May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

57th Sitting 29/07/2013

This week we put the trumpet back out in front of the cabinet after charging up the luminosity on the wide end.
We also did a black-out check before starting to make sure no light was getting in through the blankets over the door frame.
A new addition to the room is some wind chimes which I’ve hung from the light fitting roughly in the centre of the room. These were got for the Mercury Experiment but I thought I’d leave them up as a permanent fixture for both groups.

At 8.30pm Liz opened in prayer, turned on the music and extinguished the red light.
I got a tickly cough as she opened which often happens to me as spirit move in.

After about five minutes Liz heard a few clicking noises coming from the cabinet.
The noises got louder and Liz turned down the music.
She encouraged and welcomed the communicators.

‘All of us here… joy to be here’

Several different energies were experimenting producing different voices most of which was incoherent at first.

After a few ‘Hellos’ the name ‘George’ was given then the voice stabilized…

‘Learn how to come through in this way’

Liz… ‘Are there many of you?’

‘It will take time for us to come through in this way but we have come a long way since we began. We have achieved much in this way so each time we are able to engage in conversation in this way it helps us to tune to you’

Liz… ‘That’s very good to know that’

‘It will sound not understandable to you at this time. We are learning to come closer each time. Organization of ourselves is what is required I think’

Liz… ‘Okay you’re doing very well. I can understand clearly what you are saying’

‘We are pleased you can understand some of what we say’

Liz… ‘You as the main speaker seem to be very clear’

‘Don’t think I talk as the main speaker but I assist. We all help each other. Nobody in particular is a main speaker but we are all coming through together helping each other with the way we can speak’

Liz… ‘Well your communication is very clear’

The communication became faint and whispery then they withdrew.

Liz turned up the music.

The room was uniformly dark. All Liz could see was the trumpet luminosity.
Then she began to see a marble effect in the room.
She had a sense of presences around her and movement in the room.
She felt like there was someone standing on each side of her.

Another communicator came through and Liz turned down the music…

‘Wonderful to speak, so nice to be able to speak to you’

Liz… ‘Good to hear you’

‘Hello, hello… Good to be here, good to be able to speak again so well, so clear… to be able to speak so clear, in a clear way able to engage in conversation with you in this way’

Liz… ‘It’s wonderful to hear you’

‘We enjoyed observing your new circle, you are sitting around a table, it amuse us, we expect you to have a cup of tea on your table!!!’

Liz… ‘Ha, ha, it’s a garden tea table’

‘Yes, but some from our side find this form of communication interesting and they are going to move forward and help you with development in that way so keep doing what you have set out to do. Keep two circles going we will be able to work with two circles. It give us a wider range of communication possibilities’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know… Having just the two of us will that be sufficient for the moment?’

‘Numbers are not important. What is important is a dedication, the harmony and the love. With this anything is possible. If you do have extra sitters in either of circles be careful. Observe how they mix with you and be honest and if you feel they are not working then it will have to be terminated, their involvement. But if they feel they are of benefit to either circle then welcome them with warm heart for they will help you to achieve what you are setting out to do’

The communicator withdrew and Liz turned up the music.

Liz reported a change to the energy in the room.
She saw a stippling of the darkness and a large shape forming like a cone with the apex by the trumpet and the wider end to her right away from the cabinet. It looked like a large funnel and was lighter to the right.
It was flecked, feathery and fanned out.
It gave Liz the impression of starlings or star beings. Something she has connected to before when she was sitting in the cabinet.

The penultimate tune played and Liz reminded the team to start drawing back.

Another communicator managed to come through before the end to close the circle...

‘Thank you for your time this evening. We have enjoyed listening to your music, feeling how it affects, how it assists, the energy it creates… Time now for us to go. We have achieved much. In our way we have achieved much. We have added to the sum total of our achievements so far. It will grow each week we come forward and add a bit to the mix… Thank you once again, we look forward to meet with you soon’

Liz… ‘Thank you’

The music ended and Liz checked I was okay.
I still felt a bit buzzy and overshadowed and we waited till they had withdrawn completely before Liz turned on the red light and did the opening prayer.
The cabinet looked dark and sparkly then became light and misty as they withdrew.

I feel the communications are getting stronger each week at the moment. It feels like there’s an element of me colouring the communications when they start then the entity takes over and although I’m still aware I feel myself pushed back.
Sometimes a strong fuzzy energy feels like it’s entering my body which makes me shake and tense up and at other times I feel more relaxed as the energy is calmer and settled...

56th Sitting 22/07/2013

We sat as we had last week.

It had been a very hot day, about 30 degrees, but thankfully the garage remained cool.

At 8.30pm Liz opened, put the music on and red light out.

After about five minutes Liz reported a ticking noise and turned down the music.
The noise was coming from me in the cabinet and developed into voice which was mainly incoherent at first.
Liz encouraged the communication which became more understandable and settled…

‘Hello, hello, hello… all configuration information… it all come together in the end… we all come together in the end… we are all combined in this way, so we come through in our way… perfection will be achieved in the end… so each time we come through in this way we are able to add a piece of ourselves to the mix so in this way we can bring ourselves, our personalities through… it will work in this way’

Liz… ‘Okay, that’s good to know… Are you finding it easier to use the medium’s voice box?’

(It seemed like different communicator came through)

‘It varies each week depending on the state of the vessel. We try to take vessel back so we can come forward. This is our goal at this time. It will take a little adjustment from our side until we can get it quite right. Slowly, slowly we are able to penetrate your atmosphere in this way’

Liz… ‘That’s good to hear’

‘Desmond, Desmond…’

Liz… ‘Desmond… it’s good to hear you again’

‘I always be here. So it is good to be able to speak again in this way. All of us are close. We all are able to come close at this time. It is a congenial atmosphere for us to work with. It fills us with love to be able to come through in this way, a more stable way, a controlled way. So we will benefit from all developments’

Liz… 'Is there anything that we can do, that I can do to make things better, to make things easier?’

(Communicator changed again, I felt it was an old lady, a teacher. I also felt myself being pushed backwards we she spoke.)

‘More development will come… you will be able to utilize combined energy from new circle and this circle. Each will benefit each other. So keep doing what you feel is right. Allow your feelings, what you feel is right, to come forward. You have learned much in your time on this plane and you can now use what you have learnt to bring forward our teachings from our side into your circle. So keep going, keep learning, keep feeling what is right. Allow what you feel to be right to come forward… This is what we want you to do’

Liz… ‘Good, thank you for that confirmation’

After the communicators withdrew I felt all the energy had gone inside the cabinet and it took a while for it to build up again.
It seemed to be getting lighter in the cabinet and I started to drift off.
At times I felt like I was deeply out of it and held very still but at the same time I felt awareness.
I had a strong pressure on the top of my head like a finger pushing and entering my skull!!!

Liz was seeing moving squiggles and shapes in the room. Some bright and some dim.
There were no colours in the room this week.

Liz felt a pressure sensation and prickly feeling on her skull.
Then she felt a pressure inside her head like it was being squashed, squeezed and manipulated.

The room became uniformly dark.
Then Liz heard noises from the cabinet and turned down the music.

She welcomed and encouraged the communication.
There seemed to be several strong communicators trying hard to say something but it was incoherent…

The penultimate tune came on and as always Liz reminded the team it was time to start moving back.
She checked I was back and okay at the end before giving the closing prayer…

55th Sitting 15/07/2013

We sat as last week with no trumpet and were extra careful that the blankets sat right against the door so no light entered the room.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, put on the music and extinguished the red light.

About 10 minutes later Liz reported that the room still looked uniformly dark.
Just after saying this she saw slight ripples appearing in the room then a whole rush of activity as dim lights, waves and shadows filled the room!!!

Liz felt brushes on the top of her head.
Her nose became blocked and her throat restricted.

Black blobs or discs were moving into her left field of vision. They became brighter.
She had a strong pulling sensation from her abdomen.

While the two ‘American Indian’ type tunes were playing Liz had the sensation of fluttering wings to her right.
She had a wave of emotion come over her and saw an American Indian face which she felt she recognised. Then she realised it looked like Dan!!!
(It made Liz think of something Yellow Feather had said to Dan when Warren Caylor had sat in the garage last year… ‘Yellow Feather say to you, you have much light inside of you’ )

Liz reported a lot of pressure on the front of her head and she felt like ‘going off’ but stayed with it.

As always when the penultimate tune played she reminded the team it was time to start drawing back and at the end she checked I was totally back with it and feeling fine.

At the start of the sitting I had felt spirit move in quickly during Liz’s opening prayer.
My breathing was slow and controlled and I could hear clicks and gulps going on in my throat.
I was aware of a tight thin band like rope around my forehead and tops of my ears.
There was no attempt at communication.

I was taken out of it for the middle part of the sitting and remember little of that time except for seeing a double decker bus that was brightly lit up inside while outside was dark and foggy. Interestingly during the week when meditating I had found myself on a bus where I was helping someone get up from their seat. I felt I knew the person but they wouldn’t show me their face.

We both felt the energy had been very settling and peaceful tonight.

As we discussed the sitting I noticed a lot of bright blobs and white wispy bits inside the cabinet.

Liz tuned on the red light and gave the closing prayer.

54th Sitting 08/07/2013

(When Liz sat in the cabinet last Wednesday I looked out for any light phenomena similar to what she saw last Monday.
I did notice a minute amount of light coming in through the bottom of the door frame which lasted until about halfway through the sitting before it faded as dusk set in outside.
Although this doesn’t explain why Liz saw the light about three foot to the right of the door it is easy to lose your sense of direction when sitting in the dark so for now we are going to assume that light getting through the door frame and blanket was the cause for last Monday’s phenomena until something else makes us think otherwise.)

This week we made sure the blankets were tight against the door frame and we also left the trumpet, which has luminosity on it, outside the room so there was no light in the room at all.
If Liz did report anything we could now be pretty sure it was caused by the energies in the room. Unless it’s ‘phosphene’ which we can’t prove one way or the other until we have more than one sitter and two or more report the same thing which often happens in the MSC.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, put the music on and turned out the red light.

After five minutes Liz reported green/blue shapes flowing slowly through the room. She said it looked like dye moving in water.
She also had the feeling people were looking at her.

Then she saw white, purple and red patterns like marble moving quickly then slowing down giving the impression of frequency changes in the room.
She felt there were a lot of people coming and going in the room and moving about. At one point they seemed to be dancing.

Liz turned down the music when she heard noises from the cabinet.

‘All here…’

Liz… ‘Welcome… you’re all here’

‘Very good… excellent… hello… adjust… better… it all come together… I start vocal chords… it all is in hand… all come together on love vibration… can you hear how we speak?’

Liz… ‘Yes…’

‘All time more words come through, it helps us to gauge our level of communication’

Liz… ‘It’s nice and clear at the moment’

‘Yes that’s good’

Liz… ‘Quite loud enough’

‘Good to have feedback on how we have achieved by you each time we come through. We have our learning to do, to adjust, to come through in a more coherent way… it is just a learning curve for us to be able to do this’

Liz… ‘That’s good, who is it I’m talking to, can you tell me?’

‘It is all of us; we come as one while we are able to adjust… We are working on becoming more individual but this will take time for now we all help each other with voice. So we in joint communication yes, but as time goes by we will separate, we will peel our individual character from one another and then you will hear how we speak individually’

Liz… ‘That’s good to hear… good news’

‘Yes we are pleased that we can at least make ourselves heard at this point. Later we hope to bring you a few words of wisdom… so thank you for your time’

Liz… ‘Thank you… I’m glad that the other energy hasn’t affected your ability to come through’

The communicators withdrew…

Liz reported the room had gone dark then she noticed it filling up with light mottled shapes that moved around in the darkness.
She saw what looked like a moth moving in front of her.
She saw purple steaks like strings of beads all over the room.
She felt something like a feather moving up her finger.
Her legs went cold and she felt there was someone standing in front of her.
She felt a pressure on the left side of her head.

Liz was seeing dim flashes moving around the room and then patches of bluish white light made up of smaller lights.
She saw a blobby cloud to her right.
The room went very dark again.
She felt hot.

Liz then had what felt like a hand on top of her head.
It started stroking her hair.
Then she felt a breeze on the left side of her face.

When the penultimate tune came on Liz reminded the team to start drawing back.
She checked I was back and okay after the last tune finished then put on the red light and did the closing prayer.

I felt very cold at the end but had been hot during the sitting.
My nose had become blocked.

Like last week it had been a three part sit to me with plenty of spirit activity in the cabinet moving me around, producing lights behind my closed eyes and communicating in the first part. Before the communications my breathing was controlled. I was breathing out through my mouth slowly and could feel a kind of wavy effect over my vocal chords.

In the second part I started to drift off and lost consciousness a few times.

When I came back it felt like there wasn’t much energy left in the cabinet and for the third part I sat feeling very much aware but could still hear Liz reporting stuff.

Just after the communicators withdrew I got a message in my mind which was to do with Liz’s comment about being glad the other energy hadn’t affected their ability to come through. She was talking about the new energies being worked with in the MSC and the message I got was that both teams are still working together but in different ways. They wouldn’t allow anything to happen that would be detrimental to either circle. Things have been put in place to prevent that from happening...

53rd Sitting 01/07/2013

This week we were back to Monday for our MLC sit.

I’d been feeling light headed for about an hour before sitting and just before going down to the garage my stomach was spinning and making noises. I also had an irritation in my throat making me cough.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, put the music on and turned out the red light.

After about five minutes Liz was seeing a few luminous patches in the room.
Then after another five minutes see reported seeing wavy/ripple effects.
There was a strong ectoplasm smell in the room.

Liz noticed two spots of light near the healing book at ground level. They were about two feet apart and stationary. She also had the feeling someone was standing there. The lights remained for 35 minutes before suddenly disappearing.

A few voice noises were heard from the cabinet 20 minutes after the start.
Liz acknowledged and encouraged the communicators.
It sounded like several entities were trying to get through and the words were mainly incoherent.
They withdrew for two minutes then came back.
Oswald gave his name. He managed to say ‘Hello, how do you do…’
A posh sounding character came through briefly followed by an American Indian who has been through before, a very strong energy which makes me shake.

Liz had a few light touches.
She felt herself wanting to drift off a few times but stayed with it.

When the penultimate tune played Liz asked the team to start drawing back.
She checked I was okay at the end before giving the closing prayer.

The sitting had felt like it was in three parts to me in the cabinet.
At first the energies built up quickly and were strong.
My arms and head were moved around.
After the communication I felt a lot of heat over my forehead and eyes.

Then things seemed to quieten down and I drifted off a couple of times during the middle part of the sitting.

I didn’t feel much energy during the third part of the evening. It felt like they had used up their quota for the evening.

After closing we decided to investigate whether anything physical had caused the two lights that Liz saw.
She turned on the red light and noticed the lights had been coming from near the metal legs of the chair by the healing book.
We first wondered if the luminosity of the trumpet had shone over to the chair and reflected on the metal legs but ruled that out as there was another identical chair much closer to the trumpet and no light had been seen from that. Also the room was set up exactly as normal and Liz has never noticed these lights before.
Another possibility was light getting through the door frame from outside and reflecting on the chair legs. We have two blankets which hang over the door frame to eliminate light getting in but it’s possible I didn’t hang them properly this week and some light was getting in. It was still light outside so we turned out the red light again and I checked for any light getting in before touching the curtains but couldn’t find any. Also I think if there was a gap in the blankets letting light in Liz would have seen it from where she was sitting and it doesn’t explain why the lights were suddenly seen by Liz and then suddenly disappeared 35 minutes later. This fact also rules out the trumpet luminosity causing it as that had remained consistently bright throughout the sitting.
We couldn’t come up with any other theories so for now the light phenomena will be filed in the ‘don’t know’ box.

Also while we were talking after the sitting the voice recorder ‘bleeped’ and when I checked it I found the batteries had gone flat. I’d put new batteries in it last week just before I sat on Friday and they’re usually good for about ten weeks, so either they’re duff batteries or ‘something’ drained them during the sitting???