May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

187th Sitting 24/06/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I felt myself starting to be controlled during the opening prayer.
When Liz heard this she turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening to you’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you’

‘Well now, compose ourselves into order, into correct order, into a sequence of events that can be presented to you in a way that you will recognise for we wish not to confuse, we wish only to inspire your own mind into thinking, into questioning, into summing up the information that is brought forward for we have good reason to work in this way, we have seen how your world reacts to suggestions that there is more than what you perceive as physical. There are many arguments amongst those who dwell in your world regarding the existence of a world beyond yours, of a reality interpenetrating with your own perceived reality. There are those who have experienced for themselves that what lies not so far from your current perception. You think of a world beyond your own yet this world interpenetrates your own perceptions, what for you is your own reality, for you are with us as much as you are with yourself. The greater reality is merely shaded from you, shielded from you. Much has been said about these spiritual vibrations, stories have been brought forward of a world not dissimilar to your own world. These have been seen, these have been experienced by those who have left your world of physical matter. They have been presented with a new reality, a reality which for them mirrors that what they have left yet is this a true reality or is it God’s way of slowly acclimatising to yet a greater reality, a new state of mind. When you think about the reality that you expect to experience when you leave this physical reality what do you think you will experience, have you got any thoughts on this, you will have read experiences perceived by others’

Liz… ‘That’s true’

‘Do you base your own understanding on this or do you have fresh ideas of what it will be like when you pass from your physical world’

Liz… ‘I guess my ideas are informed in part by experiences I’ve had and by those reported by others. The reporting of other people’s experiences seem to be very important to me’

‘The experiences of others are what build up for you a picture of expectation. Your own experiences may at first cause confusion but as you go through your life you will continue to have experiences that will strengthen your expectation. When the time comes that you leave your physical body your expectations will trigger your imagination. Your imagination will create for you a reality, a reality based on your experiences but also based on what you have learnt from the experiences of others. There is a part of you that will constantly guide you, will constantly present you with experiences that go against your expectations. This will make you think, this will create temporary confusion in your mind, confusion which you yourself will overcome until you see for yourself the benefits of your imagination. You will see how your imagination has given you a stepping stone into a true reality’   

Liz… ‘Is that reality any truer than the one we find ourselves in now?’

‘It is a more complete reality. What you perceive now is one small fragment of a true reality, one part of a greater truth. Once you have freed yourself from that one part you will find yourself expanding your perceptions, the picture will open up like the unfolding of a sheet of paper that has been folded many times, you will realise that you have been looking at a folded picture. That picture will then unfold one fold at a time, each time increasing in size, increasing in clarity. Many folds need to be opened yet each time a fold is opened you will increase your understanding, you will see in the unfolding picture the return of your true memories, for you folded that picture yourself, you restricted your vision’

Liz… ‘Why did we do that? Why did we restrict our vision?’

‘To get closer to perfection. Condense your thoughts into a small picture and your mind is given a task, a task which you cannot complete yet the benefit to your own consciousness can be so much greater for that brief period that you live your life in physical form. Restrictions focus your awareness, take away unwanted distractions, allow your mind to work, to create and to love. Each day you feel you want to step out of yourself for each day is seen as a challenge to your mind. Your mind has a feeling of being boxed in while part of you knows that you can expand in all directions. You do not need to stay in one place at one time yet your reality tells you that you must, that you cannot escape this three dimensional world. Your reality is telling you to comply with the rules, making it harder for your true self to express itself’

There was a pause and Liz put the music back on.

After about five minutes another communicator came through.
The voice was different and incoherent at first…

‘Permit me to speak’

Liz… ‘Welcome to you’

‘Very good yes, let’s start at the beginning for we have a very important announcement to make, for we are experiencing a new form of communication for you, for you all to hear, for you all to experience yourself with your own ears, with your own minds, with you own… experience all that we can give to you, it is of a great privilege for us to accept this role of communication. We are working at bringing forward more personal communication for you for we have worked, we have altered the state of interference, the state of… we have altered the state of mind of the medium in such a way that it will release words of great interest, of great importance for all to hear’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful’

‘There are many words that we wish to get through, we have been battling with the restrictions on our words yet we are slowly achieving a wider range of communication. Step back and listen, step back and absorb the words that come to you for we have so much to say, we have so much to bring forward, to build that bridge, to build that bridge of communication. Now whenever the chance is given to us we grasp it for we realise the importance of communication, we realise the importance for your world to receive ideas… Now, from our perspective we can deliver that what you wish to hear, from our perspective we have little to use, little to experiment with yet we are beginning to create distant memories, we are able to ignite distant memories which will be recognised by you. We have gathered with us those that make up the past, those that make up the memories of the past, those who watch as you yourself unfold, those who have joined you in your life for they too continue to learn, continue to experience, continue to gather memories. Turn back the clock, see the pictures that have been presented to you, feel the images, feel the presences of those who have shared those pictures, those memories. Stand, stand alone, stand alone in your own thoughts, watch those who gather around you for they all reach out to you giving their love, their forgiveness, their gratitude and their thanks. Picture one person, one particular person tapping you on the shoulder, turn round and embrace that person once again’

The voice changed…

‘Here’s hoping you will recognise the force of freedom once again walking by your side, walking with you for you and you alone stepped up to the plate and took from that plate the goodness, the bounty, the reward. Never forget the feeling of regret, never forget the feeling of disapproval strained by the countless words that caught, that became caught up in your life, in your worldly affairs. Take time to remember those who led you forward, took you from that tangled confused place, stepped you outside, stepped you free from your own restrictions into a life of everlasting clarity. Understand that nothing is wasted for all is kept as a reminder of a time when freedom felt so far away’

The voice changed again…

‘Is it okay for us to come?’

Liz… ‘Yes certainly’

‘Take, we all, we can see… take away from experience something of us, some feeling, some feeling of us, some remembrance of the way we affected your life. One two, one two, one two three four, one two three four, stay counting down, counting memories, counting the situations, counting each experience until a number is reached that corresponds…’

The voice became incoherent.

Liz… ‘Hello?’

‘Televere, televere to Great Ormond Street, yes well that’s the time now for us, that’s the correct time now, well the very good exchange of communication, is a very good time for us all to exchange a time, they all come together and they all work together, they all come, they all reach a time when they have to step back and examine what they have done… Steven, Steven yes he would be very experienced in this if only given the chance’

Liz… ‘Steven?’

‘Yes he would be very experienced and good at this had he been given the chance, had he been placed in the correct position for he worked at his positioning… Yes Steven, he was very good at creating a fantasy, he was good at creating fantasies, he wrote with a fluency’

Liz… ‘He wrote?’

‘Yes with a fluency that was above all others’

Liz… ‘What did he write?’

‘Yes, it’s a very good time, dear sirs all together yes, he wrote his book while he was at, he wrote his book whilst at sea, whilst exploring, whilst experiencing that what he had not perceived before. It would be very small boat, very cramped conditions…’

Liz… ‘Small boat, cramped conditions’


The voice faded out.

Liz put the music back on.

After about ten minutes I started to be controlled again and Liz turned the music off.

Liz… ‘Welcome, welcome friend’

‘Hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello, welcome back’

‘Thank you very much indeed…’

The communication became incoherent for a while.

‘Hello, hello… hold it all in the palms of your hands, all to be discovered once again, all to be remembered once again, all to be experienced again, now, well, we all come through in this way and we all manage to connect our individuality into it, well, well, now that we have made ourselves known to you, we have illuminated ourselves, we have brought forward all that we can know, but we have more, we have more in store, more to bring forward, more to lay by your feet as we explore the possibilities, explore each avenue as it becomes available to us’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful news’

‘Well, do you have a question?’

Liz… ‘Yes can you tell us about yourselves, how you have individuated?’

‘Well, we always were individuated from one another but at the same time we formed one group, one working vibration fuelled by the minds of many and that one working vibration is what we present to you in its purest form yet at the same time we can disengage and once again present ourselves to you as an individual, as you would understand an individual’

Liz… ‘Have any of you been known to us before in our physical life?’

‘That is something for you to discover when the time is right for we feel it our responsibility to allow each individual to present themselves to you in their own time, when the passage of communication is presented to them as a singularity’

Liz… ‘Is there a very particular message that you want to bring through to us?’

‘There is much to be enjoyed in a physical existence; we wish you all to live your lives in the most productive way, in the most loving way. We do not wish you to turn your back on physical existence for physical existence is the reason for your existence now, you have no choice but to live a physical life but you do choose how you live that life and you can enjoy or you can become darkened in your thoughts, you can bring boredom to your thoughts, you can close your mind to the opportunities that are presented to you, only an open mind will truly experience all that is given to you. Take it as a gift from God, take it as a gift from yourself, understand it as a journey through a physical existence created by yourself each day of your life. Understand the folly of creating something that falls short of the most wonderful experience you can imagine’

Liz… ‘That’s very often what happens for many people, their lives fall very short of that ideal’

‘And why is this, why is this so, why cannot you all live…’

Liz… ‘I think maybe people feel trapped with their life, they lack that sense of being able to be creative with their own life, it feels as if it’s something that’s happened to them rather than something that they have created and can engineer’

‘Then our task is to open as many minds as we can reach to help them understand that it is indeed them themselves who have created the restrictions on themselves and have boxed themselves in. The physical world is a wonderful place and the human spirit is a beautiful spirit. There can only be love when a beautiful spirit feels the complete harmony in everything they do. Take away the temptation to sample the darkness and the light will shine freely and easily. You all have a long way to go; you all have much to learn. Learn from each other, observe each other, see the conditions you all place yourselves in and question why. Life was never meant to be complicated; life in its simplest form is a loving creative force’

Liz… ‘It seems as if the human mind got hijacked somehow, got used in an unskilful way’

‘The human mind saw in creation shortcuts’

Liz… ‘Shortcuts?’

‘Shortcuts yes, the human mind believed that shortcuts would create instant results, taking it away from its natural state. Impatience is the enemy of universal harmony. You live in a world governed by time, you feel the pressure and perceive time running out. You feel achievements need to be made before time runs out yet time will never run out’

Liz… ‘How did time become the enemy like that?’

‘Impatience is the enemy. Time has been perceived, time has been allowed to govern your lives. You all observe the passing of time and you see the deterioration of matter. You see death in all that deteriorates and you see death in yourself’

Liz… ‘We’ve become a slave to time rather than allowing time to evolve’

‘See time in evolution and you will understand how it will never end and how your life will never end. There is no death, merely evolution, for you will evolve into a new state of mind, a wider understanding. So time can indeed become the enemy as well’

Liz… ‘So the notion that our time is running out, that we have limited time is an illusion’

‘An illusion when perceived by a larger understanding. Step out of your physical world and you will see the illusion’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

‘Journey with many by your side, the world in the palm of your hands, journey outside of the physical world and the physical time, be courageous for there is nothing to fear. Live life at its fullest capacity, make mistakes and add to your learning each day for a mistake is merely an opportunity to reach out to the next experience with wider eyes… Thank you my friend we have once again reached the end of your session this evening. As always we hope our words will have their impact on the thoughts of many. Take from our words what resonates with you all. Discard what feels uncomfortable, put it aside for you may well return to those words once again a little further down the line. Please take a piece of our love, use it to brighten up your day and see how that brighter day has its effect on all who you meet. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.
I felt back with it after about two minutes.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and we did our closing down exercise…

I had got very hot during some of the communications.
Liz also felt hot at times.