May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

79th Sitting 13/01/2014

It was just Liz and me again this week; Dan may be off for a few weeks.
We set the room up as usual.
My stomach felt a lot better this week; I just had the usual light headed feeling a couple of hours before we sat.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, turned out red light and put the music on.

I could feel spirit working with me in the cabinet as soon as I sat down but apart from a few whistling/whispering sounds there was no attempt at communications for 20 minutes.
The whispering got louder, Liz muted the music and a few words started to come through...

‘Easy, easy, easy, easy…’

Liz… ‘Welcome Mr Easy’

‘Easy, easy… Hello, hello, hello…’

There were lots of different experimental sounds and voices before the communication settled down…

‘All is, all is, all is proceeding in the usual manner… Good connection, peel away each vibration until a permanent link can be achieved. Each time we peel away, peel away more, more of a vibration, more of a frequency, each time we connect to your channel of communication’

Liz… ‘You get through more easily, more directly’   

‘Easier, easier, all in our own way we are able to come closer each time. More of our personality can come through. Each time we can connect in a more positive way’

Liz… ‘Do you work with other groups as well?’

‘All of us, all of this group, this team, is all connected to this circle. We are connected only to this circle’

Liz… ‘Does that mean you haven’t had experience before of connecting to the physical plane?’

‘Partially you are correct. We are new to communicating in this way. We have experienced many circles from an observation stand point. Not participating, just learning. So each time we come through we also learn a bit, a piece more for us to experience’

Liz… ‘So we’re learners on both sides then’

‘That is completely correct, we are all learning because we enjoy experience, a new experience. This is the whole point, the whole point for all of us to continue to experience and to continue to learn from each other, from the conditions we can bring ourselves into we can learn from experience. This is why we appreciate this opportunity to come through. We get.. We gain experience from this and in turn we endeavour to give to you some of what you wish to learn’

Liz… ‘Thank you, that’s good’

Communicator faded out and Liz put the music back up.

Liz had a strong sensation of somebody touching her hair from her left.
She was getting hot.

Voice noises started up in the cabinet.
Liz muted the music again.
She welcomed and encouraged the communicator who seemed to be having difficulty getting clear words through.
Some of what I can understand from the recording is…

‘Colour, send colour, send a colour, a colour of love. Is all compatible to further… All give us…’

The communication then became incoherent.

Liz… ‘More voices coming through, take it one at a time… You’re all having a try… You’re making sounds but not words’

‘Is it clearer, is it clear?’

Liz… ‘That’s clearer now’

‘Good, good… Stable, stable, all come through colour, each colour is…’

Liz… ‘Is that colour, are you saying colour?’

‘All is colour. All colour is compact in our world’

Liz… ‘Are you following colour? Are you seeing the vibrations as colour?’

‘Yes it is… Colour is compact… is compatible to…’

Liz… ‘Keep trying, you’re doing well’

The communication faded and Liz put the music up.
It had felt to me that they were either experimenting with a different way to come through or a new communicator was practicing.

10 minutes later we had another communication.
After some lip-smacking a communicator came through to close. They were not speaking very clearly and took a while to get started…

‘Thank you, thank you once again for allowing us to come close to you. It has been an interesting evening for us, for us to experiment with different ways again, a different experiment for us. It is a part of development. Each time we are able to try a different approach, building on the previous week. We are able to give ourselves a new perspective from our side in the… strengthening the link in this way, it will eventually develop into a stronger link in this way’

Liz… ‘Yes it felt different this week’

‘We can come forward slowly but surely and it will establish a stronger connection for us. We thank you for giving the conditions that we can work in’

Liz… ‘Glad that you’ve been able to work in them, that’s really good to know, thank you friends’

‘We leave with you our love and we look forward to future experimentation in both circles…’

The communicator withdrew.
Liz asked the team to draw back now as the last tune was just coming to an end.

I sat still in the cabinet and waited for them to draw back.
It felt quite warm in the cabinet.
Liz was also warm.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.
As she was doing this my face felt very hot like it was being sunburnt for a few minutes and my eyes felt a bit stingy.
I also had a vision of a rope ladder hanging down in front of me!!!

Liz had felt hands on her head for most of the evening. She had also felt slightly overshadowed but still very connected and aware of the work we are doing.
She hadn’t noticed any visual phenomena this week but had picked up a strong ectoplasm smell towards the end of our sitting.

I had been experimenting visualising myself in a seat behind mine after seeing one last week. I’m not sure at the moment if it’s helping or hindering. When I was trying it I got the sense that Joan was with me but I didn’t pick up any message from her. Maybe they want me to climb up the rope ladder instead?
I could feel there was something different with the way the communications were coming through and we both agreed it had felt different this week…