May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

136th Sitting 12/03/2015

We had the room set-up as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

I started drifting off as Liz was doing the opening prayer and remained mainly unaware until the forth from last tune. I remember coming back at one point with a dream on my mind of a lined tee-shirt which then became lines of light over Liz’s face and a few seconds later I heard her report seeing a line of light flash just below her nose. Also as she was doing the opening prayer my mind was thinking about something else and I suddenly realised what I was thinking mirrored what Liz was saying.

Liz felt very sleepy during the session and she drifted off a couple of times and came back with the impression of two men like chefs standing over her cooking and stirring a pot. She got the feeling they were mixing her energies.
Another time she came back with a dream memory of being in a group of people and she saw a lady she knew with her back to her. She had had learning difficulties and Liz knew she had now passed over.

Liz felt very restless and felt pulling around her midriff.

Just before the last tune was about to play some noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music…

Liz… ‘Welcome friend… Hello…’

The communication took a while to settle.

‘Resonate… Resonate with all that is of value… compose the correct setting for the production of vocal words, one by one they come, they come forward and they work their way through to the concentration of all that is amassed in one particular place for we have condensed, we have concentrated our actions, our words, our thoughts into this central point that you recognise as a communication. There is all the time in the world, for there is no panic to bring through immediate results. There is an answer for all queries, for all queries come from one source and they can only begin with the same motivation before they flourish into a combined input, a combined structure of words, of syllables that represent a focused concentration of meaning, of information that for you represents the communication’

Liz… ‘So what is the one source?’

‘The one source is that spark of knowledge that you have in the back of your mind which motivates all other thought. You are all plugged in to a train of thought that was started at a time before the creation of all that you perceive in your physical world. This train of thought was set in motion to allow all that proceeds this in the building of your physical universe to have something to cling to and remind you that you are a small part of a greater existence’

Liz… ‘So is it that we have a template inside us?’

‘It can be… You can use the word template to describe this, it is recognised by all in different ways, different understandings and different words are put to these understandings that best suit the feelings as this is… as the original motivating force that set this train in motion is recognised. Yes all on your side have a partial understanding and when that understanding is allowed to enter the physical mind then the pictures become uncovered, a loosening of the thought allows the pictures to become perceived. But what has proceeded this thought is what colours this thought and the pictures are seen in many forms, understood in many ways and they are explained to others in a language suitable to the observer which for them best describes what they have perceived. There is no darkness without light, there is no feeling until that train of thought has been put into motion, has been absorbed by the minds of those who go, who follow, who connect with the underlying train of thought’

Liz… ‘Okay so there’s an ongoing stream of thought that underpins our world and our existence’

‘It permeates your existence for it is in everything but until it is recognised, until it is partially understood for a full understanding is still not available to all who inhabit the physical world’

Liz… ‘Where does this train of thought come from? What is its origin?’

‘To understand the origin you would have to step outside physical reality, leave behind a piece of yourself, reach out and engage with your true self, then look behind, look back at the trail you have trod, the path you have made, understand that each step has brought you closer to a true understanding. The source at this point for you can only be partially understood but try not to cloud your understanding with your own perceptions, allow all outside influences to reach you in a clean pure way and do not add your own thoughts and perceptions’

Liz… ‘That’s easier said than done’

‘Yes but you are getting closer for you are walking the pathway to reach the enlightened atmosphere and each step will make your understanding more pure, more uncluttered, more clean. You and all on your side are living this physical existence, there is much which is kept from your view and there is reason for this, as you understand you are part of a school, you are there to learn, you are there to learn with care, learn with a slow accurate continued working towards the understanding. If you were to understand too much at one time it would confuse and it would destroy your ability to learn at a steady pace, absorb at a steady pace, reach out at a steady pace. You cannot run before you can walk and now is the time to walk, keep a note of what passes by, be open to all that comes your way, understand your fellow citizens of the physical world for they too, whether consciously or unconsciously are striving to understand, striving to unravel the mysteries of life but there is no race, nobody will win by bypassing the smaller steps to get to the bigger steps. There is nothing to be learnt from this, there is no advantage to this, be satisfied that you are achieving much in what you do and appreciate that what you have already learnt and that what is around the next corner waiting to illuminate more particles of light within your being. Footsteps in the sand are everywhere, they look chaotic yet there is one train of thought that brings them all together in an ordered line, an ordered line of steps’

Liz… ‘Yes but steps in the sand don’t last very long’

‘They last as long as the next step. They only need to last as long as the next step for the next step is where you are at now. Previous steps can be forgotten, previous steps are what brought you to where you are now. You do not have to continually go back and observe your previous steps’

Liz… ‘That’s useful’

‘They were then, this is now, it is a continued stepping through life, through the sands of time. You will not forget the steps that have caused you the most passionate impacts on your life for they are now ingrained in your thought but many steps go unnoticed and they fade and they die. The circle of life is forever being refreshed, is forever being created, new born life, life that dies is replaced by life that is born, it is a continuous ongoing spiral of life, not a circle of life but a spiral. Each circle comes above the preceding circle so it is a coil, a coil like a spring. Sometimes the coils are close together, sometimes they are spread out and are stretched. Day by day it is a wonderful opportunity that you have, all on your side are living, literally living the dream. You all have been chosen to live this dream for we know that by living this dream you are contributing to the evolution of the consciousness that permeates all life. Live this dream well and you will be so pleased when you realise how much you have contributed to this ongoing life and you will be rewarded by many more lives in this physical environment’

Liz… ‘Some people feel that having a number of lives in this physical environment is a disadvantage rather than an advantage and they want to get off the wheel’

‘Then they are not fully understanding the structure of a physical universe for they are looking at it from within their physical universe. To understand truly they have to look from beyond the physical structure and see for themselves the effect that it has on the larger reality. They will then possibly change their mind and their outlook, but it is good to have ideas whether true or false. It does not really matter for ideas can be built upon, can be enlarged, can be modified until they feel correct. What feels correct for one person does not resonate with another. Always approach all thoughts and problems with many perspectives, try to understand how others think and use their perspectives to understand your own ideas and you will get many results, a build-up of results and you will see those that shine out, those that are motivated by the loving thoughts that are very much a part of your physical existence. Valuable lessons are learnt from mistaking the truth, valuable lessons are learnt from speaking out your own truth, valuable lessons are learnt when you understand that your own truth is not the only truth, is not the real truth but you have to learn, you have to start at your own truth before you can understand the real truth. Face your own truth and you will understand it is but a part, look at your truth, see it for what it really is in a sea of truths throughout your world. If it does not resonate with that loving feeling then you can always cast it aside build a new truth based on the love within yourself for the truths based on love reach further, piercing into the one truth that you all reach towards, thank you… We now have reached that point where we will begin to withdraw from your room. We have enjoyed this conversation once again and you have brought to it your own understandings which have allowed us to sift through the information and give to you the most relevant information to help you from this point forwards so thank you again’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘We as always leave with you a piece of our love to take out into your world, use wisely, use as God has intended and you will achieve much. Thank you, God bless you all, goodnight’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend and God bless you all, goodnight and thank you for your communications’

Liz put the music back on.

I was back feeling fine in about two minutes.
It looked very bright and blobby in the cabinet and I felt warm.

I got a message for Liz as I was coming back. It was to do with something she had said in this week’s Mercury Experiment about ‘concentrating on the sky as that was reality’ I got the feeling that this was very important for her.

The session had lasted just under two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…