May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

125th Sitting 11/12/2014

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

I felt very spaced out in the cabinet as soon as Liz finished the opening prayer.
Then after the second tune I don’t remember anything until hearing a tune that comes on about 10-15 minutes later.
I could have fallen asleep or it could have been a deep level of trance. No sounds came from me during this time.

Liz sensed round shapes like hollow balls in the room, some were flashing.
She felt a tickle on the right side of her face.

Some noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music then welcomed and encouraged the communication which took a while to settle in.

‘Very good… Good evening… preparation… always a part of our work to prepare, bring us together into this world of yours…’

Liz… ‘You’re coming through well now…’

‘Very good yes, well now… preparation, preparation…… Open, open the box and release those vibration… work, open the box, open the box then we are… we are able to… we are able to work… physical, physical voice, the physical voice resides in the box so therefor we open the box, allow the physical sounds to be produced, now we have all… all of us are involved in the workings of the physical voice as it impacts your atmosphere with the sound that you recognise for you to understand. We all appreciate the work that you put in to help us to come forward in this way. There is still much to do but we have achieved much already, we are happy with what we have spoken in the past weeks for we are getting more of our thoughts through’

Liz… ‘That’s good, glad to hear it’

‘There are many ideas which bounce around in our minds to present to you. We have to carefully choose what we say for we do not want to confuse, we wish to bring a simple understanding through at this time. It is easy to get hung up on subjects which are not altogether relevant to the information that we wish to bring through. We try to approach in a simplistic way so as to avoid the difficulties that arise in this form of communication. We can access information for you, we can bring it into the physical voice that you hear but we wish to make a start, we wish to start from a simplistic, a simple method of using the information that we have and putting it in word format for you. Now, if we were to bring a large amount of information through in this way it would become unrecognisable for your mind to understand in the way that you understand at this time. We are able to use the work that you have put into your own thinking for you already have an understanding of how, of what lies beyond your physical reality but you need more, you need to fill in the gaps and we are able to do that up to a point. For you have provided a backdrop of thought that we can approach, we can see the areas where there are holes in the backdrop of your thought, holes in your understanding, we can see them as for us they light up and we can understand what is required to fill those holes but as always it is a slow process and a careful process for us. We do not wish to bring forward information that will confuse, that will not correctly fit into those holes for only when the correct information has been understood in a satisfactory way for you to understand will those holes be filled’

Liz… ‘Yes I see… so you’re telling me that there is a whole realm of knowledge which is way beyond our conceptual framework at present?’

‘At this point in your time yes there is, you have reached a point in your own development, a point where there is so much information that will be understandable to you. Beyond that then it is not, it would not benefit yourself if we were to go beyond that point and we must also look at the overall development of all on your side for these words are meant for all, it is not meant to be just a two way conversation for there are many who will benefit from the words once we have perfected the exchange of information in a physical way. So we do not only see your own back drop of thought but the combined thought of all, all who are interested in this, in learning, in learning more about themselves and about what lies beyond that physical universe that is apparent to them now’

Liz… ‘Yes there are some concepts and ideas already that I’ve experienced as literally mind blowing and I guess exposure to ideas that so overwhelm and contradict the current framework of our thinking can be quite disorientating for a lot of people, confusing’

‘Yes it would go over your head as it were, there are still what you call mind boggling experiences which are useful for they will open your mind, they will stretch your mind thus allowing more for us to bring forward’

Liz… ‘Yes I think you’ve already brought forward some ideas which have been mind stretching and useful’

‘Good, yes… when we give you thoughts from our side we need to bring them into an understanding, physical analogy, we will use analogies to make ourselves understood at times, this is a simplistic way for us’

Liz… ‘Yes, that’s often been the way with spiritual discourse’

‘Use things that you can relate to for what we experience is not that dissimilar to the wonders of your world. When you look into the beauty of your world you will see, you will feel, you will understand more about us. You will grasp that understanding for you will; your mind will be set free by the beauty that you will behold, you do not have to travel far for it is beneath your feet where ever you go. It is in your ears, it is in your eyes, it is in your feeling. Your sensory perception of all in your world will lift you up; lift you up to our level of understanding, if only you can let go allow the beauty to inspire you forward, to lift you up, there are times in all people’s lives when they find themselves lifted up by an experience which is not necessarily our doing for they will come across beautiful scenes, beautiful sounds on your side and this will lift them up and for a brief moment they will be experiencing in the same way as we experience things’

Liz… ‘Yes thank you, yes that’s welcome confirmation, yes, a sense of something far more deeply interfused, “whose dwelling is the light of setting suns” That’s beauty to raise the vibrational level till we can appreciate these higher states, higher vibrational states, more rarefied mental states’

‘Many look to the sky for their inspiration, the sky with its constant changing pictures, constant changing colours, the sun set and the sun rise, the stars at night, the white fluffy cloud that moves across the summer sky, all of these things, all can observe these things, these beauties that are so close, are so a part of their everyday existence. Many go unnoticed for all on your side are locked into their physical existence moving from place to place with their worries and their fears and their self-complications as they live in the way that they believe they should but there are these times when all is let go and all is observed in a quieter understandable way’

Liz… ‘Thank you, yes for some people it’s not easy to let go, to step outside the humdrum thoughts and self-interest just beyond the beauty but some people seem to resist it but I guess for everyone there are windows of opportunity, windows opening’ 

‘It is there for all and sometimes a nudge in the right direction will lead them to this…… Think in the way of an artist, use the artist’s mind to be inspired by beauty and to put that beauty into picture form, see how, feel how the artist understands beauty and tries to recreate on the canvas. Many are never totally satisfied that their physical painting represents the true beauty that they have in their mind. This is an understanding of how when you try to represent the true beauty in a physical way it cannot be fully accomplished in the same way. When we try to get our thoughts through in a physical way it can never fully be understood but this is how it should be for you are not supposed to fully understand at this point of your existence for you are a physical being, you are living a physical life, you can only get a glimpse, a partial glimpse for all will come to you in the fullness of time when your physical vessel has ended its useful experiencing then you will see, then you will feel, then you will understand more, you will understand why and you will understand how through your life you have worked up to the fullest of understanding that you can achieve at that point’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend yes that’s reassuring’  

‘We think now we will return to the music please and we will re-join you soon thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay friend thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

Liz told me afterwards that interestingly what was said about the artist and inspiration from beauty answered some questions raise a few days ago by one of her friends.

At some point I had a vision of an elderly lady standing in front of the cabinet looking at me. She seemed to know who I was and I felt I should recognise her but I can’t yet think who it was.

More noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communicator.

‘Science, science and spirituality a difficult combination, a difficult mix. How can you experiment when you are a part of a physical existence and you are dealing with effects from beyond, from away from the physical reality? It is a frustrating occupation for those who have endeavoured to explore and to experiment with the wonders of the séance room and try to understand in a physical way how it works, how it comes about, where it comes from, they are looking for physical explanations for what is not physical. Now we have always believed that the best way to get evidence, to get understanding of what lies beyond the physical is to have your own experience, not to rely on the effects and experiences of others as they work in their own way with the spiritual vibrations, you have to sit in a home circle surrounded by friends in harmony, friends in trust, friends in a shared interest and you will experience and you will experience for yourself and you will put that experience into your own understanding. This is the only way to really understand but we appreciate those who have tried to interpret spiritual values and understandings in a physical way to be written down and understood by fellow scientific minds. There is no easy repeatable experiment that will satisfy the minds of the scientific community, they all have their individual minds but they all work in the same way while they are a part of the scientific community. Once they break from that they have a freer way to understand but even then they need to sit for themselves, quieten their own minds, allow phenomena to happen to them so that they can feel the effects and put their own understanding on the effects, on the feelings, only then will they truly be satisfied that they have touched what lies beyond, they have experienced a part of the next reality for them… Thank you, now we have reached the end of our session once again. We will now draw back, we will release our hold of the medium and we will give as always to you a piece of our love to spread around. Let it seep into every corner of your existence and bring light to the dark corners of your world, thank you, thank you so much’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your words, goodnight and God bless you’

‘Goodnight may God bless you all thank you. Please replay your music and we will withdraw’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friends’

Liz put the music back on.
I was back after about three minutes.
As I was coming back I got a message to drive down Cantelupe Road and then I would remember something. This is a road near here in Bexhill so I will do that next time I’m there and see what happens?

The session had lasted just under two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…