May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

112th Sitting 01/09/2014

We had the room set up as normal.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

This week I decided to try an experiment using a Bob Monroe exercise to take myself into focus 10. I had been inspired to do this in a cryptic dream the night before.

12 minutes after starting a few noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication.

‘Hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello… Hello friend…’

After a period of settling/tuning in the words became clearer…

‘Feel the formation of energy in the room, the formation of a piece of… a page of a book has become… direct all of our energy towards the page in the book which we read from, now, look at the page, look at that page it contains various symbols which for the reader represent a communication. The book itself cannot communicate for only when a receiver is observing, is reading the symbols that are, that have been placed on that page then it becomes a communication…’

Liz… ‘Right… You’re drawing from a field of information but focusing on a particular area’

‘Well yes, many, many pages make up the book’

Liz… ‘But it’s just one page you’re drawing from’

‘Yes, so when a story, a communication is to be relayed it has to come one page at a time. Only when that first page has been absorbed, has been understood can the next page be looked at. So we have to… we try to get all information from the page, we want to be satisfied that it has been understood’

Liz… ‘Transmitted and understood yes’

‘Yes, yes… he who can… he who can transmit without words has to rely on visual communication. We have… we are able to represent our words in the physical, we are able to use the vehicle and transmit words to you. We can build up our own story by using words, the words, verbalized words. Our focus, our interest is to get those words correct at that point when they come through. We do transmit from our side and we get a feeling of how that transmission has come to you. We cannot always read the words as they come through, we know what we are transmitting’

Liz… ‘Yes you know what you intend’

‘Yes but as we come closer we can feel the words as they come through. So it is becoming easier for us to get a clearer message through in this way’

Liz… ‘Right, so you’re getting the echo’

‘Yes, although we do not have apparatus to physically hear the sound as it vibrates your atmosphere we still get the feeling, the impression that that word makes on your atmosphere. It is yes a kind of echo, a kind of rebounding of information on the atmosphere that we are working with so we do get a reassurance that our words are coming through in a recognizable way’

Liz… ‘They’re certainly recognisable to me and meaningful’

‘Good, that is what we aim to do. We have much to say, we have much to give you but we do not wish to be misunderstood. Sometimes we will return to subjects that we have covered on previous occasions. We wish to get that message through… Is there any questions that you have on your mind at this time?’

Liz… ‘No, I think the questions that I’ve had particularly have been answered through listening to other discourses… I have been confused because there are people who present themselves as mediums or psychic who seem to have a very strong opinion of how things work which contradicts information that has come through other, maybe better mediums and so it’s this information that slightly differs from one medium to another particularly with how long people remain attached to personality in the afterlife, how long before someone reincarnates. That was a question that I had in mind because in some doctrines, for example in the Tibetan doctrine, it’s suggested that people maybe after 40 days will seek to reincarnate again into a physical vehicle but from my understanding of what comes though some mediums is that people can, entities can well remain for hundreds or even thousands of years in a non-physical form before coming back into the physical world… But both things may be true’

‘You are answering your question for it is unwise to put too much emphasis on numbers, on the amount of time. You and all on your side are so immersed in your physical life, the life of form, of time, of numbers, of getting things into perspective, into a correct pattern, a correct order. For you to understand the way we exist, that requires putting aside all thoughts of order, all thoughts of putting things in their respective boxes, you have to think beyond your physical limitations. For many answers have come through to your side from our side, many contradicting answers because those on your side will interpret what is said. There are so many factors involved in communication from one reality to another. The first factor is the vessel, the instrument through which communication has to come. There are many ways in which an understanding can come to you. You can listen to words transmitted through mediums, you can also get your own sense, your own sense of what is, what lies beyond your physical universe. No way is better than the other, no mediums are better than other mediums. All allow themselves to be used by us. They will nevertheless interfere whether it is done knowingly or unknowingly. What you call subconscious mind can interfere as well as conscious mind. Even these two states are words used by people from your side to differentiate between two states but there are no two states, there are many states, many states which flow into each other, it is a constant flow, a fluidity of states. Understanding this is so difficult while you remain fixed in physical thought. There are no words to explain much of what we try to relay to you. We have spoken in the past about how important the feeling is to these communications. Many will listen to these communications for we are well aware that they are put onto your Internet and many around your world are able to listen. We fully agree, we fully endorse this for we are able in this way to reach many minds, many physical minds but each will interpret in their own way but isn’t this how all on your side interact with each other? No one, there are no hard and fast rules once you think about the feelings that each individual puts on a communication when it comes to them’

Liz… ‘Yes, I guess there is a tendency amongst people, some people depending on their personality like to get things very fixed and in a very tight framework and then hold onto that rigidly so that they will very quickly form a picture which is fixed and leaves no room for any further interpretation… I always find that very dangerous, I don’t like that but that happens and it can inhibit further and for some people it can inhibit further exploration and discovery. There are people who like to have things ABC, cut and dried’

‘That is because it is; they are at that stage of their own development where they need this cut and dry, ABC type understanding. The one thing that they will benefit from is an understanding that whatever it is, whatever belief they have come to they must keep part of their mind open to new learning. Once, when, when these people believe that they have…’     

Liz… ‘The whole answer…’

‘…they have, yes, the answer, they know everything, they will find that something will happen in their life that will make them think. For they cannot cut themselves off from spiritual inspiration, we are always by their side, we will wait, we will wait until a time when we can nudge them into an understanding that there is more. That will spark off their interest, but there is no urgency as long as they are living and experiencing, mingling with others, talking with others, listening to others. All of this is a build-up of experience and there will become a time when something will happen which will not be quite fitting in with their ABC way of thinking’  

Liz… ‘It will make them question’

‘They will question, for you all have the ability to question. Even if it is not in this life time many lifetimes lay ahead for each spark of the spirit to wake up and grow and discover and embrace the wider reality that lies ahead of them all… Thank you I feel now is the time for more of your wonderful music, thank you’

Liz… ‘Alright thank you’

Liz put the music back on…

50 minutes then passed before the next communication was heard.
During that time I drifted off a couple of times and remembered dreaming of zipping up a suit case and also pushing some electrical buttons that lit up as I pressed them.

Liz’s arms were moved and her hands held together as if praying.
I was also being moved about at times in the cabinet so Liz’s movements could have mirrored mine.

Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication when she heard some noises starting from the cabinet...

The words were mixed up at first as if several communicators were practicing at the same time.

‘Please allow, please allow us to come in now, why now, why now well it is our love of all things that come, it is our love of all the things that we can touch, and see, and smell, and hear. Better now for when heal us all of us here, is everywhere I can you understand that we are a low, lay down now for mere…

Voice changed and the energy felt different to me…

‘Hello, hello, ah now all people, all people are oh yes… yellow, yellow, oh yes, yes toward, towards safe safer… Yes, yes, yes, sir will, sir will, Sir William, Sir William… Circumstantial, preparation forward into various quantities for all of us to come into, fit into place; there are various things that we all need to do to be able to come in this way’

Liz… ‘Yes everybody’s trying’

‘Alone, I can come through each of us has our own way of bringing ourselves into this vibration’

Liz… ‘You’re coming through well…’

‘Yes, so very good, very good, purple, purple Paul, pray, prayer, all prayer, all pray, all praying, now take, allow, it only, it only takes one step forward to realise that you are living in the shadow of your true self. That one step forward to a realisation, a clearer picture is all that is required but that one step has so many difficulties in place that need to be addressed, need to be studied, need to be analysed until you feel comfortable to take that one step forward. It is so simple but you all put so much complication on something which when you have taken that step you will realise how easy it was’

Liz… ‘So there are blocks and barriers, psychological blocks and barriers that prevent us taking this step… and the work is to remove them?’

‘Yes, it was not by accident that these blocks and barriers were placed in your way, you have to learn, you have to realize, you have to work at removing these blocks and barriers for it is not made easy for you but at the same time it is so simple... If we were to give you all the answers then what would you learn, what would you gain from this? You have to address each barrier, each block in the correct sequence. Each one will become apparent to you. We can only walk by your side and observe. We can assist as much as we are allowed for your own journey is what is in front of you now but you can rejoice in the journey you have already trod and you can remember and you have in your memory and experience. So all come to you in the correct pattern of your time, you will always be moving forward. All of us are moving forward, we all have our own blocks and barriers to find and to negotiate in our own way. So everybody by doing this is adding their part to the greater experience, the greater consciousness’  

Liz… ‘The greater revelation’

I felt a stronger, closer presence and my arms were lifted up above my head.

‘Yes all of these words come to the one; it is all done in love. Love builds, love creates, love guides, love uncovers, love is the answer. You create the question, love unlocks the answer, and so it will go on, never ceasing’

There was a change of communicator, in fact it felt and sounded like there were two communicators switching from one to the other which made for an interesting communication!!!

‘Yes, happy, happy, good, good, we have a good time; have had a good time, have had a good evening with you this evening, this session. We now have our time to leave. The time has come once again for us to draw back, to re-join our own place of living. Like you we have our own journey, our own experience, our own place that we are enjoying life. You too enjoy your life, you live your life, you are living on life, enjoying each day as it brings more to you, brings all experiences to you. Treat each experience as a gift from God, from however you understand God. So now… we are… so now we, time, time for us once again we have reached the end, so as always, as always we give to you a piece of our love to take out into your world, spread around, allow it to penetrate into each corner of every day until we meet again, next time’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you and God bless you’

‘God bless to you, goodnight and good bye and thank you. Thank you so much for this opportunity for all of us to draw so close in this sacred space that you provide for us each week. Thank you please replay your music and we will return your medium to you thank you’

Liz… ‘Ha, ha, thank you friend, goodnight’

Liz put the music on…

I was feeling back with it after three minutes.

The session had lasted 1 hour 50 minutes.

The focus 10 experiment had worked well, helping me to get into an altered state and more detached from the communications although I still remain aware.
I’ll continue doing that next time.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

During the healing Liz sends light to help those who have passed but find themselves trapped on the earth plane.
This week while she was doing it I had the sense of someone jump onto my lap. I perceived them as a child like entity, just a black silhouette with no details. In my mind I asked them to look behind them for a light and I saw a dim glow behind them and sensed the entity being draw towards and disappearing into it. As they were going I mentally asked them to return to the circle sometime to let us know how they are now…