May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

100th Sitting 09/06/2014

We sat and set the room up as usual for our 100th sitting since starting back in May 2012.

In those two years we’ve been using the same CD so this week I made up a new selection keeping it similar to the old one with few of the old favourites remaining.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30pm, put out the red light and turned on the music.

Two minutes later Liz reported cobwebs on her face.
Then she saw light shapes moving around her.

About 15 minutes after the start a few noises, whistling and gurgling started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music…

Liz… ‘Welcome friend, hello…’

‘Hello, hello… Good, good evening… All good…’

There was a period of incoherence, tuning in, then another communicator came through…

‘I say, I say… Guess who, guess who…’

Liz… ‘Guess who?’

‘Yes… guess who’

Liz… ‘I can’t guess…’

‘Look, look around’

I think the communicator changed again at this point…

‘I do appreciate it is a difficult process so… a process to eliminate all the… all the stuff that gets in the way’

Liz… ‘All the noise…’

‘It is a difficult process for you to see with a clear picture, a clear picture of us in your room. We are all around, we are limited in how we can make ourselves known to you but we are pleased when we know that you can sense us in your room’

Liz… ‘Yes, I sense you as light and shapes’

‘Yes, yes good… each time we will be able to get more of ourselves through in this way. You will find a more clear picture emerge as you become more attuned to the vibration that we present to you. It is as always a slow process for both us and for you, each in turn, we both use this time to experiment and trial different methods of becoming closer, of becoming recognised by you in this room’

Liz… ‘Sometimes it feels like pressure, I can feel a presence almost like a physical pressure, a brush, or an effusion’

‘Yes, some of what we bring to you will result in a physical feeling for you but look for a more evidential picture in your mind. These physical effects are bi-products of that what we bring to you so there is a undertone to these physical effects that you feel. Do not try to put too much of your own experience, your own memory of experience into this, just relax and let us come to you. If you feel a picture emerging then verbalise that for it will help us know that what we are sending to you is being received. It is all experimentation, enjoyable experimentation, for we enjoy this opportunity to touch the physical vibration once again. All that is done is done with love and enjoyment. There are no difficulties, there are no problems, it is a gradual merging of vibration together. We do not travel to this room, we merely adjust. We are already with you but a fine tuning is all we need to come close’

Liz… ‘I don’t like to guess who with the person who said guess who. If I try to guess there are people that come into my mind but it may not be correct at all’

‘In these instances it is good to keep information in your mind. There will come a time when we will announce ourselves to you. If you have fed information into the atmosphere of the room then doubts will appear in your mind as to the genuine, genuinosity of communication. So keep you thoughts as thoughts in your mind for now’

Liz… ‘I will...’

‘Allow us to give you the evidence that you require’

Liz… ‘Thank you, yes that sounds wise’

‘We are always working on how we can effect an evidential communication so this will happen in time. For now just concentrate on the pictures that build in your mind. This will be sufficient at this stage, for that will build and we will build on what you perceive in a picture form so allow yourself to verbalise when you see pictures before you but you do not need to speak the names that come to your mind, information that comes to your mind, just that vague picture is enough for us to know that we are getting through…’

Liz… ‘I sense a string of pearls’

‘You just need to give what you get, you do not need to interpret, keep it pure, keep it direct, keep your focus on what you receive, do not allow your mind to wander. This is the best way to allow us to know what we have given to you. It is a delicate balance; we appreciate that when you get a thought you will clothe it with your mind, with your experiences, with your memories. This is a natural process for you but the more you can give us, just what we put in your mind, the more you will become used to working in this way. It will benefit in many ways and it will help you in your personal development as well. So keep that focus, do not allow your own influences to clothe those thoughts that we bring to you, thank you, time now for more music, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

Liz picked up an acrid smell, a bit like burning plastic.
She got very hot.
She felt presences creeping around her, quite close, and then swimming through her.
Then she had a white/golden light going into her eye.  And a light in front of her.

About one hour after the last communication some more noises started from the cabinet.
Liz encouraged the communication forward as it was taking a while to settle in…

‘Hello, hello, hello… I have a go… Please yes… Happy to have a go at speaking to you, yes to be able to come through in this way is exciting to me, to be able to come in this way’

Liz… ‘Is this the first time?’

‘Yes it is, it is the first time for me to come in this way like this. It is a learning for me again for I have been away for what for me feels like a long, a long distant time’

Liz… ‘You mean you’ve been away from the physical?’

‘Many frequencies have I been able to travel in from this, this distant place for variations in understanding will penetrate forward for me to explain but I will, I will be able to set aside previous experience, bring forward only that what matters in this point of time, in this moment, this moment is built from so many memories but the one focus is that which I have in the focus of my mind. This vehicle that I work with, he has with him a mirror of experience which I can briefly interfere and build a new picture which will rebound on that what is already in the mind. I will bring a strand of knowledge into the picture. I will alter that picture in my own way. I will give that picture a new meaning, a new feeling for we all work with feeling, with meaning, without that what you perceive for there are so many mysteries to unravel but starting at a strand of memory is how we can allow our perception to unfold…’

Liz… ‘Is it a long time since you were in the physical plane?’

‘It is not a time, it is not a question of time, it is all feeling now. It is a feeling of a separation but at the same time a connection from this strand, this delicate strand of memory which is still embedded in your physical plane but we are free from a physical interpretation but to give you this feeling we have to join to your physical, to what to you is physical, we understand now that it is merely an illusion but you are plugged into this physical vibration and for you this, this instant, this point of time, this point of reference for you has to include the physical experience, the physical vibration. The deliverance is opportunity, you have this wonderful opportunity that you are now in, you are so fortunate in your own world that you can use your physical sensory apparatus which you all have in this vibration. It is so precious a commodity for you at this time to use and learn. You have been put in this place to learn and to teach, learn from experience, share that experience and you are teaching those who you meet. This school that you are a part of now is so precious to you, to everybody who is a part of this school. Do not waste a single moment for some energies that surround this place do not have the opportunity that you have now but they will return and reconnect their own strands of memory into this school, it is such an opportunity for you…’

Liz… ‘Why is the physical plane such a particularly good learning tool?’

‘You are on your plane now surrounded by so many different opinions, observations, so many of those on your side do not share the same thoughts. You are mingling with different personalities with different opinions. This allows you to think about your own opinions on those, on what you experience. It is not an easy option; you are presented by different opinions every day. These give you a chance to think. Sometimes you feel this is causing problems but problems have opportunities, learning opportunities. That is why it is this learning school that you are now in. You will benefit from meeting so many different energies on, in your physical vibration’

Liz… ‘Isn’t this the case in other vibrational levels, how is it different?’

‘Some, each physical reality has evolved. You, your physical reality has become this learning school that is appropriate for you right now. Other realities have evolved in a different way. They are fitting for those who are now a part of their vibration. There will become a time when you will benefit from other vibrations but for now you would not benefit from a different physical vibration. You are already a part of many interlocking vibrations of perception; each is only one step away from the next. Do not think that a separate vibration will be beneficial, just allow each step to show you the way…’

Liz… ‘Thank you’

‘Visit other frequencies, this will show you how different it is. You cannot comprehend fully that what lies ahead but keep in mind those who travel by your side. They are also observing and learning with you. It is not a singular action, it is a joint experience and as you open up you will merge more with those who travel with you, thank you’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know, thank you’

‘So now we have reached a time, the time where your session has reached an end. We now have to draw back our energy from this wonderful place of experimentation. We as always leave you with a piece of our love to share with your fellow travellers in this wonderful physical universe that you are a part of and we look forward to the next time that we come into this place and surround you with our light and we appreciate the light that you give us, you give us with love. For we can direct that light to so many places right now, so thank you, thank you for joining us once again and we leave. We ask that you put your music for the rest of this tune and the next tune, two pieces thank you, good night’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, good bye, our love and blessings with you’

Liz put the music back on for two tunes.

The session had lasted just over two hours this week.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

I hadn’t lost consciousness this week and didn’t experience the pressure on the top of my head that had seemed to help take me out of it last week.
I had felt a few physical feelings and pressures around my face, ears and neck.
There were also some noticeable prods on my stomach and sides which I don’t think I’ve noticed before.

When the first communicator was speaking I remember hearing some of the words in my mind a few seconds before they were spoken.

The second communication felt different. I tried to keep myself out of it as much as possible and felt I was in a slightly more altered state. I also noticed that my eyes were open for much of the time. The energy in the cabinet kept building as the communicator spoke and it got to a point that I felt lifted up and floating in the energy. I still had a memory of hearing the words being spoken which didn’t seem to make any sense to me at the time and I was very surprised to find the communication had lasted nearly half an hour as it had seemed like about 10 minutes to me. When I went through the recording most of what was said did make sense and was interesting to me. At the beginning he explains how he communicates through my mind and there seemed to be an attempt to get across a non-physical understanding, something which is very difficult to do using words. I thought the way he did this was very good and beyond my own understanding of such things which is very good evidence for me…