May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

Solo sit 17/09/2020

I had a Solo sit at home.

I didn’t have a question so just did the opening prayer then allowed the communication to come through.

I decided to try and keep out of the communication as much as possible and allow whatever comes through to be free from any influence by me.

‘Good evening, good evening... Once again, we enter your room with the best of intention. We build with you a voice and we direct that voice for you have the ability to transmit our message. You have that ability within yourself, you need not try, you need not interfere for you are being used, you are being taken over. You have your own mind but there is little you can do to add to what is brought through. We are already tuned in to you and we can use you, we can bring through that what we wish. Do not concern yourself with your own modifications to that what is said. As we approach, as we move in to your consciousness the combination of minds is achieved. You still feel your own mind as a part of the conversation and yet you are not ready yet to experience all that we have to offer. We wish you to stay focused on this development. This development is important to us. You have already travelled a long way and we are grateful for your patience. There are times when you feel nothing new is being said for you are unaware of the development that goes on behind the scenes. We use each opportunity to try new things, to explore your mind and find the most suitable pathway on which to base our own mind, our own thoughts’ 

‘There will be a time in your world when these words will be needed. There are many in your world who are bringing forward these words in their own way, producing a library of information which will become available to all as more become interested, as more become tired of the struggles in physical existence. They will begin to see the opportunities and they will take those opportunities; they will experience those opportunities and they will add positivity. Your world is changing and it is up to all of you to make a choice, a choice between positivity and negativity. A choice to grow up or stay the same. Evolution of consciousness is a slow process but it has come a long way. There are times when it seems to be making a retrograde step and indeed there is much that can be improved. You all hope for improvement in your lives but you have to be the improvers, you have to be that change and in being that change your world will change and the future will be bright. You have nothing to lose and you have everything to gain. Be the example in your communities, show everybody how life can change by changing yourselves. Do not think only of yourself but think of each other, help each other and feel the joy in your heart as you do this for that is your true self. You are aligning yourself with your true self and that feels good, that feels joyous and you will want to do more. Bring life back into your world, natural life, life that you yourself can unlock within yourself. Be that change, be that example, be the spark that brings light into the lives of every living human being in this wonderful physical world. Everything is how it should be; everything is presented to you to enable you to grow. Recognise this, feel the benefits, bring light to life and love to your world... Thank you’


I felt back with it after a few seconds then did a closing prayer and sent out healing...

Solo sit 09/09/2020

I had a Solo sit at home.

I did an opening prayer and included a few light visualisation exercises that I had learnt recently.

I also asked a question...

‘Is anything an absolute truth?’

It took a couple of minutes before I was controlled, then the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening... Take all that we say with a pinch of salt. Use your own intelligence, your own intuition, your own personal guidance, the feelings that you associate with all knowledge. Allow that to give you an answer. Take from us what resonates with you for you are blending with us and we do not want to add to that mix for we wish to develop your understanding. You have built up within yourself an understanding and that is what you base all further understanding. You modify that what you believe and yet you know that beliefs hold you back. Try to release that hold you have on yourself, open your mind, allow new ideas to filter through. We can help but we will not direct the message, we wish you to be the director, the instigator of new information drawn from within yourself’

‘Picture a park, an empty park. Imagine yourself walking through that park. Each step modifies the grass beneath your feet, you are creating a foot path. The park does not create information, you create information in that park. You may plant a tree; you might create a building within that park. You are adding information, you are putting your stamp on that park. Others will share that park with you and they too will put their stamp on that park. It is a multiplayer game and you all approach that game from your own point of view. You appreciate the efforts of others as they create in that park, as they lay down their footprints, as they plant beautiful flowers, as they construct works of art. Each individual works from within and the park begins to blossom, a creation of many minds working on one project that will benefit all. Try to see the truth in that park and you will see your own truth, you will see the work of others and you will understand it from your viewpoint and they in turn will see your footprints, your creations from their viewpoint. They create their own truth unique to them at that point in time’

‘You all play your part in your world, you come and you go, you leave behind creations that create the history of your world. Step back, observe that what you have done. See how it fits in the makeup of your world. Understand how it is perceived by others. Watch the reactions of each individual in your world. Each person is playing their part, creating for themselves a truth. How do you know if that truth is absolute, is real, is not just an illusion? You know it is real for it is your truth, you have created it and it is a part of you and you will take it with you as you journey through life after life. You will add to that truth and as you grow that truth will become brighter. It will be seen by others, it will help others, it will be understood by others for as you grow you see the connection, you understand the connection, the connection of all life working as one and yet creating individually one by one, creating a combined truth that will stay with you all. Your truth is a part of you, your truth is you, you are life and life is truth. Life can change, life can grow, do your best to keep that growth expanding in a positive way’

‘Do not spend your life looking for truth but spend your life with a smile upon your face. See the good in all situations, do not let the darkness affect your state of mind. You have the ability to see through all situations. You have the ability to see the light within yourself and you have the ability to set that light free. Enjoy your life, learn from life, do not take your life too seriously. All life is to be enjoyed and for that enjoyment to be spread to others. You are all here for a reason and within yourself you know that reason and that reason is encouraging you to stay positive. There are many distractions in life but they are necessary distractions. They will help you to grow, help you to modify your own truth as you modify yourself and become so much more... Thank you’


I felt back with it, then did a closing prayer and sent out healing...