May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

185th Sitting 27/05/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned off the light and put the music on.

As Liz was saying the last part of the opening prayer I became aware of a fuzzy feeling around the right side of my neck and under my chin. It felt like something was attached to me and I felt it move up to my ear and then it felt heavy as if hanging off my ear. This lasted for about two or three minutes.
I didn’t lose consciousness this week and after about five minutes I started to be controlled.
It took longer than normal for the speech to become coherent and felt like experimentation was going on. There were some very deep sounds coming through.

Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

The speech remained incoherent for a while.

‘Feel the world as it rotates throughout your universe, feel the world, feel how the rotation governs the way you live your life. You have found yourself on a rotating globe, rotating through space at a constant rate, never slowing down, never speeding up, keeping the same course, the same pathway again and again, never wandering from that pathway for it is to your understanding fixed. Your men of science have studied the movement of your Earth relative to the sun; they have seen how it repeats again and again that same pathway, that same rotation. The men of science have built up an understanding of the movement of the physical world yet their understanding is only that of the effect of a greater force, an undiscovered force, the force that moves heavenly bodies throughout your physical universe. From the spiritual world your world is perceived as a build-up of imagination, imagination from the minds of the human race, the minds are connected and can work as one building up a powerful imagination, imagination that can be perceived as energy. Your world is made up of energy, energy once created will never die, can only change. Physical energy is understood but what does your world know of the energy of imagination? An energy so powerful that it can direct the movement of your world, a precise movement repeated each cycle. The energy of imagination can vary in strength. Each individual can contribute to that energy; can create for themselves their own energy for their own wellbeing. Each day each individual observes the results of the energy of imagination that has shaped your world, you have all played your part, you have all created according to your own needs. Mistakes have been made yet the overall energy of imagination continues to carry you forward. Appreciate your world as your own world created by you for you see it with your own eyes and you know if it pleases or displeases. The energy of imagination can be modified in a positive or negative way. Keep it positive and you will see how the world pleases you and you will see the effects on others who share your world. If you all live in harmony with one another then that will reflect in how you see your world. Disharmony creates an ugly landscape; take your inspiration from the beauty that you see in your world’

There was a pause and Liz put the music back on.

About five minutes later another communication started.
The voice was high pitched and Liz felt it was a lady…

‘Hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello’

‘All is well, is working, all is well. We have peace on Earth, welcome to the… welcome to all that you see for you have within yourself the ability to generate all matter, all physical form, all that you perceive. You have all within you, that creative force that… stabilise, all things together, all created objects, feel the warmth throughout your world, feel the heat rise as you venture forth through your lifetime of experiences, each one building on the last until you become inquisitive, you want to know more, you want to find what lies beyond the physical, the physical world that you perceive as your own, as your home, for you have many homes, many mansions, many houses, many places of worship. Though there is only one true God there are many levels, many places, many spheres from which to direct your understanding. You feel you are trapped within the physical yet you are already free, free from the physical, you are standing on the edge of time, you have not forgotten where you truly are, truly amongst the stars. There is nothing greater than the power of God but you too possess that power, you too reflect the image that is God for you have God in your heart and God recognises you as part of itself. You have all been taught by many teachers, seekers of understanding, they have all given you messages clothed in their experiences beyond your world yet these provide only pieces of a larger puzzle, a larger understanding. You all have to start somewhere and you all start with a piece of the puzzle. Recognise this as one piece and not the whole understanding. That is where many have gone wrong for they have found a piece yet they believe they have found it all. If each person in your world has one piece, imagine the increase in understandings if each were to share their piece of the puzzle, allow it to adjoin with others to create that bigger picture, the bigger picture that you all long for. The first step is the realisation that you have a piece. Move on to the next step and share, share your knowledge, share your understandings, help those who have not found their piece, their piece of the puzzle’

There was another pause and Liz put the music on again.

After five minutes another communication came through with another different voice…

‘Very good, very good time, how do you do…’

Liz… ‘How do you do… welcome back’

’Thank you, thank you… isn’t this nice, a nice time to chat. Have you any questions you would like to ask? Anything at all, I will try my best to answer’

Liz… ‘I’d like to know who you are’

‘Well, an interesting question, who am I? Well, I at this point in time am the voice, I am vibrating your atmosphere, I am making sound. That is my job at this time but I have many jobs, I have much to do, I have been working at connecting, working at bringing all the loose connections together for I was very interested in communication when I shared your world. I made myself available to be used for communication from the spiritual vibrations into your own world’

Liz… ‘Does that mean you were a medium?’

‘I worked as a physical medium and a mental medium. That was how I was, for now I have become familiar with a greater understanding, far greater than what I understood when I shared your world. I can now appreciate the difficulty in transmitting thoughts through a vessel like this. Many times I had good results, understandable results, evidential results but many times there were failures. I understood the importance of development but I did not realise how difficult it was for thoughts beyond your world to penetrate your world in an understandable way. Well now, what you get now is a small percentage of the available thoughts yet from that small percentage you can build up for yourself an understanding. That understanding very much helps in the further development of your circle for we can build on that understanding. We see it as a foundation, a foundation to be built upon but this takes time, time and commitment. We appreciate the commitment you put into your circles each week’

Liz… ‘Are you able to describe the conditions in which you exist at present?’

‘I will try to give you an idea… Try to think of a time when something happened in your life that made you feel so good, so happy, so joyous, that nothing else mattered for that brief moment you forgot about the existence of the physical world, for that brief moment you were taken out of your world. Now we are out of your world, we can have that moment constantly. For you to understand the conditions of our world you’d have to take yourself back to that brief moment and understand your perception of life in that brief moment before you came back down to Earth. Where I now reside sharing is a way of life. We cannot help but share for we understand the connections and how they work and how they benefit all life. We have lost the necessity to be individual and yet we can still hold on to the memory of individuality. We can recall all physical experiences but we still hold that connection with all. When you think back to that moment of elation you will recognise it as a feeling of connection to all life for there is no separation apart from the separation that you have created for yourself. When we describe the way we exist now it is the same as how you exist, you are merely not aware, aware enough to live in that way, you have chosen to become immersed in a physical life and until you exhaust the experiences that are coming to you, you will remain firmly affixed to your world even though you share our world with us... Does this answer your question?’

Liz… ‘Partially yes’

‘What is the answer you are looking for?’

Liz… ‘Perhaps I want to know exactly how you transitioned, how you actually got to the stage you’re in now, what happened when you died, how you found yourself, whether you perceived yourself still being in a body or whether you were a disembodied consciousness, whether you still identified with your last physical incarnation or whether you left that behind?’

‘Let me see, when I left your world I was presented with what to me appeared to be another physical world. I had built up my own understanding whilst on your world, whilst in the physical world. I thought I knew what it would be like when I died and at first it was exactly how I had imagined it to be but then I questioned, I questioned why, why I had gone from one physical life to another physical life? For I had a body, I was surrounded by physical objects and I was greeted by my friends and family who had gone on before. It all seemed quite normal at first until I realised that I had created for myself, with my imagination, a new world, a new physical world and I began to understand how imagination can create once you are free from the physical body. Slowly that world that I had created began to crumble. I found myself surrounded by my own thoughts. I found myself distancing myself from my memories, I could see them fading, becoming more distant as a new experience built up in my mind. Thought without a physical reality became my existence; thought beyond my understanding became my existence. Gradually I became acclimatised to a new understanding, I knew I had choices to make, I knew I would be given the opportunity to start a new physical life; I knew there were other options available to me. I wanted to share this new understanding yet I realised a part of me would return to your world. We are all made up of many parts; each can go its separate way’

Liz… ‘Do you know how long it is since you died, since you had your last incarnation?’

‘There is a time presented to me which would suggest 1987’

Liz… ‘Thank you’

‘Well yes, I hope I have been a help to you for the time has come now where the energy of communication has grown weak. One thing we all understand is that the energy of communication will build up, will reach that peak and then will slowly draw back, slowly the information will dim, so once again we have to draw back, return to our understanding as you return to yours but there will be many more opportunities when we will try to give to you a clearer understanding of what you so desperately seek for we understand how you must feel yet we cannot give to you something that is beyond your comprehension until we have built up each week snippets of understanding that build up for you a foundation that we can use to build a stronger bridge. Thank you my dear friend, please take from us a piece of our love. Use it for your own understanding and also use it to share with others. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all, thank you’

‘Thank you, thank you for your patience, goodnight’

Liz put the music back on and I felt back with it after a couple of minutes.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…