May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

152nd Sitting 30/07/2015

We had the room setup as usual apart from a new comfy chair for Liz.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I dropped off soon after this and came back after about an hour.

Liz reported shapes in the room, heart shapes.

I began to be controlled an hour and ten minutes after the opening prayer.
Liz turned off the music when she heard noises in the cabinet and she welcomed the communication as it settled in.

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘Wonderful time… Time compose the perfect presentation for the beginning of all the verses together… There is a beginning to all of the sounds that resonate the universe. They have to come together and produce a strong sound, strong enough to echo throughout the whole universe and resonate with each individual, each individual conscious being that find them self a part of this physical universe and wake them up, wake them up to the sound of a physical voice, the physical music that forms the background to your universe. The background that all the following, all that follows will base itself on once the background has been fixed. Then further sounds can be produced and can be heard for a recognition of sound has been put into place for all to understand and for all to build upon. Each will add their own musical note producing a symphony of sound which will in turn create all the planets, all the stars, all that you understand as physical matter. The music of your universe is the building blocks of physical matter, physical matter which will evolve, which has evolved, evolved and created. The consciousness that inhabits the physical universe has found itself a home in the physical sounds and physical matter. A home in which to experience and grow, develop for itself a way to understand in greater detail by producing forms, forms which can be separated from one another, forms that will lose their connection with the one for a temporary experience, a temporary experience as a human being amongst many, each forming their own ideas as a singular unit and giving each other the opportunity to learn as a singular unit, as a singular personality, learn to build up that personality and learn to use that personality to interact with the other personalities that are met’

Liz… ‘Since such a lot of work is going into building up these personalities and defining them and interacting with others as this personality is there any durability to this personality. Does this personality get to a point where it becomes a permanent part of creation or does it just vanish?’

‘The personality is never lost; it does indeed become one part of a greater personality. Each personality that is built up, that does evolve, adds to that one personality which encompasses all in the same way as you build up your own experiences as you live your physical life. Each experience will help shape what you become. So on the greater scale each personality shapes what that larger encompassing personality will become’

Liz… ‘So an entity with multiple personalities’

‘Each personality will find its way to the simple understanding that love is the true music of life. Each personality will be touched by this, will be affected by this but it has to work towards understanding this, truly understanding’

Liz… ‘Is it the case that some personalities rebel, that they want to become dissolute, they want to dissolve, they don’t want to make the effort, they don’t want to grow?’

‘Each personality is unique and has its own basic understanding. It will be swayed one way or another by the stronger personalities that it will come into contact with. The physical vibration presents the opportunities for the multitude of personality to mingle together, to learn from each other. Each has its simple understanding, its motivating force, but each has its own opportunities, has its own choices to go one way or another. As the personality grows it can and it does let go of the memory of the larger personality that encompasses all giving that singular personality the free will to evolve or devolve. Only limited help can be shown to that personality until it has recognised the connection it has’

Liz… ‘Do some personalities in choosing to devolve basically vanish, become so dissolute that they disintegrate and are lost?’

‘They remain a part of the physical world, of the physical universe. They form; they create the negativities that surround your universe. They create the vibrations which attract the weaker minds. The personalities with the weaker minds become attracted to the negativities. No personality is lost; they all make up the overall vibration of physical existence from the lowest to the highest. Each will find its way to evolve, to work its way towards love’

Liz… ‘Is that an unavoidable, inevitable outcome?’

‘The majority of personalities is governed by the loving vibration. This creates the pulling up, that invisible force which is always there and those who sink; they feel the effects of this force. They will question themselves. A time will come when their negative thoughts will not produce for them the satisfaction of a physical existence. They will look for, they will be guided by that force and it will open their eyes, it will give them a feeling that they can do, they can achieve so much more when they allow themselves to be helped up by that force. Once they have understood for themselves the benefit of evolution over devolution this will inspire them to look for the good in their self-created physical world. They will see the mistakes they have made and the wall they have built for themselves. They will slowly disassemble the wall, allow the light to shine in and join the majority. There is always temptation, there is also forgiveness. When the power of forgiveness is felt by those who have sunk it will lift them, it will energise that feeling within, a recognition of how to evolve, how to add to the overall evolution, how to take from one another that what benefits and not that what hurts, realise the hurt one can do to oneself. There are always opportunities to step back from that what has been created. Take a step back and observe from a larger perspective and understand the mistakes that have been made. Value that experience for it will drive you forward once again’

Liz… ‘Okay so you’re saying the mistakes are actually learning devises’

‘Mistakes are indeed learning devises, learning for each individual, building for them a memory which will be looked back on as the next opportunity presents itself. There is no right or wrong, only an individual perception, an individual understanding of that perception. For you all create your own right and wrong until it is embedded in your train of thought, in the train of thoughts of many, yet that right or wrong has a temporary existence in the minds of many. It shapes the personality, it gives the personality its own guidance for a short period until it is understood for what it is’

Liz… ‘And then is it the case that at more evolved levels, at higher levels those divisions of good and bad disappear?’

‘Beyond the physical world those decisions of good and bad do not form a part of existence’

Liz… ‘That’s interesting… So you’re suggesting and saying that this physical reality, physical existence really is a school, a learning devise, a very specific construct’

‘The physical world is a finely tuned world and each personality that inhabits is restricted to that fine tune, it cannot break out of that fine tune. The laws that govern the physical vibration are kept in line with that fine tune. Beyond the physical there is music everywhere, not one tune but a symphony, an ever evolving symphony taken from each physical universe that has been created’

Liz… ‘And yet when we are as you say constrained and trapped in this physical reality, we do still leave it at times don’t we, during sleep sometimes and in certain experiences we do find our way to the larger reality temporarily’

‘Because you are always connected, because you are the greater reality’

Liz… ‘Is there any danger for a person if they begin to spend or want to spend more time in that greater reality while they’re still constrained by the physical?’

‘There is no danger in being where you truly are. You will not find yourself free from the physical constraints if your mind has not sufficiently evolved towards love and you have indeed opened your eyes. Those whose minds are weak will find themselves constantly in the restrictions of the physical world. They will have their dream reality but that too has its own restrictions based on where they have found or where they find themselves at that point. Each individual in the physical world is at a different level in their minds. They are all a part of the larger reality yet they have all created for themselves a restriction on their awareness depending on how they have evolved. Raise yourself up and all will be available naturally to you. The more you evolve the less effort is required to recognise all that surrounds, all that you are. In doing this you are benefitting the whole of the physical vibration. You are helping the physical vibration to evolve in itself, widen that fine tune, allow it to seep into that that surrounds as each personality lifts itself higher taking others into the light, the light that you call love, lightening the hearts of many. A time will come when the physical world will be in tune with the spiritual world once again’

Liz… ‘Is that inevitable?’

‘It is being worked towards, it is forever getting closer but it can still sink and it can still rise. Valuable lessons will always be achieved as the time ticks by and the majority see for themselves the benefits of evolving towards the love and the light. Shine your light on those who reside in the darkness, help your fellow man to understand the errors that have been made and the false creations that have been constructed and the realisation that those creations have no foundation for once the light is seen they crumble… Thank you my dear friend, we now have reached the time in this session where we will withdraw. Thank you for your questions, we hope we have given you sufficient to think about’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend you have’

‘Take your time to ponder the mysteries of your world. Allow each realisation to come into fruition fully. That will help you to understand and bring forward new ideas into your mind. Do not be afraid to reject ideas that have been languishing in your mind for many of your years. A fresh understanding can do wonders to lighten your mind. As always we give to you a piece of our love. Let it help you, let it help those who you meet, let it lighten your world. Thank you, good night to you, may God bless you all’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, good night and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on and I was fully back with it after about two minutes.

The session had lasted two and a quarter hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…