May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

126th Sitting 18/12/2014

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

About 15 minutes later Liz reported something like cotton wool moving through the room and changing shape.

I drifted off for a while.

Liz also drifted off a few times during the session and also felt she was being overshadowed and felt something happening in her throat.

It was 40 minutes after starting that the first noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in.

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

The communication took a while to stabilize.

‘Have a hold, have a hold now, good yes, now, take time, takes time to come into this arena; we have to wait until we get the correct balance of the two frequencies together’

Liz… ‘Well done’

‘Thank you, now, well yes we are almost entirely through, now, well, well let us… it is a good time for us all to have this ability to connect to you in this way and use this instrument in a vocal way, bring forward words, ideas, information for you. It is such a privilege for us to be able to work in this way’

Liz… ‘It’s good to hear you… Are you making use of the medium’s vocal cords directly or indirectly?’

‘We… we use the vocal cords of the medium, we speak with the vocal cords of the medium, we put our thoughts and ideas into the mind of the medium. We feed the medium with the food of spirit, the nourishment of spirit, of the spiritual vibrations. We can make ourselves known by introducing our ideas and translate them into words that you hear. We are able to change the sound of the vocal cords, of the voice of the medium by using our energies to build up a form, a form of a substance which coats the vocal cords of the medium, now, we choose to work in this way as we feel at this time it is the most beneficial way, the easiest way for us to get our words through. In the future there is the possibility of an independent voice using a similar method with the substance that we can create from our own energies. We have already partially worked in this way but for now we will make use of the vocal cords. We feel that the more we work in this way it is strengthening the connection so when we feel we are able to experiment with independent voice that connection will be strong enough to transmit the voice away from the physical vocal cords that are used now. A set time has been allocated to work in this way. We have looked into how the development has progressed and we can see beyond to a time when a more direct link will be established. We will continue to work towards this in this way for we wish to work as a physical circle. We have already talked about extra sitters becoming available moving into this circle and this is still something which will happen but we have full control of this, we can find and introduce to you further sitters, you will know when we have done this’

Liz… ‘Okay, how can we help to raise our energy, raise our vibrational levels. Is there something that we can do that we can change in our lives to increase our receptivity and increase our energy for this work?’

‘The way you live your life reflects in your vibrational energy. If you live your life in a loving way, if you treat each situation that is presented to you in the most loving way, this is all you have to do to raise your vibrations’

Liz… ‘Is diet, is a different diet a particular diet of benefit or not so important?’

‘Diet can clear your mind, allow you to see more clearly. It will help you to understand the effect of living your life in a loving way, it will show you the effects that you have on your fellows, your friends and those who you meet, it will show you how they live their lives, it will allow you to understand how they live their lives and appreciate their own view points from their own view, from their own perspective. So yes choose your diet with care and you will feel the benefit of the clarity of your mind’

Liz… ‘Good’

‘Information… Information that comes through during these sessions, there are two ways to look at this information. As it is presented by us is not necessarily the most important aspect of the information for it is how you perceive the information, how you set in motion, light up the electrical circuits of your mind as you listen to the information that is brought forward. That is what is important, how you perceive this information as it comes through for you are working on the information; you are creating further information by how you perceive it. Everybody does this in their own way. When you talk to another about the information you have received, the information you have heard in the sessions you are adding, you are translating, you are opening up your mind to interpret this information and you will put a new slant on it, a better slant, for every exchange of information gives it a new life, for information is a living entity’

Liz… ‘Yes I can see that it’s a little bit like a garment, that if different people wear it and it can have a very different effect’

‘Exactly yes, everybody has their own way of interpreting information but there is no wrong way to interpret information for interpretation will increase the information, will give it the energy to expand, to expand throughout your universe… Yes information exchange is an important part of all life. You do not need to write down words, you do not need to read from a book for information is everywhere to be caught by that web of understanding that you have built up for yourself. It is pulsating throughout the existence of all in the physical plane. Everybody is interacting with information as it glides through your atmosphere’

Liz… ‘Can I ask you a question?’


Liz… ‘Concerning education, if this is the case does it actually inhibit a child from openly perceiving this information and responding to it if we try and direct that child to read and write too early?’

‘The imagination of a child is very fragile and I’m sure you have realised how it should be allowed to run free up to a point. Many on your side will cloud the child’s mind by what they feel is right. There is much to be learnt from a child, a child is seen by many to be inferior whereas in our eyes the mind of a child is more open than that of an adult for an adult has lived and clouded their mind by what has been understood as the correct way to further their education but at the same time you are living within the boundaries of a society, a society created by all who live within it, a society that is based on the foundations of what is deemed right for that society and the children are weaned into this society to conform to be restricted in the way they can express themselves for the natural way that the child expresses themselves is thought of as childish, immature, where sometimes the opposite rings true. As in all things a balance is the best option for you cannot easily go against the rules of your society but you can still break a few of the rules in your own way without everybody knowing. Do not think that all is to be obeyed, there are many ways around these laws, these laws that are thought to be the correct way.Eventually more people will realise the futility of the laws that have been brought forward to govern society but it as always takes a time but there are more people thinking, allowing themselves to expand their minds, think about these things, see the effects that they have on the larger reality as they look out, as they see the news on their televisions, read their papers. This is what you are all doing to yourselves… There is much to heal on your world but first the minds of all need to be opened, the child within needs to be expressed by all… I think now please would you play some more of your music and we will come back again, thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

30 minutes later more noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music again.
She welcomed the communication as it came through.

‘This is the last sitting for your year, and you will take a break, and you will be back in the year of 2015’

Liz… ‘That’s right’

‘Yes now we have decided that you can bring into your room the instrument which you have upstairs, the receptive unit which you place above this cabinet, we would like you to have it coming from under your door into your room just beyond where the curtain that shades your door sits right now for this is an active part of your room for we also use the door to come into your room and we are hoping we can make an impression on your machine’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful’

‘For we too have our own room, we have made a copy of this room and we use the copy of this room to do some of our experiments. We can create an exact replica of the room that you sit in. The room which for you is a physical room we too have our physical room it works in the same way’

Liz… ‘I understand, that’s lovely’

‘So yes when you return next year then you can bring your instrument in. Leave the workings outside for they will connect to your electrical supply and we hope to make an impression on the graphs that are created by your machine’

Liz… ‘Wow that will be really interesting, fantastic’   

‘We know you have wanted to bring it in to the room and this will be the time’

Liz… ‘Yes you feel the time is right now?’

‘Yes… Many, many words have been said in this room for this past year, throughout this past year that you have sat in this way and we are pleased, we are pleased that we have been able to get a part of ourselves, a part of our living conditions through in the way of physical words in this room which you have recorded and you have put out for others to hear, for others to read, we are very pleased with this and we are pleased with how the quality of communication has increased particularly in the last few weeks and we are looking forward to further improvements in the way we get our message through’

Liz… ‘Good’

‘You too have made improvements in the communication that has come through yourself. We have seen in place, we have seen entities in place around you who are waiting for the opportunity to make a more direct link through you but it’s up to you to decide how you would wish this to proceed for you already are getting through an abundance of information from your own team that work closely with you. If you wish to make this a more direct link then you have to decide to work in this way and relax yourself in a way that they can work like this but it is entirely up to you to decide’

Liz… ‘How can I do this?’

‘You first need to really want to work in this way, set out your intent, tell your friends you wish to work in this way then leave it to them, do not interfere, just relax. Do not expect information to come through fluently, do not be disappointed when you sit for week after week and nothing appears to happen. It always takes a time but you will be rewarded with fluent speech through your own lips. You will see, you will feel this building as you sit, as you relax you will feel the effects in your throat, you will feel the vibrations as your team moves closer, you will feel the overshadowing of your friends, of your spirit team, you will feel them drawing close becoming a part of yourself. You have already had experiences of this, brief experiences, now is the time to fully immerse yourself in your team. You have that trust now open the gates allow them in, allow them fully to engage in a conversation through you’

Liz… ‘Okay, I will try’

‘Yes, remember it is all a development circle, you will not get a full… they will not have a full command of your physical body in the first week or the second week for it is a slow process and it is good that it is a slow process for if it all came in one go then it would be too much and your mind would interfere causing confusion which would only be a disappointment to yourself for you have high values on what is produced, you are looking for the best and this is how we wish it to be. Just allow us to work with you and you will be rewarded, we all will be rewarded for it is for sharing, all communication is to be shared if it is from, if it is pure and from the purest of vibrations, the highest of vibrations’

Liz… ‘It helps to have some evidence, something clear coming through in order to firm up that trust, establish that, I think it is a question of trust to allow’

‘You will receive all the evidence you require in the fullness of time. Keep that trust alive in your mind and we can work with that for that trust is a living entity in your mind and we link onto that, for trust opens the gates, trust allows us to move closer, then once we have got that hold then the evidence will be forthcoming, you will as we have said be rewarded by this evidence, all will share in the evidential communication that will come through’

Liz… ‘Wonderful, I will work towards it’

‘Yes think on this in the next two weeks that you have your holiday’

Liz… ‘Sounds like it’s going to be a working holiday, ha, ha…’

‘Yes, you are never dormant, you are always at work and we appreciate everything you put towards this for we too have our work to do but it is a pleasurable work, an interesting work and we are attracted to it for its interests, for its value, for we find our reward in seeing how it lightens the minds of all who come into contact, of all who listen, of all who read and of all who have their minds ignited by the pure truths of spiritual existence beyond this physical existence that you are a part of… Now is time, our energies are waning and we have reached the time where we will withdraw from this session but we still keep that connection both during these two weeks and we will help and guide you in your thoughts, take a piece of our love and lighten up all who you meet, enjoy your two weeks of celebrations, know that the celebrations are lighting up your world for many positive thoughts are put out, are sent to us during this celebratory time of your year’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Thank you goodnight’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all’

‘God bless you all thank you, now play your music and we will withdraw’

Liz put the music back on.

I was back after two minutes.

The session had lasted two hours this week.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.
I could see bright blobs in front of me during the healing which looked like sun light shining on water...