May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

49th Sitting 27/05/2013

Liz opened in prayer as usual at 8.30pm then turned out the red light and put the music on.

I had been feeling a pressure round my head and a bit dizzy from about 8.20pm and developed a tickly cough for a while once in the cabinet.

Ten minutes after opening Liz reported white shapes mushrooming out into the room.
She couldn’t see the luminosity on the trumpet this week.
(I had charged it up as usual before the sitting)

Another ten minutes on and Liz said there was a sudden shift in the energy. The room had gone very dark and up to that point she had been drifting off slightly but now felt very aware and present in the room.
She turned the music up a bit and sung along.

A few minutes later Liz reported light, blobby, fuzzy clouds moving throughout the whole room.

Liz reported nothing for the next 20 minutes.
She then felt touches in her hair.
She felt a strong physical breeze and a fuzzy feeling down her back.
She felt like she was being overshadowed and saw several familiar faces and felt a healing presence which made her emotional.

For me it felt like the sitting was divided into three sections.

In the first part I felt I felt a lot of activity in the cabinet.
My arms and head were being moved.
I felt something on my face and my ears were being pulled down like there was something heavy on them.

In the second part I lost consciousness for about 20 minutes.

Then I came back and felt a lot more aware and present than I had earlier.
I didn’t feel any activity in the cabinet except for a cold feeling which came in from my right side.

I felt no attempts at communication during the sitting and had no words come to my mind.
I had no clear memories of dreams while out of it.

At the end it looked light and misty in the cabinet to me and quite warm.

Liz was cold and said the room was dark...

48th Sitting 20/05/2013

Liz opened at 8.30pm, turned out red light and put music on.

About eight minutes in Liz was seeing moving energies like shapes and outlines of people.
She felt the energy in the room was intense throughout the sitting and nearly drifted off a couple of times.
She saw a few American Indian and Aboriginal faces.

I had felt strong energies with me right from the start moving my arms, I felt pressures on the top of my head and forehead, stuff running down the sides of my face, something on my right ear and was generally cold except for my face and ears which felt warm.
I kept getting the word ‘celestial’ in my mind.

I drifted off a few times about half way through the sitting then felt energies with me again towards the end.
There were no attempts at communication through me this week.

We both recalled picking up a sweet smell during the sitting.

47th Sitting 13/05/2013

This sitting marked a year since we first sat on 16th May 2012.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, put out the red light and turned on the music.

She was feeling tired after a stressful day but while sitting felt a feeling of being cleansed and then felt more awake.

Ten minutes after opening Liz reported seeing flickering white lights and shapes dancing round the room.
She’s been getting these visual phenomena at the same time now for the last few weeks.

I was feeling a lot of energy in the cabinet.
My arms were being moved and I had pressure on the top of my head and forehead.
I was kept mainly awake this week but lost consciousness a few times then came back with a jolt.

Liz was feeling touches and tickles in her hair and on her ears and legs.
She reported this three times during the sitting.

She had an image of a grasshopper then during the American Indian music felt and saw her Indian friends with her.

About an hour after the start I felt someone draw close and control me.
I remained aware.
The energy felt strong making me shake.
There was a loud deep voice at first but incoherent.
Then it felt like a different communicator with a much softer voice but I was still shaking and my knees which touch the cabinet curtain were making that shake which you can hear on the recording.

‘…energy is moving us along into place… We have our way of acclimatizing ourselves to the world of matter and we will bridge the gap. Don’t ever think we are not around for we are with you always. It appears sometimes far away from you but no distance… For we have a learning for ourselves to do this in this way. It is a slow process for us so each time we become more acclimatized to you…’

Liz felt a stretching sensation in her throat after this making her cough.

The music ended and Liz checked I was okay before doing the closing/healing prayer.

It looked misty in the cabinet to me and I felt warm whereas Liz was cold…

46th Sitting 07/05/2013

Things have been quiet communication wise for the last few weeks as they seem to be working on rendering me unconscious when I sit.
The same thing has been happening when I sit alone at home in Polegate but on Sunday 05/05/2013 I remained awake but in an altered state and there were some attempts at communication.

The first communication was quite weak and wasn’t particularly coherent. Some of what I can make out from the recording is…

‘All is well… all is okay… it all come together in the end and we are all able to work in the way of our circle. In this time it will always be able to penetrate our thought… hello… all is good…’

About five minutes later another communication came through and the connection felt stronger. Again some of it was incoherent and sounds a bit foreign at the beginning but goes on to say…

‘…in all of us we have the ability to penetrate, for we can come through in a vocal way. It was not intended that we were to work in this way… in our world we can assimilate our conditions so we can bring these conditions forward and we can manifest in time…’

After another five minutes another communication came through and this time felt very strong…

'we are looking forward to joining with others to bring forward speech, a special time for us all now as we move forward, we can touch your side in our own way, it will build as we become acclimatized to the energy but it will be an organized effort for all of us here to come through in this way we ask that you continue to sit in the normal way, we will build our own energy which will mingle with that what has been created, in the long run it will be of benefit for all, so just keep on sitting in this way, take any advice from those who have done before, they are able to advise on any modifications to the way you sit, do not think that we will not be here, for we are already getting....' (Faded out)


We had our MLC sit on Tuesday this week.
We set the room up and sat in the same way as usual.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

After ten minutes she reported white shapes moving around the room.
Then she felt the room was packed full of people.

An interesting sound came out on the recording during the time Liz was merrily singing along to ‘Radio Ga-Ga’ It may well be Liz making the noise but doesn’t sound like her to me and doesn’t fit in with the song. Here’s a clip, the sound is at 14 seconds…

During the American Indian tunes Liz normally becomes aware of American Indian friends in the room and this week saw just one.
She later described him to me as a young handsome man with smooth hairless face and pulled back long black hair. She got the name ‘Bear’.
This description is very much like ‘Tob’ who communicated through Joan in the Mercury Circle and was also known as ‘Bear’.

Liz said the energy felt very heavy making her feel dozy and nearly dropped off to sleep a couple of times.
She picked up a pungent visceral smell in the room.

Meanwhile I felt a lot of people with me in the cabinet and the energy built up quickly at the beginning of the sitting.
I had the ‘custard poured on the head’ feeling as well as a strong pressure my head.
My arms were being moved and my right hand was shaking at times.
My breathing was slow and controlled.
There seemed to be bright light behind my closed eyes and slits of light as if my eye lids were opening.

I’m not sure how long this went on for, maybe 10-15 minutes, then things quietened down and I started to drift off.
At first I was coming and going out of consciousness.
I remember seeing steps going up a cliff. It felt like I was in Hastings.
I tried to climb up the steps but by doing that it made the image disappear. I later thought it would have been better if I’d just observed and not tried to interact.
My next memory is of waking up and being surprised to hear the forth from last tune playing.
I must have been rendered unconscious for about half an hour.
When I listened to the recording I heard Liz ‘enthusiastically’ singing along to the American Indian tunes so I must have been deeply out of it not to have been woken up at that point!!!

When I came back I had a fast pulsating feeling running through me.
I’ve not had that before and it faded after about a minute.
I felt quite warm but gradually cooled down as the last tunes played.
It looked white and misty in the cabinet.

Liz checked I was okay before she did the closing/healing prayer.

I felt fine, energised and wide awake after the sitting.
I’d rearranged the cushions on my chair before sitting giving me a more upright position which felt more comfortable and I didn’t get a stiff neck and shoulders after coming back this week…


The Mercury Star Circle is developing new energies at the moment and Syann has told me that these could be detrimental to my own mediumship development in the Mercury Light Circle as both circles use the same room and I sit as circle leader for the MSC.

To help stop this happening Syann is now using a crystal in the MSC and she is cleansing the room each week with a Tibetan Singing Bowl...