May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

137th Sitting 26/03/2015

Sadly we missed a sitting last week as Liz had a migraine.

We were back this week with the room set-up as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm then turned out the red light and put the music on.

I drifted off just after the opening prayer and came back about 20 minutes later. I remained awake for about another 20 minutes before drifting off again and finally coming back just before the communication came through.
Liz also fell asleep for a while and afterwards we discussed what tunes we remembered hearing and came to the conclusion that Liz drifted off while I was awake and visa-versa as if we were drifting off in relays!

About 70 minutes after the start a few noises started from the cabinet signifying the start of a communication.

Liz switched off the music, welcomed and encouraged the communication which took a while to settle in before becoming coherent…

‘…we all come together in your room where we can concentrate our thoughts, concentrate our ideas and allow them to be built on and verbalised with you. We can all come forward in our own way but as a team, as a gathering we can best work in this way for we all share in the love of this work. We are all motivated by the same interest, the same motivation that allows us to open our hearts to you and share what we can, share what we are able to in the words that you recognise and understand for we have to build up an energy to be translated into a recognisable sound for you, a physical sound for your physical atmosphere. You cannot… It would not be acceptable if we laid our thoughts in a way before you for you would only get a glimpse, a feeling. We need to activate a physical sound… This is a physical séance so we work with the physical vibration. There are many ways in which we can lay our thoughts in your mind and you can unravel that what you perceive before you but in this situation we are working with the physical vibrations that you live in, the atmosphere that is a part of your living. This is what we work with when we come into this situation’

Liz… ‘Do you know why it is we seem to both be falling asleep?’

‘When you sleep your mind is relaxed, your mind is not bothered by the physical distractions which are most prominent in your thoughts so when we wish to work with you or with the medium in the cabinet we will allow you to drift into what you call sleep then we can engage with the focus of your thoughts, we will not have to clear away the physical thoughts for in the sleep, when you are asleep you are not bothered by this, your mind becomes freer, it is more distant from the physical so in this way it is closer to us and more manageable for us but we also need to work with you when you are fully conscious, when you both are fully conscious at this time’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘There are many ways in which we can work with you both and we will try all these options available to us as we develop the circle. There may be a time when you both experience periods where you leave your physical world and you become entranced, you drift into our vibration leaving the physical behind and we can still use the physical organism of your body and create the sounds that we need to produce the words in your atmosphere. We are experimenting with you when you sleep and this will help us to develop you both’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know’

‘Never worry when you feel yourself drifting away from the room’

Liz… ‘It happens quite quickly’

‘Yes, it is not a problem if we need you to be aware we will awaken you, you will find yourself suddenly back in your room’

Liz… ‘Yes that happens’

‘Many years ago, time slipped back, we have been working with this form of mediumship for many years, years before you yourselves have your present incarnation. We have worked with many different personalities in the physical world and brought them an understanding. We have developed different people in different ways and all the time it has taught us how the different realities can communicate, can develop a strong link with each other. There are experiments which are permitted throughout your physical universe and other similar physical universes and what you would call non-physical vibrations which fall into place amongst the realities that are experienced throughout time, throughout the evolution of each reality, for each reality is connected and the connections can be used to develop communications which will help those entities to grow and learn and understand the true meanings of the love that drives you all. The true purpose of communication is to build on that love; you build on that light within you all. It does not matter where you reside, where you find your life taking place, the love within is the driving force, the part of you which is most useful, most cherished, which will take you on your journey’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘There is always light and there is always shadow, where you are now is a confusing environment for it is not easily understood where this light ends and the shadow begins. They can easily be confused for one another. Only when you own light is allowed to shine will you truly recognise the light of love. Our purpose in communicating in this way is to show you, to teach you how to distinguish between the shadow, the light and the true light of love and put this to use in your own life and inspire others that you meet for once you are working with the true light of love others will be attracted to you, others will understand what you are doing, what you have been inspired by and they will feel a natural need to also enjoy and recognise the light of love. It is an ongoing building of experiences until that light is recognised for what it truly is and you are all motivated forward to do this. You all, all life has this spark in the mind which is telling them, which is educating them to work with love and towards love, towards the understanding of true love. Look back into your history and you will see those who were truly inspired and found that love and tried to explain that love to their fellows, to the fellows who came to them, were attracted to them when they saw, when they felt this love in such abundance. Many tried but failed to convey the true feeling, they were unprepared for the interpretations that would be put upon their own experiences but each time a subtle burning was put in place and the next time an easier passage was found. Nobody will give up when they are faced with the true light of love for they will then know the true purpose of love of life and that will urge them to share their knowledge until they are satisfied that they are understood. The misunderstandings of your world are holding back evolution in the mind of man but every mind is working towards, is working through the misunderstandings towards true understanding’

Liz… ‘How did the misunderstanding come about?’

‘Each mind in the physical universe is given the gift of free will, free will to explore, to build up an interest in whatever comes their way and when that interest is built upon there is a slowing of the love vibration for the interest becomes focused on the physical interpretations. When an interest has taken over the mind then the physical universe is brought into view more prominently taking away the loving thoughts that are also a part of the physical atmosphere so when interpretations are built up of physical things they cannot be truly understood and confusion will slowly rise in the minds for the mind is looking to satisfy the interest it has built up in the easiest way possible and the easiest way without putting the effort in is to rely on the physical interpretations… is this making sense to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘Would you like more… would you like us to expand on anything or do you feel we are explaining in a correct way?’

Liz… ‘Yes, how is love at present misunderstood?’

‘Love is… When you all listen to beautiful poetry, when you all listen to beautiful music you are uplifted but when you listen to the everyday physical words and the feelings that are conveyed by the inhabitants of your world you are becoming confused. You are letting go of the feelings you have built up when you experience the upliftment of poetry, of music you can bring yourself down and you can raise yourself up’    

Liz… ‘So love is a higher, a purer vibrational level’

‘Love is the highest of vibrations but it also permeates all of vibrations. Love is at its purest at the highest vibration but love can still be found. It will become part of the physical vibration but also part of the confusion of the physical vibration. You all have to learn to look beyond the confusion but you have all become a part of the confusion making that difficult’

Liz… ‘How did this confusion arise? Is it a necessary step or is it a mistake?’

‘The best way I can answer is to say it has become a necessary step for you. Before it existed it was not necessary, you all have made it a necessary step for you all have dragged yourself down and you now are working harder at bringing yourself up’

Liz… ‘Was this confusion, this particular density of vibration and the confusion that arose, was this something that was predicted, predictable or was it an unpredicted outcome of our evolution?’

‘Only once it had started was it predictable and we… it is not possible to know how far it will go but once it was seen, once it was felt by the powers that govern, that are in place to observe your physical reality then it could be partially predicted in the way it would go. You all have the power to create whether that be for the benefit of all or for the confusion of all, you are left alone to make your own choices this is partially the reason why you have been given this free will for it was known that free will can take you in any direction but we all knew that whatever direction the majority went then the path would be laid out and you could return, you could consider yourself now returning but all the time you are returning you are gaining more experience and you are helping all that is life, all to become closer to the true love that cannot be lost… Do not be dismayed, there is nothing wrong with all realities they are there as a school, they are there to be… you are there to make mistakes and you are there to learn from your mistakes when you do not learn from your mistake you will make further mistakes until you do learn, until you do turn round and retrace your steps’

Liz… ‘Yes it’s almost like a skein of wool that becomes knotted and at any point it can be unknotted but it can get more and more twisted for a while’

‘Yes but there is never a point when you cannot unravel, and you will unravel. All on your side will work at unravelling’

Liz… ‘It’s a wonderful world for doing that’

‘Yes and you will enjoy many lives, you will get yourself into predicaments but you will take yourself out of these predicaments. You will make the mistake many times but you will learn many times and each time you learn a part of you has taken another step and when you re-join that part of you, you will rejoice in the steps that have been made’ 

Liz… ‘How does our success in evolving to a more refined consciousness effect the larger reality? What is the importance of it to the larger reality?’

‘The larger reality and you are one. You are not affecting the larger reality, you are the larger reality and you are helping yourself, viewed as a larger reality, to increase, to evolve…’

Liz… ‘…and try new tricks’

‘Yes, that part which is you is learning, is making mistakes, is evolving. At the same time this is what the larger reality is also doing multiplied many times as all of the…’

Liz… ‘So we’re all in it together’

‘Yes it is one great evolving experiencing wonderful life that you are a part of… I hope you have enjoyed our talk this evening; we have come to the time when once again this part of you needs to withdraw from the physical atmosphere but as you know it will not break off from you. You now have to go back to that free will understanding that you and all on your side understand as your individualities upon the physical universe. Then you all will make the most while you are immersed in your physical experiences, so let us give you a piece of our love to take out and share with all of those individuals that live amongst your world and they will all benefit from the love within all things. Thank you for listening and thank you for providing us with the questions to build upon. We now leave, may God bless you all, thank you, goodnight…’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend thank you’

Liz put the music back on and waited a couple of minutes for me to feel back with it.

The session had lasted just over two hours this week.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…  

136th Sitting 12/03/2015

We had the room set-up as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

I started drifting off as Liz was doing the opening prayer and remained mainly unaware until the forth from last tune. I remember coming back at one point with a dream on my mind of a lined tee-shirt which then became lines of light over Liz’s face and a few seconds later I heard her report seeing a line of light flash just below her nose. Also as she was doing the opening prayer my mind was thinking about something else and I suddenly realised what I was thinking mirrored what Liz was saying.

Liz felt very sleepy during the session and she drifted off a couple of times and came back with the impression of two men like chefs standing over her cooking and stirring a pot. She got the feeling they were mixing her energies.
Another time she came back with a dream memory of being in a group of people and she saw a lady she knew with her back to her. She had had learning difficulties and Liz knew she had now passed over.

Liz felt very restless and felt pulling around her midriff.

Just before the last tune was about to play some noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music…

Liz… ‘Welcome friend… Hello…’

The communication took a while to settle.

‘Resonate… Resonate with all that is of value… compose the correct setting for the production of vocal words, one by one they come, they come forward and they work their way through to the concentration of all that is amassed in one particular place for we have condensed, we have concentrated our actions, our words, our thoughts into this central point that you recognise as a communication. There is all the time in the world, for there is no panic to bring through immediate results. There is an answer for all queries, for all queries come from one source and they can only begin with the same motivation before they flourish into a combined input, a combined structure of words, of syllables that represent a focused concentration of meaning, of information that for you represents the communication’

Liz… ‘So what is the one source?’

‘The one source is that spark of knowledge that you have in the back of your mind which motivates all other thought. You are all plugged in to a train of thought that was started at a time before the creation of all that you perceive in your physical world. This train of thought was set in motion to allow all that proceeds this in the building of your physical universe to have something to cling to and remind you that you are a small part of a greater existence’

Liz… ‘So is it that we have a template inside us?’

‘It can be… You can use the word template to describe this, it is recognised by all in different ways, different understandings and different words are put to these understandings that best suit the feelings as this is… as the original motivating force that set this train in motion is recognised. Yes all on your side have a partial understanding and when that understanding is allowed to enter the physical mind then the pictures become uncovered, a loosening of the thought allows the pictures to become perceived. But what has proceeded this thought is what colours this thought and the pictures are seen in many forms, understood in many ways and they are explained to others in a language suitable to the observer which for them best describes what they have perceived. There is no darkness without light, there is no feeling until that train of thought has been put into motion, has been absorbed by the minds of those who go, who follow, who connect with the underlying train of thought’

Liz… ‘Okay so there’s an ongoing stream of thought that underpins our world and our existence’

‘It permeates your existence for it is in everything but until it is recognised, until it is partially understood for a full understanding is still not available to all who inhabit the physical world’

Liz… ‘Where does this train of thought come from? What is its origin?’

‘To understand the origin you would have to step outside physical reality, leave behind a piece of yourself, reach out and engage with your true self, then look behind, look back at the trail you have trod, the path you have made, understand that each step has brought you closer to a true understanding. The source at this point for you can only be partially understood but try not to cloud your understanding with your own perceptions, allow all outside influences to reach you in a clean pure way and do not add your own thoughts and perceptions’

Liz… ‘That’s easier said than done’

‘Yes but you are getting closer for you are walking the pathway to reach the enlightened atmosphere and each step will make your understanding more pure, more uncluttered, more clean. You and all on your side are living this physical existence, there is much which is kept from your view and there is reason for this, as you understand you are part of a school, you are there to learn, you are there to learn with care, learn with a slow accurate continued working towards the understanding. If you were to understand too much at one time it would confuse and it would destroy your ability to learn at a steady pace, absorb at a steady pace, reach out at a steady pace. You cannot run before you can walk and now is the time to walk, keep a note of what passes by, be open to all that comes your way, understand your fellow citizens of the physical world for they too, whether consciously or unconsciously are striving to understand, striving to unravel the mysteries of life but there is no race, nobody will win by bypassing the smaller steps to get to the bigger steps. There is nothing to be learnt from this, there is no advantage to this, be satisfied that you are achieving much in what you do and appreciate that what you have already learnt and that what is around the next corner waiting to illuminate more particles of light within your being. Footsteps in the sand are everywhere, they look chaotic yet there is one train of thought that brings them all together in an ordered line, an ordered line of steps’

Liz… ‘Yes but steps in the sand don’t last very long’

‘They last as long as the next step. They only need to last as long as the next step for the next step is where you are at now. Previous steps can be forgotten, previous steps are what brought you to where you are now. You do not have to continually go back and observe your previous steps’

Liz… ‘That’s useful’

‘They were then, this is now, it is a continued stepping through life, through the sands of time. You will not forget the steps that have caused you the most passionate impacts on your life for they are now ingrained in your thought but many steps go unnoticed and they fade and they die. The circle of life is forever being refreshed, is forever being created, new born life, life that dies is replaced by life that is born, it is a continuous ongoing spiral of life, not a circle of life but a spiral. Each circle comes above the preceding circle so it is a coil, a coil like a spring. Sometimes the coils are close together, sometimes they are spread out and are stretched. Day by day it is a wonderful opportunity that you have, all on your side are living, literally living the dream. You all have been chosen to live this dream for we know that by living this dream you are contributing to the evolution of the consciousness that permeates all life. Live this dream well and you will be so pleased when you realise how much you have contributed to this ongoing life and you will be rewarded by many more lives in this physical environment’

Liz… ‘Some people feel that having a number of lives in this physical environment is a disadvantage rather than an advantage and they want to get off the wheel’

‘Then they are not fully understanding the structure of a physical universe for they are looking at it from within their physical universe. To understand truly they have to look from beyond the physical structure and see for themselves the effect that it has on the larger reality. They will then possibly change their mind and their outlook, but it is good to have ideas whether true or false. It does not really matter for ideas can be built upon, can be enlarged, can be modified until they feel correct. What feels correct for one person does not resonate with another. Always approach all thoughts and problems with many perspectives, try to understand how others think and use their perspectives to understand your own ideas and you will get many results, a build-up of results and you will see those that shine out, those that are motivated by the loving thoughts that are very much a part of your physical existence. Valuable lessons are learnt from mistaking the truth, valuable lessons are learnt from speaking out your own truth, valuable lessons are learnt when you understand that your own truth is not the only truth, is not the real truth but you have to learn, you have to start at your own truth before you can understand the real truth. Face your own truth and you will understand it is but a part, look at your truth, see it for what it really is in a sea of truths throughout your world. If it does not resonate with that loving feeling then you can always cast it aside build a new truth based on the love within yourself for the truths based on love reach further, piercing into the one truth that you all reach towards, thank you… We now have reached that point where we will begin to withdraw from your room. We have enjoyed this conversation once again and you have brought to it your own understandings which have allowed us to sift through the information and give to you the most relevant information to help you from this point forwards so thank you again’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘We as always leave with you a piece of our love to take out into your world, use wisely, use as God has intended and you will achieve much. Thank you, God bless you all, goodnight’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend and God bless you all, goodnight and thank you for your communications’

Liz put the music back on.

I was back feeling fine in about two minutes.
It looked very bright and blobby in the cabinet and I felt warm.

I got a message for Liz as I was coming back. It was to do with something she had said in this week’s Mercury Experiment about ‘concentrating on the sky as that was reality’ I got the feeling that this was very important for her.

The session had lasted just under two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

135th Sitting 05/03/2015

We had the room set-up as usual.

At 8.40pm Liz did the opening prayer, turned out the light and put the music on.

I lost awareness about 10 minutes after the start and came back about 20 minutes later. I then remained aware for about 15 minutes before drifting off again until the penultimate tune, just before the communication came through.

About 40 minutes after the start Liz reported feeling very hot.
Then Liz picked up a sound in her left ear.
She heard a click to her right.
Then felt touches on the top of her head.

A few minutes later Liz felt cold and her nose was itchy.

Liz felt a pulling feeling from the left side of her scull towards the cabinet.

Five minutes later some noises started in the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed the communication which took a while to settle.

‘Happy to be here once again’

Liz… ‘Happy to hear you’

‘Once again yes, we are once again happy to be here all the way from our side, all the way from a place of mystery for you, for we are not entirely understood by those who walk your Earth plane. You have an idea, an idea of how we exist, how we live, how we go about our daily tasks. You do not fully understand. There is a reason for this, there is a reason why you cannot fully understand the living conditions of those who live beyond your own plane of existence for you are a reflection of our way of living and from that perspective a fully understandable perception of how we live cannot be…’

Liz… ‘We are a reflection?’

‘Yes you as you live your life… What we perceive is a greater part of your life. What we can understand is a larger understanding, a larger…’

Liz… ‘If our life is a reflection does that mean that your living and your living conditions are more concentrated, have more reality, more conscious?’

‘Yes it is, we can only describe this to you as a feeling. If you were to lift all the restraints on your living conditions, if you were to set yourself free, free of all the necessary bindings and the walls that surround you, that appear to surround you, you, as you live your life, you feel that you have a place in your life, that you are held in place in the overall living that you experience. Now imagine this hold has been released and there is no limit to what you can explore, there is no physical limit to what you can explore, for you would then be able to access all things, all feelings, all experiences would be for you no effort at all for you would be a part of all of this, it would resonate with you but for you now you have to work at expanding your mind. We are able to give you this, a glimpse of our living conditions’

Liz… ‘Have you also experienced the constrained living conditions of the physical?’

‘We can experience a physical existence; we can bring ourselves into line with the physical world that you recognise as your plane of existence’

Liz… ‘Do we enter into your world when we dream in our sleep, do we access your level of reality then?’

‘A dream is the loosening of the restrictions that you live with now. It is not entirely moving into our existence but it is a loosening of the daily restrictions in your life. You are able to achieve more experience in the dream state than you can achieve in your physical environment’

Liz… ‘Are you a reflection of yet another level further on?’

‘Further steps are brought into place, we have… The words become twisted but we can try to explain, for when you ask if we have had a physical existence this is the wrong question to ask but you do not understand this for you are looking from your perspective as you exist now. You are a part of what we understand. We have lived many lives but it is not us that lives the life, it is a small segment of the whole, it is a part of us, it is a fragment of our imagination that has been passed through the relative spheres of existence that are what makes up the big picture, the greater realities. We ourselves cannot step into this condition. We could almost say that we are the condition, we are the reality that you are a part of’

Liz… ‘Right okay you encompass us, so you are the greater consciousness in which we are held’

‘You are tapping into the greater consciousness and you are getting information through in the form of words to your ears. If you hear words spoken to you, you expect an entity to be behind the words. Your experiences have given you the picture of a personality behind words for this is how you are living your life now but words do not need a personality’

Liz… ‘Okay, you’re pure information?’

‘Consciousness is what is required for you consciousness is condensed into what you believe to be yourself but it is not contained within your physical body it is…’

Liz… ‘…part of a much larger system in which the physical body is contained?’

‘Yes but at the same time… yes you are contained in a physical existence and you will abide by the laws of your physical existence but you can indeed step out of this existence, your consciousness is still the same but it is allowed to travel to experience larger realities when the time is right, when the effort has been put in and you can…’

Liz… ‘Effort is needed?’

‘Yes but not the physical effort, it is a greater understanding of love, the effort put towards the greater understanding of love, the effort put towards using that love in your daily life to brighten your world, to move your world, to evolve your world. Do this and you will be rewarded with a freer consciousness able to step out of your physical existence. You will understand this as you open yourself to the acceptance of the love within you. Let it be a part of your daily life; do not allow the negativities in your world to dim that light of love’

Liz… ‘And this love, it’s a connection with a greater reality?’

‘Yes the greater reality is a greater love but not beyond your touch, not beyond your sight, not beyond all the physical senses for you live on this love, it is beaming down on every person in your physical world, each day, each night but you have to allow yourself to become aware, aware of this love and you will want to share when you have opened your sight and your feeling to the love which is a part of your physical existence for you would not exist without this love. There are times when you do indeed feel this love, when everything in your world feels to be at the right point, at the right time, the time and the point collide and everything feels right, you are at peace with your world, you are at peace with yourself, nothing can shake it. When you feel this try to empower that feeling by the love inside of you and you will rise above all that is physical in your world and for a brief moment you will become a part of us, an understanding part of us not a dim reflection but you will be us for you already are us but you cannot understand this until that love has opened your mind, set you free from the trammels of earthly conditions. Never give up; never think that you are stuck, that you are imprisoned in this earthly life’

Liz… ‘Is this the same as the gold of enlightenment that’s sought by many religions, by Buddhism?’

‘Many have seen this, many have aspired to this, many have given it names, meanings and feelings but you can give it your own meaning. You through your own experience will truly understand’

Liz… ‘So one’s own experience is the key to this, experience it for yourself’

‘Yes you can read your books and get an idea but until you have experienced for yourself that idea is but a reflection. Strive for the true feeling, strive for the true experience’

Liz… ‘Does what is normally called love in our world have any bearing on this love that you are talking about. Is it an approximation of this love or is it something else, what we call love in our world?’

‘In your world love is a word but love can only be felt. If you utter the word, the word love, that is all it is, a word, but you can feel love and when you feel love you are indeed connecting to us, to the greater reality. Love is a feeling. You can try to perceive love with physical senses but it will fail you, your senses will fail you’

Liz… ‘Is the love that a mother feels for a child or a child feels for a parent, is that a reflection of this love, is that an inkling of this greater love?’

‘It is the love; it is not merely a reflection. That is your connection to the greater reality. You are tapping in to the greater reality when you feel that love’

Liz… ‘Okay so every birth, every child that’s born potentially has access and in giving birth a parent is a vehicle for that love’

‘Everybody has access to love for it is life. Life is love, you are life, you are love’

Liz… ‘So for those who maybe have had a disturbed childhood and who haven’t experienced love and that caring, can they still find, can they be helped to feel that love later on?’

‘No-one is cut off from the power of love. You do not need another person to give you love, you are able to receive love from everything, from all life. When a parent gives love to a child this is on the physical level. When you experience negativities this is on a physical level. Whether you have experienced physical negativities or physical love it does not affect your connection with true love, with the love of life, with the love what is life. You are still connected. Being affected by physical negativities is not a…’

Liz… ‘Is it not a barrier?’

‘Yes, it sometimes is a key to experiencing love for those physical negativities will grind you down but what is inside of you will still be reaching out and you will be urged forward, urged outwards and you will experience love in a greater abundance for you have to unravel the negativities that have bound you up in your earthly conditions. There is a great difference between the earthly love and what you would term spiritual love but there is nothing wrong with earthly love. If everybody gave out earthly love to one another what a wonderful world you would have’

Liz… ‘Ha, ha, it would be happier’

‘But at the same time your world is a school and you are learning and it is wonderful to have all the ups and all the downs as you walk through your earthly vibration and you experience all of this’

Liz… ‘Sometimes it doesn’t feel so wonderful’

‘But then your reaction is what is important’

Liz… ‘Yes that’s the learning’

‘Yes that what is there is there and you cannot do anything about that but you can do everything about how you react, how you let it try to live your life when you should be living your own life’

Liz… ‘And if you see it as a master game in which you can get competence; you can actually enjoy the ups and downs’

‘Exactly… see yourself living at ease with whatever is throw at you and you will have a better life for you will be at ease with whatever comes your way… Now, now the energies are coming to an end, we have had a most interesting talk with you and we thank you for your interesting questions, for questions empower the force behind the answers’

Liz… Thank you yes, thank you for your wisdom…’

‘We are so grateful for what you are doing here in this place and we want so much to give you the answers which will help you grow’

Liz… ‘Bless you’

‘You are only at the start of a wonderful journey and we are here to help you set your feet in motion on this wonderful journey. Never feel you are not doing enough for every thought you put out into your atmosphere is a stepping stone to a greater reality that waits for you, thank you’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know, thank you friend’

‘Thank you and God bless you all, God lighten you all and may the way be a clear way as you walk your path through the obstacles of a physical existence but a pleasing physical existence. We leave with you a piece of our love which you can take with you as you walk your physical existence and talk to your physical characters in your reality, thank you, goodnight dear, dear friend’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

Liz put the music back on for the last tune.
I was back with it after about two minutes.

The session had lasted two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…  

134rd Sitting 27/02/2015

We had the room set-up as usual.
This week we sat on Friday as I had been to the dentist on Thursday.

At 8.30pm Liz did the opening prayer, turned out the red light and put the music on.

After about ten minutes Liz reported feeling the room filling up with people.
She felt they were reaching out to her which made her reach out to them. She said it was a wonderful feeling.
She also saw blue shapes in the room.

I don’t remember anything after the third tune.
I came back after about 45 minutes and remained aware for the rest of the session.

Liz became very hot.
She thought she heard a quiet voice in the room away from the cabinet.
Liz then went very cold.

A bonk noise came out on the recording.

Liz felt a tickle on the top of her head and then felt like her hair was being pulled.

As the last tune was about to play a few noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you’

‘Good evening to you… thank you for sitting tonight’

Liz… ‘You’re welcome’

‘Allow us to work once more… Happy to come again yes… A pure, a pure process… A pure process for all to relate to, for all have the vehicles of thought. The vehicles of thought will work upon all manner in developing, in control, in developing control of the mind of the medium. Now there is a place, a state of mind where we can best use, make use of the medium, the vocabulary, the words that we can use. There is a place; there is this state of mind… very exact, exact… Separate the one from the other, separate and concentrate on the pure side. Two sides sit side by side, once we separate the two we can build our energies towards the pure uncluttered side that is part of the whole. There is always a resistance for the separation, for it is a natural process to be linked side by side. When we try to separate we have to ease into the situation before a resistance is felt for once the resistance is felt then it returns to its natural state. Once we get in, or once we separate, we are then able to follow through with a train of thought which we can build on ourselves. We can use this train of thought to ease the separation until that point where the strong pure link has been achieved and the information will flood through, stream through in a continuous, a continuous stream of thoughts one after the other, uncluttered by the noise that exists. Very fine tune, a fine tune indeed has to be accomplished but each time we come closer to a pure link, a pure train of thought which will impinge on the mind of the medium without any obstacles’

Liz… ‘Is there anything that we can do to facilitate this separation of the two halves?’

‘Yes there is, it is always advisable to come here with no preconceived ideas of what will be, what will take place. Empty your… keep your thoughts towards the… keep yourself thinking and appreciate all that you experience when in this situation. Do not turn away thoughts that enter your mind as if it is perceived as your own thoughts for many ideas will enter your mind in a situation like this but these ideas, although they may be recognisable to you as forming a part of your own thought they will indeed be generated by other influences. Do not reject an idea thinking it is from your own mind for when we send to you, you have to pick up. You have to interpret up to a point thus making it feel like your own thought, your own idea. It will take a time for you to recognise this, it will, by the continuous… by continually doing this you will soon feel happy to give out what is given to you… It is always for all people who venture to this form of mediumship, it is always the same, each person will feel they are contributing to the communication in their own way. This is a natural feeling but the less you can worry about this the better the communication will come. Even when your own thoughts do come through it is not a problem, they are also part of the process for we can trigger your thoughts and your thoughts will come through. There is still a part of us that has set that thought in motion and caused it to produce words, verbalization of words. This in itself is part of the communication, the process of communication. All we are able to do is direct our ideas and thoughts through you. How this results is partially out of our hands until a pure flow has begun. The initial words that are uttered may for you make little sense. This is again not a problem for it is an initial build-up which has to be let go, which has to be transmitted out so that we can get a hold from our side and bring forward those pure thoughts’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘All forms of mediumship present themselves in this same way for if you are working on a clairvoyant message you will pick up a mixture of our thoughts and your interpretation. Only practice and continued development will allow you to distinguish, will allow you to prevent yourself from interpreting the thoughts that are carefully placed on your mind. You will learn to receive the thought for what it is not for how it is interpreted by yourself. Development is always the answer…’

There was a pause and then a different voice came through…

‘Picture… picture a sphere of light, a revolving sphere of light picking up the passing waves of thought that are directed close to this revolving ball as it revolves, as it picks up these particles, particles of thought. They are attracted to the light, they are placed on the surface of the revolving light until a time when no more light can be seen for the particles have built up around the surface of the sphere of light and the light has now become a part of the whole. The light is still there but it is not seen by those who observe, where has the light gone? Where now? How can that light shine for it has been to the observer extinguished. To the observer the light is not there until a time when the particles of thought are peeled away once again. The light is able to energise each particle with a part of itself, with a strong energy of light which is injected into the particle and the particle is set free to continue its journey to other living entities, other living spheres of light to spread its knowledge and to build up again on a further sphere of light, that sphere of light which you perceive as yourself. You are all revolving spheres of light picking up particles, picking up particles of thought, sharing those particles of thought with each other, growing in brightness as you receive and give out particles of thought. Each sphere of light contributes to the growing of information, the growing of conscious thought throughout the universe, throughout the perceived universe. There are no thoughts which do not contribute to the growing of the light, the brightness of the light within. You are all glowing, you are all burning, you are all gathering the thoughts as they bounce, as they rebound throughout your world. Your worlds, all your worlds are gathering, for your world itself is a revolving sphere of light covered by the life forms that inhabit it, that inhabit your world and you can look out and see all the other spheres of light in your universe, you feel a connection, you want to look up, that feeling it gives to you when you see fellow revolving spheres of light shine down on you giving you the strength, giving you the knowledge, allowing you to understand on a higher level the connection of all life, ever growing, ever sharing, ever increasing in strength, in knowledge, in love… thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

The voice changed again…

‘It is the time, it is the time now, we have worked and achieved our goals once again and we find the time, the time has come when the energies have subsided for us to work and to develop. We are pleased with our development this evening and we draw back, we leave with you a piece of our love to resonate within yourself, to share with others and to give others that inspiration to brighten their own light and that feeling of love when the effort is given to sharing, not to what can be gained from life but what can be shared in life for the sharing is what helps you all grow. Do not try to gather to yourself unless you are willing to share and give to others. What you give is what increases your light and you will feel that feeling inside motivating you forward to the greater gifts of God, of love, of light. Thank you, bless you all, may you all grow with your God inside of you and feel the love within, thank you we now draw back, we wish you to play your tune once more thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight, God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on.

I was feeling fine and back with it in about two minutes.

The session this week had lasted 1 hour 45 minutes.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…