May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

183rd Sitting 13/05/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned on the music and extinguished the light.

One minute after the opening prayer Liz reported a pulling sensation form the left side of her head towards the cabinet.
Another minute later I felt myself beginning to be controlled.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in.

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Is a good day today, we had good control of the vessel, we can speak at this time, we can make ourselves known to you all, we can bring ourselves forward and speak in a recognisable way, a way that will be recognised by those who listen, those who read the words, who venture into investigations, who look into all possibilities, all variations, for there are many variations in the way that words can come through in this way, in the way that we have built up over the years’

Liz… ‘That’s good news friend’

‘Stand aside; we stand aside to allow energies to approach for there are many who wish to speak, they all form a line and one at a time they will enter the energies and bring their own thoughts through… Patience, patience, we are looking to bring a person forward… it is always…‘

The voice started to change…

‘Hello, hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello’

‘Well I can speak once again… we all… lady, lady… so we are tuning in yes… I will try to come through, very good, special time, this is such a special time for all of us to experiment, to try give ourselves, our thoughts into your atmosphere for you have created a place for communication, for the communication of thoughts, memories, experiences that have gone before… Take our love for we all come in love, in kindness. We try to build up a rapport with you, we come to excite the energies, bring them together with joyous appreciation for it is such a privilege to be once again able to engage in conversation with the physical world’

Liz... ‘Have we spoken with you before?’

‘This is the first time; this is the first time for myself, for the energy that I bring. I have observed, I have listened to the conversation and I have learnt how to project myself into this energy, into this web of communicating energies’

Liz… ‘That’s good, are you known to either of us?’

‘I would like to think that I would be recognised when I have built up enough power to draw back to my memories, to reintroduce my memories into this room. There is much to say, there is much to bring forward in the fullness of time. We too have our lives, we too enjoy the opportunity to think back, to remember, remember times when we too had a physical existence’

Liz… ‘Can you remember anything of your physical existence?’

‘Swimming in the sea… The feel of the wind, drifting slowly, one at a time, there’s… a parish, a parish, St Peter, so far away, wake it up, wake up those memories, stir the pot…’

Liz… ‘How long ago do you think it was that you were last in a physical life?’

‘Turn back the clock and discover a time suitable for your memories for much has taken place since that time, much has been sent through, stored, placed in the correct order. There is a teaching that resonates, teaching from the gospels. I too spoke of the gospels, I read out the passages’

Liz… ‘Were you a clergyman?’

‘The community came to listen, I stood with outstretched arms trying to make an impression, I was trying to help, I believed I was helping, I saw the look on the faces of the people who had gathered and I felt they were benefiting from the words. Sometimes words have many meanings, the speaker puts their own meanings to the words yet those who gather also put their own meanings to those words. Misunderstandings are commonplace in religious communities and at times the love is lost, is hidden. Thoughts of darkness cloud the minds of those who cling to their beliefs. I saw in their faces the confusion and build-up of negative thought. I tried to approach them with love yet I was turned away. Now I can see the errors of those teachings. The world still suffers with the same beliefs yet many shining stars are waking up to the truth of love, they are fed up with the old teachings and looking for new adventure, brighter spiritual gospels’

There was a pause and Liz put the music back on.

During the communication Liz had got an image of a portly man sitting in a chair.
When we talked about this at the end I got the name Adrian but as yet neither of us can think who he may be.

About five minutes later the communication started again and it was another new voice.
Liz turned off the music again and encouraged the communication as it settled in…

Liz… ‘Welcome back friend’

‘Thank you… It is a good time now… so we have now complicated the proceedings yes, we have spoken widely once again. Perhaps forwards in time there will be more to say on this matter for now we can bring forward more of the same, more of the pictures and memories and situations that come to our minds. There is much to uncover at a time when those who sleep, those who walk alone not recognising their friends who are with them but the time will come when they open their eyes and see for the first time the true image of life. Further investigation takes place when the mind is stimulated with a new image, a new way of thinking. Face yourself and see the true image immerge, do not forget your true self, do not let yourself become carried away in a stream of physical life, keep one hand on the banks of the river, watch the flow pass beneath you knowing that you have a firm hold of the true image of life. There is nothing mysterious in truth. The great adventure awaits you yet you are not yet ready, you have more to do, you have seen how it can be yet the current is taking you away from the truth. Take a stronger hold of the banks of the river, slow down, slow down your thoughts, calm your mind and a true image will present itself naturally to you. There is no need to focus on a natural image for you only focus when you are blinded by the confusion and the swiftness of your thoughts. Bring yourself into line with the correct speed of thought and the clarity will be there… Please replay your music for a short while thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay’

Liz put the music back on then after about ten minutes another new voice took control.

‘Hello, hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello, hello friend’

‘It holds it all together, it holds people together and with that in mind we can bring ourselves here once again, bring what we have to offer for we have much to say that will interest for there is much that lies beneath the words that are uttered. There is an underlying purpose for all communication. It starts with uplifting words that gather momentum until a point is reached where we can break free, we can turn the corner, catch up with ourselves, speak freely unhindered by the necessary words that bring us together. There is, now that the time has come, there is an opening that we can use, we can engage with. Fast, fast time, faster development, fast growth. Stand still and the effect will be felt’

Liz… ‘Are you a new communicator?’

‘A new aspect, a new dimension, a new view point, a new start, a new beginning’

Liz… ‘Welcome to you’

‘Thank you, thank you very much, there lies beneath all words a true meaning, the true dedicated, obedient truth, some say it covers the true meaning. There are many meanings, you have to search for your own meaning on the words you hear. We present for you our own meaning, our own way of delivering our thoughts. Take time to think, take time to evaluate, take time to see the value in the words, take time to understand… But most of all enjoy your life as a physical being until the time of your transition is upon you. Do not waste your time; keep your energies alive with your light’

Liz… ‘Many people nowadays are finding it very difficult to enjoy their lives’

‘They have not been given the chance to create their own days. They look at what can go wrong, they look for a complicated life, they forget the simplicity of life, they want too much, they search for a temporary enjoyment when the enjoyment is already with them. You all need to learn how to enjoy, how to see before you a beautiful day each day. Do not create for yourself a miserable day by your own thought, your own ideas, your own projections into the future. For the future can be changed, the future is not set in stone, the future is yours to be created by you, you are in charge, nothing can happen to diminish the light of joy each day. Only you can turn that light down, can bring darkness into your life each day. When you awake each morning picture your day before you, make that picture as beautiful as you can and you will create your own future. What is stopping you? Practice this and you will be pleased with the results. Each day is a gift from God, a loving God who wishes you to make the most from your life. Do not spoil that day, for a beautiful day is the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth, you will find yourself in the correct frame of mind, your happiness will spread and your world will be full of joy, joyous opportunities with which to exercise your spiritual self... There are no walls only doorways into greater understandings. If you come face to face with a wall imagine a doorway and take yourself through, you may be surprised at what you find on the other side. A wall is an invitation to explore, take that opportunity, open the door and reach out for that next step... Colour is an important part of your world, surround yourself with the colours that resonate with you, look for those colours as you explore your world, you will soon find them as if they have found you for they too recognise in you that resonance of happiness. Fill you day with the colours that make you smile, watch the faces of those who you meet and see their reactions to you…  Thank you my dear friend, once again we have reached the end of our session this evening. We have tried new ways of interaction with your world, we have brought through new energies, we will continue to experiment as we sit each week, we will tweak and tune and find the best, the clearest channel through. Please take a piece of our love out into your world, shine it into the dark areas, illuminate all who you meet with a friendly smile. Thank you, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on for a couple of minutes as I came back.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…