May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

Solo Sit 17/06/2016

Liz was away this week so I decided to experiment and have a solo sit at my own house.

I tried this last November when Liz was away and it worked quite well.
Here’s the transcript from 19/11/2015…

‘Good evening, good evening. Well we have good time now for there is an opportunity to speak again in this way, much can be learnt from an experiment designed to free the restraints, free the restraints of conditions, for the conditions are always felt necessary. Take a step back and ponder on the thoughts’

‘There is a substantial difference in the condition of a solo sit. We have no direct influence on the proceedings; we can take over and blend ourselves with the mind of the medium. As we speak we are forming a condition for ourselves that will enable a form of communication to follow. Take from each situation’

‘Success is achieved for we have a greater control; there is much that we can say, much that we can generate. Each attempt has the effect of opening up a doorway into the mind; a form of relaxation is required before beneficial communication can come through. Whenever an attempt is made outside of the conditions of the séance room that you use then we recommend a period of relaxation to quieten the mind away from the distractions of the daily life. Once the mind is still then we can arrange our own condition, our own representation of conditions as a temporary setup. The séance room is where development will occur; outside of the séance room communication will take place. Strong currents enable distinct possibilities. Step aside, tread a delicate path, see how the vocabulary is approached. There is a necessary ingredient in the mind of the medium’

‘Presentation to a wider audience requires solid evidence, solid proofs, recognisable entities introduced. We have the ability to bring forward those who will be recognised. There is no difficulty for us; the difficulty is in the acceptance in the mind of the medium. A barrier is put in place, very soon it will crumble and we will bring forward recognisable entities. We wish you to understand that for an entity to be recognised an important ingredient must be present, the ingredient of attraction. Worlds within worlds yet unseen by the majority. Those who walk alone have not seen their companions, they have not understood the impact of those who walk by their side yet they wish to once again hear the voice of those they believe to be lost. The attraction that they create will enable those who they long to hear, it will enable them to step forward’

‘There are many who wander in the confusion of life, there are many who will respond to the voice of those who they believe to be lost or in a distant place not realising that they stand by their side until they hear once again the sound of their voice. Present, stand alone, stand at the place where the multitude meet and you will accept the friendships of all who walk by your side, unheard, unseen, unfelt. Yet beyond the physical touch the feeling is there, is recognised, is brought into view. The sounds are heard and recognised and the touch is felt. The physical world can be a lonely place until the touch is felt and the eyes are opened, walk tall, walk with the knowledge that life continues and extends into all possibilities. There are no disappointments only temporary setbacks, self-created. Each person has the ability to see all. The mind can reach all because the mind is all, there is no separation, there never was separation. One heart beat shared by all. Destroy the illusion of singularity and place your heart in the hands of all. Free your awareness’

‘Thank you we will now withdraw from this interesting experiment and we would like you to repeat in the same way next week and we will see what we can achieve. Goodnight to you, God bless you all’

I was asked to sit again the following week but for some reason I didn’t so decided to try a solo sit again this week 17/06/2016

I didn’t black out the room and sat at 7.00pm in full day light.

I did an opening prayer then waited to see what would happen.
After about a minute I felt myself starting to be controlled.
Then some noises started followed by incoherent speaking.
The voice started to become more coherent…

‘…yes all combine now, contain various ingredients to work together with the medium, take all of the ingredients and rearrange until a time, a time comes when they are able to disperse, disperse into your atmosphere. There is much to be taught, there is much to learn. There is within this place fragments of understanding that you can find for yourself’

There was a pause and then a different voice came through…

‘When there is that time for us to gather together and deliver our words we all react in our own way for we retain some of our individualities. Although we work as one we have our own slant on the way that the communication is delivered for we all bring our own experiences. Step up to the possibility, remove all doubt, remove all fear, fear of making what you believe to be truth into fantasy, for what is fantasy? Fantasy is creation of imagination. Allow that imagination to run free, explore the possibilities that imagination creates for you. Without the ability to imagine you lose the ability to create. What is life without continued creation, continued discovery, continued renewal of the scenes that are presented to you each day? Each time you observe a new scene you are responding to your own imagination, let your imagination work for you. Step back from that need to be in control, you do not need to be in control, you are never in control, you are merely giving yourself the illusion that you are in control. Release that need and you will better use your own imagination, for your imagination will trigger a true picture of your reality. Take from your reality what pleases you, discard the ugliness, look towards the beauty and you will enrich your own life. You will see creation at work as you let your imagination run free. Take a step back each time you feel yourself trying to control for there is nothing to control; what you see is the product of your imagination. You share this world with others yet they too see their own imagination created before them. Try to understand how many individuals can share the one reality yet they are all adding to that reality in their own way. If you can understand this you will have moved on one step further. There will be much confusion in this for you, for you believe that each individual sees, hears, feels the same thing at the same time, that same experience shared by many, this is your belief, this is what you have been brought up to believe yet is not true. You will ask yourself then how can individuals react with each other if they are all perceiving something quite different? This is something for you think about, but understand that perception is not important, how you deal with that perception is what is important. Do you deal with it in a loving way or do you deal with it with fear? Do you ignore it or do you grasp it? Do you see the potential or do you brush it away as something unimportant and move on to the next experience? Understand that you share your life with many, both seen and unseen. What then is the difference if it is all in your imagination? Are you really seeing? Is your experience real? Many questions... Take away your physical senses and what are you left with? Bring those senses back to you again, what do they really sense? You all live without your senses each day when your mind is allowed to wander, you take yourself out of your physical world, you wander through pictures, through scenes, through experiences based on memory, memory of a physical world, memory of a physical world that you have created yourself by your own imagination’

There was a pause then another different voice came through…

‘Well it all comes down to the fact that there are no secrets, there are no mysteries, there are no hidden agendas, all is there for you to believe, to see, all is there for you to understand. We have not hidden from you, you have hidden from yourself, you have withdrawn into yourself afraid to open your eyes, afraid to look around that next corner. Stand up, stand up and observe all that is given to you. Give yourself the power to explore, to take off and walk with those you perceive as invisible, as unrecognisable, walk with them, they will show you the way, they will guide you through the obstacles, take you through the doorway. All you need to do is release your hold of yourself. See yourself as a shining star illuminating all that you see, illuminating all who you meet for that is what you are. Do not allow yourself to dim that star. Practise on yourself as you live your daily life, as you walk along the street imagine yourself as a shining star, see how you light up that what surrounds you, see how you light up those people who walk past, see the effect it has on your life, on the way you perceive all that is presented to you. When you feel yourself losing that harmony with life feel that star shining brighter and bring yourself back into harmony with life, with living, with experiencing a physical reality but not experiencing the self-created negativities that try to cling to your perception. Fight them with the light of the star then each day will become a wonderful day, you will benefit from this and all around you will also benefit for they will see in you a light that will influence them to brighten up their own days. One day all who walk your Earth will be bright shining stars’

Another pause and then another different voice…

‘Tell the world that you love it, help it grow, help it shine, help it to help all who reside on it and the benefit will be many fold… Thank you, thank you for this opportunity once again. Take from us a piece of our love and shine it brightly wherever you go. Thank you, may God bless you all, may God keep you all and may God guide you all, goodnight to you’

I felt the control leave after about a minute and then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did the closing down exercise.

The session felt very similar to when I sit with Liz but the voices come through softer suggesting less power when sitting alone.