May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

272nd Sitting 29/01/2019

This week we experimented with the Mind Mirror EEG machine.

Liz set it up with five electrodes attached to my brain connected to the Mind Mirror machine and a lap top computer which was placed to my right.
Everything electrical in the room was running on batteries so there was no mains electricity which may have affected the readings.

There was light coming from the computer screen so the sitting was not done in total darkness.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.40pm and then put the music on...

After three minutes I was controlled and the communication began.
Liz turned down the music...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend, welcome’

‘Time once again to come into your room and speak with you. We have been looking forward to this experiment and we wish that the affect that is traced will give you some form of evidence for it is for us an exciting time, the time that we come through and the measurements that are made. We have built up a form of protection for your instruments and although the body shakes the head is kept quite still and you will find an accurate reading. Now as we come forward, we wish to say to you that your interest in this work is helping this work for there needs to be that positive emotion, that emotion of interest and that is what is helping. We have always used the interest in this work to step up ourselves into this room’

Liz... ‘That’s really good to know’

‘Steps always lead to new adventures, new adventures that will increase your interest for as you step out of yourself, as you step out of your beliefs, you are introducing into your mind a blank sheet of paper and that blank sheet of paper will become receptive to so much more. Always start with a blank piece of paper and begin at the top. Start your notes, start your recordings for as the evening unfolds more information will begin to fill that piece of paper, a piece of paper so simple and yet so important in the recording of all that transpires. We come forward with information to fill that paper yet you play your part, your receptive ears, your receptive senses play their part, they allow us to increase that what we bring forward. We have set out to bring to you information, to bring to you words that create ideas in your head, a head receptive, a head clean, a head like a piece of paper, clean sheet of paper, this is what we use. As the words come through each week, you listen and you put your interpretation onto that what you hear yet at the same time you are adding to those words for the words that we use are recognised by you and trigger of in yourself your own memories, memories that can back up that what you hear, that what you understand. You are creating a picture for yourself, we are creating the words but you are creating the picture... Do you have any questions on your mind?’

Liz... ‘Only the realisation in starting with this Mind Mirror work how little is actually known about the brain and the way it acts as an intermediary with spirit. My deepest question here and my strong desire is be able to use this Mind Mirror to show evidence of when we are perceiving a discarnate entity, an actual consciousness, a living consciousness all be it a discarnate one as opposed to a data base or the akashic records, a sort of psychic record and in many seances and mediumship work it’s quite hard to know and because many people who come to mediums are really, really wanting to contact those that they’ve loved who’ve died, to know for sure that their consciousness has survived and that they will meet them again as they truly are as the person they love. It feels very important to be sure that when one is as a medium, I and others are tuning into what we feel is an actual entity, a discarnate entity, it really is the presence of that person, that presence of that living consciousness still living or be it in another vibrational plane and not just a piece of the data base, of the akashic record that is held of that person when they were alive and I'm just hoping that somehow there will show a difference between the true interaction of the brain with a discarnate consciousness and just psychic clairvoyance tuning into the data base but whether this instrumentation is sensitive enough, it’s recording at 250 hertz, 250 samples per second, maybe though that a faster sampling rate will be necessary I don’t know. So my questions are in a sense partly technical’

‘You are beginning to complicate yourself in your question, you are beginning to bring beliefs into your mind yet you also have the right attitude for you are experimenting and trying to give evidence that will support your beliefs. We from the non-physical can understand how you feel and why you ask the questions that you ask. You are connected to your physical world. You are experiencing a physical world populated by physical entities, walking, talking entities that can be seen, that can be heard, that can be touched, that can be understood. Your physical senses pick up the physical part of those entities but your mind, your emotions, your love picks up the non-physical part of those entities. The non-physical part is that what survives, is that what carries on with that what grows into a new dimension of life. The non-physical part is a small segment of a larger non-physical part. That larger part is what you understand as the higher self, the motivating force, consciousness, an individual unit of consciousness. When you receive communications from your loved ones who have passed on you are tuning in to the physical memory of that person, you are indeed retrieving information from the data base yet that non-physical part still exists as a higher self, an all-encompassing higher self, working at evolving, working at increasing the ability to love. You yourself are not centred in the physical world, you are living in the non-physical world. You are part of your higher self, you are merely interpreting information that gives you the belief that you are living a physical life’

Liz... ‘When we tune in to a consciousness, a discarnate consciousness and receive what feels like communication, is that genuine communication from that consciousness that is still existing’

‘It is the same as if that person was still physically alive, for when you speak to a person in your physical world you are speaking to consciousness, you are speaking to the larger consciousness, the consciousness which has taken a part of itself and allowed that part to play a part in a physical world. You do the same when you speak to those who have lost their physical bodies’

Liz... ‘So when we perceive that person as smiling benevolently on the person that’s died or feeling apologetic or feeling an emotion that they wish to share, is that a state of that consciousness in the afterlife that we are perceiving?’

‘The footprint of each entity who has lived a physical life remains in that data base and contains all emotions, all knowledge of a physical life’

Liz... ‘But if that person now is in a non-physical consciousness state but is still progressing and is still assimilating the lessons they’ve learnt in that life and wish to share that knowledge and information, for example if a person who has died suddenly sees in a different way than they did when alive and wished to convey that to people who they feel they may have hurt or may have offended by not understanding the bigger picture and they wish to communicate that. Is that information being shared by a living consciousness that is creating new information in the data base, in a non-physical data base?’

‘When the physical body dies that consciousness has a period of transition. During that period that consciousness can communicate with the physical world but during that transition that consciousness will also be re-engaging with its larger self, its higher self. The higher self can also communicate, the higher self has the ability to once again become that person, that physical person and make a communication with the physical world’

Liz... ‘Okay that’s what I wanted to know, and will that, in that state, will that impinge on the brain of the medium who is receiving that information in a different way from other communications?’

‘As far as we are aware there is no way of telling whether that communication is directed by the unit of consciousness or the higher self through that personality or whether it is directed by the larger consciousness system for all consciousness is one, all consciousness works as one, even though parts of it are segmented, partitioned, they are still the same consciousness’

Liz... ‘Because some people have been shown to relive past lives and bring forward evidence of that life, a knowledge which actually has a transformative effect on themselves suggesting that a living person can interact with the data base that contains records of previous lifetimes’

‘You are all able to access information from the data base. You are all able to look into your past lives. There is always some other entities that will help and guide with this for the most important outcome of a communication from the spiritual word, the most important outcome is for that consciousness that receives that communication to be able to increase its ability to love. All communication is done for the benefit of the growth of consciousness whether it is in the physical world or what you would call the non-physical world. Consciousness is forever evolving’

Liz... ‘Can I ask friend, this communication from you that is coming through the medium here, is this communication from the larger consciousness system, the larger self, the higher consciousness as opposed to from an entity, a specific discarnate entity?’

‘You speak to the larger consciousness system. You speak to a gathering of friends guiding that communication through. There are many connections between the voice that comes through and the larger consciousness system, all helping, all guiding the voice in such a way that it will help you to understand. It will only do this if you can benefit from this understanding. You have built up in your mind many beliefs and those beliefs are beginning to show signs of crumbling but you must make up your own mind as to the source of the communication. Try to simplify the way you think, try to understand yourself as being a part of us, a part of all of consciousness playing a temporary part in a physical world’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

‘We know you wish to know more but we have to work in the correct way. You are tapping into information from the non-physical, from consciousness and we understand how that information is best put forward each week. Gradually you will understand, slowly the beliefs will crumble and your questions will change but for now you wish to know why and you will continue to want to know why until you truly understand yourself and the part which you play in the world of consciousness, evolving consciousness, thank you, we will sit quietly now for a while and you can turn up your music’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend I will’


Liz turned up the music the turned it down again about 15 minutes later as another communication began.
I felt myself being controlled without the usual shaking of my arms and legs...

‘It is possible... is possible to speak without the shaking, without the need to move’

Liz... ‘That’s good’

‘There is a way that we can break through and speak like this...’

Liz... ‘Good’

‘...and when we do, we will cause no disruption. There is based in the mind of the medium a belief that shaking must take place but we are working at removing that belief for it can upset some of that what is recorded but without shaking then you will get a true picture on your screen so for this last moment of our session we will continue to speak in a relaxed state. You may notice a different reading for this period and we hope that it will show a more accurate reading for as we come through, we are joining with the consciousness of the medium and we are helping to produce each word. There is also a small amount of input from the medium but this is necessary for that gives us the link to the physical world. We are unable to work purely by ourselves at this point in time. We need that connection to the physical created by the mind of the medium but as this link grows stronger, we will blend with that mind of the medium in such a way that the medium can step aside, can take his leave of the situation until we withdraw. We are constantly working at the connection between us, we are constantly improving the connection, we are constantly making that connection stronger. Each time that we sit we manage to adjust the consciousness of the medium in such a way that it allows us to bring more of ourselves through for you wish to understand more and we wish to give you the most accurate answers. We understand how our words are recorded and are available for others to read and to listen to and we wish these words to correctly explain that what you wish to know, that what many in your world wish to know. This is but one way to bring this information through, there are others in your world also working at unravelling the mysteries of life, understanding the meaning of life. Scientists, open minded scientists are beginning to come to the conclusion that the physical world is a simulation. They are beginning to understand that consciousness is the primary force that supports all of life. Everything else follows, everything else can be seen as a temporary illusion by those who observe, created by those who experience and also created by consciousness to give those units of consciousness a structure on which to build their own reality. Thank you, thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening. We very much hope that you have gathered on your machine some evidential measurements and you will be able to share that with others for it all helps in the constant building up of a greater understanding throughout your world, an understanding which will eventually build harmony throughout your world, it will create peace, it will enable everyone to work with love in their hearts and the vibration of the human race will begin to increase taking with it all the other species of your world, removing fear, removing doubt, removing negativity. Please take from us a piece of our love. Take it out into your world and share it with all you meet. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz... 'Goodnight friend, God bless you and thank you'


Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...