of all that your physical world holds for everything is there as an opportunity to increase the spiritual vibration in a physical world. The physical vibration will increase, there are now so many opportunities to be grasped, to be taken and compared with the vibrations beyond this physical world. They will take you closer, they will reach the gaps, they will show many a clearer understanding. Some people will look back at the ancient times and recognise what was tried to get across, what was tried to be explained. They will bring that forward into the physical world now and some of the answers will become apparent’

Liz… ‘Yes I can see that, especially the message of universality, that we’re all one’

‘The sciences of your world are taking great steps forward and the opportunities are touching them in a loving way so that their eyes are opened that fraction more. There is still much to be learnt, there is much to be understood but as the years move on it is becoming easier, easier for all not just those inspired by the spiritual worlds that surround them but all who live on your world have a greater opportunity to see beyond the physical structure of the wonderful reality that you all are a part of now… Keep building those bridges, those bridges of love and the understanding will follow. The gateways will open and the sun will shine through the cracks in the structure of your world for all to see, for all to immerse themselves in the loving light of the sun. Combine your own lights and you will find the sun is amongst you all. The light of life is spreading throughout the physical world lightening those dark corners, lightening the hearts of those who have wandered off the pathways, who have become attracted to the darkness. They too possess the light of the sun and they too recognise this but they fight against it but it is a battle which will not be won for those who object are growing stronger and their voices will be heard above those who wander into the darkness and they will rain down on those unfortunate souls who cannot open their eyes for the fear that surrounds them keeps them locked inside themselves but slowly the tables will turn and they too will open their eyes’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know’

‘And the human spirit will once again rise, rise its vibration above that of the animal kingdom for there is no limit to how high the vibration will go once the eyes have been opened and the lost souls will once again turn to the light and join the multitude. Climb the mountain and make peace with one another in a unified vibration of love and understanding… Thank you we now have reached that point where we will withdraw, we have achieved much this evening and we are pleased with the results of the communication each week. There is more that we can give to you and to all on your side and we very much look forward to returning to you as your sessions unfold. Take a piece of our love and spread it out amongst your fellow men, your fellow citizens of this wonderful reality and lighten their lives, lighten the vibration that surrounds you all’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for your communication, thank you for your words, thank you for your presence’

‘May God bless you all with understandings and teachings until we next meet, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on.

I felt back with it after about two minutes.

The session has lasted two hours and twenty minutes

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

145th Sitting 11/06/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm then turned out the light and put the music on.

About five minutes later Liz was seeing lots of white shapes in the room.
It was darker to her left and she had the feeling there was a hand to her left.

Liz had a pulling feeling on the left side of her head towards the cabinet.

I lost consciousness just after the opening prayer and came back after about 40 minutes.
I remember taking a while to realise where I was after coming back.

About an hour after the opening prayer I felt myself being controlled.

Liz turned off the music when she heard the noises starting from the cabinet.
She welcomed the communication which took a while to become coherent…

‘Hello, hello, good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Hello there, good evening’

‘Standing on the edge of the first step is a perfect place to launch yourself out into the exploration out into the unknown, those places which for you are still hidden in a mysterious way. For you have only grasped portions of understanding which need to be finely tuned and knitted together until they form for you a clear understanding. Until that time you still wander alone, unclear but with an optimistic view point which will propel you forward in an ever expanding view’

Liz… ‘So we’ve taken a first step’

‘You have indeed taken the first step yes… So what would follow the first step? Once you have opened your eyes that fraction more, then the inquisitive mind comes into play. You need to gather the evidence that will convince you for you feel you have been a part of this physical world for a long time yet you are still on the first step… You can draw from this a conclusion, you will feel you have not travelled so far yet travelling is not the word, travelling is a part of your physical world. Take yourself out of the physical world and then look back at yourself, observe yourself as a physical form and you will begin to understand how far you have travelled in a physical way. It is beginning to enter your mind a state of existence beyond the physical world for you have begun to understand states of existence which remain incomprehensible to many yet at the same time they are still a part of your awareness’

Liz… ‘Yes I feel they must be, they couldn’t not be, just seems that being in the physical we’ve forgotten’

‘You have to, you need to think beyond a physical existence to remember that state of existence that exists and is still very much part of your life. You need to take the second step for until you can understand a new state of existence, until you can remember your true state of existence then, until then, you will only partially understand. You need to disconnect your thoughts from the physical world; you need to open your eyes to that state by expanding your awareness’

Liz… ‘What is the best way to do this?’

‘Only you can find for yourself the answer to that question by imagining your physical form expanding until it touches every part, every atom, every feeling, everything that you now understand as being the furthest you can stretch your imagination. You have to expand your physical form until it engulfs all that you can understand until you are truly a part of all things, all that you can see and all that you can imagine. For you are everything, every thought, every word, every deed that has ever existed, it is all a part of you’

Liz… ‘Yes I’m aware that there are exercises that we do that help us to enlarge, expand our vibrational area, beyond the physical to encompass a larger and larger area of what surrounds us and then beyond the physical, some of the Gateway Experience exercises and there are various exercises I’ve come across that help to expand the aura, expand the energy field around us until we encompass more and more of the physical and then beyond the physical’

‘Imagine a large book and you take from that book one single page, you tear it from the book… what then do you have? For that page will represent how you understand yourself, just one fragment of the whole, yet that page can contain information far beyond your own understanding but that information is but a part of a greater understanding, an understanding not yet perceived by that one page for that one page represents that one part which will need to be adjoined’

Liz… ‘Yes I see… and the elements that make up that page, the letters, it’s going to be the same for all the other pages, but the information is so varied, the way they are put together on the pages so it’s like holding all these different patternings, infinite probabilities, possibilities each page contains of the permutations of the same number of 26 letters in the alphabet that on every page they’re arranged differently and the significance the meaning. Yeah that’s a good analogy, to hold them all together means holding all those different permutations of the information, the fundamental particles as it were put together in different ways… yes, it’s like being in a quantum computer’

‘You may wish to visualise this book when you engage in your exercises, see yourself as this one page then see yourself expand until you encompass the whole book. Then you can look back at yourself as your physical form has become that one book and you will see the information that has been remembered for you are always a part of that one book, you are adjoined to that one book. Only your physical perception gives you that understanding that you stand alone as that one page wrenched from the book yet you were never taken from the book, you have always been a part of that book’

Liz… ‘Never really torn from it’

‘Yes, the rest of that book has been shielded from your vision as you journey your physical life. There is no end to understanding as once you are that complete book you will then visualise the library, hundreds, thousands of books and it goes on. This is why you should always take one step at a time. You cannot understand the library until you have understood the book and you cannot understand the book until you have understood your page’

Liz… ‘Thank you yes that’s a very good analogy, a helpful one’

‘You might consider who or what is the author of the book?’

Liz… ‘Indeed, that’s a big question and could it be that in the library there are a number of authors? The books are not all written by the same person’

‘Or could it be that you are the author of your book. You have had many experiences, many lifetimes. If each lifetime represented one page, each lifetime of experience put those experiences down on that page and as you gathered more experiences and lifetimes more pages would be added to that book written by yourself as you journey through your lifetimes. A book is made up of experiences by the author up to that point and a book is something to be shared. How many more entities can you imagine will look at your book, will read your book and learn from your own experiences as you yourself will read into other people’s books. You will see others as an open book for nobody hides their experiences, their understandings, it is all there for you to read once you have remembered how to expand and encompass all’

Liz… ‘So who is the librarian who manages all the books?’

‘You are a thread of connection to… As you see yourself now you are a singular form, a physical form but you also understand you are a small part of your greater self, that greater self is able to combine with the greater selves of all who walk your world, a combination of thoughts, a combination of ideas for all have the wish to help for by helping each other you are helping the greater consciousness’

Liz… ‘And are those greater selves, that greater self that I am a part of, part of yet another greater self, joining with other greater selves to form a yet greater self, a greater, greater self and again that greater, greater self joins other greater, greater selves to form, so you have this series of conscious beings…’

‘Yes forever ongoing yet not separate. You whilst in the physical world you need to build yourself a picture to understand. You have to understand by separation, by thinking of these greater selves as separate from one another yet they all form one unit of existence’

Liz… ‘Like the petals of a flower’

‘Yes the nature of your world will help you understand when you look at the separate parts, how they form one’

Liz… ‘Yes from the single cellular to the multi cellular’

‘There is confusion when you consider your awareness, you try to place it, you have full awareness  yet you only see that part that you attach to the physical. This is what can happen to somebody on your side who passes to our side. They cling to the physical awareness yet they have passed to our side, they are what you understand as Earth bound and you understand how rescue circles have been setup to help these people release themselves from the physical. You need to understand how this happens from our perspective yet you can only see it from your own perspective at this time’

Liz… ‘How many people, what percentage of those people who die are still Earth bound?’

‘It happens to very few on your side but the numbers are not important for numbers are a physical understanding, it is more a degree of consciousness, a degree of awareness’

Liz… ‘Or lack of awareness…’

‘When you come, when the time comes and the physical body reaches that moment know as death the consciousness becomes aware of the greater understanding that was always a part of that consciousness but in a few cases the physical reality cannot be let go, it cannot be seen or understood as the dream that it really is for that consciousness is drawn, is still drawn to the physical vibration, it does not understand, it does not comprehend the advantage of a spiritual world’

Liz… ‘So what can we do to help from the physical side?’

‘You can send your thoughts of healing as you do. You do not need to recognise who is in the Earth bound state for each time you send out your healing, you already send it to those who are struggling at this time, this is sufficient, this gives us the energies to lighten the minds of those who find themselves unable to pass over in an easy way. It is only their minds that are affected for they have passed already, they are with us but their awareness tells them that they are still in the physical world. We can use your thoughts of love and light to gently ease them into a comfortable state which they can understand and once they are in that comfortable state we can draw closer to them and we can help them to understand and to forget the earthly ties that cause them the problems that drew them back to your world’

Liz… ‘How is it that more people aren’t stuck in that situation of clinging to the physical after death since a large number of people have no belief or hope for an afterlife and no spiritual conviction, so why is it that more people don’t find themselves stuck after death?’

‘The transition process is a natural process. Having no beliefs is an advantage for as the physical form draws closer to the point of death a feeling comes over the consciousness that inhabits that physical form. A feeling of no longer wanting to be a part of the physical world, a feeling of wanting to give up, give up the physical form, let it go, a feeling that there is something better to be discovered, that longing to remain in the physical form is slowly reduced. Only those that fight this process, this natural process will find themselves clinging to the physical world. The majority in your world will not fight this for they will see that they have been fighting this throughout their lives and they have grown tired of the constant battle to remain true to the physical form for it is a battle, it is a battle that you fight throughout your physical life, a battle that can never be won and this realisation comes to everybody when they become closer to the point of death... Is this understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘One day you will truly understand this feeling… The closest you can get to it now is to consider when you have become very ill, your physical body has become very ill and you are in pain and for a brief moment you give up on the physical world. It is a tiresome experience which you feel you no longer need for every part of your body is in pain and you want it to stop but a time comes when that pain starts to ease and you feel…’

Liz… ‘You welcome it back’

‘Yes, you feel the love inside you spreading throughout your physical form once again and you become a part of that physical world and you feel joy in yourself that you have broken from that illness, that pain that surrounded you for that brief moment. This is the closest you can get but there will be a time for everybody when that natural process will take over and will pull you back, pull you back into what truly is your real life, your real consciousness, your greater consciousness. But do not dwell too much on this for you have too much to enjoy in your physical world now. Enjoy each day but still understand that you can explore that greater part of yourself’

Liz… ‘Those people who die suddenly, unexpectantly, either a sudden illness or accident. Are they more likely to find themselves still trapped in the physical, in denial?’

‘The same process will apply to them for the time is not of importance once you leave the physical world. They will be with us before they have had time to think. Once with us their understanding will tell them, they will recognise their true self, they will fall from the physical existence in a blink of an eye… Now that time for us is ebbing slowly away and we will leave your session, we will draw back. We have exhausted our energies of communication’

Liz… ‘Friend, can I ask one further question before you depart?’

‘Yes you may’

Liz… ‘Can a cat who has had quite an intimate connection with a human being, when that cat dies, can that cat enter the spirit world and still have a consciousness in the spirit world?’

‘The animals of your world do indeed share the consciousness of the human form. The short answer to your question is yes’

Liz… ‘Thank you’

‘Please ask this question again on the next occasion and we will clothe it with further understanding for you, an interesting question but insufficient energy now surrounds the link to give you the correct answer in its fullest extent, thank you, we will now withdraw, we will give you a piece of our love to help you and to help those who you try to understand as you mix with many. May God bless you all, goodnight’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all’

‘Thank you, thank you for your questions and we look forward to further discussions next time, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

I felt back with it after about two minutes.

The session had lasted two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

My mind was drifting while Liz was sending out healing and I suddenly noticed lights like bright stars flashing on and off at the top of my vision and then realised it was at the same time Liz was sending light and healing to those who had passed but still found themselves in an Earth bound condition…

144th Sitting 04/06/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

About three minutes later Liz felt a strong pressure on her head.
It felt to her like there were a lot of people in the room and she thought she could hear faint whispering.

Later she saw lights and shapes moving around the room.

Liz got very hot.

The room became very dark and it looked like there were lasers in the room.

Liz then felt like she was in an energy sandwich, she felt pressure coming at her from both sides.

Liz now felt cold.

I had lost consciousness about ten minutes after the opening prayer then came back about ten minutes before the communication started.

When Liz heard the noises from the cabinet she turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in and became coherent…

‘Feel the veil open…’

Liz… ‘Welcome to you all’

‘Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘How are you, how are you today?’

Liz… ‘Well thank you, very well’

‘Good, good… good to hear yes, well now… We all gather in your room, into your special place of spiritual communication, words generated by the thoughts of many, words put together by the minds of many to suit your understandings up to this point in this wonderful journey that you chose to undertake. You chose to dip yourself into a physical existence to benefit your spirit, to benefit the understanding, an understanding that could be brought back to that self, that true self’

Liz… ‘There was a choice was there? It was a choice? 

‘You had many choices before you chose to take up residence in a physical body, in a physical world… Only you made that decision… Many choices, many choices…’

Liz… ‘Does that mean it wasn’t inevitable…? I could have chosen another mode of being?’

‘You could have remained as you were or you could have chosen to inspire many. You could have chosen to bring your guidance and understanding, beam it down into the physical world to help those who are struggling with their lives unable to find their way through, blinded by their own misunderstandings. You could help them from the position that you found yourself at that time but you chose instead to join them and work with them at their own level. You chose to share their perception and by doing so could draw closer to them all. You always had this urge to help others, you could see others as they had become once they had disconnected from the circle of life which is forever growing, is forever reaching upwards. There was a… you were not alone when you joined the physical world; a team had gathered their thoughts together to journey as one. You are but a part of a team. Throughout your life you have recognised the other members of your team, some have become friends, some have become passing acquaintances on your life’s journey but all have recognised each other for a brief moment or a lifetime. This is not unusual; this is something which many on your side have undertaken. They have decided to come as a group, a team, a more beneficial way to grow both on a personal level and in a way to inspire others. We also look at your world, at this point in time we have chosen to inspire from our side to your side without the necessity to immerse ourselves in a physical lifetime but a time will come when we will indeed come into your world, join the physical matter, the physical vibration’

Liz… ‘Will that be by incarnating or by manifesting physically?’

‘We will adjoin with a physical form as you yourself have adjoined with a physical form. It is important to understand that you have adjoined, you have joined the physical world as a partial entity inhabiting a physical body’

Liz… ‘Meaning I’m a fragment of a larger entity’

‘You have left behind your true self but you have the interest in the physical world to understand this true self. There are not so many who walk your Earth that have the interest to fully understand their true self so in that respect you and several others are somewhat different to all who walk your world’

Liz… ‘Meaning I’m part of a minority’

‘A growing minority…’     

Liz… ‘A growing minority yes’

‘For the physical vibration was losing its way and a decision was made to introduce minds that would benefit the evolution of your physical world, minds that could continue to connect with the spiritual vibration, that would not fully let go of the spiritual vibration, giving them that interest, that wanting to know’

Liz… ‘Is our job to facilitate, to inspire in others that interest?’

‘You have chosen to raise the vibration of the physical world’

Liz… ‘Yes it seems as that is what our purpose is in forming this group’

‘Never lose sight of your mission in life, there is so much that can distract a physical being when it walks the physical world. We try our best to keep that light shining on those who have chosen to raise the vibrations in your Earth’

Liz… ‘It seems there are many different pathways, many different ways of doing that. I’ve come across a number of people who have had similar experiences, enlightenment experiences and then have worked to find ways to share that with others and the pathways they’ve chosen or the ways have all been slightly different but they’re all motivated by the same goal and that same initial experience and enlightenment’

‘That motivation remains the same for everyone but the individual will take it to the next level in their own way with their own understanding. They will feel the motivation pressing upon them, they will have, they will feel the responsibility but they will not know fully how to spread, how to help, how to open themselves and allow the love within to spread around your world but they will achieve this in their own way. Some will do this unnoticed, they will fit in to their own part, their own life will take them to the corners of your world unnoticed by many yet the impact they have on the few that they meet will have a greater impact on the overall evolution in your world’

Liz… ‘That’s interesting…’

‘They do not have to get up and shout out from a high platform… That can have a detrimental effect on those who perceive them’

Liz… ‘That’s interesting yes… why is that? Why could it be that those that stand up on a platform and proselytize or publicise their message… why might that have a detrimental effect on those that hear them?’ 

‘Because your physical world is not yet ready to accept this form of teaching. They need to feel and see and hear it at their own level, their own level of understanding. They can relate to those who do not shout, sing and preach. They can relate to those, the quieter majority of your world, the ordinary person. Those that fit in with their own way of thinking and there are also those who are seen as eccentric people but the way they live their lives gets the attention of the majority in your world and they can relate to them and they can feel the need to do as they do, as the eccentrics do but they feel uncomfortable but they enjoy to see the eccentric person letting themselves go not worried about how others perceive them. These people can get through to the general population of your world. It is as if they are almost tricked into worshiping these people, they do not realise they are doing this but the message is getting through in a strange way not a direct way’

Liz… ‘So the eccentric person in a sense is embodying or giving permission to be different, to think differently and be okay with it’

‘Yes, there is a feeling amongst many to remain the same as their neighbour but at the same time an underlying feeling to be different, but fear will prevent them from truly living their life as they really are. Take that fear away and you will have a world of eccentric people with not a care in the world. Can you imagine the love that would be generated in a world such as this?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘Look up to those who have cast aside their fears and represented themselves as they truly are. These are the true prophets of your world’

Liz… ‘The nonconformists’

‘They have no ego for they have no fear. Those who put themselves on their own pedestals are still restricted by their fears’

Liz… ‘They need to be seen and heard…’

‘We heard your opening prayer, we heard your question… how to explain to those who do not understand, what happens when their physical form is exhausted. Those who are nearing what you understand as death, how can you help these people, how can you help them to lose the fear of death. We have told you before how at the point of death it becomes apparent that your physical life has been nothing but a dream. We would like to expand on this for we can feel your need to help, your need to heal for spreading knowledge is a way of healing those who are fearful, fearful at the upcoming event which to them is known as death. You can explain to them that they are not going to a distant place, they are not about to set out on a new unknown journey for this is what can cause the fear in their mind, going into the unknown, shifting their awareness from a state of familiarity to that of complete confusion in a place where nothing is recognised but you can help them to understand that they are not going anywhere, they are merely removing the covers that blind them, removing the covers that prevent them from fully understanding where they are now for they are not moving, they are about to recognise an understanding that they have had all along but were shielded from it. At the point when the physical body is finally severed from the mind then the eyes are opened, the true eyes are opened and they will see something which they already understood. They will immediately realise why they had the physical life that they have just accomplished. They will understand what made them what they were’

Liz… ‘Are there things that we can do to make it easier for them to make this transition, after death has been recognised and the body is still lying there. Does it make a difference if that body is moved or if organs are removed straight away or does it as the Tibetans have suggested benefit the spirit to leave the body untouched for a while, while the process of reorientation continues?’

‘Once the mind has severed from the physical body there is nothing that can be done to that physical body which will affect the mind that has left it’

Liz… ‘Okay, is that separation then usually what is identified with at the point when doctors or medics recognise as the point of death, the last breath, when the brain and the heart activity stops, what is recognised as clinical death, is that transition then usually complete?’

‘When the spirit leaves the physical body, the point at which the spirit leaves the physical body is for the spirit the point where it is no longer a part of the physical world, but the physical body from the perspective of those who still inhabit the physical world may appear to be still living for the physical world is… life as you know it in a physical world still goes on. Life as you know it in a spiritual world is also still moving on but the awareness of the individual that inhabited the physical body…’

Liz… ‘Has shifted now…’

‘Yes, is now in the spiritual world’

Liz… ‘Okay, so it can be like those people who have dementia, it can be that the physical body can still have some semblance of being alive but the spirit has actually separated’

‘As the time of death comes closer sometimes the spirit will partially withdraw but it is only when the spirit is fully withdrawn from the physical body that the awareness is in the spiritual world…’

Liz… ‘A hundred percent’

‘Fully yes… for as you understand it even now you can experience the spiritual world but you are not at the point of death’

Liz… ‘Similarly though, somebody who’s body is dead and buried can still feel that they’re inhabiting the physical world, when we have ghosts, is that the case? So a spirit can still feel attached to the physical world...’

‘You are approaching this from your own perception, from the perception of the physical to the spiritual. From the spiritual to the physical it does not work in the same way’

Liz… ‘Okay so what we see as a ghost is that just a part of the spirit, a fragment that has chosen to linger?’

‘This is something which we can address in another session for it is a huge subject, but understand that while you are a part of the physical world, while you are plugged in to the physical world you will perceive in a physical way and you will build up beliefs and you will listen to stories told by others of their own perceptions. You are partially true in your understanding but there is so much more to be discussed, to be learnt from this’

Liz… ‘We’ve got smatterings of truth’

‘Yes and you will until you fully withdraw from the physical world, then and only then will you fully understand’

Liz… ‘From what you’ve said if I understand correctly, if somebody wanted to donate their organs on death it won’t affect their transition. Once the body has died it won’t hold their spirit back in any way, the body being tampered with’

‘Again this is a physical perception’

Liz… ‘I ask this because I know that some relatives, some people are very wary of the idea of donating their organs because of this, but some relatives may be quite upset at the thought of a person’s physical organs being taken from their body quite soon after they die because they may feel that it disturbs or damages the successful passing of the spirit’

‘Understand that it does not in any way affect the passing of the spirit into our world’

Liz… ‘Okay that’s very useful information and very important to hear that, thank you’

‘Encourage them to use the physical organs as soon as is possible and it will benefit the life of who will receive that organ. Do not let your beliefs cloud the way you operate in a physical world. Think again about how you go from a dreaming state, when you wake up and you will see how laughable it is to us to think that you could hold up the passage of the spirit by what you do with the physical body after it had been severed from the mind of the individual, for when you awake you come from your dream world, what carries on in that dream world will not have an effect on your physical world… Now the time has come, we are losing our link with you; we have given you something more to think about and for that we are happy’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend yes’

‘We have reached the end of the available energies of transmission but we have time to give to you a piece of our love, a piece of love from spirit to physical vibration that will help in your understanding and your journey to help others, those who walk your pathway, who live their own lives but are also connected to you. Thank you, may God bless you all, we look forward to joining you at the next session, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on.

I was back with it after about two minutes.

The session had lasted just under two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

During the first part of the session Liz had asked in her mind whether they would be able to present themselves physically and then suddenly in answer to her question she felt presences in the room as if it was full of people and saw blobs moving around.

Liz found the part of the communication about choice very interesting and relevant to her as it seemed to refer to an experience she had when she was younger…