May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

126th Sitting 18/12/2014

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

About 15 minutes later Liz reported something like cotton wool moving through the room and changing shape.

I drifted off for a while.

Liz also drifted off a few times during the session and also felt she was being overshadowed and felt something happening in her throat.

It was 40 minutes after starting that the first noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in.

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

The communication took a while to stabilize.

‘Have a hold, have a hold now, good yes, now, take time, takes time to come into this arena; we have to wait until we get the correct balance of the two frequencies together’

Liz… ‘Well done’

‘Thank you, now, well yes we are almost entirely through, now, well, well let us… it is a good time for us all to have this ability to connect to you in this way and use this instrument in a vocal way, bring forward words, ideas, information for you. It is such a privilege for us to be able to work in this way’

Liz… ‘It’s good to hear you… Are you making use of the medium’s vocal cords directly or indirectly?’

‘We… we use the vocal cords of the medium, we speak with the vocal cords of the medium, we put our thoughts and ideas into the mind of the medium. We feed the medium with the food of spirit, the nourishment of spirit, of the spiritual vibrations. We can make ourselves known by introducing our ideas and translate them into words that you hear. We are able to change the sound of the vocal cords, of the voice of the medium by using our energies to build up a form, a form of a substance which coats the vocal cords of the medium, now, we choose to work in this way as we feel at this time it is the most beneficial way, the easiest way for us to get our words through. In the future there is the possibility of an independent voice using a similar method with the substance that we can create from our own energies. We have already partially worked in this way but for now we will make use of the vocal cords. We feel that the more we work in this way it is strengthening the connection so when we feel we are able to experiment with independent voice that connection will be strong enough to transmit the voice away from the physical vocal cords that are used now. A set time has been allocated to work in this way. We have looked into how the development has progressed and we can see beyond to a time when a more direct link will be established. We will continue to work towards this in this way for we wish to work as a physical circle. We have already talked about extra sitters becoming available moving into this circle and this is still something which will happen but we have full control of this, we can find and introduce to you further sitters, you will know when we have done this’

Liz… ‘Okay, how can we help to raise our energy, raise our vibrational levels. Is there something that we can do that we can change in our lives to increase our receptivity and increase our energy for this work?’

‘The way you live your life reflects in your vibrational energy. If you live your life in a loving way, if you treat each situation that is presented to you in the most loving way, this is all you have to do to raise your vibrations’

Liz… ‘Is diet, is a different diet a particular diet of benefit or not so important?’

‘Diet can clear your mind, allow you to see more clearly. It will help you to understand the effect of living your life in a loving way, it will show you the effects that you have on your fellows, your friends and those who you meet, it will show you how they live their lives, it will allow you to understand how they live their lives and appreciate their own view points from their own view, from their own perspective. So yes choose your diet with care and you will feel the benefit of the clarity of your mind’

Liz… ‘Good’

‘Information… Information that comes through during these sessions, there are two ways to look at this information. As it is presented by us is not necessarily the most important aspect of the information for it is how you perceive the information, how you set in motion, light up the electrical circuits of your mind as you listen to the information that is brought forward. That is what is important, how you perceive this information as it comes through for you are working on the information; you are creating further information by how you perceive it. Everybody does this in their own way. When you talk to another about the information you have received, the information you have heard in the sessions you are adding, you are translating, you are opening up your mind to interpret this information and you will put a new slant on it, a better slant, for every exchange of information gives it a new life, for information is a living entity’

Liz… ‘Yes I can see that it’s a little bit like a garment, that if different people wear it and it can have a very different effect’

‘Exactly yes, everybody has their own way of interpreting information but there is no wrong way to interpret information for interpretation will increase the information, will give it the energy to expand, to expand throughout your universe… Yes information exchange is an important part of all life. You do not need to write down words, you do not need to read from a book for information is everywhere to be caught by that web of understanding that you have built up for yourself. It is pulsating throughout the existence of all in the physical plane. Everybody is interacting with information as it glides through your atmosphere’

Liz… ‘Can I ask you a question?’


Liz… ‘Concerning education, if this is the case does it actually inhibit a child from openly perceiving this information and responding to it if we try and direct that child to read and write too early?’

‘The imagination of a child is very fragile and I’m sure you have realised how it should be allowed to run free up to a point. Many on your side will cloud the child’s mind by what they feel is right. There is much to be learnt from a child, a child is seen by many to be inferior whereas in our eyes the mind of a child is more open than that of an adult for an adult has lived and clouded their mind by what has been understood as the correct way to further their education but at the same time you are living within the boundaries of a society, a society created by all who live within it, a society that is based on the foundations of what is deemed right for that society and the children are weaned into this society to conform to be restricted in the way they can express themselves for the natural way that the child expresses themselves is thought of as childish, immature, where sometimes the opposite rings true. As in all things a balance is the best option for you cannot easily go against the rules of your society but you can still break a few of the rules in your own way without everybody knowing. Do not think that all is to be obeyed, there are many ways around these laws, these laws that are thought to be the correct way.Eventually more people will realise the futility of the laws that have been brought forward to govern society but it as always takes a time but there are more people thinking, allowing themselves to expand their minds, think about these things, see the effects that they have on the larger reality as they look out, as they see the news on their televisions, read their papers. This is what you are all doing to yourselves… There is much to heal on your world but first the minds of all need to be opened, the child within needs to be expressed by all… I think now please would you play some more of your music and we will come back again, thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

30 minutes later more noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music again.
She welcomed the communication as it came through.

‘This is the last sitting for your year, and you will take a break, and you will be back in the year of 2015’

Liz… ‘That’s right’

‘Yes now we have decided that you can bring into your room the instrument which you have upstairs, the receptive unit which you place above this cabinet, we would like you to have it coming from under your door into your room just beyond where the curtain that shades your door sits right now for this is an active part of your room for we also use the door to come into your room and we are hoping we can make an impression on your machine’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful’

‘For we too have our own room, we have made a copy of this room and we use the copy of this room to do some of our experiments. We can create an exact replica of the room that you sit in. The room which for you is a physical room we too have our physical room it works in the same way’

Liz… ‘I understand, that’s lovely’

‘So yes when you return next year then you can bring your instrument in. Leave the workings outside for they will connect to your electrical supply and we hope to make an impression on the graphs that are created by your machine’

Liz… ‘Wow that will be really interesting, fantastic’   

‘We know you have wanted to bring it in to the room and this will be the time’

Liz… ‘Yes you feel the time is right now?’

‘Yes… Many, many words have been said in this room for this past year, throughout this past year that you have sat in this way and we are pleased, we are pleased that we have been able to get a part of ourselves, a part of our living conditions through in the way of physical words in this room which you have recorded and you have put out for others to hear, for others to read, we are very pleased with this and we are pleased with how the quality of communication has increased particularly in the last few weeks and we are looking forward to further improvements in the way we get our message through’

Liz… ‘Good’

‘You too have made improvements in the communication that has come through yourself. We have seen in place, we have seen entities in place around you who are waiting for the opportunity to make a more direct link through you but it’s up to you to decide how you would wish this to proceed for you already are getting through an abundance of information from your own team that work closely with you. If you wish to make this a more direct link then you have to decide to work in this way and relax yourself in a way that they can work like this but it is entirely up to you to decide’

Liz… ‘How can I do this?’

‘You first need to really want to work in this way, set out your intent, tell your friends you wish to work in this way then leave it to them, do not interfere, just relax. Do not expect information to come through fluently, do not be disappointed when you sit for week after week and nothing appears to happen. It always takes a time but you will be rewarded with fluent speech through your own lips. You will see, you will feel this building as you sit, as you relax you will feel the effects in your throat, you will feel the vibrations as your team moves closer, you will feel the overshadowing of your friends, of your spirit team, you will feel them drawing close becoming a part of yourself. You have already had experiences of this, brief experiences, now is the time to fully immerse yourself in your team. You have that trust now open the gates allow them in, allow them fully to engage in a conversation through you’

Liz… ‘Okay, I will try’

‘Yes, remember it is all a development circle, you will not get a full… they will not have a full command of your physical body in the first week or the second week for it is a slow process and it is good that it is a slow process for if it all came in one go then it would be too much and your mind would interfere causing confusion which would only be a disappointment to yourself for you have high values on what is produced, you are looking for the best and this is how we wish it to be. Just allow us to work with you and you will be rewarded, we all will be rewarded for it is for sharing, all communication is to be shared if it is from, if it is pure and from the purest of vibrations, the highest of vibrations’

Liz… ‘It helps to have some evidence, something clear coming through in order to firm up that trust, establish that, I think it is a question of trust to allow’

‘You will receive all the evidence you require in the fullness of time. Keep that trust alive in your mind and we can work with that for that trust is a living entity in your mind and we link onto that, for trust opens the gates, trust allows us to move closer, then once we have got that hold then the evidence will be forthcoming, you will as we have said be rewarded by this evidence, all will share in the evidential communication that will come through’

Liz… ‘Wonderful, I will work towards it’

‘Yes think on this in the next two weeks that you have your holiday’

Liz… ‘Sounds like it’s going to be a working holiday, ha, ha…’

‘Yes, you are never dormant, you are always at work and we appreciate everything you put towards this for we too have our work to do but it is a pleasurable work, an interesting work and we are attracted to it for its interests, for its value, for we find our reward in seeing how it lightens the minds of all who come into contact, of all who listen, of all who read and of all who have their minds ignited by the pure truths of spiritual existence beyond this physical existence that you are a part of… Now is time, our energies are waning and we have reached the time where we will withdraw from this session but we still keep that connection both during these two weeks and we will help and guide you in your thoughts, take a piece of our love and lighten up all who you meet, enjoy your two weeks of celebrations, know that the celebrations are lighting up your world for many positive thoughts are put out, are sent to us during this celebratory time of your year’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Thank you goodnight’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all’

‘God bless you all thank you, now play your music and we will withdraw’

Liz put the music back on.

I was back after two minutes.

The session had lasted two hours this week.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.
I could see bright blobs in front of me during the healing which looked like sun light shining on water...

125th Sitting 11/12/2014

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

I felt very spaced out in the cabinet as soon as Liz finished the opening prayer.
Then after the second tune I don’t remember anything until hearing a tune that comes on about 10-15 minutes later.
I could have fallen asleep or it could have been a deep level of trance. No sounds came from me during this time.

Liz sensed round shapes like hollow balls in the room, some were flashing.
She felt a tickle on the right side of her face.

Some noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music then welcomed and encouraged the communication which took a while to settle in.

‘Very good… Good evening… preparation… always a part of our work to prepare, bring us together into this world of yours…’

Liz… ‘You’re coming through well now…’

‘Very good yes, well now… preparation, preparation…… Open, open the box and release those vibration… work, open the box, open the box then we are… we are able to… we are able to work… physical, physical voice, the physical voice resides in the box so therefor we open the box, allow the physical sounds to be produced, now we have all… all of us are involved in the workings of the physical voice as it impacts your atmosphere with the sound that you recognise for you to understand. We all appreciate the work that you put in to help us to come forward in this way. There is still much to do but we have achieved much already, we are happy with what we have spoken in the past weeks for we are getting more of our thoughts through’

Liz… ‘That’s good, glad to hear it’

‘There are many ideas which bounce around in our minds to present to you. We have to carefully choose what we say for we do not want to confuse, we wish to bring a simple understanding through at this time. It is easy to get hung up on subjects which are not altogether relevant to the information that we wish to bring through. We try to approach in a simplistic way so as to avoid the difficulties that arise in this form of communication. We can access information for you, we can bring it into the physical voice that you hear but we wish to make a start, we wish to start from a simplistic, a simple method of using the information that we have and putting it in word format for you. Now, if we were to bring a large amount of information through in this way it would become unrecognisable for your mind to understand in the way that you understand at this time. We are able to use the work that you have put into your own thinking for you already have an understanding of how, of what lies beyond your physical reality but you need more, you need to fill in the gaps and we are able to do that up to a point. For you have provided a backdrop of thought that we can approach, we can see the areas where there are holes in the backdrop of your thought, holes in your understanding, we can see them as for us they light up and we can understand what is required to fill those holes but as always it is a slow process and a careful process for us. We do not wish to bring forward information that will confuse, that will not correctly fit into those holes for only when the correct information has been understood in a satisfactory way for you to understand will those holes be filled’

Liz… ‘Yes I see… so you’re telling me that there is a whole realm of knowledge which is way beyond our conceptual framework at present?’

‘At this point in your time yes there is, you have reached a point in your own development, a point where there is so much information that will be understandable to you. Beyond that then it is not, it would not benefit yourself if we were to go beyond that point and we must also look at the overall development of all on your side for these words are meant for all, it is not meant to be just a two way conversation for there are many who will benefit from the words once we have perfected the exchange of information in a physical way. So we do not only see your own back drop of thought but the combined thought of all, all who are interested in this, in learning, in learning more about themselves and about what lies beyond that physical universe that is apparent to them now’

Liz… ‘Yes there are some concepts and ideas already that I’ve experienced as literally mind blowing and I guess exposure to ideas that so overwhelm and contradict the current framework of our thinking can be quite disorientating for a lot of people, confusing’

‘Yes it would go over your head as it were, there are still what you call mind boggling experiences which are useful for they will open your mind, they will stretch your mind thus allowing more for us to bring forward’

Liz… ‘Yes I think you’ve already brought forward some ideas which have been mind stretching and useful’

‘Good, yes… when we give you thoughts from our side we need to bring them into an understanding, physical analogy, we will use analogies to make ourselves understood at times, this is a simplistic way for us’

Liz… ‘Yes, that’s often been the way with spiritual discourse’

‘Use things that you can relate to for what we experience is not that dissimilar to the wonders of your world. When you look into the beauty of your world you will see, you will feel, you will understand more about us. You will grasp that understanding for you will; your mind will be set free by the beauty that you will behold, you do not have to travel far for it is beneath your feet where ever you go. It is in your ears, it is in your eyes, it is in your feeling. Your sensory perception of all in your world will lift you up; lift you up to our level of understanding, if only you can let go allow the beauty to inspire you forward, to lift you up, there are times in all people’s lives when they find themselves lifted up by an experience which is not necessarily our doing for they will come across beautiful scenes, beautiful sounds on your side and this will lift them up and for a brief moment they will be experiencing in the same way as we experience things’

Liz… ‘Yes thank you, yes that’s welcome confirmation, yes, a sense of something far more deeply interfused, “whose dwelling is the light of setting suns” That’s beauty to raise the vibrational level till we can appreciate these higher states, higher vibrational states, more rarefied mental states’

‘Many look to the sky for their inspiration, the sky with its constant changing pictures, constant changing colours, the sun set and the sun rise, the stars at night, the white fluffy cloud that moves across the summer sky, all of these things, all can observe these things, these beauties that are so close, are so a part of their everyday existence. Many go unnoticed for all on your side are locked into their physical existence moving from place to place with their worries and their fears and their self-complications as they live in the way that they believe they should but there are these times when all is let go and all is observed in a quieter understandable way’

Liz… ‘Thank you, yes for some people it’s not easy to let go, to step outside the humdrum thoughts and self-interest just beyond the beauty but some people seem to resist it but I guess for everyone there are windows of opportunity, windows opening’ 

‘It is there for all and sometimes a nudge in the right direction will lead them to this…… Think in the way of an artist, use the artist’s mind to be inspired by beauty and to put that beauty into picture form, see how, feel how the artist understands beauty and tries to recreate on the canvas. Many are never totally satisfied that their physical painting represents the true beauty that they have in their mind. This is an understanding of how when you try to represent the true beauty in a physical way it cannot be fully accomplished in the same way. When we try to get our thoughts through in a physical way it can never fully be understood but this is how it should be for you are not supposed to fully understand at this point of your existence for you are a physical being, you are living a physical life, you can only get a glimpse, a partial glimpse for all will come to you in the fullness of time when your physical vessel has ended its useful experiencing then you will see, then you will feel, then you will understand more, you will understand why and you will understand how through your life you have worked up to the fullest of understanding that you can achieve at that point’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend yes that’s reassuring’  

‘We think now we will return to the music please and we will re-join you soon thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay friend thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

Liz told me afterwards that interestingly what was said about the artist and inspiration from beauty answered some questions raise a few days ago by one of her friends.

At some point I had a vision of an elderly lady standing in front of the cabinet looking at me. She seemed to know who I was and I felt I should recognise her but I can’t yet think who it was.

More noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communicator.

‘Science, science and spirituality a difficult combination, a difficult mix. How can you experiment when you are a part of a physical existence and you are dealing with effects from beyond, from away from the physical reality? It is a frustrating occupation for those who have endeavoured to explore and to experiment with the wonders of the séance room and try to understand in a physical way how it works, how it comes about, where it comes from, they are looking for physical explanations for what is not physical. Now we have always believed that the best way to get evidence, to get understanding of what lies beyond the physical is to have your own experience, not to rely on the effects and experiences of others as they work in their own way with the spiritual vibrations, you have to sit in a home circle surrounded by friends in harmony, friends in trust, friends in a shared interest and you will experience and you will experience for yourself and you will put that experience into your own understanding. This is the only way to really understand but we appreciate those who have tried to interpret spiritual values and understandings in a physical way to be written down and understood by fellow scientific minds. There is no easy repeatable experiment that will satisfy the minds of the scientific community, they all have their individual minds but they all work in the same way while they are a part of the scientific community. Once they break from that they have a freer way to understand but even then they need to sit for themselves, quieten their own minds, allow phenomena to happen to them so that they can feel the effects and put their own understanding on the effects, on the feelings, only then will they truly be satisfied that they have touched what lies beyond, they have experienced a part of the next reality for them… Thank you, now we have reached the end of our session once again. We will now draw back, we will release our hold of the medium and we will give as always to you a piece of our love to spread around. Let it seep into every corner of your existence and bring light to the dark corners of your world, thank you, thank you so much’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your words, goodnight and God bless you’

‘Goodnight may God bless you all thank you. Please replay your music and we will withdraw’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friends’

Liz put the music back on.
I was back after about three minutes.
As I was coming back I got a message to drive down Cantelupe Road and then I would remember something. This is a road near here in Bexhill so I will do that next time I’m there and see what happens?

The session had lasted just under two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…  

124th Sitting 04/12/2014

We had the room set up as usual.

At 8.30pm Liz did the opening prayer turned out the red light and put the music on.

After about ten minutes Liz reported feeling a light touch down the left side of her face.
She said the room was looking grey.

Another ten minutes later some noises started from the cabinet.

Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication.
It took a few minutes for the words to become clear.

‘Take control yes… Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening, have you got control now?’

‘Well we are… we are fitting in… fitting in place, into place… yes we are fitting into place…’

Liz… ‘That’s good to hear’

‘How are you today?’

Liz… ‘I’m well thank you… a little tired’

‘Good… Oh well I hope you have sufficient energy for a good evening tonight’

Liz… ‘So do I…’

‘Yes we will be careful how much we take from you. We do not wish to over exert your energy supply’

Liz… ‘That’s good, I could do with more, ha, ha…’

‘Well yes, you all have a recharge after we have used what we require for our communications and our development behind the scenes… Yes we all use this time to experiment and to bring ourselves into this atmosphere to give us all a taste of the feelings that you all on your side enjoy as you venture through your physical lifespan, as you enjoy what for you is a life, a physical life. We see it more as a period of sleep; we view you as you understand yourself when you sleep at night’

Liz… ‘Is that when you interact with us?’

‘It is our perception from where we are now. Where we reside now we have woken up, we have become awake. Now, you all on your side are thinking, wondering what it is like when you pass to our side. You wish to know what it will be like, what it will feel like, what you will experience when you finally end your physical existence… Imagine how you feel when you wake from a sleep, from your sleep. We have experienced your reaction when you have been sitting in these séances like this and you have fallen asleep and you wake up and you think to yourself where am I? What building am I in? Which bed am I in? You, for a brief period are confused for you have come from one reality to another reality. From the dream reality to the physical awake reality and it will take a few moments for you to adjust and remember where you are. This will apply when you leave your physical reality and join us. You will feel like you have been asleep, you will take a time to remember where you left off, where you came to before… before you were plunged into physical reality…’

Liz… ‘Before we were born’

‘Your life is a continuous life, a life designed to experience many realities, many times, many times you visit the same reality, it is your choice. When you leave one reality you pick up on the memory that you last had, when you left to join…’

Liz… ‘So you’re saying that from the perspective of after death this life that we’re leading now, this physical life will seem like a dream, it will be as though we waken from a dream’


Liz… ‘That’s interesting… that confirms much of the Tibetan teaching’

‘Good… Even now you have this ability to know this, for you, everybody has this period of sleeping during their physical realities so it is not such a big shock to discover that what you are experiencing now is not dissimilar to being asleep, to being asleep in a reality, you come to a point where you will wake up, you will wake up into that what you have left, that where you were… Is this understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes that’s very useful’

‘We have to try and put it in a simple way, but there are always complications involved’

Liz… ‘Now I can see that we’re so caught up in our current physical reality and it seems very real but I can see that from another perspective when you wake up into another reality it will disappear, fade, just like dreams’

‘Yes it is… This is the best analogy I can use at this time. Most people on your side will have no trouble in the transition, they will only be confused for as long… for what, it will be a similar experience to what you experience when you wake up and you think for a short while, you wonder for a short while, where am I? Then it will become apparent as your physical memory gives you that reassurance that you are in your physical reality in the same way a further memory will be triggered, will be woken, will be put into place when you join us and you will recognise where you are’

Liz… ‘Readjust, that’s good to know… Can I ask a question?’

‘Yes please do’

Liz… ‘In the physical reality people can suffer from depression which is a disenchantment where they are at and a negative feeling about the course of action or their being in this reality. Does this happen after death as well in a non-physical reality, do people experience, do souls, entities experience depression? You said confusion is possible for a while’

‘Well… depression…’

Liz… ‘It’s a sense of stagnation, a diming of the life quality’

‘It can, it can be experienced in other realities… Yes, it can be… An understanding, a greater understanding will become apparent, uppermost in your mind, when you have left this physical reality. There will be no need for this emotion of depression; it will only become apparent when you have… when you dip yourself into another reality… there is a confusion in your mind to understand the difference, the different perspective of… The different understandings… Picture a circle, a circle, a continuous circle, no ending no beginning. This circle will touch the build-up of thoughts created by those who believe themselves to be separate, individual entities living apart from each other. Their thoughts contaminate a part of this circle for they have no understanding of a greater part of themselves which is in turn that continuous circle. There, these entities that believe themselves to be apart from each other build up thoughts which are counterproductive, they cause confusion and ultimately depression comes to their minds. They will fight; they will fight the positive thoughts that are directed to them for they feel alone, they feel there is no care for them, no understanding is given to them. They reside in a lonely place, a lonely spot; they believe they reside in a lonely spot and nothing will help them, nothing can touch them for they are alone but they always have this help, they are connected to this help but they will blind themselves to this help by their own thoughts, their own imaginary thoughts and nothing can break through until they become tired of a continual selfish outlook. They will begin to look inwards to themselves to the possibilities that there may be more to life... Now their situation cannot occur in a state where a greater understanding is what holds everything together, is what penetrates throughout the minds of all who reside there. They cannot be led to this lonely spot for they have already woken to this understanding… Does this answer your question?’

Liz… ‘Yes, it sheds some light on it’

‘It is an interesting question and one which cannot be answered in a simple way, a build-up of understanding has to be first explained until an answer is reached. Yes, you too have to think about these things, allow your mind to wander and you will pick up parts of the answer and they will grow on your mind’

Liz… ‘It’s knowing how to help people who are depressed, as you say they resist often the help, they believe that there is no help’

‘Yes sometimes as you say at that point there is no help and to leave them alone is the answer but keep them in your mind, strengthen the link, send them your healing thoughts, know that your healing thoughts will repair their broken mind. For a part of them is always receptive to your healing thoughts even though on the surface it may become, it may look like a hopeless case. There are underlying connections, however weak they are connections, for all is connected and you can help, you can give them your help’

Liz… ‘Thank you, thank you for that reassurance’       

‘Over time you will see the results. Always know that the results will have an effect, there will be positive steps forward in all cases’

Liz… ‘Sometimes there are positive steps forward and then it seems as if there are steps back but I think the steps back are never so far back as they were’

‘This sometimes is the case, like the waves lapping against the shore they come forward, they retreat, it is an ongoing situation but all the time those waves come forward then progress is happening, progress for all, for you are all together in this, in this dream you call a physical reality you are all a team, a team effort… Ah yes thank you, I think now we shall return to the wonderful music that you play and we will continue with our work thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your communication friend’

‘Thank you for your interesting question’

Liz put the music back on.

Both Liz and I were drifting in and out of it after this communication and at some point I remember getting a strong feeling someone was standing in front of the cabinet looking at me. I got the impression it was Liz standing there.

It was 50 minutes before some lip-smacking started in the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication…

‘It is time… We have reached the end of our session once again; we have come to our end, we have built up our energies and used in the most beneficial way, mixed with yours, mixed with the energies of the room, with the vibrations that emanate throughout your room. We have built bridges and strands of web in an ongoing pattern of connection, of understanding, of bringing together the two vibrations as they intertwine, interlink, interlock, interpenetrate... Thank you, thank you for giving us the canvas to work on, to put our mark, to express our thoughts and expand the thinking within this place for it is a place of learning, a place of exchanging ideas, a place for bringing our own thoughts and allowing them to blossom, to reach out, to touch the thoughts, the minds of all who enter this place and all who surround this place, and all who think of this place, of this area, of this vortex that can spread out for we are building a focus of thought. A focus of continued, repeating, rebounding energies of understanding that will come, that will go, that will mix, that will follow the paths of each individual understanding. Will follow those paths to a point where all will meet together, all will come together, all will come with the accumulation of experience that they have gathered on their way, on their journey and they will share with each other until all have gained from the experience and the knowing will be understood for there is no end to all, to all of our journeys just a point where we can come together and share our experiences before setting out on another journey, another journey of further discovery… So now as we reach the end of this our session with you we give you a piece of our love, we share a piece of our love with you and you in turn can share with those who you meet on your own journey, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘All is where it should be now, everything has happened for a reason and a reason which will soon be understood for it is a place, it is an understanding which can only grow, can only touch those others who have their interest in a greater understanding, a greater knowledge, thank you, we can say no more, we will return, we wish you to replay your music as we gather up and take our leave of this place once more and return your medium to you, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you’

‘Goodnight, God bless you all thank you’

Liz put the music back on and I was back after about two minutes.

The session had lasted just under two hours this week.

Liz did closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

123rd Sitting 27/11/2014

We were back after missing a sit last week and had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

I felt the Spirit Team move in close very quickly giving me a few physical sensations, making me feel a little light headed and at times I drifted off for a while. Sometimes I was woken up by a poke in the side or a touch on my face.

Liz was reporting a lot of light shapes moving around the room.
They became long and vertical looking a bit like people.

Liz then saw a bright light flash to her left near the bottom of the cabinet curtains.

She started seeing lots of white shimmering shapes and shadows moving around the room.

About 30 minutes after the start a few noises began from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music, welcomed and encouraged the communication.

The words were incoherent and random at first then became clearer…

‘…hold it all, hold it all in the palm of your hand… yes, all people hold in their hand…’

Liz… ‘What is it they’re holding?’

‘The work of spirit is in each person’s hand… It is a reflection of their own understanding for the power of the spirit is within them and they have their own understanding of this’

Liz… ‘So it all manifests in different ways’

‘All on your side have appreciation of us but the way they understand it varies from person to person. For they have their own ideas, have their own beliefs, have their own build-up of their own experiences which develops within themselves an understanding, their own understanding, something which is difficult for them to change without opening their mind to other possibilities, other understandings which may appear contrary to their own understanding’

Liz… ‘So you mean even people who seem to be completely in denial of there being a spiritual world, anything beyond the physical, still have some feeling about the non-physical realities?’

‘An underlying feeling always exists’

Liz… ‘Are they going to be fearful when they don’t fully acknowledge it?’

‘They will acknowledge in their own time, there is no fear but a lack of understanding at that point which when new learning becomes apparent to all then a resistance to letting go, a resistance to new ideas, a resistance to new understanding is an uncomfortable feeling. It has to be overcome in their own way. They will reject certain impulses of understanding alien to their own ideas but a gentle trickle of understanding from both the spiritual vibrations and their own vibrations as others meet, mingle with them and introduce ideas which may conflict with their own but it will make them think and when they think then we can add our power, our power of thought from the realms of spirit and we will give them what they will perceive as their own ideas’  

Liz… ‘I see, yes’

‘For really it is their own idea, for they are a part of us…’

Liz… ‘Yes, I understand’

‘Everything blends, there are no real separation, no real beginnings and endings, all flows into one, one powerful understanding which needs that… it needs that spark to ignite the understanding and allow it to filter through… All realities have one thing in common, and it is that link, that link to love, to the love vibration that is spirit, that is all, all are connected, all vibrate, all have underlying power of thought which is forever seeping in to all realities, all vibrations. There is no separation as it is all one, just a part, just another part of the one, the one force of life that permeates and spreads out to all… All that there is, all that there is is taken care of by the gentle flow of energies, of understanding which hold everything together’

Liz… ‘Yes I can see that, we’re held in a greater reality which understands, which knows and which embraces our reality and interpenetrates it with its light and wisdom to the extent that it is able to, to the extent that we are receptive to it but sooner or later we must all become receptive’  

‘Yes everybody has the choices, everybody has their choices, everybody has to make the choice as they venture through their life, many choices and the choices are the rudders that guide them through the waters of their existence, of their understanding existence. The waters, they will lead themselves to the place that they are most suited to at this time, they will not take themselves beyond until they have exhausted all opportunities in the place that they are fit for their mind to work, for their understanding to cooperate with the existence that they perceive around them. They will not be presented with advanced understandings and situations until they have exhausted all avenues of experience to suit their needs at that time. Only then will they feel the need to move on for they have exhausted all those possibilities and they need to reach out and discover more and that is what moves them forward, moves them onward through the waters of discovery, constantly moving forward for there is nothing for them but stagnation when they have exhausted their experiences, their learning’

Liz… ‘Sounds like a school with a graded curriculum’

‘Yes grades of steps of learning, grades of vibration of meaning, meanings that for all… all are learning step by step. Only by completing the step will you be presented with the next step. There are no short cuts to further understanding. Put in the effort and you will be rewarded for you will be seen and felt by those who wish to move you on, move you further, move you to the next step, the next step of understanding’

Liz… ‘Why do we experience resistance to this sometimes, resistance to this change and this new life? Why do we experience the desire to stay put, stay safe?’

‘There is built within every individual a longing for the safety of familiarity, this has to be outgrown. You will always feel comfortable where you are, you will build up for yourself internal resistance to move on by that part of you which longs for the comfort of familiarity. Try to recognise the feelings that accompany the wanting, the restrictions that you place upon yourself. When you feel these restrictions look into that feeling. Understand what it is that that feeling represents and you may find an underlying fear that has to be addressed. Only you can do this, only you can recognise a fear, an underlying fear. Open up this fear and experience it at its worst then learn to be comfortable with this. Only when you are comfortable with a fear at its greatest extent will you be able to move beyond that fear for you will lose that fear for the fear will no longer be a fear for you have conquered that what has caused that fear, the underlying fear that has caused it will be conquered once you can open it up and experience it and accept that experience’

Liz… ‘Does it help to try and grow courage, to actually try and consciously work on it?’

‘This is all part of… conquering your fear, but just work on it, first find it, first feel…’

Liz… ‘Acknowledge it… Name it, acknowledge it…’    

‘Feel what it is that is causing the restriction and yes name, acknowledge. It all takes time but it is a good exercise, it is good work and it is part of your growth to acknowledge and expand and grow into. Grow out of fear, grow out of the causes of fear, then you will eventually find nothing can hold you back… You will generate such a good feeling from within that you will want no more than to move forward, expand yourself, you will feel that wonderful feeling of love throughout and you will find your vibration that you give out will have an effect on others that you meet, others that see you, that mix with you will also experience a piece of this wonderful loving feeling you are feeling and they too will be helped. Know for yourself that in helping yourself you are helping so many others, so many more will benefit and be inspired to help themselves as you are helping yourself. As we say, as we said at the beginning you are all connected so you can but not help all that you do for yourself has an ongoing effect throughout the whole of your universe, all universes and ultimately the source, the spirit, the one… Yes all is connected, all is one, all is one evolving, creating vibration. Words cannot describe, only feelings will be understood and for you to find that feeling will be that momentous occasion for you, for you will find that loving feeling and you will understand more of what it all is, of what you are all seeking’

Liz… ‘Yes I can understand that realizing and feeling, that love all around overcomes the fear of going forward because when you feel that you’re moving into an area where there’s love, there’s nothing to fear, the fear is to let go of what seemed to be love,what is even perhaps a shadow of love but what is better than the unknown, but if the unknown is to be see to be full of love, if you can feel the link of love there, then there’s every reason to go forward’

‘Yes, okay now… thank you so please now will you replay your music we will continue our work, thank you’

Liz… ‘Yes, thank you for your words’

Liz put the music back on then after ten minutes some more noises started up from the cabinet and she turned it off again.

Liz welcomed and encouraged the communication…

‘Visitor, visitor…’

Liz… ‘Very welcome visitors…’

‘Thank you, thank you… I find it…’

Liz continued to encourage the communication as it settled in…

‘…purpose of visit is to prepare the vehicle to accept us all to come through this way. Yes now, let us create a way through, happy to oblige for it is a privilege for us all to take our steps forward in a controlled manner for we all have these opportunities presented to us to make use of the available space that is brought about by the coming together of the two vibrations and as they mix together we are able to come forward in this way’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful, have you got a gate keeper?’

‘Is always a gate keeper in control of the situation…’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know’

‘…he is unable to speak at this time but I assure you his presence is felt by all, no interference would be allowed at this stage for we are building up this vibration to bring through all that we can give you. We have been working to present ourselves and to bring with ourselves a piece of what we have experienced, a piece of the atmosphere that we have for ourselves. We can now understand how you exist in this plane for we have been tipping our toes into your life, your way of living; we have adjusted ourselves to experience life in your world’

Liz… ‘That’s good, have you experienced it before, have you had an incarnation into the physical earth plane?’

‘This is a difficult question to answer for when we speak with greater understanding we can see that the simplicity of reincarnation is misunderstood. There is so much more to this word we cannot begin to explain but we can guide you into an understanding for yourself. We, when you ask if we have experienced a life on your side then the answer must be yes for all life is everywhere, all life is in all states of existence and we are a part of that life’

Liz… ‘Okay so you can access’

‘Yes, but you are thinking in terms of individuals and this is also true, we are also individuals, we have the ability to present ourselves as individuals’

Liz… ‘So are you saying that as you are now, you are beyond the individual state but you could well have individualized and experienced in the earth plane?’

‘We wish to keep things simple at this stage’

Liz… ‘Okay, are you a larger aspect of ourselves here?’        

‘We all share the same independent knowledge accumulation. We all share a joint understanding of information but you as you are now, as you understand yourself to be now, are only on the fringe of that understanding. You can only see a part of that understanding that you are attached to for we are all attached to this one understanding, this one segment of understanding. We are, we as we are from our perspective are more immersed in the understanding at this point. You have connections to the full understanding but they are weak connections now. You are starting to strengthen those connections but you are still a part of it all, you still have access to it all…’

Liz… ‘But it’s all out of focus at the moment…’

‘…you have to strengthen each strand of connection which you are doing at this time. Each week you strengthen your own connections’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know that we’re doing that and succeeding slowly but surely’

‘Yes and this, your increasing understanding, is having an effect on us for we can bring you more as you open yourself for more understandings. If we were to explain it all it would not be understood, it would not compute to you, that is why we start with simple understandings until we can tap into that greater knowledge… The atmosphere tonight, we can sense it has heightened, there has been a step forward… Can you feel in your room a heightened atmosphere?’

Liz… ‘Yes I think so and I think in ourselves that we have felt that too’

‘Yes, it is in all aspects of your life, all aspects of your life follow each other and will become, will raise up, will vibrate at a greater rate, yes… Value all that you experience for it is all important; it is all a part of the growing, of the expanding, of the moving forward, of the stepping up… Thank you, thank you please play your music once again thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay friend, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

Liz was drifting off a few times during the session and at one point was suddenly woken up by a strong tickling sensation on her right eye brow. It then felt like her senses had heightened and everything had become very clear and focused.

About half an hour after the last communication some more noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music.

‘Time once again now…’

Liz… ‘The end of our session friend?’

‘Yes… we enjoy the session this evening, yes… yes but it now comes to the end… the end of our session, very good… So, no more energy, energy go, we say… We say good bye, we hope you enjoy this time and we leave you with our love to spread around and we now take our leave, we go, we look forward to next time, thank you’

Liz… ‘We do as well, goodnight friend and thank you very much for your communication’

‘Goodnight, replay music and we withdraw… May God go with you, thank you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight, God bless you, goodnight friend…’

Liz put the music back on and I was back after about three minutes.

The session had lasted just over two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

122nd Sitting 13/11/2014

We had everything set up as usual.

We’ve now changed the day of the week for the Mercury Light Circle to Thursdays.

At 8.30pm Liz did the opening prayer, put the music on and the red light out.

After about ten minutes Liz reported seeing white shapes in the room. She said it was almost like watching people walking by.
She then saw a red/pink colour in the room.

Liz saw dim lights in the room and her legs went cold.
Then she felt hot on her side nearest the cabinet.

I was drifting in and out of consciousness in the cabinet.
I recall a dream about stacking up something like bits of board or slices of bread and then I was dividing them into separate layers.

 It wasn’t until 35 minutes after the start that the first noises started from the cabinet.

Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed and encouraged the communication.

‘Physical, physical, physical… hello, hello… our father…’

Liz continued to encourage the communication which was random and incoherent at first before settling down…

‘Physical, physical… vibration, vibration, physical vibration powerful, powerful vibration yes… prepare for the power to ignite the vibration in the room… now, now hold the light within, harness the power for all have this power within, all have this power, all have this harvest of useable power within all… all lead to the father for the father is all within, is within all. Our father who art in heaven, our father who connect with us all, our father who we all, we have our path which connect to our father, we have the connection for we are part of our father, our father run through the veins of our body, of our physical body, for we are a part of our father… All is one, all is one simple connecting force which penetrates your physical vibration, your physical make-up is a part of all that is, all that is, all that ever became one with the father… There is only one, there is only one we are all the same, we are all a part of the one, we have this, we feel we are individual… individuals but at the same time we feel the connection, we feel the force, that powerful force throughout all that lives, that breathes, that has consciousness… The consciousness of us all… a connection, we think of connections, we see ourselves and we see, we can understand how we can connect with the next, the next vibration, the next level but we cannot understand how we can all, how we are all the same, we run into each other like water, like water we are all the same’  

Liz… ‘I guess it’s how the light catches each vibrational level to illuminate all of them’

‘Yes, that light is only one light, one continuous light, but we get the impression it is inside of our self but what is our self?  What is it that we believe to be us? What is me? What is I? What is it that is I? What is it? It is… we connect the I with the father but the father is the I… It is a greater understanding; it is an extension of the understanding that is us. We have ventured into an experiencing vibration where we can see, feel, touch the physical vibration that we have ventured into. By doing this we are able to build up experience and we can build up memory. The father is also experiencing and building up this same memory millions of times for the father is all of this at the same time’

Liz… ‘Right, he’s like a massive computer’

‘Yes, yes a computing force, a computing understanding’

Liz… ‘A storage…’

‘A growing understanding of his own creation, his own creation is being explored by us, we have been set free into the creation, part of the creation, we have been set free to explore and gain experience upon experience until we have exhausted the physical vessel that we have been given, then we are free to return, to… to take stock of all of the experiences for our self’

Liz… ‘To rest… to reflect…’

‘To rest and yes reflect until we have that power, that urge to move on, to move on or return for we have the choice. We always have the choice, without that choice it would be pointless to continue’

Liz… ‘So some people choose to move on and some people choose to return’

‘There are many choices before you once you have exhausted your physical existence. From your perspective, understanding all these choices is not a possibility now but once you have broken from your physical world you will realize, you will look into all possibilities, you will look for the possibility which is most beneficial for your own growth and then for the growth of all, for all benefit from each other’

Liz… ‘Can I ask are you one who has chosen to move on or one who has chosen to return or have you not made a choice yet?’

‘The choices are still in front of me, I have re-joined that greater part of myself, for now I have a view as if I am on top of that mountain and I can see all those possibilities. So as this circle, this circle which you sit in has formed I chose to help with the understandings that could be brought through this medium. I chose to stay, I chose to not move on but to remain in one place for I could see the possibilities that, I could see how I could help your physical world with the understandings that I could send through this medium in this way’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful, yes, we’re very grateful’

‘Slowly the development of this circle is enabling myself and others that are connected to this work to filter through information. It is as always a slow process to be able to transmit through solid information but it is getting through. We are pleased with the communications that have come forward and we will continue to work on this from the top of our mountain. We have the connection to the foundations of this circle. We are moving as you are moving forward, we have a direct link via this medium to the circle, to all who read the reports that are put out each week. This is a valuable tool for us to connect to all on your side, all who have the interest to look into this work, this is a way to reach further and as the communications grow so more will look into this, will become interested and will see the communications as they unfold. They will read, they will listen to the recordings and they will become inspired to look for themselves, look within themselves, allow themselves to grow, to move on and discover more in their own way. This is only one channel of communication for there are many, there are many who have gone before, who have been recorded, who have been written about are there and there are many new communications coming forward in all the circles who sit throughout your world… Slowly, slowly your world is waking up to the truths, the truths of your own physical vibrations, your own physical vibrations have so much more to offer and once the light within each person has been ignited sufficiently then the physical vibration will move forward, will reach upwards and beyond. Will reach towards what lays beyond and all will benefit. The father will benefit for all affects all, all is one, all is one continuous evolving vibration reaching out, reaching out and further creating more opportunities for more growth, thank you. Thank you we now will return, please play your music, yes, we will come back later, thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you friend’

Liz put the music back on.

The cabinet seemed to be very bright for a while after the communication.

Liz felt something tickling her nose.

About 40 minutes after the last communication some humming noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music again…

Liz… ‘Hello…’

‘Time, time once again, time once again, we have drawn, we have reached our time to go, to leave, to end our session… Perfect time, perfect timing yes towards, well, well… Purple, purple, the colour, the colour to end our session is a brilliant purple, a brilliant purple, we, I enjoy all colours, all colour that emanate throughout your room, each week we perceive the colours that are created within your room and this week we finish with the colour purple… Beautiful, silk, shining bright, decorating the walls of your room, the colour, the colour that is drawn out amongst you, now, now as that colour fades we know that we have drawn, we have come to the end of our session and we draw back from your physical vibration, your physical universe, the life that you lead… So once again we give to you a piece of our love to share amongst your fellow, your fellow children, for you are all children and you must not forget, you must not forget that you are children for the children of your world, the children of your world play with their toys, play their games, all on your world play your games for you have the child within yourself to express yourself in a pure childish way. Do not get confused by the building up of your thoughts, do not complicate your life, live your life as a child, live your life in the simplicity of a child then you will appreciate the colours, the shapes, the sizes, the distance between each object, for it is all presented as a game, as a set of toys for you and your fellow child to play, to immerse yourself in the game, the game of life, the game of physical life that you are permanently engaged until the time comes for you to blossom into more, into more than what you are now… Thank you…’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for your words’

‘We return and we return the medium to you. Please replay your music until the time when your medium has re-joined you, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you, our love and blessings with you, goodnight’

‘Goodnight, may God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on.

I was back after about two minutes.

This week’s session had lasted two hours.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

121st Sitting 03/11/2014

We had the room set up as usual.

At 8.30pm Liz did the opening prayer, turned out the red light and put the music on.

Four minutes later Liz reported lots of waves of light drifting across the room.
She said they looked like ripples on a pond.

I could feel something solid on the right side of my face going from in front of my ear to my chin.

I then lost consciousness for about 10 – 15 minutes. I remember hearing the first two tunes then my next memory was hearing the sixth tune. I don’t know if I was asleep or in a deep trance. There was no noise picked up on the recorder from me during this time.

The first noises from the cabinet started about 35 minutes after the start.
Liz turned off the music then welcomed and encouraged the communication.
Apart from a few ‘hellos’ a ‘good evening’ and other random words it was incoherent. There seemed to be lots of different voices and energies as if they were experimenting.
When the communication faded Liz turned the music back on.

Just before the next communication started Liz reported a lot of light in the room which became a golden colour.

Then noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music…

‘Isn’t it nice… isn’t it nice… isn’t it nice to be able to sit back and observe the colours… I… I enjoy floating above your atmosphere observing the creation, creation happening before me from your world. Each colour that bubbles up from your atmosphere appears to me like a balloon, a balloon of a different colour, many different colours are presented from your world and we who connect to your world and have a power, a power to observe and keep a check of all the energies that are created and pushed out into the surrounding atmospheres, we observe and we report back to those who have an interest in the way your world is evolving, so we… I have the opportunity to sit and observe. I have created for myself a mountain which I can climb and sit at the top and watch as the thoughts from your world push out into the surrounding atmosphere…’

Liz… ‘Are there better thoughts at the moment… are the colours good?’

‘There is always a mixture, there are bad thoughts but there are good thoughts. The thoughts continue to align with each other. There are shapes that form and holes, holes in your atmosphere which have to be filled with an exact shape that corresponds to the holes that have been created by the negative thoughts around your world. These shapes have been built by the love in your world and each has a beautiful colour and a shape which will repair the outer atmosphere of your world by aligning with the tears that have been created by the negativities in your world’

Liz… ‘Who moulds the shape?’

‘Throughout your world there are many who gather, there are many who come together in love, there are many who as a singularity give out positive thoughts. They have evolved and they have been able to see the good throughout your world and they engage with that good vibration to create positive shapes, positive colour… Also the groups who gather together with the intent to heal your planet, to heal the people on your planet, all life, all life on your planet continues to breath the life force of your planet, your planet which is alive, is kept alive by the life that lives on your planet. Yes there on your planet is the breath of life, is the thoughts of life’

Liz… ‘So all the energy from the good thoughts that go out can be moulded to make the right shapes for healing’

‘I can observe all of this in action and I will see the loving thoughts emerge out of the mists that have been created for I understand that all on your side are learning, are slowly learning through mistakes, through continued repetition of error for there is an underlying beat which is crying out to everybody on your side, on your planet, a beat which is directing, directing towards the creation of love. This is felt by all on your side, many choose to ignore but slowly more are accepting, are receiving this beat of energy and it is giving them the thoughts, giving thoughts of love, showing the mistakes, letting them work out for themselves what it is that is wrong, what it is that needs to be repaired, what needs… they can see how by using loving action towards all others on your world, how this creates a better living, a better living condition’

Liz… ‘So is this energy of love, this inspiration, is this increasing the number of people who are receptive to it now?’

‘Slowly, step by step, more become aware. Like a light turning on inside them they feel repulsion for the mistakes that they have done, that all have done. They can see that it is a mistake for before it felt like the correct thing to do but now they are beginning to realize the mistakes in what each and everybody does, each and everybody has created for themselves a false creation, a creation in reality which for them felt…’

Liz… ‘As more and more people hold onto this love vibration, this feeling of love, this awareness, is this helping it to spread out just by holding onto this feeling is this helping to increase the number of people who are receptive to it?’

‘It is connecting; it is connecting those energies that have been ignited inside. All around your world they are slowly connecting with each other, they are recognising each other, they are beginning to unfold the knowledge within themselves that there is a network of love around your planet, a network of loving energy within and surrounding your planet and they are becoming one with that energy and the more people, the more individuals that become one with that energy the more powerful that energy will be, it will build’

Liz… ‘So the more that vibration is broadcast, the more the response to it and the more it spreads and illuminates the world’

‘In a positive, a positive evolution will take place which is of benefit to all, to everybody, everybody will see how it will evolve, the living conditions of everybody, the feeling, the feeling will be heightened, the senses will be heightened, everyone will realise how they, how their growth will benefit each other’

Liz… ‘Right, so the old saying from the psalm… I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help… and you’re sitting on top of a mountain now, observing, so for all those that will lift up their eyes to the hills, to the mountain they will perceive too this help’

‘Yes and I can observe all of this, I am the connection, I work as a connection, I chose to do this work, to be a part of the overall evolution, heightening evolution, bringing everybody up to the levels of heightened awareness’

Liz… ‘That’s good, it does seem as though more and more people are having experiences as spiritual reality, and awakening to spiritual reality… but it takes quite a strong call to work against the forces of inertia and decadence and confusion that most people feel more familiar with’

‘Everybody is able to observe the state of your planet and make that choice, be a part of the problem or rise above. Rise with the light inside knowing that there is a greater truth, a greater truth to be found. All is only illusion and all can be repaired for there are so many opportunities before everybody just that one step beyond’

Liz… ‘So if everybody works on raising their own vibrational level it can exponentially help to increase the greater awakening of others’

‘Yes, so simple, it is all so simple. If you could see from my perspective you would understand how close everybody is now. It is almost laughable for we can see that it is just a milli… so close, so close’

Liz… ‘Close to awakening?’

‘So close to everybody yes, some have already seen but many will see. It is not long now, that final push will be activated once the correct amount of minds have engaged with their higher understanding’

Liz… ‘Once there’s a threshold number…’

‘…the balance will overturn and all will be shown that love truly is the answer, that there is no need to have all this suffering, all this negative thought will vanish and the light will truly shine on all’

Liz… ‘That’s really good news’

‘All will be bathed in constant sunlight; constant love will be felt and the next stage will be felt by all. Keep doing as you do, you are helping us to allow more to reach out and understand for themselves’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful; I see it happening to people who have been sunk in the mire and suddenly it’s as if they’ve come into the sunlight, several people recently’

‘And this is happening everywhere, people will become fed up, fed up with the constant arguing and the constant searching for wealth, for material wealth, this will fall aside, this will fall and the benefit of love will be understood… It is so close, so close but each individual will have to find it in their own way but what you do will give them the signposts to their understanding, yes’

Liz… ‘Good, thank you for that reinforcement’

‘Return to your tunes…’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

Liz put the music back on.

After this communication I was very hot and saw a lot of bright light. My eyes were closed. It looked like raging flames which lasted about one minute before going dark again and then I suddenly went very cold.

About 15 minutes later the last communication started and just before it did I kept getting the phrase ‘Feed the lambs’ in my head. This is a phrase that Liz has said in the past when she sits in the cabinet.

Liz turned off the music when she heard the communication starting…

Liz… ‘Hello friend… We’re coming to the end of our session aren’t we?’

‘Yes, yes… We are at the end of our time with you once again, thank you, thank you for spending your time with us, allowing us to come, to venture into your world once again’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome you know’

‘Yes, yes… The breath, the breathing of your world is all in tune, is all in our tune, is a hymn… is a tune, the breath of your world is in tune with us as we find ourselves with you we too can link to the breath of your world and we too can feel the thoughts of all who live on your world. We can experience them for ourselves. It is a wonderful experience for us to be able to do this, to be able to touch the lives of all who journey through the physical reality that you find yourself a part of. Yes we too can learn from this. We can feel, we can feel how each person can perceive, can create their own reality for themselves. When we give you our love to spread around try to understand each person you meet, try to be in their minds and have their experience and understand how they create for themselves their own realities then you will understand why they do the things they do, why they say the things they say, for they have created for themselves their own understanding, their own realities. Our love that you spread about to them will help them to look inside of themselves and see that spark of light that is empowering their own life as they journey their physical existence and they will feel the motivating force within them wanting to spread that light within them, spread it further to lighten up their own realities and enjoy their life, enjoy their life by putting their own love into all that they meet. You are all creating, you are all creating vessels that live on your earth and you are adding to the love, to that love vibration that interlinks throughout your world… Yes, yes we can feel the pleasure that is created when each personality sees for themselves the love within themselves, the light within themselves, the enjoyment that creates within each individual spark of life… Thank you, we now must draw back; disengage our connection with your world once again’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your presence’

‘We will be back amongst you all but we leave a part of ourselves with you all, that part which you can use when you wish to reach out to us, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodbye and God bless’

‘Goodnight, God bless you all, thank you, please replay your music as we return…’

Liz put the music back on as I came back.

I was seeing a lot of bright light again as the communicators withdrew.
Liz also noticed a flash of light as I was coming back.
I was back after about four minutes.

The session had lasted just over two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…