May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

80th Sitting 20/01/2014

I felt the team moving in close while we were sitting upstairs before the sitting this week making me light headed and feeling pressures around my head and face.

We had the room set up as usual.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, extinguished the red light and put the music on.

Ten minutes after starting Liz reported light touches on the top of her head.
She had a strong sensation of a bluish light that she felt was internal. Then she visualised a daisy flower followed by a blue corn flower with many petals which seemed to be just in front of her head.

Then some noises started from the cabinet.
A gurgling, coughing, changing into voice.
Liz welcomed the communication and muted the music.

‘Hello, hello, hello…’

Various words followed, mainly incoherent but some understandable including…

‘Holy, holy, holy… Holy ghost… Who is the holy ghost, who is he? All work in harmony… He heal all the pain… A dew drop, all of us here, all work in a more… All equal…’

The communication faded out and Liz put the music back up…

Liz was aware of flickering dim lights moving around in the room.
She was getting very hot.
Her nose was itching inside her nostrils.
Then she got the feeling she was going to be physically sick.
Fortunately the feeling didn’t last very long.
It felt to Liz like it was on her subtle body but echoing on the physical body.
It was as if they were drawing energy from her.

I was also experiencing a lot of physical sensations in the cabinet.
I felt a tightening up on my chest/heart area then it felt like it was being twisted round.
It wasn’t unpleasant but it was as if someone had put their hands into my chest and was manipulating something.
I also felt a lot of stuff like custard running down the right side of my face and head and I had a pulling on my right ear.
Then I remember a kind of fuzzy/static feeling on my right foot that travelled up to my knee like I was having something pulled onto it.
My hands were held palm to palm in front of me. They came close to my face and I felt heat coming off the tips of my fingers.

Liz was aware of light drifting past her and felt something like a wet silk drawn across her neck. It felt cold.
The light didn’t feel like she was seeing it physically. It felt more internal again.
She felt there was someone with her.
It was very much like looking at reflections of people in water, strong images.
There was a kind of gold coloured pattern.

Liz got a strong sweet visceral smell.

There were a few quiet noises from the cabinet which got louder.
Liz thought she heard a voice ask her to turn the music down but it didn’t come from the cabinet.
She muted the music.

A communicator started to speak in the cabinet.
They seemed to be trying to give a name.

It sounded like ‘Eleanor’

Various voices and words came through including…

‘All collect, it all connects, can hear, we know, I know, it work, in the verse of…’

Liz… ‘You’re having a good practice with the voice aren’t you?’

Liz continued to encourage the communication which became more coherent.

‘Words are new, new words… Holy, holy, holy man he hold the cross, holy man, he came for paper, he pray for people, fellow friends… Well, well, dual, face forward, find a way to communicate again. We have followed the way forward. Say each time more good vibration. Take us here we can communicate with you for it will be a festival for us in this way words can come through. We have able to communicate our way forward so far, so far to go…’

Liz… ‘You’re finding the channel to come through, to communicate with words; you have a lot to say’

‘Is a way for us to follow’

Liz… ‘Your words will be very welcome, we look forward to this festival of words’

The communicator withdrew and Liz put the music back up.

About 15 minutes later there was some lip-smacking and coughing which slowly developed into speech. Liz welcomed the communicator and muted the music...

‘Very good, very good… Time, time… Wheel of time, wheel of time come around, around and around and around. Yesterday is a memory. Each day come around. Each day is anticipated, each day is enjoyed, is lived. Each day is lived and a new day arrive. Each time, each time it will, it will create more memories for you to build up experience. Each feeling is an experience, each vision is an experience, each sound is experience which is a memory which can be recalled when the time is right. Then you will be able to compare experiences as you go through each day. Each day you will create for yourself a new experience. You create on different levels, some levels you will perceive in the usual manner, some levels lay beneath the surface to be discovered as you move on but you will not be aware of the levels that lie beneath. These can be recalled in your dreams but not in your waking time. You will recall in your dreams the levels that lay beneath, lay beneath your perception in your daily life. As each day unfolds you need to be able to replay some of your experiences in your dreams to allow that experience to become a memory’

Liz… ‘What happens to all these experiences once we go into the next plane, once we leave the physical world?’

‘Each experience, all experience is recorded; it is never lost because it is a creation from life. Each constant creation will never fade even if you have no more memory it is still there. It will be, it can be accessed, it can be dipped into and re-enacted at a time when you need to visualise a past event’

Liz… ‘The layers of experience must be from all the different experiences in the universe. It must be like an immense gold mine’

‘This is the point of life to continue to experience and build. Build this pattern of experiences which has no limit. It is available to all consciousness to retrieve. Each time a memory comes forward how do you, what do you think brings a memory to your consciousness? How does it arrive? What ignites it?’

Liz… ‘Sometimes memories just seem to arise out of nowhere’

‘This is how you perceive it now. You have much to learn as you journey and you will see how these memories are brought forward in what appears a random way at this time. But each memory comes forward for a reason and there is a reason for these memories. There is a motivating power behind each memory’

Liz… ‘Is it useful to try and follow why that memory might have arisen?’

‘All experience, all knowledge is useful. Each impulse of memory has its purpose and you can see as you trace back a pattern, a pattern to your life slowly unfold before you in this way. It is all useful, it is all beneficial, it is beneficial to share experience with others’

Liz… ‘My big question is why and how? Why it should be as it is? Why we are?’  

‘Yes and you will see, you will find, you will find this reason. It is not difficult, it is not hidden, it is in front of you. You just need to recognise what it is that lies ahead, lies in front’

Liz… ‘It seems so big, so vast beyond our conceptualisation that it makes me dizzy to even try and conceive of it’

‘You are trying too hard. Do not; if you feel uncomfortable then you are not doing something right. Just relax, allow the answer to come to you. Do not reach out for the answer. Each answer is there and it will come to you at the correct time, just allow’

Liz… ‘Thank you’

(Sounds like a change of communicator)

‘Dear friend… dear friend we come once again to the end of our time with you. We have had a good time as always, we enjoy each week that we sit in this way. We enjoy both circles, we observe both circles and we smile when we see, when we feel your efforts to build image of a cross. This is an interesting experiment which if you feel it is of a benefit then you must try again but do not change the way you do your experiment. Do exactly the same each week and compare your results each week for we feel that you will succeed. Listen to any guidance we give you whether it be in a dream or whether we speak in this way you will arrive at your goal, you will see your cross. It has been created, you have created the cross, you need to learn how to perceive it, how to perceive it in your room. We will be helping and guiding in our way’

(They were talking about last week’s Mercury Experiment)

Liz… ‘Thank you, thank you for this reassurance’

‘We are pleased with the way the circles are going and helping each other. It is working well, there is no more that you need to adjust for you are doing as is required for this time. In the future there may be some adjustments but we will let you know when the time is right to change but for now keep as you are, allow yourself each week to become part of the feelings, of the experiences that we bring forward to you in this way both out in the room and with our link that we can communicate through in whichever way we desire each week. Sometimes we will come forward with clear words sometimes it will be a mixture, a mixture of voice, of sound, of verbalization that may not be totally understandable to you but we can work on this and build each week’

Liz… ‘Good that’s wonderful’

‘Thank you, we go now and we leave you our love as always take it and spread it around. Give it to those who need it right now but keep a piece for yourself… Thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you very much friend, our love and blessings with you...’

The music had ended and Liz reminded the team to draw back.

I slowly came back to normality.
I was very hot and sweaty.
Liz was now cold.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

It had been a very interesting sitting this week.
The last communication had gone on for 20 minutes which is possibly the longest I’ve had so far. At times I still get the feeling I’m partially adding to the communication but there are also times when it feels like a separate entity has taken total control and I’m just there listening to what’s said. As I’ve mentioned in ‘Mediums Musings’ I sometimes get phrases in my head which later come through at the start of a communication and I remember at some point during this sitting getting the phrase ‘We create on different levels’ This phase was indeed spoken during the communication but didn’t start it off this week. What was interesting to me was as the communication was about to start I was expecting that phrase to be used and felt I needed to say it to get the communication going but I then found I couldn’t say anything myself. Something was stopping me interfering and then I heard it start off the way it did…