May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

186th Sitting 10/06/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.45pm, put the music of and turned off the light.

I started to be controlled as soon as Liz finished the opening prayer.

Liz then turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you’

‘Good to be back, back to speak once again to you. We have much to say, much to bring forward in this way. We all come together as one unified presence, one mind, one conscious thought. Together we combine our thoughts, our experience, our memories into one channel directed into your world. There is more power in the combined mind, there is more information available. Each time we come through we are presented with various obstacles to negotiate. The human mind is a mind full of obstacles, obstacles created over time. Some obstacles are necessary for you in your physical world for they hold you; keep you immersed in your physical world. There are ways for you to bypass those obstacles and reach out but for the main, for most of your physical existence you remain locked in to a reality that provides all your needs, a reality that provides the lessons you need to attend, a reality that can provide the experiences that will build up your understanding. There is no limit to your understanding whilst on the physical plane for there is much yet to be discovered, the human mind has only begun to explore. The physical world is constantly changing, constantly adapting to the thoughts of man. As the human spirit evolves so the physical world adjusts to suit the expanding minds of men. You take each day, one at a time, building up greater understanding for you all have much more to learn, we can help you, we can give you the inspirations to search further into your own world but you must do the work. You all have the ability to do so much more yet you are all distracted by the negativities in your world, you see the ugly pictures that the negativities create and your thoughts of disgust will only expand that negativity whereas if you can teach yourself to turn away from the negativities that you hear, that you read, and concentrate on the beauty of your world you will cease to feed the negative acts as they are committed each day and reported each day. Send you thoughts of healing to those who commit the acts of negativity, help them to understand where they have gone wrong, understand why they have turned their backs on the beauty of your world, on the love of your world. There is much light in your world and it is there to be shared by all who inhabit your world. Share the light and the light will shine brighter, turn your attention to the negativities and the light will dim’

Liz… ‘Can I ask a question?’

‘Yes please do’

Liz… ‘Do you have visitors to your group? Are you a dedicated group that meets, that works together as one but with visitors who are drawn into it or that you bring into the group? Do you have other visitors tonight?’

‘We have a core energy of dedicated members of our group. These members have always remained the same yet our light can be seen and felt by those who are interested in communicating with your world and those who have connections with your physical lives. They are free to put their influences into the energy of communication that we have available for us. We do not prevent this for we realise the benefit, so you may well feel the influences of recognisable energies. We always wish to share, we will never prevent the influence of a loving energy into a session like this yet the core energy is what holds the communication together’

Liz… ‘Does your group, your core group, have a particular purpose in facilitating this communication?’

‘Our purpose is to help you see the potential in yourself. Our purpose is to energise within yourself the threads of understanding that you believe you have lost. You and all who live in your physical world have an unlimited potential yet your physical thoughts are preventing this potential from truly blossoming. We can give you snippets of information that will interest your inner being, that what lays dormant in your mind, that what shines brightly within you. We can help it, we can help the light to escape, to energise your mind, to allow you to see your world as it truly is, allow you to tear down the pictures that you have created for yourself and reveal your true purpose, the reason for your existence and the reason for your continued existence in a physical world. We are not here to give you answers for you must give those answers to yourself, we can only guide and inspire. We also wish to take away the fear of death. We wish to reach the minds of many. We wish to help create a more harmonious life to all who live in your world free from the fears that hold you back. We appreciate that this is a slow process, a process that has no beginning and no ending for it has been ongoing for as long as your perception back into time will take you for it is what evolves the larger consciousness of which you are a part of. We have seen the benefits of spiritual communication and we will continue to add our input and benefit all that is life, all that is conscious, physical and non-physical. The light of life is in you all and it is your work to allow it to shine and our work to inspire and encourage’

Liz… ‘It seems that what you are advocating is a change in focus, a changed view for the thinking mind’

‘When you lose your fears and beliefs then your view will indeed change, the way you think will change’

Liz… ‘How do you recommend for people to set about losing their fears because many fears are subliminal and unrecognised. The depth of those fears is almost inbuilt’

‘Question yourself each day… Am I doing the best I can? Am I helping the positive evolution of the human spirit? What am I doing that prevents this evolution? Eventually you will recognise in yourself the fears that are holding you back, that are causing you to act in the way you do. You will feel disappointment in the way you are conducting your life. Look for the reason why, work at improving the way you live your life. Ask yourself… Am I living it for me or for others? Are others benefitting from what I do or is it only for myself? You will realise where your weakness lies. Where there is weakness in the mind there lays a fear, a fear that you have truly hidden within yourself, a fear that will take much work to extract yet you all have the abilities to remove your fears you just need the courage to do so. Spiritual growth is a slow process but eventually you will lose those fears’

There was a pause in the communication and Liz turned the music back on for a while.

After about three minutes another communication came through. The voice sounded different.

‘To all who listen to this recording I appreciate how you generate thoughts from what you read and what you hear. It is helping the overall connection of the two worlds for they never were meant to be so far apart. They have been pushed, repelled against one another for so long. We are seeing a time when the two worlds begin to become merged in such a way that the voice of spirit will be amongst you all in the way that you think, in the way that you conduct your daily lives. Keep yourselves positive, look for the good in all things and you too will feel the breath of spirit with you each day. Nothing can hold you back, nothing can change the way you are yet you are gradually becoming more receptive to our words, our thoughts and our ideas, thank you… please replay your music’

Liz put the music back on again.

Five minutes later another communicator came through, this time it was a high pitched voice…

‘Hello, hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello, hello, hello’

‘Have you ever wanted to fly?’

Liz… ‘Often’

‘What is preventing you from spreading your wings and taking off into the sky? Do you think you will not fly? If you really want to fly, if you really want to reach the clouds, if you really want to soar above the oceans, above the mountains, above the busy cities below you, for you can, you can fly, you can all fly, you all have wings, you have all forgotten that you have wings, that you can fly. Try to remember; try to remember the time that you flew, that you flew high in the sky. Remember the freedom; remember the freedom that you felt as you soared through the air. Watch the birds; watch the birds in your world for they have not forgotten, for they still remember how to fly. One day you too will remember and you will teach yourself to fly, you will see, you will discover the wings that you already had, that you keep hidden from view. Learn how to spread those wings, spread them out and once again take to the skies for the skies are your home, the sky is where you live. Only when you dream do you remember your true abilities, only then can you experience flight in a world unrestricted by your own fears. You were all born with wings. Wouldn’t it be sad if you died having never had the courage to use those wings in your physical world? Make yourself a promise that you will one day spread your wings and take to the skies. Nothing is impossible in a physical world except that what you make impossible for yourself. Each day is an opportunity for you to spread your wings…’

The voice changed again, lower pitched this time…

‘…very good, yes, well, I believe we have reached the point in our session where we will leave you, we will draw back for we have enjoyed our time with you, it has given us the opportunity to produce words into your atmosphere for you to ponder, for you to think upon, for you to introduce into your daily life. Never be afraid to bring new ideas into your life for new ideas present new opportunities and opportunities present to you a way of learning, a way of understanding that what to you appears impossible. Now take a piece of our love, take it into your heart and light up your life, light up your life to the possibilities, light up your life to the understandings that are presented to you each day as you observe your world. Share this love with others for all on your world are in need of love. Thank you, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight to you friend, thank you’

Liz put the music back on and I felt completely back with it after about three minutes.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

Liz had found herself drifting off slightly during the first part of the communications this week. She had then suddenly become aware of her dad in the room. She got the feeling he was interested in and approved of what we were doing. She saw him as a young man near the cabinet walking towards the centre of the room. Liz felt like she had gone into a semi dream state but was still aware.