May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

81st Sitting 27/01/2014

We had the room set up as usual and Liz opened at 8.30, extinguished the red light and started the music.

I felt the team with me as soon as I sat in the cabinet.
I had a tickle in my throat making me cough and felt my breathing being controlled and slowing down making me feel light headed.

About five minutes after the start I was making whistling and lip-smacking noises.
I felt lots of little points of pressure on the top of my head, something I’ve never experienced before. It gave me a picture in my head of having wires connected to my scull from above which I guess is a pretty good metaphor for what’s happening.

Liz was noticing a lot of green/blue light to her right.
She felt that there were entities there.

Whistling, lip-smacking and gurgling got louder from the cabinet.
Liz muted the music and welcomed the communication.
There were lots of different voices and sounds at first as if tuning in before the words became coherent…

‘Hello, hello… Good, good… Good evening… It all, it all come together… We all come through… We all join hands and we all come into your room, mix with your energies. Let us continue and bring our voices through in this way, all come forward in our own way; it all comes forward in our own way. New condition, new conditions, new variation in the way we come through. We try different methods to come through. We have a good go at tuning in, in a different way. It is all experimentation at the moment for we have a good hold of the link…’

Liz… ‘It sounds as if it’s easier this week, is it easier?’

‘Always for us it is a new way, a new learning each time. It is not a difficulty, there’s no difficulty, there’s just a case of getting the correct pattern of link, of the link. The pattern that we follow has to match with the link. So it is our job to find the correct pattern in a trial and error way we bring forward each time. Sometimes we come through with a clear voice but it is also a case sometimes we get our words confused. The apparent, what you hear may not be what we are trying to get through. Sometimes we put our thought into the mind of the link and nothing comes through or in cases there are words which we do not, which we have not used but it is all experimentation at this time’

Liz… ‘Okay, that’s good. Do you have any names for us?’

‘It would not be advisable to give names at this time, until we advance to individualise each communication, then we can begin to give you information’

Liz… ‘I ask because I get names come into my head sometimes and I don’t know if they’re names connected with you’

‘You must appreciate a lot of entities are in your room and you can pick up thoughts from all of these and it may not be directly connected with the communicator at that time, so advisable not to give names that you get, it will influence our own communication. We are striving to get a pure link that we then can put our self through and our information through in our own way’

Liz… ‘Good, okay thank you… Yes thank you for clarifying that’

The communicator withdrew and Liz put the music back up.

(When I listened back to this communication I found it interesting. It sounds like there are three or four different entities speaking at different times)

Liz was getting cold round her legs.
She said it felt like a cool breeze.

Ten minutes after the last communication there were more lip-smacking and whistling noises from the cabinet getting louder.
Liz muted the music and welcomed the communicator which started to sound like Donald Duck!!!
After a while the voice changed into a more ‘normal’ voice…

‘Hello lady, hello lady… Guess who, guess who. Yes, yes, here now, who is here now ha, ha? You know, you know who it is, you know who it is…’

Liz… ‘Do I know who it is?’

‘Ah, you do, you do, hello, hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘You’re an old friend are you?’

‘George, George, George…’

Words became incoherent and faded out.

Liz… ‘Hello? You’re getting faint’

It sounded like the communicator had changed. It was a much softer voice.

‘All is good, good, good. It is a peaceful place that you sit. We all appreciate the time you give us to come into your room, into your atmosphere, into the love that you create. It is most conducent to our love that we have here. We mix together, we come close, we come close. We are able to sense the vibration of physical matter once again. It is a slow process for us to come in this way but we enjoy, we enjoy the experience once again. It is of a benefit to us in the same way as it benefits you when you receive some information, some knowledge, some learning from the world of spirit’

Liz… ‘Yes, there’s so much to learn’

‘Much to learn, yes much to learn. We do not wish to give you an easy lesson, we wish you to think, we want you to think. We give you a base line which you can build on each time we give you information, knowledge. It will be in a way that it will make you think. It will make you use the mind that you have now in your physical existence. It will use; you will use your mind to unravel the mysteries that you perceive ahead of yourself at this time. We can give you snippets of information which will help you, which will ignite your mind into thinking in the correct way to lead you to answers, answers to questions that you have in your mind already but be aware that answers create further questions. It is an ongoing experience which is what life is all about. All about experiencing, immersing yourself in these experiences to bring forth information, knowledge which you can then share with others’

Liz… ‘And is this bridging, this being able to communicate with the spirit world. Is this something that is going to increase in the future with people in general?’

‘That is entirely up to you, you people on your side, you have to make the first move. Once you have made that move it will ignite the pathway ahead and allow us to bring partial knowledge to those who wish to learn. They in turn will share their knowledge with others, igniting those others to question and to seek for themselves more knowledge. This will increase each time knowledge is shared, each time a spark of interest is ignited by that knowledge, that understanding which everybody is seeking even though they may not feel that they need or they wish to seek they have a motivating… their motivating spirit is pushing them forwards, forward every day but it needs, it needs to experience information, knowledge to ignite that interest, that spark of interest and allow it to bring to them an interest, an interest in finding more…’

Liz… ‘Will this pathway of communication and knowledge, this opening up, will this lead to a healing and an evolution in the right direction for the Earth?’

‘All communication from spirit is a form of healing. You will find as you move forward, each person will find as they move forward that they are creating a healing light. They are creating a healing light to benefit them with experience and benefit others with healing. It is a two way experience, one goes with the other, you cannot have spiritual development and communication without bringing forward healing ahead of you in this way…’

Liz… ‘So just helping the spark to ignite will help to overcome the resistance… Thank you’

Communication faded and Liz put up the music.

Liz saw lots of vertical light forms.
Twisting forms like twisted ribbons.

Liz got the smell of ectoplasm.

She felt there was someone in front of her.
She had a tingling over her scalp.

Liz got a strong sense of feathers and birds. A white crow.
Then she felt like she had white paste all over her.

Noises from the cabinet got louder and Liz muted the music.
She felt a breeze.
It took a long time for the communication to settle and become coherent…

‘Hello… Once again we come to the end of our sit, our sitting with you. It has been interesting, an interesting evening as always. We have come forward in our way once again and now we come to the time when we have to say good bye. We leave you with a thought. We ask when you feel you are looking for answer you imagine yourself as a pearl on a beach in the middle of the night and above the sky is clear, the moon shine down on you and illuminate you from within. That is our love coming down to you. Imagine this picture and you will find more clear answer come forward for you. Try this next time you feel you are looking for answers and we feel it will help, it will help, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you I will try that. Thank you for your presence. Now it seems we are very close to the end so we ask for you now to draw back a little so that the medium can come back into the room but our love and blessings are with you’

‘Thank you we go now and leave you with a piece of our love for you to take into your world and share with those you meet, thank you. We look forward to the next time that we are with you in this way but we remain partially with you throughout your daily life’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know’

‘We are only a thought away, thank you and good night’

Liz… ‘Good night and bless you’

Liz had a smell like burnt matches.
She now felt very cold.
The music ended.

I came back slowly.
Liz checked I was back before doing the closing prayer, healing and closing down exercise.

I had felt warm in the cabinet but cold from knees down.
I’d felt a few touches and fuzzy feelings.
At one point I felt a pressure on my head and a feeling like something was being placed over me making me feel more distant.

Liz said that at times during the communications she felt there was also an underlying communication coming through under the words making her feel emotional and on the edge of her seat.
Some of what was said related to things on her mind at the moment and she found the communications useful...

Update 26/10/2014

Before we sat on Monday evening Liz told me about a dream she’d had at the weekend and whether any of it meant anything to me. I commented that Kettering happened to be a town close to a place I often visit and some of it sounded to me like a reference to our ‘cross experiment’ we had done the previous week in the Mercury Experiment sitting. We both ask for guidance in our dreams to help our circles developments so this seemed plausible to me at the time.

After our sitting Liz did some research starting with Kettering and came up with some interesting info which connects to what was said in the second communication on Monday 20/01/2014 most notably the name ‘Eleanor’ which the communicator seemed determined to get through and also ‘holy man he hold the cross’ and ‘he pray for people’

Here’s what Liz wrote about her dream and the information she subsequently looked up…

My dream on Saturday 18th Jan is recorded as follows:

4.20 'Kettering. Some great ring around an area - psychic protection, a woman (is she dealing with an estranged husband) Horizontal rather than vertical. Thick substance - different densities.

Piece of plaid fabric woven by insects. amazing. even a very small hole in it, like a burn, an imperfection. woven by bees - or a colony of insects. I am showing someone'

That’s what I wrote. I remember the plaid/tartan square, it was a small perfect square of woollen fabric, black, grey, red and white and tan colours. in vertical and horizontal stripes, some thicker and some thinner, just like tartan, with two very tiny holes in it, like burns, or insect bites, like woodworm holes.

Kettering info on Wikipedia website.

The information references 'the Eleanor cross'. I looked this up. Near Kettering is a remaining one of a series of 12 crosses, originally sculpted in wood, erected by Edward 1st in 1291=1294, across the East of England, including Northampton where Kettering is, as far as Charing Cross in London. They were in memory of his wife, Eleanor of Castile.  Kettering was also a centre of the wool trade, and cloth industry for a time.
I hadn't heard of the Eleanor crosses, or at least I may have heard of them, but didn't remember them. There was a historical documentary series on TV a few years ago, about Queens of England, and their trouble asserting their power. I may have heard about the crosses then. I think they would have been mentioned, as they were important for the memory of a powerful Queen. I seem to remember that at least one of the documentary series concerned a queen who became estranged from her husband. Whether that was Eleanor, I am not sure.
It would be interesting to know whether that sort of plaid fabric was produced by weavers in Kettering. But at least there really is a strong connection of Kettering with crosses, 12 crosses that were erected as a memorial to Eleanor.

Eleanor of Aquitaine info on Wikipedia website.

It turns out that she was the mother of Eleanor of Castile, and looked after some of her daughters' children, as a grandmother. Eleanor of Aquitaine was also eventually estranged from her royal husband, and imprisoned by him. So she would certainly have needed psychic protection!!! It was her daughter, Eleanor of Castile, whose husband, King Edward 1st, had 12 crosses built. These were, apparently, not for memorial so much as for psychic protection for Eleanor of Castile after her death, so that passers-by would pray for her, and offer prayers for her salvation and protection. Both Eleanors were powerful Queens, in an era when it was not seemly for women to be powerful, and they both paid some penalty for this, and encountered a lot of negativity. They both had lots of children.

80th Sitting 20/01/2014

I felt the team moving in close while we were sitting upstairs before the sitting this week making me light headed and feeling pressures around my head and face.

We had the room set up as usual.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, extinguished the red light and put the music on.

Ten minutes after starting Liz reported light touches on the top of her head.
She had a strong sensation of a bluish light that she felt was internal. Then she visualised a daisy flower followed by a blue corn flower with many petals which seemed to be just in front of her head.

Then some noises started from the cabinet.
A gurgling, coughing, changing into voice.
Liz welcomed the communication and muted the music.

‘Hello, hello, hello…’

Various words followed, mainly incoherent but some understandable including…

‘Holy, holy, holy… Holy ghost… Who is the holy ghost, who is he? All work in harmony… He heal all the pain… A dew drop, all of us here, all work in a more… All equal…’

The communication faded out and Liz put the music back up…

Liz was aware of flickering dim lights moving around in the room.
She was getting very hot.
Her nose was itching inside her nostrils.
Then she got the feeling she was going to be physically sick.
Fortunately the feeling didn’t last very long.
It felt to Liz like it was on her subtle body but echoing on the physical body.
It was as if they were drawing energy from her.

I was also experiencing a lot of physical sensations in the cabinet.
I felt a tightening up on my chest/heart area then it felt like it was being twisted round.
It wasn’t unpleasant but it was as if someone had put their hands into my chest and was manipulating something.
I also felt a lot of stuff like custard running down the right side of my face and head and I had a pulling on my right ear.
Then I remember a kind of fuzzy/static feeling on my right foot that travelled up to my knee like I was having something pulled onto it.
My hands were held palm to palm in front of me. They came close to my face and I felt heat coming off the tips of my fingers.

Liz was aware of light drifting past her and felt something like a wet silk drawn across her neck. It felt cold.
The light didn’t feel like she was seeing it physically. It felt more internal again.
She felt there was someone with her.
It was very much like looking at reflections of people in water, strong images.
There was a kind of gold coloured pattern.

Liz got a strong sweet visceral smell.

There were a few quiet noises from the cabinet which got louder.
Liz thought she heard a voice ask her to turn the music down but it didn’t come from the cabinet.
She muted the music.

A communicator started to speak in the cabinet.
They seemed to be trying to give a name.

It sounded like ‘Eleanor’

Various voices and words came through including…

‘All collect, it all connects, can hear, we know, I know, it work, in the verse of…’

Liz… ‘You’re having a good practice with the voice aren’t you?’

Liz continued to encourage the communication which became more coherent.

‘Words are new, new words… Holy, holy, holy man he hold the cross, holy man, he came for paper, he pray for people, fellow friends… Well, well, dual, face forward, find a way to communicate again. We have followed the way forward. Say each time more good vibration. Take us here we can communicate with you for it will be a festival for us in this way words can come through. We have able to communicate our way forward so far, so far to go…’

Liz… ‘You’re finding the channel to come through, to communicate with words; you have a lot to say’

‘Is a way for us to follow’

Liz… ‘Your words will be very welcome, we look forward to this festival of words’

The communicator withdrew and Liz put the music back up.

About 15 minutes later there was some lip-smacking and coughing which slowly developed into speech. Liz welcomed the communicator and muted the music...

‘Very good, very good… Time, time… Wheel of time, wheel of time come around, around and around and around. Yesterday is a memory. Each day come around. Each day is anticipated, each day is enjoyed, is lived. Each day is lived and a new day arrive. Each time, each time it will, it will create more memories for you to build up experience. Each feeling is an experience, each vision is an experience, each sound is experience which is a memory which can be recalled when the time is right. Then you will be able to compare experiences as you go through each day. Each day you will create for yourself a new experience. You create on different levels, some levels you will perceive in the usual manner, some levels lay beneath the surface to be discovered as you move on but you will not be aware of the levels that lie beneath. These can be recalled in your dreams but not in your waking time. You will recall in your dreams the levels that lay beneath, lay beneath your perception in your daily life. As each day unfolds you need to be able to replay some of your experiences in your dreams to allow that experience to become a memory’

Liz… ‘What happens to all these experiences once we go into the next plane, once we leave the physical world?’

‘Each experience, all experience is recorded; it is never lost because it is a creation from life. Each constant creation will never fade even if you have no more memory it is still there. It will be, it can be accessed, it can be dipped into and re-enacted at a time when you need to visualise a past event’

Liz… ‘The layers of experience must be from all the different experiences in the universe. It must be like an immense gold mine’

‘This is the point of life to continue to experience and build. Build this pattern of experiences which has no limit. It is available to all consciousness to retrieve. Each time a memory comes forward how do you, what do you think brings a memory to your consciousness? How does it arrive? What ignites it?’

Liz… ‘Sometimes memories just seem to arise out of nowhere’

‘This is how you perceive it now. You have much to learn as you journey and you will see how these memories are brought forward in what appears a random way at this time. But each memory comes forward for a reason and there is a reason for these memories. There is a motivating power behind each memory’

Liz… ‘Is it useful to try and follow why that memory might have arisen?’

‘All experience, all knowledge is useful. Each impulse of memory has its purpose and you can see as you trace back a pattern, a pattern to your life slowly unfold before you in this way. It is all useful, it is all beneficial, it is beneficial to share experience with others’

Liz… ‘My big question is why and how? Why it should be as it is? Why we are?’  

‘Yes and you will see, you will find, you will find this reason. It is not difficult, it is not hidden, it is in front of you. You just need to recognise what it is that lies ahead, lies in front’

Liz… ‘It seems so big, so vast beyond our conceptualisation that it makes me dizzy to even try and conceive of it’

‘You are trying too hard. Do not; if you feel uncomfortable then you are not doing something right. Just relax, allow the answer to come to you. Do not reach out for the answer. Each answer is there and it will come to you at the correct time, just allow’

Liz… ‘Thank you’

(Sounds like a change of communicator)

‘Dear friend… dear friend we come once again to the end of our time with you. We have had a good time as always, we enjoy each week that we sit in this way. We enjoy both circles, we observe both circles and we smile when we see, when we feel your efforts to build image of a cross. This is an interesting experiment which if you feel it is of a benefit then you must try again but do not change the way you do your experiment. Do exactly the same each week and compare your results each week for we feel that you will succeed. Listen to any guidance we give you whether it be in a dream or whether we speak in this way you will arrive at your goal, you will see your cross. It has been created, you have created the cross, you need to learn how to perceive it, how to perceive it in your room. We will be helping and guiding in our way’

(They were talking about last week’s Mercury Experiment)

Liz… ‘Thank you, thank you for this reassurance’

‘We are pleased with the way the circles are going and helping each other. It is working well, there is no more that you need to adjust for you are doing as is required for this time. In the future there may be some adjustments but we will let you know when the time is right to change but for now keep as you are, allow yourself each week to become part of the feelings, of the experiences that we bring forward to you in this way both out in the room and with our link that we can communicate through in whichever way we desire each week. Sometimes we will come forward with clear words sometimes it will be a mixture, a mixture of voice, of sound, of verbalization that may not be totally understandable to you but we can work on this and build each week’

Liz… ‘Good that’s wonderful’

‘Thank you, we go now and we leave you our love as always take it and spread it around. Give it to those who need it right now but keep a piece for yourself… Thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you very much friend, our love and blessings with you...’

The music had ended and Liz reminded the team to draw back.

I slowly came back to normality.
I was very hot and sweaty.
Liz was now cold.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

It had been a very interesting sitting this week.
The last communication had gone on for 20 minutes which is possibly the longest I’ve had so far. At times I still get the feeling I’m partially adding to the communication but there are also times when it feels like a separate entity has taken total control and I’m just there listening to what’s said. As I’ve mentioned in ‘Mediums Musings’ I sometimes get phrases in my head which later come through at the start of a communication and I remember at some point during this sitting getting the phrase ‘We create on different levels’ This phase was indeed spoken during the communication but didn’t start it off this week. What was interesting to me was as the communication was about to start I was expecting that phrase to be used and felt I needed to say it to get the communication going but I then found I couldn’t say anything myself. Something was stopping me interfering and then I heard it start off the way it did…

79th Sitting 13/01/2014

It was just Liz and me again this week; Dan may be off for a few weeks.
We set the room up as usual.
My stomach felt a lot better this week; I just had the usual light headed feeling a couple of hours before we sat.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, turned out red light and put the music on.

I could feel spirit working with me in the cabinet as soon as I sat down but apart from a few whistling/whispering sounds there was no attempt at communications for 20 minutes.
The whispering got louder, Liz muted the music and a few words started to come through...

‘Easy, easy, easy, easy…’

Liz… ‘Welcome Mr Easy’

‘Easy, easy… Hello, hello, hello…’

There were lots of different experimental sounds and voices before the communication settled down…

‘All is, all is, all is proceeding in the usual manner… Good connection, peel away each vibration until a permanent link can be achieved. Each time we peel away, peel away more, more of a vibration, more of a frequency, each time we connect to your channel of communication’

Liz… ‘You get through more easily, more directly’   

‘Easier, easier, all in our own way we are able to come closer each time. More of our personality can come through. Each time we can connect in a more positive way’

Liz… ‘Do you work with other groups as well?’

‘All of us, all of this group, this team, is all connected to this circle. We are connected only to this circle’

Liz… ‘Does that mean you haven’t had experience before of connecting to the physical plane?’

‘Partially you are correct. We are new to communicating in this way. We have experienced many circles from an observation stand point. Not participating, just learning. So each time we come through we also learn a bit, a piece more for us to experience’

Liz… ‘So we’re learners on both sides then’

‘That is completely correct, we are all learning because we enjoy experience, a new experience. This is the whole point, the whole point for all of us to continue to experience and to continue to learn from each other, from the conditions we can bring ourselves into we can learn from experience. This is why we appreciate this opportunity to come through. We get.. We gain experience from this and in turn we endeavour to give to you some of what you wish to learn’

Liz… ‘Thank you, that’s good’

Communicator faded out and Liz put the music back up.

Liz had a strong sensation of somebody touching her hair from her left.
She was getting hot.

Voice noises started up in the cabinet.
Liz muted the music again.
She welcomed and encouraged the communicator who seemed to be having difficulty getting clear words through.
Some of what I can understand from the recording is…

‘Colour, send colour, send a colour, a colour of love. Is all compatible to further… All give us…’

The communication then became incoherent.

Liz… ‘More voices coming through, take it one at a time… You’re all having a try… You’re making sounds but not words’

‘Is it clearer, is it clear?’

Liz… ‘That’s clearer now’

‘Good, good… Stable, stable, all come through colour, each colour is…’

Liz… ‘Is that colour, are you saying colour?’

‘All is colour. All colour is compact in our world’

Liz… ‘Are you following colour? Are you seeing the vibrations as colour?’

‘Yes it is… Colour is compact… is compatible to…’

Liz… ‘Keep trying, you’re doing well’

The communication faded and Liz put the music up.
It had felt to me that they were either experimenting with a different way to come through or a new communicator was practicing.

10 minutes later we had another communication.
After some lip-smacking a communicator came through to close. They were not speaking very clearly and took a while to get started…

‘Thank you, thank you once again for allowing us to come close to you. It has been an interesting evening for us, for us to experiment with different ways again, a different experiment for us. It is a part of development. Each time we are able to try a different approach, building on the previous week. We are able to give ourselves a new perspective from our side in the… strengthening the link in this way, it will eventually develop into a stronger link in this way’

Liz… ‘Yes it felt different this week’

‘We can come forward slowly but surely and it will establish a stronger connection for us. We thank you for giving the conditions that we can work in’

Liz… ‘Glad that you’ve been able to work in them, that’s really good to know, thank you friends’

‘We leave with you our love and we look forward to future experimentation in both circles…’

The communicator withdrew.
Liz asked the team to draw back now as the last tune was just coming to an end.

I sat still in the cabinet and waited for them to draw back.
It felt quite warm in the cabinet.
Liz was also warm.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.
As she was doing this my face felt very hot like it was being sunburnt for a few minutes and my eyes felt a bit stingy.
I also had a vision of a rope ladder hanging down in front of me!!!

Liz had felt hands on her head for most of the evening. She had also felt slightly overshadowed but still very connected and aware of the work we are doing.
She hadn’t noticed any visual phenomena this week but had picked up a strong ectoplasm smell towards the end of our sitting.

I had been experimenting visualising myself in a seat behind mine after seeing one last week. I’m not sure at the moment if it’s helping or hindering. When I was trying it I got the sense that Joan was with me but I didn’t pick up any message from her. Maybe they want me to climb up the rope ladder instead?
I could feel there was something different with the way the communications were coming through and we both agreed it had felt different this week…

78th Sitting 06/01/2014

My stomach had been churning all day, a lot more than normal, possibly because this was the first sitting since the Christmas/New Year holiday but it felt good to be back sitting in the camping toilet tent AKA cabinet.
Unfortunately Dan couldn’t make it.
We set the room up as usual.

Liz opened at 8.30, turned out the light and put on the tunes.

About ten minutes later a few noises started in the cabinet.
Liz muted the music and welcomed them.
After a bit of tuning in we had…

‘Easy, easy, easy… Hello, hello… Words, words follow… Go look, go look around is all people in the room ha, ha, ha…’

Liz… ‘Yes, I’m beginning to see shapes now’

‘Holiday over… All back in the room ha, ha… Development underway ha, ha…’

Liz reported the room had gone from black to marbled with patches of lights scintillating here and there.

The communication faded out and Liz turned up the music.

Liz felt cool breezes round her shins despite the fact she was wearing think trousers and had a blanket over them.
She then felt breezes over her face.

She became aware of what looked like blue pleats in the room.
They were vertical ripples, like folds in a garment.

As she was seeing this a few lip-smacking noises started up in the cabinet developing into voice.
Liz muted the music.
It took a while for the words to be understood.

Liz… ‘Hello… hello, did somebody want to speak?’

‘Is holy day, holy, holy day… How would you approach a day worthy of… holy day…’

Liz encouraged the communicator…

‘Eadie, Eadie, Edith, Eddie, Eadie…’

Liz… ‘Hello is it Eadie?’

‘Eadie, Eadie… Yes, yes, so long ago, so long ago’

Liz… ‘Welcome Eadie, you’ve been here before haven’t you’

‘I have, I did come before in this way it was a first time, the last time was the first time for me to come through in this way but it… with you full of hope for very, very… Eadie, Eadie… He here with me, he here with me…’

Liz… ‘Who is here with you?’

‘Here with me, yes, we are together; we have become a perfect… say hello’

Liz… ‘Who shall I say hello too?’

‘Holy man, holy man, he is still over on your side, the holy man…’

Liz… ‘Eadie who are you with?’

‘Day, Day, Daybie… G, G, Gedie…’

Liz… ‘Eadie you’ve done very well coming through and saying so much. Can you tell me who you’re with Eadie?’

‘W, Will, Will, William, William’

Liz… ‘William… Did you say William?’


Communication faded and Liz put the music back up.

Liz saw dim lights at floor level as if they were in a fog.
She noticed a few bright flashes in the bottom of her field of vision.
Then she was aware of a reddish light in the centre of the room. It suddenly started moving, rotating which made her jump and it changed to a pinkish colour.
It was almost like a person… female.

More communications started in the cabinet and Liz muted the music again…

Liz… ‘Hello…’

‘Let go of time, let go of time, allow time to slip away. Do not be… do not feel… do not feel you are controlled by time, the restraints of time, let them fall. Let them, let your feelings control your life not the restraint of time. Allow it to slip away, allow yourself to be controlled by feeling, by what you sense, not time… Yes, yes… Try, try…’

Liz… ‘Try?’

‘Try to experiment with allowing time to be… Let go…’

Liz… ‘Let go of time, step out of time’

‘Yes, you will find a new freedom which you can penetrate and allow yourself to be inside of your feelings’

Liz… ‘Right… so what is the purpose of time?’

‘A way to control. Each step of your journey is governed by time so it has a place in the conditions you find yourself. It has a purpose of organizing your day but it is still possible to step out of time for an experience, a connection with feeling, your feelings, your perception of all that happens around. You need to live with time but you can also step out of time’

Liz… ‘Ok, is that something that we should be able to freely do, to cross boundaries of different dimensions, different vibrational boundaries… is that permitted?’

‘Yes, nothing is… Everything is within your reach; you just have to learn how you can reach out and penetrate through all boundaries. Each time you feel you have an idea come into your head, try to see where the idea has come from. Try to trace back to the source of the idea and you will find yourself reaching out through boundaries’

Liz… ‘What is the purpose of these boundaries?’

‘Each boundary has been set by a greater conscious thought within the vibration of all mind, all that is. It has been created to separate the vibrations within your world as it is. There are many vibrations which co-exist with each other, each separated by a boundary, a boundary which will not permit each vibration from affecting each other but it is possible to reach out into each different vibration’

Liz… ‘Is it possible for the boundaries to collapse?’

‘All life within each boundary is contained in a way that keeps it in a separate vibration. It cannot collapse. It cannot break free while it is operating within a boundary. Only when a boundary has been penetrated by a process of thought can it become intermingling with the next boundary’

Liz… ‘Right… Is that evolutionary possibility?’

‘It is a control, a control which every consciousness can penetrate. It is a condition of your mind’

Liz… ‘Does that mean that it’s the expanding mind? Will the expanding mind go through the boundaries until it encompasses everything… all vibrations?’

‘Learn to reach out and you will see that boundaries are self-created. They have been, they are a self-created restriction on yourself. Learn to reach out and you will see, you will see…’

Liz… ‘Thank you; it’s a difficult conception as to why and how it arises. Yes, a unitary consciousness into different spheres’

‘Thank you once again, thank you for allowing us to come with you in your sitting. We enjoy the interaction. We can find for you more answers as we go. We are trying to develop a more pure link to our side. Each time we sit we come closer; it is a slow process and we happy that we have been able to work in a slightly different way once again. We have created a new area for the mind of the medium to occupy. This is a step forward to a stronger link with our vibration and your vibration and it will grow each week we sit. We have been able to achieve a part-way link this evening so we thank you for providing the conditions for us to work in this way and we say now is time to go, time once again thank you, our love to you and we look forward to a good year, thank you’

Liz… ‘Good bye friends, and our love to you, thank you very much; yes we’ve come to the end of our session now. Thank you for all your communication’

We waited for them to withdraw from me before Liz did the closing prayer, healing and closing down exercise.

During the sitting I’d got an image of another chair behind my chair. I guessed this was a place to go to help take my awareness out of the communications and tried to visualize myself sitting in it with partial success. While communication was taking place I found it difficult holding myself in the rear chair and kept returning to the front chair as if connected to it by a rubber band. I’ll continue practising this next week and also during my solo sits at home. Hopefully it will help communications.

Liz later told me that she could take some of what was said when Eadie came through. Liz is not telling me too much in case it influences future evidential communications. I got the feeling the communicator had more to say but I was getting in the way. I need to remain uninterested in what is said and stay sitting in the chair at the back… easier said than done!!!

Blog within a Blog...

you should be able to see over to the right at the top a link to a new blog... Medium's Musings

I've been adding a few posts to it during the Christmas/New Year break including a review of 2013, my thoughts and experiences in the cabinet and the Friday Group... enjoy