May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

115th Sitting 22/09/2014

We had the room set up as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

I felt a lot of physical sensations around me, particularly around my head and felt like I was drifting off at times.
I noticed a flickering buzzing type feeling on a finger on my left hand which lasted a few minutes. 
Then I felt that I had fallen sideways but my physical body was still upright.
This took me by surprise and brought me back round.

Liz reported touches in her hair.

About 15 minutes after the start a few slurping noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music.
I felt a strong pressure on the top of my head during the communications.

Liz… ‘Hello…’

‘Good, good, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘All good… we are all around the room’

Liz… ‘Welcome to you’

‘No distance between us all for all come to share vibration, this is a good vibration… all in same state of mind, all connected in own way, a compatible situation for us all… good, good… A collection of segments, all correct, very good, all come in each segment, come in and arrange a circle for we line up and correspond… Yes, common, common, a common, a common thread which we use to join, to adjoin to you, each, each person, each entity on your world, in your world has this connection of a common thread and we too, we too can adjoin with this, with this thread, with this point of reference that we can connect to…’

The communication became more incoherent. I was being shaken in the cabinet.
Liz encouraged the communication. It felt to me like they couldn’t get the correct words through…

‘We all… quality… all good quality… compose… compose…’  

Liz… ‘What do you compose?’

‘Compose the perfect… the perfect composition of our… the perfect composition of fluidity able to mould the… all of us in the… piano, piano, piano practice… I can now see… all it is… in a nut shell… versatility…’

It sounds like a change of communicator…

‘Take a step, take a step, stars, it can, it can flow, more control, on the verge of a composition, of a greater vocabulary, of confirmation, now, we wait in the wings and we are ready to come through when the chance, when the alignment, when everything is in place, when it all comes together’

Liz… ‘That’s good, you’re nearly ready’

‘Yes, well, well, well to create a force we all combine and we all step forward as one…’

Liz… ‘Yes and then you’re going to differentiate… It’s good to hear that you’re getting practice’

‘Please play music again, thank you…’

Liz put the music back on.

I recall at some point around this time feeling a prod in my right side.

About 25 minutes after the last communication some more noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music again…

‘A pearl, a pearl, so perfect in all its… in all its condition… a pearl… Hold it, hold the pearl… Look into the pearl and see the way forward, see the shape emerge, the shape emerge inside the pearl representing for you that future life, that future reality which is a reflection of that that you now perceive for all reality can reflect another reality. All realities are connected by the reflections that they give off to one another. You can build on the reflections; you can see what has occurred in your life, in your memory, in your experience. A reflection of each experience will be presented to you in a way that will feel a feeling of recognition for you have already experienced what is, what lies in store for you but you have only experienced a part, a single part of a greater experience. You have been, your experience has been clouded but once you are free from the restriction, free from the restrictions put upon you now then you will see the true experience that you have built up in your life. Even now you are experiencing what you walk towards, what you work towards for there are patterns following patterns and creating patterns… Separation from all of this will become apparent… We all follow in each other’s footsteps at one time but we all have our own separate pattern, our own identity and we can intermingle when we all look towards that common thread, that common purpose, that common goal. All of our experiences combine when we reach, when we reach a place, a condition, a condition where we can freely integrate our experiences into one another, into a combined pattern of experience. Each path leads to one experience, each experience has its own path, has its own perception, has its own recognition for each individual… A pattern will emerge as each individual becomes closer, closer to a state of recognition, a state of, a state of mind will expand, will wander into those… When one is set free then there are no more, no more barriers for we all combine our thought, that one thought that has built, that has built up over time… We try to explain with words, you will find more of a feeling to this situation, this combination of pattern, of pattern…’

Liz… ‘Right friend’

It sounded like another communicator was coming through…

Liz… ‘Welcome…’

‘A learning… a world of… a coming together of all our aspects of correct…

Liz… ‘A coming together of all our…?’

‘All of our collects…’

Liz… ‘A coming together of all our collections?’

‘of all, all of our re…’

Liz… ‘Recollections?’

‘Complex, alert, elaborate complexity hold all, very… A combination of creation… Music now please thank you…’

Liz put the music back on.

Liz felt like something was being extracted from her ear.

Another 25 minutes later more noises started from the cabinet and Liz switched off the music again…

I began shaking again as the communicator took control…


Liz… ‘Hello there…’

‘Hello, hello, hello… Yes, what a wonderful opportunity for everybody. Everybody has this wonderful gift they can use. They can find, they can gather their thoughts and project, for how many steps are there to heaven? How many steps? You all question, you will all come to a different number, for the number does not matter, for the number is a self-created number, what is important is the love that you have accumulated on your journey through all the different stages of existence. Each time, each time you move closer as you gather, as you create in yourself a loving atmosphere, a loving central nervous system for you are all created from love and you all gather, you all aim your expectancy towards that love that you can perceive inside of you, around you and in front of you. Never let go of the love that drives you forward for it will take you to heaven. Forget the steps, forget the numbers, you are already there, you just need to recognise, you just need to take off all those restricting vibrations and realize that you are free, free of all, free of all those restrictions, yes… Now… now we have come to the end of our session’

Liz… ‘Yes we have’

‘We have enjoyed, we have enjoyed the opportunity to work with you once again’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘The love that has been created, the love that has been created in this room is a shining bright light and a part of the healing energies that you have created and that we can use and as always we will give you a piece of our love to spread amongst your world as you enjoy your physical existence, your physical mingling and exploring and communicating with one another. Allow that love to spread amongst all who you meet. Now we draw back and we give back to you your medium and we will still be a part of your life but we return to our own vibration for now’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for your words’

‘Thank you and goodnight and our love with you all’

Liz… ‘Our love and blessings with you, goodnight friend’

‘Please replay your music as we finally withdraw for now’

Liz… ‘Goodnight and God bless you’

Liz put the music back on.

I felt back with it after about two minutes.

The session had lasted just under two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…   

114th Sitting 15/09/2014

We had the room set up as normal.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

Two minutes later Liz reported a few dim lights and the atmosphere becoming mottled.

About 20 minutes after the start the first sounds began from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music…

Liz… ‘Welcome, welcome friend…’

‘Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening and welcome’

After some tuning in…

‘Hello, hello… Here, here, here once again, a lovely, a lovely atmosphere to come down to, ha, ha… Yes, and in the words of your song, it is a wonderful world. You all have potential to perceive the wonders of your world, you have… you are clouded by the negativities that emanate from your world, but beyond, within, behind, behind the negative thoughts there is still a wonderful world for you all… A learning, a world of learning opportunities for all, a place to use that free will you all possess, a place to mingle and observe and listen and speak out your own views. So many personal views can be expressed by each and every individual on your world. A combined power of thought will emerge from all, for you all make up the one, the one power, the one thought that can be perceived by all. Only those who choose to step out of the main stream, they will perceive what is truly theirs, what is truly in front of them, around them, behind them, above and below for they are tuning into the true, the true vibration that was put there for all of you. Those can… they can step back from the main stream of thought which pervades your world which those who are a part of that thought, they find, they look at the results of that thought. Some ugly results can occur and this will be presented to them but it is only a very minute part of the overall, the overall pervading thought throughout your world. Step away from this and observe the beauties of your world. This will help reduce the negativity that can build up’

Liz… ‘Yes, how can more people be encouraged to do this, to step aside from the main stream thought and think for themselves?’

‘There are many signposts in place throughout your world which are ready in place for all to perceive but each has to recognise. Once they can recognise the meaning of these signposts that are placed around your world they will be guided to clearer thoughts, uncluttered thoughts, thoughts that will not be guided by negativities of your world. The recognition is the key. We can only guide once that recognition has sparked an interest in each individual on your earth’

Liz… ‘Is the Internet helping in this, information that’s presented on the Internet, is this making these signposts more available for more people?’

‘I believe we have touched on this in the past and it is indeed a wonderful invention for your side for it has made people, individuals closer together, those who before would never have crossed each other’s paths in a physical sense are now able to interact in an instant. There are less time barriers now for everything. Everything can be presented in an instant so yes these signposts will become more apparent but each individual still has to recognise the true meaning behind the signs…’

At this point I got the feeling other entities were taking over the communication…

‘There are many forces which can influence all on your side, once a force has been created, whether through negativity or through love it will have to continue to circulate until a corresponding… a force of… yes a… In our world where we reside everything has a more fluid, fluidity there are no physical barriers to get in the way but you still have to abide by those physical laws that govern your side so…’

Liz… ‘Yes ideas meet with resistance’

‘Yes it is, you are shielded from each other for you cannot entirely read the minds of each other individual on your side. You have to go through a regime of different…’

Liz… ‘Steps’

‘Steps to get to what to us is a simple idea, you have to look behind all of the obstacles, all of the curtains, they are hiding what for us is apparent all the time’

Liz… ‘Yes, it makes it a slow process, yes it’s difficult to see sometimes why other people don’t see, why they don’t understand but it is the hidden obstacles in the mind’

‘The best way that we can advise for all on your side is to try to see through another’s eyes, try to understand why another person does the things which you may feel are… that do not fall into the way that you perceive things. Nobody does wrong, only you perceive them as doing wrong. Look from a bigger picture perspective and see the outcome of what they do then try to imagine yourself in their shoes looking through their eyes. Try to imagine the experiences that they have had to build up their own perspective of their own reality. Only then can you begin to understand how each person works, how they are wired up for each person wires themselves up as they journey through this physical existence’

Liz… ‘Yes, and I guess the key to unlock their mind, or to unlock the various blocks is going to be different for each person’

‘Each person has to unlock their own… unravel the wires that they have created for themselves, you cannot do this for them but you can learn to understand why they are doing what they do, whether it is just a minor thing or something which can affect all on your side, for all that happens now will spread amongst your world so quickly. The technology that allows all to witness from afar has two sides to it, for you can spread loving information around your world but at the same time the negativities that happen also spread around your world each to be perceived by everybody in their own way… When you think of things like this you can understand how we can use that healing that you can spread amongst your world, we can and we do use what you and many other groups like yourself spread out to us we will help to soften the blows, we will help those who are affected by the negativities for they have not understood we can lead them to an understanding’

Liz… ‘That’s good, yes that’s wonderful if you can penetrate the web of misunderstanding’

‘This has always been the way, there have always been on your side many who have grasped more of the truth of your world and this has inspired them to send out healing for they know, they know how close we are to all on your side and they realise that we require this constant supply of healing to use, to bring ourselves closer to you…’

It sounds like another communicator takes over at this point, possibly George?

‘Some… some advice for you, you come, you mention your apparatus above this room… (Liz had asked for advise on the positioning of the Magnetometer during her opening prayer) …now we have not come to an agreement yet about placing in this room, we know that many outside interferences can affect your machine, now when we… We will affect your machine and we will do it in a way that there will be no mistaking that it was from us. We have affected a small amount in the past but we cannot achieve a consistent effect on your machine. There are many varying effects around in the atmosphere which we need to resolve but we do believe there will become a time when we will be able to place the sensor into this room, maybe close to the door that you use but for now we wish you to keep it where it is and we will let you know when you can bring it into the room’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you, will it be much more sensitive in the room than it is above the room?’

‘We feel when it is in your room we can shield it from the outside interferences, from the physical interferences, the effects from your neighbours and the cars that come into the yard. They, we will be able to shield the sensor from this’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful’

‘That is our plan, whether it is successful or not will be seen when we try this but if we can shield it from outside physical interference then what will be read on your screen will be of our doing but for now leave it where it is until we have developed the atmosphere in this room to a point where we can introduce it into your circle, thank you… now time for music thank you, we will be back’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your words’

Liz put the music back on.

I felt like I was still controlled after the communication and remained sitting up and felt various physical sensations around me and at one point remember feeling another presence move into me.

About 15 minutes after the last communication more noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music again…

Liz… ‘Hello friend…’

The communication was incoherent at first but got clearer with Liz’s encouragement.
The words were coming through very fast at first…

‘Is it quite, is it quite, quite, quite… very, very very…’

Liz… ‘Take your time’

‘How do you do, how do you do…’

Liz… ‘Very well thank you’

‘Very good, very good, stabilize, recall… …way to go, way to go, yes, now, look into the probable, probable outcome would be expected in a more familiar way but it would be too much to expect it to come in one chunk, it would be more beneficial if we could slice it up and introduce small segments one at a time, one at a time to be understood for we appreciate that you only can receive a segment at one time. If we were to throw it all at you in one go it would mean nothing it would be felt like a torrent of information enclosed unable to unravel for… now we can slow down the process, slow it down and feed words one at a time’

Liz… ‘I understand’

‘Yes, so how can I explain? If I were to look into your resources, your available spots to place my words… Necessary, necessary… We mix, we mix up, we mix up… Now, time, order, order and precision and perfection. Perfect alignment of information is necessary’

Liz… ‘Right, a gentle trickle’

‘Yes, yes drop it down, words can come, words can form from the vibration of information for it sets off a recognition in the mind that we work with, a recognition for the information that we put forward will trigger a word, we know the word but we have to make it available, recognized by the mind that we work through’

Liz… ‘Right’

‘Now this for us is a work of art for we are presenting our picture to the mind. A picture alone cannot be understood it needs to be clothed by recognisable words… This is, this is a collection of available… the words are available to us to choose’

Liz… ‘A collection of available words’

‘Yes, we have to choose the correct word that best represents the thoughts that we are trying to get through… But first we have to unravel the whole picture into pieces’

Liz… ‘Yes, I can see that’s difficult’

‘And we need to know which piece comes before the other. There’s shapes, shapes for a picture is not necessarily a two dimensional picture, each segment forms its own shape, a three dimensional shape and that shape as it passes through the mind it is able to pick up points of reference and these cling on to the shape then the words are made available to us. It is up to us to fit these words into this shape then let it go. The more we do this the more we can be certain that those words have been selected to best represent the original thought that we have brought into this atmosphere…’

Liz… ‘It must be like having a piece of choral music that you can hear in your head and then having to tease out all the individual parts and write them down individually for another choir to perform’

‘It is a delicate, fine process. One small incorrect message will set in motion the chords vibrating to an incorrect note, so…’

Liz… ‘Spoil the harmony’

‘Yes, so we have to be so careful when we select that what is gathered by the piece of information as it passes through but we are aware that this is all a part of the development. As the weeks go by we are learning our craft. The way that we present ourselves is developing also’

Liz… ‘Can I ask some questions?’

‘Please do’

Liz… ‘When a medium has a very developed gift from early age and spirit forms can easily transmit messages and information through that medium, is that very different from when in our situation where a medium is being trained and developed from scratch. What I’m saying is has a medium that is well developed as a child, has that medium brought gifts, brought the gifts from a previous life’

‘Well let me start by addressing the question when a person on your side begins to develop mediumship at a later stage of their physical life they have built up all these… all these beliefs which are for us barriers that we have to get through. A medium who has recognized their ability from an early age has been closer in touch with a purer vibration throughout their life they haven’t allowed interferences to build up so when we make use of their ability we come through in a clearer way’

Liz… ‘But you can still work with someone later on?’        

‘Everybody has this ability…’

Liz… ‘Okay, it just requires patience’

‘Patience yes and what we have mentioned many times is the interest…’

Liz… ‘Interest and dedication’

‘That is what creates the dedication. That is what creates the way in for us to develop that person. There are many on your side who are well developed for producing mediumship but their interest has not been sparked, they do not wish, they find this ability a hindrance to them. This is for them too… this is their choice in life and is not a problem for not everybody will want to work as a medium. They can still serve your side in other ways but once the interest has been sparked from whatever way then we are able to move closer and work with this gift, this ability... It is not always as you say previous lives which can cause a mediumship ability to be developed at an early age… The build-up of previous lives is a build-up of ability to have an abundance of love at a level within the personality of the individual. Love will be used to reach more on your side in the way that that personality finds their interest. If their interest happens to be in mediumship communication then that will build as they tread their own path throughout their physical life and they will use the ability. The gift of mediumship will flourish for we will use their interest to draw closer and use their abilities but if they do not wish, if they do not have the interest they will use their love that they have built up in other ways’

Liz… ‘Thank you, yes, that’s clear’

‘Yes you do not need to develop mediumship or psychic abilities to spread love around your world, love can be demonstrated in many ways. You are all able to help one another, to inspire one another. You may wish to direct your loving thoughts into an artistic way for we are also able to communicate through art for many on your side will look into a painting or a sculpture and they will feel our communication coming to them or through a piece of music or a song or a piece of poetry all these ways are ways that we can interact with your world, inspire your world… We do not need to speak with words we can speak with pictures, with music and with poetry…’

Possibly a change of communicator at this point…

‘A combination, a combination of occurrences, a build-up of occurrences will become a part of your own experience, yes, now… do you comprehend that a lady who is close to you has seen a part of what we can present to her. It is a distraction for her to ease her thoughts, she will be taken then she will recognize what is truly hers, what she has created for herself, for she is coming out of her confusion… This is all we can say for now, I hope it is getting through and I hope you can understand, now we have to withdraw, please play your music… thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

Immediately after this communication I noticed what I perceived as a bright pinkish glow or light in front of my closed eyes for about one minute.

Liz reported something creeping over her head then her hair felt like it was being pulled towards the cabinet.

25 minutes after the last communication some more noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music again and welcomed the communication…

I remember it felt different like there was very little energy around me, a kind of emptiness like an echoey vacuum. Then the energy built up but it kept fluctuating. Maybe there just wasn’t much energy left at this point?

‘It is, it is, it is a game, it is a game yes it is, it is a game, a game… it is a game, play the game, take what you can, understand what you can, take… well, when you work at your game you become, you become an expert at your game and you can spread your knowledge to those who have only just begun to play, they will appreciate what you can give to them for they are looking for the rules of the game and they wish to begin to play… Well now, the energies have been used, well used this evening and we have now reached the time, the time, we have reached the time to go and as always we spread, we give… we give to you a piece of our love to spread amongst your friends and all who you meet… Imagine a world where all can perceive the fairies for there will be a time when all will once again perceive the elementals of your world, go amongst them and sprinkle your dust over them for they will wake up to that perception once more… Now we leave with you that thought and we draw back, drawback and say thank you for sharing your love with us, your room with us, we appreciate, our love, we bring our love into your room and we appreciate the room that you give to us to spread our own love throughout, thank you, thank you and goodnight. We will draw back now, play your music and we will return your medium to you, thank you…’

Liz… ‘Thank you, our love and blessings with you friend, goodnight and thank you’

Liz put the music back on and I felt back with it after about two minutes.

Our session had lasted just over two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

113th Sitting 08/09/2014

We had the room set up as normal.

As I entered the room I heard violin music playing. We always leave the music playing in the room before we sit and it wasn’t that then I thought maybe Liz had left some music playing upstairs but she hadn’t so it was a bit of a mystery to me. Interestingly Liz had heard violin music playing when she sat in the cabinet last week…

At 8.30pm Liz did the opening prayer, turned out the red light and started the music CD.

I did the Bob Monroe focus 10 exercise again and will continue doing so in the future as it seems to help.

About five minutes after the start Liz reported dim mottled lights moving around in the room.
She said it looked like a dim torch light and small spot lights moving around.

About 20 minutes after the start noises came from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music…

Liz… ‘Hello… Welcome friend…’

‘Hello… Full circle, all around the room are gathered a circle of our love for you all…’

Liz… ‘That’s good… Good to know’

‘…set alight by our own enthusiasm, all come together with one interest, to communicate and enlighten all on your side’

Liz… ‘Wonderful’

‘All in… George, George, George…’

Liz… ‘George? …hello George’

‘Hello, hello, good day, good day to you my friend’

Liz… ‘Good day to you… is that George?’

‘Yes, yes, yes, George, George…’

Liz… ‘Welcome George’

(George seemed to be stabilizing/tuning in and his words were muddled at first)

‘Very pleased to… it is a good… it is a good opportunity for me to say how… work at destination… more… good, good… Recall experience, very deep in the realization of… it is all… yes it is all coming back now’

Liz… ‘Any particular experience?’

‘Dear friend… visual, a visual memory come through… stone, a stone… it was, it was a collection of stones’

Liz… ‘A collection of stones?’

‘Now yes, it was a collection of stones, now where is this, why…’

Liz… ‘Were these precious stones?’

‘Stones, stones, collected stones, they were collected from, no, no… The meaning, the meaning of the stones was the important thing, the important thing was what they all meant, they all meant for me, for I used my ability to read the stones’

Liz… ‘You read them?’

‘I held each stone and I got an impression at the time’

Liz… ‘A sort of psychometry’

‘Yes, it was leading, leading up to a visual pattern that I could perceive when I held each stone’

Liz… ‘Right, so each stone had a story… Were you given the stones?’

‘I found the stones for myself, I travelled and I always, I would always collect a stone from the places I visited’

Liz… ‘Right and they contained a memory of events that had happened in the place’

‘It was an interesting hobby to collect these stones. At the time I did not realize that I would be using the stones to develop a gift of mediumship’

Liz… ‘Oh right, so that led you towards mediumship’

‘Yes it was a, I used these as a starting tool and I gathered from the stones these impressions and I used this impression to develop my own gift of mediumship. Now I, the purpose of my visit is to get through that this is a very valuable lesson, a very valuable tool for all who wish to develop mediumship abilities. Go and gather stones from different places and experiment. Hold the stone; see what you can get from this. This is a very valuable learning tool for all, for both of you to use and help with your own development’

Liz… ‘Thank you yes’

‘It will build on this and you will find you will not need to do this as you develop, as you develop an ability to recognize and perceive events which surrounded the stones… So yes, I just wanted to bring this to your attention’

Liz… ‘Thank you very much, you think that will help us and that we will pick up things?’

‘Give this a try and see what comes from it’

Liz… ‘Okay, of course we have no way of confirming whether what we pick up is our imagination or true?’

‘You will find as you do this, as you do it on repeatable occasions then you will build an archive of experiences and you will recognize for yourself what is coming from that stone and what is coming from your own imagination. You will recognize how you feel when you touch the stones; you will feel a pattern emerging when you do this on repeatable experiments with the stones. So only you will recognize what is being perceived from the stone and what is imagination already there. My only advice is to try, try it and see how you get on with this experiment’

Liz… ‘Okay, is it a good idea to do it individually or together and being a witness to each other?’

‘You can do this alone but always note what is felt, keep a record then you can compare notes. You can both work with the same stone at different times. Do not reveal what you have got until the second person has built up their own impressions from the stone. This is another way to convince yourself that you are indeed picking up from the stone for if your notes are the same as each other then that will make you think…’

Liz… ‘We’re resonating possibly with the stone’

‘Yes, yes so give it a go; give it a go yes’

Liz… ‘Thank you George for that advice’

‘Time now for more music thank you… and we will return’

Liz… ‘Okay… thank you for those suggestions’

Liz put the music back on.

After to communication I started to drift off and lose my awareness. At first I went into a kind of body asleep, mind awake state before losing my consciousness completely.

Liz had a very strong tickle from her left nostril. It felt like something was being pulled from it.

My awareness came back before the next communication which started with some lip-smacking sounds.
Liz turned off the music…

Liz… ‘Hello friend’

‘Reach… reach out and… reach out and touch, reach out and touch the moon. Reach out and touch the moon, it is not impossible, once you can change the perspective you can reach out and touch the moon, for it is your belief that has made you think the size, the size of the moon. If that moon were a petal, a petal from a rose then the size would correspond to a closeness to you. Do not believe what you have built up in your experience for all can be understood from many perspectives, from many angles of perception. There is no one way, for you are led to believe that one way is the truth, one way is the natural law that pervades within your physical universe and all the time, all the time you go along with that belief that you have to obey that one law you will not fully understand how all of your physical universe is not only what you touch and see for it contains several layers, several intertwining universes of perception which all work together to create that one perception which is laid out in front of you to perceive. But change the angle, change the perception, change the focus, turn the wheels of perception and the focus will fall into place and you will see a new picture, a new way of looking and you will be able to reach out and touch the moon, for there will be a breakdown of distance. No more will travelling be necessary to reach distant planets. Planets are all within your reach and they all realize, they are waiting, they are waiting for your realization to come to you, to come to all on your side, then the difficulties of reaching out, of travelling, of distance will sort themselves out until a greater understanding has been achieved for all on your side, thank you, I hope you can gain some understanding from this…’

Liz… ‘Thank you’

I think a different communicator took over at this point.

‘Yes, yes, yellow, yellow, purple, purple…’

Liz… ‘Yellow?’

‘Yes, yellow alone can set up the vibration that we need to return… Colour, colour, so important in your world. We too use those colours. They are for us the one thing all of us can hold onto. All of us can visualize colour as we draw close to your physical atmosphere, it is a comforting experience for us to dwell amongst the colours of your universe. Each has its own vibration. Each can be mixed with another. We choose yellow and we choose purple. These two colours represent the two energies you have brought into this room’

Liz… ‘Yellow and purple’

‘So now we have come to the end of our session this evening. We have enjoyed this session, we have mingled with you, we have drawn the energies that you have provided and we have used these energies to develop this circle but now come that time when we will step back, we will return you to your physical vibration once again and we give to you a piece of our love which we always bring into this room. Take it out, take this piece of love out and spread around to all whom you meet. We will return for our next session’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Replay your music and we will complete our withdrawal from the medium thank you, goodnight, may God bless you, may God bless you all on your side’

Liz… ‘Thank you, goodnight, our love and blessings with you, God bless you too’

‘Thank you for this opportunity’

Liz… ‘Thank you for being with us’

‘We will help when you direct your healing, that important step, that important step for your own world, for your own earth, we will help. So now we draw back from this session and please play your music, thank you, thank you all’

Liz… ‘Thank you, goodnight’

Liz put the music on and I came fully back after about two minutes.

The session had lasted 1 hour 45 minutes this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

The psychometry experiment that George suggested sounds interesting and we will try that. We have for some time been experimenting with remote viewing with some success and will continue that also as we feel it all must help with the overall development of our circles and our own understanding of the bigger picture.

We had a George communicate back in February who told us he was a medium and it sounds like the same personality. Here’s a link for comparison…

112th Sitting 01/09/2014

We had the room set up as normal.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

This week I decided to try an experiment using a Bob Monroe exercise to take myself into focus 10. I had been inspired to do this in a cryptic dream the night before.

12 minutes after starting a few noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication.

‘Hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello… Hello friend…’

After a period of settling/tuning in the words became clearer…

‘Feel the formation of energy in the room, the formation of a piece of… a page of a book has become… direct all of our energy towards the page in the book which we read from, now, look at the page, look at that page it contains various symbols which for the reader represent a communication. The book itself cannot communicate for only when a receiver is observing, is reading the symbols that are, that have been placed on that page then it becomes a communication…’

Liz… ‘Right… You’re drawing from a field of information but focusing on a particular area’

‘Well yes, many, many pages make up the book’

Liz… ‘But it’s just one page you’re drawing from’

‘Yes, so when a story, a communication is to be relayed it has to come one page at a time. Only when that first page has been absorbed, has been understood can the next page be looked at. So we have to… we try to get all information from the page, we want to be satisfied that it has been understood’

Liz… ‘Transmitted and understood yes’

‘Yes, yes… he who can… he who can transmit without words has to rely on visual communication. We have… we are able to represent our words in the physical, we are able to use the vehicle and transmit words to you. We can build up our own story by using words, the words, verbalized words. Our focus, our interest is to get those words correct at that point when they come through. We do transmit from our side and we get a feeling of how that transmission has come to you. We cannot always read the words as they come through, we know what we are transmitting’

Liz… ‘Yes you know what you intend’

‘Yes but as we come closer we can feel the words as they come through. So it is becoming easier for us to get a clearer message through in this way’

Liz… ‘Right, so you’re getting the echo’

‘Yes, although we do not have apparatus to physically hear the sound as it vibrates your atmosphere we still get the feeling, the impression that that word makes on your atmosphere. It is yes a kind of echo, a kind of rebounding of information on the atmosphere that we are working with so we do get a reassurance that our words are coming through in a recognizable way’

Liz… ‘They’re certainly recognisable to me and meaningful’

‘Good, that is what we aim to do. We have much to say, we have much to give you but we do not wish to be misunderstood. Sometimes we will return to subjects that we have covered on previous occasions. We wish to get that message through… Is there any questions that you have on your mind at this time?’

Liz… ‘No, I think the questions that I’ve had particularly have been answered through listening to other discourses… I have been confused because there are people who present themselves as mediums or psychic who seem to have a very strong opinion of how things work which contradicts information that has come through other, maybe better mediums and so it’s this information that slightly differs from one medium to another particularly with how long people remain attached to personality in the afterlife, how long before someone reincarnates. That was a question that I had in mind because in some doctrines, for example in the Tibetan doctrine, it’s suggested that people maybe after 40 days will seek to reincarnate again into a physical vehicle but from my understanding of what comes though some mediums is that people can, entities can well remain for hundreds or even thousands of years in a non-physical form before coming back into the physical world… But both things may be true’

‘You are answering your question for it is unwise to put too much emphasis on numbers, on the amount of time. You and all on your side are so immersed in your physical life, the life of form, of time, of numbers, of getting things into perspective, into a correct pattern, a correct order. For you to understand the way we exist, that requires putting aside all thoughts of order, all thoughts of putting things in their respective boxes, you have to think beyond your physical limitations. For many answers have come through to your side from our side, many contradicting answers because those on your side will interpret what is said. There are so many factors involved in communication from one reality to another. The first factor is the vessel, the instrument through which communication has to come. There are many ways in which an understanding can come to you. You can listen to words transmitted through mediums, you can also get your own sense, your own sense of what is, what lies beyond your physical universe. No way is better than the other, no mediums are better than other mediums. All allow themselves to be used by us. They will nevertheless interfere whether it is done knowingly or unknowingly. What you call subconscious mind can interfere as well as conscious mind. Even these two states are words used by people from your side to differentiate between two states but there are no two states, there are many states, many states which flow into each other, it is a constant flow, a fluidity of states. Understanding this is so difficult while you remain fixed in physical thought. There are no words to explain much of what we try to relay to you. We have spoken in the past about how important the feeling is to these communications. Many will listen to these communications for we are well aware that they are put onto your Internet and many around your world are able to listen. We fully agree, we fully endorse this for we are able in this way to reach many minds, many physical minds but each will interpret in their own way but isn’t this how all on your side interact with each other? No one, there are no hard and fast rules once you think about the feelings that each individual puts on a communication when it comes to them’

Liz… ‘Yes, I guess there is a tendency amongst people, some people depending on their personality like to get things very fixed and in a very tight framework and then hold onto that rigidly so that they will very quickly form a picture which is fixed and leaves no room for any further interpretation… I always find that very dangerous, I don’t like that but that happens and it can inhibit further and for some people it can inhibit further exploration and discovery. There are people who like to have things ABC, cut and dried’

‘That is because it is; they are at that stage of their own development where they need this cut and dry, ABC type understanding. The one thing that they will benefit from is an understanding that whatever it is, whatever belief they have come to they must keep part of their mind open to new learning. Once, when, when these people believe that they have…’     

Liz… ‘The whole answer…’

‘…they have, yes, the answer, they know everything, they will find that something will happen in their life that will make them think. For they cannot cut themselves off from spiritual inspiration, we are always by their side, we will wait, we will wait until a time when we can nudge them into an understanding that there is more. That will spark off their interest, but there is no urgency as long as they are living and experiencing, mingling with others, talking with others, listening to others. All of this is a build-up of experience and there will become a time when something will happen which will not be quite fitting in with their ABC way of thinking’  

Liz… ‘It will make them question’

‘They will question, for you all have the ability to question. Even if it is not in this life time many lifetimes lay ahead for each spark of the spirit to wake up and grow and discover and embrace the wider reality that lies ahead of them all… Thank you I feel now is the time for more of your wonderful music, thank you’

Liz… ‘Alright thank you’

Liz put the music back on…

50 minutes then passed before the next communication was heard.
During that time I drifted off a couple of times and remembered dreaming of zipping up a suit case and also pushing some electrical buttons that lit up as I pressed them.

Liz’s arms were moved and her hands held together as if praying.
I was also being moved about at times in the cabinet so Liz’s movements could have mirrored mine.

Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication when she heard some noises starting from the cabinet...

The words were mixed up at first as if several communicators were practicing at the same time.

‘Please allow, please allow us to come in now, why now, why now well it is our love of all things that come, it is our love of all the things that we can touch, and see, and smell, and hear. Better now for when heal us all of us here, is everywhere I can you understand that we are a low, lay down now for mere…

Voice changed and the energy felt different to me…

‘Hello, hello, ah now all people, all people are oh yes… yellow, yellow, oh yes, yes toward, towards safe safer… Yes, yes, yes, sir will, sir will, Sir William, Sir William… Circumstantial, preparation forward into various quantities for all of us to come into, fit into place; there are various things that we all need to do to be able to come in this way’

Liz… ‘Yes everybody’s trying’

‘Alone, I can come through each of us has our own way of bringing ourselves into this vibration’

Liz… ‘You’re coming through well…’

‘Yes, so very good, very good, purple, purple Paul, pray, prayer, all prayer, all pray, all praying, now take, allow, it only, it only takes one step forward to realise that you are living in the shadow of your true self. That one step forward to a realisation, a clearer picture is all that is required but that one step has so many difficulties in place that need to be addressed, need to be studied, need to be analysed until you feel comfortable to take that one step forward. It is so simple but you all put so much complication on something which when you have taken that step you will realise how easy it was’

Liz… ‘So there are blocks and barriers, psychological blocks and barriers that prevent us taking this step… and the work is to remove them?’

‘Yes, it was not by accident that these blocks and barriers were placed in your way, you have to learn, you have to realize, you have to work at removing these blocks and barriers for it is not made easy for you but at the same time it is so simple... If we were to give you all the answers then what would you learn, what would you gain from this? You have to address each barrier, each block in the correct sequence. Each one will become apparent to you. We can only walk by your side and observe. We can assist as much as we are allowed for your own journey is what is in front of you now but you can rejoice in the journey you have already trod and you can remember and you have in your memory and experience. So all come to you in the correct pattern of your time, you will always be moving forward. All of us are moving forward, we all have our own blocks and barriers to find and to negotiate in our own way. So everybody by doing this is adding their part to the greater experience, the greater consciousness’  

Liz… ‘The greater revelation’

I felt a stronger, closer presence and my arms were lifted up above my head.

‘Yes all of these words come to the one; it is all done in love. Love builds, love creates, love guides, love uncovers, love is the answer. You create the question, love unlocks the answer, and so it will go on, never ceasing’

There was a change of communicator, in fact it felt and sounded like there were two communicators switching from one to the other which made for an interesting communication!!!

‘Yes, happy, happy, good, good, we have a good time; have had a good time, have had a good evening with you this evening, this session. We now have our time to leave. The time has come once again for us to draw back, to re-join our own place of living. Like you we have our own journey, our own experience, our own place that we are enjoying life. You too enjoy your life, you live your life, you are living on life, enjoying each day as it brings more to you, brings all experiences to you. Treat each experience as a gift from God, from however you understand God. So now… we are… so now we, time, time for us once again we have reached the end, so as always, as always we give to you a piece of our love to take out into your world, spread around, allow it to penetrate into each corner of every day until we meet again, next time’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you and God bless you’

‘God bless to you, goodnight and good bye and thank you. Thank you so much for this opportunity for all of us to draw so close in this sacred space that you provide for us each week. Thank you please replay your music and we will return your medium to you thank you’

Liz… ‘Ha, ha, thank you friend, goodnight’

Liz put the music on…

I was feeling back with it after three minutes.

The session had lasted 1 hour 50 minutes.

The focus 10 experiment had worked well, helping me to get into an altered state and more detached from the communications although I still remain aware.
I’ll continue doing that next time.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

During the healing Liz sends light to help those who have passed but find themselves trapped on the earth plane.
This week while she was doing it I had the sense of someone jump onto my lap. I perceived them as a child like entity, just a black silhouette with no details. In my mind I asked them to look behind them for a light and I saw a dim glow behind them and sensed the entity being draw towards and disappearing into it. As they were going I mentally asked them to return to the circle sometime to let us know how they are now…