May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

165th Sitting 12/11/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned on the music and put the light off.

I lost consciousness just after the opening prayer and woke up about one hour later.

After another ten minutes I began to be controlled and Liz turned off the music.

‘Good evening, good evening to you’

Liz… ‘Hello friend, good evening’

‘Let all communication be a pleasure for all to hear, for we come with much joy, much pleasure. Much contemplation comes into our work; we all choose the correct words as they assimilate into the mind of the medium. We can feel how they are received; we can feel the impact of the words as they are transmitted into your world. There is a connection for all, a connection with all who you work with, a connection that is used to monitor the input, the words that are used. We try to steer the communication in the direction we find most appropriate for the way you are thinking at this time. We do not wish to create confusion by emphasizing on a subject that does not quite fit in with your thinking at this time for we have picked up an understanding for the way you approach the subject, the way you gather thoughts, the way you understand the words that we give to you. There is much material that we will use when the time is right; we wish to develop the information as the weeks go by, each week will build on the previous week. At times we will go over once again communications that we have already given but will give them a new twist for as you think about the words we have said you create in yourself an understanding that can be modified. Your understanding can be built upon and can be moulded in such a way that further words will not distract you from your understanding up to that point. There are times when you need to question your own understanding and we can help by introducing new ideas, new concepts, but we can only introduce new ideas when we recognise that you are beginning to question your own ideas. We wish you to think for yourself, we wish to introduce concepts that will cause you to think for yourself. There is a constant need for growth in all minds as they journey the physical reality. The growth can be satisfied by new ideas that will create, that will insert a seed into your mind. Many seeds are placed into your minds for you to nurture and to feed and to give the correct conditions for germination. Your mind is a place where life can grow, where life can expand and develop. There is no limit to how far your mind can reach out. Recognise in yourself the seeds that have been sown as new ideas, new ways of thinking. Never be afraid of rejecting ideas that have become outgrown, that have become secondary to the ways that you think. Let them fade and pave the way to new understandings to develop in a fresh atmosphere. Take time to appreciate the wonders of your world, stop to think, pause as the beauty ignites, ignites the power in your mind, allows it to come to the surface and spread your awareness beyond the familiar cycle of life that you have built up for yourself. Enjoy greater beauty in what you perceive, enjoy greater clarity in what is presented to you, forge ahead in a kaleidoscope of colour, never held back by the old ideas that came to you. Much care is taken in the development of a human mind, once awareness is expanded the mind becomes stronger, the mind loses its connection with the weaker parts, the weaker strands of connection. Discoveries are made and new ideas will fall into place to be recognised as true ideas. Do not be afraid to step off the familiar path, know that you are strong and you will discover for yourself a wider understanding, a more solid understanding. Remain on the familiar path and opportunities will be lost. You are never alone…’

Liz… ‘Since we are talking on the development of mind and the creation of minds, understanding that there is a consciousness, a great mind that has it all entrained, that is aware of everything, that knows everything. What is the purpose of all these smaller parts also developing mind since at its highest level mind is already there and completely developed. What is the purpose of it or is that the wrong question asking if there is a purpose’

‘All mind however great is constantly working towards further development. No mind is all knowing for there is always room for expansion, there is always room for development’

Liz… ‘Why…’

‘The mind, the greater mind has set out for itself a pathway to further understanding, a pathway to further growth. If a mind were to stand still, if a mind were to remain at a point where no further understanding was required it would allow itself to decompose. The greater mind has the ability to create in a way that it can feed itself with greater understandings. For you to understand the greater mind you need to look at yourself, feel how you think, feel the effect that boredom has on the way you think and feel the way, feel the effect that new understanding has on the way that you think. Ask yourself what is the purpose of your life now as you journey the physical world’

Liz… ‘Yes, we are always asking that, and this is our journey and our reasons which are quite possibly as you confide a temporary framework, we’re trying to understand how to relate to the larger picture but still trying to see it from the point of view of the larger picture, of the all, and that which beyond there is no more. It’s very difficult to conceive why we should have come into being, why things are as they are’

‘The words you use reflect the understanding of a physical world, of a world restricted and confined to the physical senses that you use. If you were to imagine a world free from the restrictions of physical life, a world where the sense of touch is replaced by the sense of productive thought, productive thought that needs no framework of understanding for it is free to expand. You in your physical life are constantly holding back the thoughts that you produce. You cannot produce thoughts that will pierce the makeup of your physical world yet they do indeed reach out but your mind has no concept of the conditions where thoughts are free. You can imagine a world where thoughts are unrestricted, where creation is unrestricted, where thoughts are instant and creation is instant’

Liz… ‘That seems that that would be a level with much greater energy and power, as you say much greater freedom’

‘It is good to ponder on the larger realities, the greater minds that are intertwined with what you perceive as physical reality but you must understand from your point of view that your own thoughts can only spread out so far and a true understanding of the intent behind the greater mind, that you are thinking from the shadows that it creates on your world. The light that creates those shadows has yet to be seen by those who walk your world. Greater understanding will come to you but there is a place to start’

Liz… ‘It just seems very sad that a created being, a being who is created and constrained in this sort of way should have to spend such a large part of their created life feeling in ignorance and being miserable, not enjoying their life, almost being enslaved to wrong views, wrong ideas, misconceptions, half truths. It almost seems cruel, perhaps that’s a judgement using a word like cruel but it doesn’t always feel as if this form of being created, being of creation is a kind or a loving thing. There are many people that have thought in the past and in the present that feel that the gods or God must be quite a spiteful person, must be quite a capricious being because there is such a lot of suffering, almost like that the created beings, the beings are created and then disregarded, left to their own devises in ignorance, poverty, impoverishment of ideas and then given the feeling that this suffering is self-inflicted. So there is often a lot of anger because of this and many of the platitudes that come from the spiritual levels don’t seem able sometimes to cope with the reality of the paradoxes that we live with as a created being, as a fragment’

‘Each human spirit is allowed to think for itself, each human spirit that is introduced into the world of physical matter is part of a greater self, is always accompanied by fellow explorers interested in the effects of physical matter, of a physical reality on the thinking of that portion of the human spirit that is put into place in the physical world. The conditions you perceive of suffering, of confusion, of feeling that life is unfair; these are all reactions by a small part of a larger being that is experimenting in a laboratory that you call the physical universe. The greater part of that being is studying, studying the feedback of experience after experience as that small part journeys its way through physical life. You cannot understand the feelings of another; you can only perceive them with your own thoughts based on your own experiences as a small part of a greater being. There is no suffering to the greater being’

Liz… ‘That sounds wonderful from the point of view of the greater being but from the point of view of this little fragmentary point of consciousness that is meant to be evolving and developing but often it’s doing in an agony, a writhing and squirming in pain, a sort of existential pain’

‘You are painting a picture based on your feelings for each other. There is much joy in your world’

Liz… ‘That’s true, there’s joy but there’s also this pain too. Perhaps that’s something that the greater spirit, the greater creators are learning and ultimately have to share’

‘They are learning from the experiences of that small part. All experiences are valuable’

Liz… ‘I wonder if the greater spirit weeps sometimes to see the troubles of these smaller fragments in the same way that on Earth a parent weeps and is sad for the child that is suffering and all our children are suffering it seems to be part of the human predicament’

‘The suffering is only observed from within, within the physical world’

Liz… ‘I was told that once in a dream that suffering is only at this level, at higher levels it doesn’t exist’

‘It is only perceived at this level, beyond the level of the physical world there is greater understanding. What you perceive as suffering is understood as merely a new experience which will build a new physical mind which in turn will transmit the experiences into learning for the greater being. All experience is valuable for the growth of the greater mind. The physical world was created to enable the small parts, the units to experience. What does the suffering that you perceive in your world create for you? When you see suffering how does it make you feel?’

Liz… ‘Sad…’

‘What does it make you want to do?’

Liz… ‘To bring healing, take away the suffering’

‘What is motivating your thoughts that make you want to give healing to those who are suffering, that makes you want to take away the suffering that you perceive to be happening to other people in your world?’

Liz… ‘I guess the key to it is that there is such beauty and possibility and richness in the world and light and shade to be enjoyed and it seems, and perhaps this is a judgement but it seems wrong that people should lose capacity to enjoy, to appreciate, to love, to be happy to feel the fullness of the light and the beauty of the Earth. It seems a waste, it seems as though something’s gone wrong and perhaps that’s a judgement but perhaps that is the truth, the experiment is going wrong, lessons to be learned’

‘What you and others perceive as suffering creates love in your heart’

Liz… ‘But the love was already there, I don’t think the suffering creates the love’

‘The perception of the suffering allows that love to expand and put the thoughts into your mind to help, help each other, not to think of yourself but to think of others. If all, if everybody that you perceived was unaffected by suffering, if you saw no reason to help one another, how then could you grow the love within yourself?’

Liz… ‘Because if you were already all enjoying the world equally you would all be able to praise and appreciate the world together and why would you need, there wouldn’t be any suffering, you wouldn’t have to remove suffering, you can share love, you can share appreciation, you can share joy without having to go through the suffering, you can develop wisdom and awareness without having to go through suffering. Perhaps it was already there? That wisdom and awareness and suffering is due to some loss, something that’s gone wrong, some sublime experimenter who threw a spanner in the works’

‘Take away the suffering in your world and the world becomes a place of stagnation, each aspect of the physical world is carefully balanced, each polarity has its opposite polarity’

Liz… ‘So you’re saying that the suffering comes from the tension between these polarities which is a means to prevent boredom and stagnation, with the suggestion that just being happy and at peace and enjoying the world wouldn’t be enough, that created beings would just keep on enjoying, keep on being happy and stagnate but that sounds like a judgement too’

‘You can only judge yourself…’

Liz… ‘If I were given paradise and lived in the Garden of Eden would I end up despoiling it because I got bored with being too happy and too content, too full of love and appreciation?’

‘You would look for further challenges in your life. You would wonder to yourself, you would ask yourself what is the meaning of this life?’

Liz… ‘It’s an interesting idea, I suppose for a very creative person, creation and invention can be wonderful but it can also be an agony, an ecstasy and an agony, like the birth process to give birth is an ecstasy and an agony’

‘Once again the balance, an ever evolving system of creation, of life and death’

Liz… ‘Yes this is how it is but these are the questions from a mortal point of view of why is it as it is, how did it come to be like this, why?’

‘An ever evolving experiment’

Liz… ‘Yes but as you say perhaps the questioning is out of mortality and not relevant to higher levels’

‘As an experiment develops then new ideas will be introduced, findings will be recorded, results will be written down’

Liz… ‘And then we can have a scenario like The Sorcerer's Apprentice where you get a created being who gets the knack of creation and gets too big for his boots and then creates absolute chaos but is experimenting foolishly, unwisely’

‘As with all experiments mistakes can be made’

Liz… ‘I suspect this has happened on Earth, I hope they can be put right’

‘But mistakes can be seen as opportunities for growth’

Liz… ‘I think it’s time to put right the mistakes’

‘The mistakes will always be there’

Liz… ‘And always have the possibility of correction’

‘Then that is the growth’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘That is what we are looking for, that is the whole meaning of the life, of physical life, growth and understanding. There is no easy way to explain, but we will continue to help you to understand, help you all to understand. Sometimes there are disappointments in your thinking as you work at rejecting an old thought, an old idea and pave the way for new ideas and new understandings. It is good to question, good to use your mind. Dissect the possibilities that are given to you, but it is wise to look from all perspectives. Use your imagination to take yourself out of the physical world, into the picture that you have built up for yourself, for each and every one has built up their own understandings of what lies beyond the physical world and each person is ready to modify that understanding as the thoughts become clearer in their mind. Do not hold yourself back, do not be afraid to ignite your imagination and create undreamt of situations, experiment with your mind and your imagination and you may indeed uncover something which will help you, will help you to understand from a greater vantage point… Thank you my dear friend, you have provided us with most entertaining questions. We can understand the way you feel, the way you think and we will continue to introduce into your mind stepping stones to further understandings to further expansion of your own view on life and on love. We will now withdraw for tonight and will leave you with a piece of our love to circulate throughout your own mind and trigger off understandings that may seem alien to you until you view them from a higher vantage point, goodnight to you, may God bless you all, thank you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend thank you, God bless you all’


Liz put the music back on.
I was feeling back with it after about one minute.

Liz had drifted off a few times during the session but stayed with it during the communication.
She had got very hot as the communication started.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.