May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

184th Sitting 20/05/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

Ten minutes later Liz had a strong sense of a spiral of energy turning towards the cabinet and also in front of her.
Then she saw lots of moving shapes in the room.

I had lost consciousness just after the opening prayer but woke up about ten minutes later and then started to be controlled.

Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Now we try to recall all that we have learnt, all that we have experienced, that we can share for we have motivation to share our build-up of experience. We have travelled, we have spread out, we have opened our arms to receive the love of God for each step we take creates more love, more light, more of the feeling to want to help, to want to share, to want to spread knowledge with others. We have accumulated a wealth of knowledge. Knowledge has no benefit if it cannot be shared, shared with others who have a similar frame of mind yet they too can put their own meaning on the knowledge that we can share. There is not one meaning to knowledge for knowledge opens up the mind to further ideas. Enquiring minds take from knowledge what helps them in their own quest to discover more, to take them away from the mundane daily life into something more exciting, interesting, something which fills their mind with passion, with enthusiasm, enthusiasm to carry on. An open heart is a heart ready to receive, as the opportunities are recognised they will be absorbed, they will be taken, taken in, they will be collected, placed in the library that exists within each heart for each heart has the ability to absorb and sort into the correct arrangement, the correct order, all knowledge and information. Reach from the heart and you will touch the loving vibrations that surround you all, the loving vibrations that are wanting to share with you, share information and knowledge and experience that will help you to understand your own experiences. You have lived many lives, much experience has been built up and is stored in your heart waiting to be set free, waiting to be opened. The time has to be right for the opening of the heart, it will only happen naturally, it cannot be forced. There is always a greater understanding in what surrounds you, it what inspires you. Spend your days in appreciation of all that you see, all that you hear, all that you feel. Appreciate it for what it is, a gift from God. See it in its true beauty, allow it to lift you up, allow it to ignite the love within you. This will be felt by others, others who you meet for they too, whether consciously or unconsciously are appreciating the experiences that they have but each person’s experiences can be dimmed, the brightness can be taken away, shielded from them by their own beliefs and fears’

Liz… ‘Can you give any information about the more subtle vibrational levels of the physical universe, of the physical reality, of the human being? Those levels that are known as the etheric body and the astral body, those levels that some say we experience during dreaming or out of body experiences or after death. Various levels of vibrational energy in which we still have an embodiment of sort’

‘The physical reality vibrates at a constant level yet the individual within that vibrational level has the ability to rise up or sink down. The levels of vibration are personal to the individual in the way that they think and the way that they perceive physical reality. Many in the past have managed to raise their own vibration and see your world with brighter eyes. They will experience pictures, images that are alien to them, that differ from their everyday experiences. They give these images names, words that can be relayed back to the understandings within the physical reality yet they are personal experiences for that one individual. It is not wise to dwell on the experiences of others for this creates expectations in your own mind when you yourself begin to explore the higher vibrations that are available to you. All experience within a physical reality can be seen as an illusion from beyond that reality. An illusion can be built upon to create further complicated images that detract your focus on physical life. Do not let this confuse you; do not believe what is right, what is beyond your ability. Do not restrict yourself for nothing is beyond your ability. Paint your own picture. When you raise your vibrations create your own truth, what feels right for you, make no comparisons just absorb the information as it comes to you. You have had many glimpses of what to your mind appears to be beyond your physical experience’   

Liz… ‘That’s true’

‘These glimpses, these experiences are very precious to you for they build up your faith and your faith builds up your knowledge, your own personal knowledge for you have experienced and you understand the impact that experience has had on your life. No other experience from somebody else can have that impact. There is much in your world that can take you out of your world, a beautiful sunset can only raise your physical vibration but you will soon return back to that daily mundane life until the next experience. Try to make all experiences give you that same effect, that same feeling and you will see your life changing, becoming brighter. A physical world is a world of experience, you are the one who makes that experience uplifting or allows it to drag you down, you are in control. You are not affected by others; you allow them to affect you. If you love everyone you meet how can they then cause you discomfort, annoyance. They can only fill your heart with love’

Long pause.

‘What has the human race done to allow the beauty of the physical universe to cause discomfort, disease within themselves?’

Liz… ‘What indeed?’

‘There was a time when the human spirit knew nothing but love and it created for itself a beautiful world in which to live side by side in an atmosphere of total harmony. The harmony broke down when the human spirit separated itself from itself, no longer one human spirit but many separate individual units of the one spirit roaming freely watching each other, comparing, seeing for themselves the faults in others, allowing themselves to judge each other until they saw no more beauty in each other and then they lost their own love for themselves. Each individual has a memory of the time when the human spirit was one, one loving part of the loving God. That memory drives each individual through each physical life trying to bring back that state of perfect harmony, fighting against the negativities that have built up. A time is coming when a great opportunity will be seen, an opportunity to return to the loving oneness of the human spirit. You each play your part in arriving at this opportunity. We too give you a helping hand, we reach out to you with our love, inspire you, bring back that memory that resides in the root of your heart. Many on your world are calling out for change, they have become, they have grown tired of the constant conflicts, the constant ugly pictures that are presented to them, their hearts are yearning for peace, beauty and oneness. You are all one, we are all one, begin to recognise this and the human race will once again become one loving part of that loving God… Thank you my dear friend, we have once again reached the end of our session this evening. As we draw back we leave with you a piece of our love to blend with your love for all love is equal and will spread throughout all vibrations, all realities, all minds and all life. May God bless you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend, God bless you all too’

Liz put the music back on.

I felt back with it after two minutes.

We had both felt very hot at times during the communications.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…