May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

280th Sitting 23/05/2019

We had the room setup as usual with me wired up to the Mind Mirror.

Before we started, as an experiment Liz asked me to shake like I usually do when a communication is coming through. I did this for one minute without speaking then paused. I then did it again while speaking randomly and answering a question Liz gave me. The idea was for Liz to see any differences in what information the Mind Mirror records between this and when I am controlled during the séance.

Liz then did the opening prayer at 8.15pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I drifted in and out of sleep for about one hour.

Liz reported feeling a presence with her after about 25 minutes.

About 70 minutes after starting I began to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend, welcome’

‘Once again we come into your room, we come, join with you to form one, one complete circle that will become the focus of your life at this brief point in time for as you sit like this you are becoming more of yourself, you are experiencing more of yourself for as a physical being in a physical world you have only that physical feeling to express yourself whereas behind the scenes there is so much more and as you sit in a physical séance you are allowing that what lies behind the scenes to become once again a part of you. During your physical life, during the days that you live, you get glimpses of that what lies behind the scenes, glimpses that enter your life, that become a part of your life yet you are still centred in physical existence. We understand how you feel, how you react within this physical life yet we can also allow you to understand... we can allow you to dip into your larger self, your complete self...’


‘Discover more about yourself, teach yourself how to be... how to be a full individual for as you become more a part... more...’

Another pause, it felt like I was losing the control...

‘You are tuning yourself into yourself, you are stepping aside allowing your true self to take control for each time you sit like this you are opening... opening yourself up to more possibilities, more possibilities in your life exist... You have the ability to expand yourself, expand your mind, expand your life. We can help with this and we wish you to understand yourself, understand your potential. Clarity of mind brings forth understanding yet the physical world holds you to one possibility. Reach out to us, bridge the gap, take one step forward and allow your life to blossom... to...’

The communication seemed to fade out...


Liz... ‘Friend are you still with us?’

I told Liz that I now felt back with it.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

Solo sit 16/05/2019

I had another solo sit at home as Liz is suffering from a cold at the moment.

I did an opening prayer and asked for a communication about something new, something I didn’t know about. Then as the communication began I felt myself drifting out of it and wondered if I should try to distance myself from the communication and play no part in it. What came through helped me decide this wasn’t a good idea...

‘Good evening, good evening... Thank you for giving us the opportunity to speak once again and bring forth words that will build up for you a solid understanding, something which will help you, something which will bring to your understanding further evidence, further... It will... There is always an element of uncertainty in all communication for you as a human being have your doubts as to the genuineness of the communication. You wonder is it from an independent source or is it from yourself? There is for you no way to be sure but you can tell, you can bring forward... Once you relax you let go of your command. We are able to take control but it still is a balance between two minds working as one. If you let yourself go, let yourself drop out of the communication this will cause a difficulty for without your input we cannot find the thread to cling to, the thread that runs through your life for we are joining in with you, we are becoming you, living your life for this brief period of time. You are allowing us to work with you and you need to play your part in this communication. Feel the words come through, see the words come through. You can tell that those words are being sent to you yet at the same time your mind is thinking, your mind is evaluating the situation as it comes to you. Do not worry about the source of the communication, judge the communication purely on what is said and if what is said is useful to you to help you grow and for others who wish to learn and wish to grow. We can say no more on this for it is a natural process, a blending of minds into one life, one living thread onto which we weave our words. Take away our input and the results will be different and you have seen this for yourself. The purpose of our communication is to add to the information that exists in your world, information that opens doors, that makes people think, that changes people’s beliefs. There is much that we can say but we are limited, we are limited by your mind until that mind becomes receptive to wider understanding. Each time we speak we are widening your mind and as your mind becomes more receptive to our thoughts and ideas we will bring them through’


‘The more you sit, the more you will become used to the way we work together. You will also feel a difference in your daily life, you will become more alert to the signals, to the input of a wider mind. You will begin to understand your connection to all of life and how you are truly not alone but a part of many working as one, working in the most beneficial way to make your life a success, a spiritual success, a life that takes a step further forward bringing the spiritual world and the physical world closer together. Enjoy a physical life and enjoy a spiritual life, most of all live your life fully, be open to all possibilities, never doubt yourself, never doubt your ability to work with many, many voices, many ideas, all working as one bringing life to a physical world, bringing joy and happiness to a physical world, bringing colour and definition to a physical world. You are the explorer and we are the observers. Make the most of your physical life and we will help you. Thank you, thank you my dear friend, please, once again take from us a piece of our love, hold it in your heart and feel our presence with you each day of your life. May God bless and keep you, goodnight, thank you’


I felt back with it after a few seconds then I did a closing prayer and sent out healing...

Solo sit 14/05/2019

I had a solo sit at home.

I did an opening prayer then after a couple of minutes I felt myself being controlled...

‘Good evening, good evening... once again we come through and we speak with all who wish to listen, all who have the interest to listen to the words that will possibly help, possibly give guidance, ideas and help with that what you wish to know for you all have much to learn, much to contribute to your life, for your life need not be a narrow pathway, your life can be a wide road full of much to experience, much to choose, many choices to be made as all is given to you to experience, to learn to love, to learn to share, to learn to live in harmony with one another. It is not too difficult to do this for it is a matter of living a simple life, a life free from complications, self-made complications. Allow yourself to experience all that is given to you, do not try to alter the future, do not try to take charge of your life, allow your life to come to you in a natural way and do your best to live your life as each situation comes to you. See that situation as an opportunity to help others. See that situation as an opportunity to learn and to grow. As you live your life you are creating a more simple pattern in your mind for you are beginning to understand the advantage of simplicity, you can see how you have complicated your life in the past and you are beginning to understand how to uncomplicate your life. There is much you think you need in life, yet when you think about this, when you consider this, you will see that you need nothing. You are consciousness experiencing life and if you do your best, if you think of others not just yourself your life will become so much more, your awareness will widen and you will be able to understand so much more for life free from complications is a full life, a life that enters into all possibilities and you can see the results of those possibilities and this will help you to choose, to make your choices with love in your heart and you will see the advantages of this as your life begins to blossom. Look at the lives of others in your physical world, see how they struggle, see how they are never satisfied with their life, see how they blame others, blame situations that come to them. Their life is a constant frustration for they feel they have to control their life, yet letting go of that control is the key to a happy life, to a simple life free from frustration and negativity. You cannot control that what comes to you, you can merely experience it and live it in the best possible way. Live it in the most positive way, see it with positive eyes, see the good in that what comes to you and embrace that good with love in your heart and you will see your life free from frustration, free from complications’


‘Begin your day with positivity in your mind, think about that what is to come and see it with a positive outlook. Any negativities in your live will fade and die if you keep a positive outlook. See the good in each situation, do not dwell on the outcome of situations for each situation will develop in a natural way. The positivity you put into that situation will change the situation and it will change you. You will begin to grow up, you will begin to live life to the fullest. You will feel no fear, you will feel no regret, life will be good. Try to live your life in a positive way, do not try to control your life, allow it to come to you in a natural way and then experience the difference this makes to your life. Thank you, please take a piece of our love, take it out into your world, let it help you see your world with positive eyes and in helping yourself you are helping others and you are helping all of consciousness to grow. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you’


I then did a closing prayer and sent out healing...

Solo sit 08/05/2019

I had a solo sit at home.

I did the opening prayer but didn’t ask for protection. I was wondering if it was really necessary.

Usually when I sit alone the communication begins a few seconds after the opening prayer but nothing happened so after about 10 minutes I decided to ask for protection and then the communication started...

‘Good evening, good evening... thank you once again for allowing us to come through to speak and help you to understand your situation. How... the way you should sit, the way you should prepare yourself for sitting... Much has been discussed about the idea of protection in the opening prayer for there are those who feel this is not necessary. They feel that it is only fear that causes discomfort, that causes disruption to a pure communication. They feel that without fear there is no need to ask for protection yet as you sit, as all mediums sit there is always an element of fear present. That small segment of fear is enough to distract our communications. When you ask for protection you are asking yourself, you are giving yourself... you are taking yourself away from the fears that could cause distraction, confusion, a loss of harmony with the voice that wishes to work with you. You understand how fear can create and you understand how love can create. The process of communication is a process of creation, for new ideas are created and with love those ideas will mean so much more. Keep your thoughts positive, keep yourself in a place where fear finds no place, a place free from fear and full of love. We can only work with love and we will only work with love. You also add to that what is said and you must protect yourself each time that you sit, then your own love will take charge. There is nothing to fear, only your own fears will create temporary confusions, temporary obstructions to the work that we wish to bring through’


‘When you sit your mind is open and receptive to many things, many influences, for you live in a physical world with many other people. Thoughts are felt, thoughts can distract, thoughts can produce ideas but when you sit you wish only to receive from us. The use of a prayer of protection will help you to focus on us unhampered by the outside world. Give us a clear open mind and we will work with that mind in the best possible way, free from distractions, free from confusions, inspired by love. Reach out into our world, feel the love it has for you, know that you are connected to that love and that love will help you, help you in your physical life, help you to walk the pathway you chose. There is no need to look back, everything you need is in front of you now. Thank you my dear friend, please take a piece of our love, take it into your heart, carry it with you as you go about your physical duties in your physical life. May God bless and keep you, goodnight, thank you’

I felt back with it after a few seconds then did the closing prayer and sent out healing...


279th Sitting 30/04/2019

We had the room setup as usual and I was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I drifted in and out of sleep for the next hour then after another ten minutes I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend, welcome’

‘Once again we come to your room, we come into you room, join with you, become one, become one mind working together, creating interesting words of encouragement and guidance that will help you to become stronger, more focused, more a part of a physical world, a full physical world, a physical world with all that it contains available to you. Each time you wake up you open your eyes, once again you find yourself as an occupant of this physical world and you go about your daily duties. Try to think back to before you woke, to before you opened your eyes. Try to keep the memory of your dreams, keep them fresh in your mind. Think about the meaning of your dreams, think about how your dreams can help you to live your life for your dreams are full of information, full of scenes and how you reacted to those scenes. Did you react in a different way to how you would react in the physical world fully awake? You are living two lives, a dream life and a waking life yet these two lives are very similar and they blend together for one life helps the other. Your consciousness is permanently awake, is permanently looking out for new experiences whether in the dream reality or the physical reality for your consciousness is keen to learn, keen to evolve no matter what situation it finds itself. You begin your new day as if it is a new day yet it is merely a continuation of your life. The dream reality flows into the physical reality and the physical reality flows into the dream reality. During the daytime you will notice your mind wandering, entering a state of daydreaming, this too is a part of your life, is a part of your consciousness reaching out to find more to experience, more to learn from, for your physical world is not enough, your consciousness needs to be constantly working, constantly alive. The physical world that you understand, that you interpret is no different to the dream reality or the daydream reality, what you may call imagination for imagination is real, is no less real than the physical world. How can you judge one from the other, how can you differentiate one from the other? Your consciousness is still working in the same way, your consciousness is evolving in the same way, your consciousness is making choices, is approaching situations with intelligence looking for the most productive answers. Allow your consciousness to explore all planes of existence that you are aware of. Try to feel the balance in your life, you can spend too much time in the purely physical world and you will feel the drain on yourself. When you feel this drain allow your mind to wander, allow your imagination to present itself to you, to your consciousness so that your consciousness can spread its wings, open up into new possibilities bringing refreshment to yourself. Take yourself for a walk and allow your consciousness to wander, you will feel yourself being recharged, invigorated and ready for the next situation, the next experience, the next set of choices. Listen to yourself, recognise how you feel and understand what your consciousness needs. Your physical life has been given to you to give your consciousness new experiences, but you also need to exercise your imagination, exercise your dreams and recognise the importance of all experiences in your life. The physical life is a life to be enjoyed, there is no need for stress or worry. Allow your life to unfold in a natural way, a balanced way and your consciousness will get the most out of each day and each night. Play your part, enjoy your life, help one another, bring harmony to your life and to the lives of others creating a wonderful atmosphere as you all join as one, one consciousness experiencing all that there is, all that you can imagine and all that you can dream... Thank you, thank you my dear friend we have reached the end of our session this evening. We hope that you can benefit from the words that we say and we look forward to continuing our talks with you. Please take a piece of our love, take it out into your world, use it on yourself when you feel tired, when you feel drained and when you feel rejuvenated send that love out to others. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all and thank you’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...