May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

272nd Sitting 29/01/2019

This week we experimented with the Mind Mirror EEG machine.

Liz set it up with five electrodes attached to my brain connected to the Mind Mirror machine and a lap top computer which was placed to my right.
Everything electrical in the room was running on batteries so there was no mains electricity which may have affected the readings.

There was light coming from the computer screen so the sitting was not done in total darkness.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.40pm and then put the music on...

After three minutes I was controlled and the communication began.
Liz turned down the music...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend, welcome’

‘Time once again to come into your room and speak with you. We have been looking forward to this experiment and we wish that the affect that is traced will give you some form of evidence for it is for us an exciting time, the time that we come through and the measurements that are made. We have built up a form of protection for your instruments and although the body shakes the head is kept quite still and you will find an accurate reading. Now as we come forward, we wish to say to you that your interest in this work is helping this work for there needs to be that positive emotion, that emotion of interest and that is what is helping. We have always used the interest in this work to step up ourselves into this room’

Liz... ‘That’s really good to know’

‘Steps always lead to new adventures, new adventures that will increase your interest for as you step out of yourself, as you step out of your beliefs, you are introducing into your mind a blank sheet of paper and that blank sheet of paper will become receptive to so much more. Always start with a blank piece of paper and begin at the top. Start your notes, start your recordings for as the evening unfolds more information will begin to fill that piece of paper, a piece of paper so simple and yet so important in the recording of all that transpires. We come forward with information to fill that paper yet you play your part, your receptive ears, your receptive senses play their part, they allow us to increase that what we bring forward. We have set out to bring to you information, to bring to you words that create ideas in your head, a head receptive, a head clean, a head like a piece of paper, clean sheet of paper, this is what we use. As the words come through each week, you listen and you put your interpretation onto that what you hear yet at the same time you are adding to those words for the words that we use are recognised by you and trigger of in yourself your own memories, memories that can back up that what you hear, that what you understand. You are creating a picture for yourself, we are creating the words but you are creating the picture... Do you have any questions on your mind?’

Liz... ‘Only the realisation in starting with this Mind Mirror work how little is actually known about the brain and the way it acts as an intermediary with spirit. My deepest question here and my strong desire is be able to use this Mind Mirror to show evidence of when we are perceiving a discarnate entity, an actual consciousness, a living consciousness all be it a discarnate one as opposed to a data base or the akashic records, a sort of psychic record and in many seances and mediumship work it’s quite hard to know and because many people who come to mediums are really, really wanting to contact those that they’ve loved who’ve died, to know for sure that their consciousness has survived and that they will meet them again as they truly are as the person they love. It feels very important to be sure that when one is as a medium, I and others are tuning into what we feel is an actual entity, a discarnate entity, it really is the presence of that person, that presence of that living consciousness still living or be it in another vibrational plane and not just a piece of the data base, of the akashic record that is held of that person when they were alive and I'm just hoping that somehow there will show a difference between the true interaction of the brain with a discarnate consciousness and just psychic clairvoyance tuning into the data base but whether this instrumentation is sensitive enough, it’s recording at 250 hertz, 250 samples per second, maybe though that a faster sampling rate will be necessary I don’t know. So my questions are in a sense partly technical’

‘You are beginning to complicate yourself in your question, you are beginning to bring beliefs into your mind yet you also have the right attitude for you are experimenting and trying to give evidence that will support your beliefs. We from the non-physical can understand how you feel and why you ask the questions that you ask. You are connected to your physical world. You are experiencing a physical world populated by physical entities, walking, talking entities that can be seen, that can be heard, that can be touched, that can be understood. Your physical senses pick up the physical part of those entities but your mind, your emotions, your love picks up the non-physical part of those entities. The non-physical part is that what survives, is that what carries on with that what grows into a new dimension of life. The non-physical part is a small segment of a larger non-physical part. That larger part is what you understand as the higher self, the motivating force, consciousness, an individual unit of consciousness. When you receive communications from your loved ones who have passed on you are tuning in to the physical memory of that person, you are indeed retrieving information from the data base yet that non-physical part still exists as a higher self, an all-encompassing higher self, working at evolving, working at increasing the ability to love. You yourself are not centred in the physical world, you are living in the non-physical world. You are part of your higher self, you are merely interpreting information that gives you the belief that you are living a physical life’

Liz... ‘When we tune in to a consciousness, a discarnate consciousness and receive what feels like communication, is that genuine communication from that consciousness that is still existing’

‘It is the same as if that person was still physically alive, for when you speak to a person in your physical world you are speaking to consciousness, you are speaking to the larger consciousness, the consciousness which has taken a part of itself and allowed that part to play a part in a physical world. You do the same when you speak to those who have lost their physical bodies’

Liz... ‘So when we perceive that person as smiling benevolently on the person that’s died or feeling apologetic or feeling an emotion that they wish to share, is that a state of that consciousness in the afterlife that we are perceiving?’

‘The footprint of each entity who has lived a physical life remains in that data base and contains all emotions, all knowledge of a physical life’

Liz... ‘But if that person now is in a non-physical consciousness state but is still progressing and is still assimilating the lessons they’ve learnt in that life and wish to share that knowledge and information, for example if a person who has died suddenly sees in a different way than they did when alive and wished to convey that to people who they feel they may have hurt or may have offended by not understanding the bigger picture and they wish to communicate that. Is that information being shared by a living consciousness that is creating new information in the data base, in a non-physical data base?’

‘When the physical body dies that consciousness has a period of transition. During that period that consciousness can communicate with the physical world but during that transition that consciousness will also be re-engaging with its larger self, its higher self. The higher self can also communicate, the higher self has the ability to once again become that person, that physical person and make a communication with the physical world’

Liz... ‘Okay that’s what I wanted to know, and will that, in that state, will that impinge on the brain of the medium who is receiving that information in a different way from other communications?’

‘As far as we are aware there is no way of telling whether that communication is directed by the unit of consciousness or the higher self through that personality or whether it is directed by the larger consciousness system for all consciousness is one, all consciousness works as one, even though parts of it are segmented, partitioned, they are still the same consciousness’

Liz... ‘Because some people have been shown to relive past lives and bring forward evidence of that life, a knowledge which actually has a transformative effect on themselves suggesting that a living person can interact with the data base that contains records of previous lifetimes’

‘You are all able to access information from the data base. You are all able to look into your past lives. There is always some other entities that will help and guide with this for the most important outcome of a communication from the spiritual word, the most important outcome is for that consciousness that receives that communication to be able to increase its ability to love. All communication is done for the benefit of the growth of consciousness whether it is in the physical world or what you would call the non-physical world. Consciousness is forever evolving’

Liz... ‘Can I ask friend, this communication from you that is coming through the medium here, is this communication from the larger consciousness system, the larger self, the higher consciousness as opposed to from an entity, a specific discarnate entity?’

‘You speak to the larger consciousness system. You speak to a gathering of friends guiding that communication through. There are many connections between the voice that comes through and the larger consciousness system, all helping, all guiding the voice in such a way that it will help you to understand. It will only do this if you can benefit from this understanding. You have built up in your mind many beliefs and those beliefs are beginning to show signs of crumbling but you must make up your own mind as to the source of the communication. Try to simplify the way you think, try to understand yourself as being a part of us, a part of all of consciousness playing a temporary part in a physical world’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

‘We know you wish to know more but we have to work in the correct way. You are tapping into information from the non-physical, from consciousness and we understand how that information is best put forward each week. Gradually you will understand, slowly the beliefs will crumble and your questions will change but for now you wish to know why and you will continue to want to know why until you truly understand yourself and the part which you play in the world of consciousness, evolving consciousness, thank you, we will sit quietly now for a while and you can turn up your music’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend I will’


Liz turned up the music the turned it down again about 15 minutes later as another communication began.
I felt myself being controlled without the usual shaking of my arms and legs...

‘It is possible... is possible to speak without the shaking, without the need to move’

Liz... ‘That’s good’

‘There is a way that we can break through and speak like this...’

Liz... ‘Good’

‘...and when we do, we will cause no disruption. There is based in the mind of the medium a belief that shaking must take place but we are working at removing that belief for it can upset some of that what is recorded but without shaking then you will get a true picture on your screen so for this last moment of our session we will continue to speak in a relaxed state. You may notice a different reading for this period and we hope that it will show a more accurate reading for as we come through, we are joining with the consciousness of the medium and we are helping to produce each word. There is also a small amount of input from the medium but this is necessary for that gives us the link to the physical world. We are unable to work purely by ourselves at this point in time. We need that connection to the physical created by the mind of the medium but as this link grows stronger, we will blend with that mind of the medium in such a way that the medium can step aside, can take his leave of the situation until we withdraw. We are constantly working at the connection between us, we are constantly improving the connection, we are constantly making that connection stronger. Each time that we sit we manage to adjust the consciousness of the medium in such a way that it allows us to bring more of ourselves through for you wish to understand more and we wish to give you the most accurate answers. We understand how our words are recorded and are available for others to read and to listen to and we wish these words to correctly explain that what you wish to know, that what many in your world wish to know. This is but one way to bring this information through, there are others in your world also working at unravelling the mysteries of life, understanding the meaning of life. Scientists, open minded scientists are beginning to come to the conclusion that the physical world is a simulation. They are beginning to understand that consciousness is the primary force that supports all of life. Everything else follows, everything else can be seen as a temporary illusion by those who observe, created by those who experience and also created by consciousness to give those units of consciousness a structure on which to build their own reality. Thank you, thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening. We very much hope that you have gathered on your machine some evidential measurements and you will be able to share that with others for it all helps in the constant building up of a greater understanding throughout your world, an understanding which will eventually build harmony throughout your world, it will create peace, it will enable everyone to work with love in their hearts and the vibration of the human race will begin to increase taking with it all the other species of your world, removing fear, removing doubt, removing negativity. Please take from us a piece of our love. Take it out into your world and share it with all you meet. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz... 'Goodnight friend, God bless you and thank you'


Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

271st Sitting 22/01/2019

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

After about 10 minutes I started to be controlled.
Liz turned down the music as the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening, welcome friend’

‘Once more we come into your room and we begin to give you some useful information, something that will help you with your ongoing search for evidence, for information, for a larger, a wider knowledge of your world and the worlds beyond your world for you are living yourself... a time piece... you are engaged in physical time in a physical world and you watch the passing of time as a regular tick-tock of the clock. Take your mind away from time and spread your understanding for without time there is something which you cannot imagine, you cannot imagine a physical world without time for a physical world has time, has a constant time yet a non-physical world, what you understand as a non-physical world can exist without time, without the passage of time for in a non-physical world the physical worlds connect, the physical worlds exist within that what is non-physical and those physical worlds were created with a sense of time. As you live your life in a timeless world you do not experience, you do not move forward, you remain passive yet still aware of that what goes on within your world. You can see the passage of time but you are not connected to the passage of time. You have taken yourself away, you have given yourself a period of rest, a period of inner thought outside of time, outside of physical reality. A time of reflection, a time of remembrance, looking back on that what you have achieved, looking back on situations, the outcome of those situations due to your input. You will see how you have carved out for yourself various physical experiences and you will see your weaknesses. You will begin once again to feel a pulling towards a new experience in a physical world for that what drives you wishes you to improve, to work at those weaknesses, bring about perfect unison within yourself. You will see the opportunities for you to work on yourself in a physical world but you will also understand once in that physical world you will detach yourself from that period of rest, period of reflection until you once again leave that physical world. All of life works together, all of life has times of living and periods of rest. You are now making the most of your life, you are living your life, you are doing what you visualised yourself doing during that period of rest, during that period away from time, away from living. Listen to yourself, try to be in harmony with yourself. When you feel negative emotions realise that you have stepped out of harmony, realise that you are not working on your weaknesses. Try to bring yourself back into harmony with yourself and your life will seem to be... your life will become joyous, full of wonderful opportunities for you saw those opportunities when you were resting and now they are available to you as a living entity engaged in physical life, physical experience. Each mistake you make takes you away from that harmony but when you recognise this you bring yourself back and you learn from that mistake. You use that knowledge to work on the weaknesses within your consciousness bringing clarity, bringing a heightened form of life to your consciousness, lifting yourself up. Each day of your life is so full of opportunities, each day of your life sends more knowledge to your mind and understanding so that you can better negotiate your way through your physical existence... I think we will play our music for a little while and we will return, thank you’

Liz... ‘All right’


Liz turned up the music then turned it down again 40 minutes later when the communication began again...

‘We find... we are interested in that what you will achieve with your Mind Mirror equipment’

Liz... ‘Oh good’

‘It will for you be a good exercise. One thing you must bear in mind is to keep a positive, uplifted sense of mind, keep your mind positive when you use this machinery for you will, you can affect the results by the state of your mind. Keep your mind positive, do not bring doubt into your mind when you use this machinery. Sensitive physical machinery measuring physical movement yet physical movement can be affected by the non-physical mind, the state of the non-physical mind. There is nothing to worry about, it is a wonderful machine that will bring forth information for you. It may seem a cumbersome machine to your mind yet it is a delicate, sensitive piece of equipment which when working properly will produce interesting results, results that will help you to better understand, better understand yourself and the world that you live in. A positive mind will always produce better results in whatever it is that you do. Negativity merely clouds those results, prevents accurate results for negativity has its effect on physical matter in the same way as positivity yet positivity is so much stronger, is so much more real’

Liz... ‘Could you say how a positive mindset can actually influence the results from an EEG Mind Mirror machine?’

‘Positive thinking creates a truer picture. Positive thinking enables sensitive equipment to pick up a true measurement for when your mind is positive you are tuned in to the true you, the real you, that what motivates your physical form and when you motivate your physical form in a positive way, in a true way you will produce results that will show you how your mind is working, how your mind can work in many ways, many different levels, many different layers, each layer affecting the next layer yet working as one. Your mind is also a piece of sensitive equipment that requires balance. A doubtful, negative thought can upset that balance. In the past scientists of your world have approached the subject of mediumship with sceptical minds, closed minds, minds that cling to their own beliefs and their experiments have often failed to show a true reading for the true self was not taking part in that experiment, the experiment was being conducted by strongly held beliefs, beliefs that create a different self, not a true self, a self within a self that contaminates the truth and allows false readings to be produced. All scientific experiments are conducted within the physical world yet that what causes readings, causes measurements is non-physical, is part of your mind, is that what drives the physical, that is what you wish to measure and that is the most sensitive of all components in a scientific experiment. We will help where we can and we will observe that what you do’

Liz... ‘That’s good to know’

‘You merely need to remain positive, keep you mind open, you have nothing to worry about, nothing to expect. You are trying something which is new for you, something which is enjoyable, treat the experiment as a wonderful enjoyment, do not worry about results, results will look after themselves if you remain positive, if you keep your mind clear of all doubt, all irritation’

Liz... ‘Can I ask, will the medium’s shaking which happens during the time that he’s receiving communication, will that interfere with the measurements, with the signal? Will it produce muscle artefacts?’

‘We will make sure that the shaking will not affect the experiment. Do not worry about this for you can create doubt in your mind’

Liz... ‘That’s good’

‘Know that the experiment will be free from interference of any kind and enjoy your experiments’

Liz... ‘Thank you’

‘Thank you... it is time now to draw back, bring your session to a close and as always, we give you a piece of our love, take it out into your world, shine it on all who you meet allowing everybody to be free of doubt in their life, allow everybody to live with a positive mind creating a more beautiful world. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight and God bless you and thank you friend’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Liz then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

Liz had asked spirit in her mind to give her some advice and information on the upcoming Mind Mirror experiments just before the second communication came through...

270th sitting 15/01/2019

We had the room setup as normal except for my chair which I moved forward into the centre of the room bringing me closer to Liz.
I did this as the communication is quieter at the moment and last week Liz was finding it hard to hear what was being said.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

Five minutes later Liz experienced an electrical feeling on the top of her head.
Then she was aware of moving light patterns, like the outlines of pieces of a zig-saw puzzle, a marbled effect.

Liz saw more shapes and light just before the communication began.

I felt at times as if I was starting to be controlled but there was no communication. I also drifted into sleep for short periods. Then after about 50 minutes the control became stronger and the communication began...

Liz turned down the music.

‘Good evening, good evening...'

Liz... ‘Good evening friend and welcome’

‘Once again we come into your room, we come into your world and we begin to unravel some of those mysteries that surround your world, that surround your mind for you make for yourself those mysteries that keep you interested in discovering more. You can cause for yourself a situation that will take you to something more beneficial in your life for you are in charge of yourself yet you feel so alone, you feel so driven by others, driven by the events of your world and driven by those who you share your life with, yet at the same time you are creating all that you experience from within. Start your day as if it was the first, explore your world as it you have not experienced your world. Treat each situation as a new experience, an experience that has not been experienced by yourself. You will begin you see how you are driving yourself, you will begin to see how you have control of your life, you will begin to see how you are detached from the events that happen in your world but you must imagine yourself born anew as if you have just stepped into your world. Your world is full of information waiting to be deciphered by your senses yet you yourself have your own idea as to the layout of your world. You feel you have created a map of your world and of your life and without that map you will be treading a new path. Time... the time in your world is a governing factor but you can also see time as a method of holding your world together for without time that what appears to happen has no structure, no life within it for you are experiencing without the passage of time. You are beginning to understand the forces of your world. What is ten minutes of your time when it is past and what is ten minutes of you time when you are experiencing those ten minutes? As you begin to wake up in a physical world you are seeing yourself as a centre of attention, a central point from which all experiences gravitate towards, you are unaware of the other points in your world, you only see yourself as an individual. As you begin to experience life a new picture will come to you that will give you the truth, give you the true understanding’

Liz... ‘So, as we progress, as we evolve, is our understanding automatically refined?’

‘Your understanding is opening up, is... it becomes more receptive to increased information. Each passing minute of every day takes you away from yourself. Takes you into a place where you can begin to think for yourself’

Liz... ‘Does our brain automatically restructure as our understanding grows because it seems to me that our brain mediates a lot of the information that comes through and sometimes it interferes with that information by merging it with old information and comparing it and coming to some compromised understanding according to previous models, it’s making models all the time and comparisons. Do we need to use our brain in a different way?’

‘Your consciousness is working through a physical brain and your consciousness is always trying to expand and work in new ways. The brain restricts the consciousness but the consciousness is the powerful element in your life. It can and it does restructure the brain enabling it to reach further into your mind, into your awareness bringing you new experience, new situations, seeing life in a different way. You are all physical beings in a physical world but your consciousness is so much more. It does not need to be restricted in this way for it can evolve the physical, it can change the physical’

Liz... ‘Yes, that's good to know, that’s what I think is happening as we work on trying to understand and to approach reality and to experience it in a new way changes take place in the brain, I can feel it’

‘Allow yourself to be changed for you will always feel a resistance to change but know that your consciousness is working for the benefit of all life, your consciousness wants to evolve and your consciousness will modify your physical form in such a way that it can be better used’

Liz... ‘If those modifications take place in someone’s lifetime when they are quite young, can those changes influence the genetic structure within the germ cells so that those changes can be passed on to the next generation?’

‘Each new life carries with it an individual consciousness. Each new life brings a new consciousness to your world. That consciousness possesses the power to alter the physical and is unique to that person’

Liz... ‘Can the physical structure be changed within a generation and that physical change be passed on so that a new consciousness coming in to take charge of a developing embryo, a developing fetus, can inherit and already altered brain structure’

‘The alteration of the physical affects all physical. As one physical being becomes altered by consciousness then the physical vibration of your world is raised. Raising of the vibration will have its effect on all physical matter. There is not so much a connection between physical life and the offspring of physical beings for the new consciousness that enters that body will have its own history, will have been though many lifetimes and will have built up for itself its own level of understanding, its own level of love, ability to love. The greater the ability to love the easier it is to alter the physical structure, not only of the brain but of the whole body and the environment in which that body lives its life’

Liz... ‘So, a person working to work with consciousness, to evolve and to change, to open up their brain structure to a new way of thinking, to a larger understanding can help the whole world, the whole of humanity to evolve to the extent that they raise their own consciousness’

‘This is indeed what is happening and in turn, in raising the vibration of your world, you are raising the vibration of all of consciousness’

Liz... ‘So, this is a work that is invisible to many but is very valuable, a work that goes unpaid and unrecognised often but is extremely valuable’

‘A very beneficial work for all of life. You are all striving to better yourselves, striving to reach out and touch that what is just beyond your reach. You are all working, you are given the opportunity to live a life in as physical world where opportunities are abundant. Grasp each opportunity, give it your best shot and open up yourself from within’

Liz... ‘In the deeply esoteric traditions of many of the major religions there is often a hidden pathway to help the individual evolve but for the most part those religions keep that inner seeking tradition hidden, the normal formality of religion, does that put an obstacle in the path of the seeker, of the person striving to evolve their own consciousness?’

‘There are many obstacles for those who choose to follow a religion for a religion is a belief set up by those individuals of your world who wish... they wish to bring together groups of people. There is a need for power, a need for rules and regulations. Many in your world, in your past, have been able to open themselves up to the wonders of your world and beyond and they have tried to relay that what they have experienced to your world yet your world was not ready. Those who listened to their stories did not understand and put their own interpretation on the stories. They felt the stories would give them a sense of power, a sense of something beyond your physical world yet they were not ready, they had to use their physical minds to understand something that was beyond the physical. They had to make a new story and they began to believe the story they had made and those who followed them also believed. There is no advantage to the following of a religion if you wish to expand yourself, if you wish to reach out, all you need is love in your heart and the ability to listen to yourself, listen to that what is pushing you forward, listen to your own consciousness, let your full consciousness enter your life, guide your life and you will begin to modify yourself, modify your world and modify those who share your world’

Liz... ‘Would you say that the desire for truth, to know the truth, to understand how things really are is the driving force in evolving consciousness?’

‘It is the physical part of yourself that wishes to understand truth. The driving force is that spark of life within yourself. The physical aspect that tries to understand something as being the truth is what can stunt your growth for you will soon realise that there is no truth, there is only love. Learn how to love, learn how to accept love and you will need no other truth’

Liz... ‘When you say there is no truth can you explain that?’

‘When you begin to look for a truth, a meaning to life, a structure that holds all of life together you have to look at every aspect of your world. Every aspect and every person in your world has their own idea as to what is truth, what is the meaning of life. You can quieten your mind, allow yourself to become free of the physical world and journey into other worlds, other realities, see for yourself what is the truth and yet you are interpreting that information that is coming to you and creating your own truth. You can also sit in circles such as this waiting for answers, allowing the larger reality to speak to you. You are also interpreting this. Information comes through your mind and into your world. It is for you to decide what to do with that information. Much has come through to your world, much has been written and you can spend a lifetime reading through all that has been transcribed. You will see how information can differ, you will see how through different mediums information is not quite the same for it has been interpreted, it has been filtered through consciousness, the individual consciousness of an individual medium. How then do you decide what is the truth when there are many different ways of explaining life, life beyond the physical? Even though you can expand your consciousness and see into other worlds you are still a part of this physical world for the time between birth and death. The physical world is a wonderful place for learning but the physical world is restricted, your understanding is also restricted whilst you are here. Nothing is wasted whilst living a physical life. Each time you try to understand more you are creating more possibilities in your mind, you are opening up your mind, you are helping the consciousness within yourself to grow. Keep asking questions, keep looking for answers, do not forget to enjoy your physical life, to see the goodness in all of life, to understand the part that you play and the part that others around you are playing. There is no need to complicate your life. Allow it to unravel before you. Attend to each situation as it is presented to you in the best possible way with love in your heart. You will see naturally evolving around you a world full of opportunities and answers... Thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening. We hope that our words have been understood and we look forward to further questions as we continue to develop the mediumship within this circle and within the Mercury Experiment. Please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, shine it into every dark corner and share it with all who you meet. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all and thank you for your communication tonight’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Liz then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

During the healing Liz felt a powerful presence of light, like being part of a column of light and very connected.

269th Sitting 08/01/2019

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I drifted in and out of sleep for about 40 minutes then started to be controlled.

Liz turned down the music when the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening and welcome friend...’

‘Well once more we are taking a part of your world, taking a slice of your physical world... bring forth words to you to help you to understand that what is just out of your reach for you have always understood yourself in your own way, that what you have built up as you have lived your life in this world and we wish to turn that around, give you a new way of understanding yourself. Yet at the same time we cannot take from you your understanding, your experiences, those experiences that have built up to produce that what you call yourself. Each day of your life you are renewing your life for each day of your life you are faced with new opportunities, new opportunities to learn more about yourself. A time will come when you will wish to stand still, reflect on that what you have learnt but at the same time you feel that pulling within yourself to discover more. A part of you has become ignited and will continue to burn. We too have our own understandings and a wish to share those understandings’

‘Picture yourself at the end of a road... a long winding road. You have reached the end of that journey. You look out ahead of yourself and you see no more road yet a part of you still wants to carry on. What is stopping you? You have become used to travelling on that road and you are afraid to step into something unfamiliar, step into a new world, a world where there are no roads, a world where there is nothing to guide you through your life. You are free and yet at the same time you wish for something to show you the way. Once free from the road your mind will be working with you, searching, searching for something that will help you to make sense of your new environment. You can only look back and remember but you wish to explore and build up new ideas, new meanings to a world with no road. Use all of your senses and find out for yourself that your senses are not so important. Without a road to guide you your senses will fail you and you will find yourself placed in an endless loop, an endless spiral. Each turn of the spiral gives you a memory for it takes you back to a familiar place yet at the same time you are rising above yourself. As you begin to recognise the familiar place you are once again taken away on that circular movement, losing control of yourself until you return. As each circle is completed you will feel yourself speeding up, you will feel a new sense of recognition, you will be drawing to a close, you will be getting close to a new understanding of life, life devoid of physical matter, life devoid of familiar patterns, shapes and colours, life that encompasses all of your lives, bringing together a joint adventure. The world that you live in is a circular world, revolving around your sun, joined by others, other worlds that also revolve. Each revolution gives you a sense of time and that time gives you a structure on which to build your life. Without that time you cannot operate as a physical being but you can still exist, you can still live, you can still produce thought and ideas. See yourself free of time and free of the road. See yourself as one small part...’

The voice had become very quiet and Liz was finding it hard to hear all that was being said. She was also struggling to stay with it as her mind was drifting. She thought the communication had finished and asked a question...

Liz... ‘Friend...’


Liz... ‘When you spoke and tried to clarify the simple life, living simply, you contrasted it with the way that we complicate our lives. What is it that we do that creates unnecessary complication and complexity that prevents us from leading this simpler life? Is it our intellectual pursuits, our science or our relationships?’

‘There is much that you do... there is within yourself...’

The communication broke up then started again...

‘The way you see your world is the way you have trained yourself to understand your world. You have set out on a journey in a physical lifetime, mingling with others, reacting with one another. As you live your life in your physical world you are developing a resistance to the life that brought you there, the life that brought you into this world. That life is a simple life yet you are bringing complications by the way that you react. The purpose of life is to develop within yourself...’

The communication broke up again...

‘I think we would like you to play your music for a while thank you’

Liz didn’t hear this and asked another question about what can we do to make better contact with spirit, have a more direct communication and to become better mediums but by then the control had left me so she put the music back on.

After about five minutes the communication started again and Liz turned down the music...

‘We are working in... we are working in a different... we are, we are trying to work in a new way this evening. We are experimenting with the way that we bring each word through. It is for us a first attempt at a new development within this room. It will at times cause interference to the words that come through but you must be patient and as each week goes by those words will become clear to you. Step by step there will become more content in the communication for we are aware that you wish to speak to familiar entities and as a team of discarnate entities enter your room a new feeling, a new atmosphere is being developed but for now we will draw back and give you a piece of our love to take out into your world. Let that love fill yourself, fill your world, fill your universe. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight friend and thank you, God bless you all’


I took a bit longer this week to feel back with it. I felt a bit light headed for a while.
We sat quietly for a few minutes before Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

Liz had sensed a presence in the room several times during the evening and she thought the atmosphere felt a bit different this week.

It had felt different to me as well and at times the control didn’t feel as strong as usual.

Solo sit 31/12/2018

I had a solo sit at home on New Year's Eve...

I did the opening prayer and included a question that had come to my mind during the day...

‘If consciousness stopped evolving and started to devolve what would happen to this world and the larger reality?’

After about one minute I started to be controlled and began speaking in my own voice.
At first there was no shaking but it did start about half way through the communication...

‘Good evening, good evening, thank you once again for your question. We will endeavour to answer in the best way that we can. We have an idea that you are seeking a better understanding of the way that consciousness evolves in a physical world yet at the same time it can devolve but what happens if that consciousness continued to devolve? What would you experience as a physical being in a physical world? There would be for you a sense of freedom, a sense of breaking free from life, you would begin to experience life in a new way. You would no longer feel the effect of your larger self pushing you forward. You would feel a relaxation in your mind. You would begin to experiment with your own mind. You would begin to understand yourself as very much alone. All those around you would also feel disconnected from any motivating force. There would be no order to your life, everything would become random. That what you do would have no positive effect. You would try to live your life as before but you would find that it was having no effect on those around you. You would see a change in attitude in all who you meet and you would sense a change in yourself. You would lose the interest in living, that spark of life within you would dim and your mind would become receptive to the darker thoughts of all who you shared your life with. This would take over that what you perceive. Your world would become full of darkness, it would be as if the sun had become extinguished. Any effort to bring light into your world would be seen as a threat for the world outside of your world would not support the introduction of light. Without light life itself would become dimmed, would become not worth living’

‘The larger reality would also be devoid of light yet life would still exist, life without structure, life without the ability to love. Without love consciousness would feel there was no point in continuing and would slowly extinguish itself. This is the best answer we can give you for this situation could not happen. There is in place what you would call energies constantly working behind the scenes. Those energies are conscious beings, conscious beings who have a job to do, to monitor the growth of consciousness. Consciousness itself has reached a point where it will not devolve. One part of consciousness may extinguish itself yet the core consciousness, that what drives all will continue to grow and will continue to create, will replace that what dies. Each individual has their own choices and through those choices they evolve or devolve. That is their free will and they alone can make that choice. Choices create consequences. Consequences of devolving cannot be seen as beneficial to a productive life. A natural tendency of life is to be productive, is to see change, positive change. All of life wants to move forward, to expand, expand into new experiences, greater achievements and a higher quality of life. This is the natural state and this will continue to be the natural state’

‘Thank you, thank you my dear friend. We leave you once again with a piece of our love. Take it out into your world, let it rebound from person to person. We look forward to more questions in your new year but for now may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.


Then I did a closing prayer and sent out healing...