May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

Bristol visit 29/08/2012

It was great to be able to visit the Bristol Spirit Lodge again on Wednesday 29/08/2012 and sit with the Spirit Haven Circle. 

Lee’s mediumship continues to develop well and although it’s nice to hear the recordings that Chris Di Nucci uploads to her site each week you can’t beat actually being there and feeling the energies.

As usual Chris led the circle and the other sitters were Richard, Darren and Jon, all developing physical mediums.

Richard 'went off' several times during the evening giving more energy to the evening and I went off too for a few minutes.

Unusually for me the energies were particularly strong around my stomach and gut area which became increasingly bloated during the sitting. I had to keep loosening my belt!!! Afterwards Richard said he’d felt the same.

Lee felt he had been aware for some of the sitting. When he heard the energy extraction from Richard and me he'd felt wide awake and hadn't felt any activity around him from his team. This was interesting as the same thing happened to me recently when I was in the closed cabinet and Syann who was sitting with us became controlled. It felt to me as if my team had stepped back for a while to allow Clyde to speak and then when he withdrew from Syann I felt my team return again.

As always it was an enjoyable evening and I can’t wait for the next opportunity to visit the Bristol Spirit Lodge… 

14th Sitting 27/08/2012

This week Liz was on holiday but we were joined by Syann, Tasha and Travis who were visiting as there would be no Mercury Star sitting this week due to holidays.
I had Syann to my right followed by Dan, Tasha and Travis to my left.

Travis did the opening prayer at 8.30pm then Dan put the music on and turned out the red light.
After about five minutes there were a few quiet noises from the cabinet.

The voices got louder with a few ‘hellos’ and ‘all of us here’…

The communicators withdrew. Both Syann and Tasha had drifted off.

Travis felt the atmosphere had changed and he was seeing blue and red energy.
Dan was seeing red energy.

Tasha came back and thought it looked light in the room.
She saw someone walk past Travis into the circle.

Syann was back. She had a cold mist around her right hand and pins and needles up her arm.
Syann felt there was someone with her and as she said that Clyde’s ‘Morning Star’ tune started playing!!!

Travis had spider-webs on his face.

Another communicator with a high-pitched voice tried to come through doing well but the words made no sense…

Syann saw blue mist on the ceiling.
Travis saw it as well then he saw some red and Syann confirmed she saw red as well.

Dan felt stuff running down his face.
Tasha felt there were people behind her and Dan.

There were some loud noises from the cabinet then Desmond came through saying they were working on the light and colours in the room and would bring stars down from the ceiling. He thanked everyone for coming saying the energies they brought helped them with their work…

Everyone was now seeing blue and red energy in the centre of the room.
Dan had seen a Labrador puppy in the room when Desmond was speaking.
Syann felt something pushing her ankle.
Dan was very cold round his feet.
Travis was seeing a lot of white moving around.

Syann felt someone was in front of her. Tasha and Dan thought so as well.
Syann had waves of fog coming towards her. She felt like she was sat in a cloud.

Travis thought the atmosphere was foggy then changed to black with white wispy bits.

Tasha could still see someone standing in front of Syann and could now see lights around her as well.
Syann was feeling heavy headed and freezing cold.

There were some loud drawn out noises from the cabinet followed by a short talk.
‘Heal world. Heal our world. He hold all world in palm of hand. He reach out to your world to give you the energies which you divert into healing of your own mankind and all animal kind, we thank you all for the energy you manipulate from our work to you which we give with love…’

Syann said the energy had changed. Her words sounded slurred.
Tasha felt like she’d had a pre-med. Syann felt the same.

Tasha told Syann she now had someone standing next to her. Syann was aware of this and could hardly speak or move as they were really close.

Tasha saw a big blob of blue going towards Travis. She said she hadn’t seen colour like that before.

Tasha noticed another energy change. Syann confirmed this and she felt it was Joan in the room.
At the same time I felt Joan and Freddie were coming close in the cabinet.
Syann had a white blob between her and Dan.

Voices started in the cabinet. At first they were random words but included ‘Yellow, yellow…’ which seems to now indicate the arrival of Freddie. He went on with… ‘it all starts with a song. A song about a time when we were young and we could play in the fields of dreams and see the stars above us and know that they are connected to the things that we did in the fields of our dreams…’
Freddie seemed pleased to see Travis calling him by his nick-name ‘Neddie’  he also confirmed that Jo-Jo (Joan) had helped him come through…

As the last two tunes played I brought myself back.
Syann had drifted off again so we all waited a couple of minutes for her to return at the end. In fact all the sitters were feeling a bit dozy whereas I felt totally awake and energised…
I must have taken everybody else’s energy, ha, ha…

Apart from my feet I had felt very hot throughout the sitting whereas the sitters had been mostly cold except Travis of course who remained ambient and Syann had had brief hot flushes when she went off.

It had felt to me like the energy was low at the start as everyone was being ‘blended’ but soon built up strong in the room and the others had felt this also.

Looking forward to next week now when Liz will be back with us and possibly Syann will make a return visit...

13th Sitting 20/08/2012

Once again I sat in the closed cabinet with Dan to my right and Liz to my left.
We placed the CD player between Liz and Dan in case either ‘went off’ so there was always one of them in control of the volume. If they both went off at the same time then it would have be up to spirit to control the volume!!!

Liz opened at 8.30pm and Dan turned the music on and the lights out.

After about seven minutes there was lip-smacking and loud slow breathing from the cabinet.

Five minutes later a few words were uttered along with the usual deep voiced… ‘All of us here’
Liz asked… ‘how many of you?’ and the reply came… ‘I know not how many are here. It is a huge gathering of people who come to witness what happens within your room. We do not know how many they are in number. We cannot conceive how many people are gathered on these occasions. They have an interest in what we do…’
There was more voice experimenting including what sounded like ‘Little One’ before ‘Dave’ came through who said he had spoken before in Polegate but this was the first time he’d come through in Eastbourne. He talked about his communication being intermittent because he was drifting in and out of the light we had created…

Ten minutes later there was more voice experimenting and noises from the cabinet and a few ‘hellos’ before they withdrew.

Liz was getting a lot of energy withdrawn from her and strong pulling from her fingers.

Another communicator came through with a high pitched voice. Most of the communication was not understandable but he did say that it was good progress forward as they compared each week with the previous week to gauge how they were doing…

Liz’s ears and nose were tingling. She felt someone with her and saw a fleeting light by the cabinet.
Dan was getting strong pulling on his stomach towards the cabinet.

Another communicator came through, again high pitched… ‘Heal whole world. Heal whole world. Heal from this place. Send our light to all the World for all will benefit from work within room. We all appreciate work within room. Now let it be spread throughout World. Those who need our healing will benefit from your work. Thank you for the energy you put into your work…’

During the next ten minutes I was very aware of both Freddie (Mercury) and Joan (Mercury Circle Medium) about. I’ve felt them around before and at our third sitting when we were in red light without a cabinet Liz had seen both of their faces over mine. More recently I have noticed one of my arms raised into the air and the other held to my mouth as depicted in many images of Freddie singing.

This week it was stronger and it was as if I had become Joan sitting in the chair with Freddie controlling her. As usual I was more of less aware so tried not to influence the communication in any way as I know only too well how Freddie communicates having listened to him speak through Joan every week for about seven years!!!

The first word he got through was ‘yellow’ which I know is his favourite colour, he also said ‘Joan’ a few times but I can’t recall him calling her Joan in the Mercury Circle, it was usually ‘Jo-Jo’ or ‘the old tart.’ He also said ‘we will rock’ a couple of times and ‘radio, radio.’ Dan soon recognized him when he said that…

Hopefully Freddie will be back soon and maybe Joan will also communicate. Both have made themselves known through Syann in the Mercury Star Circle and may also communicate again through her… anything is possible.

Freddie withdrew as the last tune was coming to an end and this week I took a bit longer to return to ‘normal’ feeling very light headed and had difficulty speaking.

As I came back the cabinet looked very sparkly then went kinda stringy.
I remember during the sitting it appeared very bright in the cabinet despite my eyes being shut.
Both Liz and Dan had not seen much in the room. It seemed like most of the action was happening in the cabinet this week.

Dan felt he must have drifted off a couple of times as he couldn’t recall hearing some of the music.

Following advice from Charlie from the Spirit Sanctuary Circle at the Bristol Spirit Lodge I had concentrated on becoming more aware of myself in the cabinet, and of the energy and feelings I felt.  I tried to take no notice of the music nor concern myself with the sitters and just focus upon myself and the feelings within me.
I found it difficult to do this as I normally I do just the opposite but it certainly seemed to help when I did and will continue experimenting with this in the coming weeks…

12th Sitting 13/08/2012

We now have the cabinet centralized in the north end of the garage and no longer use the electric socket next to the cabinet but instead run wires under the door from a socket outside so that all the electrics are in the south end of the garage away from the cabinet.  
The glass dome which has a wooden base on wooden legs with a half inch hole in the centre now sits on a small wooden table to the west of the cabinet.

I sat in the closed cabinet with Dan to my right and Liz to my left.
Liz operated the music while Dan had the red light.

At 8.30pm Liz opened then turned on the music and Dan put out the red light to give full black-out conditions.

After about five minutes there were lip-smacking noises, loud breathing and a few ‘warming up’ voice noises from the cabinet…

Liz had an itchy nose.
After another five minutes more noises started up in the cabinet including a very high pitched voice which sounded a bit like Emily who speaks though Syann in the Mercury Star Circle. I’ve tried to reach the same high note today and can just about get it but not without a lot of effort and a sore throat from trying!!! Last night the sound came through effortlessly. This was followed by some lower tones and a ‘hello’…

Ten minutes later and more voice noises were heard. They seemed to be experimenting with different words. One of the voices sounded like our friend Little One but there were no understandable words…

Dan felt a strong pressure on the left side of his face and couldn’t open his eye. This lasted a couple of minutes then lifted. He then felt a positive poke on his bum which made him jump!!!

Liz could see flashes of light in the cabinet.
Dan thought it looked light as he could make out the out-line of the cabinet.

More noises from the cabinet. Some whistling, then various words and laughing. They said ‘We work on words’…

Liz had a tickle down the side of her face.

After about 15 minutes of quiet in the cabinet more noises built up developing into a kind of Native American sound.
Liz had someone move in close to her and was unable to move or speak.
Dan felt the energy become very strong and thick. He nearly went off himself but resisted it as he felt at least one person in the room needed to remain with it!!!
Dan heard a tapping noise but it was my leg moving the curtain which made the metal rings tap on the curtain rail.
Dan felt his chair move and then saw lots of orbs of light in the room. He felt a draft on the right side of his face.
There were some communications from the cabinet. As Liz was somewhat out of it she couldn’t turn down the music which makes it difficult to hear what was said on the recording. I’ve been through it and it was as follows…

All working… we are one. We work with one, one love, one love permeate all of you. We all come from one love and mingle in room, mingle amongst you all… Dear friend, joy, joy to be so close. We come so close. Good work, good work we achieve good work today. We have brought ourselves forward today. We have been able to penetrate your atmosphere, closer down to you, great job done for us today. We are happy, we are happy to be able to get so close. Thank you for your patience my friend we appreciate all you do for us, it is a team effort. We all contribute towards the circle, the circle of light. We have come so close today that we have been amongst you and this is our goal to come into the room and make ourselves known. We will be felt by you and we will be seen by you and we will be able to bring you knowledge from our side of life which will help you grow on your side and we come with the love which permeates all of you…

Liz came back. She had felt someone with her and had smelt a strong scorching electrical discharge type smell.
The room was very dark to Liz and Dan and the energy thick and dense.
Liz saw a flash on the top of the trumpet.

I brought myself back as the last two tunes played.
It was very dark in the cabinet, I didn’t have my usual sparkly white lights.

My hands and arms had been moving throughout the sitting. Some of the time my hands had been moving in and out towards each other as if stretching out a lump of dough.
At one point one arm was raised into the air bolt upright for about a minute. This had also happened a few weeks ago and I’d thought no more of it until the other day when I saw a poster at the side of the road with the word Mercury on the top which got my attention and there was a picture underneath of Freddie Mercury with his arm in the air!!!
I asked Dan if he felt Freddie had been about as he remembers him well from when we sat in the Mercury Circle. He was sure he had been in the room and was probably responsible for his poke on the bum, ha, ha…

Liz did the closing prayer and sent out healing. She also thanked spirit for all the healing sent to Ron who had had a very successful operation that morning.

It had been a fantastic sitting. Dan said he’d never felt energies and spirit people in the room so strongly before in a séance.
To me it felt like there had been a lot of new spirit friends working with us and we all look forward to more action and further development next week…  

11th Sitting 06/08/2012

This week Mercury Star Circle medium Syann was able to join us as a sitter bringing some strong energies into the circle. Also Daisy was tuning in from India and we had our glass dome in the room for the first time.

I sat in the closed cabinet with Syann to my right, Dan facing me and Liz to my left.
The dome was placed on a small table to the left of the cabinet and as usual the trumpet was in the middle of the circle.

Liz opened and we started with the red light on.
After about two minutes lip-smacking and slow loud breathing noises started up in the cabinet.
Liz could see a flashing light in front of the cabinet and the noises got louder.

Ten minutes after the start Liz turned off the red light for full black-out conditions.

Liz felt something crawling on her head.
Syann and Dan were cold.
More noises started up in the cabinet with a few words… ‘All of us here, all working on voice…’
Syann was seeing blue pin prick lights, Dan felt the atmosphere was electric.
Liz had something in her hair again.
‘Hellos’ from the cabinet. Liz said it sounded like it was coming out into the room…

Liz saw spots of light near Syann.
Syann could also see them and she was beginning to get a massive pulling from her stomach. She couldn’t stay with it and drifted of as Little One joined us through her with a few ‘hellos…’ he gave us his unmistakable laugh after Dan said… ‘you’ve sneaked in there haven’t you…’
Then Clyde joined us and thanked Liz and Dan for giving their time and love in support of another vessel within our ever extending circle of friends.
Liz asked if there was any more they could do to help development and Little One came back to say… ‘just keep on doing what you are doing that is all and when the time is right you will know what to do next…’
Little One also told us they were going to have an experiment but wouldn’t say what it was yet…

Syann came back and was still feeling pulling from her stomach.
Liz saw movement in the room like a moving light.
Syann had a breeze across her lap.
There were more noises and a few words from the cabinet.
Liz noticed something move to her left like an arm going up.
Syann had a white strobe light in front of her.

The energy changed, Dan and Syann said it had gone darker.
There were noises from the cabinet.
Then both Dan and Syann felt something running up and down their noses.
The noises from the cabinet got louder and reverberated. A communicator came through saying it felt good to be able to penetrate our atmosphere reminding him of when he was here. Liz asked how long since he was here and he replied 200 years but he withdrew as she asked another question…

Liz had a light touch on her right hand.
There were a few ‘hellos’ from the cabinet.

For the next fifteen minutes it was quiet in the cabinet but there was a lot of activity in the room.
Syann felt there was someone in the middle of the room.
Liz had someone to her left.
Dan felt a large person behind him and felt a few light touches and tickles.
Liz was aware of a lot of light in the room.
Syann went freezing cold.
Liz saw a streak of light between her and Dan.
Liz and Syann had tickly noses.
Syann had a pressure against her right leg.
Liz had tickles on her toes, tummy and back which stopped then started again.
Then everyone went cold.

More noises then started up in the cabinet.
Syann saw pin-prick lights then she got tickles on her right foot.
Liz saw lots of dim blobs of light in front of the cabinet.

The music ended and I brought myself back. I had been more or less aware though out the evening. I had felt something coming out of my nose and ears and had had a pressure on the palm of my right hand. The energy in the cabinet had felt very strong this evening and I’d felt myself shaking at times. Usually it’s just my hands or legs that shake but I’d been shaking all over!!!

Little One never came back to tell us what the ‘experiment’ was but we guessed it may have been tickling the sitters.

Syann and Liz could now see a big blobby light over the cabinet.
Inside the cabinet to me looked sparkly then it seemed to get lighter.
I had been very hot in the cabinet.
Liz put the red light on and did the closing/healing prayer.

Later when I went to throw away the pile of salt that we always have on a saucer under the chair it had become solid and stuck to the saucer. Even when holding the saucer vertical it wouldn’t move…