May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

123rd Sitting 27/11/2014

We were back after missing a sit last week and had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

I felt the Spirit Team move in close very quickly giving me a few physical sensations, making me feel a little light headed and at times I drifted off for a while. Sometimes I was woken up by a poke in the side or a touch on my face.

Liz was reporting a lot of light shapes moving around the room.
They became long and vertical looking a bit like people.

Liz then saw a bright light flash to her left near the bottom of the cabinet curtains.

She started seeing lots of white shimmering shapes and shadows moving around the room.

About 30 minutes after the start a few noises began from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music, welcomed and encouraged the communication.

The words were incoherent and random at first then became clearer…

‘…hold it all, hold it all in the palm of your hand… yes, all people hold in their hand…’

Liz… ‘What is it they’re holding?’

‘The work of spirit is in each person’s hand… It is a reflection of their own understanding for the power of the spirit is within them and they have their own understanding of this’

Liz… ‘So it all manifests in different ways’

‘All on your side have appreciation of us but the way they understand it varies from person to person. For they have their own ideas, have their own beliefs, have their own build-up of their own experiences which develops within themselves an understanding, their own understanding, something which is difficult for them to change without opening their mind to other possibilities, other understandings which may appear contrary to their own understanding’

Liz… ‘So you mean even people who seem to be completely in denial of there being a spiritual world, anything beyond the physical, still have some feeling about the non-physical realities?’

‘An underlying feeling always exists’

Liz… ‘Are they going to be fearful when they don’t fully acknowledge it?’

‘They will acknowledge in their own time, there is no fear but a lack of understanding at that point which when new learning becomes apparent to all then a resistance to letting go, a resistance to new ideas, a resistance to new understanding is an uncomfortable feeling. It has to be overcome in their own way. They will reject certain impulses of understanding alien to their own ideas but a gentle trickle of understanding from both the spiritual vibrations and their own vibrations as others meet, mingle with them and introduce ideas which may conflict with their own but it will make them think and when they think then we can add our power, our power of thought from the realms of spirit and we will give them what they will perceive as their own ideas’  

Liz… ‘I see, yes’

‘For really it is their own idea, for they are a part of us…’

Liz… ‘Yes, I understand’

‘Everything blends, there are no real separation, no real beginnings and endings, all flows into one, one powerful understanding which needs that… it needs that spark to ignite the understanding and allow it to filter through… All realities have one thing in common, and it is that link, that link to love, to the love vibration that is spirit, that is all, all are connected, all vibrate, all have underlying power of thought which is forever seeping in to all realities, all vibrations. There is no separation as it is all one, just a part, just another part of the one, the one force of life that permeates and spreads out to all… All that there is, all that there is is taken care of by the gentle flow of energies, of understanding which hold everything together’

Liz… ‘Yes I can see that, we’re held in a greater reality which understands, which knows and which embraces our reality and interpenetrates it with its light and wisdom to the extent that it is able to, to the extent that we are receptive to it but sooner or later we must all become receptive’  

‘Yes everybody has the choices, everybody has their choices, everybody has to make the choice as they venture through their life, many choices and the choices are the rudders that guide them through the waters of their existence, of their understanding existence. The waters, they will lead themselves to the place that they are most suited to at this time, they will not take themselves beyond until they have exhausted all opportunities in the place that they are fit for their mind to work, for their understanding to cooperate with the existence that they perceive around them. They will not be presented with advanced understandings and situations until they have exhausted all avenues of experience to suit their needs at that time. Only then will they feel the need to move on for they have exhausted all those possibilities and they need to reach out and discover more and that is what moves them forward, moves them onward through the waters of discovery, constantly moving forward for there is nothing for them but stagnation when they have exhausted their experiences, their learning’

Liz… ‘Sounds like a school with a graded curriculum’

‘Yes grades of steps of learning, grades of vibration of meaning, meanings that for all… all are learning step by step. Only by completing the step will you be presented with the next step. There are no short cuts to further understanding. Put in the effort and you will be rewarded for you will be seen and felt by those who wish to move you on, move you further, move you to the next step, the next step of understanding’

Liz… ‘Why do we experience resistance to this sometimes, resistance to this change and this new life? Why do we experience the desire to stay put, stay safe?’

‘There is built within every individual a longing for the safety of familiarity, this has to be outgrown. You will always feel comfortable where you are, you will build up for yourself internal resistance to move on by that part of you which longs for the comfort of familiarity. Try to recognise the feelings that accompany the wanting, the restrictions that you place upon yourself. When you feel these restrictions look into that feeling. Understand what it is that that feeling represents and you may find an underlying fear that has to be addressed. Only you can do this, only you can recognise a fear, an underlying fear. Open up this fear and experience it at its worst then learn to be comfortable with this. Only when you are comfortable with a fear at its greatest extent will you be able to move beyond that fear for you will lose that fear for the fear will no longer be a fear for you have conquered that what has caused that fear, the underlying fear that has caused it will be conquered once you can open it up and experience it and accept that experience’

Liz… ‘Does it help to try and grow courage, to actually try and consciously work on it?’

‘This is all part of… conquering your fear, but just work on it, first find it, first feel…’

Liz… ‘Acknowledge it… Name it, acknowledge it…’    

‘Feel what it is that is causing the restriction and yes name, acknowledge. It all takes time but it is a good exercise, it is good work and it is part of your growth to acknowledge and expand and grow into. Grow out of fear, grow out of the causes of fear, then you will eventually find nothing can hold you back… You will generate such a good feeling from within that you will want no more than to move forward, expand yourself, you will feel that wonderful feeling of love throughout and you will find your vibration that you give out will have an effect on others that you meet, others that see you, that mix with you will also experience a piece of this wonderful loving feeling you are feeling and they too will be helped. Know for yourself that in helping yourself you are helping so many others, so many more will benefit and be inspired to help themselves as you are helping yourself. As we say, as we said at the beginning you are all connected so you can but not help all that you do for yourself has an ongoing effect throughout the whole of your universe, all universes and ultimately the source, the spirit, the one… Yes all is connected, all is one, all is one evolving, creating vibration. Words cannot describe, only feelings will be understood and for you to find that feeling will be that momentous occasion for you, for you will find that loving feeling and you will understand more of what it all is, of what you are all seeking’

Liz… ‘Yes I can understand that realizing and feeling, that love all around overcomes the fear of going forward because when you feel that you’re moving into an area where there’s love, there’s nothing to fear, the fear is to let go of what seemed to be love,what is even perhaps a shadow of love but what is better than the unknown, but if the unknown is to be see to be full of love, if you can feel the link of love there, then there’s every reason to go forward’

‘Yes, okay now… thank you so please now will you replay your music we will continue our work, thank you’

Liz… ‘Yes, thank you for your words’

Liz put the music back on then after ten minutes some more noises started up from the cabinet and she turned it off again.

Liz welcomed and encouraged the communication…

‘Visitor, visitor…’

Liz… ‘Very welcome visitors…’

‘Thank you, thank you… I find it…’

Liz continued to encourage the communication as it settled in…

‘…purpose of visit is to prepare the vehicle to accept us all to come through this way. Yes now, let us create a way through, happy to oblige for it is a privilege for us all to take our steps forward in a controlled manner for we all have these opportunities presented to us to make use of the available space that is brought about by the coming together of the two vibrations and as they mix together we are able to come forward in this way’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful, have you got a gate keeper?’

‘Is always a gate keeper in control of the situation…’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know’

‘…he is unable to speak at this time but I assure you his presence is felt by all, no interference would be allowed at this stage for we are building up this vibration to bring through all that we can give you. We have been working to present ourselves and to bring with ourselves a piece of what we have experienced, a piece of the atmosphere that we have for ourselves. We can now understand how you exist in this plane for we have been tipping our toes into your life, your way of living; we have adjusted ourselves to experience life in your world’

Liz… ‘That’s good, have you experienced it before, have you had an incarnation into the physical earth plane?’

‘This is a difficult question to answer for when we speak with greater understanding we can see that the simplicity of reincarnation is misunderstood. There is so much more to this word we cannot begin to explain but we can guide you into an understanding for yourself. We, when you ask if we have experienced a life on your side then the answer must be yes for all life is everywhere, all life is in all states of existence and we are a part of that life’

Liz… ‘Okay so you can access’

‘Yes, but you are thinking in terms of individuals and this is also true, we are also individuals, we have the ability to present ourselves as individuals’

Liz… ‘So are you saying that as you are now, you are beyond the individual state but you could well have individualized and experienced in the earth plane?’

‘We wish to keep things simple at this stage’

Liz… ‘Okay, are you a larger aspect of ourselves here?’        

‘We all share the same independent knowledge accumulation. We all share a joint understanding of information but you as you are now, as you understand yourself to be now, are only on the fringe of that understanding. You can only see a part of that understanding that you are attached to for we are all attached to this one understanding, this one segment of understanding. We are, we as we are from our perspective are more immersed in the understanding at this point. You have connections to the full understanding but they are weak connections now. You are starting to strengthen those connections but you are still a part of it all, you still have access to it all…’

Liz… ‘But it’s all out of focus at the moment…’

‘…you have to strengthen each strand of connection which you are doing at this time. Each week you strengthen your own connections’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know that we’re doing that and succeeding slowly but surely’

‘Yes and this, your increasing understanding, is having an effect on us for we can bring you more as you open yourself for more understandings. If we were to explain it all it would not be understood, it would not compute to you, that is why we start with simple understandings until we can tap into that greater knowledge… The atmosphere tonight, we can sense it has heightened, there has been a step forward… Can you feel in your room a heightened atmosphere?’

Liz… ‘Yes I think so and I think in ourselves that we have felt that too’

‘Yes, it is in all aspects of your life, all aspects of your life follow each other and will become, will raise up, will vibrate at a greater rate, yes… Value all that you experience for it is all important; it is all a part of the growing, of the expanding, of the moving forward, of the stepping up… Thank you, thank you please play your music once again thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay friend, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

Liz was drifting off a few times during the session and at one point was suddenly woken up by a strong tickling sensation on her right eye brow. It then felt like her senses had heightened and everything had become very clear and focused.

About half an hour after the last communication some more noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music.

‘Time once again now…’

Liz… ‘The end of our session friend?’

‘Yes… we enjoy the session this evening, yes… yes but it now comes to the end… the end of our session, very good… So, no more energy, energy go, we say… We say good bye, we hope you enjoy this time and we leave you with our love to spread around and we now take our leave, we go, we look forward to next time, thank you’

Liz… ‘We do as well, goodnight friend and thank you very much for your communication’

‘Goodnight, replay music and we withdraw… May God go with you, thank you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight, God bless you, goodnight friend…’

Liz put the music back on and I was back after about three minutes.

The session had lasted just over two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…